The most effective exercises with weights for the buttocks, thighs and legs

Leg swings are rhythmic movements of them in turn with a change in the usual position relative to the body. They can be forward, backward, to the sides, performed standing, lying down, on all fours and with weights or on simulators. They use a crossover, a Smith machine, dumbbells, and a donkey. This part of the workout should be done at the end, after jumping, squats, jogging, deadlifts and presses.

But even then, swings will not help you get rid of excess weight; they only help reduce it along with diet and other types of exercise. After all, only up to 20 kcal are burned per minute of exercise. And only with regular training with 3 sets of 20-30 repetitions.

Leg swings: basic knowledge

Swings with legs straight or bent at the knees should be done at every lesson, and not from time to time . It is necessary to ensure that the muscles of the trained area of ​​the body, and not the back, are tensed, that is, control the posture. It is important to pay attention to side swings. They work the gluteus medius muscles to keep this area round. With this option, the adductor and femoral muscles are also involved.

But for the proportionality of the figure, it is equally important to do abductions back and forth. Swings are also useful because they help get rid of cellulite, “breeches” on the hips, and make your legs slimmer. Therefore, your training should include rhythmic movements from standing positions, lying on your side, from the cat pose, using weights, elastic bands on the cuff, and a crossover.

We recommend reading the article about exercises for losing weight on legs and thighs. From it you will learn about the rules of training, effective exercises to perform while standing, lying down, and how to get quick results. And here is more information about exercises with a chair for weight loss.

How to do leg swings correctly

You can swing your legs correctly and effectively if you meet several conditions:

  • Regularity. Exercises give results, but not immediately, but after 4-5 weeks. Therefore, it is important to find a place for mahams in the overall set of activities.
  • Complexity. In order for the upper legs and buttocks to become not only slim, but also harmonious in shape, it is important to perform different types of exercises - forward, backward, to the sides. This will allow the muscles to evenly tighten and strengthen.
  • Using weights. There are special ankle pads with different weights. At the first stage of training, you can do without them, but later you should wear weights or fitness bands.
  • Watch your posture. Even when the exercises are performed lying on your side, you should try to keep your back straight. This will put more stress on the gluteal muscles and thigh area.

Swing your legs to the side: what muscles work?

When swinging your legs to the side, the following muscles work:

  • Gluteal medius when outward movement occurs. This type of technique is useful because it prevents your butt from becoming square.
  • Adductor, that is, located on the inner surface of the thigh when moving to the other leg. It makes the upper part slimmer and smoother.
  • Lateral thigh area. It works both when moving the leg to the side and when moving it inward. This allows you to get rid of the “breeches”.
  • Lower back muscles. The load on them is especially strong if the exercise is performed in a lying position.

Types of exercises

Swings are performed to the sides, forward, backward, from a standing position, on all fours, as well as lying on your side and back. At the first stage, while the muscles are not yet ready for serious loads, you can do some exercises with your knees slightly bent. As they strengthen, you should ensure that they are straight.

Swing to the side

Leg movements to the side can be performed in several ways:

Position How to perform
Standing and holding onto a support that is in front The leg is rhythmically moved to the side so that an obtuse angle is formed between it and the second lower limb each time. The same can be done by moving it inside. That is, the right leg goes to the left, and when they change, the left leg goes to the right.
From a position on all fours, the palms of the straightened arms rest on the floor, the knees are also on the mat The back should be straight during the exercise, without bending. At a fairly fast pace, you need to move your leg bent at the knee up and to the side, not lowering it all the way down.
Lying on your side If your left leg is working, you need to sit on your right leg, bend the same arm at the elbow and place it under your head. The left palm should be used to maintain body balance by placing it in front of the chest on the mat. The straight leg should be rhythmically moved up and to the side and lowered.
From plank pose I pull the knee of one leg towards my chest and return it to its original position. Then they are changed.

Lying on your side

From a lying position on your side, perform sideways movements as follows:

  1. sit on the mat in the starting position;
  2. bend the supporting leg slightly at the knee for greater stability;
  3. you can support your head with your hand, resting your elbow on the mat;
  4. Raise the second leg up relative to the floor and at the same time to the side.

