Honey for cellulite at home - it works!

The most effective “honey” home procedures

There are hundreds of recipes and options for using honey against cellulite, but if you organize them all, you can see that they are all divided into 3 large groups.

There are three ways to get rid of cellulite yourself:

  • honey scrubs, masks and baths;
  • honey massages;
  • wraps with honey.

But first, let’s find out how this useful product acts on problem areas of the body.

The effect of honey on the skin for cellulite

Honey is an excellent source of macro- and microelements, amino acids and vitamins, which are well absorbed and maintain skin tone. Thanks to active organic and inorganic substances, enzymes, honey removes harmful substances - waste and toxins from tissues. At the same time, it nourishes the epidermis and normalizes the content of water, salts and fats in the upper layer of the skin.

Any honey procedures make the skin smoother and softer, because... keratinized skin particles begin to peel off. The condition of the skin improves significantly, it becomes soft and velvety, and elasticity returns.

Honey penetrates deep into the layers of skin affected by cellulite. Metabolism and blood circulation improve, and fat deposits in areas of cellulite begin to break down!

We have learned about the wonderful properties of honey, now we will consider in detail ways to combat cellulite based on it.

Honey for cellulite - recipes and secrets of use

Let me briefly remind you once again what cellulite is.

Cellulite refers to changes in the structure of the subcutaneous fat layer, which provoke disturbances in blood circulation and lymph outflow.

This is stagnation in adipose tissue, which provokes its degeneration.

Doctors even today try not to use the term “cellulite”, but call the pathological condition “gynoid lipodystrophy”.

There is no general opinion on the problem, since doctors generally do not consider cellulite a disease.

Fat deposits in the thighs and buttocks are a consequence of an excess of hormones, this is evidence of an unhealthy lifestyle.

The formation of an “orange peel” in the first stages is not a problem, but if the situation is neglected, eliminating the defect will not be easy.

That is why prevention should be carried out, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right.

How does honey affect the disappearance of the “orange peel”?

Every representative of the fairer sex who tried to get rid of a skin defect at least once used honey on the body.

Having tried many other methods, many ladies still prefer to return to treatment with honey.

What's so special about it?

Honey products are a storehouse of macro and microelements, bioactive substances, amino acids and vitamins, which are quickly absorbed by humans.

Its effects are incredibly effective both when consumed internally and when used externally.

The fact that anti-cellulite massage with honey is effective in treatment and prevention is explained by the rich composition of the product.

When massaged with honey, epithelial receptors are irritated and blood circulation in problem areas improves.


  1. Metabolism in tissues is normalized.
  2. Unneeded moisture leaves the cells.
  3. Lymphatic drainage improves.
  4. As a result, the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases, the body becomes slender and graceful, and improves skin color.

Honey wraps and masks help to tone the epithelium, strengthen vascular walls, nourish tissues with healing elements, restore the skin and tone it by drawing out waste, toxins and excess moisture.

Honey for cellulite - application features

As a rule, honey for cellulite is used in the form of:

  • honey body massage,
  • anti-cellulite honey wraps,
  • masks and scrubs for body tightening.

What the result will be depends not only on the regularity of the procedure, the conditions of implementation, the composition of home care products, but also on the time of the procedure.

Honey wraps

Honey wraps help not only even out the skin, but also remove 2-3 cm in volume! Simply apply heated honey to problem areas and wrap in several layers of cling film. To enhance the effect of the active components, you need to wear warm clothes or wrap yourself in a blanket. After an hour or an hour and a half, you can remove the film and take a warm shower.

Be sure to drink a glass of water before and after the wrap! This will prevent dehydration and make the procedure itself more effective.

After 3-5 sessions, the skin condition will noticeably improve. There are several types of honey wrap:

Hot honey wrap

Add a spoonful of vinegar and honey to mustard powder diluted with water. The procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes and is accompanied by a slight burning sensation.


Honey and coffee grounds are diluted in a one to one ratio. Thanks to the combination of coffee and honey, blood circulation is accelerated, the skin is cleansed, and honey penetrates deeper into the deeper layers. This wrap is effective even for complex forms of cellulite.


To the mushy consistency of black or blue clay, just add a couple of spoons of honey and 2-3 drops of essential oils. Irritated skin is soothed and tightened.


Add a couple of tablespoons of alcohol or vodka to 1000 grams of honey. This procedure accelerates the breakdown of fats, improving the activity of blood vessels.

Honey and milk

This wrap nourishes the skin well. Milk and honey are diluted in a 2:1 ratio.

You must ensure that you are not allergic to certain components.

Recipe for anti-cellulite mask with honey

Honey is a universal product for home skin care for the face and body. It can be combined with many products: it is ideally complemented by vegetable and essential oils, which allows you to further enhance the anti-cellulite effect of the mask. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most simple and effective recipes.

