Possibilities of ultrasound therapy in the fight against cellulite

It is almost impossible to cope with the “orange peel” on the hips and buttocks through diet or exercise - treating cellulite requires an integrated approach . In the struggle for the beauty of their bodies, modern women use many means, the most progressive and safe of which are hardware methods. Modern hardware cosmetology uses the principles of medical physiotherapy and uses light, sound, electric current, cold and other physical factors to influence the tissues of the human body. One of the most popular hardware methods of figure correction is ultrasound therapy , which helps change the condition of problem areas from the inside.

What is cellulite?

Thanks to popular culture, cellulite is associated with excess weight, however, many slender women also suffer from imperfect skin texture in the thighs and buttocks. But in men, cellulite does not occur even with severe obesity. What explains these phenomena?

Under the skin of every person there is a layer of subcutaneous fat - a kind of energy reserve for the body. The subcutaneous fat layer (hypodermis) has a honeycomb-like structure, the cells of which are formed by elastic collagen fibers. Each cell contains a fat lobule consisting of fat cells called hypocytes. In addition to collagen and fat cells, the hypodermis is penetrated by many vessels carrying blood and lymph.

Fat lobules in female subcutaneous fat are larger and located perpendicular to the surface of the skin, which is why their increase in size immediately leads to an unattractive “orange” effect. Fat lobules in men are smaller in size and spherical in shape, which is why their increase does not lead to noticeable changes in the relief in problem areas.

Experts call the two main mechanisms of cellulite an abnormal increase in the volume of hypocytes and stagnation in the hypodermis, leading to edema and disruption of natural metabolism in cells. Cellulite can be caused by both internal (heredity, hormonal imbalance) and external (poor diet, wearing tight clothes) factors. In most cases, the appearance of “orange peel” is caused by a whole range of different reasons, which greatly complicates the fight against cellulite using conventional methods.

Experts distinguish 4 stages of cellulite according to the severity of the defect:

  • Stage 1. The uneven relief is noticeable only when pinching the fold. The color of the skin in problem areas is not changed, there is slight swelling;
  • Stage 2. The “orange peel” effect is noticeable when the muscles in the problem area are tense, the skin in the affected areas turns pale, and swelling appears;
  • Stage 3. The skin in problem areas has a pronounced uneven texture caused by the formation of accumulations of fat cells in the hypodermis. The skin in problem areas is swollen and pale, the tissues are painful on palpation;
  • Stage 4. Pronounced nodes and depressions are noticeable under the skin, the skin has a bluish tint, and severe swelling is observed.

Operating principle of hand massagers

A manual anti-cellulite massager for the body improves blood and lymph circulation due to mechanical or vacuum effects on the subcutaneous layers, which leads to an acceleration of the process of fat breakdown and its removal from the body.

Among the advantages of these devices:

  • cheapness;
  • ease of use;
  • reliability;
  • compactness;
  • Possibility of use in any conditions.

At the same time, it should be taken into account: a manual massager will require a lot of physical effort, so the procedure with its use cannot be called pleasant or relaxing. Another significant drawback is its low effectiveness in the later stages of cellulite.

Wooden and combined with wood

Wooden massagers conquer:

  • cheapness;
  • variety of forms;
  • naturalness of the material.

Disadvantages include the difficulty of cleaning massagers combined with the ability of wood to absorb skin secretions and cosmetics during the massage process, which subsequently become an ideal breeding ground for pathogens.

The most popular are roller wooden massagers, which are a shaft with protrusions, movably mounted on an axis connected to a handle.
They are recommended to be used immediately after a shower, treating steamed skin: by exerting a physical effect on the subcutaneous layer, they improve blood circulation and accelerate metabolic processes. In addition, there is a mechanical effect due to which large fat grains are crushed, which leads to an improvement in the appearance of the skin. Disadvantages include the painful procedure and a high risk of hematoma formation.

Devices are often used in which wood is combined with other materials: for example, massage brushes, consisting of a wooden base with bristles attached to it and a handle.

Those who want to use a massage brush for the first time should purchase a model with the softest natural bristles, then gradually switch to harder models with bristles made of synthetic materials.


In appearance and in its method of use, this type of massager resembles an ordinary washcloth and is a long cloth consisting of small, movably fixed rollers. For ease of use, the massager is equipped with handles. Rollers can be made of wood or plastic.