The exercise from the same position can be varied. The working leg is the one that lies on the mat, for example, the left one. It should be retracted inward, that is, towards the second lower limb. During execution, the right leg should be bent at the knee so that the foot rests on the floor.

On knees

From the pose on all fours you can perform two exercises:

  • Stand up using your elbows and one knee as support. That is, everything is done through emphasis on bent arms. The second leg should be extended and raised slowly up, held there, then lowered. The back must be kept straight and controlled so that the load falls on the buttocks and not the lower back.
  • Starting position, as in the previous case. You should only lift your half-bent leg up. Then they return to their previous position.


From a standing position, movements of the legs to the sides (external and internal) are performed, as well as:

  • Swing back. There needs to be a support in front that you can hold on to with your hand. The leg should be pulled back as much as possible many times until the muscles become tense.
  • Swing forward. Here the support should be on the side so as not to interfere with the main movement. The leg is raised so that the back does not bend.

On the back

Lying on your back to “polish” the inner thighs, do the following:

  1. in the starting position, straight legs are raised up almost at a right angle to the body;
  2. at the same time move them as far apart as possible;
  3. slowly return back, bringing each other closer.

For greater effect, this exercise should be performed with weights. From the same position, you can simply lift your straightened legs from the floor and to the maximum possible height, closer to the body. But in this case, the load on the muscles will be gentle.

For large buttocks

For the gluteus maximus muscles, which have a significant volume, an exercise from a position on all fours is suitable. You should lean on the palms of your straightened arms and knees. One leg should be stretched straight out, simultaneously moving back, the second should be bent on the floor. Each person should do 20-30 swings in a row. Then the legs are changed.

For greater effect, weights are used. You can also use your elbows instead of your palms for support, that is, bend your arms. Then the lower part of the body will be lower than the hips, which will also increase the load on the gluteal muscles.

Back swings can also be done while standing with each leg in turn. To enhance the effect, you need to use an elastic band or weighting agent. When the leg is at the highest point, you should hold it in this position, only then lower it.

The exercises cause noticeable tension in the gluteus maximus muscle. It is this that makes up the largest portion of this area of ​​the body. The back of the thigh is also pumped.

The benefits of leg swings for women

The benefits of leg swings exist for all women, regardless of weight, and are as follows:

  • strengthening the muscles of the buttocks, tightening, and therefore improving the shape of this area;
  • increased blood circulation in the trained area, that is, getting rid of cellulite and smoothing the skin;
  • improving the shape of the hips, as the muscles of the inner surface are tightened and shortened, which helps get rid of slight curvature in this area;
  • unloading of joints, as strong muscles help relieve excess tension from them when moving.

For those losing weight, swings will also add stress, which will have a beneficial effect on weight. After all, efforts are made to complete them, that is, energy is spent.

How many calories are burned

Performing different exercise variations burns from 4 to 20 calories per minute. It depends on the intensity of the workout, the number of approaches and the number of leg swings. The most energy is spent when performing exercises from a position on all fours or a “plank”. The use of weights and cables increases the load.

How to replace leg raises in the simulator

An effective alternative to exercising on specialized sports equipment can be the use of a fitness band to create external resistance, plie squats and other techniques that ensure the development of the muscles of the lower extremities and hip area.

Hip abduction on a bench

Such sports equipment can successfully replace specialized training equipment. The starting position for performing the exercise is with emphasis on the elbows. You need to arch your back a little and keep your head straight.

The free limb should lie on the bench, and the working limb should rise above it with the knee joint bent at a right angle. From this position, the leg is pulled back and up, straining the hip joint as much as possible. Then slowly return the working limb to its original position.

Swing your leg while lying on your side

Hip abduction in the machine can be replaced with this simple but effective exercise. Leg swings lying on your side are suitable for beginners and do not require the use of sports equipment. All you need is a gymnastics mat.

The exercise is variable - it can be performed in a classic format, with a shift in load emphasis to the gluteus maximus muscle group and the muscles of the back of the thighs. You need to lie sideways on a gymnastics mat and lean on your elbow. The working leg is moved upward with maximum amplitude. In the classic version, it is squeezed strictly vertically.

If you need to put more load on the large muscles of the buttocks and inner thigh, then the limb is raised to the maximum possible distance from the floor and pulled back without bending the knee. After this, slowly, without weakening the tension of the target muscles, return to the starting position.

