Breathing exercises for weight loss: principle of action, types

Features of breathing exercises for weight loss

Breathing is one of the most important functions of the body. Its purpose is to saturate the blood with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. Breathing exercises involve performing a set of special exercises aimed at burning excess weight. The main role in this process is played by oxygen, which activates oxidative reactions in the body. As a result, fat burning occurs.

Operating principle

The basis of breathing practices is the mechanism of creating a lack of oxygen in the body while simultaneously increasing the load on the muscles.
At this time, the intensity of oxidation processes increases, since during inhalation the concentration of oxygen molecules in the blood increases. When you hold your breath for a short time, the body's energy consumption increases, and fat cells begin to break down in order to obtain additional energy.

A special inhalation-exhalation pattern promotes the supply of more oxygen and the activation of fat-burning processes in the body.

Main advantages

The main advantages of breathing exercises are health improvement, normalization of the functioning of internal organs is observed.
Exercise helps:

  • increasing the rate of nutrient intake;
  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • breakdown of fatty layers;
  • eliminating the consequences of colds and lung diseases;
  • reducing the level of cortisol (stress hormone).

The technique is suitable for patients of any age.

To achieve a positive effect, you can exercise for 15-30 minutes a day.

Breathing exercises: nasal breathing

Breathing through the nose helps condition the air entering the lungs by purifying, humidifying, warming and removing harmful impurities...

The air exhaled through the nose, returning heat and moisture to the mucous membrane, cleanses it of dust, protects it from hypothermia, dryness and infection. Passing air through the long and relatively narrow nasal passages requires considerable effort. As a result, the respiratory muscles are constantly maintained and trained. Mouth breathing, which does not require such muscle activity, leads to detraining of the respiratory muscles and faster exhaustion.

It is known that each hemisphere of the brain reacts to irritation during nasal breathing of the corresponding half of the nasal cavity. In rhythm with each inhalation and exhalation through the nose, an increase (inhalation) and a decrease (exhalation) in vascular tone occurs in the vessels of the brain. When breathing through the mouth, the brain is deprived of this important additional physiological mechanism that contributes to the regulation of cerebral circulation. A consequence of the deterioration of cerebral circulation associated with the lack of nasal breathing is the appearance of complaints of weakened memory, hearing, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and weakness.

A set of therapeutic exercises should be done standing or sitting, but be sure to maintain your posture (shoulders turned, back straight, stomach tucked).

Massage of each biologically active point should be done with both hands at the same time, connecting both hemispheres of the brain to the work. If the point is asymmetrical, the fingers should be positioned closely. During the massage, we glue the fingertips to the desired point and perform rotational movements in one direction up to 8-12 times, then in the opposite direction up to 8-12 times, concentrating all our attention under the fingers, concentrating on internal sensations.. Dose - until pleasant pain .

