Ballet passions: how ballerinas manage to keep in perfect shape

General rules

Light, graceful ballerinas amaze with their grace and control of the body, it seems that this is given to them by nature, but not everyone thinks about what a strict schedule and diet they have.

Ballerina diet for 4 days: eat what you want and lose weight

Does everyday training really allow you to eat whatever you want? No, the ideal figure, and for ballerinas it requires strict prohibitions and recommendations. Despite long training sessions of 5-6 hours, ballerinas are required to follow a few simple rules:

  • high-calorie foods only in the first half of the day, and the energy value is provided only by complex carbohydrates, for example, porridge with water or lean rye whole grain bread - this gives the necessary boost of vivacity and energy for training;
  • a glass of water is a must - even if you don’t expect to eat, water is your best friend, which will restore the water-salt balance ;
  • half portions - portions of ballerinas are smaller than our usual usual diet, it is better to eat 5-7 times when you want before or after the intensive, but not to starve;
  • balanced diet - the diet should contain mainly proteins, complex carbohydrates, but we also must not forget about unsaturated fatty acids - season the salad with olive oil and introduce regular dishes into the menu with freshly prepared sea fish, steamed, boiled, oven-baked or grilled;
  • the principles of Chinese or Mediterranean cuisine - seafood cocktails, rice, conducting a meal according to all the rules - the key to a beautiful figure;
  • less salt - this will reduce the load on the kidneys and provide lightness by eliminating general swelling.

2 preliminary fasting days, at least 4 days of diet and you are guaranteed to lose 4-5 kg. Since the proposed nutrition is complete, you can repeat the ballerina’s diet after 1 month.

“Ice” diet of ballerinas

“The ballet girls revealed to me one secret on how to lose weight with a 100% guarantee... When you are going to eat starchy, fatty, sweet, unhealthy, but tasty food at night, you first step on the throat of this desire and don’t immediately grab pancakes, buns and pork chops with pasta. No, you go to the kitchen, pour half a liter of water into a saucepan and put it in the freezer. After about fifteen minutes, when the liquid has not yet turned into ice, but has already formed a light crust, pour out one glass and drink quickly.

I emphasize that the drink should be very, very cold, almost icy... Then, with a calm soul, you eat your fill and drink the rest of the water... This phenomenon is simply explained. Firstly, after you swallow 250 milliliters of liquid in one gulp before eating, much less food fits into your stomach, and secondly, the body spends a lot of calories “warming up” what you drink to the desired temperature, and if anyone has forgotten, it is equal to 36 and 6!

The method of acquiring slender forms by “winter swimming the stomach” has been known for a long time; ballet girls were told about it by their mothers, dancers of the Bolshoi Theater, and, accordingly, their grandmothers told them about it, who, as legend says, were taught this by Matilda Kshesinskaya, the mistress of three Grand Dukes of the Romanovs. They say that the genius Agrippina Vaganova herself removed accumulated fat in a similar way.” (Daria Dontsova “Forecast of nasty things for tomorrow”)

Nutritionist's comment: Everything here is justified logically. Indeed, after a glass of ice water, you eat less, and the body will need some energy to warm up. But where is the confidence that you will not consume more calories than your body expended?.. Moreover, I would like to emphasize that this is the way of ballet dancers. Firstly, every day they receive such physical activity that we, “ordinary sportswomen and athletes,” have never even dreamed of. Secondly, for ballerinas, “eating” at night is the exception rather than the rule, and their excess fat is measured in grams, not kilograms.

Important: This method is mainly suitable for those who carefully monitor their diet every day, but sometimes want to pamper themselves. It is not at all suitable for people suffering from acute or chronic ENT diseases (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis) or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis).

The Ice Diet requires at least a hardened throat. But your otolaryngologist still won't like it.

Authorized Products

Due to regular exercise, a diet for ballerinas is mandatory, because dancers need to eat not only properly, balanced, but also nutritiously so that the body can withstand such stress as rehearsals, runs and tours.