The advantage of soft rubber products is their delicate effect on the skin. Rubber massagers are the best option for those with sensitive, delicate skin prone to bruising.

Among the advantages:

  • convenience (the rubber massager will never slip out of your hands);
  • light weight;
  • compactness.

Unfortunately, this type of device is able to cope with weak, initial manifestations of cellulite, since it affects only the upper layers of the skin. Another disadvantage is their fragility: rubber quickly loses its plasticity due to constant contact with the fats that make up massage creams.

Massage rollers

The massage roller is made of foam materials and can have a low, medium or high density, smooth or corrugated surface.

A massager in the form of a roller can be used as an anti-cellulite product. Allows you to perfectly work out the back surface of the body: lower back, hips, buttocks.

A massage roller will allow you to easily work out the back of the thighs, buttocks, and lower back, increase blood flow in these areas and help get rid of cellulite from the most problematic parts of the female body.

Massage mittens

This type of massager, which is made of plastic or wood, is shaped like a mitten, equipped with protrusions or bristles on the palm side. The mitten is used in the shower and is designed to massage a wet body to remove dead skin, normalize blood circulation, and provide a slight drainage effect.

Massage cups

Cupping is the only type of hand massager that can work not only on the superficial, but also on the deep layers of the epidermis , and cope with pronounced manifestations of cellulite, swelling, and sagging skin.

Banks can be made of glass, plastic, rubber. Products made from medical silicone are popular - elastic, lightweight, easy to care for and durable material that provides the most comfortable and safe massage.

The principle of use is simple: the jar is pressed tightly against the treated area, previously covered with massage cream, and then moved in the desired direction.

The best models of hand massagers

The leader in the hand massager market is the world famous manufacturer of cosmetic products Oriflame. This brand produces wooden, plastic, and rubber massagers, which have earned many positive reviews. The price of products ranges from 600-1000 rubles.

The manual anti-cellulite body massager is presented in the following models:

Breathleshades HB88An inexpensive, simple model of a band massager that is lightweight, so your hands won’t get tired during the massage. The varnish coating will extend the service life and make it easier to care for the product.
Wooden band massager art. MA3214 Works well on the waist and hips, improving blood circulation in areas that are problematic for many women, and allowing them to get rid of cellulite in record time
Wooden band massager art. MA3223 Features large rollers and is designed to treat large areas of the body
Massagers "Abacus"They are mainly used to treat large areas of the body: buttocks, back of the thighs.
Price - 450-550 rubles.
Rolling pin massagerIt is similar in appearance to a kitchen utensil, but has a ribbed roller surface rather than a smooth one. Cost – from 200 to 400 rubles.
Belberg massage cupsAvailable in several sizes and suitable for massaging any part of the body.
Used to prevent and eliminate cellulite. The price of a set of 4 cans is 950 rubles.

Fight cellulite

From a medical point of view, cellulite is a cosmetic defect. The medical term for cellulite “gynoid lipodystrophy” is used only in the case of a pronounced defect of the 4th stage, leading to impaired sensitivity in problem areas and significant metabolic disorders. The main unpleasant consequence of cellulite is the psychological discomfort that constantly occurs when wearing open clothes.

The greater the severity of the defect, the more comprehensive the approach to cellulite treatment needs to be implemented. To reduce weight, a standard set of diets and physical exercises is used; anti-cellulite cosmetics are used to remove excess fluid and restore skin tone.

The most difficult task is the breakdown of fat deposits in the subcutaneous fat. Most creams and medications are not able to penetrate even into the deep layers of the epidermis without additional help, so the effect of using such products is only superficial. To split large painful nodes, surgical or cosmetic equipment is used to mechanically destroy accumulations of fat cells.

A safe and non-traumatic alternative to interventions such as surgical liposuction is ultrasound therapy - the most modern and effective method of destroying fat deposits without compromising the integrity of the skin.

Top 5 anti-cellulite massagers

We bring to your attention the following popular models:

  • Gold Slim LMS-B001;
  • FEET RELAX Easy Light;
  • US Medica Ultra Slim;
  • Body Sculptor Gezatone AMG114;
  • Vibro Fit S047.