  1. Nose massage - rub the nose area with the outer side of your thumbs until a feeling of warmth appears. After this, make 18 massage movements with your index fingers along the nose on both sides.
  2. Ear massage - use two fingers to massage the ears up and down 18 times. Then cover your ears with your palms, and place your fingers on the back of your head, bringing the tips together, and lightly tap the back of your head with your index fingers up to 3 times.
  3. Take 8-10 inhalations and exhalations through the right and left nostrils, in turn, closing the resting one with your index finger. A small inhalation should be directed towards the diaphragm, as if feeling the bottom of the exhalation. When filling the lower lobes of the lungs with air, the shoulders should remain motionless, and the abdominal muscles should be involved in the breathing process.
  4. Mouth open, inhale and exhale through your nose 8-10 times. The recommendations are the same.
  5. As you inhale, resist the air with your nose, pressing your fingers on the wings of your nose 8-10 times.
  6. Massage the point on the forehead between the eyebrows (“third eye”).
  7. Massage a point (steam room) along the edges of the wings of the nose.
  8. The mouth is open, raise the tongue to the hard palate, breathe through the nose.
  9. Close the left half of your nose, run in place, breathe through the left nostril. Do the same by closing the left nostril. Up to 5 minutes.
  10. Massage the point (unpaired) along the midline of the face on the upper jaw, midway between the base of the nose and the edge of the upper lip. (get the “answer” from the gums – mild pleasant itching and increased salivation)
  11. Massage a point along the midline of the face on the lower jaw between the lower lip and the upper edge of the chin (to the “answer”)
  12. Opening and closing the mouth. When opening your mouth, exhale through your nose, and when closing, inhale. Repeat 8-10 times.
  13. Massage of the point in the temporal fossa (steam room)
  14. We vigorously pronounce “p-b, p-b, p-b” to strengthen the lip muscles.
  15. We vigorously pronounce “t-d, t-d, t-d” to strengthen the muscles of the tongue.
  16. Stick out your tongue and vigorously pronounce “k-g, k-g, k-g” in order to strengthen the pharyngeal cavity.
  17. Massage a point just above the hairline in the hole at the outer edge of the trapezius muscle, where the depression (paired) and central (unpaired) is determined. It is more convenient with your thumbs.
  18. Massage the point between the external auditory canal and the edge of the mandibular joint in front of the tragus of the ear.
  19. Close the left nostril with the ring finger of your right hand, inhale deeply and slowly, in four counts, through the right nostril. Close your right nostril with your thumb and hold your breath for 1-4 seconds. Open your left nostril and exhale air for 4-8 seconds. The longer you exhale, the better. The same on the other side.

Yawn several times.

Benefits for the body

When performing breathing exercises, the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system are activated, the muscles of the body are strengthened, the internal muscles of the respiratory organs are trained, and the condition of the skin improves.

Oxidation of fat deposits

This is a complex biochemical and physiological process in the cells of the body. It occurs with the participation of oxygen, which is an oxidizing agent for various substances.

Breakdown of fat cells

The breakdown of fat cells occurs as the body's need for energy increases.
The process is accompanied by weight loss and an increase in muscle mass. The rate of fat breakdown is affected by the oxygen content in the blood, hormone levels, and temperature.

During physical activity accompanied by special breathing techniques, an accelerated reduction of adipose tissue occurs.

Speeding up the digestion process

With light, shallow breathing, the rate of absorption of nutrients decreases, metabolism slows down by 25-30%.
Special breathing techniques can speed up the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and increase the rate of absorption of nutrients from food.

The beneficial effect of breathing exercises on the digestive system allows you to quickly say goodbye to excess weight.

Removal of harmful substances

Some harmful substances accumulate along with fat deposits. Gymnastics for the respiratory system, which enhances oxidative processes, allows you to release toxic components from cells. They are subsequently eliminated from the body through the excretory system.

Stabilization of the nervous system

Deep breathing helps you concentrate on doing the exercises and distracts you from unpleasant thoughts. During exercise, the level of stress hormone decreases. After the session, the nervous system relaxes and an improvement in well-being is observed.

Fighting overeating

Excess calories enter the body when eating foods containing simple carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, cakes).
Many people “eat” stressful conditions in an attempt to calm down. Breathing exercises help relieve nervous tension, as well as dull the feeling of hunger due to more complete absorption of food.

Prescription of diet therapy for diseases of the lower respiratory tract

Depending on the general condition of the patient, the severity of nutritional status disorders, the stage of the disease (the height of the disease, the recovery period), the presence of concomitant pathology, patients with diseases of the lower respiratory tract and lung tissue are prescribed the main version of the standard diet (STD) and the version of the standard diet with an increased amount of protein ( VBD) is a high-protein diet (see Table 1).

Table 1. Chemical composition and energy value of the diet for patients with diseases of the lower respiratory tract and lung tissue

DietsProteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalorie content, kcal

The main version of the standard diet (OVD)

Indications for use: influenza and other acute respiratory infections of the lower respiratory tract (acute bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis), chronic diseases of the lower respiratory tract (chronic bronchitis, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis), viral pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia, diseases lung, caused by external agents, pleural lesions, unspecified diseases of the lower respiratory tract.

