What is more effective: an exercise bike or an elliptical trainer?

Today, almost all media outlets carry full-scale advertising of expensive products for weight loss and a beautiful figure. In fact, they almost always turn out to be useless and even harmful to the body. A truly effective solution to this problem, according to experts, will be sports activities combined with proper nutrition. There are different ways to do this, including using ellipsoids and exercise bikes. What is better to choose an exercise bike or an elliptical trainer will be discussed in the article.

General indicators of the ellipsoid and exercise bike in the table

All the main characteristics and capabilities of these devices are summarized in the table. This will allow you to clearly compare both devices.

Features, parameters and characteristicsExercise bikesElliptical trainers
DimensionsThere are compact devices, including mini ones, as well as folding ones.The dimensions always exceed the dimensions of exercise bikes. Most often, a separate space is required for installation of equipment.
Availability of on-board computerThey can be simple or extremely advanced, depending on the model.On ellipses everything is exactly the same.
Noise when in useElectromagnetic ones make virtually no noise, while magnetic ones create an insignificant background sound.Only folding models make a little noise.
Positive effectSubject to proper training according to special programs.The same. Also relevant for folding devices.
Safe useThey have increased stability and compensate for uneven floors. It's almost impossible to fall. The situation is the same here, despite the greater variety of movements.
Potential HarmImpossible with proper load distribution and compliance with individual restrictions.These machines do the same thing, plus minimal stress on the joints.
RestrictionsOverweight, diabetes, severe diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system.Excessive weight and mobility-related diseases. Often the simulator performs a restorative function.
Price1000-100000 rublesThe lower limit is 5-15 thousand rubles, the upper limit is within several hundred thousand.

How are the simulators similar?

Deciding for themselves what will be more effective when exercising at home, after consulting with specialists, many choose an ellipsoid or an exercise bike. Both devices are very similar to each other both in appearance and in their characteristics. Their common qualities are the following:

  • Each device falls into the category of cardio equipment. During exercise, the cardiovascular system is trained, hypertension, diabetes and other similar diseases are largely prevented.
  • Both machines are suitable for all age groups. Usually, the whole family does it at home - adults, children and the elderly.
  • Regular training on an elliptical trainer or bicycle helps increase the body's endurance.
  • With constant exercise on this equipment, excess weight gradually disappears and noticeable weight loss occurs. In the future, the results obtained need only be maintained at the required level.
  • Both exercise machines are safe to use, since the main load is distributed across different muscle groups without affecting the joints.

In general, these devices create only aerobic exercise and are completely unsuitable for bodybuilding and creating beautiful muscle relief.

When to choose an elliptical trainer

An elliptical device is best suited for those who already have sufficient physical fitness and want to further improve their body. For those for whom sport is not just a hobby, but an important part of life. It is fair to say that the elliptical trainer is an advanced solution for experienced users.

This does not mean that beginners will not master this device. The simulator is also suitable for beginners who are ready for serious physical activity and changes.

Which is better for losing weight, an elliptical or an exercise bike?

When comparing exercise machines, their effect on different muscle groups, training time and other factors must be taken into account.

How to choose the right elliptical trainer for your home: types, characteristics, pros, cons

What muscles work on the elliptical?

If you use an elliptical trainer for training, in this case the load is distributed throughout the body. The exercises cover the calf, oblique, quadriceps and gluteal muscle groups. At the same time, the arms, back and lumbar muscles work, the shoulder girdle, stomach and chest tense. In total, approximately 80% of muscle mass is used.

The pedals can move forward or backward. Depending on this, the legs, buttocks and other places receive different loads. For example, the tendons located at the back of the legs under the knees ensure their active flexion and extension. If necessary, the load can be increased due to special adjustments on the simulator.

According to experts, the main activation occurs in the calf muscles. Using an elliptical, they can be worked very well by pressing the pedals and moving them along an elliptical path.

Benefits of a Treadmill


You can do different exercises on the track - simple walking, race walking, hill climbing, sprints, jogging. It all depends on the weight, level of training and general health of the person.

Reproduces natural movement

What could be more natural than running or walking? This is why the treadmill is one of the most effective cardio machines. Today, developers are promoting a lot of other exercise machines to the market, the methods of movement on which may be specially designed to work certain muscles, but exercising on them may be uncomfortable and unnatural for each individual person. The treadmill is superior to other cardio machines in this regard.

High return

It’s no wonder that treadmill manufacturers vying with each other to claim that this type of cardio equipment burns calories faster than any other type. This is true: the body experiences severe stress while running, which is why the metabolism works harder.

Weight load on legs

Contrary to popular belief, running and walking are good for strengthening bones and muscles. Constant exercise corrects posture, the body becomes stronger and more stable.

Well-researched simulator

The first treadmills appeared back in 1800, and today they are one of the very first exercise machines in gyms. The impact of treadmill running on the body has been studied extremely fully today; these cardio machines are constantly being improved, and are considered the most deeply studied type of equipment for aerobic exercise.

Benefits and Benefits

Each of the simulators has its own advantages and useful qualities that determine the effectiveness of using each of them.


