The influence of polysaccharides on intestinal metabolism: physiological aspects and possibilities of clinical application

Will plum help you get your dream figure?

Every person who cares about their own figure chooses with particular scrupulousness the products that will be included in their nutritious diet.
People who are on a diet and want to consume ingredients that are exclusively beneficial for their health and figure are probably interested in the question: is it possible to eat plums while losing weight? It is impossible to refuse to eat this amazingly tasty and juicy fruit. But before you try it, read the information about plums and draw conclusions about whether you can eat this product and what consequences cannot be avoided.

Plum: benefits and harms for weight loss

A close acquaintance with this delicacy will make it clear that the fruit is not particularly popular among existing summer fruits, but this does not mean that it should be excluded from the diet. Having considered the benefits of plums, you can see for yourself that ignoring this product is completely in vain.

If you are on a diet and decide to supplement your nutritious diet with plums, you will make the right choice because:

Plums not only promote effective weight loss, but also stop the process of cell withering. Due to the fact that this product contains necessary microelements, as well as vitamins that are extremely important for the body, with its regular use, an improvement in the condition of hair, nails, and skin is observed.

This fruit is widely used in cosmetology to create all kinds of skin care products, including masks. That is why, if you want to not only lose weight quickly, but also regain an amazing appearance, then do not give up eating plums. The fruit also contains B vitamins, which help improve psychological well-being. Due to the presence of potassium, the fruit has a diuretic effect, which is an important factor both in losing weight and in the presence of cardiovascular diseases.

When consuming this fruit, you should remember that it not only has a beneficial effect, but can also cause harm to the body in cases where you:

In the above cases, you can use a small amount of plums (within 5 pieces). If you adhere to this rule, the product will not cause harm to the body.

Reviews from doctors about plums for weight loss

Svetlana Fus, nutritionist:

“Plums contain special flavonoids - anthocyanins, which give them their characteristic violet-blue hue. These are active substances that have a positive effect on all processes in the body. They boost metabolism, prevent premature aging, and improve digestion. At the same time, people who often consume plums or practice fasting days and diets based on them are less at risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular diseases.”

Evgeniy Petrovsky, nutritionist:

“The main advantage of plums is that they are very easy to digest. They have a hematopoietic, choleretic and relaxing effect. Moreover, they can be eaten both dried and fresh. Even plum compote will give good results in losing weight and improving your health, if it does not contain too much sugar. This means that even after processing, the fruit retains enough useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the body.”


How does plum work for weight loss?

The plum diet is one of the best because it helps to quickly eliminate excess weight. But before using it, you need to switch to a balanced nutritional diet, the calorie content of which will be within 1300 kcal.

Meals should be made in small portions 5 times a day, and as a snack, eat 200 g of plums. Such “intermediate” meals should be carried out until the evening; accordingly, plums at night for weight loss can be consumed without thinking about it. that they will harm the figure.

This diet must be followed for 14 days, thanks to which an overweight person will naturally eliminate almost 4 kilograms of body fat. Also, you will notice that the condition of your skin has improved significantly.

How plum works for weight loss is very simple. The juice of the fruit, entering the stomach, begins to actively remove excess fluid from the body. It is he who has enormous benefits, attracting the attention of nutritionists with its positive effects, and is often used in the preparation of a special nutritious diet.

How to properly consume plums?

Many will be surprised, but there are clear rules for consuming plums that should not be violated in order to get the maximum benefit from this fruit:

  • Only ripe and soft fruits can be consumed. If the plum leaves teeth on the teeth or is clearly green, then such a fruit will do more harm;
  • plums should only be eaten when they are in season. You can often find this fruit in stores at a time when, by all logic, it cannot yet appear. This means that such a plum has been treated with chemicals and grown in the wrong conditions. It is better to consume only natural fruits;
  • You cannot eat more than 5 fruits in one day. Excessive consumption can cause gastrointestinal overload. And instead of benefit, the body will only receive harm.

And most importantly, plums should not be eaten on an empty stomach. It is ideal to consume it an hour after meals.

Photo: Pixabay

Author: Sergey Tumanov

So, what is so interesting about plums?

Plum is known and loved all over the world, but nowhere except here they make so many different delicacies from it: compotes and preserves, jams and marmalades, juices and purees, liqueurs, tinctures, wines, jelly, adjika, ketchup and various others sauces, marinades for meat, etc..

