Curd diet for weight loss: 10 kg per week, menu for every day

The cottage cheese diet will help you strengthen your nails, make your hair beautiful and lose 3 extra pounds in 3 days! Find out more about its advantages, get 21 diet options and recipes for curd cheese, dessert, and casserole!

  • Reviews from those who have lost weight

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/10/2020

Cottage cheese is a source of calcium, proteins and substances that can break down fat. That is why this product is often included in the menu for those who want to lose weight. Nutritionists have also compiled several effective weight loss methods based on it; the varieties, features and effectiveness of some of them will be discussed in this article.

The essence of the cottage cheese diet

Every day, during the diet, the diet should contain 500 g of cottage cheese, divided into portions. Which cottage cheese to eat on a diet - low-fat or low-fat - decide for yourself, both options are allowed. Choose what you can eat cottage cheese with from those foods that have a low glycemic index: these can be fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cereals. On some days of the diet, you can replace cottage cheese with kefir with a fat content of 1%. Drink water and unsweetened drinks (tea, herbs, rose hips), two liters a day.

The Dukan diet has similar rules: protein is the base, then vegetables are added. But according to Dukan, you can eat protein foods in unlimited quantities, while cottage cheese strictly regulates portions. It is also short-term (3-7 days) versus several weeks or months for Dukan. We also recommend recipes for Dukan cottage cheese casseroles and diet muffins with cottage cheese.

The cottage cheese diet gives quick results: weight loss is 0.5-1 kg per day. Get out of the diet carefully, and then the excess weight will go away forever.

Recommendations for pregnant women

If you use cottage cheese with a small percentage of fat content, not higher than 5, in your diet, then this product can be considered truly dietary.

In addition, cottage cheese has a number of useful properties:

  • easily digestible, satiation comes quickly;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • when regularly included in the diet, it can speed up metabolism;
  • in some cases, its diuretic property is useful; it is due to the fact that cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium salts;
  • serves to prevent a number of diseases: osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, liver disease;
  • useful for patients with obesity and diabetes.

Cottage cheese diet On a cottage cheese diet, the main product in the diet is, of course, cottage cheese. However, in different variations, vegetables, fruits, cereals, kefir, eggs, and yogurt are added to it. It is allowed to drink unsweetened tea and coffee.

  1. The main product of the diet must be of high quality. Ideally, at home. You can buy village, farm cottage cheese from trusted traders or prepare it yourself.
  2. The fat content of cottage cheese is no more than 5%. If he is fatter, he will hardly be able to lose those extra pounds. But low-fat diet will not bring any benefit, because the body will not receive the necessary fats.
  3. Drinking regime: at least two liters per day of ordinary water - drinking, without gas. This does not include other permitted liquids (tea, coffee, juice). Otherwise, intoxication of the body is possible.
  4. It is better to remove sugar, like salt, from your diet.
  5. Alcohol is prohibited.
  6. Nutrition should be supplemented with vitamins.
  7. Physical activity is necessary, but not too intense. Swimming and yoga are suitable.
  8. A fasting day on cottage cheese every week will help to consolidate the results of the diet in the future.

Despite the full range of beneficial properties of this product, the cottage cheese diet is not suitable for everyone.

  • adolescence;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

If there is any chronic disease, permission to use such a diet can only be given by the attending physician, after weighing the pros and cons.

During pregnancy, a woman inevitably gains extra pounds. This is normal, but too rapid weight gain can lead to swelling, shortness of breath and other unpleasant consequences. If the doctor determines excessive weight gain, the woman can practice various unloadings on cottage cheese, which, of course, must first be discussed with her gynecologist.

The daily norm of fermented milk product in this case is 600-700 grams. You can diversify your diet with apples, vegetables, and dried fruits. The main rule is not to fast too often and monitor your well-being, then both the baby and the expectant mother will only benefit from such a light diet.

