Does wrapping with cling film help remove belly fat at home?

From this article you will learn:

  • The essence of body wrap as a cosmetic procedure
  • The principle of operation of cling film when wrapping
  • Types of film wrapping
  • Indications and contraindications for body wraps
  • Main stages of the wrapping procedure
  • Recipes for masks for wrapping with film
  • Effect after wrapping with film

A beautiful body is the dream of many women. This question becomes especially relevant on the eve of the summer season, when you really want to show off in short skirts, showing off chic legs, or in a swimsuit, causing men to admire your ideal figure. Unfortunately, the modern pace of life, workload, poor nutrition, and the environment do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. As a result, women are saddened to find flaws in themselves that they would like to get rid of.

Fortunately, now there are every opportunity to get your body in shape. You can get rid of stretch marks, cellulite and extra centimeters without spending a lot of time and money. Many procedures are available even at home, which saves a lot of time. One such procedure is film wrapping. Compositions for it are sold in any store or pharmacy, and the effect exceeds all expectations. The main condition is to complete the course and combine it with physical activity.

What is cling film wrapping

Excess folds on different parts of the body are fat and liquid accumulated under the skin. Even if you exercise regularly and follow a healthy diet, it is not always possible to get rid of unsightly sagging skin. Then many people, in pursuit of an ideal figure, resort to an additional method - wrapping with cling film. They are carried out simply: you need to thoroughly clean the skin at the site where cellophane is applied, if desired, treat it with additional weight loss products and wrap the body. Then it is advisable to put on warm clothes and spend at least half an hour in this form.



  1. Do not prepare the mixture in metal or plastic containers.
  2. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed so that there are no lumps.
  3. Vegetable and cosmetic oils, chocolate, honey are heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven to 40°C.
  4. Everything that is prepared must be used immediately and not stored until next time.


  1. Apply a small amount of the prepared mixture to the skin on your wrist and wash off after a quarter of an hour. Monitor the results within 24 hours. If there is no allergic reaction, start using it for its intended purpose.
  2. Steam in a hot bath or shower (it is recommended to massage the abdomen with a stream of water). It is even better to carry out such procedures in a bathhouse.
  3. Remove dirt using a cleansing gel and a hard sponge.
  4. Apply scrub. Massage your stomach in a circular motion.
  5. Rinse off.
  6. Rub the skin until dry and red with a hard terry towel.


Apply a small amount of the mixture to the skin of the abdomen. Distribute it evenly in a circular motion. For a more effective figure correction, also grab the sides and back. Massage for 2-3 minutes, rubbing thoroughly.

If this is a wrap mask, hide it under several layers of cling film. It will perform 2 functions at once: it will not allow the mixture to drain and will enhance thermogenesis, which additionally promotes fat burning. The main thing is not to tighten it too tightly, because this will lead to disruption of lymph flow and blood circulation. The top is usually tied with a wide scarf or wrapped in a towel.

For more information about how wraps are made at home, read the link.

If the mask is thick enough and you are not going to make a wrap based on it, you can lie on your back (just put something under it that you don’t mind getting dirty) and leave your stomach in the open air. If the mixture dries quickly, a second layer can be applied after 5-10 minutes.

The average duration is 20-30 minutes. Soft masks (honey, chocolate, clay, oil) can be left on a little longer, up to 40 minutes.


Take a shower or a salt (soda) bath, which also promote weight loss. Do not use any gels, scrubs, or foams. Wipe dry. Apply anti-cellulite cream or anti-stretch mark cream (if any) on the stomach in a circular motion. Wear loose, breathable clothing to minimize contact with the treated skin.

General Tips

For the first time, sign up for this procedure at a salon to see how the master works. Then his manipulations will be easy to repeat at home.

Masks are made on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours after eating. The ideal time is a couple of hours before bedtime. Frequency: every 1-2 days for 3-4 weeks. After this you need to take a break.

