Will it be possible to lose weight with Flying Swallow tea: opinions of doctors and buyers

Composition and principle of action

High quality natural ingredients are used in the production of tea. Therefore, it can be classified as an extra-class product. The composition contains many components:

Chinese green tea

Thanks to the content of caffeine and polyphenol, it accelerates metabolism and prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular pathologies. Saturates the body with essential vitamins and microelements. Prevents aging.

Nut lotus

Frees the body from toxins, activates the immune system, strengthens blood vessels. Has a diuretic effect. Also known for its antiseptic and antitumor properties. Lotus fruits are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases.

A pineapple

Activates the digestive tract. Contains the “slimness enzyme” - bromelain, which activates fat burning, stimulates the digestive tract, and has a mild laxative property.

Pachima coconut

Improves intestinal activity, regulates blood sugar and works as a diuretic, it also reduces the laxative effect produced by other ingredients of the drug. Improves intestinal microflora.

Luffa cylindrical

It is another active component of the drug, improves blood circulation, helps normalize hormonal levels, and has a laxative and diuretic effect. Thanks to the presence of minerals and vitamins, it strengthens the immune system. In China, the fruits of this plant are widely used in the medical field.


They have antifungal and antiparasitic properties. They contain a large amount of protein, as well as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Helps remove toxins from the body and strengthens the cardiovascular system.


The tonic taste is explained by the presence of unripe tangerine peel in its composition, which has a beneficial effect on digestion, eliminates bloating and nausea, and reduces glucose levels.

Lingonberry leaf

It has diuretic properties, due to which it is responsible for the process of cleansing the kidneys. If there are stones, it can help remove them. The component also removes excess fluid and relieves inflammatory processes.

Hawthorn fruits

They maintain the necessary microflora in the intestines and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Calms the nervous system. Rich in vitamin C. Has slight diuretic properties.

Senna seeds

They make “Swallow” really useful for losing weight. They help you feel full. This herb can remove toxins, remove swelling, improve the metabolic process and normalize liver activity.

Liquorice root

This herb normalizes digestion.
It has diuretic properties and regulates the water-salt balance in the body. Since ancient times (and it has been known for more than 5 thousand years) it has been used as a strengthening and rejuvenating agent. The drink suppresses appetite and very effectively removes harmful substances and excess water from the body. Thanks to the cleansing ability of this product, the Chinese gave it the name “janitor for the body.”

Composition and release form

Herbal tea “Siberian Swallow” consists entirely of herbs that have long been used in folk medicine. And its basis is Chinese green tea.

Knowing the specific influence of each plant element in this herbal product on the human body, you can ensure safe weight loss.

Plants that make up Siberian Swallow tea and their effect on the human body:

  1. Green tea removes toxins and waste, increases vital activity; under the influence of green tea substances, the pancreas secretes less insulin when sugar enters the blood.
  2. Senna (leaves) is a strong laxative.
  3. Buckthorn (bark) has a gentle effect on the intestines and is a laxative.
  4. St. John's wort strengthens the immune system, fights inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, in the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, on the skin and in the joints.
  5. Chamomile increases vitality and removes excess fluid.
  6. Calendula contains biologically active substances that can strengthen the functioning of the central nervous system and fight various infections.
  7. Yarrow has a diuretic effect, relieves inflammation, strengthens the immune system.
  8. Meadowsweet (meadowsweet) contains ascorbic and salicylic acid, tannins, lowers blood sugar levels, and relieves inflammation.
  9. Mint has a calming effect.
  10. Fennel (fruit) fights flatulence and irritable bowel syndrome, softens the effect of aggressive laxative ingredients.
  11. Dandelion (roots) contains inulin and polysaccharides that reduce hunger.

The collection of herbs included in herbal tea is packaged in filter bags of 1.5 g, which are then laid out in moisture- and sun-proof boxes of 26 pieces. The packaging provides detailed instructions for use.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for use of tea:

  • overweight;
  • increased concentration of lipids in the blood (fatty organic compounds);
  • high sugar levels;
  • desire to improve your figure after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • constipation and hemorrhoids.

To ensure that drinking the drink does not have negative health consequences, you need to study the contraindications before use:

  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia (for people with these diseases, “Swallow” will be harmful, since it provokes an increase in blood pressure and increases the heart rate);
  • liver and kidney pathologies;
  • enteritis;
  • colitis;
  • dyskinesia;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • allergy to additives contained in the composition;
  • children under 12 years of age.

