Cottage cheese cocktail in a blender: protein shakes for the whole day

Option 1: Classic smoothie with cottage cheese and banana

Curd smoothie is a very rich, nutritious, protein-rich drink that perfectly satisfies hunger.
It will perfectly replace breakfast or afternoon snack. You can use cottage cheese of any fat content, the nutritional value and calorie content of the drink will depend on this. Below is the approximate amount of sugar; it can be reduced or eliminated, replaced with honey or other sweeteners. Ingredients

  • 80 g cottage cheese;
  • 80 g banana;
  • 130 ml milk;
  • 2 tsp. Sahara;
  • a pinch of vanillin.

Step-by-step recipe for a classic smoothie with cottage cheese

Step 1:

Place the cottage cheese in a blender bowl or use a special glass for whipping. Immediately add milk. Fat content is arbitrary. Pour in sugar. Beat together with cottage cheese until creamy. Step 2:

Peel the banana, break it into pieces, and place it in the cottage cheese. Add a small pinch of vanillin, which will significantly improve the taste. Whip for a couple of minutes until we get a smooth and thick cocktail. Pour the smoothie into a glass and drink immediately. It is not advisable to store the drink, especially at room temperature. Smoothies are prepared using this principle not only with bananas. You can use any other fruit. It is advisable to choose soft types: peaches and apricots, ripe pears, plums; it turns out delicious with kiwi. Berries are also suitable; it is not prohibited to mix them with fruit. The most popular combination is strawberries with banana; you definitely need to try it.

Curd smoothie with apple and banana


  • green apple – 0.2 kg;
  • banana – 150 g;
  • lemon juice – 20 ml;
  • cottage cheese – 70 g.

Calorie content per 100 g: 80 kcal.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and peel the banana. It is better to take slightly overripe fruit, as it has the most suitable structure for making smoothies and has a sweeter taste.
  • Cut the banana pulp into medium-sized pieces of arbitrary shape.
  • Peel the apple and cut out the core. Cut the pulp into small cubes.
  • Place the fruits in a blender bowl, add cottage cheese and lemon juice. It is better to use freshly squeezed lemon.
  • Blend until the contents of the blender bowl are smooth.

A smoothie prepared according to this recipe will help strengthen the immune system and prevent anemia. If the taste seems too sour, add a little honey. The apple in this recipe can be replaced or supplemented with kiwi, the taste of the cocktail will not be affected, and in appearance it will become even more appetizing.

With banana and yogurt – 4 options


  • 1 banana;
  • 200 ml natural yogurt (milk);
  • honey (sugar) to taste;
  • mint leaf for decoration.

How to cook:

  1. Grind the peeled banana in a convenient way (on a fine grater, with a fork, or pass through a meat grinder).
  2. Pour yogurt into the crushed mass and mix well. If you don't have a whisk or shaker, use a regular bottle with a lid or jar.
  3. Try it. If there is not enough sweetness, add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved, or pour in liquid honey. It is better to first melt the thickened product in a low-temperature water bath.
  4. Pour the smoothie into a serving glass, garnish with a mint leaf and a slice of banana.

Add 1-2 tbsp to the drink. l. instant oatmeal will make it more nutritious and satisfying.

  • If possible, you should grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder until very fine, literally into flour. The smoothie's delicate texture is guaranteed.
  • The second option is to pre-soak the flakes for 10-15 minutes in milk or yogurt, and then grind through a sieve, or mash well with a fork.

Here are some equally delicious combinations of fruits and berries in smoothies that are easy to prepare without a blender:

  • 1 banana + 200 g strawberries + 300 ml milk + 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal + honey to taste. Strawberries can be replaced with raspberries or currants, or you can make a berry mix, taking each in equal proportions.
  • 1 banana + 1 large sweet apple + 200 ml milk (yogurt) + ½ tsp. ground cinnamon. Apples with peel are healthier, but even a blender can’t always handle it completely, so before grating it, you need to peel it off.
  • 1 large banana + 2 pears + 2 stalks of celery + 200 ml of boiled water or still mineral water. Be sure to remove the peel from the pears, otherwise the smooth texture of the drink will not be achieved.

