Choosing a home exercise machine - 5 best models of Cardio Twister rotary steppers

I don't have time to go to the gym, although I would really like to. The situation is the same for very, very many people in our modern society: chronic lack of time takes its toll. But a sedentary lifestyle takes its toll, we become weaker, gain weight easily, and diseases characteristic of the older age category appear early. The cardio twister simulator, reviews, as well as detailed instructions and cost of which we will consider today, can really help in solving these problems.

What's good about this simulator?

This is a very effective and, at the same time, very easy to use exercise machine. It helps to lose weight, strengthen muscles, tighten your figure, increase endurance, activate metabolism and coordination of movements. This type of exercise machine has a built-in computer on which you can see information about time spent, calories lost, the number of steps “taken” - this way you can monitor the results of your workout.

When exercising on this machine, you make only one smooth and energetic movement. At the same time, the buttocks, outer and inner thighs, abdominal and torso muscles are well worked out. A cardio twister will help you give the desired shape to the muscles of your back, forearms, arms, chest and strengthen your muscle frame. While training on this machine, you train absolutely all the muscles of the body, and the process itself is both useful and enjoyable.


The cardio stepper machine is not equally useful for everyone. Before ordering a mechanism, you should consult your family doctor. If this is not possible, study the following contraindications for exercising on the Cardio Twister:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, heart failure, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, etc.);
  • pathologies of joints, musculoskeletal system;
  • severe curvature of the spine;
  • recent injuries, fractures.

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What can a cardio twister do?

For a lot. This modern exercise machine will give you the opportunity to lose extra pounds, improve your figure, develop flexibility and lightness. But that is not all. Cardio twister exercises strengthen the heart and the entire cardiovascular system. Another plus is that the exercise machine not only helps keep your heart healthy, but also spares your joints during training.

How to exercise on Cardio Twister

The advantages of this simulator were appreciated by many buyers. Attractive price, small size and ease of use conquer thousands of users. The stepper has few disadvantages:

  • The Twister exercise machine is not designed for too much excess weight.
  • Users note the awkward placement of the screen.

If these disadvantages of the simulator do not bother you, you can look through the manufacturers’ catalog at any time and buy a suitable mechanism in the online store. To lose weight effectively and not injure yourself, you need to warm up before exercise. Pay special attention to the ankles, inner and front thighs, oblique abdominal muscles, and lower back. It is advisable to conduct Cardio Twister classes every day, lasting at least 30 minutes, beginners should start with 10-15 minutes. Move at a low intensity, gradually increasing it to the limit.

Cardio twister exercise machine: instructions for use

A home cardio twister can withstand a load of up to 110 kilograms, because these exercise machines are made of high-quality steel.

This stepper is compact and will definitely have a place in your apartment. The kit includes a simulator, instructions, a microcomputer, a DVD with exercises (English), a book with tips on proper nutrition, and individual packaging.

The cardio twister has soft handles and textured, non-slip pedals, a durable frame, and seven levels of resistance. The monitor displays the number of “passed” steps for a given workout and the total number of steps taken, the time of this workout, and lost calories.

Cardio Twister Trainer

Stepper, Cardio Slim - these are a few more names for this mechanism. The design is a stable base with pedals that slide up and down. A rotary control lever is provided to maintain balance and develop the muscles of the upper body. The Cardio Twister exercise machine is made of durable materials, thanks to which it can withstand loads of up to 110 kg. The device is designed for different levels of training - it has seven operating modes. A microcomputer keeps track of time, calories burned, steps and repetitions.

The Cardio Twister exercise machine has the following advantages:

  • Makes body contours attractive: tightens the hips, buttocks, abdomen, biceps and triceps, models the shoulder muscles.
  • Improves flexibility, adds strength and endurance. Twister strengthens the heart and develops the lungs.
  • The Cardio Slim stepper allows you to develop a comprehensive workout with a good load on the body, which includes turns and bends with a narrow, wide grip, squats, and crunches.

Home cardio twister exercise machine: instructions before training

Step #1

Place the machine on a flat, level surface. To prevent it from slipping, it is better to place it on a thin rubber mat. Make sure the machine does not wobble during exercise.

Step #2

Stand behind the machine with your right foot on the right foot pedal.

Step #3

Hold the handles of the machine with both hands, approximately shoulder width apart.

Step #4

Place your left foot on the left foot pedal and begin your workout slowly, taking slow, fluid steps. While walking, feel how the curved steering handle of the exercise machine gently turns left and right, turning your body into the most comfortable and correct position for training. To ensure smooth movement, synchronize your steps and turns of the steering handle.

Step 5

When the workout comes to an end, slowly and carefully step off the machine, stepping with your feet one at a time.

Sports simulator Cardio Twister: how to train correctly

If you have already decided that you should buy a cardio twister exercise machine, the price of which will suit almost everyone, you need to know how to properly train on this sports equipment.

Sports exercise machine Cardio Twister

For beginners, it is recommended to train on the Cardio Twister simulator every other day. In this case, you can start with 5 minutes and gradually reach 15 minutes, and then you can train for 30 minutes or do 3 sets of 10 minutes. If the level of physical fitness of the student is high enough, you can train every day, but you must monitor the condition of your body.

Depending on the purpose of the exercise, the appropriate resistance setting for the Cardio Twister sports simulator is selected.

To train the cardiovascular system, burn excess fat and increase endurance, it is recommended to set the speed-resistance control lever to the “FAST” position, which will allow you to walk quickly and easily, since in this case the resistance of the pedals will be insignificant.