The main useful properties of the elliptical trainer include the following:

  • During exercise, significantly more calories are burned than on an exercise bike.
  • A universal device suitable for all age groups.
  • The main effect is aimed at training the cardiovascular system, general endurance of the body, and improving other indicators.
  • On the simulator, in addition to the lower body, muscle groups of the arms, shoulder girdle, back and lower back are used.

Exercise bike

Exercise bikes also have their own advantages and useful qualities:

  • In terms of the number of calories burned, they are slightly inferior to ellipsoids, but with regular training it is possible to eliminate from 400 to 750 kcal within an hour.
  • During classes, the lower body is fully involved.
  • Excellent for contraindications to excessive physical activity.
  • Intense blood flow helps speed up metabolism.
  • The average cost is quite low and affordable for all users.

Comparative characteristics and efficiency

Without knowing which simulator to choose, it is better to consider them in comparison. But you need to take into account that certain options, due to design features, may differ noticeably from the general characteristics. Therefore, it is worth studying not only the general description, but also the nuances of the operation of specific models.

The difference is noticeable mainly according to the following criteria:

  1. Muscles involved during training. The ellipsoid makes almost the whole body work. The load is taken on by the calves, thighs (back and front), buttocks, oblique abdominal muscles, abdominal muscles, lower back, back, arms and shoulder girdle. At the same time, if you simulate an uphill climb, the ligaments and tendons are more actively involved in the process. Pedaling on an exercise bike is done mainly by the quadriceps (front surface of the thigh), with less use of the calves and buttocks. The upper part of the body and arms, unlike a classic bicycle, do not work at all, since there is no need to turn the steering wheel or maintain balance.
  2. Burning calories. With regular exercise and reviewing your own diet in accordance with the principles of a healthy diet, both exercise machines give a good effect. But on an ellipsoid you can burn more calories in an hour of exercise (500–850 versus 400–750 kcal). This is explained by the fact that more muscles are involved in the process, and the range of movements increases accordingly. Another bonus of training on an elliptical trainer is that your figure becomes slimmer evenly and looks proportional. Those who practice “cycling” need other exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle (for example, with dumbbells).
  3. Training intensity. Since the exercise bike burns fewer calories, it is recommended to exercise more often. If the goal is simply to keep the body in good shape, twice a week is enough (workout duration is 30–45 minutes). For more global goals (for example, to lose weight), it is advisable to increase their number to 5-6 per week, time - up to an hour. It is enough to exercise on the ellipsoid once every 2-3 days for 30-40 minutes. In both cases, interval training gives the maximum effect. They start at a comfortable, slow pace, then gradually increase the speed and/or level of resistance every 2-3 minutes. Having reached your maximum, you need to hold it for 3-5 minutes. Then the load also gradually decreases.
  4. Variety of activities. Based on this criterion, we can definitely say which simulator is better; The ellipsoid clearly wins. However, an exercise bike allows you to do two things at once. Some manage not only to listen to music or watch TV, but even to study and work.
  5. Price. Here, a lot depends on the brand and the specific model, but in general, exercise bikes are cheaper than ellipsoids. This is quite explainable by the multifunctionality and versatility of the latter. The cost is also influenced by the type of flywheel, the capabilities of the “on-board computer” (tracking the progress of the workout, the health status of the student, the presence of “built-in” target programs).
  6. Footprint. Folding exercise bikes, unlike ellipsoids, do not exist. But in any case, this design is not popular. The mechanism often fails; the functionality of the simulator cannot be called rich. On average, installing an exercise bike requires 1.5–2 m² of free space, an ellipsoid requires 1–1.5 m² more.

Both the elliptical and the exercise bike produce minimal noise (this applies to the vast majority of modern models). Safety is also comparable - if you don’t push yourself under obviously unbearable loads, it’s almost impossible to get injured. Many exercise machines are equipped with a system for compensating for surface unevenness, so you won’t be able to fall off them either.

Muscles used during elliptical training

Pedaling on an exercise bike is done mainly by the quadriceps, the upper body remains unused

Both machines are silent, safe, effective, and great for interval training.

Disadvantages and contraindications

We must not forget about contraindications to the use of exercise machines. Otherwise, instead of the expected benefit, you can only harm your body.


There are not so many contraindications and special recommendations for exercising on an ellipsoid. However, they exist and must be followed:

  • Pay attention to safety precautions. To avoid injury, you should read the operating instructions in advance.
  • You should not exercise if you have serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as unstable blood pressure.
  • Overweight people need to gradually increase the pace of exercise. Otherwise, the vessels will begin to experience enormous stress with possible serious consequences.
  • Do not overload the musculoskeletal system in case of illness or other problems with this system.

What is more effective for losing weight and burning calories?

The effectiveness of each simulator depends entirely on the intensity of the training. Both devices offer ample opportunities for weight loss, provided they are used regularly and correctly. The table below will help you compare the possibilities:

1 hour lessonNumber of calories burned
Exercise bike400-750

As can be seen from the comparison, there is a difference between the simulators, but it is not significant. There are different models and training methods that allow you to achieve the desired results.

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