Regardless of which version of the cottage cheese diet for weight loss you choose, there are golden rules that will bring you closer to your cherished goal much faster. Here are some of them:

  1. Choose fresh cottage cheese with a low percentage (4-5%) of fat content. It is better to avoid low-fat ones, since they will deprive your diet of the required fats, and too fatty ones will hinder weight loss. Buy homemade or prepare it yourself.
  2. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of clean, non-carbonated water a day, in addition to tea, juices and coffee, otherwise there is a high risk of intoxication of the body.
  3. If possible, eliminate salt and sugar.
  4. Avoid alcoholic drinks.
  5. Do not neglect physical exercise, especially if you have chosen a long-term cottage cheese diet. However, the loads should not be exhausting; give preference to walking, swimming or do yoga.
  6. A visit to the bath/sauna, massage and body wraps will improve the results.
  7. Take vitamin and mineral complexes to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients necessary for normal functioning.
  8. After a detox event, do not overeat on food, make your choice in favor of protein foods, including dairy products, as well as fruits.
  9. To maintain good shape in the future, have a curd fasting day every week.

To maximize the beneficial effects of the cottage cheese diet on the body, we recommend following the following recommendations:

  • Use exclusively fresh low-fat cottage cheese. Ideal if it is prepared at home. It is also not recommended to eat low-fat cottage cheese due to its high starch content;
  • During your diet, take multivitamins regularly to maintain your health;
  • drink up to two liters of clean water daily;
  • At the end of the diet, follow the rules for exiting it.

In order to maintain your health, experts do not recommend following the cottage cheese diet for more than 7 days and not repeating it more than twice a year.

Benefits and harms


  1. Nails are less likely to break, hair is shiny and tooth enamel improves, because cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium. The bones will be strong and the problem of osteoporosis will not appear.
  2. Minerals and vitamins make the complexion fresh.
  3. Methionine, an amino acid found in cottage cheese, increases the rate of fat breakdown.
  4. Bacteria in fermented milk products work to restore intestinal microflora.
  5. Protein is a building material for muscles, athletes can continue to train during.


A limited range of products leads to a lack of substances needed by the body, so the duration of the hard version is 3 days, and the extended versions are 7 days. It is important to use fresh cottage cheese and carefully monitor the shelf life. The product is perishable, so carelessness can lead to poisoning.

Who is the curd diet contraindicated for?

  • People with milk protein and lactose intolerance;
  • Those who are allergic to foods included in the diet menu;
  • With problems of the digestive system;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Minors.


Despite the fact that cottage cheese is a fairly universal product, fasting days based on it will not be useful for everyone.

Before any curd unloading, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. These are considered:

  • liver or kidney failure;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • lactose deficiency;
  • milk protein intolerance;
  • increased acidity level;
  • diabetes mellitus or suspicion of it.

If there are one or more health problems, the advisability of spending a fasting day on cottage cheese should be discussed with a specialist. A nutritionist will help you choose the optimal menu for weight loss in each specific case.

Fasting days on cottage cheese allow you not only to lose extra pounds without harm to the body, but also improve your overall health. Fresh cottage cheese, the fat content of which does not exceed 5-9%, contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on joints and bones, improving skin color and hair condition. The high protein content helps you avoid hunger throughout the day. May taking care of your health be a joy to you!

Much has been said about the beneficial properties of cottage cheese, but despite this, the cottage cheese diet has its contraindications. Pregnant and lactating women, teenagers and those with individual intolerance to menu components will have to avoid it.

Basic Rules

The central product is cottage cheese and dietary dishes made from it. To achieve maximum results, you should eat only it for 2-3 days, adding instant oatmeal, wheat or rye bran, honey, and egg mixture. This emergency method can be used before holidays, a trip to the sea, or an important event.

Less stressful 3-day and 7-day diets for your health. It is more comfortable to follow them, and they give good results.

Diet for 3 days

The first option is to break 800 grams of cottage cheese into several parts. You need to eat portions every two to three hours. This way the body will be saturated with calories evenly, and the feeling of fullness will be almost constant.

Second menu option for three days:

  • Day 1 // Breakfast: boiled egg, tea. For lunch, 0.2 kg of low-fat cottage cheese. Low-fat cottage cheese (200 g) for dinner.
  • Day 2 // Breakfast is the same as day 1. For lunch, 200 g of 0% fat cottage cheese and 200 g of any berries. Dinner: 0.2 kg low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Day 3 // 1 kg of low-fat cottage cheese.

