South Beach Diet - Everyday Menu and Recipes

General rules

The dietary health course was developed by leading American cardiologist Arthur Agatston.
Initially, the diet was developed for people with various diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system, who often suffer from excess weight. Therefore, the diet was designed so that patients consumed only the “right” carbohydrates and fats - vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts, fish and excluded the “wrong” carbohydrates from the menu - refined foods, milk chocolate and trans fats .

Arthur Agatston

Having first tried the diet on himself, the doctor noted that in a week he lost 4 kg painlessly and easily, which means the diet is not only healthy, but also ideal for losing weight. Having presented the information in the book of the same name, the beach weight loss system received enormous publicity and became popular among people of all ages who want to strengthen the body and prepare their figure for the summer season.

The book “The South Beach Diet” describes in detail all 3 stages of weight loss and the nuances of nutrition:

  • the first is the strictest - protein lasts 2 weeks and ensures maximum weight loss - up to 4-6 kg, is aimed at eliminating all “bad” carbohydrates from the diet and bringing metabolic processes to normal;
  • the second is carbohydrate – it is recommended to adhere to this diet for several months, you can already allow yourself complex carbohydrates, that is, “good” and “correct”;
  • the third stage has no time limits, it is important not to overeat, not to eat after seven in the evening, to reduce food intake to 3 times a day and not to eat “wrong” carbohydrates and trans fats.

At the last stage of the South Beach diet, the results are best seen - the body has rebuilt itself, you don’t want flour and sweets, it’s important to consolidate the result for life, otherwise it’s better to go back to the first stage and start all over again.

Why diet helps you lose weight

The diet developed by the cardiologist and his team is very useful for losing weight. Maximum weight loss is observed in the first stage of the diet, which lasts 2 weeks. At this time, you completely exclude from your diet foods that contain sugar in any form. Consequently, the body begins to use its reserves by burning accumulated glycogen. Glycogen is nothing more than sugar dissolved in water. After it is digested, only liquid remains, and in its pure form it is very easily removed from the body.

It turns out that we lose weight to a large extent by removing excess water from the body. This is very useful because it helps not only to get rid of several kilograms, but also to relieve swelling and improve metabolic processes.

Authorized Products

A protein diet at the beginning of a diet course has a beneficial effect on intensive weight loss. It should be varied, so you should stock up on a large assortment of meat, for example, chicken, turkey, beef, veal. It is important to use lean parts - fillet, tenderloin (skin should be removed).

In addition, you can allow yourself eggs, low-fat cheese (cheddar, cottage cheese 1-2% or low-fat, feta, parmesan, mozzarella, ricotta), seafood, fish, low-fat yogurt and milk.

“Correct” carbohydrates at the second stage of the weight loss system are recommended to be obtained from oatmeal, grain and rye bread, and dark chocolate. Vegetable oils, such as peanut and olive, are best sources of fat. Drinking wine is allowed (with the exception of the first strict stage).

You can enrich your diet with nuts, vegetables, and lettuce. The best snacks are fruits; you can treat yourself to blueberries, currants, blueberries, apples, grapes, kiwi, melon, strawberries, mangoes, pears, plums, grapefruits, apricots, oranges.

The list of vegetables that can be consumed, fresh, boiled, blanched, grilled, is quite long and includes: artichokes, broccoli, asparagus, beans, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplant, spinach, zucchini, turnips, alfalfa sprouts.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

green peas5,00,213,873
romaine lettuce1,81,12,717





Cereals and porridges


Bakery products

Old Russian grain bread9,62,747,1252


dark chocolate6,235,448,2539


milk 2.5%2,82,54,752

Cheeses and cottage cheese

mozzarella cheese18,024,00,0240

Meat products

boiled beef25,816,80,0254
boiled veal30,70,90,0131


boiled chicken25,27,40,0170


hard-boiled chicken eggs12,911,60,8160

Fish and seafood

boiled crabs16,03,60,096
king prawns18,31,20,887
grilled salmon20,722,30,6283

Oils and fats

peanut butter0,099,90,0899
olive oil0,099,80,0898

Alcoholic drinks

white wine Muscat0,00,05,082
dry red wine0,20,00,368

Juices and compotes

tomato juice1,10,23,821
* data is per 100 g of product

What products are allowed?