Losing belly fat is only possible with a low-calorie diet and exercises designed specifically for this part of the body. Some of the best masks are honey, chocolate and black clay. They can be done in a bathhouse, which itself effectively works for weight loss (we have already written about this). More aggressive components (mustard, ginger, cinnamon) should be used more carefully and not used at high temperatures.

Is it possible to lose weight with cling film?

Opinions vary about the effectiveness of losing weight using cling film. This happens for the reason that cling film on the stomach itself cannot in any way affect or break down the subcutaneous fat layer. It only causes the body at the site of the wrap to overheat, which causes increased sweating there, that is, fluid loss. When after the procedure a person replenishes lost water reserves, all the lost grams return to their place.

The auxiliary effect of body wraps during weight loss should not be underestimated. The procedure cleanses the skin, tones it using products applied under cellophane, tightens it, that is, affects the overall appearance of the problem area. If you add other weight loss methods to the wrap, such as diet, physical activity on a specific area, then you will achieve a noticeable result.

Which film to choose

Cling film is an item that every housewife has in her kitchen.
It can be used not only for baking food. The film perfectly removes a sagging belly. Due to its tight fit, it promotes excessive sweating in the abdomen and sides and breaks down fat. In combination with physical activity it gives stunning results. Cling film can be bought at any store, supermarket or market. It's cheap. For weight loss at home, wraps using additional ingredients (honey, coffee, seaweed, vinegar, clay, pepper) are effective. If you are determined to lose weight quickly, purchase 10 rolls at once. You can wrap the stomach and all problem areas - arms, buttocks, thighs. After an hour of intense physical activity, sweat will flow in a stream, and fat will be broken down forever.

How to remove belly fat using cling film

The stomach is one of those places where excess fat deposits are most visible. This is especially true for women who have a natural predisposition to having a small layer of fat on their abdomen. This part of the body loses its shape after pregnancy, when the skin inevitably stretches and sags. Cling film can tighten the stomach, restore elasticity and silkiness to the skin, relieve swelling by removing excess fluid, and improve blood circulation in this area, which also has a positive effect on appearance.


With thermal effect

Their task is to speed up blood circulation. The tissues will receive additional doses of oxygen, which is an active participant in fat burning. Typically it includes:

  • ginger;
  • melted chocolate;
  • Capsicum ointment;
  • kelp;
  • liquid honey;
  • mustard powder;
  • ground red pepper or its tincture;
  • cinnamon.

Prepare for profuse sweating and burning.

With cooling effect

The goal is to cause constriction of blood vessels and cool the tissue. The body has to look for additional energy to heat the treated area, which leads to the breakdown of belly fat. They usually add:

  • agar-agar powder;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • crushed mint leaves;
  • menthol components;
  • camphor.

One of the best and most popular masks used for losing belly fat is chocolate.
Almost all belly masks are anti-cellulite and do an excellent job with orange peel. If it is indicated that they are stimulating, it means that they primarily work with the activation of blood circulation and metabolism.

How the wrap works

Cellophane wrapping is designed to increase body temperature in the problem area. The feasibility of this method is observed in those who suffer from swelling. The effect of the procedure is compared to the effect on the body of a sauna, where a person sweats due to the high temperature. While in cellophane, the body loses fluid for another reason. It blocks the pores and prevents the body from breathing. The temperature in the wrapped area increases by about 1.5-2 degrees, which promotes the active release of liquid, due to which the volume is removed.

Coffee wrap

Due to its qualities as a biological stimulant, coffee helps improve skin cell tone and accelerate metabolism.

Thanks to this, the breakdown of subcutaneous fats, smoothing of the body contour and tissue rejuvenation are provoked.

If ground natural coffee is mixed with honey or oils, the absorption of nutrients will occur much faster.

An additional advantage of this composition is the pleasant smell that remains on the skin.

In addition, not only freshly ground coffee can be used for cosmetic purposes, but also the grounds remaining after brewing the drink (without additives!).