You can drink water all days (1.5 - 2 liters per day).

When can the egg-curd diet be practiced for 3 days?

Be that as it may, in some cases the use of one or another diet may be completely justified. For example, a diet of eggs and cottage cheese for 3 days will be a good start in the fight against excess weight. It will help cleanse the body and accustom yourself to eating moderately in small portions. After such a course, it will be much easier for you to switch to proper nutrition and deny yourself particularly high-calorie and unhealthy foods.

Also, the cottage cheese version of the egg diet can be used at the very end of a weight loss program to eliminate the last kilograms that just don’t want to go away.

However, it cannot be denied that this course is very strict, therefore, for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidneys, it is better to abandon this diet.

Diet for a week

The light meal plan lasts 7 days. For breakfast you need to eat grapefruit, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, coffee, green tea without sweeteners, and brewed herbs are allowed. For lunch, add 100 g of cottage cheese.

  • Day 1: 2 eggs for lunch. Dinner: 100 g of steamed beef, vegetables, rosehip decoction.
  • Day 2: 100 g boiled chicken breast for lunch. For dinner: baked lean fish fillet, grated carrots with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, broth as on the first day.
  • Day 3: 2 eggs for lunch. For dinner: grilled breast fillet, sweet peppers and tomatoes, rosehip infusion.
  • Day 4: baked pike perch fillet for lunch. Dinner: boiled cauliflower, tea without sugar.
  • Day 5: boiled squid for lunch. Dinner: vegetable broth soup, rosehip infusion.
  • Day 6: two soft-boiled eggs for lunch. For dinner: any boiled lean fish and vegetable salad, green tea.
  • Day 7: 100 g baked chicken breast fillet for lunch. For dinner: cucumbers with herbs, tea without sugar.

Maggi cottage cheese diet

This is a low-carbohydrate diet that includes a large amount of protein foods. The diet consists of 4 stages and is designed for 1 month.

The duration of each stage is one week. Every day, in addition to the listed products, you need to consume 200 g of cottage cheese with 0% fat content. Drink the right amount of water, this will make it easier to tolerate food restrictions.

  • Stage 1. Lasts from 1 – 7 days. During this period, you need to eat a hard-boiled chicken egg for breakfast, and 1 grapefruit. Vegetables, lean boiled meat, liver, fish (no more than 150 g) are divided into several doses. On the last day you need to add 50 g of cheese.
  • Stage 2. It also lasts about a week. From the end of the first period we change the diet: grapefruit and egg for breakfast, chicken eggs for lunch, 150 g of meat with vegetables for dinner. On days 9 and 11 of the diet, you should skip dinner.
  • Stage 3 (15 – 21 days). For breakfast, lunch and dinner - only vegetables are allowed (with the exception of potatoes) from the 15th to the 17th day; from the 18th day, add 170 g of steamed poultry fillet, 2 fruits to taste.
  • Stage 4 (22-28 days). Oatmeal; boiled meat with a side dish of vegetables for lunch; light dinner.

Diet Osama Hamdiy

This diet is very popular; it is based on chemical reactions that occur in the human body. As a result, quite active weight loss is observed, PH balance is restored, and digestion improves. The diet menu is designed for one month. There are several rules that must be followed:

  • Drink at least 2 liters of water daily, in addition to this, include unsweetened tea and decoctions of medicinal herbs in your diet;
  • Boil or pour boiling water over vegetables before eating;
  • For taste, it is permissible to add a little onion, salt and pepper;
  • Do not use vegetable oil or butter;
  • It is allowed to drink low-calorie soda, limiting it to one glass;
  • You can eat raw vegetables such as cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, and lettuce as a snack. Then it is permissible to start the main meal at least 2 hours later;
  • Add fiber or bran (a couple of tablespoons) to prevent problems with stool;
  • Be sure to take a multi-vitamin complex.


1 Week

Breakfast is universal: half an orange and two hard-boiled eggs.

