Low-carbohydrate diet. Menu for every day for weight loss. Table of products, recipes. Photos and results. Reviews

Advantages and disadvantages

A low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss (the menu for each day will be described later in the article), like any other, has its pros and cons. There is no need to completely remove carbohydrates from your diet. Their consumption should be limited.

Pros of the diet:

  • No feeling of hunger.
  • Less restrictive than other diets.
  • Meat and fish can be eaten in large quantities.
  • During a diet, the amount of sugar in the blood decreases, which promotes fat burning and energy production.
  • By playing sports while dieting, you can achieve beautiful relief on your body.
  • If you follow the rules about the correct exit from the diet, the lost kilograms will not return.
  • After 1-2 weeks you can see a positive result.


  • Since the amount of protein consumed during the diet increases, in order to avoid dehydration, you need to drink more water than usual.
  • Minimal consumption of carbohydrates can lead to deficiency of B vitamins and folic acid.
  • Psychological factor. It’s not easy to give up gastronomic habits developed over the years.
  • The body is being rebuilt, resulting in rapid fatigue, lethargy, nervousness, and aggression.
  • Gastrointestinal problems, constipation may occur.
  • Due to a sharp decrease in carbohydrate intake, changes occur in the body's metabolic processes. There may be bad breath.
  • High protein consumption overloads the kidneys and liver.
  • Possible poisoning by ketone bodies. Harms the kidneys, liver, and brain.

Changes in the body when you give up carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are responsible for producing energy in the body. Long-term abstinence from carbohydrates leads to impaired brain function. One of these manifestations is ketosis (formation of ketone bodies). General fatigue, dry mouth, insomnia, and runny nose appear. Next, dehydration develops. On a protein diet, extra pounds are quickly lost.

But first of all, all the liquid leaves; 1 g of carbohydrates (in the form of glycogen) retains 3-4 g of water.

Good mood, tone, energy - all this is the result of carbohydrate consumption. Excluding them from the diet increases the risk of losing vital energy. Due to surges in blood sugar during a carbohydrate-free diet, attacks of increased appetite become more frequent. The production of serotonin decreases, which means your mood worsens. Due to a lack of fiber, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and constipation appear.

What is a low-carb diet for weight loss?

This is a weight loss system in which the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 30-40 g, and in some cases, to 20 g (low-carbohydrate diet) per day. The main part of the diet consists of meat (turkey, chicken, veal, rabbit, duck, beef, lamb), eggs and milk, and rarely cereals and vegetables. These products can be eaten in unlimited quantities and in any volume. A deficiency of carbohydrates in the body triggers a process called ketosis. It involves the formation of ketone bodies during the breakdown of fats to produce energy.

You can stay on such a diet for at least a week, during which you can actually lose 3-4 kg or more (depending on your initial weight). Long-term adherence to such a weight loss system can lead to deterioration in well-being, memory, decreased concentration, and brain performance, so nutritionists do not recommend losing weight on a carbohydrate-free diet for more than 2 weeks. Professional athletes sit on it for months before important competitions. For beginners, it is better to stick to a high-carbohydrate diet menu (from 40 to 125 g of carbohydrates per day).

Rules and principles of nutrition

A low-carbohydrate diet is very effective, but in order to lose weight week after week without consequences for health and deterioration in well-being, you need to build the menu correctly and adhere to some rules:

  1. You need to eat at least 5 times a day, avoiding the feeling of hunger.
  2. Have dinner 3 hours before bedtime, but no later than 8 pm.
  3. Make a menu for the week yourself, adding permitted and excluding prohibited foods.
  4. Do not wash down your food, drink at least half an hour after eating.
  5. Choose the following heat treatment methods: boiling, baking in the oven, grilling, stewing, steaming. If you can’t do without frying, use linseed or olive oil for the process.
  6. Do not exclude carbohydrates from your diet completely - this can lead to disruption of the functioning of all organs.
  7. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
  8. Increase your physical activity or start playing sports to tighten your skin and strengthen your muscles.

