Orange diet for weight loss: 10 kg per week at home and is it possible to eat chicken breast

The orange diet for weight loss is one of the next methods to lose extra pounds in a short time. You will learn about the benefits of the product, about the basic rules of the regime, dietary menu options for the orange diet and whether you can drink orange juice on a diet...

"We shared an orange,

There are many of us, but he is alone.

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I ate and you ate,

But no one lost weight.”

Hello friends! There are very few people in the world who absolutely dislike citrus fruits. In addition to their pleasant taste, they have a lot of beneficial properties and microelements. First things first...

Nutrition principle

So, from now on, your diet should change dramatically. The main rule of the diet is to eat an orange three times a day. The number of foods allowed may vary depending on the diet. If you choose a three-day regimen, then be prepared to completely give up other foods. For liquids, you can drink orange juice, green tea, still water or coffee. Forget about the existence of sugar and salt. If the diet involves meat, then it needs to be boiled or steamed.

Don't bother yourself with physical activity. It is not included in the diet regimen, and you will not have as much strength. As a result, you can lose 10 kg in a week at home or 5 kg in three days if you endure all the difficulties and hardships.

Orange diet for weight loss: the orange path to perfection

Orange diet for weight loss
The male half of the population also has a storage area for fat, usually in the stomach. Extra pounds are deposited in the abdominal cavity. This is due to the fact that, in this way, it is much more convenient to obtain food, and fat on the legs and buttocks would only hinder this process. Here is the answer to the question why the human body is always ready to rapidly convert calorie deprivation into subcutaneous fat. In addition, the food industry encourages humanity to accumulate as much fat as possible.

The question arises, how to stop the process of gaining and get your body in full order, without using harsh methods of losing weight and at the same time get quick results?

  • The orange diet for weight loss is the orange path to perfection.

This type of nutrition is a simple and proven way to get rid of fat and cellulite, if, of course, you use active physical activity in combination. You don’t have to delve into the intricacies of nutrition and study your body and the foods that you can eat. All you need to do is strictly follow the rules below and look for new clothes that you refused to wear, hiding the flaws in your appearance.

Read an interesting article on our website on the topic: “Why don’t diets work?” . You will learn how to lose weight forever: the most common mistakes, the “plateau” effect.

Main types

One of the simplest regimes is a three-day diet. This method of combating excess weight is based on the American carbohydrate-free system. All you need is an orange and eggs. Your menu for 3 days looks like this:

  • Breakfast. I woke up and ate the main product along with two boiled eggs. If desired, I made myself green tea without sugar.
  • Dinner. If you are very hungry, then take one and a half pieces of fruit and two eggs. For a change, make orange juice.
  • Your dinner will be no different from other meals.

If you are very hungry, you can eat citrus slices little by little. You should definitely drink a lot of water, even when you don’t really want to. Can you drink orange juice while on a diet? You can, as long as it doesn't give you heartburn. The whole fruit will be healthier for you.

Diet food for 7 days looks much simpler due to the “abundance” of other products. Here you can already afford chicken, bread crumbs, fresh vegetables, cottage cheese, fish or beef. What will your daily diet look like for a week:

  • A harsh morning includes one boiled egg, a large orange and a cup of tea.
  • For lunch you can make yourself a cabbage salad, boil a chicken breast or steam fish. Don't forget about the main product.
  • For dinner you can eat vegetable salads, fruits with cottage cheese.

If you are diabetic, have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, allergies, then forget about this method. It can cause great harm to your body.

Diet options

The orange diet is classified as strict, so sticking to it is extremely difficult. People who are losing weight are often forced to give up such a diet for health reasons. If for some reason the standard solution does not suit you, you can diversify the orange menu with other products.


If you give preference to this weight loss program, then, as you might guess, the main products in your diet will be eggs, not fried, but soft-boiled eggs, and citrus fruits. If desired, you can eat grapefruit instead of oranges.

