Hoop for weight loss - is it effective and how to twist it correctly?

How the hoop works

Hula hoop for weight loss is primarily a low-intensity cardio exercise. Based on the severity of the attribute, the person’s personal weight and the intensity of the training, about 350 kcal is burned during an hour-long workout. All core muscles are involved. However, if the problem is not excess fat, but sagging skin, you cannot expect significant tightening. To enhance the effect, you should combine hulla hoop and strength training.

Important! You cannot overdo it with the weight of the projectile: if the hula hoop is too heavy, it will result in injuries and bruises. And the correct weight of the projectile optimizes blood circulation, massage and lifting effect.

Features of different types of hoops

There are different types of gymnastic hoop, each of which has its own purpose of use:

  • Massage. This model contains spikes or balls that can enhance the effect of training. Such bonus elements act as a massager for problem areas, stimulate blood circulation and promote weight loss. Sometimes there are models with suction cups.
  • Magnetic. Magnetic balls are attached to its surface, which form a magnetic field and, as a result, have a positive effect on the transport of oxygen in tissues and the distribution of fluids in the body.

  • Weighted flexible or hard (with a weight of 1.5-2 kg). This model is suitable for more experienced athletes who need to increase the load. Flexible - used for stretching the legs, training the abdomen and reducing the waist. But the hard one will increase the load on the hips and stomach.
  • With a counter. This type is considered modern, since the built-in mechanism counts the number of revolutions made, the speed of rotation and the number of calories burned.

  • Plastic is suitable for simple warm-up exercises. This is the right hoop for arm training.
  • The gymnastic is made of plastic with metal. Its design is simple, small, no frills. It is the least effective option and becomes more useful when filled with sand. It comes with massage elements made of silicone, which makes it wider.
  • The collapsible type of the projectile consists of many components, with the help of which you can independently adjust its diameter and weight, as well as easily transport equipment over long distances.

How to choose a hula hoop

If you are interested in how to choose the right hoop, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Initially, pay attention to the diameter. The optimal size is 90-120 cm.
  • If you are a beginner, then a massage or weighted option will not work. At first, you should get used to moderate loads, and only after that look for heavier equipment.

  • The price often depends on the company, material and the presence of additional functions. The cost can range from 200 to 3000 rubles.
  • The initial weight is 800-1000 g. Everything above that is a heavier version.
  • Inventory height. From a standing position on the floor, its height should be somewhere between the top and bottom of your thigh.
  • Material. The most convenient and expensive option is a rubber projectile. Aluminum is heavy and long-lasting, while plastic is light but short-lived.

Important! As a result, the best option for beginners: a soft and flexible hula hoop weighing no more than 1 kg without additional functions, with a diameter of about 95 cm.

How to spin a hula hoop correctly for weight loss

The first thing you need to know for those who decide to use hula hoop for weight loss is how to exercise it correctly.

It is important to follow three simple rules:

  • At the initial stage, training is not carried out “on the naked body”.
  • After your last meal, at least three hours should pass before training.
  • You should start the lesson with a simple warm-up and breathing exercises (deep inhalations and exhalations).

For the rest, you can trust your intuition. The main task of the athlete is to hold the hoop at waist level, rotating the body and hips.

By changing the speed and amplitude of movements, you can change the speed of rotation of the projectile. You can vary its position at the waist, slightly lowering it down and lifting it up.

Starting with a few minutes of rotation, you can increase this interval to 10-15 minutes, thereby increasing the effectiveness of your training.

Using the hula hoop correctly

Benefits of using the projectile

Interesting! The hula hoop is used not only to reduce the waist, but also to correct the shape of the buttocks. Rotating the apparatus at the level of the butt is quite difficult, but systematic practice will give you excellent results: tightening your shape, correcting your volume.

The benefits and harms of hoops depend on the health status of those involved. Hula hoop is useful:

  • coordination of movements and gait correction;
  • prevention of cellulite;
  • waist correction and fat burning;
  • saturating the body with oxygen;

  • 150 kcal is burned in 30 minutes with serious training;
  • it is fashionable to combine training with dancing (hoopnotics and hoopdance);
  • all classes can be easily done at home, listening to music or watching a movie;
  • posture is straightened and the spine is strengthened;
  • exerting a powerful load on the abs;
  • increased blood flow and lymph flow.

What is a hula hoop? When and how to start using a hoop?

