Secrets of losing weight: Qigong gymnastics for beauty and weight loss

Qigong gymnastics is one of the most ancient oriental practices for normalizing the body’s energy balance. The Chinese believed that it was precisely this imbalance that provoked the vast majority of health problems. Modern nutritionists confirm that often the reasons for gaining excess weight need to be looked for “in the head”; the body simply obeys the commands of the brain. Qigong helps to achieve mental balance, thereby improving overall health and at the same time allowing you to gain a beautiful figure.

Qigong breathing exercises: general description

Eastern spiritual practices, which include the Chinese Qigong system, are aimed at gaining mental balance and achieving harmony with the outside world. Its adherents believe that this is possible thanks to the free circulation of Qi - the vital energy of the Universe - in the body.

In China, the Qigong system has many adherents of all ages; It is believed that regular exercise is the key to longevity and maintaining sanity.

The source of this energy is every person. Only if it is present in sufficient “volume” and there is no imbalance, will he be physically and mentally healthy. Therefore, those who practice the exercise disappear from illnesses and even excess weight, because fat is “clumps” of negative energy. The latter largely determined the interest in the Qigong system on the part of many women who want to lose weight.

The movement of Qi energy is a rather difficult process to understand; in the Qigong system it is considered the driving force of the Universe, and its source is all living things

Nervous overload, stress, chronic fatigue provoke constant tension in the body, it is rebuilt, starting to accumulate fat, thus trying to protect itself from negative external influences. Qigong ensures the proper functioning of all systems, including the endocrine and digestive systems, and this eliminates the risk of gaining extra pounds. Gymnastics helps reduce appetite, and accordingly, the problem of overeating disappears.

Qigong is a combination of breathing and physical exercises. Achieving the desired effect is possible only with an integrated approach to training. Physical exercises are quite simple, almost everyone can do them. It is required to hold the body in a certain position, tense and relax muscles, and stretch.

The technique does not promise quick results, but the result will be very lasting. In the process of practicing Qigong, it is the excess weight that is lost. You won't be able to achieve painful thinness. The first results are noticeable after about 40–50 days of training, then weight loss is 3–15 kg per month. A set of exercises should be performed at least 2-3 times a week, ideally every day.

The only drawback of the technique is that it requires seriousness, deep concentration on the process and one’s own feelings, and a responsible attitude towards the exercises. You cannot start training, then quit gymnastics and start it again. It is very important to realize the need to practice Qigong constantly. Not everyone can master the exercises from the descriptions, so it is best to find an experienced mentor, which is often also problematic.

Video: what is Qigong

Chinese weight loss methods: why are they effective?

It becomes obvious and extremely clear that the companions of excess weight and an unattractive figure are constant nerves and emotional tension, frequent stress, feelings of anxiety and depression, growing fears, etc.

Not a single diet in the world will help overcome these moral barriers and negative states, and at the same time, for an overweight person, the need, first of all, is expressed precisely in the desire to find moral relief.

But what to do in this case? How can you not only eliminate excess weight forever, but also get rid of the source of your fears, complexes and dissatisfaction, which are deep in our subconscious? How to find spiritual harmony, balance and improve your life? How can you change your subjective perception of the world around you and yourself in order to lose the desire to seek solace and moral release in food?

Qigong is a special exercise technique. It is foolish to believe that this Eastern practice is just passive gymnastic exercises or a breathing technique. It's not like that at all.

Qigong is the practice of effective weight loss; a diet or gym will never help you achieve the final result that it gives. Exercises allow you to break down and eliminate all points of stagnation of negative energy in the human body, literally renew it, and breathe new life into it.

Qigong will improve your thinking process, and at the same time make you gain wisdom and insight, learning to perceive the world around you and react to its phenomena in the right way. Stress is just a misinterpreted mental reaction to external factors. By activating the weight loss points in Chinese medicine, you can learn to do without the need to seek any harmful consolation to relieve feelings of mental stress.