Only unquestioning implementation of recommendations will allow you to achieve results that will definitely cause envy among your friends and colleagues. If you don’t like any product from the proposed menu, you have the right to cross it out, but under no circumstances replace it. Depending on the desired effect, you can stick to the diet for 3 or 5 days, a week, half a month or a month. But keep in mind that if you are allergic to diet foods, as well as for pregnant and lactating women, such nutrition is contraindicated. It should not be practiced in case of chronic diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and excretory system.

Egg-orange diet for 3 days

The shortest, but at the same time the most difficult variation is designed for 3 days.

First menu option


  • 1 boiled chicken egg;
  • orange.


  • 2 soft-boiled eggs;
  • citrus.


  • 200 ml low-fat kefir or yogurt;
  • a couple of oranges.

The second version of the three-day diet

For the day you need to soft-boil 6 chicken eggs and buy 6 oranges. Consume them throughout the day at intervals of an hour, alternating proteins with fruits - i.e. at 8 o'clock you eat protein, at 9 - citrus, at 10 - protein, etc. Don't forget to drink a lot of green tea, water, herbal decoctions.

For 5 days

Day I

  • 8:00: 2 tablespoons of muesli, 120 ml of black coffee or herbal tea without added sugar, 200 ml of fresh juice, a boiled chicken egg, a slice of Borodino bread.
  • 13:00: vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice, boiled egg, bread, freshly squeezed juice.

II day

  • 8:00: soft-boiled egg, 100 ml unsweetened green tea, crackers, orange.
  • 13:00: 100 grams of lean steamed beef, vegetable salad, a slice of black bread, orange juice.

III day

  • 8:00: unsweetened tea, but not black, hard-boiled egg, slice of bread, freshly squeezed juice.
  • 13:00: 150 grams of baked beef, salad of your favorite vegetables, crackers, citrus.

IV day

  • 8:00: a couple of eggs, tea without sugar, 150 grams of cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat, a slice of Borodino bread, citrus juice.
  • 13:00: 150 grams of boiled chicken, vegetable salad, bread, a couple of oranges.

V day

  • 8:00: black coffee without sugar, 2 eggs, a slice of rye bread, citrus.
  • 13:00: 150 grams of steamed fish, vegetable salad with lemon juice, bread, a glass of juice.

For dinner (plan it no later than seven o'clock) you need to drink 200 ml of low-fat kefir every day. During the day, maintain a drinking regime.

For 7 days

If you need to lose a few kilograms in a week, eggs and citrus fruits will come to the rescue; you need to eat them in equal quantities every day - 6 pieces each. It is allowed to alternate foods or eat at the same time, dividing the prepared provisions into 6 meals, it’s up to you to decide. During attacks of hunger, you can have a snack in the form of several slices of tomato or cucumber. Don't forget to drink green tea, herbal infusions, plain and mineral water, but without gas.

For 2 week

Not everyone can survive for half a month on a limited diet, but losing 5 kilograms is, you see, an excellent motivation.

Breakfast, as often happens during diets, is monotonous - every day for half a month you will have to be content with a couple of boiled eggs, a cup of black coffee without sugar and 3-4 slices of citrus (orange can be replaced with grapefruit).

Day I

  • Lunch: unlimited quantities of green apples, pears or oranges.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef.

II day

  • Lunch: 150 grams of white meat.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, tomato and cucumber salad with carrots and peppers, toast, orange.

III day

  • Lunch: tomato salad, 2 slices of low-fat cheese, bread.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of steamed beef.

IV day

  • Lunch: apples, plums, pears or watermelon until full.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, boiled chicken breast.

V day

  • Lunch: 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of boiled beans, green peas, or steamed carrots or zucchini.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, steamed fish; orange.

VI day

  • Menu for lunch and dinner as on day IV.

VII day

  • Lunch: baked chicken, steamed vegetables, grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: any boiled vegetables that do not contain starch.

VIII and IX days

  • The menu for lunch and dinner is the same as on the second day.

X day

  • Lunch: boiled meat with a minimum percentage of fat, cucumber.
  • Dinner: a couple of eggs, boiled “in a bag”; vegetable salad, orange or fresh juice.