Diet stages

Due to the occurrence of ketosis in the body, a carbohydrate-free method of losing weight is also called the keto diet. In order for the process to start completely and active fat burning to begin, 4 stages must go through:

Carbohydrates enter the body only in the morning in the amount of 20 g, and in the remaining time it will absorb glucose from its own reserves to provide energy.

The body is no longer replenished with glucose and begins to consume glycogen contained in the muscles and liver. 2-3 days after the start of the stage, the fat burning process will accelerate, since the lack of carbohydrates will be felt more and more, and the body will begin to more actively consume alternative energy reserves.

This stage begins after 3-4 days, when carbohydrates are almost gone. During this period, energy is generated by burning fats first and then proteins. In this regard, in the first week of the diet, its menu should contain a large amount of protein foods (up to 3-4 g per 1 kg of person’s weight).

It begins after a week after starting a carbohydrate-free regime, its goal is to consolidate the results obtained. The body is already accustomed to the lack of carbohydrates and provides itself with energy through increased fat burning. The process of ketosis fully starts only with the onset of the 4th stage.

Types of low-carbohydrate diets and their goals

A low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss (a daily menu with recipes will be later in the article) comes in several types. The goal of these diets is one - weight loss. An ordinary protein (constant) diet contains a large amount of proteins and a minimal amount of carbohydrates.

It is necessary to switch to this diet by gradually removing carbohydrates to a minimum. This low-carb diet can be used on an ongoing basis. Periodically (once a week) arrange a “belly festival” so that the metabolism does not begin to slow down. By reducing your carbohydrate intake to 50 g per day, you can quickly lose weight.

Consumption predominates:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • nuts;
  • eggs;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • seeds;
  • healthy fats.

Ketogenic diet. Most often it is preferred by athletes. The purpose of such a diet is drying (getting rid of fat through a certain diet and training). Drying allows the muscles to look sculpted and aesthetically beautiful. During this diet, it is recommended to consume more calories than you eat. The duration of the diet is about 2 months.

Circular food system. Intensively eliminates excess weight.

Features of this diet:

  1. a certain sequence of meals;
  2. optimal breaks between meals;
  3. Possibility to slightly change the menu.

The result of this mode directly depends on some rules:

  • Alternate intake of liquids and solids. This is done in order to reduce the risk of fat deposits. It is strictly forbidden to drink food with water. You can drink liquid 2 hours after eating.
  • Maintain a two-hour interval between liquid and solid foods. This regime speeds up metabolism.
  • Circular nutrition. The time between doses is 2 hours. Choose a certain set of products and repeat it in a circle.

Table of permitted products

A low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss (a menu for every day, a table of allowed foods is presented below) is an excellent way to combat excess weight. The variety of foods makes this nutrition program easy and affordable.

Meat productsLean beef, pork, lamb, veal, chicken, turkey, duck, goose, rabbit, beef and pork tongue, chicken liver, turkey liver, heart, chicken eggs.
Fish and seafoodSeabass, halibut, pink salmon, catfish, carp, cod, salmon, trout, pollock, shrimp, mussels, clams, oysters, black and red caviar.
DairyCottage cheese 5% and 9%, low-fat cheese, mozzarella, mayonnaise sauce 30%, milk 3.25% (partially), kefir 1% (partially)
Vegetables and fruitsCucumbers, celery, zucchini, champignons, radishes. Partially: tomato, cauliflower, arugula, asparagus, lemon, eggplant, strawberry, green onions, parsley, onions, beets, carrots, celery root, walnuts, apricots, tangerines, cranberries, plums, apples, oranges, currants, grapefruit.

Can also be consumed in small quantities:

  • cereals (polished rice, buckwheat);
  • butter, vegetable oil, coconut oil;
  • garlic;
  • pears.

From drinks:

  • water;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • coffee;
  • tea without added sugar.

