Sea buckthorn - calorie content, what are the benefits and harms of the product

Sea buckthorn is a bush or tree up to 2 meters high. The fruits are oval with a stone, light orange in color. These small berries are so attached to the branch that it will take a lot of effort to pick them. The berries have a sweetish-sour taste, and are somewhat reminiscent of the aroma of pineapple. The calorie content of sea buckthorn depends on where the plant was grown. The fruits contain a lot of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

100g of berries contains approximately 75-85 kcal. Of them:

  • proteins – 5 kcal;
  • carbohydrates – 25 kcal;
  • fats – 52 kcal.

What are the benefits of sea buckthorn?

There is probably no person who does not know this miracle plant. It contains many vitamins: B1, B2, sulfur, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, trace minerals and ascorbic acids.

Not many people know that sea buckthorn was valued by our ancestors. Medicinal medicines, bandages, and ointments were made from its fruits, which contributed to the disinfection and healing of many wounds. Sea buckthorn goes very well with other medicinal plants. Therefore, it is often used for thermal compresses and rubbing.

Nowadays people are exposed to constant stress, they neglect healthy eating. This all affects their precious health. Therefore, the way out of this situation is to include sea buckthorn in your diet. It will replace you with the entire vitamin complex that your body needs daily. Sea buckthorn can be bought anywhere: in a supermarket, at the market, or even ordered online.

It is sold both fresh and frozen. Its value is the entire plant. Leaves, flowers, berries, bark, which are very important for humans. Sea buckthorn berries contain many healing vitamins. They are consumed fresh, cooked into compotes, jellies, sauces, and added to baked goods and desserts.

Lately, many people have gotten into the habit of freezing fresh sea buckthorn. This is one of the best storage methods. When frozen, the berries do not lose their natural appearance. They can lie like this for six months. With this method, almost all useful substances are preserved.

Sea buckthorn for the beauty of soul and body

Sea buckthorn and its healing components have proven themselves well in medicine, cosmetology and cooking.

Sea buckthorn varieties

Sea buckthorn varieties

Sea buckthorn is divided into varieties and types, maybe:

  1. Tibetan. A group of small plants with small spines, spreading along the ground. Often used in landscape design.
  2. Willow leaf. These are real giants, densely strewn with berries, and can reach a height of 18 meters. In the Himalayas, the tree climbs higher (to a height of 3-4 km) and “captures” wet rocky valleys.
  3. Buckthorn. The most common type, which is divided into many varieties. Externally it has the shape of a bush, reaches a height of 6 m. It is most often grown as a fruit and ornamental plant in personal plots. The fruits (depending on the variety) ripen quite late and have high levels of vitamin C. The varieties are divided into early, medium, and late; northern and European.

Description of the most common varieties:

“Altaiskaya” has fairly large fruits of a rich bright orange color. Unpretentious to weather conditions, tolerates the first frosts well. It takes about 45 days from the start of flowering to full ripening.

“Giant” is one of the medium-sized plants; it differs from its fellows in its thick and powerful crown. Quite tall and can reach 5 m in height. The oval-shaped berries are yellow in color and ready for harvest in September.

Use of sea buckthorn in medicine

In medicine, there are many recipes based on sea buckthorn. It occupies an honorable place among other medicinal plants, since sea buckthorn acts on the human body as a natural analgesic antibiotic. Its action does not cause any harm, as, for example, this happens with expensive drugs. Also, thanks to its beneficial substances, sea buckthorn works well against sore throat and cough. In this case, it has a bactericidal effect on the body, which contributes to minimal bacterial growth. It is also used to treat eye diseases. It relieves pain, fatigue and tension in the eyeballs. It is very good to take sea buckthorn in the spring-autumn period for vitamin deficiency. At this time, your body is completely weakened and requires a lot of vitamins and minerals to function normally. Sea buckthorn berries improve appetite quite well. To get any effect from sea buckthorn, its fruits should be taken together with sea buckthorn oil. It is also beneficial for men's health.

