Weight loss exercises for women: Vorobyov’s gymnastics

Back in the Soviet Union, diseases of the musculoskeletal system were studied in workers who, due to their professional duties, moved little. That is, their work was at a desk, sedentary. In modern terms, office work. Physical inactivity had a negative impact on health, leading to illness among employees. Therefore, in the 80s of the 20th century, the so-called “gymnastics for the lazy” was developed. It consisted of weight loss exercises for women, called gymnastics by V. I. Vorobyov.

Weight loss exercises for women - the founder of the complex

Weight loss exercises for women or, in other words, hidden gymnastics. The founder of the complex was V.I. Vorobyov: associate professor, retired colonel of the medical service, candidate of medical sciences, President of the Russian Association of Dietitians.

In addition: chief nutritionist of the 4th Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health, head of the Department of Nutrition at TsOLIUV. It was he who developed this technique. Although many years have passed, today this gymnastic complex is more relevant than ever.

Many of us spend a lot of time at the computer. At the same time, the brain is actively working, and the muscles of the body are practically inactive and are in a static position. This “immobility” leads to the accumulation of excess fat deposits, edema, and osteochondrosis. That’s why weight loss exercises for women by V.I. Vorobyova are practically a godsend!

History of creation

Losing weight without worries

The set of these exercises has no analogues, although its idea seems to be in the air. Vorobyov’s hidden gymnastics is so simple and effective that it was twice recognized as the highest achievement in the field of sanitary and hygienic education at the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements .

V.I. Vorobyov is a well-known developer of health-improving methods in the Soviet Union, a candidate of medical sciences, a military doctor and nutritionist who held high positions. In the early 80s, his attention came to employees of departments and research institutes who, due to prolonged sitting, developed diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The scientist wondered how to solve the problem of physical inactivity for people who sit at a desk throughout their working hours.

The solution turned out to be simple, like everything ingenious. V.I. Vorobyov suggested that every worker in the intellectual sphere perform a six-minute complex of hidden gymnastics every hour, without getting up from the table. Special exercises were created with the expectation that they would provide a fairly high load on many muscle groups, and at the same time, would not attract the attention of others.

Vorobyov’s gymnastics became widespread in the USSR; it was practiced by many office workers, overcoming the negative factors of their sedentary work and improving their health. And its author received all-Union recognition.

Specifics of V. I. Vorobyov’s set of exercises

The essence of these exercises is that they take approximately 6 minutes to complete. However, there is a tricky point: you need to do weight loss exercises for women every hour. This, in fact, is where the whole difficulty lies. In general, with this approach, about 60 minutes are gained per day. full workout. I note that in the first days of training, the muscles will ache, since the load on them is quite significant. But all this will pass when the body gets used to “working”. Another important advantage of the complex is that, at first glance, it is very simple. But the exercises are designed in such a way that during the execution process all muscle groups are involved and worked out. This is very important for losing weight!

Important: the main thing is to regularly perform it every hour for 6 minutes. At first it will be difficult to control execution, but then it will become a habit.

Weight loss exercises for women - the benefits of gymnastics

A few pleasant moments can be highlighted:

  • In 1 week of this type of training you can lose up to 1 kg of excess weight.
  • You can perform the complex absolutely anywhere: at your desk, walking in the park, in public transport. The execution is practically unnoticeable to others. For this reason, gymnastics is called hidden.
  • An obvious advantage is that performing the complex speeds up metabolism and burns extra calories.
  • By performing weight loss exercises for women regularly, you will be able to form a beautiful figure by strengthening your muscles and get rid of cellulite.
  • By doing a set of gymnastics constantly, it will be possible to eliminate swelling associated with prolonged stay in one position
  • Lymph flow will increase, congestion in muscles and joints will be removed.

The harm of physical inactivity to the body

Physical inactivity

The human body is designed for a mobile, physically active life. If a person does not use the functions given by nature, then they gradually fade away. Without physical activity, muscles atrophy, without intellectual activity, the mind weakens. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of a number of pathologies in the body:

  • The internal surfaces of the arteries lose their ability to withstand sclerotic changes, resulting in the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, and coronary heart disease. Physical inactivity is one of the main causes of early mortality from myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke.
  • Blood stagnation occurs, leading to varicose veins, the blood thickens, and the risk of blood clots increases.
  • Obesity develops, which negatively affects all organs and systems, creates a dangerous load on the joints, and contributes to the development of diabetes.
  • Any physical activity causes a state of stress - shortness of breath, sky-high pulse, high blood pressure.
  • Poor posture, joint problems appear, osteoporosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system develop.
  • The nervous system suffers, chronic fatigue syndrome, neuroses, and sleep disorders develop.
  • The functions of the endocrine system organs are disrupted.
  • Libido decreases, potency deteriorates in men and the ability to conceive in women.
  • Immunity decreases, causing the body to become defenseless against infections and cancer.

