4-day diet for weight loss: menu for every day, what you can and cannot eat and drink

What is important to know about the 4-day weight loss diet?

Any strict diet is stressful for the body, so do not forget about moderation in following the diet. You should not go on a diet more than 2-3 times a year. Also, do not forget that after finishing the diet, there is a risk of quickly regaining the lost kilograms and even adding more. Therefore, it is better to forget about some junk food and its preparation techniques forever.

As a rule, a four-day diet is kept as a preparatory stage for a longer weight loss program. During these 4 days, the body will literally fall in love with healthy food and will be happy with vegetables, fruits and low-calorie meat. There are many four-day plans - everyone chooses a weight loss menu depending on what long-term program is planned for the future, as well as on your lifestyle. So, we offer you several diet options.

What if you need to lose significant weight in 4 days?

Every self-respecting woman knows how to quickly lose weight in 4 days. This is how girls differ from men; the only argument in favor of a positive outcome is that they need to lose weight quickly and a lot. And they are ready to do anything for this. And here begins a strict diet that no man can endure. But it’s easy for the weaker sex. So, how do we eat in order to remove the hated kilograms in 4 days. With this program you can lose 5 kg in 4 days.

First day. We don't do anything, we just drink water in any quantity. You can drink warm tea with lemon juice. This makes it easier to endure a hunger strike. By the way, this is a good chance to cleanse the body.

Second day. For breakfast we eat two eggs. You can boil them soft-boiled, or you can beat them with 100 ml of milk, a pinch of salt and herbs and make steamed eggs. Let's complement the dish with a slice of grain bread, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese without sugar and a cup of green tea, also without sugar.

For lunch we will eat boiled or baked chicken breast and a salad of fresh leafy vegetables. Let's complement lunch with two pieces of low-fat cheese.

But there is no dinner.

The third day. For breakfast, two boiled eggs and a glass of milk. For lunch we will have boiled or baked sea fish (about 100 g) with a salad of cucumbers, cabbage and herbs. We skip dinner.

Fourth day. A couple of eggs in any variation with a small piece of whole grain bread.

Lunch will consist of a boiled piece of veal about 150 g and a vegetable salad. Grill zucchini, eggplant, broccoli or Brussels sprouts to add variety to your diet.

As a result, you can lose 4 kg.

How to lose 5 kg in 4 days? Add a little exercise in the morning to the diet indicated above. Walk at a brisk pace and do some stretching. This will burn more calories, and your energy expenditure will be higher, burning even more fat.

Diet minus 4 kg in 4 days

This is a very simple but effective diet that will help you lose extra pounds in a short time. However, in any case, we would recommend consulting a doctor. Don't forget that the goal of the diet is not just to lose excess weight, but to introduce the body to a healthy diet and fall in love with it.

On the first day, the body needs to be slightly prepared for the upcoming test. To do this, on the first day you can eat all vegetables, fruits and rice, as well as light meat - chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean fish. Exceptions are potatoes and corn, bananas and grapes,

On the second day, switch to purely raw vegetables. Can be steamed or baked in the oven.

On the third day - eat only fresh and different fruits - fortunately it’s summer.

The menu of the fourth day is a repetition of the first and final day of the diet.

Now about drinking: on diet days (as always) drink a lot of water - 1.5-2 liters. You can also drink kefir and green tea, which help remove toxins from the body. Try to drink water and kefir before meals to reduce your appetite.

Quitting the diet

The diet for 4 days must be completed correctly: after its completion, you must first of all not rush to increase calorie content. On the first day after the diet, in addition to vegetables, you can eat 100 grams of boiled chicken, drink a glass of milk and eat a fruit salad with low-fat dressing, then introduce fish, cereals into the diet (starting with buckwheat and oatmeal), then bread and flour products, but in small quantities quantities. It is better not to add sugar to drinks - at least during the first week. Drinking regime - as during a diet, to remove all unnecessary compounds from the body.

Cleansing diet minus 5 kg

Another quick diet allows you to lose 5 kg. We will not tire of saying that before any diet it is necessary to consult with a doctor, and before this diet - even more so, preferably with a gastroenterologist, or perhaps with a therapist. This diet may backfire even if you have minor health problems. With this diet, tea and coffee are strictly prohibited.

  1. Grind 4 cucumbers, 600 grams of celery, 1 lemon and 500 grams of lettuce, dilute the resulting mixture with water to 2 liters. Drink the resulting drink 1 glass every 2 hours.
  2. Grind 300 grams of spinach, half a kilogram of cranberries, a kilogram of oranges and two pears in a blender. Divide the mixture into four parts and drink at regular intervals throughout the day.
  3. Make a puree from 2 tablespoons of honey, a kilogram of sweet apples, 4 tablespoons of sprouted wheat, divide into six parts and also eat at regular intervals throughout the day.
  4. Use a mixture of a kilogram of fresh vegetables, half a kilogram of fruit and a tablespoon of sprouted wheat, crushed in a blender during the day.

After this diet, it is advisable to eat foods without salt for a week.