During Phase I the following are allowed:

  • lean meat;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • poultry (without skin);
  • eggs;
  • low-fat dairy products: cheeses (fat content no more than 14%), cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt without additives;
  • sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, nuts;
  • olives, avocado (no more than 1/3 per day), herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and other non-starchy vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • pepper, soy sauce, horseradish, lemon juice;
  • bran;
  • vegetable oil for dressing vegetable salads;
  • cocoa, black natural coffee, black and green tea, herbal teas, freshly squeezed tomato juice.

During phase II, the following products are added to this list (which, however, are consumed in moderation):

  • fruits and berries;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • rye and whole grain bread;
  • whole grains: oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice;
  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • black chocolate;
  • natural red dry wine.

In phase III, it is allowed to consume any foods, avoiding only high-calorie foods (confectionery, fatty foods, fast food). The basis of the diet is low-fat meat and dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Fully or partially limited products

All cereals (with the exception of oatmeal) are contraindicated, including polished rice, as well as refined granulated sugar and products that contain it. Alcoholic drinks are also not recommended, with the exception of wine.

Arthur Agatston suggests completely eliminating carbohydrate foods with a high glycemic index and culinary products containing trans fats , because they are quickly and easily digested and, as a result, contribute to the formation of plaques, the development of atherosclerosis and other problems of the cardiovascular system. These are rightfully considered: all sweets, milk chocolate, muffins and cakes, bakery products.

In addition, the doctor suggests removing vegetables such as beets, white potatoes and sweet potatoes, carrots, corn from the diet and limiting the consumption of tomatoes.

Also prohibited:

  • roast;
  • smoked;
  • fast food.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
milk chocolate6,935,754,4550
* data is per 100 g of product

American boom

They say that the South Beach Diet has been very popular all over the world for five years. This technique was developed by American cardiologist Arthur Agatston from Florida.

He created a unique diet aimed at reducing weight in patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The diet helps you lose weight smoothly and without any stress. And this, in turn, will lead to a reduction in the risks of the occurrence, development and recurrence of diseases.

Agatston actually used “South Beach” on his patients. Local television learned about the magnificent success and immediately spread this information throughout the country. And soon almost all Americans began to follow this diet.

Catchy name

Friends, why do you think this nutritional method has such criticism? In fact, everything is as simple as shelling pears! Just imagine what the Pacific beaches of Florida and Malibu look like... No, I'm not talking about the landscape.

Men have a sculpted body: broad shoulders, a powerful torso, strong arms, six-pack abs. Women have a wasp waist, smooth curves, elastic hips and buttocks. Perhaps every person dreams of such a silhouette. Is not it?

This is exactly what the author of the diet was counting on. He is confident that his system will help create a divine figure, strengthen muscle mass and comprehensively improve the body.

Well, the message is clear. Now let's understand its features in detail!

South Beach Diet, daily menu and meal plan

The Beach Diet is divided into three stages.

Menu for the first 2 weeks (stage I)

  • tomato juice;
  • a portion of stewed mushrooms, lettuce, eggs, steak;
  • a cup of weak coffee.
  • low-fat cheese, for example, mozzarella;
  • gelatin dessert without sugar.
  • baked vegetables and chicken
Afternoon snack
  • celery and low-fat cottage cheese
  • Grill vegetables, fish, season with lemon juice;
  • light dessert made from low-fat cheese and almonds.

Example of a menu for the second stage of the beach diet (stage II - 1-2 months)

  • liquid milk oatmeal with strawberries;
  • tea.
  • boiled chicken eggs
  • boiled chicken and vegetables (mixed greens, cucumbers, lettuce peppers, ripe tomatoes)
Afternoon snack
  • cheese and fruit slices
  • grilled salmon;
  • assorted vegetables with olive oil;
  • a slice of dark chocolate and berries.

Example of a menu at the third stage

  • omelette with toast;
  • 1-2 grapefruits;
  • tea or weak coffee with low-fat milk.
  • boiled beef;
  • fruits.
  • boiled chicken and asparagus;
  • fresh berries or mousse.

