Elixir Healthy for weight loss - does it help or not? Let's figure it out together with doctors

Elixir for weight loss “Zdorov” – a scam or an effective remedy?

Elixir “Zdorov” is a biological supplement for weight loss based on propolis and other natural ingredients. It is designed as a special assistant for those who want to get rid of extra pounds quickly and without harm to health.

The elixir is a completely herbal product that contains a large amount of useful substances, vitamins and macroelements. The action is based on:

  • natural acceleration of metabolic processes, the slowdown of which often leads to obesity;
  • gradual and complete recovery of the body, promoting rapid burning of fat deposits and good health.

Unlike other similar drugs for weight loss, apielixir acts from the inside, at the cellular level, normalizing metabolic processes and the functioning of the body. At the same time, advertised fat burners artificially suppress appetite and stimulate the nervous system. We can say with great confidence that “Healthy” is not a nutritional scam, but a real assistant in the final loss of excess weight.

To get rid of 10 kg of excess weight in just 14 days, the new propolis slimming elixir Zdorov will suit you

Numerous scientific studies have shown that apielixir for weight loss gives real results:

  • 80% of subjects noted a weight loss of 10–15 kg in just a month;
  • the rest were able to lose up to 10 kg, which is a very good start.

But the product cannot remove fat on its own; some revision of the diet and moderate physical activity will be required. In combination, very high results are possible in a short time. At the same time, your well-being and emotional state will significantly improve.

Reviews about the drug


When purchasing any medications, always read the ingredients. Most often, weight loss products are sold only on the Internet, so study the components on the official website.

Elixir “Zdorov” consists of the following ingredients:

  • Sea buckthorn oil. In terms of the content of useful substances, no plant can compare with this berry, because sea buckthorn contains the entire group of vitamins. The oil helps with weight loss, it removes fat deposits from the body and prevents them from accumulating again. The berry is also a natural antioxidant that brightens and rejuvenates the skin.
  • Cedar resin. The product is enriched with useful substances, vitamins and amino acids. Enzymes help normalize metabolic processes, which reduces body weight. With the help of resin, appetite is controlled. This component will be a good remedy in the fight against cellulite.
  • Propolis oil extract promotes proper fat metabolism and helps break down fats in the human body. Propolis also destroys various viruses and bacteria, strengthening the immune system.
  • Cedar oil extract. The high content of nutrients in this component stimulates intestinal function and accelerates the metabolic process. The extract blocks the feeling of hunger, and its use has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Milk thistle oil. This plant helps to completely cleanse the body, ridding it of toxins and waste. When losing weight, it has a tightening effect on the skin, preventing it from becoming flabby.

The “Zdorov” product starts the process of burning weight, while keeping the skin firm and elastic.

How do the components of apieelixir work?

Elixir “Zdorov” is a multi-component product. The recipe is based on centuries-old achievements of traditional medicine and, in particular, apitherapy - treatment using bee products. The ingredients are completely natural and natural, beneficial for the process of losing weight and health in general.

The composition contains more than 20 vitamins and microelements involved in the functioning of the body.

With propolis elixir you will lose weight quickly, effectively and without harm to the body

The greatest therapeutic effect is based on several healing components:

  • propolis is an active organic substance that reduces the level of protein responsible for fat deposition, normalizes the digestion process, reduces appetite, participates in the process of burning fat, accelerates energy metabolism, and saturates the body with vitamins;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil – rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, polyunsaturated acids, accelerates metabolism and the breakdown of fat deposits, improves digestion;
  • milk thistle – oil with a high content of vitamin A, helps destroy cellulite, tones the skin, smoothes folds and stretch marks, improves liver function, normalizes metabolism;
  • birch mushroom (chaga) – cleanses the body of waste products, waste, toxins, restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves spasms and pain in diseases of the digestive system, normalizes appetite;
  • calendula – has a calming and anti-stress effect, preventing overeating against the background of emotional overstimulation, prevents insomnia, which negatively affects the process of losing weight;

The composition contains plant extracts, vitamins A, E, C, potassium, magnesium, amino acids

  • flax oil – has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, prevents exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcers, improves digestion and absorption of nutrients from food;
  • cedar extract is a source of the “youth hormone”, reduces mental and physical stress, promotes the conversion of fat into energy, and improves skin condition.

The balanced composition works directly in the body, actively participating in all metabolic and digestive processes. While taking the “Zdorov” elixir, weight loss occurs naturally, without harm to health and well-being.

Composition of the drug

When the ZDOROV elixir was made, it contained four active ingredients:

  • propolis, freeing from germs and bacteria. It is able to block viruses and resist infections, activating the immune system;
  • calendula, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Its disinfecting properties are used to cleanse the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Chaga mushroom, which helps normalize the level of acidity in the stomach. Has proven itself as an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial agent;
  • St. John's wort has the ability to kill bacteria. Has a positive effect on digestion, repelling attacks from viruses, bacteria and infections.