To strengthen the muscles, you need to move the lever towards the “SLOW” position, fixing it so that the muscles can withstand the increased pressure of the pedals.

Having decided on the price of the cardio twister machine, having learned all the features of training on it, you can start training.


The simulator is designed in such a way that you can train the muscles of different parts of the body. Cardio Twister is equipped with a rotating mechanism, thanks to which you can easily pump up your abdominal muscles and tighten your lateral abdominal muscles.

In addition, it allows you to pump up the outer and inner thighs and strengthen the buttocks in one movement.

The effect obtained through training on Cardio Twister is many times greater than the results from monotonous exercises, stupid bends and squats.

What are the results of training on cardio slim?

Let us remind you that in order to see results you need to exercise regularly. This is confirmed by user reviews about the cardio twister simulator.

Cardio twister is supplied unassembled

With the right lifestyle, following the instructions and regular training, the following results will be achieved:

  • significant weight loss;
  • improvement of appearance;
  • coordination improves;
  • joint mobility develops;
  • allows you to remove excess salts;
  • endurance increases;
  • the heart and blood vessels are strengthened.

But there are contraindications

You cannot do cardio if you have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, problems with the joints and spine, viral infections, or pregnancy.

Adjusting the difficulty of classes

Instructions for use

Instructions for using the simulator. We remind you that a warm-up is required before each workout. And during exercise, do not forget to breathe correctly; this also helps to lose excess weight.

  1. Place the machine on a flat, level surface. To prevent it from slipping, it is better to place it on a thin rubber mat. Make sure the machine does not wobble during exercise.
  2. Stand in front of the machine and place your right foot on the right pedal.
  3. Hold the handles of the machine approximately shoulder-width apart.
  4. Place your left foot on the left pedal and slowly begin your workout, taking slow steps. Feel how the handle gently turns left and right, following it, carefully turn your body. To make your movements smooth, synchronize your steps and body rotation.
  5. At the end of the workout, slowly step off the machine, stepping with your feet one at a time.

Slim involves regular exercise. For visible results and strengthening the cardiovascular system, devote 30 minutes to training 3-4 times a week.

Price. According to user reviews, the price ranges from 1800 rubles to 8000.

I regularly have promotions on slim, so purchasing this exercise machine is affordable. Everyone must understand that in order for the simulator to be of high quality, it must be chosen and purchased in trusted stores.

Caring for the simulator is simple, unlike other types.


  1. Compactness. Small models do not take up much space in the apartment, so they can be used even in small rooms.
  2. Muscle development. As you know, while walking a person uses a huge number of muscle fibers. As for climbing stairs, this activity greatly increases the load, so you can perfectly pump up your lower body.
  3. Cardio load. This means that when using the simulator, the heart also trains. So regular exercise will improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Big variety. Manufacturers offer many different types of exercise machines, which differ both in the mechanism of operation and in the load on the muscles. The buyer can choose exactly the exercise machine that suits his body type or preferences.

A set of exercises on the Cardio Twister sports simulator

1. Exercise “Free swinging step”.

Stand on the Cardio Twister machine and hold the handlebars so that your hands are shoulder-width apart.
As you move your right foot down, the handlebars will move to the left, putting your body in the ideal position to train all your major muscles. Then, when moving down with your left foot, the steering wheel moves to the right. You must be careful to press the pedals with your heels every time you move and turn. Cardio Twister
2 exercise machine. Exercise “Deep squat”.

Stand on the Cardio Twister sports machine, grasp the handlebars from below, place your hands shoulder-width apart. The hips and knees should be bent so that the student is in a semi-squat position. Start moving and turning while keeping your knees bent. Press the pedals with your heels. When driving, keep one hand on the steering wheel and the other at your side. With each step, raise your other arm toward the ceiling, being careful not to point your elbows out to the sides. As you press your other foot into the pedal, slowly lower your hand to the starting position. Then repeat the exercise for the other arm and leg.

3. Exercise “Triceps training”.

When starting to move, place one hand on the steering wheel and hold the other hand along your body. With each step, bend your other arm at the elbow and push your lower arm up. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

4. Exercise “Twisting with a narrow grip.”

Place both hands near the center of the steering wheel and start driving.
As you move, the handlebars will turn your body to the side, and thus keeping the handlebars centered helps to give a good workout to your central chest. A set of exercises on the Cardio Twister sports machine
5. Exercise “Cross oblique twisting”.

Place your right hand in the center of the left side of the handlebar while placing your left hand at your waist. Start walking and twisting, actively working your oblique muscles. Then change the position of your hands. Make sure your elbows are pressed to your sides.

6. Exercise “Chest rotation”.

Place both hands on the steering wheel so that they are shoulder-width apart. Place your palms on the steering wheel. When stepping and pushing away from the steering wheel, it will turn the exerciser to the side, providing intense training to the chest muscles.

7. Exercise “Turn back”. Place both hands on the steering wheel so that they are shoulder-width apart. Press your palms against the steering wheel. Pull the steering wheel towards you - this will intensively train your back muscles.

After finishing a set of exercises, it is important to do a cool-down in order to lower your body temperature to normal. When you cool down, you need to do stretching exercises.

So, the Cardio Twister sports machine is an excellent choice at an affordable price. This machine allows you to perform a variety of exercises using a simple, but at the same time very effective program. During the classes, almost all muscle groups will be involved - legs, arms, shoulders, chest and abdomen. So, regular exercise on the cardio twister machine will help you make your body fit, athletic and attractive in a fairly short time.

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