Anti-cellulite mask with honey and essential oils

Preparation and use: dissolve 2 tablespoons of honey in a microwave or water bath, cool slightly and add three drops of essential oil. You can use lemon, grapefruit, cypress or rosemary oil. The finished mixture is applied to problem areas for 40 minutes, wrapped in film and washed off. For the best effect, the mask is used two to three times a week for two months.

Milk-honey mask against cellulite

Preparation and use: mix one part milk with two parts honey, heat slightly and apply to problem areas. Wrap in cling film and leave for 40 minutes. After the time has passed, wash off the mask with cool water.

Honey mustard mask

Preparation and use: mix honey and mustard powder in equal proportions, add two drops of orange oil and apply to problem areas. Leave it on for as long as you can (the mustard burns) and rinse with warm water.

Mustard removes dead skin cells, activates skin circulation and improves metabolic processes.

In conclusion, we note that a honey mask not only perfectly gets rid of cellulite, but also returns a healthy color to the skin, relieves fatigue and removes toxins. With regular use of a honey mask for cellulite, the skin becomes more elastic and excess volume disappears.

If you have a particularly advanced stage of cellulite, then experts recommend combining honey masks against cellulite with diet and fitness. Vegetables and fruits on your table will help you eat right, and 30 minutes of fitness will put your figure in order after just two weeks of regular exercise. Well, in combination with body wraps, all of the above procedures will give you the figure of your dreams! So good luck and great results!

Honey massage

The advantage of this method is that massage technique is added to the unique effect of honey and a double effect is achieved. Thanks to the massage, the “fat globules” or “orange peel” are destroyed. Excess liquid leaves, removing toxins and impurities with it. The skin tightens and becomes elastic.

Honey massages are mainly performed in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Before starting the massage, you need to thoroughly steam and cleanse the skin. Ideally, this massage should be done after a bath or sauna. When the skin is prepared and dried with a towel, you can proceed to the procedure itself.

Massage technique

Honey should be applied to problem areas of the body with patting movements, driving the mass into the skin. After a couple of minutes, the palms will begin to stick, pulling the skin, creating discomfort. When the body begins to get used to it, the discomfort will go away. Don’t be afraid of the white mass that forms on your palms - it’s still the same honey that is absorbed into the skin.

Then you can move on to rubbing and sharply tearing your palm away from the body, gradually intensifying the movements. Such actions must be carried out for up to 10 minutes. Rubbing the skin with honey not only gets rid of cellulite, but also removes stretch marks and pigmentation.

After completing the massage, rinse off the remaining honey with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

To enhance the effect, you can add essential oils of orange, grapefruit or lemon. For maximum effect, honey massage is done in a course - 15 times, with a break of one day.

Dry massage with a brush also helps fight cellulite; its effectiveness is not inferior to salon procedures! You can alternate with honey.

Wraps with honey

Cellulite honey is widely used in cosmetic wrapping procedures. You can prepare an equally effective mixture at home.

Ingredients: honey, lemon juice.

Application: 2 tbsp. Mix spoons of honey with 10 drops of lemon juice. Clean the skin with soap. Without drying it, apply a mixture of honey and lemon to it and rub it over the entire surface affected by cellulite for 1 - 2 minutes. Then you need to tightly wrap the lubricated area with cling film and fix it on the body. To enhance the effect, you can wrap a woolen scarf or blanket over the film. Maintain this “greenhouse effect” for 20 minutes. Then unfold the film and use your palms to make a couple of circular massage movements throughout the area where the honey-lemon mixture is applied. After this, rinse off the honey and lemon with warm water from the shower and dry with a soft towel. You should not apply a moisturizer, since due to the “greenhouse effect” the skin is already intensively saturated with the nutritional components of the mixture.

Honey scrubs

The scrub serves as a short-term body peeling, and is ideally used before a massage or wrap. It is enough to do it once a week. It cleanses well, warms the skin and improves blood circulation. You need to apply the scrub to the skin area and rub vigorously for 5 minutes.

You can use scrubs made only from honey (if you have thick, candied honey), or you can use them with the following components in equal proportions:

  • honey and ground coffee (“sleeped”, that is, already used coffee gives a more delicate scrubbing effect).
  • honey and salt.
  • honey and dry mustard.

You can also add oils (cocoa butter, coconut), clay and any other components to the scrubbing masses.

Cupping honey massage for cellulite

Vacuum anti-cellulite massage using cups is one of the best in terms of effectiveness. It normalizes blood circulation, lymph flow and water balance in the subcutaneous layer.

Before the procedure, warm up the skin using a shower or special products. Lubricate the body with the honey mixture, then squeeze the jar tightly, place it on the surface of the skin and release. Start making straight and circular movements on problem areas for 5-10 minutes. At the end of the massage, press the can on the balloon and remove it.

