Exercises and crossfit training program for girls

CrossFit training attracts the attention of both amateurs and professionals. They began to gain popularity at the beginning of the 2000s and are not losing ground. CrossFit has proven to be highly effective. It is interesting to both men and women. The number of people willing to train using this method and even take part in competitions is growing steadily.

The system has no restrictions based on gender or level of training. Both professional and beginner athletes can practice CrossFit. CrossFit helps improve physical fitness and includes a wide variety of training programs, which allows girls to select exercises for training both in the gym and at home.

The programs are designed with accessibility in mind. There are many complexes that do not require the use of special equipment. They are aimed at strengthening the health of the heart muscle, improving endurance, getting rid of extra pounds, and gaining a physically developed body.

What is the CrossFit system?

This is an absolutely unique training method. The main goal of the system is to improve a person's flexibility, power, strength, speed and endurance. Specially designed complexes allow you to achieve results in improving each physical indicator. They are called WODs.

Each WOD consists of exercises that are performed at a strictly high-intensity pace over short periods of time. The technique is a system based on elements of powerlifting, kettlebell lifting, gymnastics, and athletics (light and heavy).

Workouts include strength elements - presses, deadlifts, moving heavy objects, jerks. They are more aimed at men. Girls are advised to exclude such exercises from the program. They can cause serious damage to an organism unprepared for such stress.

Training for women according to the CrossFit system differs from that for men both in severity and in the number of repetitions. The emphasis is on aerobic exercise. The exercises are designed to work with your own body weight or using small weights. The exercises are performed from 5 to 20 repetitions. Classes consisting of rounds performed for 10-30 minutes without any breaks allow you to:

  • develop endurance;
  • strengthen the heart;
  • improve the condition of ligaments and muscles;
  • develop the respiratory system;
  • get rid of extra pounds;
  • get a beautiful body, but without increasing muscle volume.

Results like these are what make CrossFit so attractive to many girls who want to get and maintain good physical shape.

CrossFit for girls. Effective workouts or a way to pump up?

What else you should know about women's CrossFit

  • How the program is compiled.

There are 4 types of exercises in CrossFit: pushing, aerobic, pulling and leg exercises. The program must include exercises from all four groups. You decide for yourself at what speed you can work (very quickly or quickly), how long you will pause between approaches - women are allowed to rest from 1 to 3 minutes.

  • How often should you exercise?

At first - once a week and up to 20 minutes, no more needed. If you want to lose weight, then in addition to CrossFit, you must do at least 3 times cardio and 2 times strength training in a week. You can combine them in one day.

You can gradually increase to 3 times a week, replacing other workouts with CrossFit. There should be recovery days between training days.

What are the contraindications for girls:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Breastfeeding period. The body produces a lot of lactic acid during active exercise. The taste of breast milk changes and babies may refuse to breastfeed.
  3. Period of menstruation.
  4. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  5. Osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, calcium deficiency, diseases of the spine and joints.
  6. Breathing disorders. Bronchial asthma, for example.
  • How to eat properly.

There must be the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. 30/30/40% respectively. Main food: lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, berries. Be sure to include healthy fats - vegetable oils, nuts, fish oil. Sugar is completely excluded, and salt, if possible, too. We limit milk, legumes, potatoes and all unhealthy foods (fatty, fried, etc.). This diet is sometimes called paleo.

  • What you need.

Clothes are regular sportswear, made of breathable fabric. Ideally, not baggy, but tight-fitting so that nothing gets in the way. There should be good breast support, i.e., a sports bra too.

Shoes – only sneakers. Breathable, tight-fitting, with a hard sole, without shock absorbers.

You may need special gloves or sports mittens, knee pads, and joint braces.

Rounds and WODs - basic concepts of CrossFit

Translated from English, the term WOD (workouts of the day) is translated as “workout of the day” and is a special complex. It consists of exercises whose main goal is to develop strength, speed and endurance. Achieving results is made possible by repeating rounds over a certain time. Each training day involves performing WODs with certain conditions for implementation.

A round or circle is the repeated repetition of a WOD. In other words, when they finish performing a cycle of exercises, they immediately begin to do a repetition. No stopping. The number of rounds is provided for by the conditions of the “training of the day”, that is, it is mandatory. This is a significant load on the body, so you need to start training with a good warm-up.