It is necessary to consume calories not only before rehearsals, but also after, this is necessary to maintain normal weight, saturate the respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and other organ systems and tissues with all the necessary substances. A ballerina’s diet must include:

  • complex carbohydrates - the diet should contain in abundance various cereals with water and bread made from all kinds of whole grain cereals and seeds;
  • protein - the building material of muscles is best obtained from lean dietary meat, boiled or grilled fish, mushrooms;
  • fiber is the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, healthy peristalsis , vitamins and microelements - fresh salads with herbs, a variety of varieties of cabbage, lettuce (iceberg, romaine), arugula, spinach, watercress, etc.;
  • fats should enter the body only through fish and olive oil, butter.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

boiled broccoli3,00,44,027
Brussels sprouts4,80,08,043
salad pepper1,30,05,327
iceberg lettuce0,90,11,814





Nuts and dried fruits

dried fruits2,30,668,2286

Cereals and porridges

viscous buckwheat porridge on water3,20,817,190
boiled wild rice4,00,321,1100

Bakery products

Rye bread6,61,234,2165
whole grain bread10,12,357,1295


dark chocolate6,235,448,2539

Raw materials and seasonings

acacia honey0,80,071,0288


milk 1.5%2,81,54,744
kefir 1%2,81,04,040
sour cream 10% (low-fat)3,010,02,9115
natural yogurt 2%4,32,06,260

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 1.8% (low-fat)18,01,83,3101


steamed chicken breast23,61,90,0113

Fish and seafood

boiled fish17,35,00,0116

Oils and fats

olive oil0,099,80,0898

Juices and compotes

tomato juice1,10,23,821
* data is per 100 g of product

Nutrition rules for ballerinas

There are several basic nutritional rules that ballerinas follow to maintain optimal weight:

Rule one - any single serving of food should be reduced exactly in half. Following this rule makes it easy to reduce caloric intake without changing your diet. Rule two - soups are a separate food and should not be eaten with other dishes. As you know, soups stimulate metabolism very well, so soup eaten separately from other food helps burn fat in the body. Rule three is not to combine various proteins in one meal - for example, fish and meat, cheese and meat, etc., this allows the body to digest food more efficiently and not store excess fat. Rule four is to exclude mayonnaise from your diet. This is not only a high-calorie product due to its high fat content, but also a harmful product that slows down digestion and promotes fat deposition. The fifth rule is to exclude table salt from your diet, or significantly reduce its consumption. To replace, use spices, tomatoes, herbs, seasonings, soy sauce. Table salt retains water in the body and also stimulates appetite.

Rule six - try to drink water correctly: drink at least 30 minutes before meals and no earlier than an hour after meals. A very good rule - drinking water, juices, sweet drinks during meals and immediately after, slows down digestion and promotes fat deposition /. The seventh rule is to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of non-carbonated drinking water per day. Regular consumption of liquid helps reduce appetite and rejuvenates the body. Rule eight - maintain the right balance. Your daily diet should be varied and balanced in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and also contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. This will save you not only from a deficiency of a particular substance, but will also eliminate the possibility of uncontrolled overeating. For more information, see Why nutrition should be balanced

Rule nine - when choosing dairy products, preference should be given to low-fat ones. Try to use low-fat dairy products for your diet, as they contain fewer calories.

Following these simple and reasonable rules will allow you to easily lose weight, normalize your metabolism and improve your health. Well, if you also adhere to the rule of not eating after 18-19 pm, then your results will be even more noticeable.

Nutritionist's comment: It is not entirely clear what the phrase means: “One serving of food should be divided into two times.” If it is implied that you only need to eat twice a day, then this is wrong: the breaks between meals should be no more than six hours. If you mean that a person will eat half of his usual portion at a time, then everything is quite reasonable. This is a frequent recommendation from nutritionists and endocrinologists for people who are overweight. Regarding soups as an independent meal: from a nutritional point of view, it doesn’t matter whether it comes with the “second” or separately. And fish and meat in the stomach will not quarrel. Although they are quite rarely found at the same time in some dish. I agree about dairy products: it’s really better to eat them low-fat. Everything is fine with mayonnaise too. However, to lose weight, you need to control the serving size of the sauce. If you eat homemade mayonnaise from the heart, you can even gain weight. Everything is true about salt and water.

