Workouts from Anita Lutsenko: 5 best sets of exercises for weight loss


Jumping rope is the best way to get your figure in shape in a matter of days. Systematic jumping rope burns more calories than, for example, cycling, swimming or jogging. At the same time, jumping rope does not require any money or a special place to practice, because you can perform this complex even at home.

Exercise just 10-15 minutes a day, and after 2 weeks the muscles of your entire body will significantly tighten, and you will lose weight up to 8 kg. However, in the presence of acute forms of diseases of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system, intense physical exercise with a skipping rope is strictly prohibited.

Jumping rope with intervals

We jump 10 times on two legs, 10 times on the right, 10 on the left and 10 times, alternating between the right and left legs (imitation of running).

Jumping rope around the line

Place your feet together and imagine a line parallel to the direction you are looking and passing through your feet. Start jumping so that each time you land on a different side of the imaginary line. Over time, try to increase the amplitude. We start with 10 times, increasing the number of repetitions over time.

Jump rope with crossed arms

We jump on two legs, then we cross our legs at waist level, it turns out that we are crossing the rope, and on the next jump we return our arms to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Jumping rope back and forth

We jump on two legs, but not strictly vertically, but alternating alternate jumps back and forth. You need to try to jump as far as possible without losing your balance. We do it 10 times.

Jump rope with crossed legs

We stand in the starting position with our legs crossed. One in front of the other. From this exercise, you jump out and change legs during the jump, landing in a similar position. But the leg that was in front before is now behind. We do 10 of these jumping ropes to lose weight.

Ten minutes for the belly

Just five exercises that will make the problem area ideal and worthy of admiration. Perfect for women who want to get back into shape after childbirth. Standing straight, stretch your abdominal area with your hands. Movements should be soft, moving from above, from the ribs and down. It’s worth repeating 20 times, after which you can proceed to the next loads.

  1. Let's learn to breathe correctly. Inhaling, inflate your stomach, exhaling, draw in. Repeat 15 times.
  2. Vacuum exercise. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend, tilt your body forward, rest your hands on your legs. Start with a deep breath, then exhale, and at the same time, your stomach should be as drawn in as possible and your back should be rounded. Repeat 10 times. During the class, the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles are worked out.
  3. The beginning is the same as in the third, but having pulled in your stomach, you still need to raise your body, tensing your abs. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Plank. The main goal of this exercise is to remain in a prone position for 30 seconds without arching your lower back and drawing in your stomach.

Useful information about food and training from Anita Lutsenko

  1. Be sure to eat 1.5 hours before training, carbohydrates will give you strength. This is porridge with vegetables or legumes.
  2. An hour after training, proteins, such as boiled chicken or eggs, will help restore strength.
  3. Replace white bread with wholemeal bread.
  4. Do not drink water while eating. Liquid dilutes the concentration of gastric juice and thus impairs digestion. You can drink 1 hour after meals or 20 minutes before meals.
  5. There is no need to completely eliminate salt. The daily salt requirement is 5 grams. (1 tsp)
  6. Don’t be upset if you can’t go to the gym, watch sports exercises on video on our website and practice at home.
  7. If you want to have a flat stomach, be sure to do abdominal exercises daily. It is very important to do the exercises correctly.
  8. Don't eat stress!
  9. Motivation is very important in losing weight. You can buy jeans or a dress in a smaller size and try it on monthly. This way you will exercise more and will definitely lose weight.

List of weight loss products from Anita Lutsenko

“Slimming” people should always have such a list at hand! Maybe it's time to memorize it?

Low calorie foods

Five main characters: tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, white lean fish, citrus fruits.

Hearty foods

Five main characters: oatmeal, durum wheat pasta, beans, whole grain bread, apples.

Foods that do not cause spikes in blood sugar

Five main characters: skim milk, lentils, mushrooms, berries, lettuce.

Low fat products

Five main characters: low-fat cottage cheese, chicken by-products, seafood, perch, tuna.

Products that will support your appearance

Five main characters: clean water, olive oil, almonds, flaxseed oil, avocado.

Foods you enjoy eating

Five main characters: vegetables and fruits that crunch while you eat them - apples, carrots, bell peppers, celery, etc.; whipped dairy products without sugar, fruit purees, low-fat chicken pate, juicy berries.

Foods that will not retain water in the body

Five main characters: green tea; orange juice diluted with water; cowberry; berry fruit drinks and lemonades without sugar; celery and juice from it.

Products that will always be with you

Five main characters: bananas, low-fat dairy products in half-liter packages, grain breads, nuts, dried fruits.

Products that will help you build a new body

Five main characters: low-fat cheese, dietary cottage cheese, white fish, legumes, egg white.

Products that will support you

Five main characters: dark chocolate without additives (the composition must contain at least 75% cocoa), dates, tomatoes, olive oil, nuts.

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Home weight loss with Anita Lutsenko

For many people who dream of losing weight, Ukrainian fitness instructor Anita Lutsenko has become a symbol of a healthy lifestyle and a teacher. She believes that the process of getting rid of extra pounds is not easy, and professionals who teach this are the key to a successful result. Anita is a competent presenter of her own program “Weighted and Happy”. She helps people not only change, but also return to a normal life track by doing exercises every day. A person who has not been involved in sports will not be able to effectively pump up his muscles in a short time, but daily exercise will be quite within his capabilities.

Weight loss diaries with Anita Lutsenko: tips

Many people are prevented from achieving their goals by a lack of patience and willpower. For some it is difficult not to lose weight, for others it is difficult to start losing weight. In such cases, keeping a diary is ideal, where you record all the results. Here you describe all actions, including possible failures.