The combined option is suitable for experienced athletes who want to simultaneously work out all the muscles of the hip area and abdominals.

To achieve this effect, emphasis is placed on the palm and knee joint. Synchronously with inhalation, the working leg is slowly raised to parallel with the floor surface, moved forward, exhaled and, without weakening muscle tension, shifted to the opposite side. Such swings are repeated 10-15 times.

Abduction with elastic band

The ring elastic band is an effective, versatile and multifunctional home exercise machine that can be successfully used to work out the hip muscles. With its help, external resistance is created when lowering and spreading the lower limbs from a side-lying position.

A fitness band is attached to the shins and the feet are kept parallel when performing training movements. Girls can perform exercises while sitting on a chair. The elastic band is placed just above the knee joints so that the main load is taken by the muscles of the inner and outer thighs.

The legs are spread and brought together, holding at the highest point of the amplitude for 3 seconds. It uses forward pulsating movements to increase muscle load. The feet should be rested on the floor surface and placed at such a distance that a slight tension of the expander can be felt even in a relaxed state.

An interesting option for using an elastic ring band is to alternately abduct your legs to the sides while lying on your back. An improvised exercise machine is attached to the shins. This exercise effectively develops the muscles of the thighs and abdominals, and eliminates fat layers around the waist.

Do they help burn fat?

Exercise, of course, helps you lose weight, but it should be in addition to cardio training, walking or running and strength training, as well as a balanced diet. You shouldn’t expect significant weight loss from swings alone, as they rather improve the contours of a specific area of ​​the body.

This type of training should be the final part of the overall complex. Moreover, swings should be performed in all possible directions so that every muscle of the buttocks and thighs is involved. Otherwise, the figure will become disproportionate, and joint pain may appear.

Watch the video about the benefits of leg swings:

Leg swings for buttocks

Leg swings for rounded buttocks involve performing exercises to the sides, forward, but the best effect is obtained by moving the legs back:

  1. you need to get on all fours with emphasis on the palms of your outstretched arms and knees;
  2. move the bent left leg, leave the right leg in place;
  3. hold for 10-30 seconds;
  4. return to the starting position;
  5. do the same with the other leg.

This exercise should be the final one in this training block.

Swing your leg back while standing

When you move your leg back, the gluteus maximus muscle is activated, both the outer and deep layers. This is one of the best exercises for the gluteus maximus, which affects size. The exercise can be performed with your own weight, as well as with the help of weights and a fitness band, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

To do this at home, place your hands on the wall at chest level, step back a little so that your torso can lean forward slightly. As you exhale, lift one leg back, without lifting it too high, that is, not above the horizontal line. As you inhale, slowly lower your leg, but do not touch the floor with your foot. Perform the same number of repetitions on each side.

Swing your legs with an elastic band back

Leg swings with an elastic band, if done backwards, contribute to the development of not only the gluteal muscles, but also the calf muscles, they are performed like this:

  • standing in front of the support, you need to fix the expander in its lower part;
  • its second end is attached to the ankle;
  • holding the upper segment of the support with your hand, perform back swings at a slow pace;
  • do the same with the other leg.

The exercise is performed in the same way from a position on all fours. During the process of abduction and simultaneous lifting, the leg bent at the knee, to which the expander is attached, straightens.

It is more convenient to do both exercises with weights. Essentially this is the same increased load on the muscles. The devices are put on the ankles and swings are performed with them as described above. It is important to be careful; movements should be less sudden than without additional load.

Leg swings for losing weight on the inner thighs

Leg swings help to lose weight on the inner surface of the ankles if you do them like this:

  • Lie on your left side, bend your right leg at the knee and place it slightly in front of your left. You can lie down completely on the mat or perform the exercise with your head raised. Its main part is that you need to swing with your left leg straightened inward. Then you should turn to the right side and repeat.
  • Stand with your back to the support, hold on to it with one hand, and place the other on your belt. Perform swings first with your right leg (straight) in the appropriate direction, then with the same leg to the left. This will strengthen the inner thighs, but will also prevent the outer thighs from relaxing. Then they do the same with the left foot.
  • Attach weights to your ankles, lie on your back, raise your legs at a right angle, trying not to bend them. Then they should be slowly pulled apart and brought together slowly, too.
  • Take a cat pose with emphasis on your palms and knees. Without straightening one leg, rhythmically move it to the side, then do the same with the other.
  • Get on your knees, slightly leaning your body to the left and hold on to the support on this side. Without straightening, lift the right leg to the side to the level of the pelvis. Run several times. Then do the same with the other leg.
  • Lie on your side, leaning on your elbow. Make circular movements with the leg that is on top, bending and straightening it. Change position, sitting on the other side, and do the same.