It is imperative that the muscles are warmed up and the position of the lower back is fixed. For this purpose, hyperextension is performed before class. When starting the complex, do at least 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Women's crossfit workouts

Starting training in the gym or at home, girls strive to get rid of extra pounds and make their muscles sculpted and seductive. Running and fitness programs are a standard choice that soon becomes boring. Jogging is perceived as torture, motivation drops and the set goal remains unachieved.

CrossFit contains a wide range of exercises in its arsenal, turning training for girls into a breath of fresh air, combining physical activity with a fun pastime.

The format of classes, as a rule, is group, held in specially equipped rooms. At the same time, the training program for girls is no different from men. The only difference is the level of intensity and the weight of the equipment used. If it is not possible to purchase a subscription, then training can be carried out at home or in the gym - this is another plus of the program.

What is the CrossFit system?

This is a multifunctional training system that improves a person's flexibility, strength and power, speed and endurance. Special complexes called WOD help develop qualities. Each CrossFit workout is done at the limit, with high intensity within a regulated time frame.

The technique can be called a kind of symbiosis of weightlifting and track and field athletics, powerlifting, gymnastics and kettlebell lifting.

Strength elements from power biathlon or triathlon (presses, deadlifts, snatches, clean and jerks, squats) are not suitable for beginners. It is recommended to perform the movements only after mastering the technique without additional weight and under the strict supervision of a trainer to reduce the risk of injury.

The CrossFit training program for girls is distinguished by the lighter weight of additional equipment. Women are better at aerobic exercise than men, so the emphasis is on endurance and number of repetitions. Work is carried out with light weights or only with your own body weight.

Training helps:

  • increasing endurance;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • development of ligaments and muscles;
  • development of the respiratory system;
  • losing weight;
  • improving body quality without increasing the volume of muscle tissue.

All this makes CrossFit attractive to girls who dream of excellent physical shape and high functionality.

Rounds and WODs - basic concepts of CrossFit

WOD (workout of the day) translated means “workout of the day” and includes a set of exercises or one movement. Regulated rounds help develop physical abilities. A new training day does not repeat the previous one and is aimed at developing a specific skill or quality.

A round or circle is a multiple repetition of a WOD; at the end of a cycle of exercises, you must start again, and ideally without stopping. The format of the rounds is determined by the workout of the day. The results are recorded on the board for convenience and tracking progress.

High intensity loads require a preliminary general warm-up to warm up the muscles and prepare the joints and ligaments for work.

CrossFit terminology

The duration of the program is displayed in the abbreviation WOD:

  • AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) - complete as many rounds as possible within the specified time;
  • AFAP (As Fast As Possible) - complete the task as quickly as possible;
  • EMOM (Every Min Of the Min) - perform an exercise at the beginning of each minute and rest for N minutes until it ends.

Tabata – interval training. The cycle is based on the principle of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest - this is a classic scheme that can be changed.


Health problems and certain body characteristics limit access to high-intensity training. Prohibiting factors:

  • cardiac dysfunction – training puts stress on the myocardium (heart muscle);
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding – all complications after childbirth must be reported to the trainer to take into account individual characteristics and create a gentle program;
  • obesity - if the body weight is above 85 kg, then the woman should initially lose weight so as not to overload the cardiovascular system and not injure the joints. Diet and increased physical activity during the day, race walking, will help with this;
  • anorexia – weakness of muscles and ligaments will not allow you to fully train, so you first need to strengthen the muscle corset with the help of fitness and bodybuilding;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • musculoskeletal injuries;
  • inflammation.

If you are in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor.

Are there any contraindications to CrossFit?

There are certain health problems that can become barriers to exercise. It is prohibited to train:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • if there are injuries;
  • in the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • during exacerbation of diseases.

If you have any doubts, you can always consult a specialist.

Crossfit or gym, which is better?

Visiting the gym involves working out on the machines. They are aimed at isolated training of one specific muscle group. WODs in CrossFit, on the contrary, are designed to involve the maximum number of muscle groups in the work. This allows you to speed up the fat burning process and strengthen as many muscles as possible.

Results from CrossFit are achieved much faster and require less time than training on simulators, since the intensity of the training is much higher. This in no way means that you shouldn't go to the gym. There are weights, barbells, balls and dumbbells - equipment that allows you to make WODs even more effective. The effectiveness of CrossFit directly depends, first of all, on your own efforts and efforts, and not on the place of training. You can train both in the gym and at home.