General characteristics: a diet with a physiological content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, enriched with vitamins, minerals, plant fiber (vegetables, fruits). Nitrogenous extractive substances, table salt (4–6 g/day), foods rich in essential oils are limited; hot seasonings, spinach, sorrel, and smoked meats are excluded. Dishes are prepared boiled or steamed, baked. The temperature of hot dishes is no more than 60–65 °C, cold dishes - not lower than 15 °C. Free liquid - 1.5–2 liters. The feeding rhythm is fractional, 4–6 times a day.

Chemical composition: proteins - 85-90 g, including animal fats 40-45 g, total fats - 70-80 g, including vegetable fats 25-30 g, total carbohydrates - 300-330 g (refined carbohydrates excluded from the diet with concomitant diabetes mellitus), dietary fiber - 25 g. The diet is enriched with vitamins C, group B, A, PP, K. Energy value 2170–2400 kcal.

The norms of therapeutic nutrition are applied when following a diet with a physiological amount of protein (a variant of the standard diet) with the inclusion of specialized food products, mixtures of dry protein composites in a volume of 27 g of the mixture daily (for example, when using SBCS "Diso®" "Nutrinor" the patient receives 10.8 g protein that is complete in amino acid composition and is easily digestible) as part of a therapeutic diet.

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A variant of a standard diet with an increased amount of protein is a high-protein diet (HPD)

Indications for use: chronic diseases of the lower respiratory tract, purulent and necrotic conditions of the lower respiratory tract and lung tissue with protein-energy deficiency.

General characteristics: a diet with a high protein content, a physiological amount of fats, complex carbohydrates and a limitation of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, jam, honey, flour products). Sources of lipotropic substances (methionine, vitamins B1, B12, choline, etc., lecithin) are introduced into the diet. The diet is enriched with dietary fiber, ascorbic acid, and calcium. Limit foods rich in cholesterol, sodium chloride (table salt), chemical and mechanical irritants to the stomach and bile ducts.

Dishes are prepared boiled, stewed, baked, pureed or not pureed, steamed. Food temperature - from 15 to 60–65 °C. Free liquid - 1.5–2 liters. The feeding rhythm is fractional, 4–6 times a day.

Chemical composition: proteins - 110–120 g, including animals 45–50 g; general fats - 80–90 g, including vegetable fats 30 g; total carbohydrates - 300-350 g, dietary fiber - 25-30 g. Energy value 2080-2690 kcal.

The norms of therapeutic nutrition are applied when following a diet with an increased amount of protein (a variant of a diet with an increased amount of protein) with the inclusion of specialized food products, mixtures of dry protein composites in a volume of 36 g of the mixture daily (for example, when using SBCS "Diso®" "Nutrinor" the diet is enriched 14 .4 g of high quality complete protein).

Table 2. Protein correction of standard diets (in accordance with the standards of therapeutic nutrition approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2013 No. 395n)

Options for standard dietsNorm SBKS containing 40 g of protein per 100 g of mixtureThe amount of protein based on the content of 40 g of protein in 100 g of SBCS, produced according to GOST R 53861-2010

Dietary medicinal foods

Individualization of standard dietary therapy for patients with diseases of the lower respiratory tract and lung tissue is ensured by the inclusion in one of the standard diet options of dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive products in accordance with medical indications for their use.

Dietary medicinal foods indicated for diseases of the lower respiratory tract and lung tissue:

  • products with modification of the protein component;
  • products with partial replacement of animal protein with vegetable protein;
  • products with modification of the fat component;
  • products with reduced fat content;
  • products containing lipotropic factors;
  • products with modified fatty acid composition;
  • products containing pro- and prebiotics, including probiotic and symbiotic foods;
  • products with modification of the vitamin and mineral component;
  • products enriched with vitamin and mineral complexes.

Enteral nutrition for diseases of the lower respiratory tract

Enteral nutrition mixtures are included in the diet if it is impossible to adequately meet the energy and plastic needs of the body with the help of diet alone.