  • Day 1: for lunch: apple; for dinner: lean cutlets, tea. Read recipes for delicious, dietary cutlets here.
  • Day 2: boiled chicken for lunch; for dinner: orange, 2 eggs, salad of cucumber, carrots, sweet pepper, tomato, lettuce.
  • Day 3: for lunch: 50 g of hard cheese, tomato, you can include one piece of toast in the menu; for dinner: turkey, diet cutlets, vegetable salad, tea.
  • 4th day: for lunch the same fruits in the desired quantity; for dinner - a piece of lean grilled meat, salad with vegetables.
  • Day 5: for lunch: two eggs, steamed vegetables; for dinner - grilled shrimp, salad with vegetables, orange.
  • Day 6: for lunch the same fruits again in any quantity; for dinner: grilled chicken, vegetable salad.
  • Day 7: for lunch, vegetable salad, steamed or boiled meat, grapefruit, several small tomatoes; for dinner: boiled vegetables, you can also drink a glass of low-fat kefir before bed.

2 week

The diet is the same for the whole week. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids from permitted drinks.

  • Breakfast: half an orange (grapefruit), two boiled eggs, no seasonings.
  • Lunch: chicken fillet or turkey fillet, can be replaced with grilled or fried fish with vegetables.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, orange, can be replaced with half a grapefruit.

3 week

  • Days 1 – 4: boiled or stewed vegetables without restrictions in quantity (just not potatoes, beets, eggplants).
  • Day 5: seafood, vegetables.
  • 6 – 7 days: fruits of the same type without restrictions in quantity.

4 week

Distribute the products from the list for the day.

1st day:

  • boiled lean meat – 4 pieces
  • 3 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers
  • 200 g of boiled fish, it is acceptable to replace it with a can of canned tuna without additives
  • one toast
  • grapefruit

Day 2:

  • boiled lean meat - two pieces
  • 3 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers
  • one apple or pear
  • one toast
  • one orange (grapefruit)

3rd day:

  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers
  • 180 g boiled vegetables
  • one toast
  • orange

4th day:

  • boiled lean meat - one piece
  • 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes
  • one grapefruit
  • one toast

5th day

  • 2 hard-boiled eggs
  • 3 tomatoes
  • one orange (grapefruit)

Day 6:

  • boiled chicken fillet – two pieces
  • 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes
  • 180 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • curdled milk
  • one grapefruit

Day 7:

  • 130 g cottage cheese with 0% fat content
  • 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers
  • 250 g cooked fish or one can of tuna in its own juice
  • stewed vegetables
  • toast
  • orange

What is worth knowing about cottage cheese weight loss?

As I wrote above, the main advantage of the cottage cheese diet is the high protein content and low calorie content of the cottage cheese itself, which allows you to include other products in your diet if you have not chosen a mono-diet.

Cottage cheese is rich in amino acids essential for the body.

The most important of them is methionine - it is what protects the liver from excess fat deposits.

Reviews about cottage cheese weight loss are mostly positive

Compared to milk, cottage cheese also contains less lactose - most of it remains in the cheese after processing.

Lactic acid is responsible for the sour taste of the product - it normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, populates it with beneficial microorganisms, and brings the microflora to a normal state.

Sweet cheeses, masses and other curds with additives are not dietary food.

For our purposes, it is recommended to choose regular good quality cottage cheese with up to 5% fat content.

At the same time, it is wrong to assume that low-fat cannot be tasty: modern technologies for the production of fermented milk products allow low-fat cottage cheese to be soft, pleasant and delicate in taste, and not the dry and bland mass that you have already mentally imagined.

In addition, the basis of our diet is rich in calcium and phosphorus, but the same microelements are better absorbed in a liquid state - for example, in the form of kefir or yogurt.

Fermented milk products fit perfectly into almost any diet

Tip: the light color of cottage cheese is the work of the main protein in its composition, casein. Without it, the product would have a darker shade.

5 reasons to go on a cottage cheese diet

  1. Such weight loss will have a positive effect on your health and gastrointestinal tract functioning.
  2. Strengthens the heart and blood vessels
  3. Suitable for people who have minor problems with lactose intolerance (this is excluded in case of absolute intolerance)
  4. Calcium in the composition will protect against the production of excessive amounts of the hormone cortisol, and therefore against hypertension, increased cholesterol and obesity
  5. Reduces anxiety and stress - consuming fermented milk products reduces the activity of the area of ​​the brain responsible for pain and anxiety

And now, in fact, let’s move on to the options for the cottage cheese diet and drawing up the right menu.