Weight loss phases

According to the American doctor’s method, the diet is designed in three stages. Their duration may vary depending on the patient’s well-being. There are no strict or generally accepted rules. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

First stage

This period can last from 1 to 3 months. For good results you need to hold out as long as possible.

It is during this phase that significant weight loss occurs. Because the body gets rid of excess fluid and adjusts to a new regime.

So, all carbohydrates are excluded from the diet (including cereals, wholemeal bread, etc.). The diet includes:

  • greenery;
  • non-starchy vegetables;
  • protein (in the form of eggs, meat and seafood);
  • milk products;
  • nuts.

You are allowed to consume 1 unsweetened fruit per day before 12-00.

The food should be very light, but at the same time a person should not feel hungry. Therefore, it is important to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions.

For clarity, the doctor gives the diet for one day. Of course, it can be modified depending on taste preferences.


  • Breakfast: salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers, dressed with olive oil - 200 g.
  • Snack: 1 small green apple.
  • Lunch: baked zucchini with cheese cap - 100 g, chicken fillet - 70 g.
  • Snack: a glass of kefir and 3 walnuts.
  • Dinner: 150 g of cottage cheese with sour cream.

Second phase

This period continues until the person reaches the desired weight. Here the menu is not so strict; slow carbohydrates are gradually introduced into the diet. It is allowed to add cereals, rye bread, and sweet fruits to any meal once a day.

The doctor says that at this stage the weight loss will not be that significant. Therefore, you will have to stick to this diet for quite a long time. For some patients this takes 3-5 months.

Arthur Agatston also recommends that his wards introduce light physical activity. It can be:

  • gymnastics;
  • yoga;
  • swimming;
  • walking.

It is necessary to perform at least some physical activity for 30-40 minutes at least 2-3 times a week. This will help tighten your body and strengthen your muscles.

The final stage

This phase is the final one. At this stage, correct habits and eating behavior are finally formed. Therefore, the cardiologist advises sticking to it all your life.

Here you can consume all the listed permitted products. The menu is based on three meals a day. Snacking is acceptable, but not recommended. It is also important to exercise 3-4 times a week.

The doctor introduces his patients to sample menus for every day. They are as follows:

The first day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk and banana, sandwich with cheese, green tea.
  • Lunch: buckwheat with skinless chicken drumstick, cabbage salad, lingonberry juice (no sugar).
  • Dinner: lentils with stewed beef, cucumber and herb salad.

Second day

  • Breakfast: two scrambled eggs, a slice of rye bread with tongue, natural coffee with milk.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad with arugula, pasta with seafood, black tea.
  • Dinner: grilled turkey breast fillet, green beans, rosehip broth.

This is just a sample diet. You need to take it as a basis and navigate when creating your own menu.


Omelette with cabbage and champignon mushrooms

Pour a mixture of beaten eggs (2 pcs.) and water (2 tbsp.) into a preheated frying pan with olive oil.

Omelette with cabbage and champignon mushrooms

Place boiled cauliflower (75 g) and finely chopped pickled mushrooms (75 g) on ​​one half of the omelette, sprinkle with grated cheese (50 g). Fold the omelette in half and serve on a plate.

Greek salad

Mix coarsely chopped vegetables: 8 green lettuce leaves, 1 cucumber, 1 medium tomato and 0.5 cups chopped red onion. Make a dressing from 2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice, 0.5 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. dry oregano.

Greek salad

Season the salad and place shredded low-fat cheese on top (no more than 0.5 cups).

Miami Beach Tuna Salad

Place 180 g of tuna in its own juice, chopped cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, radishes, avocado on lettuce leaves and pour over a sauce of olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and black pepper.

Chicken in parchment

Place 2 chicken breasts, cut in half, on a baking sheet on paper, salt and pepper these 4 pieces and sprinkle with a vegetable mixture of carrots, zucchini, tarragon and orange zest. Wrap in paper and make sure the edges are sealed tightly. Bake for 20 minutes in a 180 degree oven.