Enteral nutrition of patients with diseases of the lower respiratory tract and lung tissue is used for the purpose of effective correction of protein-energy deficiency in concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (Crohn's disease, malabsorption syndrome, short bowel syndrome, chronic pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis, etc.), mental disorders (severe depression, anorexia nervosa), disorders of the central nervous system (comas, cerebrovascular strokes or Parkinson's disease, which result in the development of eating disorders), burn disease, acute poisoning, in the pre- and postoperative periods (including complications of the postoperative period - fistulas of the gastrointestinal tract, sepsis, leakage of anastomotic sutures), with injuries, infectious diseases, acute and chronic radiation injuries, radiation and chemotherapy for oncological diseases.

As nutritional support for patients with diseases of the lower respiratory tract and lung tissue, standard mixtures, semi-element mixtures, metabolically targeted mixtures, modules (protein, carbohydrate, fat, dietary fiber) are used.

The choice of food mixtures for adequate nutritional support for patients with diseases of the lower respiratory tract and lung tissue is determined by the data of clinical, instrumental and laboratory examination of patients, the nature and severity of the main and concomitant diseases, the severity of nutritional disorders, and the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract. The dose and method of administration are determined by the doctor depending on the clinical situation.

Biologically active food additives

In complex diet therapy for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is advisable to use dietary supplements as sources of vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, PUFAs of the ω-6 and ω-3 families, L-carnitine, phospholipids, and indoles.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

In accordance with the norms of therapeutic nutrition, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 21, 2013 No. 395n “On approval of norms of therapeutic nutrition,” standard diets include vitamin and mineral complexes (VMC) in an amount of 50–100% of the physiological norm.

Rules for conducting classes

To increase the effectiveness of your classes, you should follow several rules:

  1. Training should be done regularly.
  2. You cannot limit yourself in food; nutrition must be complete and balanced. The basis of the diet should be natural products. You should reduce your consumption of fats and sweets.
  3. Perform exercises on an empty stomach, otherwise digestive problems may occur.
  4. The room must be well ventilated to ensure sufficient oxygen supply to the lungs.


A fairly well-known technique, the developer of which is the American housewife Greer Childers. She created her technique after the birth of three sons. Having recovered greatly, Childers decided to fight the problem of excess weight. After some time without going to the gym and without any diets, she was able to lose weight thoroughly. Such progress did not go unnoticed and bodyflex began to be widely used among both professionals and amateurs.

Bodyflex training includes five main stages:

  1. Exhalation. When starting the exercise, you need to make a smooth, deep exhalation through your mouth, moving your torso forward.
  2. Inhale. Pursing your lips, continue the gymnastics, taking sharp and deep breaths through your nose.
  3. Exhalation. In the same way, exhale sharply through your mouth, creating noisy and wheezing sounds with the air.
  4. Air retention. With the minimum amount of oxygen in the lungs, you need to hold your breath, suck in your stomach and count to eight.
  5. Final exhalation. At the end, exhale calmly, as at the beginning of the exercise.

This technique combines two complementary aspects - breathing exercises and light physical exercise. Combining breathing techniques with special physical exercises allows you to break down fats more effectively.

Sports exercises consist of three groups:

  1. Isometric, which causes tension in any one muscle group.
  2. Isotonic, affecting several groups.
  3. Stretching, increasing muscle elasticity.

Due to oxygen retention and alternate tension of any part of the body, oxygen is concentrated in the problem area, which helps burn fat in this area more productively.

Bodyflex helps to get rid of fat deposits on the abdomen, and also effectively tightens the skin after childbirth.

Below is one of the well-known exercises that allows you to achieve good results:

  • You need to lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body and relax;
  • Having made a diaphragmatic exhalation, you need to raise your legs, and then begin to perform the “scissors” exercise;
  • The stomach should be pulled in, and when holding your breath, do not forget to count to yourself to eight;
  • When finished, you can lower your legs and exhale the remaining air.
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