XI day

  • Lunch: steamed vegetables, a couple of eggs, white cheese with a minimum percentage of fat in unlimited quantities.
  • Dinner: 2 chicken eggs.

XII day

  • Lunch: boiled fish.
  • Dinner is the same as yesterday.

XIII day

  • Lunch: steamed beef, tomato, fresh juice.
  • Dinner: any fruit, except bananas, in unlimited quantities.

XIV day

  • Lunch: chicken breast baked in the oven; tomatoes.
  • Dinner: boiled vegetables, orange.

For 4 weeks

A month-long diet is suitable for those who want to lose a couple of tens of kilograms. This nutrition program is considered a continuation of the two-week orange diet.

Menu of the first and second weeks

similar to the one proposed above, breakfasts remain unchanged for 28 days.

In the third week you should eat as follows:

  • Monday: You are allowed to eat any fruit until you are completely full, but grapes, mangoes, bananas and figs should be excluded from the diet.
  • Tuesday: vegetables with minimal starch content, steamed or boiled, salad.
  • Wednesday: fruit and vegetable day, eat everything that was not prohibited yesterday.
  • Thursday: grilled or steamed fish, coleslaw.
  • Friday: boiled vegetables and lean meat.
  • Saturday and Sunday: Spend the weekend on fruit - eat one type of fruit throughout the day, for example, green apples or pears.

Fourth week

We remind you that breakfasts remain the same to which you have gotten used to in 3 weeks. There will be no strict menu for lunch and dinner; we will only indicate the number of products that are allowed to be consumed during the day. You decide what lunch and dinner will be like and what time they will take place.


  • 300 grams of lean beef steak;
  • a jar of tuna canned in its own juice;
  • 4 cucumbers;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • toast;
  • orange.


  • 200 grams of boiled chicken breast;
  • 4 cucumbers;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • toast;
  • citrus;
  • apple or pear.


  • 300 grams of boiled vegetables;
  • 30 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • a couple of cucumbers;
  • a couple of tomatoes;
  • toast;
  • citrus.


  • 1/2 boiled chicken (white meat only);
  • cucumber;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • toast;
  • orange.


  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 10 lettuce leaves;
  • citrus.


  • 2 boiled chicken breasts;
  • a couple of cucumbers;
  • a couple of tomatoes;
  • toast;
  • 120 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 250 ml kefir;
  • orange.


  • a can of tuna canned in its own juice;
  • 300 grams of boiled vegetables;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • toast;
  • citrus.


You can read about the diet here.


A diet based on apples and citrus fruits is famous for its great effectiveness. If you believe the reviews of those who have lost weight, in a week (which is what the program is designed for) you lose up to 9 kg.

For 7 days you will have to eat according to the following scheme:


  • 2 green apples;
  • a slice of hard cheese;
  • toast.


  • apple;
  • 150 ml fresh juice.


  • fruit salad with low-fat yogurt.


  • a pair of green apples;
  • 40 grams of hard cheese;
  • bread

Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids.

On orange juice

You can also lose weight with fresh juice, but not longer than 3 days.

There are several options for such a program:

  1. A liter of fresh juice and as much mineral water as you want.
  2. A liter of freshly squeezed citrus juice, 1/2 liter of tomato juice and mineral water in as much as your heart desires.
  3. A liter of fresh juice and 1/2 liter of kefir.
  4. 1/2 liter of fresh juice and kefir, to which you need to add a chopped bunch of parsley.

Read more: Juice diet

Long-term diet

There is another European way for you to “beat” those extra pounds by eating oranges. Unlike the three-day regime, you will have to eat the fruit for almost one month. The 4-week method has the great advantage of low cost. You won't need to buy other products except the main fruit, water and eggs.

In the first week, you should eat about 5 oranges every two hours throughout the day. You wash it all down with two liters of still water. You make up for protein deficiency with two testicles. If you survive to the second week, then supplement your diet with various cereals without salt and oil. At the third stage, you again remove the cereals and replace them with fruits and vegetables, and reduce your water consumption to 1 liter. You can also add celery to your diet if desired.