The main thing is the right attitude, excellent health, high-quality and “speedy” execution of exercises. Exercise machines and equipment in CrossFit do not play any primary role. You can exercise without weights, but using your own body weight. Such loads, due to intensity, allow you to get your body into excellent shape much faster than split workouts, which do not differ in variety.

Women's CrossFit[edit | edit code]

Women's CrossFit
We present to your attention a set of CrossFit exercises for women. The program includes exercises that allow you to effectively work on problem areas.

Walking lunges[edit | edit code]

Main article:
CrossFit: Lunges

Target muscle groups

: gluteal muscles, anterior and posterior thighs, stabilizer muscles.

Initial position

: feet hip-width apart, take weights in both hands, arms extended along the body. We take a wide step forward with our right foot (strictly from the heel), bend both legs until the knee of the back leg touches the floor. At the lowest point between the thigh and shin, maintain an angle of 90 degrees. We keep our body level and don’t lean forward. Then we take a step back and return to the starting position.

Dumbbell squats[edit | edit code]

Main article:
Dumbbell squats

Target muscle groups

: gluteal muscles, front and back thighs, inner thigh.

Initial position

: legs slightly wider than the pelvis, pelvis laid back, knees bent, back slightly arched, shoulder blades collected, shoulders straightened. Grasp the dumbbell with both hands so that it is between your feet. Hold the dumbbell with both hands and extend your hips. In this case, the knees look strictly towards the toes, the pelvis is laid back. We straighten up and then return to the starting position. Don't forget to keep your back arched and your shoulders straight. We perform the upward movement by pushing off from the heels.

Horizontal pull-ups[edit | edit code]

Main article:
CrossFit on the horizontal bar: pull-ups

Target muscle groups

: latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, posterior deltoid.

Initial position

: holding the rings with both hands, we lean back (keeping the body straight), arms extended, head, back and heels should be in the same line. We pull ourselves up to the rings until our hands touch the body. We return to the starting position, while continuing to keep our body straight and not raising our shoulders up. The abdominal muscles are tense.

"Fold"[edit | edit code]

Target muscle groups

: rectus abdominis muscle.

Initial position

: Lie on your back, arms and legs fully straightened and touching the floor. We perform “folding” of the body, while simultaneously raising our arms and legs from the floor. The abdominal muscles are tense, we try to touch our legs with our hands. We return to the starting position.

"Plank"[edit | edit code]

Main article:
CrossFit and planking

Target muscle groups

: stabilizer muscles of the abdomen and back.

Initial position

: Lie down on the floor with your stomach down. We bend our elbows so that the elbow is exactly under the shoulder (90 degree angle), and move to resting on the elbows. Avoid arching your lower back; your body should be in a straight line from head to heels. The abdominal muscles are tense, hold the body up for 20-30 seconds.

Advantages and disadvantages of CrossFit for girls

Representatives of the fair sex are certainly interested in the question of how useful a unique training method is for women. If the loads are moderate and adequate, there will be no harm, but vice versa. When looking at photographs of professional athletes involved in CrossFit, you should not transfer their appearance to real achievements.

If you do not jerk or lift heavy weights, your muscle size will not grow. This is especially true for the female body, which is much more difficult to “bring” to the shape of bodybuilders. Aerobic exercise as part of CrossFit allows you to make your silhouette more feminine and fit. Girls are not recommended to work with heavy weights due to the fact that with the duration of such loads there is a possibility of disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Pros and cons. Pros and cons of CrossFit for girls

In any case, adequate, moderate load will only be beneficial. You should not compare the form of professional female athletes in competitions with the real one that CrossFit can give. Without lifting and jerking heavy weights, it will not be possible to build mountains of muscle, especially in the female body. On the contrary, aerobic exercise will give you more femininity, rounded and toned shapes. It is not recommended to work with heavy weights; prolonged and heavy loads may disrupt the menstrual cycle.

CrossFit exercises for weight loss

They have high efficiency. Good results in the fight against extra pounds are due to the fact that the basis of CrossFit for girls is predominantly aerobic exercise. Intense endurance work raises the heart rate zone to a high level, and, consequently, the process of burning fat deposits starts.

There is also a disadvantage to such training. It lies in the fact that along with fat, at a high heart rate zone, muscles also begin to burn. To avoid such negative consequences, you should not deliberately go beyond the limits. You need to train at a comfortable heart rate, but for a longer time. You need to lose weight without harming muscle fibers by doing CrossFit correctly. Classes must last at least half an hour, including warm-up, cool-down and preparatory exercises.