Grilled salmon with rosemary

Season half a salmon fillet cut into 4 pieces with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, garlic and rosemary.

Grilled salmon with rosemary

Grill for at least 5 minutes on each side. When serving, you can garnish with rosemary.

Creamy dessert Ricotta with lemon zest

Mix ricotta cheese, zest of 1/4 lemon, 1 tsp. vanilla and 1 small package of sugar substitute.

Ricotta with lemon zest

Serve dessert after refrigerating for at least 1 hour.

Chicken with broccoli and Asian peas

Pour 1/3 cup mixture over 4 chicken breasts. vermouth, 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 2 tsp. olive oil, 50 g finely chopped green onions, 1 tsp. freshly grated ginger and 1 minced clove of garlic. Add 300 g broccoli florets and 300 g frozen green peas. Bake in the oven at 220 degrees for 15-18 minutes on a baking sheet.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • no need to count calories;
  • snacks are allowed;
  • does not accompany a feeling of hunger;
  • the level of cholesterol and insulin in the bloodstream is normalized;
  • the use of any seasonings and spices is allowed;
  • The body gets used to consuming healthy fats and complex carbohydrates.
  • you need to spend a lot of time preparing food;
  • quite financially expensive.

South Beach Diet Results and Reviews

If you go to a forum about exotic diets for weight loss, you can find many rave reviews about the South Beach diet plan. It has already established itself as a diet that:

  • guarantees stable weight loss;
  • does not cause loss of strength, headaches or obsessive hunger.

People who tried it claim that the diet helped them give up unhealthy fast food and other bad eating habits, because the body is gradually rebuilt and healthier, all metabolic processes are normalized, and an additional 15-20 minutes of daily exercise makes the figure slim and toned.

Arthur Agatston's book provides many examples of successful completion of a diet course. His patients not only began to feel better and were able to return to an active life, but infertile couples were able to give birth to healthy children.

There are negative reviews from doctors - they do not advise getting carried away with the beach diet, because the abundance of protein foods at the first stage seriously loads the excretory system.

Useful tips

The good thing about the Presidential Diet is that it has a long-lasting effect and rearranges nutrition in the right way thanks to a nourishing and balanced menu. The third part of the diet is built on consolidating the result and rebuilding nutrition in the right way. The ideal option would be to follow this menu for the rest of your life. The diet will help you maintain your weight for years.

At any time, a person losing weight can return to the diet he followed before the diet, gradually increasing his caloric intake after leaving it. Last but not least, it includes sweets, baked goods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, and salt and sugar.

The Presidential Diet is considered one of the best among existing nutritional methods. Remember that some people losing weight lose weight slowly and due to the removal of water from the tissues, so at first the body is reluctant to part with extra pounds.

Often at first there is a taste of acetone in the mouth, thirst and frequent bowel movements - this is caused by the small amount of plant foods on the menu.

You should set aside time to cook, because unlike mono-diets, the South Beach diet includes a variety of dishes. If someone who is losing weight has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys or liver, then such a diet will lead to the development of stones or “problematic” stools.


Diet price

Calculating the price of the South Beach diet is quite difficult, because food should, first of all, be healthy and varied. Arthur Agatston allows you to use your imagination in the selection of meat, vegetables, fruits and desserts.

  • If we take only the most affordable products for our region, give preference to seasonal fruits and vegetables, chicken, beef and salmon, take mozzarella cheese and nuts for snacks, and make jelly from exotic fruits (kiwi, pineapples) and cottage cheese with dried fruits for desserts, then the first 2 weeks of the diet will cost you approximately 7,500 rubles, that is, approximately 3,200 rubles per week.
  • At the second stage, the menu can be enriched with healthy carbohydrates - oatmeal, whole grain bread, strawberries and other berries; you can allow yourself a glass of wine and a piece of dark chocolate. All this will cost you an additional 1-2 thousand rubles per week. That is, one week - approximately 4,500 rubles.
  • And at the third stage, your body will be completely rebuilt and will itself require only healthy foods. You can diversify the menu and try adding culinary delights - complex salads and desserts. Use any products from the list of permitted products in your dishes, alternating them and experimenting. Since portions should remain small and snacks should consist of nuts, low-fat cheeses and fruits, the price of food for the week should not exceed the average price of the second stage.