Orange diet: rules and recommendations

The orange express diet involves eating large amounts of citrus fruits, but you need to eat them correctly. Excess citrus fruits can harm the body. There are different types of dietary foods. Not all of them involve eating only oranges. The diet should be thoughtful and balanced.

When losing weight on oranges, you need to remember the following rules:

  1. You can include low-calorie fruits and vegetables, dairy products, dietary meat, fish, nuts, and dried fruits in your diet. But before every meal or instead of any snack, you should eat an orange.
  2. Be sure to exclude fatty meats, fried foods (especially deep-fried), sweets, strong coffee, fast food, smoked meats, sausages, and fresh baked goods from the diet. Spicy seasonings and salt should also be reduced to a minimum. Salt provokes swelling, which negatively affects the figure.
  3. During any weight loss method, you need to drink enough water. You need to drink 1.5–2 liters of pure water without gas per day. You should drink it in the morning before breakfast and an hour after eating. You should not drink food with food, as water dilutes the gastric juice. It is not recommended to drink at night; replace clean water with tea, juice and other liquids.
  4. You should not drink alcohol while losing weight. It disrupts the digestive system and leads to dehydration. Also, many alcoholic drinks are very high in calories. Nutritionists say that you can only occasionally allow yourself a glass of dry red wine.
  5. It is useful to engage in physical activity, but it is advisable to reduce physical activity during the diet, since consuming low-calorie foods along with heavy exercise can lead to exhaustion of the body.
  6. Stress must be avoided. Emotional stress weakens the body, causes a slowdown in metabolism, a desire to “eat up” one’s problems, and distract oneself with food. Therefore, it is recommended to lose weight during the holidays, when stress levels decrease. If you experience a psychological dependence on food, you should consult a psychotherapist.

You can consume up to 1200 calories per day. You shouldn’t limit yourself to only citrus fruits; your diet should be varied. Portions should not exceed the size of a person's palm. Only in this case can you count on quick and noticeable results.

Make yourself a cocktail

To diversify your regimen, you can make yourself some fresh orange juice drinks. They contain a large number of useful microelements, almost the entire spectrum of vitamins. So grab your blender, let's make a smoothie. For cooking, you can use all the vegetables and fruits that you find at home. Apple-orange juice can be diluted with banana slices. Lemon juice is also suitable for the drink. The recipe is simple: throw all the ingredients into a blender and grind until smooth. A little ice will make smoothies taste better.

I, Andrey Eroshkin, will conduct mega interesting webinars for you, sign up and watch! Topics of upcoming webinars:

  • An effective method for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system at home
  • How to lose weight without willpower and prevent the weight from coming back?
  • How to become healthy again without pills, the natural way?


With kefir

In 5 days you can achieve great results if you follow all the conditions. Your meals should be divided into 5 meals throughout the day. You wash down one orange with a glass of kefir. Before lunch or dinner, you can pour yourself a little “white” to quench your appetite. Your last meal should occur two hours before bedtime. The kefir-orange diet is considered an English method of combating excess weight. You'll definitely lose a couple of kilos. How long?

About dietary restrictions

Diet is translated from Greek as “way of life.” Diet is not only a ban on certain types of foods. This is a set of rules for eating certain foods.

Diet can affect the caloric content of food, increase or decrease the intake of a particular food, and also affect the chemical composition of your food. The diets of different cultures have different focuses.

When choosing a particular nutrition program, you should consider your health status, allergic reactions, and, if possible, consult with a nutritionist.

Imaginary utility

Indeed, orange is one of the low-calorie foods (only 43 per 100 g). The content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the fruit is negligible. Citrus contains a huge amount of vitamin C. The rest of the microelements are in the air. It turns out that during a diet you are completely deprived of animal fats, proteins, proteins, amino acids, which are so necessary for normal performance. Even an egg yolk contains more nutrients than an orange.

