The most effective exercises with expanders for men and women

Raising your arms behind your back

1.You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, and raise your arms with the expander in front of you so that your palms are turned inward. Then spread your arms straight to the sides and inhale, then return to the original position and exhale. When you do this exercise, try not to lean back too much and try to look in front of you all the time.

5. We get back to the original position again. But now we must move the expander behind our back so that our arms are bent and our palms face outward. Then straighten your arms to the side and inhale. Then, bend your arms and return to the original position and exhale. Do this exercise with several additional springs.

General strengthening exercises with an expander

The expander is great for simultaneously working the muscles of the legs and arms. You perform one exercise and work several muscle groups at once. Exercises with an expander are as effective as exercises on large exercise machines, and take much less time.

So, let's look at the main types of general strengthening exercises and training for different muscle groups. Do all exercises 10-15 times in one approach, over time you can increase their number.

  • Standing press. Stand on the elastic band of the expander with both feet and take the handles in your hands. Feet should be shoulder width apart. Start performing presses, pulling each arm in turn from hip level to chest level, and if you can, then higher. This way you force your triceps and many leg muscles to work actively.
  • Seated press. You can strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle using the following exercise: Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, keep your back straight. Place the expander over your feet, grab the handles, and turn your hands with the inside facing up. Take a deep breath while pulling your arms towards your body. As you exhale, lower your arms to the starting position.
  • Knee press. Grab the handles of the expander. Place one leg in the middle of the band and bend it at the knee, and take the other back, squatting slightly. One handle can now be released: if the expander is clamped with the right foot, then we hold on to the left handle and lower the right one to the floor. We do presses with one hand first, then change position and perform presses with the other hand. This exercise helps to work the so-called stabilizing muscles. They do not participate in the movement process, but fix and hold a part of the body in the desired position. Remember that weak stabilizer muscles can cause injury even when performing ordinary push-ups, so strengthening them is necessary.

Overhand grip curl

Muscles involved: Brachialis, biceps, upper forearm.

Starting position: Attach the ends of an elastic tube or several tubes to two handles and wrap your hands around them with an overhand grip. Stand with both feet on the elastic tubes. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly to the sides. Bend your elbows until the elastic tubes are slightly stretched.

Tighten your lower back muscles and maintain the natural curve of your spine for the rest of the set. The gaze is directed straight ahead.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, bending your elbows, smoothly pull the handles of the expander to the level of your upper chest. As soon as your hands are level with the top of your chest, pause and tighten your muscles even more. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position, while maintaining the tension of the elastic tubes.

Exercise Tips: Use lighter resistance than underhand grip biceps exercises. This is explained by the fact that the main load in our exercise falls not on the biceps, but on the brachialis muscle, which is much smaller and weaker than the biceps.

Movement occurs only at the elbow joint. All other parts of the body, including the upper arm from the elbow to the shoulder, should remain motionless for the rest of the set.

Always keep your elbows at the sides of your body. As soon as you begin to push your elbows forward, the front deltoids immediately come into play, which “take away” part of the load from the muscles of the forearm and the load on the shoulder muscle

Always keep your hands in line with your forearms.

Recommended initial load: men - black or blue tube, women - red or green tube.

Toned abs are not a problem!

  • Position. Lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet fixed on the floor surface. One end of the “butterfly” is clamped with the knees, and the other with the hands at face level.
  • Exercise. The legs slowly rise, squeezing the expander and putting stress on the abs. It is fixed in this position for several seconds and returns to its original position.
  • Intensity. The exercise must be performed 15-20 times per approach.

Useful workouts with an abdominal expander:

  • We pump up the press while sitting. This workout is similar to the classic seated ab exercise. We sit on the floor, bend our legs slightly at the knees, everything is as usual, only an expander is clamped under our feet. Grab the handles and pull them towards your chest. Exhale - slowly lower the body back without changing the position of the hands. Inhale - we rise to the starting position.
  • We pump up the press while standing. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Fold the expander in half and insert your left foot into the loop formed. Grasp the resistance band near the ends with your left hand and pull it over your shoulders so that you can grab the handles with your right hand. Bend to the left in this position, while keeping your pelvis motionless.