In addition, regular exercise will eliminate the constant feeling of irritability, lack of vitality or motivation. Qigong for weight loss, reviews of which are often very inspiring for novice practitioners, will have a beneficial effect on all areas of your life. After all, you remember that everything in our body is closely intertwined, and the harmonious circulation of Qi energy leads not only to getting rid of annoying pounds, but also to a general improvement in the quality of life.

“Qigong helped me lose almost twenty kilograms that I gained after my second birth. For some reason, my weight at that time stubbornly remained the same, although I adhered to a strict diet and performed a whole range of exercises. I couldn’t lose weight, and it drove me into a state of deep despondency. In addition, I was very tired, taking care of the children and the house, and often felt mentally depressed and broken. I urgently lacked some vitality and motivation.

After my first qigong classes, I began to feel some kind of moral relief; I even began to breathe easier. Unpleasant thoughts and sensations in my head began to disappear, the weight of the arrow began to creep down. Although I lost excess weight a long time ago, I still continue to practice qigong, mostly for good health and a sense of vigor.”

Lack of vital energy is another culprit in gaining excess weight. We all know that the easiest way to get energy is to eat high-calorie foods. But our body does not always require exactly the type of energy that comes from food. We misinterpret the signals of our brain, feeling lethargic, weak and apathetic, we strive to compensate for this lack of strength with the help of food, but for some reason we stubbornly do not feel more energetic. But the weight begins to increase.

This often happens in cases where a person is not in close relationship with his own body, does not know how to correctly interpret its signals, and cannot read its hints. The body does not have enough living energy to lead a full life, literally - there is a lack of Qi influx. In fact, a person may simply feel a constant brutal hunger and a desire to fill his stomach beyond measure, but even after the heartiest meal he is not left with a feeling of some kind of incompleteness, dissatisfaction, irritation or annoyance.

Chinese medicine helps you lose weight effectively precisely because it knows exactly the differences and sees the line between physical hunger and an acute lack of another type of energy that cannot be obtained from food.

We constantly lack vigor, a positive emotional shake-up and a sense of readiness, which forces our body to look for the simplest ways to solve it, activating attacks of hunger. But a simple solution is not always the right solution. If your severe hunger is simply due to a deficiency in the flow of living energy Qi, then after the first qigong class you will feel a note of relief, a certain feeling of emotional release, “spiritual satiety”.

How exercise helps you lose weight

Chinese sages rightly believed that the root of all health problems should be found in the head. Indeed, a person experiencing constant stress, negative feelings about his own appearance, and emotionally depressed begins to look for an “outlet.” One of the easiest options is delicious food. Such “self-consolation” quickly becomes a bad habit, which is extremely difficult to get rid of. Diets and physical activity help you lose the pounds you have gained, but have no effect on the root cause of the problem, so they come back again as soon as you stop exercising.

This is where Qigong gymnastics can help, helping to improve the functioning of the brain, and then all body systems. Newfound harmony and emotional balance are the best remedy for attacks of “nervous” gluttony and the need to “eat” stress or fear.

Exercising helps you get rid of extra pounds, but not the cause of their appearance.

Its complex action is expressed as follows:

  • gaining a feeling of cheerfulness, lightness, a surge of strength, an optimistic attitude towards life, psychological balance, increasing stress resistance;
  • strengthening the abdominal muscles through breathing techniques (excess weight begins to disappear from the abdomen, sides, waist);
  • general muscle relaxation (improves well-being, neutralizes congestion);
  • normalization of lymph flow, which removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • oxygen saturation of the blood, it clears the mind, it is also necessary for burning fat cells and is a powerful antioxidant;
  • activation of metabolism, better supply of tissues and organs with nutrients;
  • a decrease in the feeling of hunger, a gradual consumption of fat reserves accumulated by the body, and a permanent stop to the process of gaining extra pounds.

Video: Qigong exercises that help normalize digestion and lose weight

Available contraindications

It is rarely forbidden to practice Qigong for health reasons, but there are still contraindications:

  • any disease (especially chronic in the acute stage), even just a high temperature;
  • very severe fatigue due to physical or mental stress, complete loss of strength (you simply won’t be able to concentrate);
  • severe mental disorders;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, blood diseases, neuroinfections;
  • chronic diseases of the spine;

    Although seemingly easy, exercises using the Qigong method put a serious load on the spine

  • recent traumatic brain injury or surgery (before the end of the rehabilitation period);
  • a course of treatment using potent medications.