What does this affect? Your body stops receiving more than half of the calories it needs. Three oranges (about 222 kcal) + two hard-boiled eggs (100 kcal) = 322! This is less than the established medical daily intake for basal metabolism. A hunger strike slows down the metabolic process; under the influence of such stress, the body begins to accumulate reserves of nutrients. As a result, in a couple of days you will completely compensate for the lost weight.

Advantages and disadvantages of weight loss methods

The advantages of the orange diet are:

  • high taste qualities of the main dietary product;
  • its excellent vitamin and mineral composition;
  • low calorie oranges;
  • availability of all ingredients necessary for preparing dietary dishes;
  • absence of depression during the period of practicing weight loss techniques;
  • beneficial effects on the immune system, the condition of the skin and hair, as well as vascular health and blood pressure levels with a tendency to increase;
  • powerful detoxifying and decongestant effect;
  • manifestation of antioxidant and rejuvenating properties;
  • increasing overall vitality;
  • no need to take a vitamin-mineral complex during the diet;
  • the method is highly popular among those with a sweet tooth;
  • minimal risk of diet failure;
  • variability in the method of losing weight;
  • high efficiency;
  • obtaining a guaranteed and fairly quick result.

The disadvantages of the power system include:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • low content of basic organic substances - proteins, fats and carbohydrates (with a mono-diet);
  • the likelihood of an allergic reaction;
  • risk of feeling unwell, dizziness, general weakness, nausea, heartburn;
  • orange citrus fruits are not particularly budget-friendly;
  • frequent attacks of hunger;
  • the presence of contraindications (breastfeeding and pregnancy, chronic and acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, liver pathologies, diabetes mellitus, elderly and children/adolescence, individual intolerance to oranges, allergy to orange citruses);
  • a small number of meals in some versions of the weight loss technique.

A couple of examples

How did it happen that a week-long diet did not produce any results? You should stop believing the positive reviews and results of famous people. A striking example of ineffective, but high-quality advertising is the Montignac system. The French nutritionist proposed a regime that was quite popular at that time, which is now assessed as “poor nutrition.” The method achieved popularity due to successful marketing advertising, although it only brought harm to people.

The Atkins no-carb regime is also a good example for you of how not to torture yourself. The main principle is the total removal of any carbohydrates from the diet. All other products can be consumed in any quantity. As a result, all the salt is removed and uric acid is formed. You only get a temporary effect, disappointment and the same weight.

In what other diets is orange actively used?

  • Roller coaster. By rollercoaster we mean calorie surges. Here the basis is a cycle of 9 days. For the first 3 days, caloric intake is limited to 1200 kcal, then 3 days - 1400 kcal, and the next 3 days - 1600 kcal. And this cycle repeats for 3 weeks. Oranges are actively used in the last 3 days of the cycle; they are eaten for snacks, juices and salads are made from them.
  • Celery. The point is to eat celery soup every day throughout the diet. In fact, this is an ordinary cabbage soup: cabbage, onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, only celery is added. Every day, in addition to soup, you can eat a certain type of food, and in strict sequence. Oranges are fine on the first day, when any fruit is allowed.
  • Montignac method. Michel Montignac is a French nutritionist. And his method is closer to proper nutrition than to a diet. One of the main conditions is not to eat “harmful” foods and eat fruit, preferably oranges, half an hour before meals.

But in the Atkins diet, oranges, on the contrary, are prohibited. Atkins created a nutrition system for 4 weeks. In the first week, carbohydrates are limited to 20 g per day. Almost zero-carb diet, so no fruit. Each subsequent week is an increase in carbohydrates by 5 g daily.

It happens that people wonder whether it is possible to drink orange juice on such a diet. No, you can’t even drink juice, everything is strict.

It is assumed that such nutrition will help rebuild metabolism. If you are familiar with the basics of metabolism and know that our main source of energy is carbohydrates, I think it will become clear to you how harmful the Atkins diet is.

By the way, about the harm.

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