Yana Rudkovskaya told how she manages to maintain her figure at 46 years old

Yana Rudkovskaya’s diet is of interest to many people, because it helped her lose 15 kg after giving birth, and in a fairly short time.

Yana Rudkovskaya is a very famous person. She is a TV presenter and producer of Dima Bilan, and the wife of the equally famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. Naturally, such popularity requires her to have an appropriate appearance; it is not for nothing that Yana, with a height of 168 cm, always weighed 50 kg and carefully looked after herself. But after giving birth, the happiness of motherhood was overshadowed by the fact that she gained significant weight, no less by 16 kg. And this cannot be allowed with her lifestyle. So I had to think about how to regain the lost harmony.

Previously, Rudkovskaya kept in excellent shape by having a fasting day on kefir once a week, which gave good results and was not particularly burdensome given her busy schedule.

And now, after consulting with a nutritionist, she, based on his recommendations, developed a diet, the main component of which was this so-called elixir of youth.

Diet of Yana Rudkovskaya - essence and rules

After all, everyone knows that kefir is considered the most dietary and healthy among fermented milk products. It is not only easily digestible, but also supplies the body with proteins, beneficial vitamins and minerals, restores intestinal microflora, strengthens the immune system and has an overall healing effect.

And for those losing weight, this is generally just a treasure, since it perfectly saturates, normalizes digestive processes, removes excess fluid, waste and toxins from the body, and also activates metabolic processes. That's why Yana gave him preference.

By the way: Diet of singer Valeria

The essence of the diet, as you already understood, is a significant consumption of kefir (at least 1 liter per day). This weight loss program is quite strict, but effective, because in 5 days you lose 3 kg, and if you do not add physical activity, and if you add sports, you can still lose 1-2 kg.

The rules of the diet are quite simple - you must strictly follow the developed menu, and observe the drinking regime - about 2 liters of clean still water per day.

The duration of the diet is 7 days, after which you need to take a break and switch to a balanced, but low-calorie diet, so that the lost kilograms do not return. And then, if further weight loss is required, use the diet again.

At its core, the fermented milk nutrition system is very effective; for example, a kefir diet for 10 days allows you to lose up to 10 extra pounds.

The basis of the diet, kefir

Yana Rudkovskaya always looked beautiful; with a height of 168 cm, her weight never exceeded 50 kg. After giving birth, the producer turned to a nutritionist, and together they developed a unique diet that helped her lose 5 kg in just a week, and in 2 months, lose 12 kg.

This amazing result is explained by a sharp change in diet: Yana Rudkovskaya’s diet is based on the familiar kefir. The producer drank liters of this fermented milk product not only in the base week, but throughout the entire 2 months until she achieved the desired result.

How does kefir work? Fermented milk product is a real treasure for those who want to quickly and effectively lose excess weight.

The thick drink satisfies hunger well, provides our body with essential animal proteins, and the bacterial strains normalize the intestinal microflora and cleanse it of waste and toxins.

Yana Rudkovskaya's kefir diet, which is based on a fermented milk drink devoid of carbohydrates, forces our body to look for other ways to obtain energy, and it finds them in existing fat deposits. At the same time, during the base week the body does not have time to understand that it is in a state of stress, because we continue to fill the stomach “on demand,” and the cells receive the necessary proteins, vitamins and elements.

Diet of Yana Rudkovskaya - menu

The diet begins with two kefir fasting days. This is the most difficult period, since you are allowed to drink only 1.5 liters of kefir. But, as Yana herself says, by the end of the second day the feeling of hunger dulls, since the body is already beginning to get used to the new diet.

The menu for the next five days is the same and looks like this:

  • breakfast – 1 boiled egg;
  • lunch – chicken breast (300 g), boiled without skin and without salt;
  • dinner - broth left over from chicken breast (300 ml).

Between these meals you need to drink 1 liter of kefir and 2 liters of still water.

As you can see, the diet is really tough, but it is quite possible to stay on it for a week. As for Rudkovskaya, the desire to lose weight was so strong that she stayed on it for 2 months, as a result of which she lost 15 kg.

Fans of Yana Rudkovskaya are concerned about her desire to lose weight

Yana Rudkovskaya
Photo: Instagram

Most fans of Yana Rudkovskaya admire the figure of the 41-year-old star. The woman who gave birth to two children looks very young and fit. However, the star believes that there is no limit to perfection, so she decided to lose a few kilograms. Fans were surprised, since most are of the opinion that Rudkovskaya already has an overly slender figure.