Sea buckthorn and its beneficial substances fight colds very well. People simply need it to prevent seasonal viral infections. Its entire composition perfectly strengthens your immunity. In this case, we would like to offer you a recipe for vitamin tea that will have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect on your body.

How to store berries

There are several ways to preserve sea buckthorn for a long time:

  1. In water. The washed fruits are placed in a sterilized container (for example, a glass jar) and filled with chilled boiled water. Store dishes in a dark place at +4 °C.
  2. In the cold. Freshly harvested crops are placed in a room with a temperature of up to 5°C (refrigerator, cellar). It is possible to increase the storage period to two months using bags (plastic). After the final packaging, the berries produce a significant amount of carbon dioxide. By displacing oxygen, it slows down overripening, the process of decay.
  3. In sugar. This type of preparation can be stored for up to 4 months. Washed and dried berries are crushed using a meat grinder, mixed with granulated sugar in equal proportions, and placed in pre-sterilized jars (0.5 l). It is recommended to place a layer of sugar (1 cm) on top. The product must be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.
  4. Freezing. The fruits are washed, dried well on a towel, scattered in a thin layer on a tray and placed in the freezer for 24 hours. Then the frozen berries are packaged in small bags.
  5. Drying. It is permissible to dry sea buckthorn in a special electric dryer or oven. In the sun, such a berry partially loses its beneficial properties, because under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, carotene is quickly destroyed. On the eve of drying, the fruits are washed, then placed in a thin layer on a wire rack or baking sheet, and dried at 40 ° C for a couple of hours. After the specified time, the temperature is increased to 80°C. During this procedure, it is important to periodically open the oven door to prevent condensation from forming. As a result, sea buckthorn should retain its natural shade and elasticity. After cooling, it is poured into a wooden box, kept for two days, then packed into canvas bags.

Important information! The place where sea buckthorn is stored must be well ventilated, otherwise there is a risk of mold and berry moths.

Admirers of traditional medicine claim that the benefits of sea buckthorn for human health are enormous. Taking medications from this berry will help strengthen the immune system, get rid of many diseases or alleviate their symptoms. In order to consume medicinal fruits correctly, it is important to find out what vitamins and minerals are contained in sea buckthorn and how they affect the body. This will help you get the maximum benefit from the medicinal plant.

Recipe for vitamin tea with sea buckthorn

Take 20 g of sea buckthorn leaves and a few fresh berries and place in a thermos, then pour boiling water over it. Leave for 2 hours to steam. This tea can not only improve your mood, but also energize you for a long time. This vitamin drink is also recommended for people who suffer from depression and insomnia.

Sea buckthorn berries

Sea buckthorn is rich in trace elements and minerals. It not only prevents, but also destroys many diseases. Its fruits, when consumed by humans, can completely replace the daily requirement of vitamins.

Sea buckthorn tea recipe

For a cup of delicious tea we will need:

300 ml water

75 gr. sea ​​buckthorn

Art. l. black tea


To prepare the drink, you need to rinse the berries well. Most of them will have to be crushed into puree, then the remaining berries and black tea will be added to the mixture. Pour boiling water over the mixture and let it brew for 13 minutes. Immediately before drinking tea, add a little honey to taste. This drink will combine the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn and honey. The calorie content of sea buckthorn tea is approximately 66 kcal per 100 grams.

The use of sea buckthorn in cosmetology

Most people who include sea buckthorn in their menu find that their complexion improves. Vitamin C, which is present in sea buckthorn, significantly increases the elasticity of the skin and removes its laxity. Sea buckthorn oil is also endowed with special properties. This berry also has a beneficial effect on the scalp. It will help you restore health and shine to your hair.

With frequent use, your hair will become manageable and well-groomed. Components that make up sea buckthorn: carotenoids, tocopherols, folic acid. They blend well with the hair and give amazing results. To do this, you need to grind the sea buckthorn in a meat grinder into a paste and squeeze out all the juice from it. This juice must be rubbed into the hair roots an hour before washing.