Arm Curl

Muscles involved: Bottom, middle and top of biceps, top of forearm.

Starting position: Fasten the ends of an elastic tube or several tubes to two handles and clasp them with your hands with an underhand grip. Stand with both feet on the elastic tubes. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly to the sides. Bend your elbows until the elastic tubes are slightly stretched.

Tighten your lower back muscles and maintain the natural curve of your spine for the rest of the set. The gaze is directed straight ahead.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, bending your elbows, smoothly pull the handles of the expander to the level of your upper chest. While lifting the handles, do not move your elbows, keep them at the sides of your body and do not bend your wrists. As soon as your hands are level with the top of your chest, pause and tighten your biceps even more. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position, while maintaining the tension of the elastic tubes.

Exercise Tips: Keep your back straight while performing the exercise. The elbows are pressed to the body all the time, all movements are made only in the elbow joints.

Choose a load at which you can reach the handles of the expander to shoulder level.

If you cannot correctly adjust the working length of the expander, the tubes are too long for you, then perform biceps exercises with the expander fixed to the wall (door).

Recommended initial load: men - black + red or blue + red tubes, women - red or red + yellow tube.

The most effective exercises with an expander for men to train various muscle groups

6. Now you should take the expander in your hands and move it behind your back so that the right arm is bent at the shoulder and the left arm is pressed straight to the thigh. Then extend your right arm upward until straight and inhale. Returning to the original position, you need to exhale. Repeat this exercise with both hands.

  • Step on the band and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Take the loops of the expander in your hands. To make it more comfortable to hold, pass the expander behind your shoulders and hold it in bent arms, as if placing it on your shoulder.
  • Do a squat. The back is straight, the pelvis is pulled back, the knees are slightly turned outward.
  • Straighten up while stretching the expander.
  • Repeat the exercise.
  • Hook the resistance band onto a stand close to the floor.
  • Insert your ankle into the loop and lie on your stomach.
  • Bend your leg at the knee, pulling on the expander.
  • Straighten your leg and repeat.

Exercises for legs with an expander are performed as follows: we take one handle of the expander in our hands and put the other on our foot. This is the starting position (can be standing or sitting) from which the following exercises are performed:

  • In the starting position, standing, swing your leg to the side. After 10-15 swings, change your supporting leg and perform the exercise on the other side.
  • In the same starting position, lift and straighten your leg in front of you, pulling on the expander. While hanging, bend your knee about 5 times. Then turn your leg sideways so that it forms a right angle with your supporting leg. Bend your knee 5 more times. Switch sides and repeat the exercise.
  • Position. While standing, one leg should be bent and slightly put forward, arms should be absolutely straight, spread to the sides, and the palms should be facing upward, holding the handles of the expander, the springs of which should be located between the chest and chin.
  • Exercise. The arms should be spread as wide as possible, while the knee bends even more and the whole body leans slightly back. In the next approach, you need to change your leg.
  • Intensity. This exercise should initially be performed 10 times with an acceptable load. Gradually it is necessary to increase the pace and increase the angle of inclination back.

For biceps

  • Position. Standing, the right leg fixes the handle of the expander, legs apart.
  • Exercise. The right hand holds the second handle and bends towards the right shoulder. Important: the elbow should not “help”, however, like other muscle groups.
  • Intensity. You should start repeating this exercise 10 times and then change your hand. To avoid performing the exercise incorrectly, do not increase the load too sharply.

For chest muscles

  • Position. Lying on a bench, the expander passes under the bench, its handles in your hands. The spring is slightly tense, the arms are at chest level, the elbows are spread to the sides.
  • Exercise. The arms straighten upward, feeling the tension of the spring. Stay in this position for a few seconds, and the hands return to the starting position.
  • Intensity. The exercise must initially be performed 8 to 10 times, gradually increasing the load.

For leg muscles

  • Position. Lying on your back, one handle of the expander is fixed in the hand at the level of the pelvis, the second is hooked with the leg bent at the knee.
  • Exercise. The leg with the handle is slowly straightened, fixed in this position for several seconds and returned to the starting position. After completing the approach, you should change legs.
  • Intensity. You need to start doing the exercise 8-10 times, gradually increasing the pace.