Advantages and disadvantages

The method of losing belly fat using film wrap can affect the body both positively and negatively. It brings effective results, although it cannot be called ideal. This is demonstrated in the following table:

Quick results due to immediate removal of liquid.The lost volume is returned by the liquid drunk afterwards.
Improved skin condition.Dehydration, which is not always beneficial.
Availability and low cost.Rash and irritation may occur.

Result and efficiency

The effectiveness of this method of combating extra centimeters can be noticed after the first procedure. In just one day you can remove 3-4 centimeters from the waist area.

However, during the first procedures, only excess fluid is removed, which will return over time. Therefore, a course of procedures is required to reduce weight, remove fat deposits and increase elasticity. If you use hot wraps, you can tighten the skin of the abdomen in 10 procedures. In addition, regular implementation of the procedure will rejuvenate and improve tone.

The most effective belly wrap is the one that suits each person individually. Cold and hot procedures stimulate the process of burning subcutaneous fat in their own way.

Hot procedures open the skin, and impurities, toxins and excess fluid come out through them. With cold wraps, cell cleansing occurs through the excretory system. Effectively use honey, mustard, coffee and other procedures. The active component should be selected depending on the type and condition of the skin.

How to do a wrap

If you want the procedure to bring maximum results, simply wrapping your body is not enough. You must first conduct several useful sessions:

  • First of all, cleanse your skin. A scrub is suitable for this, which will remove dead cells.
  • Massage the area you will be wrapping. The massage will increase blood circulation, warm up the skin and prepare it for the action of the film, due to which the greenhouse effect will occur faster.
  • Apply a special cream (for example, anti-cellulite) or a mixture you prepare yourself, which will help achieve a weight loss effect.
  • Now comes the turn of wrapping. You need to apply cellophane tightly in several layers, but without squeezing the body. It is advisable to wear warm clothes over the top.
  • If desired, time in the film can be spent playing sports or relaxing. Physical activity increases heat and sweating. The wrap can last from 20 minutes to 1 hour depending on how you feel.
  • At the end, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin and apply moisturizer to it. Hydration is useful to avoid irritation, sagging or lethargy due to large loss of fluid in this area.
  • The course lasts about a month with 2-3 procedures per week.

How does the wrap procedure affect the skin of the abdomen and fatty tissue?

There is an opinion that you can get rid of the layer of subcutaneous fat accumulated over many years with one session. However, the effectiveness of the procedures will only be noticeable if you complete the full course of procedures.

Hot and cold wraps are effective ways to reduce body volume, especially in the areas most prone to fat accumulation: the abdomen, hips, and sides.

To achieve a noticeable result, you need to undergo at least 10-15 procedures. Maximum fat burning can be achieved in combination with sports exercises and diet.

The first wrap to tighten the skin of the abdomen will allow you to get rid of 2-3 cm from the waist. However, the first procedure ensures the outflow of excess moisture. To achieve a stable result, skin tightening and removal of excess fat, at least 10 procedures will be required.

It is impossible to lose weight in the abdominal area with wraps alone.
To get the maximum effect from the procedure, you need to adjust your diet and add physical activity. It is also recommended to check the condition of the endocrine system. A person’s hormonal background directly affects weight changes, down or up.

Cosmetologist, dermatologist, trichologist

Kalinina Olga Alexandrovna

4 years of experience

Maximum effectiveness can be achieved if you combine a belly slimming wrap with sports, a low-calorie diet and other weight loss methods.

Foot wrap

The most common problem for many women is cellulite.

However, waist wraps in themselves can show high effectiveness, as well as provide a comprehensive improvement in the body’s condition:

  • Improved blood circulation.
  • Saturation of the skin with beneficial components.
  • Reducing the thickness of the fat layer.
  • Solution to the problem of cellulite.
  • Provide lymphatic drainage effect.
  • Gives skin elasticity.
  • Improvement of lipolysis.