But it is worth considering that even the best anti-cellulite massagers will not cope with excess fat deposits on your stomach and thighs if you do not review your menu, follow a drinking regime and regularly expose yourself to physical activity. But for those who spend a lot of time taking care of their appearance, they will help not only make the skin in problem areas smooth, but also improve their overall condition.

Ultrasound capabilities

To combat the “orange peel”, both ultrasound therapy in its pure form and ultraphonophresis , which is a combination of the application of medicinal cosmetics and ultrasound exposure, are used. Many years of experience have shown that ultrasound methods are effective even in the fight against stage 3-4 cellulite.

In medical practice, both high-frequency (700-3000 kHz) and low-frequency (21-42 kHz) ultrasound are used. For the treatment of cellulite, low frequencies are most effective - such an effect allows you to penetrate deeply into the tissue and has an anti-inflammatory, disintegrating and anti-edematous effect. In addition to the gradual loosening of fat deposits, low-frequency ultrasound stimulates metabolism in the tissues of subcutaneous fat, due to which the released toxins and waste products are eliminated much faster, and painful swelling does not occur on the legs.

Ultrasonic waves are reflected from the boundaries of various media depending on the level of their acoustic resistance. In connection with this phenomenon, the main condition for effective therapy is the maximum proximity of the wave emitter to the skin - such an organization of the procedure allows you to create an airless space at the border with the skin, as well as provide the greatest angle of incidence of ultrasonic waves. Depending on the area and condition of the problem areas, the emitter either remains in a fixed position or moves to cover a larger area.

Indications and contraindications

The massager is used mainly by girls and women, since scientists have proven that cellulite practically does not occur in men.

You can massage any problem area. The massager can be used:

  • women who dream of getting their figure in order after childbirth;
  • owners of cellulite areas that are not reduced by diet;
  • overweight people.

Before starting the procedure, you need to prepare for it and perform exercises according to the recommendations.

Contraindications apply to the following cases:

  • Skin diseases can create troubles in the form of exacerbation of the disease, or injury to unhealthy areas;
  • Any period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • Tumor formations on the surface of the skin;
  • Drug addiction and alcoholism;
  • Epileptic seizures, tetany, eclampsia, etc.;
  • Recent surgery;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Diabetes;
  • High blood pressure;
  • ARVI

The mechanism of the effect of ultrasound on cellulite

Mechanical factor. Due to acoustic pressure, ultrasonic waves give the effect of “cellular massage” of living tissues, which activates metabolism in cells (protein and ATP synthesis) and increases the permeability of intercellular membranes.

Thermal factor. The transformation of mechanical energy into thermal energy causes a slight increase in temperature and further accelerates metabolic processes in skin cells and subcutaneous fat.

Physico-chemical factor. By activating metabolic processes, ultrasound stimulates biochemical activity in the body, accelerates the synthesis of cellular components, and also has a general analgesic, antiseptic and resorption effect.

The penetration depth of ultrasonic waves directly depends on the method of their creation. The most common high-frequency ultrasound equipment generates waves up to 1000 kHz (maximum penetration depth 10 cm), and waves up to 3000 kHz (up to 3 cm). As a rule, the selection of the frequency of exposure depends on both the severity of cellulite and the stage of treatment.


The unique ability of ultrasound to increase the permeability of blood vessels and epithelium inspired specialists in the field of cosmetology to create ultraphonophresis - a combined technique that includes the influence of ultrasonic waves and the application of various drugs to the surface of the skin.

During the procedure, a lipolytic medicinal substance is mixed with a base (palm oil, petroleum jelly, etc.), applied to the skin and exposed to ultrasound. The waves emitted by the emitter help the drug penetrate into the deep layers of the skin through the sebaceous ducts, and also ensure the simultaneous activation of metabolic processes in cells.

One of the most effective means for eliminating “orange peel” is currently considered to be gels and creams with algae extracts containing hydrolyzed fibers. An effective combination of phytoextracts and ultrasound allows you to solve a wide range of cosmetic problems and cope even with severe signs of cellulite.

Before the ultraphonofresis procedure, the skin in problem areas is cleaned with peeling and covered with a contact substance (an anti-cellulite drug mixed with a base), and then treated with a radiator. In cases of severe stage 4 cellulite, problem areas can be divided into several zones, which are treated step by step within each session. The total session time is about 10-20 minutes, and the duration of the entire course is about 10-20 procedures, repeated after 2-3 months to consolidate the effect.