Currently, there are more than 2000 varieties of plums, and not a single one of them is wild, since wild plums are not found in nature, all trees are the result of crossing blackthorn and cherry plum

, the first experiments on which were carried out by ancient breeders 500 years BC!

The plum took the best from its “parents” - unpretentiousness and productivity from the blackthorn, a pleasant sweet and sour taste and large size of the fruit from the cherry plum.

The plum tree has no thorns, it has an attractive appearance and can delight with enviable fruiting for decades.

The composition of plums is rich and varied, which is what determines its beneficial properties. The plum fruit is a source of many vitamins and microelements.

So it contains vitamins A, B group, C, P, PP, E, K, copper, iron, iodine, zinc, potassium. Plums are especially rich in pectin, fiber, antioxidants and other beneficial substances.

Therefore, eating plums has a beneficial effect on health: it increases the body’s immune functions, protects against the development of cancer, and prolongs youth.

Plum - beneficial properties

Simultaneously with the cultivation of plums, people learned to dry them for long-term storage, and also learned about the beneficial properties of this fruit.

Of course, the plum cannot be called a panacea for all diseases, but there are many ailments that a simple plum berry can help alleviate.

1. High cholesterol. Plum lowers it and improves blood circulation.

2. Reduced elasticity of blood vessels. Regular consumption of plum fruits (not in large quantities, only 5-6 pieces per day) can significantly improve the situation.

3. Hypertension is a faithful companion of the first two conditions. Plums have the ability to normalize high blood pressure.

They help remove excess fluid from the body, increase the adaptability of blood vessels to pressure changes - restore their elasticity, and fight cholesterol deposits that narrow the lumen of blood vessels.


Plums are ideal for a diet: they are tasty, enriched with vitamin B, zinc, phosphorus, copper, iron, potassium, calcium, manganese and magnesium. 100 grams of plum, depending on the variety, contains only 40-50 kcal, so this product can rightfully be considered dietary. In addition, this fruit has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps lift your mood, improves memory and normalizes the metabolic process. This product also helps remove excess fluid from the body and bind fats, which makes the plum diet one of the most effective.

It is advisable to use such a diet during the plum ripening season so that you can choose the highest quality and natural fruits without preservatives and chemicals.

In the diet

The benefits of prunes for women in losing weight have already been proven. Eat dried fruit in moderation, and before eating, make sure there are no contraindications.

The fruit can and should even be included in your diet menu. Prunes have a low glycemic index, controlling spikes in blood sugar, which helps maintain weight.

You can consume dried fruit on the Dukan diet, starting from the Stabilization stage. Other popular nutrition systems - the model diet, “Lesenka”, “Pushinka” and other strict regimes - do not welcome plums on the menu. Therefore, introduce fruits only during a smooth exit from the diet.

Is it possible for the night

The results of losing weight largely depend on a properly formulated diet and daily routine. Nutritionists debated for a long time about the benefits of the product for weight loss and came to a consensus:

You can eat the product before a night's rest, but 3-4 hours before bedtime. This time is enough for the prunes to digest and not create discomfort at night.

The dried fruit has antidepressant properties, improves mood, fights loss of strength and depression.

Is it possible to eat plums at night? Useful Tips

At the same time, starch is dissolved in 50 ml of water. Introduce in a thin stream into the container with the aromatic mass, stirring constantly.

Bring to a boil and cook for several minutes. Despite their lightness, you should not eat such salads at night. But they are ideal for a lunch snack or lunch. Yolks, oatmeal and sour cream are added to the ground cottage cheese. Beat the whites with sugar until fluffy. The garden guest is pitted and cut into strips. Combine the protein and curd mass. Place in a baking dish sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of degrees. In a blender, beat pre-peeled and pitted fruits.

Watermelon pulp is prepared in the same way. Combine in a glass, add honey and flax seeds. Before serving, garnish with mint. The fruits are pitted and cut into cubes. Mix with chopped onion.


The plum mono-diet is the most effective method of losing weight, the duration of which should be 3 days. Its peculiarity lies in the use of such products as:

It is worth noting that when following this method of losing weight, you should drink a large amount of water (at least 1.5 liters per day).

The plum diet is an excellent option for a fasting mono-diet. Plums cleanse the body of toxins, remove excess fluid from it and help lose weight. Reviews about the plum diet are entirely positive. This diet should be followed for no more than 2 days. It is quite simple and at the same time effective.

Plum diet - effective, easy, tasty

Low-calorie plums (42 kcal per 100 g) are among the fruits that can dull the feeling of hunger. They will be a great help in a situation where your favorite jeans, which just recently fit like a glove on your hips, flatly refuse to fit together in the fastener.