These exercises should be in addition to squats and wide lunges to the sides.

Swing your legs in a crossover

It is useful to do leg swings to pump up the buttocks and thighs in a crossover:

  1. secure the expander to the foot using a cuff;
  2. stand in cat pose on a bench, facing the support available in the simulator;
  3. slowly move back, while simultaneously lifting and straightening the leg with the expander;
  4. hold it at this level, feeling the load on the buttocks;
  5. lower slowly.

The exercise is repeated up to 20 times with one leg, then the expander is attached to the other and swings are performed with it.

The technique and meaning of this action for girls is to stretch the muscles of the gluteal region as much as possible and immediately contract them, while maintaining tension.

Crossover can also be used to perform lateral leads. The expander cuff, in the same way as in the previous case, clings first to one ankle, then to the other.
To maintain balance, you should hold onto the handle of the machine.

The benefits and disadvantages of moving your legs back in the simulator

The exercises are technically not very difficult and act exclusively on the target muscles. They are accessible even to beginners.

The obvious advantages include:

  • relatively quick strengthening of the gluteal muscles;
  • giving the target muscle groups a toned appearance and a rounded shape;
  • effective training of the peak area of ​​the hamstrings;
  • lack of compression pressure on the spinal column;
  • applicability for muscle hypertrophy and weight loss;

The quadriceps muscles of the thighs are not involved in sports work, so the volume of the legs does not increase. For girls, such exercises allow them to acquire a good figure and form attractive buttocks in the shortest possible time.

Hip abduction in the simulator makes it possible to vary the load applied to the target muscles, the intensity of execution and the number of repetitions depending on the task. Among the advantages, the low probability of injury is noted if the equipment and safety rules are followed. The disadvantages include the auxiliary nature of leg extension exercises.

They are unable to replace basic techniques and are considered secondary in complex training . Such exercises can be used as basic exercises only temporarily. They are often combined with aerobic and strength training techniques.

To form an attractive buttock, you must first gain muscle mass. Therefore, you still have to apply dosed loads to the quadriceps. This is the only way to achieve a harmonious silhouette.

How to pump up your legs in bodybuilding

To give beautiful shape to the leg muscles, you should do the following:

Exercise How to perform
Jumping rope You need to start with 20-30 times in one approach, increasing the duration of the exercise and the pace.
Straight lunges From a standing position, you should raise your leg and bend the knee to 90 degrees, at the same time raise your arms and fold your palms. Take a wide step forward, pause for 3 seconds, and return to your previous position. Do not lower your working leg until 10-12 repetitions have been completed.
Side Lunges Done from a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. You need to take a large step to the side, stand up and sit down several times from this pose, and then return to the starting position.
Squats Performed on widely spaced legs. To increase the load, you can pick up dumbbells.

The final stage of training should be swings with weights. It is necessary to perform them in all possible directions.

Swing your leg while standing forward

Swinging your leg forward while standing engages the extensor muscles or quadriceps. This option is not the most effective for this area, but by including it in a complex of various swings for all muscle groups, you can significantly increase the fat-burning effect of the training by performing exercises without pauses.

Standing straight, placing your hands on your waist or leaning against a wall, exhale and swing your leg forward without rounding your back. There is no need to try to lift your leg high. Perform the movements without swaying, and so on each side for 15-30 swings.

“Star” exercise technique and example program

The “star” for pumping the hips can be performed in several ways:

  • Stand with your knees slightly bent and your feet 10 cm apart, your arms along your body. Jump, spreading your legs and placing them wider as you return to the floor. At the same time, you need to raise your arms and clap your hands above your head. The exercise is repeated several times without pauses between movements.
  • Take the same starting position as in the previous case. Jump, but cross your arms and legs. On the next jump, return to the starting position, then repeat, and so on several times.
  • Start the exercise from the same position. But when jumping, spread your arms and legs as wide as possible to the sides.

