Calorie content of herbal tea without sugar - Mandariner1

Most of us have had our favorite drink since childhood - tea: green, yellow, black or red; with lemon, sugar or milk. Many people have recently been leading a healthy lifestyle, looking after their health, and following a diet. Some diets are based on counting calories, which are recorded in special calorie tables. In these tables you can even find items: calorie content of black tea, calorie content of green tea, etc. In this article we will tell you about the calorie content of tea, what ingredients can be added to tea and how healthy this drink is.

The calorie content of tea depends on the type of tea (green, black, yellow, red) and the ingredients present in it (sugar, milk, cream, honey, lemon).

Calorie content of black and green tea

In many sources you can read that the calorie content of tea does not depend on its type, but this is not true. Both black and green tea are high in calories. 100 grams of black tea without additives contains about 3-5 calories, and 100 grams of green tea without additives contains 1 calorie. Since the caloric content is low, it is often neglected and they write that the caloric content is zero. Tea is one of the lowest calorie drinks. Note that the calorie content of tea does not depend on its type: large-leaf or small-leaf, granular or instant, etc. Any tea without any additional ingredients perfectly quenches thirst. But tea with ginger for weight loss promotes rapid weight loss.


Cherry churchkhela with walnuts, sugar-free (1 piece per package), 90 g Description Natural churchkhela made from cherry juice, with walnuts. No thread inside. No added sugar.

160 RUR Sale Top

Mini cherry churchkhela with walnuts, sugar-free, 45 g Description Natural mini churchkhela made from cherry juice, with walnuts. No thread inside. No added sugar. Weight 45 g

90 RUR Sale Top

Mini pomegranate churchkhela with walnuts, sugar-free, 45 g Description Natural mini churchkhela made from pomegranate juice, with walnuts. No thread inside. No added sugar. Weight 45 g

90 RUR Sale Top

Nilgiri black tea Description Elite variety of Indian tea. "Nilgiri" is translated from Hindi as "blue mountains". One of four varieties of Indian tea produced without additives.

115 RUR Sale Top

Black tea Masala-2 Description Indian tea made from a mixture of spices: black tea, anise, cinnamon, fennel, cloves, ginger, butter and black pepper. Traditionally served with lots of sugar and milk.

325 RUR. Sale Top

Caramel sugar on a stick, brown, 6 g Description Large crystals of sugar on a stick will be a beautiful addition to a set of tea. You can buy caramel sugar on a stick for yourself or as a gift. The price is for 1 stick.

70 RUR Sale Top

Japanese black tea with sakura, Premium Description The tea was awarded at the World Tea Exhibition in North America in 2011, this masterpiece was created by a tea master (teaster) at the partner factory. Natural, without artificial additives. The sweet floral aroma of Japanese sakura leaves and the delicate taste of organic Japanese black tea.

745 RUR Sale Top

Light maple syrup “6 maples”, 100 ml Description Natural maple syrup, without sugar, dyes and preservatives. The same classic light and sweet syrup that is added to pancakes and ice cream.

500 RUR. Sale Top

Beech syrup “3 beech trees”, 100 ml Description Natural syrup from beech juice, without added sugar, preservatives or dyes.

700 RUR. Sale Top

Raspberry jam with apple juice Te-Gusto, 300 g Description Ingredients: raspberries, concentrated apple juice, pectin, citric acid. Made without sugar or artificial additives.

310 RUR Sale Top

Light maple syrup “6 maples”, 250 ml Description Natural maple syrup, without sugar, dyes and preservatives. The same classic light and sweet syrup that is added to pancakes and ice cream.

1250 RUR. Sale Top

Nut syrup “8 nuts”, 100 ml Description Syrup made from natural nut juice, boiled, without added sugar, preservatives or colorings.

700 RUR. Sale Top

Large tea infuser Description Tea infuser - ideal for teapots and large mugs.

195 RUR Sale Top

Tea storage jar “Spices”, 100 gr. Description Metal can for storing tea. Volume 100 grams.

295 RUR Sale Top

Tea storage jar “Wind of Freedom”, 100 g Description Metal jar for storing tea. Volume 100 grams.

320 RUR Sale Top

Glass teapot “Currant” without brewing flask, 1500 ml Description Glass teapot for brewing large volume tea with a filter in the spout.