Features of a low-carbohydrate diet for diabetics, athletes, vegetarians and pregnant women

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that causes many complications. To prevent them, you must follow some rules. Proper nutrition is one of them. Snacking and an unbalanced diet with this diagnosis leads to obesity and numerous other problems. A low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss, helps type 1 and type 2 diabetics.

A diet for patients with type 1 diabetes (insulin is administered by injection) is an excellent way to lose excess weight, as well as to stabilize blood sugar levels. For type 2, this diet is no less important. Eating fiber significantly slows down the process of fat absorption. Prevents obesity and reduces blood sugar levels.

Using a low-carb diet in conjunction with exercise can help you lose 200 to 400 grams per week.

A protein diet is often used by athletes in order to “dry out.” Drying is a process during which subcutaneous fat is removed, preserving muscle mass, making the body beautiful and sculpted. This happens due to abundant protein consumption. The maximum carbohydrate intake during the drying period is 250 kcal. During a high-protein diet, baked goods and fats are excluded.

Proteins are consumed per 1 kg of body weight, 2.5 kg of protein (daily). Divide the diet into 5 meals. To avoid health problems (vitaminosis), you need to take minerals and vitamins during your diet. Vegetarianism excludes the consumption of animal protein. But that doesn't mean vegetarians can't try a low-carb diet.

Meat, dairy products, fish are replaced:

  • analogues from soy;
  • beans;
  • cereals.

During pregnancy, a woman's body is completely rebuilt. Proper nutrition is important for the health of the expectant mother and her baby. A strict low-carbohydrate diet is prohibited for pregnant women.

Excessive protein intake can cause kidney and liver problems. This may lead to undesirable consequences. Only by the second trimester can you think about a non-strict protein diet.

Low carb dessert recipes. Low carb pies


a slim body

We understand well girls and women who watch their figure. After all, for those who follow a low-carb diet, even the holidays may not be a joy. Does it happen: your friends and family eat a delicious cake, piece by piece, or enjoy delicate eclair cakes, but you have to limit yourself all the time?

That's why we decided to share with you the best low-carb dessert recipes. And to make it easier to determine the amount that is permissible to eat, we will indicate the carbohydrate content in each dish, based on one average serving.

Diet desserts low in carbohydrates

The delicacies presented below are not only sweet and tasty, but also healthy. Of course, they cannot be completely devoid of carbohydrates, however, compared to store-bought ones, their amount is almost negligible.

Pumpkin pie

Carbohydrates per serving: 12 g


  • 500 g prepared puff pastry
  • 400 g pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 tsp. stevia (concentrated powder)
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
  • 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 large egg
  • 2/3 stack. cream


  1. Thaw the puff pastry, roll it out and place it in a baking dish. Make the edges of the dough into the “sides” of the future pie.
  2. Mix pumpkin puree, stevia, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg.
  3. Beat the egg with the yolks. Gradually, without stopping whisking, add cream to the mixture. Combine it all with pumpkin puree.
  4. Pour pumpkin filling into prepared pan with batter. You can cover the edges with aluminum foil to prevent burning.
  5. Bake at 180–190 degrees for 30–40 minutes. Cool the finished dessert in the mold without removing it. Then store in the refrigerator.


Carbohydrates per serving: 4.4 g


  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g cream cheese (low fat)
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar
  • 2 tsp. stevia powder
  • 1/4 tsp. nutmeg (optional)
  • 1 stack almond flour
  • 1/4 cup ground flax
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil (or melted low-fat butter)
  • 1/4 tsp. sea ​​salt
  • 150–200 g berries (fresh or frozen)


  1. Mix eggs, cream cheese, vanilla and nutmeg.
  2. Separately mix almond flour, flaxseed meal, salt and oil. Knead the dough.
  3. Place some batter in the bottom of the muffin tins (about 1/4 full). Use your fingers to make indentations in the dough.
  4. Place the dough in the oven preheated to 175 degrees for 5-7 minutes. Then use a spoon to spoon the cream cheese mixture into the prepared dough (fill the remaining 3/4 of the molds). Bake cheesecakes at the same temperature for 20 minutes.
  5. Remove from oven and cool, then transfer to refrigerator to chill for 1 hour.
  6. Mix berries with stevia to form a sauce. Pour this sauce over the cheesecakes and serve.