How to use Flying Swallow tea

Instructions for use of flying swallow tea recommend drinking it for 10 days. Then the manufacturer advises taking a break of 5 days and repeating the dose. The duration of the course of application is a month. You need to stop drinking tea to lose weight in order to avoid intestinal dysfunction.

To prepare a tea drink, pour 1 bag with 250 ml of water at a temperature of 95˚C and leave for 3 minutes, then cool slightly. It is drunk in the evening after meals. You should consume 1 glass per day. You can improve the taste of the product with sugar or honey. But thanks to the additives, the tea is good even without additional components.

The cleansing herbal tea Flying Swallow takes effect after 4-6 hours. After this time, the urge to go to the toilet appears. To achieve a more pronounced effect, you can increase the amount of drink. But it should not be consumed more than 2 times a day. Tea should not be used in large quantities, as it will remove necessary elements from the body.

Stages of action of the drug:

  • during the first two days, the remains of undigested food will disappear;
  • then the tea will cleanse the body of harmful elements and toxins;
  • After 1-2 months you can repeat the course.

If diarrhea and discomfort in the abdominal area occur while taking the drink, its use should be stopped immediately.

Features of use during pregnancy and lactation

Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding should not use the product.

Possibility of use with other medications

The use of tea with other medications should be discussed with your doctor.

Overdose and possible side effects

To achieve the desired results, tea must be consumed correctly. If the instructions for use are not followed, diarrhea may occur. Nausea and vomiting are also noted. In case of an overdose of tea, along with toxic elements, substances that ensure the normal functioning of the body are also removed. The food consumed is not completely digested. This leads to vitamin deficiency, fatigue, stomach pain, chronic diarrhea and swelling.

If used incorrectly, the drink also affects the psychological state, causing addiction.

To prevent such consequences, you should not drink tea for more than one month. If you are allergic to the components contained in the drink, itching and rashes may appear on the skin.

Storage conditions

The product should be stored at room temperature at 15-25 °C. To do this, you need to choose a dry place where light does not penetrate. Otherwise, the drug will lose its properties. If you create the right conditions for this drink, it will retain its qualities for 3 years.

Description of tea “Flying Swallow”

The manufacturer of the product is the Chinese company Luishanjiu. Flying Swallow tea is a biologically active food supplement, a source of bioflavonoids, positioned as a natural laxative.

Its action is based on a combination of several plant components that have a diuretic, laxative, cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect. Tea can be used both to combat constipation and to cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins.

The third way to use the product is to help you lose weight. Due to the laxative and diuretic effect, the digestive tract is cleansed of feces and ballast, swelling goes away, and digestive function is normalized.

With further proper nutrition or following a diet, the result in weight loss will be much more noticeable. This is a kind of analogue of fasting days, which occurs painlessly for the psyche and the digestive system itself. A person does not feel a constant wild desire to eat, because his diet remains familiar.

This weight loss tea is also good because it replenishes the deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macroelements that the body does not receive when eating a diet with limited calories.

The manufacturer does not focus on the effect of drinking the drink for losing weight. Therefore, you can evaluate its effectiveness only through personal experience or by listening to the opinions of people who are already using it, or by reading reviews from doctors. The latter are ambivalent about the product.

Flying Swallow tea tastes good and is drunk without sweeteners.

Some experts do not recommend using it due to the complex of laxative components being too strong, which, in their opinion, can be harmful to health, especially with long-term use.

There are also positive reviews about the tea left by people who have problems with stool and digestion in general. The product helped cope with slagging, improved intestinal motility, and helped establish regular bowel movements.

To become more familiar with the effects of tea, you need to study its composition, instructions and contraindications.

Efficiency of use

Reviews of flying swallow tea from people losing weight allow us to form an idea of ​​its effectiveness. Some women managed to lose 10 to 15 kilograms. These figures exceed the results declared by the manufacturer, which are 6-7 kg.

But there are also cases in which the drink did not help. This does not indicate its low effectiveness. Such results are explained by the individual characteristics of the human body. For this reason, it is difficult to predict how many kilograms will be lost in each individual case.

Trial and error

Not everyone achieves the weight loss effect with the help of this oriental tea, even if they adhere to the basic rules of tea drinking.

Instructions for use:

  • brew 1–2 bags per 200 ml of boiling water;
  • drink once a day in the evening after meals;
  • after 10 days of drinking tea, take a break for 5 days;
  • course of treatment - one month;
  • repeat courses 2-3 times a year.