1140 RUR Sale Top

Green tea Jade rings Description A unique variety of green tea that deserves the close attention of tea connoisseurs. To produce this tea, only selected raw materials are used. The process of brewing Jade Rings tea is a real aesthetic pleasure.

450 RUR. Sale Top

Royal Shen Pu'er Description Shen Pu'er, native to Yunnan Province. The raw materials for this type of tea are collected from wild tea trees. The tea leaves are solid, strong, and they are processed using special technology. Over time, the beneficial properties of this tea increase, and the taste becomes better.

480 RUR Sale Top

How many calories are in tea without sugar?

Calorie content of tea with and without sugar

As we have already noted, the calorie content of black tea without sugar is 3-5 calories per 100 grams, and the calorie content of green tea without sugar is 1 calorie per 100 grams. The most common ingredient in tea is sugar. 1 teaspoon of sugar contains 16 calories, if it is 2 spoons, then 32 calories, etc. The more spoons you add to the tea, the more calories the tea will contain (logical).

Let's calculate the calorie content of black and green sweet tea. Let's say you drink two mugs of black tea with sugar (two spoons each) a day. The volume of one mug of tea is about 200 ml (this is 6-10 calories). Having calculated, we get that during the day, together with black tea, 74-82 calories enter our body (4 tablespoons of sugar equal 62 calories, plus the calorie content of two mugs of black tea - 12-20 calories). Similarly, let's calculate the calorie content of green tea. Having performed the same actions, we find that with 2 mugs of green tea with sugar drunk per day, our body will receive 66 calories (4 tablespoons of sugar will be 62 calories plus 400 ml of green tea - 4 calories). Note that a piece of lemon in tea contains only 1 calorie.

These calories can be burned by riding a bike for 10-15 minutes, walking in the park for 15-20 minutes, or swimming in the pool for 5-7 minutes.

Black tea without sugar

Black tea was first made in China, where people have shown special love for the plant for several millennia. The black drink, without added sugar, is used at many gatherings and has become part of their national culture.

Tea calories with sugar, lemon, milk

Black tea with a spoon of sugar is low in calories. It contains a little more than 30 kcal, but if you consider that we sometimes drink several cups a day, this figure increases almost 10 times. From this drink with sugar, we consume about 250 calories, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This is the daily norm, but for all meals. Therefore, for those who are on a diet, it is better to try not to add sugar to their drinks at all or use a sweetener. However, there is a subtlety here: the sweetener cannot be taken constantly and in large quantities due to its synthetic composition.

We advise you to read: Kenyan tea: main types and varieties

After brewing, you can add milk. One spoon of it adds 10 kilocalories. With this we receive a significant portion of vitamins and microelements. As an alternative, you can add condensed milk, then the calorie content of one spoon will be 40 kcal.

The best option to avoid gaining excess weight, maintain your immune system and enjoy delicious tea is to drink it with lemon, but without sugar. Then the calorie content will be no more

A separate issue is green tea, since it is considered more dietary than black tea. A water cup of such a drink without additives contains no more than 5 kilocalories, so you can drink cups a day without harm to your health and figure. And if you consider that it speeds up metabolism, gives a boost of energy and helps break down cholesterol, if you follow a diet, you can lose about 3 kg per month.

The main benefits of consuming green tea drink:

  • getting rid of excess fluid, toxins and waste;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • weight loss;
  • increasing immunity;
  • cheerfulness.

Calorie content of black tea without sugar

The calorie content of black tea without sugar 250 ml is equal to 3 calories.

I drink black tea without sugar:

Proteins - 0.85 g;

Fats 0.48 g;

Carbohydrates 1.3 grams.

Now you know how many calories are in black tea without sugar, there are practically none, therefore, the drink can be drunk in large quantities, but do not overdo it, take care of your kidneys and bladder. Regular black tea will not increase blood sugar, which is very harmful for diabetics, unlike a sweet drink.

Another frequently asked question is, is the calorie content of black tea without sugar different from a bag and loose leaf? Yes, there are more calories in loose leaf tea, but the difference is very small.