There is also a special diet for ballerinas, which can be used if necessary to urgently lose extra pounds. The diet is designed for 7 days, of which the first two days are preparatory.

Fully or partially limited products

Despite the fact that the intense exercise of ballerinas allows you to eat whatever you want, you need to forget about the following foods:

  • mayonnaise, ketchup and other canned sauces rich in preservatives, starches, dyes and sugars;
  • It is better to season food with fermented milk products, olive oil, lemon juice or balsamic vinegar;
  • bread, even if you eat salad or soup, it is better not to eat bread, say “no” to sandwiches, it is better to use green lettuce or spinach as the basis of the salad;
  • any products with a fat content over 3% - study information about kefir, fermented baked milk or other favorite food and drink and feel free to include it in your diet;
  • It is better to limit the consumption of legumes and other foods that cause gas formation in the intestines and bloating, so as not to feel discomfort during many hours of rehearsals;
  • sugar and confectionery in limited quantities, glucose and fructose can be obtained from fruits, but sometimes you can treat yourself to extra dark chocolate.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

boiled peas6,00,09,060


canned pineapples0,10,114,057


salted popcorn7,313,562,7407

Flour and pasta


Bakery products




Ice cream

ice cream3,76,922,1189




white chocolate4,230,462,2541
milk chocolate6,935,754,4550



Meat products



boiled sausage13,722,80,0260
smoked grain sausage9,963,20,3608

Fish and seafood

hot smoked mackerel22,123,84,1317
* data is per 100 g of product

Prohibited Products

The list of foods that cannot be eaten is much wider. The diet of ballerinas prohibits adding salt to dishes. Sodium chlorine retains water in the body. The following food groups should be excluded from the diet:

  1. starchy vegetables, legumes;
  2. fruits: canned pineapples;
  3. snacks: salted fish, popcorn, chips, nuts, crackers;
  4. flour, bakery, confectionery products (including marshmallows, marshmallows, Turkish delight, ice cream);
  5. fatty meat: pork, lamb;
  6. sausages: boiled and raw smoked, wieners, frankfurters;
  7. fish: fatty varieties, salted herring, smoked mackerel;
  8. sauces: mayonnaise, ketchup (use lemon juice, soy sauce, spices as dressings);
  9. semi-finished products, fast food.

Menu (Meal Schedule)

Menu example No. 1

For breakfast
  • eat 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of slightly warmed milk or kefir with a fat content of 2.5%.
Snack after 1.5-2 hours
  • natural coffee with acacia or other honey;
  • a pair of rye toasts with butter (no more than 30 g).
For lunch
  • 50 g brown cooked rice;
  • 250 g fish soup, without adding potatoes and moderate salting.
  • one non-starchy fruit, preferably an apple, grapefruit, citron or orange.
For dinner
  • boiled veal and vegetable salad;
  • 250 ml low-fat milk or kefir;
  • for acute hunger - herbal tea with flower honey.

Menu example No. 2

For breakfast
  • 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese with a spoon of sour cream and honey, you can add a handful of dried fruits or fresh berries and nuts.
Snack after 1.5-2 hours
  • 250 ml of freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice;
  • one apple and pure homemade low-fat yogurt.
For lunch
  • 100 g of buckwheat in water and slices of boiled chicken fillet;
  • fresh vegetable salad;
  • a slice of dark chocolate.
Afternoon snack
  • vegetable broth or carrot-apple juice.
For dinner
  • dorado and grilled vegetables, baked in the oven, sprinkled with lemon juice and olive oil;
  • assorted green vegetables and lettuce.