Hardware body massagers

Simple mechanical massagers have proven themselves as a means of combating minor manifestations of cellulite. If the problem has occupied large areas of the body, you should consider purchasing a hardware massager.

Among its advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • the ability to influence the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • no need to apply significant physical effort during massage.

However, this type of massager has a much wider list of contraindications than manual devices.

Electric massagers with replaceable attachments

This type of device generates low-frequency mechanical vibrations that are transmitted to the surface of the body and, penetrating to great depths, activate lymph and blood flow in the treated area. Thanks to this, the processes of fat utilization, removal of toxins and excess fluid from the body are accelerated.

The undoubted advantage of an electric massager is the ability to use several types of attachments and, accordingly, work on all possible problem areas. A massager-vibrator will cope with cellulite at the initial or middle stage, but in advanced cases it will not give the desired effect.


Massagers-simulators are an opportunity to make all the muscles of the body work without tiring training, improve blood circulation in the tissues and eliminate congestion that causes the appearance of cellulite. The device generates an impulse that is transmitted to the muscles, provoking their contractions in a certain rhythm.

Since muscles require energy to work, the process of active breakdown of fat cells starts, which allows not only to get rid of cellulite, but also to normalize body weight, reduce swelling and make the skin more elastic.

Among the advantages of the device:

  • compactness;
  • light weight;
  • autonomous power supply;
  • Possibility of use at any time.

Ultrasonic electric massagers

Like vibrating massagers, ultrasonic devices generate waves that cause vibration, but in this case their frequency is much higher , making it possible to treat the deepest subcutaneous layers. Ultrasound not only improves blood supply to tissues, but also, like a tiny hammer, crushes fat grains, promoting their rapid breakdown.

Remember: if there are contraindications, inept handling or an attempt to force the process, the ultrasound device can cause harm : it should be used in full accordance with the instructions, taking breaks of several months between courses. The first sessions should take a minimum of time, the duration of the procedures increases gradually.

Vacuum models

A vacuum massager is a more advanced analogue of cans , with the difference that in this case an area of ​​low pressure is created, maintained and controlled automatically, without human intervention.

Compared to cupping massage, a hardware vacuum procedure will require less physical effort, and to carry it out competently, minimal knowledge about the direction of massage lines is sufficient. The device is able to cope with extensive cellulite deposits and is easy to operate and maintain.

Among the disadvantages:

  • high cost;
  • large sizes;
  • a large list of contraindications.

Infrared massagers

The infrared radiation (heat) created by devices of this type penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, providing them with gentle heating, increasing blood flow and activating metabolic processes. Under the influence of heat, the process of breaking down fat into glycerin and water is accelerated several times , and the use of anti-cellulite creams and oils makes the massage even more effective.

Pneumatic massagers

In terms of their operating principle, this type of massager is similar to vacuum devices, only the pressure they create is constantly changing due to the automatic pumping and pumping of air, performed at regular intervals.

Pneumomassage is capable of:

  • normalize blood circulation;
  • by improving lymphatic drainage, eliminate swelling;
  • accelerate metabolic processes in the cells of the subcutaneous layer;
  • accelerate the removal of fat breakdown products from the body.

Small devices equipped with suction cups are intended for home use.
Massage can be performed labilely: that is, by slowly moving the attachments along the massage lines, or steadily, when the suction attachment is installed on a certain area of ​​the body for a while. For salon procedures, special suits are used, into which air is pumped (evacuated).

Hydro massagers

This type of massager works by using a jet of water that is directed onto the skin. Hydromassage is an effective remedy for eliminating cellulite, but only subject to the required water pressure (which is not always present in the water supply system of residential buildings) and the high professionalism of the person who will perform the massage.

To perform the procedure correctly, water of a special composition is required:

  • marine;
  • mineral;
  • enriched with certain substances;
  • having a certain temperature.

Without meeting all these conditions, hydromassage will be ineffective and sometimes even dangerous, which is why it is exclusively a salon procedure and is practically not used at home.