Calorie content of tea with additives

The table shows the calorie content of 250 ml of tea. 1 tsp. honey contains 35 kcal and sugar on average 36 kcal. A small slice of lemon contains only 3 kcal. There are 4 kcal in a teaspoon of milk. The calorie content of jam and condensed milk is quite high, it can be compared to candy. So, 5 g of jam contains 12 kcal and condensed milk contains 16 kcal per 5 g.

Calorie content of loose leaf tea with additives (sugar, milk, cream, condensed milk)

Tea with sugar, the calorie content of which depends on the number of spoons added, can not only be beneficial, but also have a negative effect on the human body. In addition, dissolved sugar neutralizes the effect of vitamin B1 on the body.

AdditiveHoney 1 hour l. (kcal) Sugar 1 tsp. (kcal) Lemon (kcal)Milk 1 tsp.
Jam (kcal)Condensed milk (kcal)
Black tea3839671518
Green tea37,538,55,56,517,520,5

In order not to degrade the taste or dull the aroma of freshly brewed tea, it is recommended not to add too many additives.

A tea drink can warm you up in cold weather and quench your thirst in summer. It relaxes, tones and is not only a popular, but also a low-calorie drink.

Brewing tea with sugar, with or without additives depends on personal preference.

How many calories are in 100 g of dry tea?

The calorie content of tea depends on the variety and is a low-calorie drink:

Type of teaCalorie content per 100 g without sugar
Black152 kcal
Green140 kcal
Hibiscus49 kcal
HerbalFrom 100 kcal
Fruit380 kcal

Tea should be consumed in moderation, regardless of whether a person is on a diet or not.

Tea with milk calories

Milk tea is most often drunk in the UK. However, we also have lovers of this tea. One teaspoon of whole milk is 3 calories. Naturally, if we add more milk, the calorie content of tea increases. Skim milk contains 5 calories per 1 tablespoon.

The calorie content of black and green teas, as we noted above, is 3-5 and 1 calories, respectively. By adding a couple of spoons of milk, we will increase the calorie content.

The calorie content of green tea with milk is 8 calories, that is, two teaspoons of whole milk - 6 calories plus 200 ml of green tea - 2 calories. If we add a tablespoon of skim milk to green tea, we get 7 calories in a cup of such tea; if we add one tablespoon of cream (20-50 calories, depending on the fat content of the cream), then 22-52 calories.

The calorie content of black tea with milk is 12-16 calories, that is, two teaspoons of whole milk - 6 calories plus 200 ml of black tea - 6-10 calories. If we add a tablespoon of skim milk to black tea, then a cup of such tea will contain 11-15 calories (5 calories of skim milk plus the calorie content of black tea); if you add one tablespoon of cream (20-50 calories, depending on the fat content of the cream), then 26-60 calories.

If you want to add condensed milk to your drink instead of milk, remember that the calorie content of one teaspoon of condensed milk is 40 calories. By adding 2 teaspoons of condensed milk to a drink, you are adding an additional 80 calories, which is already a lot. Thus, one mug of black tea with condensed milk (2 teaspoons) will contain 86-90 calories, and one mug of green tea with condensed milk will contain 82 calories.

Tea with milk improves immunity, strengthens gums and teeth, neutralizes radioactive and carcinogenic substances, relieves stress, and strengthens the nervous system.

Calorie content of tea with honey

Many of us prefer to drink tea not with sugar, but with honey.
A tablespoon of honey contains about 64 calories. The calorie content of a mug of black tea with honey will be 70-74 calories (200 ml of black tea is 6-10 calories plus honey 64 calories), and the calorie content of a mug of green tea with honey is 66 calories (200 ml of green tea is 2 calories plus honey 64 calories) . The calorie content of tea with honey is much higher than the calorie content of tea with other ingredients. Tea with honey is very beneficial for the human immune system, helping to fight coughs, colds and other unpleasant diseases.

Calorie content of hibiscus tea

The calorie content of hibiscus tea is 49 calories per 100 grams of dried flowers. 100 grams of dried flowers is enough to brew a whole jug of delicious tea. Also, 100 grams of dried hibiscus flowers contain 2 grams of protein, 12.4 grams of carbohydrates, 0.1 grams of fat, 2.4 grams of fiber, 57 mg of iron, 1.7 mg of calcium, 14 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), 300 mg beta-carotene, as well as anthocyanins.