At its core, a hoop is a metal or plastic ring of a certain diameter and thickness. It is convenient to twist it at the waist, but with some skill you can learn to hold the rotating hoop on other parts of the body.

The main use of a hoop is to create a slim waist.

Hula hoop exercises for weight loss can be combined with any other types of physical activity, diet and various cosmetic procedures.

Contraindications to using a hoop

Hoop exercises may become out of reach in the following situations:

  • inflammation processes in the abdominal cavity;
  • pregnancy;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • herniated discs;
  • recent caesarean section;
  • recent appendicitis;
  • advanced age;
  • critical days for girls;
  • fresh stitches or open wounds on the skin;
  • back or abdominal injuries;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • organ prolapse;
  • arthrosis of the hip joints.

Beginners should limit intensive exercises with hoops for weight loss. Heavy projectiles in this case are injuries, not benefits. For protection, experienced athletes can use an elastic belt or thick clothing.

Hoop for weight loss: clear advantages and contraindications

Let's clarify first. Hoop and hula hoop: what's the difference?

Not with anything. These are two names for one thing. The first one is more familiar to us. The second appeared relatively recently, but has not yet taken root.

In Soviet times, only two types of hoop were produced: plastic and aluminum. The only difference between them was the material. Both were light in weight and had a smooth surface.

Modern manufacturers have significantly expanded the line of hula hoops. They have different weights. Massage models with balls and bulges appeared. Folding and iron options. Such diversity also increased the possibilities of gymnastic devices. Here are just some of the benefits of hula hoop training:

  • the vestibular apparatus, respiratory and cardiovascular systems are trained;
  • intestinal motility improves;
  • the skin is tightened due to the massage effect;
  • the waist is formed;
  • strengthens the back and abdominal muscles;
  • the spine is trained.

By the way, the hula hoop is an excellent abdominal exercise machine.

But what about the claims of nihilists that this exercise machine does not help you lose weight and get rid of your tummy? Of course it doesn't help if

  • use the hula hoop irregularly;
  • twist it two to three minutes a day;
  • eat buns and sweets.

Nothing will help with this approach.

Hoop training has contraindications:

  • You should not use the gymnastic device on a full stomach or during menstruation;
  • Hula hoop exercises are not recommended for older people;
  • the hoop should not be twisted immediately after childbirth and during pregnancy;
  • If you have problems with the spine or diseases of the pelvic organs, you should consult a doctor before classes.

Does a hoop help to remove belly fat: instructions for action

How to tighten the skin on your stomach and remove excess fat using a hoop? The secret to being slim is in proper use. So, recommendations for using the hula hoop:

  1. The range of movement of the waist should be minimal.
  2. The simulator needs to be turned on an empty stomach. In addition, after class, do not eat anything for two hours.
  3. The hula hoop spins as follows: legs stand together, hands behind the head, back straight.
  4. The hoop is rotated using circular movements (clockwise). There is no need to move your body back and forth.
  5. Movements should be rhythmic and calm. You cannot twist too sharply: it is dangerous for an unprepared back.
  6. You need to twist the hula hoop using your waist. And only the waist. Train yourself not to help with your breasts and buttocks.
  7. Before exercising with a gymnastic ring, experts recommend doing breathing exercises. You can use this simple exercise: exhale deeply through your mouth, completely pushing out all the air (as if you were inflating a balloon). Then inhale through your nose, filling your stomach with air as much as possible. Exhale again. Repeat four times.

Be prepared for bruises to appear on your stomach and sides after the first classes.
This is fine. The skin and muscles are not accustomed to the load. The phenomenon is temporary. So don't be scared and don't quit. Be patient. The bruises will go away, and classes will bring joy. To alleviate suffering, you can take a relaxing bath and soften the skin of your abdomen with cream. How long does it take to spin the hoop to achieve the effect? The minimum is fifteen minutes, the maximum is thirty. Spinning less is useless, spinning more is harmful.

Which exercise machine should I use? To lose belly fat you need a special hoop. It should have bulges or massage balls. The optimal weight of a hula hoop is one to two kilograms. Light models give practically no results. And more difficult ones will become torture for beginners.

What to do if you don't know how to spin a hoop? Study. Try again and again. Keep pushing despite setbacks. In time everything will work out.