Recommended products and dishes of the diet table No. 4

Bread: made from premium wheat flour, dried to breadcrumbs, stale. Soups: low-fat meat soups with the addition of slimy cereal infusions or pureed boiled meat. Meat dishes: boiled or steamed beef, veal, turkey, cutlets, mashed potatoes, meatballs, dumplings, meatballs, soufflé. Fish dishes: boiled low-fat fish in pieces or in the form of cutlets, soufflés, etc. Side dishes: pureed rice, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge in water. Dairy products: fresh unleavened cottage cheese (can be calcined), steamed cottage cheese soufflé. Eggs: soft-boiled or steamed omelet (no more than 2 eggs per day). Snacks: excluded. Sauces: excluded. Sweet dishes: jelly from pears, blueberries, quince, dogwood; grated raw apples; sugar – limited. Drinks: tea and coffee without milk; cocoa on water; decoction of blueberries, quince, bird cherry, rose hips; juices diluted with water. Fats: fresh unsalted butter.

4 day Mexican diet

There are eggs, cheese, milk, complex carbohydrates in the form of vegetables and fruits, and no fat. The menu is quite strict. You cannot swap the diets for breakfast, lunch and dinner and reduce the amount of recommended products. They have already been significantly reduced.

Meals three times a day, no snacks. Drinks include water and green tea. In the first half of the day, you can allow one cup of coffee, naturally, without milk or sugar. Strict adherence to the diet will help achieve the desired result.

  1. Breakfast: two hard-boiled chicken eggs, one orange and a cup of tea, maybe coffee.

Lunch: ten prunes soaked in water.

Dinner: one hard-boiled egg and one orange.

  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese or cheese with zero fat content, a cup of tea or coffee.

Lunch: one hard-boiled egg and one orange.

Dinner: one pear and a glass of low fat milk (1.5% or 0)

  1. Breakfast: only a cup of tea or coffee.

Lunch: salad of one cucumber and tomato, 100 grams of low-fat cheese.

Dinner: a glass of milk.

  1. Breakfast: 3-4 tablespoons of unsweetened muesli or regular oatmeal, poured with low-fat milk.

Lunch: salad of one cucumber and tomato.

Dinner: two oranges.

Orange can be replaced with grapefruit, and kefir with low-fat and unsweetened yogurt.

Low-calorie four-day diet

This is another 4kg in 4 days diet that will help you lose a few kilos. Of course, an express diet should be an express diet. You should not stick to such a diet for a long time, otherwise the body will suffer from a deficiency of nutrients, and you will probably relapse sooner or later and compensate for your fasting with interest. Therefore, take this option for losing weight, but do not resort to it too often. So, the four-day menu will be as follows:

  • Day 1. For breakfast you need to hard boil two eggs. You can also eat an orange and drink a cup of coffee without sugar. For lunch, you need to take eight prunes soaked in warm water. Dinner – orange and boiled egg. Drinking coffee in the evening is not recommended.
  • Day 2. Breakfast – some hard cheese with coffee. For lunch, boil an egg and take an orange. For dinner there will be a fresh pear and a glass of milk.
  • Day 3. Breakfast – one or two glasses of tea. For lunch there will be a piece of hard cheese, fresh cucumber and tomato. For dinner, drink a glass of milk.
  • Day 4. For breakfast, prepare muesli with juice or milk. Lunch – cucumber and tomato. You can eat two oranges for dinner.

The diet is quite strict. To support the body during the period of compliance, you can take a multivitamin complex.

Cons of diets

  • Of course, diets are very strict and difficult to stick to: the range of products is meager, the intervals between meals are long, and the portions are small. The first two days are especially difficult.
  • The biggest disadvantage is the many contraindications. If you have acute and chronic diseases of the internal organs, you should absolutely not go on such diets. Elderly people, teenagers, nursing mothers and pregnant women should not sit on them. Also be careful for allergy sufferers, because the diet contains allergenic foods.

If you have endured such diets, you liked them, and you want to repeat them, then it is advisable to do this only after two weeks.

These diets are not so important and difficult to stick to as it is to get out of them wisely. After all, you also need to maintain the result for as long as possible. Therefore, you need to continue to eat the same portions, of course, with more calories. You need to return to prohibited foods gradually and carefully.

Diets are difficult, so you don’t have to resort to them at all if you plan your diet wisely, eat little fatty, fried, and sweet foods, eat more healthy foods, and also exercise regularly.

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Actor's diet or how to tighten your figure in 4 days: weight loss technique

The main advantage of this diet is the quick disposal of unnecessary pounds. The whole point of this diet is to reduce the amount of fluid in the body. That is, water consumption is reduced to a minimum, and, due to this, your body can lose about 4-5 kg ​​of weight.

As the French proverb says, “beauty requires sacrifice.” Most likely, this statement is what guides those who practice such dietary restrictions.

Probably every self-respecting artist has tried to go on a diet at least once in his entire career. As we know, people who make money by performing on stage always have a busy schedule, and that’s why the so-called 4-day acting diet was invented.

There are other options (5 and 12 days), but in this article we will look at this one.