Expanders, depending on their purpose, design features and other parameters, are sold in various variations.

Expanders are distinguished:

  • foot and hand;
  • children and adults;
  • with a certain type of fastening (floor or wall) and universal, etc.

There is another type of expander, which is quite popular among both sexes. It is commonly called a butterfly expander, exercises with which are quite effective for various muscle groups.

For triceps

  • Position. While standing, one handle of the expander is on the thigh, the other is resting on the forearm. The elbow is pressed to the body.
  • Exercise. The expander is compressed by pressing on the upper handle, then the pressure gradually weakens. After completing the approach, you should change hands.
  • Intensity. For the exercise to be effective, it should be performed 10 times per approach with each hand.
  • Position. Standing, arms extended upward and holding the butterfly handles.
  • Exercise. The “butterfly” must be squeezed as tightly as possible. The more your arms are extended, the more noticeable the result.
  • Intensity. This exercise must be performed for 4-5 minutes.

Here are six exercises that target the major muscle groups of the upper body, including the pecs (pecs), back (trapezius and lats), shoulders (deltoids), back of the shoulder (triceps), and front of the shoulder (biceps).

You will need a hand expander with handles at the ends and a door mount.

Chest press

Working muscles: pectoral, triceps .

Attach the expander to the door at chest level.

Standing with your back to the door, take a handle in each hand and raise your arms to chest level so that your palms face each other.

Take a step away from the door so that your arms are slightly tense when you begin the exercise.

Tighten your abs and extend your arms forward strictly perpendicular to your chest. Your wrists should be straight, your palms should face each other, and your arms should be at shoulder level.

Hold this position for two seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

Do one set of 8-12 repetitions. Rest for 30-60 seconds and then do another set.

Straightening (abducting) the triceps back

Working muscles: triceps .

Holding the resistance band with your right hand on the right side of your body, step on the spring with your right foot until it becomes taut.

Take a step forward with your left foot, lean forward slightly, keep your back straight, and place your left hand on your hip for balance. Pull your abs in. Hold the resistance band so that your arm is bent at the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees. Keep your hand in this position during the exercise.

Move your forearm back, while keeping your elbow motionless.

Tighten the back of your shoulder and hold this position for two seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.

Do one set of 8-12 repetitions. Rest for 30-60 seconds, then do another set. Do the exercise with the other hand.

Overhead press

Working muscles: latissimus dorsi, deltoids, triceps .

Take the expander with both hands and step on the spring with one foot (keep your feet parallel to each other).

Raise your arms to your shoulders, palms facing forward, as if you were doing a barbell press.

Extend your arms completely above your head, hold this position for two seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.

For more intensity, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Do one set of 8-12 repetitions. Rest for 30-60 seconds and then do another set.

Warning: People over 50 years of age should be careful when performing this exercise and avoid applying maximum tension to the resistance band to avoid shoulder injury. If you feel any discomfort while doing it, eliminate it from your program or try doing it with one hand.

Vertical thrust

Working muscles: deltoids .

Take the expander with both hands and step on the spring with one foot (keep your feet parallel to each other).

Fully straighten your arms with your palms facing you. With your elbows out to the sides, but not higher than your shoulders, raise your arms to chin level. Hold this position for two seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

For more intensity, place both feet shoulder-width apart on the band. Do one set of 8-12 repetitions. Rest for 30-60 seconds and then do another set.

One arm bent over row

Working muscles: trapezius and shoulder muscles .

Holding the resistance band with your right hand on the right side of your body, step on the tube with your right foot until it becomes taut. Take a small step forward with your left foot.

Lean forward slightly, keep your back straight, and your right arm should be straight. For balance, place your left hand on your hip. Pull your abs in.

Raise your elbow back and up until your hand is level with your ribs. Hold this position for two seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Do one set of 8-12 repetitions. Rest for 30-60 seconds and then do another set.

Do the exercise with the other hand.

Arm Curl

Working muscles: biceps .