Be sure to read: Jumping rope programs for cellulite and for effective weight loss

Attention! In terms of its destructive power for the body, physical inactivity can be compared to the most harmful habits, and if it is also combined with excess in eating, then this condition becomes not just harmful, but deadly for a person.


Before I talk about the correct execution of the exercises, I will make an important disclaimer. Like any other set of exercises, Vorobyov’s gymnastics has its contraindications. Before you start practicing this method, you need to consult your doctor. This is especially true for those who:

  • there is increased blood pressure
  • have diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • have varicose veins
  • pregnant women

How to do the exercises

Part 1


Simple leg exercises strengthen muscles, tighten them, get rid of cellulite, relieve swelling and prevent varicose veins. They are performed while sitting, with a straight back, without shoes, with the feet pressed to the floor. Number of repetitions – 40 times. First, you need to raise and lower your toes, while pressing your heels tightly to the floor. After this, do the same with the heels, without taking off the toes.


The effect is aimed at strengthening and tightening the gluteal muscles, preventing hemorrhoids, and improving blood circulation. Need to do 40 times. It's simple: alternately tense and relax the muscles of the buttocks.


When performing this exercise, the abdominal muscles are worked. The abdomen is tightened and strengthened. Do the exercise 20 times. So: while inhaling through your nose, pull in your stomach as much as possible so that it “sticks” to your back. Open your mouth slightly and slowly exhale, gradually relaxing your abdominal muscles.


Training the back muscles is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis, improving joint flexibility and eliminating congestion. Repeat up to 40 times. It is better to do it while standing: your back is straight, your shoulders are straightened, your arms are relaxed. You must try to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible without moving your shoulders.


To relieve tension from your hands and improve blood circulation, you need to clench and unclench your fists forcefully while sitting or standing. When doing the exercise 40 times, pay attention to the strength of squeezing your fingers and hands: as strong as possible.


Sitting at a desk while working at a computer, the head and neck are in an almost motionless position. Blood circulation slows down and mobility is limited. Hence osteochondrosis, headaches, pressure surges. To avoid all this, you need to turn your head left and right. 20 times in each direction. At the same time, the décolleté area is also treated, the skin tightens and becomes elastic.


Pulling the chin forward will help correct the contours of the face, get rid of a double chin, and tighten the neck. Do the exercise for maximum stretching, repeat 40 times.

Part 2


Improves blood circulation, strengthens muscles, disperses lymph. Sitting in a chair, rest your forearms on the armrests. When performing this exercise, you should try to stretch upward as much as possible without lifting your buttocks. Alternate stretching with relaxation 20 times.


The following helps strengthen the pectoral muscles: fold your palms in front of you and press them firmly against each other for a count of 5. Relax and repeat 20 times.

Back and arms

While standing, place your hands behind your back and clasp your palms. Then raise your arms as high as possible and, holding them in this position, count to 10. Lower and relax. Do it 5 times. Exercise perfectly improves joint mobility, normalizes blood circulation, and strengthens muscles.


To tighten the thigh surface and burn fat, alternate leg lifts are done. The exercise is performed while sitting, slowly, with your back straight; repeat 20 times.

Sides and waist

Twists will help remove extra centimeters from the waist and strengthen the lateral abdominal muscles. The exercise must be done from a sitting position, back straight, shoulders straightened. In this case, first turn your torso to the left and count to 10, holding it in this position. Then do the same to the right. You need to do 12 repetitions in total.


How much time do you sit at your desk?

Do you have to work overtime?

You often hear from office workers: “Well, I’ll finish this report, clear away the rubble, and then I’ll go to the gym, the pool, maybe go for a run...”

But new work keeps appearing, competitors are pressing, bosses demand results, and there was still no time for physical education. But my back constantly hurts, my legs swell, and my eyes hurt in the evening. This is how the office lifestyle destroys our body year after year and accelerates its aging.

For several decades now, doctors have been sounding the alarm. According to their research, workers forced to sit for 8-10 hours a day literally ruin their health, running a serious risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer, diseases of the spine, heart, kidneys and early death.