Sea buckthorn and its beneficial substances occupy an important place in the preparation of creams, masks, gels and ointments. Many women have already been able to appreciate its anti-aging effect. We recommend that you try this miracle berry. Believe me, it won't take you much time. Just take a few juicy sea buckthorn berries, mash with a fork and add one of the following ingredients to the resulting puree: cream, cottage cheese, egg yolk, honey.

All these food products go well with sea buckthorn. All you need is to mix thoroughly and apply to previously cleansed facial skin. The mask should be left on for 20 minutes. Then rinse with a warm solution of chamomile. As they say, the result is obvious. The skin will look elastic, rested, without signs of fatigue.

Sea buckthorn in cosmetology

Composition of sea buckthorn

The chemical composition of sea buckthorn berries is extremely rich in useful substances. It is not surprising that the fruit is so popular in our (and not only) cuisine.

100 grams of sea buckthorn berries contain vitamin C in an amount exceeding the daily requirement by 15 times! The fruits of the sea buckthorn tree contain a lot of vitamins A and E, which have a beneficial effect on almost all systems of the human body. In addition, the berries contain B vitamins, which is not found in every plant product. Sea buckthorn boasts the presence of such important vitamins as P and F. The berries contain a lot of organic acids (oxalic, malic, acetic, tartaric). Such important microelements for our body as calcium, potassium, iron, boron, manganese are contained in sufficient quantities in sea buckthorn. Tannins, minerals, and serotonin are present in the sea buckthorn tree.

Reviews about the healing properties of sea buckthorn

Many people who have introduced sea buckthorn into their daily diet believe that it has a rejuvenating effect on the body, since it contains vitamin E, which slows down cell aging. Sea buckthorn is able to adjust the functioning of all weakened organs of the body. With frequent use, it reduces cardiovascular diseases and reduces heart attacks. When used daily, sea buckthorn provides the body with ascorbic acid. It has a good effect on the intestines and restores its microflora. Sea buckthorn rebuilds liver cells during alcohol poisoning.

Harm from sea buckthorn

Many people think: “Well, what harm is there from sea buckthorn if it is so valuable?” And we will tell you: “There is no harm!” It’s just that people are not recommended to take it in some cases:

  • for gallbladder diseases;
  • with urolithiasis;
  • if you are allergic to beta-carotene;
  • for diseases of the pancreas.

This product is very high in calories, so it should be taken with caution by people who are on a diet.

Sea buckthorn oil

What is sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn belongs to the Lokhov family. Most varieties are thorny trees or shrubs ranging in height from 10 cm to 18 meters. The largest number of varieties grow in Eurasia, occupying the territory from the Atlantic coast of Europe to northeast China.

Interesting fact: sea buckthorn is a member of the genus Hippophae. There is a belief that horses fed on sea buckthorn have shiny, glossy hair (“phaos” - shine and “hippos” - horse).

Sea buckthorn has very inconspicuous flowers that have no decorative value.

Sea buckthorn fruits

Sea buckthorn fruits

Sea buckthorn has a number of fancy names: it is called Siberian pineapple, sea thorn, sand berry and pheasant berry.

But no matter what we call it, we have a berry with a very specific sourish-bitter taste, which remains unappreciated by many.

The color of the berries can be light yellow, orange, deep red. The shade depends on the content of carotenoids (0.3-20 mg per 100 g of product). The brighter the color, the more carotenoids. The varieties most saturated with it are: “Olipan”, “Popular”, “Kudirga”.

Recipes for dishes with sea buckthorn

The use of sea buckthorn in cooking is one of the majestic achievements of mankind. How many different healthy goodies can be prepared from this invaluable product. Berries, leaves, and sea buckthorn oil are used in cooking, which is indispensable for salad dressings. During the hot season, sea buckthorn leaves can be used to make a wonderful refreshing drink. It will not only relieve fatigue, but also give you energy. To achieve the effect, this drink should be drunk cold.

Refreshing drink recipe

You will need:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 250g sugar;
  • 300g sea buckthorn mixture.