Apple pie

Carbohydrates per serving: 8 g


  • 500 g puff pastry dough
  • 500–600 g apples
  • 90 g stevia
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. lemon zest and lemon juice
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. l. starch
  • 1 chip salt


  1. Peel the apples and cut into cubes. Pour boiling water over them and boil for 3-5 minutes. Then drain the water and add stevia, cinnamon, lemon and zest, as well as starch and salt.
  2. Divide the dough into two parts. Roll out one of them and place it on the bottom of a baking dish, greased with oil, form the sides.
  3. Place the filling in the pan on top of the dough. Cover the top of the pie with the other half of the dough, rolled out thinly. Pinch the edges of the bottom and top layers of dough so that the apples are inside.
  4. Brush the surface with beaten egg and place the pie in the preheated oven. Bake for 15 minutes at 220°C, then reduce the temperature to 180°C and bake for a further 30 minutes until the top of the cake is golden brown.
  5. Let the pie cool before serving. The filling turns out very juicy.

How to create a menu for the day

The variety of acceptable products allows you to come up with an interesting menu.

Example for one day:

  • Breakfast: 2-3 boiled or fried eggs (omelet), 100-150 g of hard cheese, tea or coffee (without sugar).
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese (5%-9%) - 200 g, sour cream 10%.
  • Lunch: lean meat or fish soup (no pasta, potatoes). You can add a little herbs and salt.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir or yogurt without additives. Cheese (100 g), pomegranate or apple.
  • Dinner: boiled lean meat 200-250 g or seafood. After 30 min. After meals you can eat an apple or orange.

Drink water throughout the day and after dinner.

No Carb Recipes




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Chicken and zucchini muffin. Ingredients: Zucchini - 1 medium Boiled chicken - 300 grams Grated cheese - 300 grams Show in full... Raw chicken egg - 3 pieces Bell pepper - 1 piece Sour cream - 3 tablespoons Greens - 1 bunch; Spices - to taste

Preparation: Beat the eggs a little, mix with 3 tablespoons of sour cream, season with salt and pepper. I also added coarsely grated zucchini and cheese. I cut the peppers and chicken into cubes, chopped the greens and garlic. I mixed everything, put it in a cake pan (or any other shape) and baked it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Cool the finished cake slightly and remove it from the pan. Delicious both hot and cold.

Liver with mushrooms. Ingredients for 6 servings:

●1 kg of chicken liver (mine along with hearts) ●1 large onion ●300 g of champignons Show in full… ●4 cloves of garlic ●300 ml of chicken or vegetable broth ●300 ml of heavy cream (minimum 20%, preferably 30%) ●salt and ground black pepper to taste ●1 tbsp. chopped parsley

Finely chop the onion and garlic. Depending on the size, cut the mushrooms into halves or quarters (small champignons can be left whole). We wash the liver, let it drain and cut it into small pieces.

In a saucepan over medium heat, heat 2 tbsp. olive oil. In 2-3 batches, fry the liver until golden brown, about 3-4 minutes per batch. Transfer to a plate.

Reduce heat to medium and add onion and garlic to the saucepan. Fry, stirring, for about 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms and fry, stirring, for about 5 minutes. If liquid comes out of the champignons, you will have to wait for it to evaporate. salt and pepper to taste.