Tip: if you don’t trust store-bought cottage cheese, it’s quite easy to prepare it at home. You will find the recipe at the end of the article.

At the same time, you will lose weight and strengthen your hair, nails, and teeth.

Curd-kefir diet

This diet consists of only two products, based on cottage cheese and kefir. Thanks to this, such nutrition effectively burns fat and speeds up metabolism. Every day you need to consume 300 g of cottage cheese with 0% fat content and one and a half liters of 1% kefir. Kefir must be natural, without additives. For taste, you can cut dill or cinnamon into the cottage cheese on the tip of a knife.

The daily diet is divided into 6 parts, the products alternate: half a liter of kefir - 100 g of cottage cheese - 0.5 liters of kefir, etc. You need to drink water, teas and herbal decoctions. The duration of the diet is 7 days, weight loss can reach up to 7 kg.

Curd and oatmeal

A diet with cottage cheese, oatmeal and apples is an almost balanced healthy diet that is easy to stick to for 3 days. What to eat:

  • Breakfast: 2 apples, porridge without milk.
  • Lunch: 120 g of low-fat cottage cheese, three small green apples, oatmeal in water with a teaspoon of honey.
  • Dinner: apple, 120 g cottage cheese.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the “Oatmeal, cottage cheese and apples” diet in more detail.

Cottage cheese and buckwheat diet

Curd and buckwheat nutrition is not varied, but effective. By getting the right complex carbohydrates from buckwheat and high protein content from cottage cheese, you can lose up to 10 kg in 2 weeks.

Every day, consume 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese and buckwheat (a glass in dry form), dividing the products into 5 servings. In order for buckwheat to retain all the beneficial microelements and vitamins, the cereal does not need to be boiled, but simply pour boiling water over it overnight - 2 cups of water per glass of cereal.

You can find the recipe for a dietary casserole with buckwheat and cottage cheese here.


  1. What is worth knowing about cottage cheese weight loss?
  2. Cottage cheese diet for losing weight by 10 kg in a week - menu
  3. 3+ options for cottage cheese diets
  4. Cottage cheese diet for losing weight by 10 kg in a week - reviews

The simplest cottage cheese express weight loss is designed for three days.

Take a kilo of low-fat product, divide it into four to five meals and don’t forget to drink two liters of water during the day.

The body will do the rest itself. As a result, you wave your pen at two or three kilos.

But we wouldn’t be us if we didn’t offer a few more variations of fermented milk weight loss and tell something about its pros and cons.

Cottage cheese and fruits

If instead of complex carbohydrates you take fruits with their dietary fiber and vitamins, then in combination with cottage cheese you will get a nutritious, tasty diet, with which you can easily relieve the body in a day. It is possible to use it longer as a dietary food.

Fruits can be different: grapefruits, bananas, pears, apples, grapes, etc. The most popular cottage cheese-based fruit diets are banana and apple.

Curd and banana

Meals for 3 days:

  1. Divide 800 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 2 large ripe bananas into 4 equal portions. Eat together after 3 hours.
  2. Every 2 hours, alternate 200 g of cottage cheese, half a banana - 8 doses in total.
  3. Same as the first day.

Cottage cheese-apple diet

A low-calorie diet with apples and cottage cheese occupies a leading position among those who want to lose weight. The diet on cottage cheese and apples lasts 9 days, weight loss can be up to 10 kg.

  • Days 1 – 3: 1.5 kg of fresh green apples, baked or puree without sugar
  • 4 – 6 days: 350 g of cottage cheese 0% fat;
  • Day 7: half a kilo of green apples;
  • 8th day: 350 g of cottage cheese;
  • Day 9: half a kilo of green apples.