Vegetable mixes

The most popular mixtures for diets and weight loss are vegetable ones.

The fresher the greens in this cocktail, the less nutritional value, but the greater vitamin value it has. Greens also have a beneficial effect on the intestines due to the fiber they contain. Greens - celery stems and roots, parsley stems, leaves and roots, dill in its leafy stage (without seeds, fresh frozen will do), cilantro stems and leaves, carrots, pumpkin. All this in any combination, everything is edible, except that it has a peculiar taste that you can get used to.

All vegetable mixtures are prepared immediately before use. The finished product should be stored for a maximum of 6-8 hours in the refrigerator. Examples of using vegetable mixtures in smoothies with cottage cheese:

1. 100 g of cottage cheese is whipped with half a glass of skim milk, 2 large stalks of celery, medium-sized carrots, a teaspoon of grated ginger, and a pinch of salt are added to the mixture.

2. 60-70 g of cottage cheese, 300 g of green beans (can be thawed), 2-3 stalks of dill and the same amount of parsley, 1 medium carrot, a pinch of salt. Beat until smooth.

3. Oatmeal and cottage cheese in a smoothie: beat medium-sized carrots with 50 g of cottage cheese and a glass of milk. Add 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. The oatmeal is not whipped; the cocktail is consumed after it has naturally swelled.

Cleansing with pumpkin

  • half a grapefruit,
  • 100 g cottage cheese,
  • 100 g pumpkin,
  • a teaspoon of honey,
  • a teaspoon of flaxseed or sesame seeds,
  • 100 ml water or juice.

With pumpkin and avocado

The composition of this smoothie with cottage cheese in a blender is the same as the pumpkin smoothie, only avocado is added. You can add a teaspoon of grated ginger root.

Common cocktail recipes

The peculiarity of a curd smoothie is that you can experiment with a combination of products. This will allow you to diversify your diet and include more healthy foods. But you can use ready-made recipes. With their help, you can make a really tasty and healthy cocktail in 5 minutes. The easiest option is to beat cottage cheese with yogurt or milk. Other desserts are prepared on this basis.

The simplest smoothie is made from cottage cheese with the addition of yogurt or milk.

With banana

The most popular is a smoothie with cottage cheese and banana. It's the perfect combination: the fruit adds a sweet, creamy consistency. The cocktail turns out thick and soft. It’s easy to prepare: beat a banana and 100 g of cottage cheese in a blender, add a little milk or kefir to the desired consistency. But even this dessert can be varied by adding other ingredients.

Carrot-apple smoothie

  1. Beat 1 banana, orange and 100 g of cottage cheese in a blender bowl. If there is not enough orange for juiciness and the cocktail turns out thick, you can add a little kefir.
  2. It turns out delicious with an apple. You need to cut it into pieces, add a banana, 70 g of cottage cheese and squeeze out the juice of half a lemon. Beat everything until smooth. If desired, you can add honey.
  3. To normalize intestinal function, drink this cocktail in the evening: beat 1 banana, 5 soaked prunes, a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk and 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese. The smoothie turns out sweet, so there is no need to add sugar.
  4. A nutritious breakfast dessert made with oatmeal. You need to soak 2 tablespoons of flakes in a glass of milk or kefir half an hour before cooking. Then beat them in a blender along with 150 g of cottage cheese and 1 banana. Add honey, vanilla, cinnamon and ginger.
  5. In summer, you can make ice cream smoothies. To do this, freeze the banana cut into pieces. Then beat it with chilled cottage cheese. To make the dessert more like ice cream, add a little cream or condensed milk.
  6. A warm dessert with a caramel flavor is made from baked banana. It is baked in the oven at 200° right in the peel until it darkens. Then beat it in a blender with cottage cheese and almonds. Add milk until the cocktail reaches the desired consistency.