"Star" can be included in the following program:

  1. 20 squats on spread legs;
  2. make a “star” the same number of times;
  3. 20 “climber” exercises (from the “plank” position in a jump, alternately bend your knees);
  4. Perform another version of the “star” 20 times;
  5. perform the “chair” exercise once (press your back against the wall and sit down with support on it so that an angle of 90 degrees is formed between the thigh and lower leg, hold for at least 30 seconds);
  6. 25 swings to the sides from a standing position.

Between actions you need to take 20-second pauses.

Lumberjack exercise

To perform the “lumberjack” you will need a crossover with an expander attached to the upper block. You need to grab the handle while standing facing the machine, with your feet spread almost shoulder-width apart. Then turn your body to the left, lowering your hands down and towards your left leg. The right lower limb also rotates slightly, and both of them bend slightly at the knees.

After returning to the starting position, the exercise is done in the other direction. There should be no pauses between them until the specified number of repetitions has been completed.

“Lumberjack” can be diversified, for example, by lowering your hands and doing a squat. Or perform it from the starting position, standing on the right knee with the body turned in the same direction, on the left - to the left. The exercise can be done with a dumbbell in your hands and on the lower crossover block. Its band is attached to the ankle.

Watch the video about performing the “lumberjack” exercise:

Exercise “donkey” for calves: how to pump up muscles, technique of execution

“Donkey” is performed on a special simulator:

  1. the load is secured to the main beam;
  2. sit on a chair, holding the control handle;
  3. they pull her towards them, at the same time raising themselves on their toes, but getting up from the seat;
  4. push away, lowering the heels.

The simulator is designed in such a way that with any change in the position of the feet relative to the floor, the calf muscles become tense. But the “donkey” can be done without it:

  1. you need to stand in front of the support, holding it with your hands;
  2. bend forward at a right angle;
  3. put a weight on your lower back;
  4. without changing the position of the body, stand on your toes and lower yourself onto your entire foot.

You can do the exercises with your feet parallel, then bring your toes or heels closer and repeat.

Swing back with support

Back swings are performed:

Position How to perform
Standing on straight legs In this case, the support is a chair or a wall. The leg should be moved as far as possible with the heel up and lowered almost to the floor level. The lower back remains motionless, the load should go to the buttocks. The exercise is performed first for one leg, then for the other.
On all fours In this case, a wide bench becomes a support. They hold onto it with their palms, the knee of one leg also stands on it. The other should be straightened and raised high with the heel up and lowered. Do several repetitions, change legs. The back should be straight, the lower back should not be involved in the movement.
On all fours But each leg should be moved back with the knee bent.

Swing back

This type of load can be performed either kneeling on the floor or standing. The fundamental difference is that when standing on the floor, the kneecaps are heavily loaded , which is not suitable for people who have any problems with the health of their legs.

Under these loads, the gluteus maximus and hamstring muscles become tense. Focus on your health and physical fitness. The exercise is not difficult, it is complicated by adding weights to the calves or using an elastic band - an expander. So, let's look at how to perform these swings to lose weight on your thighs in different variations.

Technique with emphasis on knees

  1. Starting position - lay down a mat, stand straight on your knees and elbows, neck straight, gaze directed downward, lower back slightly curled inward;
  2. As you inhale, move your straight leg back as high as possible. Don't bend your knee and try to reach with your heel;
  3. As you exhale, return your leg to the starting point and repeat the same with the other.

For detailed techniques, watch the video:

When resting on your feet

  1. Starting position – lean against a special support (wall, chair, armchair), back straight;
  2. As you inhale, lift your straight leg with your heel up;
  3. As you exhale, return to the beginning.

In this embodiment, you can change the movement of the leg - raise the leg bent at the knee up. In this case, the foot should be parallel to the floor , as if you have a valuable load on it that cannot be dropped. Here the gluteal muscles are worked more.