Beauty requires sacrifice


The success of losing weight depends on how many calories you can burn relative to the amount you eat. The more calories you burn, the faster you will lose weight. One kilogram of subcutaneous fat contains about 7,000 calories. This means that if you, for example, want to lose 0.5 kg, then you need to burn or undereat 3500 calories. Therefore, if you want to lose it in a gentle way in four days, then you need to create a deficit of 875 calories every day, that is, simply eat 875 fewer calories every day.

An average woman consumes 2000-2200 kcal daily. Remove sugar, baked goods and everything you like from your diet. Yes, it's tasteless and sad. But beauty requires sacrifice.

Actor's diet for 4 days

On the first day you need to eat only rice. It is desirable that it be brown (unpolished) grain, as it contains the maximum amount of nutrients and fiber.

This dish can only be washed down with tomato juice, preferably home-made.

On the second day, your menu should include low-fat cottage cheese products and kefir. The number of servings is unlimited.

Day three allows you to include “light” meat in your diet (chicken, turkey without skin). For the third day, you should have green tea on the table, of course, without sugar.

The final, fourth day, is the most interesting for most people. It is necessary to drink up to 700 ml of red wine (also homemade if possible), accompanied by hard cheese (up to 200 grams), with a low fat content. If desired, orange juice can be used instead of wine.

It is also strongly recommended to avoid salting food on all these days. Everyone knows about the properties of salt to retain liquids. And given the alcoholic component of the menu, it is recommended to start in the middle of the week in order to completely relax on the weekend.


It cannot be said with certainty that diet is the main component of the entire scheme. But one cannot argue with the fact that it is she who bears the entire burden of responsibility.

There are many diets that can help you lose weight in no time. The most popular ones will be listed below.

Fasting on food

The essence of this type of weight loss is that for 3-4 days you do not eat anything and, if possible, do not drink anything. To be precise, you drink only when you feel real thirst.

The fact is that when we refuse food, our body breaks down the fats accumulated there. Be careful, the first time you try fasting, you may feel unwell and dizzy. Encourage yourself that your body is thus cleansing itself of waste and toxins.

Diet of models

Another answer to the question of how to lose 5 kg in 4 days is the model diet. During all days you eat monotonously and exclusively eggs (quail and chicken), cottage cheese and green tea. The latter products can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Eat everything else as little as possible. If you feel that you are able to continue your weight loss journey, do so.

Space diet

The space diet (sometimes called the chicken diet) is based on the consumption of chicken meat.

In the morning, have a snack of one or two hard-boiled eggs. In the afternoon, have a no-frills, not too fatty chicken broth with vegetables. For the evening you can cook yourself chicken fillet. It is advisable to cook it in a slow cooker, it retains the maximum amount of nutrients.

Citrus diet

As the name itself suggests, the main product consumed is citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, grapefruits). Eat any of the following citrus fruits every hour throughout the day. If you have a contraindication to consuming citrus fruits, then avoid this method of losing weight. As for drinks, drink green tea only when you feel thirsty.

To summarize, I would like to note once again that losing 5 kg in 4 days is possible. All in your hands. Prepare yourself mentally and psychologically, prepare a training plan and choose a diet. Stick to your intentions and in less than a week, you will become slimmer and more confident.

Actor's diet menu options

In addition to the products listed, you can use some others.

So, instead of poultry, lean fish, shrimp, beef or rabbit are quite suitable. Naturally, all this is served boiled.

Wine or juice can and should even be replaced with juicy fruits in season: apples, watermelons, grapes, pears, but it is better to abstain from bananas and melons. The number of fruits should be within reasonable limits, you still have an upset stomach.

The benefits of this diet

The main advantage of this diet is the quick and effective way of getting rid of unnecessary pounds and losing weight in two days. But along with this, one fat minus appears - due to the rapid loss of excess weight, stretch marks appear on the skin. And if in young representatives of the fair sex this defect is hardly noticeable, then in older people such a problem is possible.

Also read

How much should you eat to lose weight


Easily return to your favorite foods

It is impossible not to mention those for whom the 4-day acting diet is not recommended:

  • persons with diseases of internal organs;
  • with abnormalities in the functioning of the immune system;
  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • those who have recently undergone surgery.

With any dietary restriction, you must remember that the lost few kilograms can come back if, after finishing, you pounce on your favorite buns. So control yourself and smoothly return to your favorite dishes.

And, best of all, change your diet to a healthier one (read the basic principles of proper nutrition here), and then you will not need to stress your body.

Contraindications and recommendations

The okroshka diet is effective and safe, because... During the period of weight loss, the body receives everything it needs - proteins, carbohydrates, vegetables, fiber. Liquid food satiates quickly and for a long time. You can prepare okroshka several days in advance, which saves time. This dish is very simple, tasty and inexpensive. Also, dietary okroshka helps to normalize the functioning of the kidneys and intestines - you can forget about laxatives and diuretics. In addition, in this case you can do without counting calories, which is very much appreciated by beginners.

However, there are contraindications. The okroshka diet is not recommended for teenagers, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, or those with heart and vascular diseases, diabetes, pathologies of the liver, kidneys, or gastrointestinal tract.

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