This red hibiscus flower tea is known for its healing properties. It reduces cholesterol, blood pressure, the risk of stroke, and improves immunity. Hibiscus tea, thanks to the microelements it contains, improves metabolism and promotes the absorption of nutrients, helping to reduce excess weight. By drinking a few cups of hibiscus tea and doing regular exercise, you can lose a few pounds of excess weight.

Please note that hibiscus tea is not brewed, but boiled. Take 2 teaspoons of tea in a glass of water, boil for about 3-5 minutes, infuse a little under the lid and the drink is ready. By adding various ingredients to this tea, we will increase the calorie content. Therefore, it is better not to get carried away with the ingredients and drink hibiscus either with a minimum amount of sugar or without it at all.

How many calories are in tea and how can you sweeten it?

Want to replace sugar and start sweetening your tea with something else? If yes, then we have many interesting options for you! It will be tasty and healthy, so we invite you to read it!

As we've already said, regular white sugar is the simplest, most popular, but also least healthy option for sweetening tea.

Why? Because it is devoid of nutrients and provides the body only with empty calories, retains water, causes excessive acidity, and if consumed frequently can cause obesity.

As you can see, it should be combined with other sweeteners, especially if you really like drinking tea.

Now we will present you all the sweetener alternatives step by step. You will definitely choose something for yourself!

Cane sugar (unrefined)

If you want to choose something similar to regular sugar, but know you'll be sweetening your tea with something healthier, then use cane sugar (unrefined).

Regular sugar is obtained from sugar beets, and cane sugar, as the name suggests, is obtained from sugar cane. In addition to sucrose, it contains molasses, which provides its brownish-golden color.

All of these affect certain nutritional values, i.e. potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. Additionally, cane sugar is slightly lower in calories than its white counterpart.

Warning! Brown sugar often appears on store shelves and, as you might have guessed, people often mistake it for cane sugar. The brown variety has almost the same unfavorable properties as white sugar. Its color is not changed by molasses and caramel dyes. Always check that what you are buying is actually cane sugar. Ideally, it should be unrefined (contain less sucrose and more nutrients).


Hot tea with honey is a great idea not only on autumn and winter days. Honey, especially in tea, strengthens the immune system, contains a number of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C), biotin, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and many other nutrients. All this has a very positive effect on health.

Interestingly, tea with honey can help with hangovers! The fructose it contains neutralizes the effects of yesterday's party. It is not for nothing that honey has healing and regenerating properties.

Well, who doesn't love honey? Despite the sweet taste, it has many positive qualities. This is an excellent substitute for regular sugar in tea.

Syrup/juice, mostly fruit

The advantage of this sweetener is a wide range of flavors, fewer calories and lots of vitamins, provided that you buy a good product and not some imitation full of chemicals.

This is especially true for fruit syrups. On store shelves you most often find those that contain only a few percent of juice. So read labels to find out what's in that food product. Replacing sugar with a ton of preservatives won't do much good for your body, will it?

We would like to add that syrups that act as tea sweeteners may surprise you. There is date syrup and even cactus syrup! Interestingly, both of them go well with tea. A true classic is rice (malt) syrup.

It's also a good idea to make your own juice using healthy ingredients, although it's always best to drink it neat. To do this, you will need a suitable juicer.


Molasses can be made from beets, canes, grapes or carob. Technically a by-product of sugar production, molasses still found use simply as a sweetener. It comes in the form of a thick and sticky syrup.

Molasses has high mineral and antioxidant content which convinces you to use it. Potential health benefits range from supporting the immune system to normalizing blood pressure (the effect of potassium) and improving concentration (the effect of iron, zinc and magnesium). At the same time, it is about 1/3 more calories than regular sugar.

Calorie content of tea and coffee

Which drink is better to choose: tea or coffee? Which one has less calories? One teaspoon of coffee contains only about 2 calories, which come from protein and a small amount of unsaturated fat. One average cup of black coffee contains about 5 calories. It’s good if you drink tea or coffee without sugar, but most people like to add sugar and milk. 1 teaspoon of sugar contains 16 calories, and 1 teaspoon of milk contains 3 calories. One tablespoon of cream contains 20 to 50 calories and 2 to 5 grams of fat. The calorie content of cream depends on its fat content. Four teaspoons of dry cream equals 60 calories. Therefore, after calculating, it turns out that coffee with any of the ingredients has more calories than tea, although not by much. If you decide to lose weight at any cost, then give up coffee and drink tea, it has less calories and is much healthier.