Yana announced the start of the diet to subscribers of her microblog. According to the businesswoman, last time she lost 5 kilograms in five days, as she ate only kefir. She looks sadly at the cookies she feeds her children and husband. Rudkovskaya's company in the struggle for harmony was Natalya Yakimchuk, a famous swimsuit designer.

“This diet helped me lose weight after my first and second births. The first day you need to drink only one kefir, you can lose from 1 kg to 1.5 kg. The second day is kefir and if you really want to eat, you can make broth with eggs and herbs. Drink as much kefir as you want, you still won’t drink much, I drink a maximum of 1.5 liters. You can make kefir with herbs (with dill), it will turn out like soup. This is important because you want some variety. On the third day, you can add drinking yogurt, because you also need variety, kefir and drinking yogurt,” said Rudkovskaya.

Yana Rudkovskaya is rapidly losing weight
Photo: Instagram

On the fourth day of the kefir diet, you can add drinking or regular yogurt to your diet. On the last day you should drink kefir for breakfast, yogurt for lunch, and in the evening you are allowed to eat broth with an egg. According to Yana, in less than a week you can say goodbye to 5-6 kilograms.

The producer's fans did not support her desire to lose weight. “Yana, she’s so slim, she was lying about her diet,” “You’re already skinny, how about minus five kilograms,” “Are there really extra kilos? I do not see! Yana, don’t forget about protein synthesis!”, “You’re already very thin, you have no shape. A little more and the wind will blow it away,” subscribers of the producer’s microblog were perplexed.

By the way, the figure of Rudkovskaya has more than once become the subject of controversy on social networks. Users even accused the woman of anorexia, as they were surprised at how narrow her waist and bony knees were. Rudkovskaya herself claims that she weighs about 48 kilograms, which is considered normal for her height. Yana Rudkovskaya revealed the truth about her own weight

Yana Rudkovskaya's diet - advantages and disadvantages

If we consider this diet as a weekly weight loss, then it has many advantages. Firstly, effective weight loss (3-5 kg), and secondly, the absence of hunger and the intake of a considerable amount of useful substances into the body. But, if you stick to it longer than this period, then the lack of many vitamins and minerals can noticeably affect your health - this is exactly one conditional disadvantage of the diet, which can be eliminated by observing it for the prescribed time.

By the way: Irina Dubtsova - star diets

And the main disadvantage is that if after it you switch to your usual diet, especially if it was high in calories and contained many prohibited foods, then the lost weight will soon return. But this drawback can also be overcome if you then adhere to the principles of a healthy diet and include exercise.

Rudkovskaya's diet by day

The weekly kefir diet, which Yana Rudkovskaya used to quickly lose weight, is based on strict adherence to the diet. The producer's menu was clearly laid out by day, and she did not deviate one step from the nutritionist's recommendations. This allowed the celebrity to achieve incredible results and regain her former spectacular shape after pregnancy.

1 day. Yana Rudkovskaya ate only low-fat kefir, drinking no more than 1.5 liters. On the first day, the diet is easy to tolerate because you are motivated to lose weight.

Day 2. The menu remains the same, nothing except 1.5 low-fat kefir. On the second day, the body begins to “rebel,” and the stomach begins to ask for regular food, but by the evening everything stabilizes. If you find it difficult to cope with hunger, you can chop some greens into a fermented milk drink or eat a boiled egg.

3-7 days. The tough stage is ending, you can diversify your diet a little by adding new low-calorie foods that will provide the body with important elements:

  • For breakfast you can eat 1 hard-boiled egg,
  • For lunch, treat yourself to a 300-gram piece of boiled chicken fillet,
  • For dinner, drink 300 ml of chicken broth.

Between meals, the feeling of hunger must be “quenched” with kefir. Now you should drink it in a volume of 1 liter per day. To provide the body with fluid, you can drink non-carbonated pure water in any desired volumes. On the third day, part of the kefir can be replaced with drinking yogurt without additives, and on the fourth, with fruit.

After completing the kefir diet from Yana Rudkovskaya, you need to carefully “get out” of it. If you suddenly introduce a lot of new foods, this can lead to serious digestive upset, and foods rich in carbohydrates will cause the lost weight to return to you quite quickly. To prevent this from happening, you need to gradually, day after day, include vegetables, fruits, boiled chicken and cereals in your diet, observing reasonable restraint when eating food.

Diet of Yana Rudkovskaya - reviews

Reviews about Yana Rudkovskaya’s diet are very contradictory. Those who have used it to reduce excess weight, the appearance of which is not associated with pregnancy, are satisfied with the results. But many nursing mothers believe that such a diet is very harmful, because after the birth of the baby, you must, first of all, take care of him and eat normally, and only lose weight after breastfeeding stops. And, of course, they are right.