For pregnant women and people with vision problems, Qigong gymnastics is indicated only after consultation with the attending physician and under the guidance of an experienced master.

Video: to whom all types of breathing exercises are contraindicated

General rules and recommendations

Following these recommendations is a necessary condition for achieving the desired effect:

  • You need to exercise 2-3 hours before a meal or when approximately the same amount of time has passed after it. Neither a full stomach nor an acute feeling of hunger is acceptable.
  • During the lesson you should neither overheat nor overcool. Therefore, before it, for example, soft drinks, ice cream, cold showers, and visiting the sauna are excluded.

    Visiting a sauna or any other “warming up” of the body is allowed no earlier than 4–5 hours before performing a set of exercises or the same period of time after

  • The most favorable periods are immediately after waking up or just before going to bed. It is believed that at this time the Qi energy circulates most freely.
  • Emotional stability and peace of mind are very important. Eliminate everything that prevents you from concentrating and distracts you - TV, loud music, strangers in the room, try to calm down and relax.
  • Exercise only in a well-ventilated area, if possible - outside (if the weather is suitable - not too hot and not too cold), in a large open space (parks, squares).
  • Put on light, non-restrictive clothing made of cotton or other natural fabrics, and take off your shoes. Exercise barefoot or wear breathable socks. If you are sweating, change clothes to avoid hypothermia.
  • Perform all movements slowly, measuredly, smoothly. Any sharpness and abruptness are excluded.
  • Give up cigarettes, minimize alcohol consumption, and give preference to healthy foods.

    Qigong considers vegetarianism to be the ideal nutritional system, but many, for one reason or another, are incapable of this

Lana Anatol's technique

Lana Anatol is one of the active popularizers of the Qigong technique, who created her own complex, the main goal of which is weight loss. The exercises she offers are more “soft”, the emphasis is on stimulating three “foci” in the body. They are located in the navel, solar plexus and in the center of the chest. The author’s exercises aim to “fill” them with energy, ridding the body of its deficiency.

Based on classical Qigong gymnastics, Lana Anatol created a version of it, aimed specifically at losing weight

A kind of “warm-up” is deep breathing (at least 3-5 minutes). You need to concentrate on the process, as if going into meditation, without reacting to external stimuli. Then press your palms to your stomach in the intestinal area, continuing to breathe in the same rhythm and pace (1.5–2 minutes).

Next, change the rhythm by making sharp, short inhalations and exhalations. Try to fill your stomach with air as much as possible and push it out. After 30 seconds, begin to massage your stomach in a clockwise direction with slow circular movements. After making 80–100 movements, again switch to slow deep breathing.

Video: lesson using Lana Anatol’s method

Japanese method with a towel roll - rules and principles of action

EffectRoller location
To improve breast shape, lose weight in the sternum areaPlace the roller directly under this area, but on the back side
To achieve tight waist, relieve discomfort and stretch musclesPlace a bolster under your thighs
To restore posture, treat osteochondrosis and restore blood circulationPlace a bolster under your lower back

Before you start lying on a towel, you should study the basic rules and recommendations for achieving effective results from gymnastics. The rules include:

  • Hard surface – for clear fixation of the spine.
  • Compliance with the exercise time - exceeding it can cause harm to health.
  • Breathing should be slow and even.
  • Training time - gymnastics is carried out 2 hours before or after meals.
  • Schedule – exercises should be carried out at the same time every day.
  • The dimensions of the roller are diameter 7-15 cm, length at least 40 cm. It should correspond to the width of the back or be 2-3 cm larger.

To perform the exercises correctly, you must follow the recommendations. They are as follows:

  • After completing the gymnastics, you should not make sudden movements - you need to smoothly roll to the side and lie down for a couple of minutes.
  • At the beginning of classes, you will have to overcome the pain from the load on incorrectly positioned bones.
  • If after 5-6 workouts the discomfort does not go away, you should stop doing gymnastics for a while.
  • It is necessary to study according to the method only with a positive attitude.