Pour water into an enamel pan and boil it along with sugar. Then add the sea buckthorn fruits along with young branches and leaves to this syrup. Let it simmer for 25 minutes. Then cover the pan with a lid and a warm towel so that the drink absorbs all the beneficial substances and infuses for 5 hours.

Sea buckthorn fruits are well suited for making jelly, fillings, and jam. Jam made from these berries is famous for its benefits. It will not only strengthen your immunity, but also give you an incredibly delicious dessert. Sea buckthorn juice promotes proper metabolism. In this case, we would like to invite you to try making a vitamin paste. The paste has a good effect on the body and will help remove toxins and waste.

Vitamin paste recipe

To do this you need to take:

  • 500g sea buckthorn berries;
  • 250g walnuts;
  • 300g honey.

Grind all the ingredients into a paste and place in a glass jar, which should be stored in the refrigerator. She can stay there for a long time. You need to take 1 tbsp of vitamin paste every morning before breakfast. spoon.

Recently, sea buckthorn has been added to many dishes. We would like to offer you several options for dishes with sea buckthorn berries.

Useful properties and contraindications of sea buckthorn

Why sea buckthorn is useful The berries are known for their unusually high content of vitamin C (120-2500 mg), for which they are called “northern lemons”. In addition to it, there are many other useful substances, the percentage of which exceeds the average. It depends on the variety, location and growing conditions, harvest time and type of processing.

A study by German scientists (2017) showed that 100 g of dried berries contains 37 mcg of valuable active vitamin B12, while the daily requirement is 4 mcg. However, it is not yet known whether this substance is found in all fruits and how its amount varies.

Healing properties

People have been treated with sea buckthorn remedies for thousands of years. Since ancient times, Tibetans have used sea buckthorn berries, flowers and leaves to treat skin diseases, improve immunity and improve well-being. The fruits restore strength after debilitating illnesses and are ideal for replenishing vitamin deficiencies, preventing colds and infectious diseases.

The Indian Institute of Psychology and Applied Sciences studied the substances contained in the berries and how to use them. According to scientists, they have antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, protect cells and the liver, strengthen the immune system, reduce stress and promote tissue regeneration.

The list of problems for which the plant is used in traditional medicine is quite large and includes:

  • lack of appetite, exhaustion and fatigue;
  • intestinal problems (eg inflammation, diarrhea, heartburn);
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • ulcers;
  • influenza infections and influenza (high fever);
  • gout;
  • skin diseases (for example, acne, rash, neurodermatitis, burns);
  • bleeding gums;
  • heart failure;
  • damage from radioactive radiation.

Omega-7 fatty acids present in fruits inhibit inflammatory processes, increase cell sensitivity to insulin, thus counteracting the development of insulin resistance, and prevent the development of many diseases of civilization, including type II diabetes, arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction.

According to scientists, Omega-7 acids have a hormone-like effect and prevent the accumulation of fats in the liver and tissues of other organs. When carbohydrates enter the body excessively, they have a balancing effect and prevent the formation of excess weight.

Due to its high content of healthy fats, sea buckthorn improves the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins K and E.

Sea buckthorn oil This product is a source of not only beneficial fatty acids, but also valuable micro-nutrients and secondary plant substances, including carotenoids and flavonoids. It is obtained from pulp or seeds by cold emulsification and centrifugation. There is also an oil that uses both. It has the properties of whole berries.

In undiluted form, the product is used to combat aging, treat wounds, burns and chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis or neurodermatitis. To enhance the healing effect, sea buckthorn oil is mixed with others, for example, St. John's wort.

Read also: Polyanika (Knyazhenika) - description, beneficial and harmful properties, composition, calorie content, photo

Sea buckthorn juice The juice is squeezed from berries collected in late autumn. Freshly squeezed, not clarified, without sugar, synthetic additives, dyes and preservatives, it is healthy. It helps with eczema and allergies. One glass (200 ml) of this drink contains about 560 mg of vitamin C. Drink it pure, one tablespoon at a time, or mix it with fruit juices, mainly apple or carrot.