Thirty minutes for doing CrossFit for the purpose of losing weight is due to the fact that fat deposits begin to burn only when glucose from the liver has been used, and this process takes the first twenty minutes of training. Therefore, to lose weight, you need to exercise from half an hour to an hour. The main thing is not to overeat. If you consume more calories than you expend, there will be no result.

Crossfit training - fat burning training for girls

Results from CrossFit classes for girls

In just a month of training, a significant improvement in the girls’ physical fitness is observed. There is muscle tone, the appearance of a slight relief, while a decrease in volume due to the burning of subcutaneous fat. Long-term training will help you completely get rid of excess weight and gain a sporty look. The overall endurance of the body improves, the loads of everyday life are easier to bear, sleep and metabolism improve.

Important! In addition to strength exercises, it is recommended to stretch muscles, this develops flexibility and promotes rapid recovery. The elasticity of muscle fibers prevents injuries and sprains.

How often should you train?

The variety of WODs allows you to avoid having rest days. By choosing a complex for training that is different from the previous one, you can give the body the opportunity to recover while continuing to train daily. Of course, it all depends on your own level of physical fitness. It is recommended for people who are already involved in sports to exercise every day.

Beginners should not immediately start training without rest, but rather arrange training sessions every other day. Otherwise, there is a risk of stress and overwork. If you don’t have good preparation, you should start with three workouts a week, and then move on to four. To fully recover, the body requires two full days of rest per week. This avoids muscle overstrain.

What crossfit exercises are suitable for girls?

If you exercise with dumbbells, then do:

  • shvungs;
  • thrusters;
  • body twisting.

Barbell training consists of:

  • front squats, with a barbell on the shoulders and overhead;
  • shvung, lunges, thrusters;
  • good morninging and deadlifting.

Working with your own weight:

  • push-ups, burpees, air squats, setups;
  • hanging leg raises, pull-ups on the bar or rings;
  • jumping on and over the box;
  • jumping both with a rope and in length;
  • jogging.

Crossfit training from Russian champion Olga Portnova.

A method for independently compiling crossfit programs

Let's try to create your first effective training program, starting from the exercises listed above, the distribution of which in the complex is carried out according to the following principle:

Firstly, the specifics of each exercise and which muscle groups they affect are taken into account. They are divided into the following subgroups:

  • pushing – push-ups (from the floor/on parallel bars); presses (lying/standing).
  • pulling – pull-ups (any style) and various rows (with a barbell/on a block).
  • exercises for legs – squats (simple/with a barbell/with other types of weights); lunges, jumping, jumping.
  • press – Sit ups, leg lifts (hanging/lying), bringing knees to chest.
  • cardio – sprint, bicycle, jump rope.

Recommendation: distribute the exercises in a complex so that identical subgroups are not located next to each other, for example, do not follow the pull-up with a pull-down block.


We perform 3 circles for a while:

  • 1) pull-ups on the horizontal bar 10 times (pulling);
  • 2) push-ups with clapping 10/15 times (pushing);
  • 3) Sit ups 20 times (press);
  • 4) jumping onto a box (60 cm) 10/15 times (legs + cardio).

Secondly, the desired goal of the load is determined: Training focused on completing a specific task. You have a fixed weight, as well as a required number of repetitions and circuits to complete in a given time. You record your results and try to improve next time by reducing the time.


We perform 5 circles of the complex for a while and 10 repetitions in each exercise:

  • 1) simple push-ups;
  • 2) bring your knees, from a push-up position, to your chest;
  • 3) Sit ups;
  • 4) jumping out of a squat with clapping overhead.

Functional training for a while.

In this case, there is a given amount of time, and the amount of work depends on you. The more laps you can do in the designated time interval, the better.


We perform the maximum number of circles in 20/25 minutes (1 minute for each exercise):

  • 1) “Burpee”;
  • 2) performing freestyle pull-ups;
  • 3) push-ups (with your chest touching the floor);
  • 4) squats;
  • 5) Sit ups.

We rest for one minute and start a new circle.