Before you start keeping records, you need to purchase an accurate scale that will show even minimal changes in your weight. Even the loss of fifty grams will be an incentive. The first page of the diary should contain information about your condition - weight, height, waist, hips, chest, arms and legs. Take a photo. On the cover, place a photo of a person with ideal shapes whom you would like to be like. Draw a calendar in the form of a table, where you will mark only the date and weight.

In your daily report, write down everything that happened to you during the day. How many calories were eaten, what diet you are on, and what exercises were done. Write down correct and useful actions with a green pen, and harmful ones with a red pen. This will clearly show how productive the day was and what needs to be adjusted. Describe your plans for the next day, but they must be realistic and within your capabilities. For example, how long will you exercise and what will you eat during breakfast and before bed. It's good if you take a photo of yourself once every two weeks. Comparing yourself before and after will strengthen your willpower. Record your well-being. A healthy lifestyle strengthens your body as a whole and it does not need to be denied essential foods. If you are used to going to bed at eleven o'clock, write that your last meal is at eight o'clock in the evening.

Anita Lutsenko's weight loss diaries: nutrition

Follow Anita Lutsenko's advice on proper nutrition. She lists healthy food products as:

- veal, rabbit, poultry without skin; - seafood - eggs; — natural milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt without additives, tofu cheese; - lentils, beans, legumes; - seaweed; - mushrooms; - oatmeal, brown rice; - durum pasta; - whole grain bread

Products that can be consumed with restrictions:

— baked potatoes, carrots, beets, corn; - persimmons, avocados, grapes, bananas, dried fruits; - cream; - nuts, seeds; — butter (no more than ten grams), sour cream; - olive oil; - salt (no more than four grams); - dark chocolate, honey; - fruit juices

Prohibited products:

— smoked and sausage products; — products in vacuum packaging; — crab sticks, chips, mayonnaise, margarine; - ketchup, sugar, salt; — crackers, bagels, milk chocolate with additives; — carbonated drinks, packaged juices and compotes; - alcohol

Anita recommends eating fruit up to three hours. Combine seafood with vegetables. Dairy products should be low-fat. Use lemon juice, soy sauce, balsamic and low-fat yogurt as dressings. For desserts, sorbets, ice cream without additives, and oatmeal cookies are suitable. Allowed spices: ginger, mustard, coriander, pepper, sage, garlic, cinnamon.

Anita Lutsenko's weight loss diaries: exercises

The peculiarity of the set of exercises is that they increase the metabolism in the body, and metabolic processes continue even after the end of the lesson. With the right approach, an obese person can lose up to seven kilograms per month.

Charging includes exercises:

1. Warm-up: crossing your outstretched arms, perform alternate swings. With each swing, we raise our leg, bending it at the knee and pressing our foot to the buttock. We change legs. The leg muscles should stretch. 2. We jump from one leg to the other, bending one at the knee and putting the other aside. We stop for a few seconds and then change legs. 3. Reach down, between your legs. We jump up, while fully straightening up. Having landed, we wrap our arms around our legs and clasp our hands under our knees. We repeat. 4. Take dumbbells and plastic bottles of water. We do squats, straightening our arms up. We repeat ten times. 5. We take a lying position, alternately straighten our arms with dumbbells, stretching them forward. 6. Place your feet together, relaxing your torso. Lower the body down. At the same time, the hands hang. We swing our legs back, the leg is parallel to the floor. 7. Lie down on the floor. The left leg is straightened, the right leg is bent at the knee. We raise our right hand up from the dumbbells. Raise your body and stretch your right arm up so that it is perpendicular to the floor. We do ten exercises. 8. We do ten long jumps without a run-up. 9. Jump rope for five minutes. 10. Exercise No. 7 is performed on the left side.

For women who want to remove extra pounds from the abdominal area, a set of exercises is recommended:

To warm up, stand straight. Palms are lowered down at the level of the abdomen. We run in place, while throwing our knees forward and touching our palms.

Being in the same position, we perform leg swings alternately. We try to straighten them at 90 degrees. If it’s difficult, leave it half-bent.

We bend over, placing our hands on our knees. You should be comfortable. Take a deep breath and exhale long through your mouth. After two breaths, hold your breath as long as possible, drawing in your stomach. Repeat ten times.

Prohibited products from Anita Lutsenko

Anita says that you don’t need to strictly limit yourself, but you can only allow yourself something forbidden if you don’t lose weight and exercise a lot. In the process of losing weight, Anita Lutsenko’s diet involves the following forbidden foods:

  • mayonnaise, any “batch” dressings for salads and dishes;
  • sausages, sausages and smoked meats;
  • products in vacuum packaging;
  • pork;
  • crab sticks;
  • crackers, white flour bread;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • sweets;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • juices from packages;
  • milk chocolate.

Useful products from Anita Lutsenko

And, of course, healthy nutrition from Anita Lutsenko contains a lot of healthy and tasty products that should be your most faithful helpers in losing weight and gaining health and beauty. In principle, the following list is exactly what Anita herself eats.

  • meat - veal, skinless poultry, rabbit;
  • seafood - fish, shrimp, crabs, mussels, squid, etc.;
  • natural milk and yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir;
  • eggs;
  • beans, lentils, mushrooms, seaweed - as a side dish;
  • tofu;
  • unpolished rice, wholemeal products;
  • all vegetables without exception;
  • all fruits.

In the process of losing weight, it is important not to lose sight of small but decisive nuances. For example, fruits should be eaten only before 15.00, choose low-fat dairy products, season salads with lemon juice, sea salt, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Natural spices should be used in dishes, not salt - fennel, coriander, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg. And for sweets, you can indulge in sorbet, oatmeal cookies, curd dessert, jelly and jelly.

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