Drinking Chinese Flying Swallow tea requires caution

For many consumers, the dose of 1 sachet per 200 ml turned out to be excessive; within an hour, severe pain in the intestines began and the laxative effect came into full force. For others, the cleansing began after 1-2 days and took them by surprise: on the road, at work, etc. Although the manufacturers’ calculations are based on the fact that cassia (senna) begins to act strictly after 5–6 hours.

Tips for drinking tea

  1. It’s safest to start getting acquainted with Flying Swallow tea during vacation or before the weekend, so that the toilet is nearby. You need to observe how long it takes for the body to respond to tea and adjust your daily routine accordingly. Perhaps it is more convenient to drink tea not in the evening, but in the morning.
  2. The requirement to take a break after ten days is due to the unpleasant addictive properties of senna. Many were able to endure the cleansing course for only 2-3 days - the effect of the Chinese recipe on the body was so severe. The monthly course was beyond their strength. Those who managed to withstand the first days note that subsequently everything returns to normal and the effect of the tea does not bring much discomfort or inconvenience. Often tea is taken as a preventative cleanser only on weekends. To soften the effect of the drink's components, you can choose tea with fruit additives.
  3. You cannot combine tea with starvation diets: nutrients and vitamins are already quickly washed away. But protein diets - egg, for example - are combined with tea. During the period of cleansing with tea, you need to drink milk and eat cottage cheese, as a lot of calcium is washed out. Potatoes, cereals, dried apricots, bananas should compensate for the lack of potassium. Taking Fei Yan on an empty stomach is dangerous, as is not replenishing the lack of fluid that the body quickly loses at this time. You need to drink a lot: 2–3 liters of water per day.

Contraindications for use

The manufacturer himself names very few contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • weak intestinal muscles, tendency to diarrhea;

Tea is a biologically active food supplement and has not undergone serious clinical trials, but one thing is indisputable: its use is a serious stress even for a healthy body.

Reviews from doctors and buyers about Flying Swallow tea

Medical experts recommend using the drug if there are appropriate indications. Thanks to the combination of several plant components, it affects digestion as a laxative. Doctors agree that patients suffering from pathologies of the digestive organs should not drink this drink without medical supervision. Otherwise, it can provoke an exacerbation of diseases.

Customer Reviews

Familiarization with the flying swallow herbal tea and reviews about it allows us to say that it will not be possible to maintain your optimal performance within normal limits solely with the help of this drink. The opinion of those who have lost weight is that it can be considered as an auxiliary method for losing extra pounds. Along with using tea, you should adhere to certain dietary restrictions, eat healthy foods and pay attention to physical exercise.

Elena Petrova

“I drank tea, but I can’t say anything good about the swallow. My intestines began to work better, but I still couldn’t lose weight.”


“A good product that not only helps you effectively lose weight, but also has cleansing properties. My intestinal problems have disappeared, I recommend it.”


“This weight loss tea, like many others, does not have a very pleasant taste, but as for weight loss, I don’t know, I didn’t notice!”

Reviews of flying swallow tea for weight loss are ambiguous.

Tea “Flying Swallow”. Reviews from doctors, pharmacists, nutritionists and buyers

A sore subject for the bulk of humanity is obesity. The age of abundance has brought its fruits, and we can only deal with the unpleasant consequences. It seems that everything is simple: you need to eat less, but you just want another piece of ham or the divine Tiramisu into your mouth. And the worst thing is that we fight obesity not with classical methods (diet and sports), but with newfangled ones that can dissolve all our fat deposits in the blink of an eye. In this article we are not going to expose charlatans. Not at all, there are tools in the world developed by smart people that can help you cope with excess weight. You must clearly understand that simply using them will not get rid of the problem. It is necessary to change your lifestyle, not one remedy to another.

We present to your attention weight loss tea “Flying Swallow”. Please read the text correctly. This is just tea, not a panacea for fat deposits. The composition of the drink is harmonious and based on a variety of herbs aimed at cleansing the body. The main note was taken by Oolong tea. No one will dispute its merits, especially since black Chinese, licorice root and tangerine peel sing along with it.

“Flying Swallow” tea, the price of which is very reasonable and affordable for many, is purchased by people in the hope of instant results, which are written about by those responsible for sales (marketers). But you need to soberly assess the abilities of herbs, and not rely on “sweet songs”.

Let's consider this drink based on experience and opinions.

Tea "Flying Swallow" - reviews from doctors

Doctors are satisfied with the composition of the drink, and they are ready to prescribe it to their patients in some cases, but only strictly according to indications. After all, tea, which contains lingonberry leaves and cassia seeds, has a specific effect on the body (laxative and diuretic).