Therefore, such a strict method of losing weight after childbirth is suitable only for those who are not breastfeeding, as well as for those who consider it as a regular means of losing weight.

Fedorova was forced to lose weight by her husband, and the kefir diet helped Rudkovskaya

The beautiful Olga Kabo recently became a mother again.

More recently, three famous graces: Yana Rudkovskaya, Oksana Fedorova and Olga Kabo became mothers. Oksana Fedorova surprised her fans the most.

Having celebrated the first birthday of her son Fyodor in March, the TV presenter announced to her friends about her new pregnancy. As it turned out, in just a couple of months Oksana will become a mother again.

However, during her second pregnancy, Oksana gained very little weight. The TV presenter looks simply excellent, noting that everyday exercise helps her with this.

- Firstly, I want to say that you should not give yourself any concessions and allow your body to take “maternity leave”! - Miss Universe writes on her blog. — Almost immediately after being discharged from the maternity hospital, I started playing sports; Pilates personally helps me a lot to strengthen and tighten my muscles. Proper nutrition, physical activity – I won’t reveal anything new to anyone. I was very motivated by the thought that both dad and baby wanted to see me beautiful, slim and fit, and not neglected and tired all the time. But in fact, when a loved one and a long-awaited baby are nearby, thoughts about extra pounds simply fade into second place plan.

Oksana Fedorova posts photographs of her beloved son on her blog.

Just like the desire to eat something harmful. I recovered quite quickly thanks to the fact that my husband kept motivating me to take up sports. I work out in the gym with a trainer and eat right. Just at the initial stage, when a woman is breastfeeding, she needs to follow a strict diet; practically nothing tasty is allowed, and the weight quickly returns to normal. I adhere to the European model of recovery and believe that a woman will recover when nature tells her to, not earlier and not later. In any case, this should happen within a year, because then it will be more difficult.

Oksana Fedorova very quickly returned to her previous shape after the birth of her son.

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

45-year-old Olga Kabo, who gave birth to a son to her husband Nikolai last year, is not yet thinking about dieting.

“I eat absolutely everything,” says the beautiful actress. “I think that you need to be active and eat right.” As in the old saying: eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy. And don't forget about vegetables and fruits. -Now, after the birth of Vityusha, extra pounds have naturally settled into me. But I understand perfectly well that while I am feeding the little one, I cannot limit myself to healthy food. I try not to eat flour and sweets and not eat after six. I’ll think about global weight loss later!

But Dima Bilan’s TV presenter and producer Yana Rudkovskaya was helped by diet and willpower in her fight against postpartum pounds.

-If we talk about nutrition, I am “for” fasting days. Whenever possible, I take kefir,” writes Yana in her blog (Rudkovskaya recently became a producer of the site posta-magazine.ru, where she maintains her blog - Ed.) “It helps a lot psychologically when you’re sitting in the office, away from the refrigerator , and your assistant doesn’t bring you anything to eat except kefir. We have such a strict agreement with her - these days she should not succumb to my provocations. For the very first 5 days I drank only 1.5 liters of kefir, 6 servings a day and nothing more. Was it hard for me? Yes, but only the first 2 days.

Yana Rudkovskaya and her husband Evgeni Plushenko are on vacation.

As a result, the first 4 kg were gone, then I started introducing chicken broth with eggs twice a day and eating 1 apple, while reducing kefir to 1 liter. Sometimes for dinner I allowed myself a piece of cheese or steamed vegetables. I didn’t specifically weigh myself for a week and, when I stepped on the scale, I was upset - I only lost 2 kg. I promised myself not to go near the refrigerator at all and strictly kept 1.5 liters of kefir for another 3 days.

2 weeks after giving birth and such torment, I already weighed the treasured 55 kg, but the most difficult thing began later. The weight stopped. Probably due to the fact that there were a lot of travel and flights. I continued like this: I ordered chicken broth with an egg, which saved me when the feeling of hunger was stronger than my “iron will”. Of course, there were breakdowns during these two months. For example, in the form of crayfish with beer or chicken liver with mashed potatoes, but I’m not ashamed of them. Today I am pleased to wear my favorite dresses from ALAIA, size 36, and my weight is 50 kg with a height of 168 cm.

They hid their relationship for a year, and before the wedding they separated for a month

There were rumors about the relationship between Plushenko and Rudkovskaya for a long time, but only a year later they admitted that they were preparing for the wedding together.

Their interview came out after the victorious Eurovision 2008, in which Plushenko skated next to Bilan. Rudkovskaya believes that the singer played an important role in their acquaintance - thanks to Dima, she ended up in London, and later Bilan became their son’s godfather.