Types of diets

A few rules before starting a diet

To lose weight profitably, experts in this method suggest adhering to the following:

  1. Use only fresh product, no more than 5 percent fat content. Don’t take low-fat, it won’t provide everything the body needs.
  1. Drink as much water as possible, at least 2 liters.
  1. Try to eliminate sugar and salt from the menu.
  1. Stop drinking alcohol and other bad habits.
  1. Take vitamins and minerals as they will not be enough.
  1. Visit the sauna, play sports, do gymnastics, and walk more. Preference should be given to light loads, stretching, and plastic exercises, since heavy loads can have a negative impact.
  1. When leaving the diet period, do not put everything in your mouth, adhere to moderation in food, otherwise everything lost will return in an instant.

Use these rules and do not forget that this method is not suitable:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing;
  • children and teenagers;
  • chronicles;
  • persons with individual intolerance to diet components.

Before you start losing weight this way, you need to get the go-ahead from your doctor.

Express method

The cottage cheese diet is used for no more than two to three days and is very easy to organize. Need to take for every day:

  • 1 kilo of cottage cheese;
  • 2 liters of water.

You divide everything into five doses and don’t use anything else. Theoretical weight - up to 3 kg.

For 3 days minus 5 kg

Essentially it is a cottage cheese-kefir version. Authorized products:

  • half a kilo of the main product;
  • liter of kefir.

You also divide it into 4-5 meals, and don’t eat anything else. You drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water.

The method designed for 5 days looks approximately the same.

Curd diet for 7 days

The power scheme is very simple. During the day you need to eat:

  • for breakfast a glass of kefir or milk;
  • for lunch, 100 grams of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of steamed bran;
  • at lunch the same;
  • afternoon snack - the same;
  • dinner - the same;
  • before bed - a glass of kefir.

You can diversify the menu by adding berries or fruits, except starchy and sweet ones. That's your entire diet for all seven days. But you can lose up to 5 kilos.

I, Andrey Eroshkin, will conduct mega interesting webinars for you, sign up and watch! Topics of upcoming webinars:

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For 2 weeks, with a menu for every day

The cottage cheese diet has many varieties. The principle is approximately the same: the main product should predominate, but for long periods other healthy products should be included in the menu. Can be used:

  • lean meat and fish, 100 g per serving;
  • fermented milk without additives, a glass;
  • vegetables and fruits except starchy ones, 200 g per serving;
  • chicken eggs 2 pieces;
  • oatmeal, bran, buckwheat, 1 plate;
  • coffee Tea.

Salt consumption should be reduced to normal (3-5 g per day), and it is preferable to avoid sugar altogether. An approximate menu for the popular cottage cheese and vegetable two-week method, designed for 4 meals a day. For breakfast and lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese. Afternoon snack and dinner - in the table:

Continuation of the table by day. It won’t all fit at once...

Don’t forget to drink tea, coffee without sugar, and still water.

Maggi cottage cheese diet for 4 weeks, menu in table

The usual Maggi diet involves the use of eggs, but a curd version is also suggested. Promoters of the method promise that if you strictly adhere to the menu and are lucky, you will get rid of 20 kg. True, losing such a number of kilograms in 4 weeks is dangerous, but the cottage cheese diet does not take this into account.

So, no salt, no seasonings, no soups, no starchy vegetables and no alcohol!

Grapefruit in the menu can be replaced with other citrus fruits, such as orange. The rest is strictly observed.

For the first 14 days, all breakfasts are the same: 200 g of homemade curd mass and allowed fruit (apple, kiwi, citrus).

Continuation of the days of the week. Because the whole table doesn’t fit at once...

Then you stick to the diet of the first and last week for another month, gradually adding soups and porridges.

Osama Hamdiy suggests you lose even more in the same time - up to 30 kilos! Its menu is designed for people with diabetes and significant excess weight.

Other varieties

Curd-buckwheat: a combination of curd and buckwheat, no more than 7 days due to inferiority.

Cottage cheese-apple: the same principle, but with apples. From 3 to 5 days.

Curd-fruit or curd-banana options involve the use of a wide variety of fruits and the main product.