What type of hoop to choose

Today you can see a huge variety of hula hoop models on sale. We advise you to pay attention to the rating of hoops that have proven themselves to be the best, indicating the price (in rubles):

  • "Jemimah Health Hoop" - 1200;
  • "Passion Health Hoop" -1700;

  • Health Hoop Punghwa Ltd. - 3000;
  • “Make a body” - 950;
  • “Make a waist” - 930;
  • "Gezatone Fitness HOOP Evo" - 1400;
  • "Acu hoop premium" - 1150;
  • "Magnetic Health Hoop" - 1600.

You can buy any of the listed options either in a sports store or order it online.

Rules for practicing with a hoop

To ensure that using a hula hoop at home brings only pleasure and benefit, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules of its operation.

  • Time periods are determined by 3-6 classes per week. When asked how long to spin, we will answer that more does not mean better, so 15-30 minutes will be enough. The correct increase in load occurs according to the following scheme: daily for 1 approach +5 revolutions. Subsequently, the duration of the training increases to 45 minutes.
  • As soon as you feel discomfort and pain, or bruises appear, change to a lighter option, or use a thermal belt or thick scarf.
  • If the training does not bring results, then reconsider your diet, or the wrong approach to exercise. Often inefficiency is due to rotation in only one direction, because the sides need to be alternated. Every 5-7 minutes the direction of rotation should change.

  • You should not eat an hour before or after training.
  • Correct pose: legs either together or slightly apart (1st option is healthier), the back is straight, the stomach is tucked. The equipment is located 10 cm above waist level.
  • To remove your belly with a hoop, pay attention to the inadmissibility of swinging movements. During the process, the abdominal muscles are tense, and motor activity is provided by the legs and lower back.
  • Breathing should not be held while inhaling. Correct, even breathing is the key to accelerated weight loss.
  • For home activities, choose light, breathable, tight-fitting clothing. It is better to wear a crossfit suit so that the fabric does not twist during rotations. As for shoes, you can practice barefoot.
  • The hula hoop will help pump up your arms; to do this, rotate it alternately on each forearm, trying to periodically speed up and then slow down the rotation.

Now you know everything about how to choose and how to spin a hoop correctly for quality weight loss. A variety of shapes and types will help you choose a model that meets the needs of any buyer.

Hula hoop training for beginners

Once you've purchased the hoop, it's time to actively use it. And if the last time you rode it was as a child, then it will not be so easy for you to immediately remember and reproduce the correct movements, like, for example, getting on a bicycle and immediately riding, no matter how many years you have not ridden. But after a little practice, you will be able to use your hoop 100%!

Just like with a jump rope, you can (and should) practice at home; the hoop requires about the same amount of free space.

Training with a hoop is an aerobic activity, so to improve your physical fitness, the duration of working with a hoop should be at least 15-20 minutes of physical activity per day.

For the most effective consumption of adipose tissue, your heart rate (pulse) must be maintained in the range from 60 to 80% of the maximum allowable. Let me remind you that the maximum allowable heart rate is calculated using the formula: heart rate (max) = 220 – age. To monitor your heart rate, so as not to stop exercising and not lose pace, it is better to purchase a heart rate monitor on your wrist or shoulder.

At the same time, calorie consumption during intense rotation reaches 10 calories per minute!

So, let's start training!

Waist. Stand up straight, legs straight or slightly bent at the knees, one leg in front of the other, not next to each other. In the initial position, the hoop is in contact with your back, then we give it a small push to start moving. Rotation is supported by transferring the body from one leg to the other.

This is the most important abdominal exercise when working with a hoop, so if you have limited time for training, then focus only on this exercise and start your workout with it. Use rotations around the entire perimeter of the abdomen, and you will soon notice how fat is burned and muscles are strengthened

Hands. In order to maintain muscle tone in the arms. You can use rotation of the hoop near your hand; to do this, you need to put your hand to the side, put the hoop on your hand and set it to move. Use circular movements of your hand to maintain the rotation.

Legs. You can also do similar movements for your legs. To maintain balance and perform the exercise correctly, lie on your back with one leg perpendicular to the floor. Put the hoop on your leg and, using your hands, give it a rotational movement. Try to endure at least 1-2 minutes of exercise.

Hips. The movements are carried out in a standard position, but instead of the waist, the hoop is on the hips, which will allow you to further work on the hip line and tone the thigh muscles.

If you adhere to the regularity of hula hoop training, then after 1-2 months you can safely count on a weight loss of 3-4 kg. and waist reduction by 4-6 cm. Exercise for your health! Good luck to you!

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