ADVICE! Pour the smoothie into transparent glasses, and on top you can decorate it with berries or mint leaves, sprinkle with nuts, flax seeds or grated chocolate.

This dessert with banana is delicious.

Homemade cottage cheese soufflé


  • 200 – 250 g cottage cheese;
  • 2/3 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 1 full glass of full fat milk;
  • 70 g granulated sugar;
  • 15 g of proven gelatin;
  • 1 pinch of vanillin.


  1. Mix both dairy products in a large bowl (they should be at room temperature), add vanillin and all the sand.
  2. Beat everything in any convenient way. The mass should become homogeneous. Use a mixer/blender until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Pour gelatin with milk, then heat the swollen product and wait until it is completely dissolved in the liquid.
  4. Add milk and gelatin to the curd mixture in a thin stream.
  5. Leave the mixture in a cool place for 7 - 8 minutes, then beat again. By this time it should begin to gel slightly, but not yet harden.
  6. Place the soufflé in bowls and refrigerate for 1.5 – 2 hours.

You can decorate the delicacy with fresh berries.

Curd desserts are a great way to feed your family with this much-unloved but healthy dairy product. In the listed delicacies, the taste of cottage cheese is masked by various delicious sweet additives. Therefore, even the smallest and pickiest family members will eat it with pleasure.

Diet smoothie with oatmeal, kefir, honey and banana

What products will be needed for cooking:

  • 4 ripe bananas;
  • 1 liter of kefir;
  • 6 tablespoons oatmeal;
  • 1 large spoon of honey;
  • 2 large spoons of raspberries.

Cooking time will be a quarter of an hour, calorie content – ​​158 kcal.

What you will need for cooking:

  1. First, peel the banana;
  2. Cut the pulp into small pieces and place in a blender container;
  3. Pour oatmeal into a blender bowl and add honey;
  4. Fill everything with kefir;
  5. Mix all components thoroughly until the structure is homogeneous;
  6. Pour the finished smoothie into glasses;
  7. Add frozen raspberries;
  8. The result is a delicious aromatic drink.

Smoothie with cottage cheese, cucumber and herbs


  • cucumber – 150 g;
  • fresh basil – 20 g;
  • fresh parsley – 20 g;
  • fresh cilantro – 20 g;
  • celery stalk – 50 g;
  • kefir – 150 ml;
  • cottage cheese – 100 g.

Calorie content per 100 g: 56 kcal.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the greens, shake off the water and chop with a knife.
  • Wash the celery stalk in running water and remove any coarse fibers. Chop the petiole with a knife.
  • Wash the cucumber and pat dry with a napkin. Use a vegetable peeler to remove a thin layer of peel. Cut off the ends.
  • Cut the cucumber into small cubes.
  • Place the greens in a blender bowl and place the cucumber cubes and celery pieces on it. Add cottage cheese, pour kefir.
  • Beat the contents of the blender bowl until you obtain a thick drink of uniform consistency.

Cooking features

The technology for preparing smoothies from berries, fruits or vegetables is simple and the same: the ingredients are cold processed (sorted, washed, dried, chopped with a knife, peeled), then placed in a blender bowl, poured with juice, milk or fermented milk product, other components are added and whipped until homogeneity.

  • The healthiest thing is cottage cheese that has low fat content. It has more protein and at the same time fewer calories. And in terms of the content of calcium and other microelements, it is not inferior to fatty acids. For this reason, it is better to include this type in a smoothie.
  • Juicy grainy cottage cheese is better suited for smoothies than soft cottage cheese, as it makes the cocktail thicker and tastier.
  • You should not use sweet curd mass. It contains a lot of sugar, so it will turn the cocktail into a low-health, but high-calorie dessert.
  • Carefully study the composition of the fermented milk product you purchase in the store. The fact is that now on the shelves you can find curd products prepared using milk fat substitutes. In terms of their beneficial properties, they cannot be compared with real cottage cheese.
  • A smoothie can replace breakfast or a snack. To ensure satiation occurs sooner when consuming it, it is better not to drink it, but to eat it in small spoons.