Plum has many advantages:

  • the high content of biologically active water (up to 87%), in which citric, oxalic and malic acids are dissolved, determines its refreshing and cleansing effect;
  • a strong antioxidant alpha-trienol (a rare form of vitamin E) protects nerve cells and resists cancer;
  • B vitamins play an important role in the production of the hormone of joy - endorphin, so you are guaranteed a good mood);
  • pectins have a beneficial effect on digestion, help remove cholesterol, heavy metals and radionuclides, and reduce excess weight;
  • with a fairly high sugar content, plum has a low glycemic index (22 units), its moderate consumption is allowed even for diabetes;
  • slow carbohydrates contained in these fruits are gradually converted into glucose and are consumed at the moment, and are not stored as fat;
  • A relatively small amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements is compensated by their wide spectrum.

The plum diet is extremely simple: you can eat 1-1.5 kilograms of plums per day, dividing them into several servings. In between plum “meals”, enjoy green tea without sugar and clean water without carbon. You should drink at least 2 liters (8 glasses) of water per day.

Numerous reviews from those who have lost weight have proven that a day or two of the plum mono-diet makes it easy to lose from one to three extra pounds.

Just keep in mind that it is not at all easy to survive even a couple of days on plums. Therefore, get ready to prepare smoothies, cocktails, salads and even soups. The basic rule from which you cannot deviate is 1400 kcal per day.

Is it possible to eat plums on a diet?

Plums of different varieties and varying degrees of ripeness differ greatly in their chemical composition. Choose only soft, fully ripe fruits with rich colors. Ripe plums of sweet varieties have virtually no contraindications for moderate consumption.

Considering their pronounced laxative and diuretic effect, you should not get carried away with them if you have colitis, a tendency to diarrhea and some joint diseases. For the same reason, on a “plum diet” day it is better not to leave home. Avoid eating unripe, sour fruits; it is better to avoid cherry plum (it is quite sour and does not satisfy hunger well).

Is it possible to get better from eating plums?

There is no need to worry about getting fat from eating plums. Of course, if we are not talking about consuming kilograms of it. One large fruit contains about 25-30 calories.

The fruits are rich in minerals, which help speed up metabolism and, as a result, burn fat.

Some people who want to lose weight begin to eat prunes daily, in the hope that they will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, modern nutritionists do not recommend doing this.

Long-term use of even natural laxatives can cause chronic diarrhea. The intestines get used to the help of a laxative product, which means that when you stop eating prunes, a so-called “withdrawal syndrome” may occur. It will cause constipation, water retention in the body and, as a result, weight gain.

Delicious and without calories Read more about What is more effective: exercise or switching to proper nutrition? Massage, running or fasting?

Does plum help you lose weight?

You can lose weight from plums quite quickly, since these berries have a complex effect on the body:

  1. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. Carefully removes waste and toxins;
  3. Reduce cholesterol levels;
  4. Qualitatively cleanses the intestines;
  5. Remove excess liquid and salts;
  6. Speed ​​up metabolism.

A large number of nutritionists recommend plums for weight loss and for health-improving cleansing. 100 g of fruit contains 1.5 g of dietary fiber, which creates a feeling of fullness for a long time.

There is no doubt about whether you can lose weight on plums.

Important! One medium berry contains 1 g of protein, 8 g of carbohydrates and 0 g of fat. The fruit also contains 1 g of fiber, 7 mg of vitamin C, and 104 mg of calcium. Calorie content of the product – 42 kcal/100 g.

If you eat a large portion every day, you will not achieve the desired effect. In addition, excessive consumption of plums leads to chronic diarrhea. After a person stops eating prunes for weight loss in excessive quantities, “withdrawal syndrome” begins. The body begins to store water, intestinal motility is disrupted, and constipation occurs.

It is impossible to lose weight with plums alone

In order to clearly answer the question: is it possible to eat prunes while losing weight, you need to clearly define the rules:

  1. The daily calorie intake should be approximately 1500 kcal;
  2. It is necessary to limit the consumption of fried, flour, and sweet foods as much as possible;
  3. For drinks, preference should be given to green tea and water;
  4. You need to eat often, but in small portions;
  5. Include other vegetables and fruits in your diet to get enough microelements and vitamins.

If you follow the rules and include plums in your diet, the first results will be visually noticeable within 15-20 days.

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