Uzbek pilaf

Related article

How to cook pilaf.
Kazan version Ingredients:

  • Lamb – 1 kg
  • Rice – 1 kg
  • Carrots – 1 kg
  • Onions - 200 g
  • Vegetable oil - 2 cups
  • Garlic - 4 pcs.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Barberry - 2 tsp.
  • Ground saffron - 1/2 tsp.
  • Zira - 1 tsp.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the onion into half rings, carrots into large strips, and meat into pieces 3 by 4 cm.
  2. Heat oil in a cauldron, put onion in it and fry it until golden brown.
  3. Add lamb and cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Place carrots, then spices - cumin, barberry, salt, saffron, top with a head of garlic. Pour water over everything and simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Remove the garlic and cover it with pre-washed and soaked rice in an even layer. Add water until there is about 1.5 cm above the grains.
  6. Cook the rice until it has completely absorbed the water. Then collect it in a mound, make several “punctures”, and put heads of garlic on top. Close the lid and simmer for 30-40 minutes over low heat. Mix the finished pilaf and serve.

Svetlana Zakharova, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, State Prize laureate:

— There are a lot of rumors around the lifestyle of ballerinas. Like, we almost starve to stay in shape. Many people think that we get by with a leaf of cabbage a day. Of course this is a myth. Then where do you get the strength from?! Especially in winter when there is no sun. But I don’t eat meat and I don’t eat poultry either. I find joy in other products. I love fish and seafood. Some people want to weigh 50 kilograms, but for others 90 is normal. Good form is a flexible concept; it is different for everyone. Therefore, any person must decide for himself what weight or what shape is ideal for him, and strive for this. Our condition is influenced by many factors: food, physical activity, and what kind of work you have. All this needs to be taken into account! The key to staying fit is to ensure that you are healthy first and foremost.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The proposed diet, subject to intensive daily exercise, gives at least minus 4-5 kg ​​on the scale (ideally, the number of calories received should not exceed the number of calories burned per day).
  • Appetite and stomach volume are normalized, which allows you to maintain the results for a long time.
  • The diet is not considered starvation or strict, the main thing is to endure and properly prepare the body for weight loss.
  • Thanks to a healthy diet and the exclusion of harmful foods, the functioning of all organs, well-being and mood improves.
  • You can lose weight on such a diet only if you do grueling workouts every day.
  • It is difficult to survive the first two days of fasting on tomato juice and kefir, but this is a prerequisite for rebooting and preparing the body.
  • You need to cook food every day, stock up on scales, a toaster and a juicer.

Important Terms

One of the most important conditions for successfully completing the ballerina diet is considered to be proper two-day preparation for it. It includes a special diet for a ballerina, while the daily diet is a regular mono-diet:

Diet of the first fasting day

  • 250 ml freshly squeezed tomato juice.
  • after 3-4 hours, another 250 ml of freshly squeezed tomato juice with a piece of rye bread.
  • a few hours before bedtime, the third serving is 250 ml of freshly squeezed tomato juice.

Diet of the second fasting day

  • one glass of low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk or milk.
  • after 5-6 hours, another glass of kefir and a piece of black bread.
  • herbal mixture, for example, soothing chamomile, mint, lemon balm and St. John's wort.

Reviews and results

Reviews about the diet of ballerinas are only positive, because the proposed diet is balanced and correct. Thanks to clear recommendations, you can not only remove extra centimeters from your waist and hips, but also improve your health, improve your immunity and normalize your gastrointestinal tract.

The only drawback is the need for regular, long hours of physical activity. If you are a homebody or lead a sedentary lifestyle , then the proposed diet is not for you. Of course, it won’t hurt your health to get into the habit of eating cereals, lean meats, and fresh vegetables, but you shouldn’t expect stunning results on the scale.

  • “... I do fitness every day, after 10 days of the diet my figure became athletic, lean and toned”;
  • “... It’s a pity that it doesn’t suit me, I can’t exercise for 4-6 hours every day, but I like the nutritional recommendations”;
  • “... In 4 days - minus 1.8 kg. I really wanted to, and allowed myself to eat a lot of bread”;
  • “... An excellent nutrition system - eat meat, vegetables and cereals, maybe I’ll really become as graceful as a ballerina.”

What do ballerinas eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Prima ballerina Misty Copeland is a legend of world ballet. She is admired by both those who dance and those who love the art of dance.

“You’re not built right for ballet, and at 13 it’s too late to start,” Misty Copeland was told by the Academy of Dance admissions committee.