How often do you make smoothies? Several times a week 37.99%

Once a week 8.96%

Rarely 31.18%

I don’t, I would like a cutlet 21.86% Votes: 279

How to cook this dish correctly

To prepare a smoothie, place all ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth. A cocktail with cottage cheese is made in the same way. But there are several nuances in its preparation, which, if observed, will make the dessert more tasty and healthy.

  • The most important thing is to choose the right cottage cheese. It is best to take grainy, medium fat content. Homemade is also suitable, but it is higher in calories, so it should not be used by those who want to lose weight.
  • It is not recommended to use ready-made soft curds and sweet curd masses. They contain a lot of additives, so the dessert will not be so healthy. In addition, the cocktail will not be thick with them.
  • Depending on the consistency of the cottage cheese, you can add milk or kefir to the smoothie. But you shouldn’t make it very liquid; this cocktail needs to be eaten with a spoon.
  • A little salt and hot spices are added to vegetable smoothies. But sweet cocktails are more popular. To make them less high in calories, honey and dried fruits are used instead of sugar. You can add vanillin, cinnamon, cocoa, nuts.

ADVICE! It is not recommended to add ice to cottage cheese smoothies. A very cold cocktail will be less digestible and will not be as nutritious.

Airy curd mousse (with gelatin): dessert recipe with photo

As a rule, the most delicious dishes are the simplest dishes. Firstly, because it feels good and does not clog the taste of the main product. Secondly, there will be no fatigue at all from preparing them, and this will make the delicacy seem doubly tastier. Light curd mousse is just such a dish.

Another plus is that it can be considered a relatively dietary dessert that you can treat yourself to even in the evening. In addition, both adults and children will like this curd dessert.

The curd mousse is very tender and airy thanks to the whipped egg whites. In addition to tender cottage cheese and proteins, you only need milk, a little cream, a little sugar, vanillin, water and gelatin - a very simple composition, isn’t it? And this delicious curd dessert is even easier to prepare!

Mix water with milk and soak gelatin in this liquid.

Place the cottage cheese in a blender bowl along with cream, sugar and vanilla sugar or vanillin.

Grind the mass until it becomes homogeneous, tender and slightly fluffy.

Dissolve gelatin soaked in water and milk over low heat, stirring so that no undissolved lumps remain. Add this mixture to the cottage cheese.

Beat the mixture again in a blender. It will become runny.

Separately, beat the whites into a strong, dense mass at high speed.

Pour the curd mass into a deep bowl.

Add the whipped whites, one tablespoon at a time, into the curd mass, gently folding them in with a spatula to maintain maximum airiness.

Divide the resulting mass into bowls and place in the refrigerator for 3-3.5 hours to harden.

Before serving, decorate the curd mousse with melted chocolate.

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Banana and milk smoothie

The combination of banana and milk can be considered classic and suitable for any age. If you just beat a banana with milk, adding it little by little until the desired thickness of the drink, it will turn out well. However, there are interesting additives that will perfectly complement the main ingredients.

Bananas with milk - a classic combination

With oatmeal and honey


  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Milk – 200 ml
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Oatmeal - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Chia seeds - 1 teaspoon

Preparation Pour oatmeal with milk for 7-10 minutes. We cut the bananas and place them in a blender bowl, pour the milk and cereal into it, add honey and chia seeds. Whisk.

With coffee and oatmeal


  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Milk – 125 ml
  • Instant coffee - 1 teaspoon
  • Water – 100 ml
  • Oat flakes – 30 g

The Deerma DEM-NU05 portable wireless blender will help you prepare a delicious vitamin smoothie. Compact and ergonomic, it will not take up much space on your desk. The blender weighs only 600 g and does not require a network connection, so you can take it with you to work, school or on trips. The battery is recharged via the USB interface. Sharp stainless steel knives are curved in several planes at once, which facilitates fast and high-quality chopping of products. A 400 ml bowl is enough to prepare one serving of a vitamin cocktail.