Detailed menu for the week

Below is an approximate menu for 7 days:

  1. Monday. For breakfast you can eat cottage cheese (low-fat) and a cup of green tea. After a couple of hours, one small apple. For lunch and dinner, boiled chicken. Cook the meat with a little salt. Dull the feeling of hunger (if it occurs) with vegetable juice.
  2. Tuesday. In the morning, fried eggs and ham. For second breakfast, half a piece of fruit (grapefruit or orange). During the day, baked or boiled fish. Vegetable salad for dinner. On the second day of the diet, you can drink coffee without sugar or black tea.
  3. Wednesday. On the third day, increase the amount of protein. Divide boiled meat into 3 meals. In the evening, meat combined with vegetable salad. Suitable liquids include rosehip decoction, tea or coffee.
  4. Thursday. For breakfast, boiled eggs and kefir. Baked meat for lunch, and a vegetable salad for dinner (you can add seafood). Satisfy your hunger between meals with fruit from the permitted table.
  5. Friday. On the fifth day of the diet, you can add broth cooked with lean meat. For breakfast, cottage cheese casserole, low-fat kefir. Eat steamed fish for lunch. For the evening, a salad from permitted products.
  6. Saturday. In the morning, omelet with ham. For lunch, baked rabbit (any lean meat). In between meals, kefir or apple. For dinner, a vegetable salad with a small amount of lean meat or fish. Tea or coffee.
  7. Sunday. For breakfast, eggs in a bag, tea or coffee. After some time, fruit. For lunch, a dish of fish and seafood. In the evening, salad with ham. During the day, take a rosehip decoction.

This is an approximate menu for 7 days. Every day you can eat tasty and varied food. The list of products allows you to add seafood to soups and salads, cook eggs in three versions (omelet, in a bag, scrambled eggs), make pates from the liver, and dietary desserts from fruits.

Dish recipes

A large selection of protein foods on a low-carb diet makes it possible to prepare many delicious dishes and create various recipes.

Squid salad

To prepare this dish, you need to chop 1 boiled egg and mix with 100 grams of squid rings. You need to add 2 tablespoons of corn, a couple of drops of lemon and olive oil to the salad.

Chicken stew

First you need to remove the skin from the chicken carcass and remove all the fat, rinse thoroughly, add salt and sprinkle with a little black pepper. Place in a multicooker bowl, stir and add a few bay leaves and 150 grams of water. Set the “quenching” program for 1.5 hours.

Additionally, you can add diced potatoes. Do not change the duration of quenching.

Oven baked fish recipe

Salt the fish, cut into small pieces, add pepper or special seasoning. Baking time is about 1 hour. The finished dish can be served with salad, pepper or a boiled egg. If desired, you can use soy sauce and pine nuts.

Chicken fillet with vegetables in pots

Wash and finely chop 400 grams of spinach and the same amount of broccoli. Cut 1 onion into rings and make a marinade of 2 teaspoons of apple juice, half a glass of wine and 200 ml of vegetable broth. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix vegetables and chicken cut into thin strips. Place the prepared mixture into pots and season with marinade, after covering with foil with holes for steam to escape. Oven baking time is about an hour. A low-carbohydrate diet allows people suffering from diabetes and excess weight to achieve good results, but it also has some limitations. For example, it is not recommended for use by athletes, adolescents, during pregnancy, lactation, and people with various diseases.

When switching to a low-carbohydrate diet, you must first consult with a specialist.

Competent menu planning for the month

A low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss, the menu for each day of which is described below, can be followed for a month.

  • Breakfast is the first meal of the day and should be light and nutritious. It is best to eat egg dishes in the morning. Ham also goes well with breakfast. Low-fat cottage cheese, cottage cheese casserole, yogurt (without additives), kefir (you can use it to flavor the cottage cheese), a little low-fat sour cream. It is allowed to add a small amount of greens.
  • A second breakfast is needed to maintain energy. A glass of kefir or a small fruit is great for a second meal.
  • Lunch should be complete and satisfying. Hot first courses, porridge and meat are suitable for the third meal.
  • In the afternoon, drink 250 g of kefir or yogurt. Fruits are also suitable for intermediate (between main) meals.
  • The ideal dinner is a combination of proteins and vegetables. In the evening, the portion should not exceed 250 g.