CrossFit training program for girls

Program for Beginners


  • Perform the complex the maximum number of rounds in 5 minutes
  • Squats with a kettlebell to the chin 15
  • Burpee 10
  • Setups 15


  • Complete in 20 minutes. maximum number of laps.
  • Air squats 15
  • Push-ups5
  • Pull-ups to the bar 10

Home workouts


  • Complete 5 Rand in the shortest time possible
  • Jump squats 15
  • Push-ups 15
  • Setups 15


  • Complete 10 rounds in the shortest possible time.
  • Push-ups 15
  • Air squats 20


  • For speed.
  • Burpee 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
  • Squats 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Exercises in the gym


  • One round at a time.
  • Push-ups 15
  • Box jumping 30
  • Setups 50
  • Pull-ups 20
  • 1800 meters Run


  • Perform for 20 minutes.
  • Box jumping 20
  • Burpee 20
  • Jump rope 50
  • Push-ups 10
  • Setups 20

Exercises for weight loss


  • Perform for 30 minutes.
  • Burpee 1 minute.
  • Jump rope 1 minute.


  • Farmer's walk 200 times without weights.


  • Burpee 10 minutes.


  • Jumping rope 3000.

Types of training for different results

CrossFit is a sport in which training programs for girls differ from men's only in the weights of the equipment. It is more correct to talk about entry-level WODs in which there are not many exercises in a circle and lighter weights. There are no exercises that only girls do, just like crossfit exercises that are purely for men.

Weight loss programs

Despite the important strength component of CrossFit, with this activity you can lose weight in a very short time.

A variety of exercises, high speed and intensity throughout the CrossFit workout for weight loss significantly accelerates metabolism (up to 40%), due to which the body begins to get rid of subcutaneous fat.

The main condition is strict adherence to the diet.

You need to eat 3 hours before training and only 3 hours after. You will have to give up baked goods, processed foods and sweets, creating a menu of porridge with water, lean meat and dairy products, fish and eggs. Detailed menu.

CrossFit WOD for weight loss should be based on working with your own weight or light equipment. Workouts consisting of 1-3 rounds and a high number of repetitions are especially effective. They must include cardio exercises.

WOD Annie:

  • jumping rope (for 1 jump – 2 rotations),
  • lifting the body.

Perform 5 circles, gradually reducing the number of repetitions from 50 to 10 in increments of 10.

Try to complete everything in 20 minutes, and then aim for 10 minutes.

WOD Kelly:

  • 400 m run,
  • 30 jumps on a box 60 cm high,
  • 30 9kg medicine ball throws (start with a lighter weight).

To begin with, you have 30 minutes, which you need to reduce to 22.

WOD Chelsea:

  • 5 pull-ups
  • 10 push-ups
  • 15 squats.

1 round must be completed in 1 minute.

In total, you need to do 30 circles.
If this seems like an overwhelming burden, then start with Cindy
, which involves the same program, but only 20 rounds, and therefore 20 minutes.

Also great for Angie


With such training it is necessary for better energy supply to the body.

For muscle tone

If the main goal of training is to strengthen muscles, without increasing mass, then you can alternate all types of training given above. Or do a WOD consisting of a small number of repetitions and a sufficient number of rounds.

WOD Mary:

  • 5 push-ups;
  • 10 pistol squats;
  • 15 pull-ups.

In 20 minutes you have to complete the maximum possible number of circles.

You will have to improve your performance each time, starting with at least 3 laps. Then it’s realistic to reach rounds 7 and 12. 15 laps is already a competitive level.

WOD Fralen:

  • 800 m run,
  • 15 dumbbell throws
  • 15 pull-ups.

This WOD involves 5 rounds and the goal of completing them in the shortest possible time.


  • 400 m run,
  • 21 kettlebell swings weighing 24 kg,
  • 12 pull-ups.

You need to complete 3 laps against time. Start with 18-20 minutes and aim for 8 minutes.

How to eat before and after training?

To get the maximum benefit from CrossFit, you need to change your diet. The emphasis is on foods of animal origin, as well as protein products. Long-term (complex) carbohydrates should also be present on the menu. They are required to replenish energy reserves so that you can train at a high-intensity pace. Before class you should eat for 1.5 or 2 hours. To restore expended energy, food is taken within the first 40 minutes after training. It is best to eat fruits and protein-rich foods.

Meals before and after classes

The main foods in the diet when practicing CrossFit will be proteins of animal origin. However, complex carbohydrates cannot be excluded, which are necessary to maintain energy, especially during high-intensity exercise. Before training, you need to eat one and a half to two hours. After class, you need to restore your strength within forty minutes. It is advisable to include fruits and high-protein foods in this intake.

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