Deerma is a manufacturer of home appliances and is a brand that is part of the Xiaomi ecosystem. Deerma factories produce gadgets under the Xiaomi brand, which indicates high quality production. Deerma now offers a line of products under its own name. The best part is that this equipment is really high quality and at the same time very inexpensive.

What are the benefits of bananas

A large amount of carbohydrates and high calorie content are not the only positive qualities of bananas:

- oddly enough, they help get rid of nicotine addiction, as they include vitamins A, B, C, magnesium and potassium

- include a soft structure and have an enveloping effect on the walls of the stomach, which is very important for gastritis and ulcers

- is a natural antioxidant and reduces stomach acidity during heartburn

- a cocktail prepared in a mixer from banana, milk and honey has a slight anti-hangover effect

- contains tryptophan, which synthesizes the joy hormone serotonin, which helps fight depression

- contains an increased amount of fiber (substances that improve bowel function), which helps relieve constipation

- increased magnesium content improves concentration, attention and brain function

- increased potassium levels reduce high blood pressure, which is important for the heart

- thanks to the iron contained in bananas, they help with signs of anemia, as it increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

How to make a banana smoothie

I suggest you familiarize yourself with several recipes from which you will learn how to make a banana smoothie.

Smoothie recipe with banana and wheat germ


  • Ripe banana – 2 pcs.;
  • Yogurt without additives – ¼ cup;
  • Low-fat milk - a couple of glasses;
  • Sprouted wheat - 2 tbsp;
  • Crushed ice - a handful.

How to make a banana smoothie

Prepare the cocktail as follows:

Cut the banana pulp into pieces, beat the banana slices with yogurt, milk and ice. After adding the wheat, beat for another 30 seconds.

We drink this energy shake for breakfast or as a snack.

Banana smoothie: recipe with kefir


  • Honey – 1 tbsp;
  • Kefir - 2 glasses;
  • Bananas – 1 pc.;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tsp.

How to make a banana smoothie

Whisk the chopped banana with the remaining ingredients, pour into glasses and consume immediately.

Bananas together with kefir improve digestion and speed up bowel movements.

Thai smoothie with banana


  • Pineapple slices – 100 g;
  • Orange juice – 100 ml;
  • Pineapple juice – 100 ml;
  • Bananas – 1 pc.

How to make a banana smoothie

  • Cut the banana and pineapple slices into pieces and freeze them a little in the freezer.
  • Mix both juices with a blender.
  • Add pieces of fruit and beat.

Pour the smoothie into glasses and serve immediately. It invigorates well and normalizes the functioning of the digestive system.

Banana and Blueberry Smoothie Recipe


  • Bananas – 2 pcs.;
  • Blueberries – 1 cup;
  • Yogurt with vanilla – 1 glass;
  • Crushed ice - 8 cubes.

How to make a banana smoothie

We wash the blueberries, if they are not frozen, peel and cut the bananas. Beat everything except ice with a blender.

Pour the drink into glasses with ice and serve immediately. In addition to banana, blueberries will give the body even more vitamins and antioxidants that prevent early aging and the development of cancer and other diseases.

Banana and spinach green smoothie


  • Bananas – 2 pcs.;
  • Spinach leaves - a handful;
  • Orange juice – 400 ml.

How to make spinach smoothie

Chop the fruit and spinach and blend in a blender with orange juice. Immediately pour into glasses and serve. This green smoothie is loved by both adults and children.

Banana and Lime Smoothie Recipe


  • Banana – 1 pc.;
  • Milk – half a glass;
  • Lime juice – 75 ml;
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons.

How to make a banana smoothie

To prepare it, cut the banana pulp into pieces. Grind all components with a blender until foam appears.

The result is a drink with a sweet and sour taste, containing protein and fiber necessary for the intestines.

Banana-apple smoothie


  • Banana - a couple of pieces;
  • Apples – 1 pc.;
  • Yogurt without additives – 1 glass;
  • Ice cream without additives – 80 g.