Watch the video for more details:

The basis of performing swings for weight loss: higher speed, more repetitions. Therefore, you need to perform 15-20 swings on each leg in 3-4 approaches.

Exercising on a simulator in the gym for pumping legs

To improve the relief of your legs, perform the following exercises using exercise machines:

  • Squats with a bar for fitness. You need to put it on the trapezius muscles, spread your legs wider, turn your feet with your toes towards each other. And do 12-15 deep squats.
  • Leg presses using a special platform. You need to sit in a simulator chair, rest your foot on a vertical plane, the other is lowered down, but is without support. Then you should push off from the platform. Since the chair is installed at a downward angle, this requires tension in the muscles of the legs and hips. Do this several times on each limb in turn.
  • Smith machine leg thrust. The barbell fixed in the simulator is taken with both hands and held down. The right leg is bent at the knee, the left is the supporting leg. Standing on the last one, you need to lean down with the barbell so that your torso becomes parallel to the floor. The right leg goes up; there is no need to straighten it. Then they return to the starting position, and do several tilts.
  • Swings in the simulator. You need to put a cuff on your leg with an elastic cable, which is located in the lower block. Hands should hold onto the support. They are facing her. You need to do back bends. This is prevented by the cable and the load connected to it, so the muscles experience strong tension and are well pumped. Swings can also be done to the sides, but then you need to stand sideways to the support and hold on with one hand.
  • Squats on two free-standing platforms with a kettlebell. Both of them are quite high, and there is a gap between them that allows you to lower the weight below the level of your feet. This puts the strain on your legs, not your arms or back. You need to stand on parallel platforms, take the weight with both hands, lowering them down. And squat deeply, spreading your knees to the sides.

  • Smith machine lunges. The barbell is placed on the shoulders, the left foot is on the floor. The right one is laid back in a bent position, its toe resting on the bench located behind. You need to squat on your left leg. The right one goes down with the knee at the same time, it is advisable for them to touch the floor. The thigh and shin of the left leg should form a right angle in a squat.
  • Lunges from a position on all fours in a crossover with a lower block. The cuff is placed on the ankle of the left leg. You need to stand on the bench facing the machine. And take your leg back, straightening it. You can also do lateral abductions from this position with the leg bent at the knee, raising it to the level of the pelvis.

Correct technique and types of loads

Let's move on to the practical side of the issue. Based on the swings, you can develop an excellent complex for correcting the shape of the legs and buttocks; the main thing is to understand which loads are responsible for which part of the body, so as not to end up with huge quadriceps and a small butt.

Attention : forget about the concept of “weight loss chart” or “weekly result”. Our body is an individual, so don’t strain your muscles just because someone wrote somewhere: “during the second workout you need to do 50 sets of 30 times, otherwise you will lose weight for a year.” Listen to your strengths and do exactly 2 swings more than you can.

Before starting your workout, be sure to warm up. Please note that it is better to warm up while standing (at least more comfortable), and swings while lying down or on all fours (safer for the spine).

Outer thigh

The exercise is performed lying on a hard surface:

  1. Lie on your left side, support your head with your left hand.
  2. Straighten your back and place your right hand on the floor.
  3. Slowly, without jerking, lift your right leg without bending it at the knee.
  4. Stay in this position for a couple of seconds.
  5. Slowly lower your leg.
  6. Always look forward in front of you and keep your neck straight - do not put unnecessary stress on your back.
  7. Watch your breathing. In the starting position, exhale, while performing a swing, inhale.

Raise your leg until you feel tension. Don't tear your muscles, the purpose of the exercise is not to put you in the splits and achieve a 90 degree angle.

Inner thigh

Similar to the previous exercise, but with the leg bent at the knee:

  1. Starting position – lying on your left side.
  2. Bend your right leg at the knee, bring your left leg slightly forward.
  3. Gently lift it, pausing at the top point for a couple of seconds.
  4. Lower slowly.


The bulk of our butt is made up of the gluteus maximus muscle and the back of the thigh. To work them out, you need to do backswings correctly:

  1. Take a position on your hands and knees. The back is straight, the head looks forward;
  2. Take your leg back as far as it will go (you can bend the knee), but no more than to an angle of 90 degrees (then there is a stress zone for the lower back);
  3. Slowly return to the starting position.

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