Coffee is one of the most effective ways to combat drowsiness. Coffee contains caffeine, which is a strong stimulant. Note that there is much more caffeine in a tea drink than in coffee, but it still acts much softer, since it does not act in combination with tannin. This has a mild effect on the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Tea caffeine does not accumulate and is not retained in the human body.


First of all, if you overdo it with adding sugar, the aroma and taste of the tea are lost.

Sweet tea has a great effect on your figure. So, two teaspoons of sugar contain about 60 calories. Taking into account the fact that we drink it about 3 times a day, we get a total of 200 kcal, and this equates to one full meal.

It has been proven that by refusing to add sugar to tea for a month, you lose about 1.5-2 kilograms.

In addition, sugar dissolved in liquid is able to absorb vitamin B1, which is vital for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

So, if you can’t give up sweet tea, add honey to it, it will add sweetness and preserve all the beneficial components of the tea. It is also recommended to drink tea as a snack with dried apricots or prunes. They contain a huge list of useful substances and are much healthier than chocolates.

Benefits of tea

Green tea is not fermented, unlike black tea, so all the active substances in it remain unchanged.
Tea releases into solution only substances that are beneficial to the human body, and leaves harmful and useless substances undissolved. The tea contains theophylline and theobromine (alkaloids), which have vasodilating and diuretic effects. Green tea also contains carbohydrates, microelements, proteins, vitamins C1, K, P, B1, B2, V3, B5. Green tea contains 10 times more vitamins than black tea. This helps improve immunity. Green tea also contains calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, sodium, fluorine, which is good for teeth. Green tea kills bacteria that cause tooth decay and regulates blood glucose levels, which helps people suffering from diabetes and diseases of the endocrine system.

Energy value of different varieties

Real Chinese varieties, unlike synthetic tea leaves sold in supermarkets, contain a significant number of various substances and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. Possessing an antioxidant effect, they are able to remove waste and toxins and fight excessive swelling. In addition, they contain vitamins K, D and E, which take an active part in starting and accelerating metabolic processes; as well as polyphenols - compounds that promote the breakdown of fats. All this turns the drink into a powerful tool for weight loss.

Why is tea harmful?

However, it is worth noting that green tea has disadvantages. It contains a large amount of purines. Purines form urea in the human body, which is poorly excreted and disrupts metabolic processes. Urea salts form crystals that cause gout. Those suffering from arthritis and rheumatism feel better when they stop drinking coffee or tea.

Strong tea excites the nervous system and may be harmful to the heart. Caffeine begins to stimulate the body and is addictive. The body begins to require more and more caffeine. Abuse of strong tea can lead to insomnia, increased irritability, morning weakness, and premature fatigue.

Saturated green tea should not be consumed during exacerbation of duodenal and gastric ulcers, during pregnancy, when there is toxicosis, with gastritis with high acidity, it can lead to intestinal colic, increase stomach pain, and cause heartburn. Strong green tea should not be drunk in case of diseases accompanied by high fever, in acute form of hypertension and exacerbation of kidney disease, in case of tachycardia, in case of psychasthenia with increased excitability and excessive sensitivity to caffeine.

It would be useful to note that for each specific case and for each person, the set of tea and the addition of ingredients should be different. Consuming reasonable quantities of well-brewed tea and well-chosen ingredients will benefit the body.

Tea calorie table

Below is a table of caloric content of various types of tea and additional ingredients. This table will help you count calories.

Black tea100 ml3-6
green tea100 ml1
hibiscus10 g dried flowers5
coffee1 teaspoon2
sugar1 teaspoon16
whole milk1 teaspoon3
skimmed milk1 large spoon5
dry cream1 teaspoon15
liquid cream1 large spoon20-50 (depending on the fat content of the cream)
condensed milk1 teaspoon40
honey1 teaspoon64
lemon juice1 teaspoon1

And remember that when choosing tea you need to beware of fakes.

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