What wraps to do to remove belly fat

There is only one method of film wrapping, but there are many auxiliary means. They have a lot to do with whether cling film helps you lose weight. To enhance the effect, you can use various means, such as coffee, honey, vinegar, red pepper, clay, algae and much more. The most effective ingredients are those that are natural. You can try out different formulations of your own to see which ones work best. If there is severe discomfort, the session should be stopped.

With honey

A natural product that is useful in all respects is honey. It contains many nutrients and is not only used internally. Due to its positive effect on the skin, it is an active component of many masks. Honey is famous for its anti-inflammatory effect, its ability to trigger metabolic processes and saturate the skin with essential microelements. You can apply it under cellophane in its pure form, just warm it up a little in a water bath. To achieve additional properties, honey is mixed with milk, essential oils, and mustard.

With vinegar

Another common wrapping option is vinegar. It is considered a good aid in the fight against cellulite. It is recommended to use grape or apple cider vinegar in a concentration of no more than 3%. You can either rub it on your skin or soak a cloth in it and wrap it around your waist. The product is applied cold without heating; you can add a few drops of essential oils to the vinegar, but it is better to first test the effect of such a mixture on a small area of ​​skin to avoid irritation.

With coffee

Natural coffee beans are an excellent helper in maintaining youthful and healthy skin. Coffee perfectly cleanses, tones and rejuvenates. For wrapping, natural ground coffee or coffee grounds are used, which remain after preparing the drink. A few tablespoons of coffee are diluted with warm water to a paste, then applied to the skin. There are recipes where coffee is mixed with lemon, sea salt, honey, and seaweed.

With coffee

A tonic wrap for losing belly fat with coffee is incredibly effective thanks to the psychostimulating alkaloid it contains - caffeine. When used externally, it demonstrates the same processes as when taken internally:

  • stimulates lymph flow;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • normalizes metabolism.

Additionally, coffee wrap helps remove excess fluid, which means it perfectly fights swelling. After a series of procedures, the skin is noticeably transformed: it tightens, takes on a fresh look and gets rid of cellulite. It turns out that coffee wrap is endowed with lymphatic drainage, fat burning, anti-cellulite and restorative properties.

A pleasant feature of using coffee to lose belly fat is that there is no need to pre-cleanse the epidermis. The product itself acts as a fragrant scrub.

The classic recipe for the mixture for the procedure is as follows: used coffee grounds are diluted with water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, the consistency of which resembles a scrub. This creates a caustic and burning mixture that can properly cleanse the pores.

In combination with other components, coffee works even better:

  • With honey. Coffee-honey paste has a particularly good effect on the skin, as honey softens the aggression of coffee. To begin with, honey is heated in a water bath, taking no more than 50 ml, after which it is mixed with 100 grams of coffee grounds. If you want to make the paste more effective, you can add a little black pepper powder - no more than 5 grams. Citrus essential oils also work well in this composition.
  • With clay. Excellent results can be achieved by using a coffee-clay mixture. The procedure can be carried out even with hypersensitive skin. First, a paste is prepared from clay, diluted with clean water until creamy, and then combined with coffee grounds.
  • With sea salt. This paste acts very quickly in terms of fat burning. For 50 grams of fresh coffee grounds, take about 30 grams of sea salt without flavors or dyes.
  • With red pepper. Few people decide to lose weight using this composition. All due to too aggressive effects on the epidermis. But the results are worth the effort, since in tandem the two components work real miracles. To prepare the paste, measure out 30 grams of coffee grounds and 10 grams of ground red pepper.

To achieve a brilliant result with a coffee wrap, it is advisable to massage while applying any of the pastes. Its duration is from 1 to 15 minutes.


Not all people are allowed to carry out film wraps. Artificial overheating of the body can be dangerous in some cases. In addition, wraps must be carried out with caution, because sometimes it causes allergic reactions, irritation, peeling, and rashes. Contraindications to using this method as a way to lose weight are as follows:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • urinary tract problems;
  • diseases of the genital organs in women;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.