How to make an apple and banana smoothie

  • Peel the apple from the skin and cores, cut into pieces.
  • Peel the banana and chop it too.
  • Mix fruits in a blender.
  • Add the remaining ingredients and beat until smooth.

Pour the dessert smoothie, which children especially like, into glasses and serve immediately.

Almond smoothie with banana


  • Sour cream – 3 tablespoons;
  • Banana - a couple of pieces;
  • Apples – 1 pc.;
  • Almonds – 7 pcs.

How to make a dessert cocktail with banana

To please ourselves and the children with a delicious smoothie, we start preparing it in the evening, since we will have to soak the almonds.

  • Soak the nuts for 12 hours.
  • Cut a couple of bananas into pieces.
  • We peel the apple from the skin and core and cut it too.
  • Mix nuts and fruits in a blender.
  • Add sour cream and mix again.

Pour the nut cocktail into glasses and serve immediately. Almonds combined with bananas provide even more energy for a full life.

Strawberry banana smoothie


  • Bananas – 1 pc.;
  • Strawberries – 0.5 kg;
  • Peaches – 2 pcs.;
  • Peach, orange and mango juice - a glass each;
  • Crushed ice – 1 cup.

How to make a banana smoothie

Mix the chopped bananas and peaches with the remaining ingredients in a blender to make a mousse and serve, garnished with strawberries.

This vitamin cocktail, rich in antioxidants and fiber, will improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines when consumed regularly, and prevent the development of cardiovascular and other diseases.

Now you know how healthy a banana smoothie flavored with other natural ingredients is. Drink it regularly and stay healthy until old age!

With strawberries and oatmeal

This tasty and healthy drink contains everything you need to serve it for breakfast or dinner. A smoothie with cottage cheese takes a little longer to prepare and is drunk in a matter of minutes. Therefore, if connoisseurs of this cocktail appear in your family, you will have to increase the recommended proportions. To treat your family to it, you will need:

  • 150 g strawberries.
  • 70 g cottage cheese.
  • 40 g instant oat flakes.
  • 150 ml pasteurized milk.
  • 5 ml liquid light honey

Oatmeal is poured into a deep bowl, poured with hot milk and put aside for a while. After about fifteen minutes, all this is sent to a blender, the reservoir of which already contains cottage cheese, washed strawberries and honey, and beat until smooth.

Smoothie with cottage cheese, oatmeal and strawberries


  • strawberries – 150 g;
  • instant oat flakes – 40 g;
  • cottage cheese – 70 g;
  • milk – 150 ml;
  • honey – 5 ml.

Calorie content per 100 g: 104 kcal.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the milk.
  • Pour hot milk over oatmeal and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Sort and wash the strawberries. Dry by blotting with paper towels. Remove the sepals. Cut the berries into medium-sized pieces.
  • Place strawberries and cottage cheese in a blender bowl. Add oatmeal steamed in milk.
  • Put honey.
  • Grind the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

Oatmeal in this recipe can be replaced with any other flakes, such as rice or buckwheat; you can also use multigrain porridge. This smoothie option is ideal for breakfast. After eating a portion of this thick and satisfying cocktail, you will not feel hungry until lunch.

Cooking tips

In order to properly prepare a smoothie with cottage cheese, you must follow the technology for creating this type of cocktail. The main actions here are to prepare the raw materials. These must be fresh and clean berries, fruits, vegetables without signs of spoilage, dirt, or legs. Before immersing them in the blender bowl, the products are crushed. In addition, it is worth considering the following recommendations.

The healthiest cottage cheese is the one with minimal fat content. It is recommended to use it for preparing low-calorie diet smoothies. Children's cocktails can be prepared with a fattier base. To obtain a thinner consistency, you can add natural yogurt or fruit juice to the cottage cheese.

Thick smoothies replace a full meal. They are prepared on the basis of juicy granular cottage cheese, resulting in a more juicy, rich-tasting drink. It is better to leave the soft version for other desserts.