Devices of this type act on muscles, generating electrical impulses of varying power, which causes them to contract . Since muscles need energy to work, the body begins to draw it from subcutaneous “reserves,” accelerating the process of breaking down the fats stored there.

A myostimulator is an excellent solution for those who want to quickly get rid of cellulite deposits, but do not have time for intensive gymnastics, as it provides the muscles with the necessary physical activity.

Devices operating on the principle of myostimulation are able to combat any type of cellulite and are used in home and salon procedures. Salon myostimulators are more powerful and functional, while home ones are compact and easy to use, but less effective. Both types of devices have a number of contraindications.

The best models of hardware massagers

The undoubted leader in the production of inexpensive hardware massagers is Philips : compact, lightweight, easy-to-use devices of this brand, with high efficiency, are available at an affordable price. On average, they can be purchased for 1500-2000 rubles.

Philips' competitors are the Chinese brand "Body Sculptor", whose massagers can be purchased for about 800 rubles, and "Relax Tone", which offers good anti-cellulite devices, which on average will cost 1000 rubles.

Anti-cellulite hardware body massagers are represented by expensive models of domestic and foreign production:

Massagers “Ultrasound + Myostimulation” Gezatone M380The simultaneous impact of ultrasound and electrical impulses mutually reinforce each other and causes fat to be broken down at an accelerated pace.
At the same time, the outflow of lymph becomes more intense, removing all the “garbage” accumulated there from the intercellular space. The average price of the device is 6,000 rubles.
Vibrating massager Gezatone Vacu BeautyBy transmitting vibrations to the skin and subcutaneous layer, it normalizes blood circulation and lymph flow in areas affected by cellulite.
With regular use, you can not only remove the “orange peel”, but also normalize weight and increase skin elasticity. Price - 1800 rub.
Infrared vibration massager Meditech KM-914HIt is positioned as multifunctional, since the 4 attachments included in the kit allow you to treat the face and any part of the body. It is possible to regulate the strength of vibration and heating, and the bendable handle allows you to massage your back yourself. The cost of the device is 2500 rubles.
EM 20 Sixpack Myostimulator trainer from BeurerIt has self-adhesive electrodes and provides a comfortable and safe massage of problem areas due to the effect of high-frequency currents on the subcutaneous layers. It is possible to choose one of 15 possible degrees of impact intensity and massage time, after which the device will turn off automatically. Price - 2500 rub.
Infrared vibration massager "Dolphin"The product from Chinese manufacturers will delight you with its original shape (in the shape of a dolphin) and the ability to perform vibration massage, infrared massage, and combined effects with its help.
3 attachments will allow you to massage any part of the body, and 2 vibration modes will make the procedure as comfortable as possible. "Dolphin" is available in several versions. The price, depending on the model, varies from 900 to 1750 rubles.

Buying an anti-cellulite body massager can make the dream of smooth, elastic skin a reality; you just need to choose the appropriate version of the device, learn how to use it correctly and perform massage regularly.

It is important to remember that massage is only part of an anti-cellulite program, which includes gymnastics, diet and other procedures that, working together, will help achieve your cherished goal.

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Specifics of ultrasound application

The healing effects of ultrasonic waves can solve a wide range of cosmetic problems - from reducing the “orange peel” effect to evening out skin color. The main indications for the use of ultrasound therapy and ultraphonophresis are:

  • Cellulite;
  • Chronic inflammation of connective tissue;
  • Skin pigmentation;
  • Scars (traumatic, post-acne);
  • Bruising.

Contraindications to ultrasound treatment are:

  • Malignant tumors of any type and location, oncological diseases;
  • Pregnancy period;
  • Acute thrombophlebitis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Ischemia, heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Inflammatory processes of internal organs and tissues.

Ultrasound therapy is one of the most progressive methods of combating cellulite. In the absence of contraindications, ultrasound treatment can be started both for preventive purposes and to eliminate the “orange peel” characteristic of the later stages of cellulite. The general scheme of the intervention, as well as the selection of the necessary anti-cellulite products, is carried out before the start of treatment by a specialist in the field of hardware cosmetology, taking into account all the nuances of the patient’s condition and his physical characteristics.

In addition to the opportunity to regain the flawless shape of your buttocks, abdomen and thighs, ultrasound therapy has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the entire body, restoring ease of movement and self-confidence!

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