Wood The wood of the plant is durable, polishes well and is used for turning and as fuel. Because it contains quercetin, it produces natural yellow and brown dyes.

Interesting fact: Almost no old written sources have been found in Europe about the use of sea buckthorn in medicine. Only one document from the Middle Ages is known, which talks about the benefits of the leaves of the plant during the so-called Anthony's fire, the occurrence of which was associated with the devil himself. Historians have established that it was a case of severe poisoning caused by the consumption of rye infected with ergot. Countless people became victims of the disease. Sea buckthorn was considered more of a magical plant. Its branches were placed above windows and doors in the hope that strong thorns would prevent evil spirits from entering the house.

Contraindications and harmful properties of sea buckthorn Individual intolerance is possible. Sea buckthorn is contraindicated for those who suffer from gallbladder diseases, as well as for persons with inflammatory processes in the liver.

Sea buckthorn is not recommended for those who have kidney or bladder stones.

Sea buckthorn is harmful to people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including high acidity.

Vegetarian dishes with sea buckthorn

Vegetarians are people who do not eat animal products such as fish and animal meat. They eat more food of plant origin: greens, vegetables, fruits, dairy products.

We would like to offer you a vegetarian dish

Recipe for Cheese paste with sea buckthorn and herbs.


  • 150g salted cheese;
  • 120g sea buckthorn berries;
  • 100g chopped greens;
  • 20g butter;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100g mayonnaise;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Mash the cheese with a fork, mix with chopped herbs and chopped garlic.
  2. Grind the sea buckthorn berries in a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice, and add the pulp to the cheese mixture. Put butter, salt, ground pepper and mayonnaise there.

This pasta goes well with croutons.

Low calorie dish

To prepare a low-calorie dish, you need to take all foods that are low in calories. It should not only be low in calories, but also healthy. Sea buckthorn is what you need.

Salad Recipe "Delight"


  • 150g low-calorie cottage cheese;
  • 100g sea buckthorn;
  • 250g white chicken meat;
  • 100g sour cream;
  • greens, garlic, salt.


Boil the chicken meat, cut into strips. Finely chop the garlic and herbs. Squeeze juice from berries. Mix sour cream with sea buckthorn juice, add salt and stir. You will get a sour cream-sea buckthorn filling; you need to season the salad with it. Enjoy your meal!

Lenten menu with sea buckthorn

In this case, people completely give up meat, dairy products, they exclude eggs and baked goods. Lately, the Lenten menu has become much more varied. We would like to introduce you to a simple hearty salad.

Lenten apple strudel with sea buckthorn

Lenten salad recipe


  • 250g boiled beans;
  • 2 boiled carrots;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • 2 boiled potatoes;
  • dill, salt, pepper;
  • 2h. spoons of lemon juice and the same amount of sugar;
  • 2st. spoons of sea buckthorn oil.

Preparation Peel the vegetables. Cut all the vegetables except the onion into small cubes and chop the greens. Combine beans with vegetables and stir. Cut the onion into small half rings and marinate in lemon juice and sugar for 10-15 minutes. Add onions to beans with vegetables. Mix everything, add salt and add sea buckthorn oil. Delicious salad is ready!

Children's menu with sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn has proven itself well in children's menus due to its beneficial properties. It goes well with dairy products, which are also indispensable in baby food. Berries can be given not only raw, but also prepared in all sorts of goodies. There are small children who do not like sea buckthorn. Then we can advise you to prepare jelly or vitamin compote for your child. Other fruits would also be a good addition to sea buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn jelly recipe


700g fresh sea buckthorn berries;

900g sugar;


  1. Wash and dry sea buckthorn berries.
  2. Using a blender, blend into a homogeneous mass and squeeze the juice out of it.
  3. Heat the juice and add sugar.

Stir so that the jelly does not burn. Cook like this for 7-10 minutes. Believe me, your children will love this dessert.

Recipe for sea buckthorn gelato with honey in the BORK E801 ice cream maker from Olga Shenkerman

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