It is interesting that an effective cure for this scourge was invented at a time when no one had heard of general physical inactivity and widespread computerization, and the very concept of “office plankton” had not yet come into use.

Gymnastics Vorobyov

In the USSR, caring for workers was part of propaganda. Those who grew up in those days probably remember how they “broadcast exercises” on the radio in the morning. In addition to gymnastics, many enterprises in the USSR held gymnastics at home for the entire team, which was broadcast on the All-Union radio at 11 o’clock.

For knowledge workers in the eighties of the last century, a set of exercises was developed that allows you to relax without leaving your desk. It serves as a preventive measure for many serious problems: vision impairment, memory impairment, spinal diseases, migraines, and even excess weight gain, the tendency to which appears during sedentary work.

The author of an unusual technique that has not lost its relevance to this day is Vasily Ivanovich Vorobyov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, retired colonel of the medical service. Professor Vorobyov’s gymnastics was so popular in Soviet times that it twice received the gold medal from the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements.

Invisible gymnastics exercises

Vorobyov’s hidden gymnastics does not require a long break from work or special conditions: you can practice on the way to work, right at your workplace, and take a few minutes away from housework. Just six minutes allocated every hour can work wonders, and the results of training are visible within a few days.

1. Raising your heels First remove high-heeled or thick-soled shoes. While sitting in a chair, raise your heels without lifting your toes off the floor. The legs are brought together and the back is straight. Repeat the exercise 40 times.

2. Raising your toes Also raise your toes 40 times without lifting your heels.

3. Buttocks This exercise can be done sitting, standing and even on the go. Rhythmically contract your gluteal muscles at least 40 times.

4. Abdomen Training the abdominal muscles in combination with breathing exercises can significantly tighten your abs in 3-4 approaches a day. Suck your stomach in as you inhale and relax as you exhale. The recommended number of repetitions is 15–20.

5. Back Back muscle training is available while sitting and standing. Bring your shoulder blades toward your spine 40 times in a row with your shoulders motionless.

6. Hands Clench and unclench your fists with your arms spread to the sides at shoulder level. This exercise will not only help you stretch your fingers after working on the computer, but will also give your back a rest. The main condition for performing this is straight posture. Repeat the exercise at least 40 times.

7. Head Rhythmic turns of the head 180 degrees: look to the right, look to the left. Repeat at least 40 times.

8. Chin With your back and shoulders motionless, stretch your chin forward. Repeating this exercise regularly 40 times per approach can significantly improve the contour of the face and reduce the risk of a double chin.

Other exercises you can do at your desk

1. Straighten up, pull your shoulders back and, strongly straining your back muscles, squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold this position for 4-6 seconds, then relax completely and breathe freely. Repeat 3-5 times.

2. Grab the seat from below with both hands and try to lift yourself up. Stay in this position for 3-4 seconds. Repeat 5-7 times.

3. Squeeze your gluteal muscles tightly and rise slightly as a result. Stay in this position for 4-6 seconds. Repeat 5-7 times. 4. Press your feet firmly into the floor. Stay in this position for 10–12 seconds. Repeat 5-7 times. 5. Place your hands on the table and press firmly on its surface. Maintain tension for 5-7 seconds, then relax. Repeat 3-5 times.

*** Vorobyov’s gymnastics in the workplace

Like any other office gymnastics, Vorobyov’s gymnastics requires regularity. Remember, if you practice Vorobyov’s method once a day, as many people mistakenly do, you will not achieve any results. 6 minutes every hour (and at least 5-6 hours at a time) - and nothing else. source

See also:

Quick check and diagnosis of the body at home

Strengthening your health at work: Neck exercises

Strengthening your health at work: Exercises for arms and shoulders

Biorhythms: how to overcome fatigue and increase productivity?

Weight loss exercises for women + proper nutrition and regimen

When setting a goal to lose weight and improve your body health, you must not forget about proper nutrition. The diet should be balanced in terms of fat, protein and carbohydrates. The number of calories should not exceed 1200 per day. This is exactly the calorie content needed to supply energy to the body. The excess will not be processed, but will be deposited as fat deposits in unnecessary places. Drinking regimen will also contribute to weight loss: you need to drink 1.5 - 2.0 liters of clean water daily. Water removes toxins and breakdown products of harmful substances from the body.

It is also important to adhere to a regime of rest and physical activity. If your working day is spent in the office, sitting at your desk, you need to move more. Walk, climb the stairs, take a bike ride.

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