Honey masks

With the use of honey masks, the skin becomes soft and velvety. Masks are somewhat similar in effect to wraps, but differ in a softer effect. After a hot shower, the mask is applied to problem areas for 5-7 minutes. Then simply wash off with warm water.

There are several effective recipes for honey masks for cellulite.

  • Pepper mask. For 100 grams of honey, add two tablespoons of coffee and half a teaspoon of red pepper. The burning effect quickly fights cellulite. It is not necessary to keep this mask for 5-7 minutes - as soon as you feel a burning sensation, especially if it is difficult to tolerate, wash it off immediately!
  • Honey-grape mask. To do this you will need grape juice, honey and moisturizer. Mix in equal proportions.
  • Honey-egg mask. One yolk is mixed with two tablespoons of honey. The maximum effect is achieved if you use the mask in a bath or sauna.
  • Honey and milk mask. Honey is diluted with slightly warmed milk or yogurt at room temperature. This mask makes the skin silky, restoring the nutritional balance.
  • Honey-olive mask. Honey and olive oil are mixed in equal parts.
  • Honey-yeast mask. You need 4 tablespoons of cream, 4 tablespoons of honey and 15 grams of dry yeast. Before use, to activate the yeast, the mask should stand for 20 minutes.

Scrub with honey

Scrubbing compositions are designed for deep cleansing of the skin, freeing it from dead particles of the epidermis, pores - from dust, dirt, and remnants of decorative cosmetics.

Honey peelings work gently and are suitable even for sensitive, dry skin. If you use them correctly, you can gradually get rid of rashes and acne, smooth out small wrinkles, and even out the color and texture of the skin.

Body scrubs for cellulite based on beekeeping products can be bought in the store or prepared yourself. The main advantage of homemade preparations is their completely natural composition, without synthetic flavors, fragrances, or dyes. Such compounds often provoke an allergic reaction. It is possible to choose substances that a particular girl likes best.

Here are a few simple, effective recipes:

  • combine honey, freshly ground coffee (or grounds), sour cream, and olive oil in equal parts. The scrub delicately eliminates peeling and smoothes the surface of the epidermis;
  • take 2 tsp. beekeeping product, 1 tsp. cane sugar (can be replaced with regular sugar), ½ tsp. vegetable oil, mix well. You need to use the composition immediately, until the grains of sugar are completely dissolved;
  • mix honey and milk (1 tsp each), carefully add 2 tsp. banana puree, 2 tsp. slightly crushed oatmeal. The mixture is suitable for ladies with very sensitive, thin skin;
  • in 3 tbsp. add 1 tsp honey cinnamon powder. The paste is good for getting rid of acne, but you need to use it carefully, without much rubbing;
  • combine 1 tsp. honey, 3 tsp. ground rolled oats, ¼ tsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 drop of tea tree essential oil or basil. In addition to cleansing, the mask promotes deep hydration of the tissues.

The candied product can be used separately from other ingredients or mixed with sea salt in a 2:1 ratio.

Sweet scrubbing is good to do in a steam room or after a hot bath. Steamed dermis is easier to clean and allows nutritional components to penetrate into the deeper layers.

Such peelings are especially good in late autumn and early spring, when the skin is most vulnerable, thins, and lacks vitamins. The bee product will help fill the lack of necessary components, strengthen and smooth the epidermis.

Honey baths

Regular honey baths are also considered a good way to combat cellulite. At the same time, they do not require a lot of time and combine the principle of “business with pleasure.” Honey baths can also be combined with the following ingredients:

Honey-essential. It is enough to add 200 grams of honey to a standard bath with warm water. It wouldn’t hurt to add a few drops of essential oil there.

Honey and milk. One glass of honey and a liter of milk are dissolved in warm water. This procedure heals microcracks and stops skin aging. Cleopatra herself took such a bath to moisturize and rejuvenate her skin.

Honey-herbal. Honey and ginseng decoction are diluted with warm water. Such a bath not only breaks down fats, but also fills the body with energy.

There are also contraindications!

Unfortunately, these recipes are not suitable for everyone. It is forbidden to use honey:

  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • For infectious skin diseases and open wounds.
  • For varicose veins and nearby vessels.
  • For hormonal disorders and diabetes.
  • In case of allergic reactions to honey or other components.
  • For diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood diseases.

All of the above methods of getting rid of cellulite using honey certainly help. If you do everything correctly and stick to the course, then within a month or a month and a half your skin will delight you with its beauty and elasticity.

Irina Polyanitsa My name is Irina, I am the owner and admin of the site, as well as the author of most of the recipes and articles. I love to cook simple and healthy delicacies. Certified gym instructor, personal trainer. She completed a course on nutrition and health at Stanford University, Stanford Introduction to Food and Health, as well as a course at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy (about nutrition and lifestyle during pregnancy).

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