Lilya, 26 years old

I have been actively involved in sports for several months, but I could not eliminate the small fat layer on my stomach and sides. I started using wraps. I applied a mixture with pepper under the film. This method warms up the body very much. After a month of regular procedures, the volume of the abdomen decreased by 5 centimeters. I wear the film while playing sports.

Tatyana, 35 years old

I made wraps with honey. She conducted sessions three times a week. After applying the film, I went about my normal household chores. During physical activity, the body heats up well, but I couldn’t stand it for more than half an hour, because it gets very hot, the honey flows out and sticks, which is not very pleasant, but after three weeks about 2 centimeters disappeared from my waist.

Irina, 24 years old

Does wrapping with cling film help remove belly fat? For me, yes. This tidies up the skin on the stomach and legs. I do the procedures in the evening or at night. For the film I use ready-made cosmetic creams. They are easy to apply and don’t require any fuss with home remedies. I often apply anti-cellulite cream. I don't gain extra pounds.

Natalya, 31 years old

I tried doing wraps several times. I bought anti-cellulite creams, sometimes I made different masks myself, but I didn’t like the result. If you measure your waist immediately after wrapping, you can notice a decrease in volume by 1-2 centimeters, but the next day the size is the same. The liquid returns and nullifies all efforts.

The most effective body wraps for weight loss

Some experts argue that for obvious fat burning, especially in the abdominal area, wraps should be combined with aerobic training: this could be running, jumping, dancing. The lesson lasts exactly as long as you need to keep the working composition on the skin. However, whether a belly wrap for weight loss will be effective depends more on the components of the applied mixture. Fat burning and active fluid removal are accelerated by warming components:

  • essential oils;
  • hot peppers;
  • cinnamon;
  • mustard;
  • ginger.


When it comes to tightening your skin, you won’t be able to find a more effective wrap than honey. If you wish, you can also burn fat with it if you add warming ingredients: mustard powder, ginger powder or ground cinnamon. Women practice this wrap for losing belly fat at home after pregnancy, and honey masks during pregnancy to prevent deep stretch marks. The mask is made without film, left for an hour, but the wrap must be done with cling film, the exposure time is similar.

A couple of recipes for effective mixtures:

  • 3 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tsp. cinnamon - for burning fat.
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil - to tighten the abdomen.


Wine, apple, pomegranate, table vinegar - you can use any vinegar for this wrap, because... their operating principle is the same. The cold type procedure is good for getting rid of swelling and can be performed not only on the abdomen, but also on the thighs. There is only one effective recipe: mix vinegar in half with cool water, soak gauze folded three times with this liquid, and place it on your stomach. Cling film is required for abdominal weight loss, but is not needed for skin tightening. The holding time is half an hour.

With red pepper

Wraps using pepper tincture or ground hot pepper can help speed up fat burning and lose several kilograms. This is a good option even for obese girls, but such an effective procedure can only be done once a week. The classic recipe is olive oil, peppercorns and ground cinnamon in a ratio of 3:2:1. The holding time should not exceed 20 minutes, because the mixture is very hot.

With kelp

Wraps for weight loss on the abdomen and sides, which are carried out using seaweed, are also considered effective. Pre-dried kelp should be soaked in hot water, allowing it to swell. No additional components required. You simply cover your stomach with warm seaweed, secure it with cling film and wrap yourself in a blanket. Decide for yourself how long to keep the kelp, but no longer than an hour.

With essential oils

The basis for this type of wrap is clay. You can use any variety of it, excluding black, because... it dries out a lot. The amount of essential oil in a standard portion for the stomach (about 5 tablespoons of clay is used) is 3 drops. Mainly to prepare a mixture that will activate blood circulation, bergamot, grapefruit, and lemon oil are taken as additives that activate this process. You can keep this mixture of an effective wrap for burning belly fat for up to half an hour.

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