Together, these four components have a beneficial effect on the entire body and actively help in the treatment of ulcers and gastritis.

Benefits of Apielixir

“Zdorov” is a propolis elixir for weight loss with a unique composition. Natural ingredients and a balanced formulation allow us to call it a life-saving remedy for those who want to lose weight without much effort and problems.

Fat tissue begins to break down on its own after 3-4 doses of the elixir

The advantages are obvious:

  • Suitable for absolutely everyone, men and women of all ages;
  • has no contraindications or undesirable effects, even for chronic diseases;
  • burning fat, removing waste and toxins, normalizing digestion, improving metabolism, establishing hormonal levels, supporting immune defense, restoring strength and energy - comprehensive healing of the body and a beautiful reflection in the mirror in one bottle;
  • ease of use, no additional conditions or special regime;
  • good results in a very short time, which are subsequently maintained;
  • absolutely safe and harmless weight loss at home;
  • beautiful and elastic skin, without stretch marks and sagging;
  • good mood, cheerfulness, energy, lack of stress;
  • endurance and high performance in sports training;
  • normalization of nutritional culture and daily routine;
  • complete rejuvenation of the body in a safe and painless way.

Propolis elixir is an indispensable assistant on the path to weight loss and healing of body and soul.

Herbal balm “Zdorov” does not contain harmful components in the form of nervous system stimulants and brain signal blockers

Instructions for use

Elixir “Zdorov” is an additive to the basic diet, so no special conditions are required for administration. There is no need to change your usual food intake, just adjust it a little - remove highly sweet dishes and fast food, do not overeat.

Physical activity is a good addition. This could be walking in the fresh air in the evenings or working out in the gym.

It is recommended to take the fat burner according to the following scheme:

  • shake the healing liquid, because plant substances can settle to the bottom;
  • prepare a glass of clean water, you can take juice or another favorite drink;
  • add 5 drops of elixir and mix well;
  • drink before meals twice a day (not before bedtime);
  • alternative: drink 1 teaspoon of solution with water.

The duration of the course depends on individual factors. For those who have gained a few extra pounds during the holidays, a 7-day use of the product is enough to get your body in shape. For people who are obese and significantly overweight, the process of losing weight from “Healthy” can last from 2 weeks to several months. It is necessary to determine the optimal period based on the result on the scales and external signs. If in doubt, you can first consult with a nutritionist and choose the appropriate option.

Herbal elixir “Zdorov” is recommended by nutritionists to speed up the weight loss process


The fat burner elixir is absolutely safe, moreover, it is good for health. Such conclusions are not unfounded. Before offering it to consumers, numerous checks, studies, and practical applications were tested. There are absolutely no complaints about adverse reactions or unpleasant phenomena during administration.

In addition, it contains only the most useful and safe ingredients that are unable to cause any harm to human health. Therefore, the elixir is approved for use by absolutely all men and women over 18 years of age, even with chronic diseases.

Reasonable precautions must be taken when:

  • hypersensitivity to components (allergies);
  • severe pathologies of internal organs;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Before using the “Zdorov” elixir, if you have questions or doubts, it is better to consult your doctor. In other cases, you can safely take it without any special restrictions, following the recommendations in the instructions and adhering to a healthy lifestyle.

Despite the recent release on sale, the herbal balm is collecting positive customer reviews every day

Where to buy apielixir "Zdorov"

Propolis elixir “Zdorov” for weight loss is not sold in pharmacies. It is not a drug, so it is not sold in pharmacies. The miraculous remedy can be ordered online, on the manufacturer’s official website. Only here is there a guarantee that the product is real and not fake. And it’s very easy to make a purchase by making a few clicks and placing an order.

Order with a discount

Important! Beware of counterfeits and low-price offers; do not purchase elixir from unscrupulous sellers. The result is only possible with the original “Zdorov” product.

The cost depends on the region of purchase. The average price in Russia is 990 rubles. Hurry up to take advantage of the promotional offer, visit the official website.

How much does the elixir “Zdorov” cost?

The cost of the original product can be found on the official website of the manufacturer. From time to time the price is reduced, promotions are held, and a big discount is established for regular customers: often the product can be bought at half price. The pricing is not affected by inflation or price jumps in stores. In Moscow you can buy the drug for 990 rubles or even cheaper.

Where can I buy

Please note that the drug cannot be purchased at the pharmacy. Order the product on the manufacturer’s website or through official partners. As a rule, to place an order, you should fill out a special form, after which a manager will contact you to clarify delivery details. The parcel within Russia takes about 10 days. You pay for the goods at the post office upon receipt or pay the courier.

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