And 15 years later, the black ballerina became the prima of the National American Ballet. Her story is an example of the fact that a person is much stronger than circumstances, and the impossible is possible.

Posted by Misty Copeland (@mistyonpointe) Dec 30, 2021 at 5:56 am PST

She recently released a book called "Ballerina's Body." In it, the celebrity talks about meditation, visualization practices and workouts, stretching, exercises to improve posture and movements from classical ballet.

Posted by Misty Copeland (@mistyonpointe) Mar 21, 2021 at 2:10 am PDT

Here are a few dietary rules from her book:

Posted by Misty Copeland (@mistyonpointe) Mar 1, 2021 at 3:18 am PST


Her morning starts with scones with cream cheese and iced coffee. “I realized that dietary discipline does not mean deprivation,” the ballerina writes in the book, which contains an entire chapter entitled “The Magic of Fat.” Misty says, "Eating fat provides energy and is key to building muscle." Prima recommends getting omega-3 fatty acids from tuna, sardines, salmon, nuts and avocados.

As for dairy products, the ballerina shared that they played an invaluable role in her recovery diet when she suffered six (!) fractures. Copeland confirms that dairy products contain "a whole list of nutrients (especially calcium) that are essential for dancers."


Misty's healthy snack options include cashews, macadamia nuts, dried pineapple and grapes. “I keep a small container of nuts and dried fruit in my purse or cabinet in the rehearsal studio. They help me quickly satisfy my hunger and provide a quick burst of energy,” says Copeland, who suggests eating a few, or 1/8 cup. In addition, at the beginning of the day, immediately after ballet class, she eats fresh fruit: grapes, blueberries and bananas. As an option - 3-4 sushi and a portion of cheese.


Her favorite lunch is a salad of spinach, pecans, goat cheese, dried cranberries, 2-3 slices of avocado and a light dressing. She advises mixing and matching animal proteins, vegetable fats, vegetables, fruits and grains in different variations. This way you can not only diversify your diet, but also please your taste buds.


Misty's evening meal is sautéed salmon with onions, carrots, nuts, and seasoned with rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper. The ballerina also treats herself to a glass of prosecco and cookies with peanut butter. Pesco-vegetarian Copeland admits: “After giving up meat, I dreamed of bacon and giant burgers for months. At the same time, I felt amazing, and the amount of energy in me was off the charts.”

We have collected several food life hacks from one of the world's most famous ballerinas:

Posted by Misty Copeland (@mistyonpointe) Jan 6, 2021 at 3:10 PST

  1. Eat slowly. “This allows you to enjoy the taste of food and realize in time that you are already full,” advises Misty.
  2. Take healthy food when traveling. “I usually pack a few bags of cereal, canned tuna, wheat crackers and nuts,” she says.
  3. Sugar, processed foods, fast food, white flour, artificial sweeteners and soda are prohibited in the celebrity diet. She also prefers to minimize salt intake, replacing it with garlic, onions and herbs.

And finally, Misty assures:

“There is nothing wrong with eating less and leaving food on your plate.”

Posted by Misty Copeland (@mistyonpointe) Nov 24, 2021 at 1:51 PST

Diet price

The first two fasting days are real budget savings: a liter of tomato juice and a liter of kefir cost no more than 200 rubles. Of course, it is better to take fresh tomatoes and squeeze the juice yourself, using a little pulp and adding a little salt, because sealed juices contain too much salt, dyes, preservatives, and sometimes starch and flavor enhancers.

At least 4 days on a nutritious diet will cost a little more, but will not significantly affect your pocket, because the portions should be small. In addition to the offered fish, chicken, cereals, rye bread, vegetables, lettuce and fruits, you should also buy herbal tea, green tea, ground coffee, natural honey, low-fat kefir, cottage cheese and cheese.

Pay special attention to the butter, if it is butter, then it is 100% from milk, if it is olive, then it is without impurities and cold pressed. Thus, for another 4 days you will have to spend at least 1000 rubles. The diet can be extended up to 10 days by alternating the proposed menu examples.

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