A well-designed menu will help you lose extra pounds without harming your health.

No Carb Recipes

You can use these ideas when preparing meals not only on a diet, but also when following the canons of healthy eating. Recipes for no-carb meals for every day are quick and simple, devoid of unavailable products, so they will find a place in your cookbook. When creating your recipes for a menu for a low-carbohydrate diet, remember that the main element should be protein.

Breakfast without carbohydrates

The morning meal is the most relevant for the menu of any diet, but how dense it should be is up to you to decide. Some people barely pour tea into themselves after waking up, while others can eat a steak in a minute. Simple breakfast options without carbohydrates, which can be alternated throughout the week:

  • Beat 3 egg whites with 30 ml of water, fry like a standard omelet under the lid, but the pan will be dry. Add 50 g of fresh dill and the same amount of hard cheese.
  • Mash a portion of cottage cheese with a clove of grated garlic and chopped parsley.
  • 30 g almonds or pistachios, cottage cheese casserole with egg whites and cranberries.

No carb dinner

For people without physical activity, it is better to limit themselves to salad in the evening, otherwise the result of losing weight will be the opposite. For those who exercise, meals are very filling, so a no-carb dinner might look like this:

  • Any red fish steak baked in lemon juice, served with arugula.
  • Braised chicken breast that can be cooked with salt and served with a green apple for flavor.
  • Minced veal cutlets with egg yolk, feta cheese and herbs, baked in the oven.

Simple and delicious recipes for low-carb dishes

To avoid getting bored with your diet, there are many tasty and easy-to-prepare dishes made from approved foods.

Vegetable cauliflower soup

  • cauliflower - 150 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sweet red pepper - 1 pc.;
  • white beans - 50 g;

Boil the beans for 1-1.5 hours. Chop all the vegetables. Add to the pan with beans, cook for 20 minutes. over medium heat. You can add bay leaf and some herbs.

Fish soup with vegetable broth

  • fish (any of the permitted products) - 200-250 g;
  • onion - 50 g;
  • carrots - 80-100 g;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • a handful of greens;
  • Bay leaf;
  • peppercorns.

Chop the vegetables, place them in a saucepan, add herbs, bay leaves, peppercorns, and add water. Cook over low heat until the carrots are cooked. Place the fish cut into pieces into the vegetable broth and cook for 7 minutes. (if more fish will fall apart).

Meat soup

  • any lean meat - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • a handful of buckwheat;
  • greenery;
  • Bay leaf.

Pour water over the meat and boil. Add chopped onions, carrots, and bay leaves to the boiled meat. Cook for min. 10-15. Then add buckwheat (you can add zucchini) and cook until tender. At the end, sprinkle with herbs.

Mushroom soup

  • mushrooms - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • greenery;
  • green peas (frozen or fresh) - 100 g;
  • sour cream (low-fat) for serving.

Mushroom soup is a simple recipe for losing weight on a low-carb diet.
Pour water into a saucepan (half a saucepan). Bring the water to a boil and alternately at intervals of 5 minutes. add chopped onions, carrots, mushrooms, green peas, herbs (spices to taste). Serve the dish with sour cream.

Chicken roll

  • chicken breast - 600-700 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • greenery;
  • spices;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Marinate the chicken breast overnight in oil and spices. The next day, roll the breast and stuff it with cottage cheese and herbs. Wrap the roll with thread. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 50 minutes.

Squid stuffed with egg and ham

  • squid (fresh or frozen) - 400 g;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • ham - 150 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic 2 cloves;
  • greenery;
  • sour cream.

Pour boiling water over the squid (2 times), peel. Peel the onion and fry. Chop ham, eggs, garlic, herbs and mix with onions and sour cream. Stuff the squid, secure with a toothpick, brush with sour cream. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Stuffed squid covered with foil should be placed in the oven for 5-10 minutes.