Curd mixture with raisins and sugar is not suitable for making smoothies

It’s definitely not possible to get a cocktail that complies with the rules of a healthy diet with such ingredients. When choosing raw materials for smoothies in a store, it is important to study the composition of the product. The more natural it is, the healthier the finished dish will be.

Curd products with milk fat substitutes should be left on the supermarket shelf. If the smoothie is planned to be used as a replacement for a full meal, it is made thick and dense and eaten with a spoon. When drinking, saturation occurs more slowly. It is imperative to monitor the consistency and uniformity of the composition, especially if the cocktail is used in baby food.

To learn how to make a smoothie with cottage cheese, watch the following video.

Fruit and vegetable smoothie with kefir

To prepare a smoothie based on kefir, fruits and vegetables, you will need to prepare several ingredients that can be found in every kitchen.
After mixing, you get a tasty drink with a thick structure. It is ideal for adherents of proper nutrition due to the absence of sugar, artificial additives and other harmful substances. The smoothie contains exclusively natural products. To prepare the cocktail, prepare several ingredients:

  • Medium sized cucumber;
  • Raw beets;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • Celery stalk;
  • One fresh apple;
  • A glass of kefir (250 gr.).


  1. Wash the fruits well under running water. Wipe with a paper napkin. Grate the root vegetables. Then load the resulting mass into the blender bowl and turn on the device. You should get a kind of gruel with a thick consistency. Strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth.
  2. Peel apples and cucumbers. Remove the seeds from the fruit - otherwise the drink will be overly bitter. Cut the pulp into small cubes with a knife. Don't forget to chop the celery stalk. Try to keep the cut pieces small.
  3. Place ingredients in blender. Puree the ingredients for a few minutes (the exact cooking time is determined by the power of your electric appliance). You should get a thick mixture without lumps.
  4. The last step is adding kefir. Pour in a glass of fermented milk product and turn on the blender again. In 30 seconds the vitamin drink will be ready. Pour the smoothie into a glass and drink immediately.

Who needs a protein shake?

If, for one reason or another, you decide to limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates, then you need to make up for it with proteins so that the body has strength. A protein shake, the recipe for which will be given below, will help with this. In general, the level of protein consumption depends on how much stress and stress we are exposed to.

Strength athletes, such as powerlifters, bodybuilders, weightlifters, and those who engage in heavy physical labor, need protein the most. During exercise, the muscles of our body are damaged, but within 1-2 days they are restored, becoming larger and stronger. But where does the body get building materials? Protein is a muscle builder. In fact, muscles are made of it. Therefore, strength athletes are advised to make a protein shake so that the body has something to build up damaged muscle fibers. So, as we see, protein is needed both by those who passionately want to lose weight and by those who build muscle. Now let's talk about how you can make a protein shake at home.

Banana and diet - alliance or confrontation?

Despite the fact that bananas, even by stretch of the imagination, cannot be classified as low-calorie foods, nutritionists are happy to include this exotic fruit in the diet.

Firstly, banana pulp energizes and gives strength. Secondly, this fruit quickly satisfies hunger. Thirdly, with the help of an exotic fruit you can remove excess fluid from the body and at the same time get rid of swelling.

Just for the purpose of losing weight, you need to limit yourself to the number of bananas you eat per day. Some nutritionists advise eating one banana before each meal. To start the process of losing weight, you need to switch to proper nutrition and give up the usual high-calorie foods.

But keep in mind that this method is not suitable for radical weight loss. Nutritionists regard this trick as preparing the body for upcoming gastronomic restrictions.

The banana diet is popular among women. Its principle: three glasses - three bananas. The daily diet consists of the pulp of three bananas and three glasses with a nominal volume of 0.25 liters of cow's milk with a minimum percentage of fat content.

All this must be divided into five equal meals. But you are allowed to follow such a diet for no more than three days. During these days you can get rid of several kilograms, it all depends on your initial body weight.

Interesting! Bananas are an integral part of the diet of sumo wrestlers. It is generally accepted that banana pulp has a beneficial effect on muscle mass and promotes its growth.

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