It depends on the stage of the diet. The first one has the most restrictions. On the second you can add some products. The third is proper nutrition, which you can stick to for an unlimited amount of time. The first and second stages last two weeks.

First and second weeks

At this stage, the emphasis is on foods high in protein.

The basis of the diet is meat and fish.

The following products can be consumed in any quantity:

  • meat (poultry, veal, lamb);
  • seafood and fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • chicken, quail, duck or goose eggs;
  • tofu;
  • Mozzarella;
  • Parmesan;
  • feta;
  • ricotta;
  • low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese;
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • cauliflower;
  • eggplant;
  • any greens (parsley, lettuce, dill, cilantro, etc.);
  • turnip;
  • onion;
  • legumes;
  • pepper;
  • radish;
  • asparagus.
  • You can eat seeds and nuts, sauces and desserts in limited quantities.

    The list of permitted products includes the following nuts and seeds (one item per day in quantities not exceeding the specified quantity):

  • almonds – 15 pcs.;
  • cashews – 15 pcs.;
  • hazelnuts – 25 pcs.;
  • flax seeds – 9 tsp;
  • macadamia – 8 pcs.;
  • sesame – 9 tsp;
  • peanuts – 20 pcs.;
  • sunflower seeds – 9 tsp;
  • pistachios – 30 pcs.;
  • pine nuts – 9 tsp;
  • walnuts – 15 pcs.
  • Sauces are allowed in the following quantities: 1.5 tsp. soy or 3 tsp. Worcestershire per day to choose from.

    For desserts, cocoa and sugar-free candies are allowed. As for drinks, teas of any type and variety are allowed (black, white, green, hibiscus rose, any herbs). You can sweeten your tea with a sugar substitute for diabetics.

    You can season salads with the sauces mentioned above, as well as sunflower or olive oil.

    strictly forbidden to eat the following foods in the first and second weeks of the South Beach diet:

  • bread;
  • pasta;
  • flour;
  • sugar and all products containing it, including soda and store-bought juices;
  • milk and all its derivatives, except cottage cheese (sour cream, butter, yoghurts, etc.);
  • fatty cheeses;
  • coffee (if you are addicted to caffeine, you can drink up to 50 mg of the drink every two days);
  • all berries and fruits, their juices;
  • vegetables other than those indicated in the list of permitted foods;
  • pork;
  • liver;
  • ham, sausages, etc.;
  • any alcoholic drinks;
  • nonalcoholic beer;
  • ketchup;
  • poultry skin (it must be removed before cooking meat);
  • potato;
  • porridge (all).
  • Next you need to move on to the second stage of the diet. During this period, some products that were prohibited at the previous stage are allowed.

    Third and fourth weeks

    At this time, you can include porridge and some fruits in your diet.

    The following remain prohibited:

  • alcoholic drinks (only red wine is allowed - no more than 100 ml per day) and non-alcoholic beer;
  • sweet drinks;
  • sugar, chocolate and confectionery;
  • flour;
  • potato.
  • You can start eating fruits and berries:

  • dried apricots;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • grapefruits;
  • peaches;
  • plums;
  • oranges;
  • grape;
  • peaches;
  • mango;
  • plums;
  • strawberries;
  • cherries;
  • blueberries;
  • kiwi.
  • Carrots are added to the vegetables allowed at the first stage.

    For desserts, it is permissible to consume dark chocolate and sugar-free pudding.

    You can also include cereals such as couscous, brown rice and oatmeal in your diet.

    Third stage

    We can say that this is no longer part of the diet. At this stage, the main goal is to prevent excess weight gain again. You need to adhere to these rules for as long as possible with minimal deviations.

    It is prohibited to eat:

  • confectionery;
  • fast food;
  • sweet drinks;
  • all alcoholic drinks, except red wine;
  • flour and pasta.
  • It is better to eat in the first half of the day. The last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. It is best to steam or bake food. You can also eat it boiled. The amount of fried and smoked foods should be limited.

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