Cottage cheese and pumpkin dessert

  • pumpkin puree - 100 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • sweetener to taste;
  • milk 3 tbsp;

Make pumpkin puree. Place the cottage cheese in a bowl. Beat it with a mixer or blender, gradually adding milk and sweetener. Place the dessert in layers in a glass or ice cream container. The first and last layers are cottage cheese, in the middle there is pumpkin puree.

Raspberry milk dessert

  • raspberries (fresh or frozen) - 200 g;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • sugar - 125g;
  • water - 150 ml.

Dilute gelatin according to the instructions on the package. Combine milk and sugar. Bring gelatin to a boil (do not boil) and pour milk and sugar into it. Add raspberries to the resulting mixture. Pour it all into molds to harden. Cool and refrigerate for 1-1.5 hours.

Cottage cheese cheesecake without baking

  • butter - 100g;
  • cookies - 220 g;
  • granulated sugar - 125g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 400g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • low-fat sour cream - 125 g;
  • gelatin - 20-25 g;
  • canned apricot.

Melt the butter, break the cookies and grind into crumbs with a blender. Mix cookies with cooled melted butter. Place the mixture in the mold (press it firmly to the bottom). Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Dissolve gelatin following the instructions on the package. Leave it to swell.

In a deep bowl, mix cottage cheese and sour cream until smooth. Pour milk into a small saucepan or ladle, add sugar and gelatin. Over medium heat, bring milk with sugar and gelatin to a boil. Turn off the stove. Pour the prepared liquid into the cottage cheese with sour cream.

Mix. Cool. Place the resulting mass on the cookies (cheesecake base) and place in the refrigerator for 2.5 hours. After time, carefully turn the pie onto a plate and back again. Decorate with melted chocolate. Serve dessert with apricots.

Meal options and example of a weekly diet

On a low-carbohydrate diet, it is not necessary to eat only boiled chicken breast. Use the entire list of products on a low-carbohydrate diet, combine and experiment in the kitchen. Make cutlets, casseroles, stews. Those losing weight with experience in protein diets even invent their own recipes.

For example, a tasty tip is mitza. It's like pizza, but instead of dough you use minced meat. Line a baking dish with it and top with cheese, mushrooms and low-carb vegetables. What other delicious recipes does a low-carb diet allow? Below is an example of a low-carbohydrate diet menu for a week.


  • Breakfast - 8:00. Omelet with cheese and ham. Salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. Coffee.
  • Snack - 11:00. Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch - 14:00. Fish soup and fish baked with mushrooms and cheese.
  • Reinforcement - 17:00. Cheese with sunflower seeds.
  • Dinner - 20:00. Lazy cabbage rolls with minced chicken without rice.


  • Breakfast - 8:00. Boiled chicken breast and two eggs. Coffee.
  • Snack - 11:00. Cheese.
  • Lunch - 14:00. Chicken broth, cucumber and cabbage salad.
  • Reinforcement - 17:00. Eggs stuffed with mushrooms and cheese.
  • Dinner - 20:00. Boiled chicken liver with cucumber and tomato salad.


  • Breakfast - 8:00. Eggs stuffed with chicken liver pate. Coffee.
  • Snack - 11:00. Cottage cheese with greens.
  • Lunch - 14:00. Seafood salad. Baked beef tongue.
  • Reinforcement - 17:00. Eggs stuffed with mushrooms and cheese.
  • Dinner - 20:00. Salad of cabbage, cucumbers and fried chicken fillet.


  • Breakfast - 8:00. Omelet with cheese. Boiled beef tongue. Coffee.
  • Snack - 11:00. Cheese with nuts.
  • Lunch - 14:00. Boiled squid stuffed with mushrooms and cheese.
  • Reinforcement - 17:00. A fresh vegetable salad.
  • Dinner - 20:00. Boiled beef heart salad with cheese.