Japanese gymnastics for weight loss with a roller requires compliance with the measure. During the first days of training, lying down should not exceed 1-2 minutes so that the load is gradual. In this case, it is better to use the diameter of the roller no more than 7 cm. You can increase it by 2-3 weeks of exercise

It is important to listen to your feelings. If everything is done correctly, then the person feels how the bones take their natural position, and the stomach and sides are drawn into the abdominal cavity

The use of Dr. Fukutsuji’s technique in combination with regular exercise and proper nutrition allows you to achieve excellent results. These include:

  • reduction in waist size by 5-7 cm in 3 months;
  • strengthening the spine, correcting posture;
  • increase in height by 2-3 cm;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • improved blood circulation, which normalizes blood pressure;
  • reduction of pain in joints, neck, lower back;
  • breast shape correction;
  • normalization of sleep.

To confirm the effectiveness of Japanese gymnastics for weight loss with a roller, it is recommended to monitor the changes occurring in the body. To do this, you can use photographs before and after several classes, keep an observation diary with volume measurements, and a description of the current state. This way you can visually assess how much your stomach has retracted, your chest has risen, and your posture has straightened. These methods will be an excellent motivation to continue gymnastics.

Fifteen-minute Qigong complex for weight loss

The complex is quite simple, so it is suitable for beginners:

  1. Pressing your palms to the navel area, breathe deeply, inflating and retracting your stomach as much as possible.
  2. Hug yourself by the shoulders. Inhaling deeply, throw your head back and spread your arms, squeezing your shoulder blades together. As you exhale, round your shoulders and back, lowering your chin as close to your chest as possible.
  3. Using the edge of your palm, lightly tap your hands one at a time, moving as you inhale from the wrist to the shoulder, and as you exhale, in the opposite direction.
  4. Stretch your arms, lower your shoulders. Keep your hands facing downwards with your fingers spread out. As you exhale, slowly tilt your head to the side, and while inhaling, “roll” it from back to front.
  5. Stretch your arms forward, turn your hands with your palms up. While breathing steadily, lightly tap your wrists together.
  6. As you inhale, smoothly spread your arms outstretched in front of you to the sides, opening your chest to the maximum, and exhaling, bring them back to the starting position.
  7. As you inhale, raise your arms outstretched to the sides, and as you exhale, bring them together in front of your face.
  8. Imagine that you are holding a clot of energy with a diameter of 10–12 cm in your outstretched hands. Try to visualize it, close your eyes, and feel this energy. Slowly bring your palms together and spread them in time with your breathing, imitating the pulsation of the ball.
  9. Repeat the first exercise.

Video: a set of Qigong exercises for beginners

Qigong exercises to normalize weight - video

To normalize weight, it is recommended to regularly perform 3 exercises:

Exercise "Frog"

Reduces hunger. You need to sit on a chair. The legs should be shoulder-width apart at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the body. Women need to make a fist with their left hand and squeeze it with their right. For men it’s the opposite.

Then you should bend over so that your elbows rest on your knees. Place your head on your clenched hands and try to relax the abdominal muscles as much as possible. Breathe deeply and slowly, while your stomach should inflate, round, like a balloon, filling with air.

Exercise "Wave"

Helps fight increased appetite. You need to lie on your back, bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees, while placing your feet firmly on the floor. One hand should be placed on the chest, the other on the stomach. While inhaling, you should inflate your chest and draw in your stomach. This is quite difficult at first and takes practice. The exercise must be repeated at least 20 times.

Exercise "Lotus"

Accelerates metabolism in the body. You need to sit in the lotus position, close your eyes, concentrate on your breathing, and immerse yourself in it. You should inhale and exhale deeply for at least 5 minutes until you feel drowsy and falling asleep. Gradually the duration of the exercise is increased to 15 minutes.

According to Chinese doctors, qigong breathing exercises for weight loss allow you to control weight without experiencing a constant feeling of hunger and fatigue from heavy exercise.

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