Diet on cottage cheese and vegetables

An analogue of the cottage cheese-fruit diet is eating fresh vegetables and cottage cheese. You need to eat separately. In total, you can eat half a kilo of vegetables and 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese per day. Morning and lunch - 150 g of cottage cheese. Second breakfast and dinner - carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini. Make salads, bake vegetables - you don’t have to eat them only fresh. After 2 weeks of such a diet, you can introduce meat, fruits, and cereals.


An emergency three-day diet on cottage cheese and eggs contains not only these two products: it is allowed to consume honey and fruits in reasonable quantities. Drink plenty of water, tea and coffee without sweeteners. You can lose 3 kg if you strictly follow the rules.

  • For breakfast: a drink of 2 eggs beaten with a mixer and a teaspoon of honey, unsweetened tea or coffee. Lunch: 50 grams of cheese with a fat content of no more than 30% and tea with a spoon of honey. For dinner, fruit (except bananas and grapes) or creamy vegetable soup.
  • Breakfast is the same as above. For lunch, 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a drink made from eggs with honey, tea without sugar. Dinner: boiled meat without fat or fish.
  • In addition to the egg and honey drink, you can eat any fruit. For lunch, vegetable salad. For dinner, a boiled egg with stewed vegetables, tea with a spoon of honey.

Curd and yoghurt

If you diversify the curd mono-diet with yogurt, you will get another version of the diet - curd-yogurt. It lasts 7 days, during which you can lose 6-7 kg. It is recommended to prepare yogurt yourself, without sugar, with a spoonful of honey and a handful of berries and fruits. Choose the daily diet that suits you:

  • 3 meals a day // for breakfast and lunch, two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese and one and a half glasses of yogurt; for dinner, reduce cottage cheese to one spoon and yogurt to 2/3 cup.
  • 5 meals a day // every 4 hours, eat one spoon of cottage cheese with an incomplete glass of yogurt.

General recommendations

Here are some recommendations for successfully using the cottage cheese diet for weight loss:

☀ Only fresh, low-fat cottage cheese is used, preferably homemade.

☀ Fruits for an extended diet - choose according to the season. The content of vitamins is important when losing weight for 7 days or longer.

☀ If you decide to try the curd-egg diet, choose your eggs carefully. The shell must be strong and clean.

☀ After finishing, don’t pounce on your usual products.

☀ For the first three days, it is advisable to eat oatmeal for breakfast, and not overload lunch and dinner.

Diet chicken and cottage cheese

A protein diet based on cottage cheese can be diluted with chicken. If you take skinless breast fillet and grill it, you can substitute some of the curd techniques. The feeling of satiety from meat is similar, but the group of vitamins and microelements is different. Therefore, the body accepts such a diet easier. And the kilograms come off with the same intensity.

We also recommend delicious recipes for chicken and cottage cheese in the oven.

About the undoubted benefits

What positive aspects can be named when talking about the cottage cheese diet and its main component:

  • a lot of complete protein;
  • a little lactose, which is a slow carbohydrate (which is good);
  • a high percentage of methionine content, which is good for the liver;
  • there is lactic acid, which is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a lot of phosphorus and calcium for bones;
  • the concentrated composition of micronutrients saturates well.

Provided that you tolerate all the ingredients that make up cottage cheese well, the cottage cheese diet will suit you very well. It is believed that she:

  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • strengthens nerves;
  • protects against osteoporosis, diseases of the heart, blood vessels and liver;
  • Suitable for people suffering from diabetes of any type.

With such advantages, you will certainly want to try what the cottage cheese diet is for yourself. Will not interfere!

Milk diet for weight loss for 5 and 7 days. Menu for every day

Rules for quitting the diet

After completing the cottage cheese diet, your appetite will be increased, but to consolidate the result you will have to limit your food intake for another couple of weeks.

  • Continue to drink more water, herbs, tea;
  • Increase portions of lean meat and fish daily, starting from 100 g per day;
  • Gradually introduce foods with an average glycemic index (fruits, vegetables, dark chocolate, whole grain bread);
  • Have breakfast with buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • Walk, bike, run more;
  • It is better to postpone heavy strength training, giving yourself time to recover.

We recommend recipes for cottage cheese smoothies and protein shakes made from cottage cheese in a blender, which are great for PP and diets.

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