Hold the resistance band with both hands and step on the tube with one foot (keep your feet parallel to each other). For more intensity, place both feet on the tube. Feet can be kept together or spread apart, but no more than shoulder width apart.

Stretch your arms at your sides with your palms facing you, bend your arms and rotate your hands towards the ceiling, without lifting your elbows from your sides.

Without bending your wrists, raise your hands to shoulder level. Hold this position for two seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

Do one set of 8-12 repetitions. Rest for 30-60 seconds and then do another set.

When you're done with upper-body strength exercises, move on to six upper-body stretches .

Ray Kurzweil, Terry Grossman. Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life.

Exercises for the buttocks: striving for elasticity

Constant exercise is very important for the buttocks to maintain the elasticity of the skin and keep the rather lazy gluteal muscles in good shape.

  • You will need to use a chair for this activity. Starting position: standing. Tie your legs with an expander tape and, holding onto a chair, take each leg back in turn as far as possible. You can alternate swings back and sideways. Do them carefully and slowly to get the muscles working.
  • While lying down, wrap the tape around your legs, then lift each one in turn.
  • Lying on the floor, place the expander over your feet, with your toes pointing toward the ceiling and your legs bent at the knees. Raise each leg in turn, without straightening it, so that your shin is parallel to the floor.

Create beautiful hips

Exercises for the hips are simply necessary to create and maintain a beautiful shape for them.

  • We tie an expander around our ankles and lie on our back. We raise straight legs perpendicular to the body, turn our feet to the ceiling, straight arms lie along the body with palms down. In this position, we spread our legs to the sides.
  • In the same starting position, we move one leg to the side, and keep the other motionless in the same place. Do this several times and switch sides. This exercise perfectly strengthens the inner thigh, which can be worked out with regular training.
  • In a lying position, pull the expander band over your toes, while bending your knees. Straighten your legs at an angle of 45 degrees, keeping your pelvis motionless.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the expander is a universal exercise machine. It can be used by both beginners in sports and professionals.

In addition, the expander is suitable for ladies of any age, build and level of training; it has no contraindications.

The main thing is to do all exercises smoothly and carefully to avoid muscle strains. And once you increase the intensity of your workouts, the expander turns into a cardio exercise machine, which will become a faithful assistant in the fight against excess weight.

Exercises with an expander for all muscle groups - Video

Alternating leg raises

  • Lie on the floor, grab the expander in the middle, place your legs in the loops.
  • Raise your body so that your lower back remains pressed to the floor.
  • Overcoming the resistance of the elastic band, raise your knees one by one.



  • Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, step on one end of the expander with your left foot, and grab the other end with both hands.
  • Bend towards the leg under which the expander is located, keeping your back straight.
  • As you straighten up, pull the expander diagonally, to the right and up, until your hands are above your right shoulder, above your head.
  • Return to the left leg bend and repeat the exercise.
  • Repeat on the other side.
  • Hook the resistance band around your feet, twist the two ends and grasp the loops or handles in both hands.
  • Stand in a prone position - a plank.
  • Raise one arm and, stretching the expander, move into a side plank.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Arm extension from the top position

Muscles worked: Long (back) triceps

Starting position: Secure the expander using the clamp to the wall in the upper position and fasten the ends of the elastic tube or several tubes to the two handles.

Stand with your back to the wall and grab the handles of the expander with an overhand grip. Raise your arms up and forward at a 45° angle from the vertical. Bend your elbows at an angle of 90° and move away from the wall to the distance of light tension of the elastic tubes. Feet shoulder-width apart or, to give your body a more stable position, take a small step forward with one leg.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, keeping your shoulders motionless, smoothly straighten your arms at the elbows.

With your arms fully extended, achieve peak triceps contraction. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise Tips : The resistance should not be too high, as this can disrupt the technique of the exercise, which significantly reduces the load on the triceps and the effectiveness of the entire exercise.

Fixing the upper arms at an angle of 45° to the vertical is an important element of the exercise. Fully straighten your arms at the top of the exercise to achieve maximum triceps contraction.

Recommended initial load: men - black or blue tube, women - red tube.

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