In practice, due to free access and low price, there are many cases of incorrect use of the drink, the consequences of which had to be treated for a long time. As a result, negative reviews and refusal of recommendations.

Tea “Flying Swallow” - seller reviews

Reviews from pharmacists are clear. Almost everyone says good things about the drug. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the increased demand for the drug proves its relevance, relevance and effectiveness. Secondly, all those who sell this drink are literate people and evaluate it adequately, without attributing unnecessary things. This is just a cleanser that has contraindications, the use of which must be combined with plenty of drinking.

Tea “Flying Swallow” - customer reviews

There is no consensus here at all. For some, this is a good way to lose a couple of kilograms for the holiday. For others, it is a disgusting taste of “swill”, incapable of anything. And some did not risk purchasing it at all, embarrassed by the ambiguity of reviews.

Tea “Flying Swallow” - reviews from nutritionists

Nutritionists, like doctors, refuse to recommend this drug, based on the negative experience of incorrect use. Arguing his arguments by saying that excess weight is a consequence of illiterate nutrition, therefore it is necessary to eradicate the problem, and not try to disguise it.

Good luck to you. Lose weight wisely!

Cost and availability of purchase

Swallow is freely available in pharmacies in Moscow and other cities. It is possible to order the product in the online store, where you can find photos. The drug is not classified as a drug, which allows you to buy it without a prescription. The cost of tea is 150-300 rubles. The price depends on the type of drug.

The effectiveness of these weight loss drinks is the same. Different types of drugs differ only in taste. The price of flying swallow tea is quite affordable. When choosing a purchase and placing an order, you need to pay attention to the quality of the product so as not to purchase a fake.

Reviews of losing weight and doctors about flying swallow tea indicate that it is an auxiliary method for body correction. Anyone who buys a drink should understand: in order to get rid of fat deposits, it should be used in combination with diet and exercise. Before you buy tea called flying swallow, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to it. And when using, you must follow the instructions for preparing the drink.

Tea Flying Swallow


According to advertisers, Chinese tea contains extracts of various herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine. The composition is intended to:

  • cleanse;
  • remove toxins;
  • get rid of excess liquid.

All herbal teas, regardless of aromatic additives, have a similar effect. With their help, you can get rid of eight or more kilograms of weight in a month. Of course, if you can withstand a month of taking a drug that will cause you constant diarrhea.

The instructions for use indicate the following composition:

  • Nut lotus - strengthens, cleanses and improves immunity;
  • luffa cylindrical - diuretic, laxative, contains caffeine;
  • pineapple - speeds up digestion;
  • Pakhima coconut is a diuretic and also enhances intestinal motility;
  • cassia tora - laxative, diuretic;
  • peel of unripe tangerine - relieves nausea, flatulence, gives a pleasant taste;
  • hawthorn - designed to restore intestinal microflora (don’t ask me “How?”);
  • lingonberry leaf is also a diuretic and also a diaphoretic;
  • Ural licorice root - improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Cassia seeds - enhances peristalsis, drives feces out;
  • tea leaves - contain rutin, good for the blood;
  • betel palm, leaves - should inhibit diarrhea.

The Extra drink can be made with pineapple, apple and other fruits. For example, if you buy “Lemon 3 g f/p dietary supplement”, this means that in 3 gram bags there is “Flying Swallow” tea with lemon flavor.

How to drink Flying Swallow and where to get it

The composition of the tea is laxative, weight loss occurs due to the removal of fluid and feces, and not fat.

Use this way: one sachet per glass of boiling water, infuse and drink. The price in pharmacies is low, so you can provide yourself with the drink for a long time.

Monastic tea for weight loss: collection at home, reviews

According to the manufacturers, this product is a dietary supplement, that is, it can be purchased without a prescription and no one is responsible for the original composition and effect. But you won’t be worried about the question “where to buy?” Whether you live in Moscow or any other city. It's available at the pharmacy.

Who shouldn't drink it?

Contraindications must always be studied and followed. This drink should not be consumed:

  • children and teenagers;
  • during pregnancy;
  • everyone who has gastrointestinal diseases, especially dysbacteriosis.

We are honestly warned that we should not drink Flying Swallow tea all the time. This is fraught with the fact that all beneficial microflora will leave the intestines, digestion and absorption will be disrupted, and profound changes in the gastrointestinal tract will lead you to chronic diseases that will take a long time to treat.

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