  • Breakfast - 8:00. Boiled eggs and cheese. Coffee.
  • Snack - 11:00. Shrimps.
  • Lunch - 14:00. Fish baked with mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese. Cabbage and cucumber salad.
  • Reinforcement - 17:00. Boiled beef tongue.
  • Dinner - 20:00. Mitza.


  • Breakfast - 8:00. Fried chicken and cucumber and tomato salad. Coffee.
  • Snack - 11:00. Boiled eggs.
  • Lunch - 14:00. Meat casserole with tomatoes, mushrooms and cheese.
  • Reinforcement - 17:00. Cottage cheese with greens.
  • Dinner - 20:00. Beef liver shashlik with herbs.


  • Breakfast - 8:00. Julien. Coffee.
  • Snack - 11:00. Boiled chicken.
  • Lunch - 14:00. Fish cutlets and vegetable salad.
  • Reinforcement - 17:00. Eggs stuffed with mushrooms and tomatoes.
  • Dinner - 20:00. Chicken hearts stewed with tomatoes.

It seems that with such a diet, losing weight is easy and safe. But experience shows that the body reacts to a lack of the same sweets with mood swings and irritability appears. Often there is a problem of constipation and abdominal pain. Hair becomes weaker and the condition of nails and skin deteriorates. The kidneys and liver may not immediately declare their claims to the new diet. But this is the likely effect of an unexploded bomb.

Reviews from nutritionists about a low-carbohydrate diet

Nutritionists recommend gradually reducing the amount of carbohydrates. Approximately 30-40 g per day. Completely eliminating them from the diet is dangerous to health. Nutritionists also warn that a high-protein diet can cause health problems. It is undesirable to “sit” on such a nutrition system for more than 2 weeks.

You can repeat the diet 3-4 times. in year. Leaving a diet is an important moment. In order not to harm the body and not regain lost kilograms, carbohydrates should be introduced gradually, giving preference to slow carbohydrates. Doctors also noted that this diet is effective. The main thing is the right approach.

A no-carb diet for weight loss is an effective and quick way to get your body in shape. The list of permitted products allows you to create a varied menu for every day. By following the recommendations, you can forget about extra pounds forever.

Get lean without carbs: 5 rules for a no-carb diet

The peculiarity of a low-carbohydrate diet is that those who are losing weight do not need to adhere to a specific menu - they can eat according to their taste. Moreover, allowed foods are eaten in any quantity, whenever desired. Within reason, of course. The main thing in a low-carbohydrate diet is to adhere to the basic recommendations.

  1. Calories and carbohydrates. The diet assumes that you will reduce the calorie content of your usual daily diet by about 20%. The good news is that you can’t completely give up carbohydrates. The limit is at least 20 g per day. Preference is given to products containing complex organic substances. Mostly carbohydrates come with eggs and vegetables, where detailed calculations are not required.
  2. Fractional meals. When creating a carbohydrate-free diet menu for every day, you need to set yourself up for five to six meals. Moreover, you need to eat at regular intervals.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids. A protein diet is a test for the kidneys. Therefore, it is important to maintain water balance. Anyone losing weight should drink at least one and a half liters of pure water without gas per day. However, half an hour before meals and half an hour after - all drinking is prohibited.
  4. Physical exercise. It is not necessary to die on exercise machines, but gymnastics, swimming and walking in the fresh air will speed up the “plumb line”.
  5. Clear deadlines. You can be on a strict low-carbohydrate diet, the menu of which was formed without consulting a nutritionist, for no more than a week. Even if you are encouraged by the first results and have no complaints about your health, a break is required.

You can prepare dishes on a low-carbohydrate diet in a variety of ways, including frying in vegetable oil. Although, boiling, stewing and baking are still considered the healthiest options. Salt and pepper are not prohibited. First courses are acceptable on the menu, but without potatoes. Salads can be dressed with olive oil or lemon juice. You can also diversify the taste of your food by adding some nuts or seeds.

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