The couple repeats: there are no quarrels in their relationship. The only one happened before the wedding - Plushenko could not stand Rudkovskaya’s depression during the legal battle with her first husband and left:

“Yana cried a lot at that moment, she was very worried because she was not given children. Unfortunately, I couldn't help then. It was a very difficult moment. The situation was tough; the children were even told that their mother had died.

I left for a while, we parted. But then I realized that I was making a stupid mistake, because I left for a month and could not live during this time: something was burning inside, I was worried, I missed her.”

Plushenko changed his mind - after his return they hardly quarrel. Although in the recently released reality show “Yana Super”, produced by Ksenia Sobchak, there were often clashes between the spouses.

Advantages and disadvantages of the kefir diet

Although Yana Rudkovskaya’s kefir diet is radical, reviews indicate its effectiveness. Advantages of the power system:

  • Kefir contains organic and fatty acids, natural sugars, vitamins A, PP, C and 8 B vitamins. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and provides the body with calcium. The milk protein in the drink helps you quickly feel full.
  • Thanks to beneficial bacteria and lactic acid, kefir normalizes the gastrointestinal tract and prevents dysbacteriosis.

The disadvantages of the diet include the following:

  • Yana Rudkovskaya’s diet after childbirth is not suitable for breastfeeding women if you stick to it for more than 3 days. Due to poor nutrition, the baby’s body will not receive the necessary substances.
  • This diet has a strict diet, so before you start losing weight, it is better to discuss with your therapist whether there are any contraindications for dietary restrictions.
  • For people who suffer from gastritis with high acidity, this method of losing weight is not suitable. Kefir will only worsen the disease due to the acidic pH environment.

Nursing mother Rudkovskaya went on a strict diet

ivona.bigmir.net Yana Rudkovskaya gave birth to a baby about a week ago, who was named Sasha. For a long time, spiteful critics gossiped that Plushenko’s son was not given birth to by his wife, but by a surrogate mother. And Yana wore a fake belly all this time.

The famous producer herself gave journalists a new reason for such rumors. Rudkovskaya made a shocking statement that since the birth of her child she had been on a strict diet. It’s no secret that it is strictly contraindicated for nursing mothers, but Yana, who loves and cares so much about her children, doesn’t seem to even think about it. It is much more important to return to your previous forms and continue to shine in the light.

“I’ve been on a strict diet for a week now, I started immediately after giving birth, I drink only kefir, I also eat low-fat yogurt, I’ve set a goal for myself - to regain my previous weight by February 1st! To say that it’s hard for me is to say almost nothing, I’m now losing about 400-500g every day, our Sasha today is his first anniversary - he’s a week old! The nights, of course, are not very calm yet, but now I am the happiest, when I see the baby I am overwhelmed with emotions, having children is happiness!”

Many readers of Rudkovskaya’s blog were shocked by this statement from a mother with many children and, as it seemed, a loving mother. They ask Rudkovskaya to take care of herself and her son.

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We met in Trafalgar Square and immediately fell in love

Rudkovskaya is 7 years older than Plushenko; The first time they were close was in 2002 - the skater came to Sochi after the lost Olympics.

Yana then moved to the sea from Barnaul, having graduated from a medical school (her specialty is a dermatovenerologist), opened several beauty salons and met her first husband, billionaire Viktor Baturin.

Rudkovskaya admitted that at the 2002 Games she was rooting for Plushenko, and after Alexei Yagudin’s victory she was indignant:

“I was so worried about him because I thought he should have won. I told my mother: look how thin he is, how graceful, what an interpretation of the image on the ice - I remember these words. And how interesting it is that he has such a big nose. How, I say, does he kiss?


Nude photographs of Yana Rudkovskaya appeared in the magazine only once. In 2007, the producer agreed to a candid photo shoot for XXL, where she starred in a black leather bodysuit, lying on red rose petals.

Rudkovskaya never posed nude again, but on one of her last vacations, while actively dancing with Philip Kirkorov, she accidentally exposed her size 5 breasts a little. Photos of the incident immediately went online, after which Yana was subjected to a barrage of criticism.

While filming a video for L'officiel magazine, Rudkovskaya again revealed her beautiful breasts, and then appeared in a completely transparent black dress, promisingly agreeing to show even more naked body a little later.

How Yana Rudkovskaya lost weight

After giving birth, the wife of figure skater Evgeni Plushenko managed to lose 10 kg in a month. The “impregnable” last 6 kg “melted” after 2 months. After this, Rudkovskaya changed her diet; seafood and lean fish predominate in her diet. Yana Rudkovskaya works out on an exercise bike, swims with her husband, enjoys diving and conquers the ski slopes.

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