How to create a training program: instructions for girls

Do you want to round your butt, improve the shape of your calves, or build up your pectoral muscles? Do you dream of making your stomach flat and your arms elastic? The secret to achieving these goals is a properly designed training program. You can be sure that regular training according to a properly designed program will lead you to progress.

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IV. Decide on a set of exercises

Write down all the exercises you want to do during your workouts. Moreover, it is better to immediately sort them by muscle groups. If you do not have enough experience, then problems may arise with this due to basic ignorance of anatomy and biomechanics. Well, as a hint, you can look at the article: What exercises are basic. Or use MENU – EXERCISES. Where they are already sorted by body parts.

The amount of exercise can vary greatly depending on your goals and amount of training. Let's say, if you train 2 times a week to stay in shape using a combined method, then 10 basic exercises (5 per workout) will be enough for you. If you are actively losing weight with supersets of 5 workouts per week, then the number of exercises can be 40 or even more.

Choosing the purpose of training in the gym. Part 1.

One of the main conditions for successful training is goal setting. If you came to the gym to pump up your biceps, breasts, abs, etc. (underline as appropriate), then we can immediately say that this newcomer will not achieve anything. I make such a categorical statement based on my own observations in the hall. Therefore, set one big goal (dream). And then you will have to choose a path to achieve this goal. Necessary material resources. Set intermediate goals, let's call them tasks. By completing tasks, you will come to the main goal. If you haven’t completed the task, this will be a signal of an error and will give you the opportunity to correct it in time.

What goal should you set for yourself? You can immediately set yourself the goal of “Olympia”. Why not? Maybe you will be the first Russian to reach this peak. But a beginner must still set more realistic goals at first. To get a beautiful, pumped up body, you need to achieve one of two goals.

First goal: achieving strength indicators. Set yourself a goal to fulfill the CCM standard, and then the MS standard in powerlifting. You can argue that these athletes do not have a good figure. This is true and not true. This statement is true for lifters and weightlifters of large weight categories. And look at the athletes of the small and medium weight categories, their figure is not inferior to the best examples of bodybuilding. Do not forget that when comparing a bodybuilder with a lifter (weightlifter), before your eyes is an example of a bodybuilder who looks like this only a few days a year (show competitions and photo shoots). If you look at a bodybuilder in the off-season, he will have the same amount of fat, and maybe even more, because you can’t fool physiology.

And here’s what Ronnie Coleman (Ronnie Coleman or Ronnie Coleman), 8-time Mr. Olympia, says: “You can write it down like this: Coleman started bodybuilding at the age of 12. Although no, I’m lying. The gym turned out to be for powerlifters. So I started powerlifting at the age of 12. Yes, I actually didn’t understand then what the difference was between bodybuilding and other strength sports. I didn’t even think about bodybuilding for a long time. After school, I immediately went to college so that I wouldn’t have to sweep the streets later. And in college they don’t even want to know anything about exercise equipment except football - they say, a collective game strengthens friendship between students. I graduated from college with an accounting degree. I worked for two years and was horrified - am I really going to be counting other people’s money for the rest of my life! In short, I gave up everything and entered police school. Well, there’s no way without “pitching”, so I returned to the barbell. Once I went to the city gym, and there the owner grabbed me by the elbow: I’ll give you a free membership to my gym if you agree to compete in the tournament! It was in January 1990, and the tournament was coming up in April. It was called "Mr. Texas". I actually went there only for the sake of a subscription, but it turned out that I “killed” everyone in my category, and then everyone in general who came and became the absolute champion. To be honest, I liked the job: you don’t have to put yourself out there too much. Powerlifting added a lot of muscle to me, then I ran a lot - my chest is wide.”

To meet the CMS standard, you must first meet the category standards. Finding them is not a problem. The gyms I worked in usually had them. I looked up the standards on various sites on the Internet. Yes, there are some discrepancies in the classification of weight categories. There are small discrepancies in the standards, but they are not so critical. Select any standard table. Even if you take the smallest weights from the found standards, having reached them, you will reach heavier ones. Because, on the way to this goal, you will have to train, eat, rest, endure, etc. correctly, which will be reflected in your body, which will become beautiful and pumped up.

About the second goal in the next post.

Muscle training

Many beginners, when they come to the gym, dream of becoming strong and building up their biceps. The gym program for men helps them with this. This includes a set of exercises that will help you not only gain the necessary weight in a few months, but also get rid of excess fat.

What is strength training for men? The program includes a set of strength exercises aimed at increasing muscle size. So, let's look at what athletes who gain mass usually do:

  • Squats.
  • Bench or dumbbell bench press (or bench press).
  • Deadlift.
  • Push-ups on parallel bars.

This is a basic set of exercises that cannot be ignored. Of course, you can add other exercises that will contribute to the development of muscle mass.

Advice from professionals

Any professional who started his training in the gym is ready to share his personal experience with beginners. First of all, you need to lose excess weight.

The most effective way to lose fat is running. Many people love the treadmill because it allows them to run slowly, slowly, and in a cool environment. It is worth considering that you have to run quite a lot before the weight begins to fall off. The situation is completely different with running down the street. A person who runs outside the gym burns three times more fat. This is due to different loads, as well as fresh air. Therefore, even the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali recommended running outdoors and did not recognize treadmills. On the other hand, in addition to burning fat, the lungs are also trained outside, which is quite beneficial for the body.

Gaining muscle mass is the second stage of body development in men. To do this you will have to lift heavy metal in the gym. This is hard work on all muscle groups. The main exercise equipment includes a barbell, dumbbells, a horizontal bar and parallel bars. Plus, there are quite a large number of different exercise machines for a specific muscle group.

But there is a fact that you can gain muscle mass without exercise equipment. To do this, we go to the village to visit our grandmother and “plow” no less than in the gym. Useful work such as digging, mowing and carrying weights will replace almost any exercise equipment. Moreover, you can lose weight if you don’t lie on the hay.

The third stage is the formation of the relief. Everything here is the same as in weight gain, but nutrition remains a separate nuance. It is best to contact an experienced trainer who will select the best option and outline the necessary program. This will help protect the body from unpredictable actions and consequences.

The last stage is maintaining the result. After achieving your goal, you shouldn’t start eating whatever you like and forget about the gym. Of course, you can reduce the number of times you go to the gym, but don’t forget that gaining fat is easier and faster than losing it. Therefore, we strictly follow the rules of nutrition and the schedule of going to the gym.

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