Stay thin, or How to stay in shape after the New Year on fasting days

Unloading after the New Year: real results and empty hopes

The New Year holidays, rich in feasts, radically change the diet: we eat a lot of sweet, fatty, spicy and incompatible foods.
The festive table is rich in fatty meat foods, sauces, potato dishes, and confectionery sweets - these are the age-old traditions of the main winter holiday. Hospitality, generosity and abundance are undoubtedly good for a pleasant time in the company of relatives and friends, but, alas, they often have sad consequences for the figure. The main danger of the New Year is that gatherings follow gatherings, heavy food provokes attacks of hunger, the schedule of sleep and rest is hopelessly shifted, and it is possible to wake up only on the verge of returning to everyday work. Unloading after the holidays is important, among other things, for its psychological effect: by turning to it, we seem to draw a line, put an imaginary, but decisive point in food excesses. Properly and timely “cleansing” measures really help the metabolism return to normal functioning, but just in case, don’t expect magic. If you were “lucky enough” to noticeably move the scales forward during the New Year holidays, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of everything at once in a day or even a week.

Fasting days after the New Year holidays will have little effect on newly acquired fat deposits, but will definitely help get rid of:

  • excess fluid retained in the tissues (salty and spicy snacks, as well as simple carbohydrates that retain water, caused it to get stuck);
  • residues in the lower intestines (an unbalanced diet with an excess of proteins and a lack of fresh plant and fermented milk foods often provokes their formation. As does a lack of movement, alas, characteristic of holiday leisure).

These substances can insidiously add from 2 to 5 kg to you! It is getting rid of water and leftover food that allows fasting days to give an encouraging effect in a short time. For some, this particular weight was excessive, while others will have to work on themselves in the coming new year. In any case, the main thing is to decide and start.

Choose the most effective fasting day that’s right for you, or create your own plan after finding out what foods your body especially needs after the holiday marathon. And be sure to assess the risks - fasting days are not recommended for those suffering from any chronic diseases, with exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis, with a tendency to allergies, and also if you are expecting a child or are breastfeeding.

Fruit unloading after the holidays: a little summer in January

Unloading on a single product is a popular means of quickly and effectively getting rid of excess both at the waist and in the refrigerator.
Surely you stocked up on fruits - they will come in handy. “Dutch Unloading”
For this you will need fragrant orange tangerines - apparently, the mini-diet owes its catchy name to this color.
During the day, you should eat these fruits without any restrictions on quantity or volume, adding to the modest menu only plain still water - you need to drink at least two liters of it. Unloading on apples
Select strong green apples with a total weight of 2 kg, divide them into 6 parts and eat, measuring equal periods of time between meals.
Drink water during breaks and a glass after each meal. If desired, 1 kg of apples can be “converted” into 1 liter of low-fat kefir; that is, your unloading after the holidays will consist of 1 kg of apples and a liter package of fresh kefir. Kiwi Day
On this day, you are allowed to eat puree from the pulp of the exotic kiwi fruit and drink water without restrictions.
Attention, watch the ripeness of kiwi - only fully ripe, soft and aromatic fruits should be eaten. Potassium day
During the day, you can eat 500 grams of dried apricots soaked in water or 5 large bananas.
And be sure to drink 2 liters of plain water without gas. Halloween Diet
All Saints' Day in January? Why not, if it helps! This unloading after the holidays will require 1 kg of peeled pumpkin pulp, 50 grams of dry peeled pumpkin seeds and 2 liters of alkaline mineral water without gas. The pumpkin should be divided into 5 servings and steamed (immediately or just before eating). The seeds can be eaten along with the pulp or saved for a snack. Drink water separately from food.

The best post-New Year diet

Everyone buys tangerines for the New Year. What would a holiday be without this citrus? But not everyone knows that the tangerine diet will help you quickly lose weight. If you are not allergic to this fruit, then it is worth a try.

Fragrant fruits are low in calories and contain many vitamins such as A, C, K, B1. And replenishing the body with microelements such as potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus is very useful. Fiber, which tangerines are so rich in, will sweep through the intestines like a broom, ridding it of all harmful substances.

Organize a diet for 3 days to restore your figure and gain solar energy.

Menu for one day:

  • Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar, 1 fruit.
  • Lunch: one hard-boiled egg, 3 tangerines.
  • Lunch: cottage cheese casserole with tangerines, fruit salad of apples and oranges.
  • Afternoon snack: 200 ml tangerine juice (freshly squeezed).
  • Dinner: 200 ml yogurt, 1 tangerine.

You should drink water and green tea between meals.

You can eat according to this recipe for 3 days, or you can add apples, oranges, even include boiled breast in the menu once if it is very difficult to withstand such a restriction in food.

Many people managed to lose 2 kg in 3 days. It is not recommended to use this diet often, but a fasting day can be done once a week.

Grain unloading after the holidays: chicken grain by grain...

Unloading on porridge is liked by those for whom fruit does not cause a feeling of fullness in the stomach, but only provokes stronger hunger.
It's all about the individual characteristics of metabolism. Any cereal for a fasting day is prepared and consumed without salt, oil or other additives. Rice cleansing
A fasting day on rice is recommended by many nutrition experts - this product is easy to purchase and prepare, in addition, it has enterosorbent properties, literally absorbing toxins. Of all the types of rice diets for rice cleansing, choose brown rice, it is the most healthy.

To carry out unloading on rice, soak 250 grams of rice overnight, and in the morning drain the water, pour boiling water over the cereal and cook until tender.
Divide the resulting amount into 6 meals at equal intervals. Once you can add a few pieces of finely chopped dried apricots to the rice. Drink still, clean water all day. Unloading on buckwheat and kefir
For a fasting day on buckwheat and kefir, steam 250 grams of washed buckwheat with two glasses of boiling water overnight (in a thermal container or tightly sealed pan. Divide the resulting porridge into 5 meals, alternating them with still mineral water (2 liters per day ) and kefir (500 ml). Unloading after the holidays is guaranteed!

Menu for the week

Attention! As a snack when hunger strikes, you can drink a glass of 1.5% kefir, also before bed.

Day 1 (strength training)

  1. Breakfast – oatmeal, apple, yogurt.
  2. Lunch – brown rice, vegetables of your choice.
  3. Dinner – boiled beef, greens.

Day 2 (cardio)

  1. Breakfast – scrambled eggs with herbs, yogurt.
  2. Lunch – wheat porridge, vegetable salad.
  3. Dinner – turkey fillet with lemon juice, lettuce.

Day 3 (strength training)

  1. Breakfast – oatmeal with berries.
  2. Lunch – rice with vegetables.
  3. Dinner – vegetable salad with tuna.

Day 4

  1. Breakfast - cottage cheese, yogurt.
  2. Lunch – buckwheat with chicken cutlets.
  3. Dinner – cod liver with fresh vegetables.

Day 5 (strength training)

  1. Breakfast – oatmeal, grapefruit, yogurt without sugar.
  2. Lunch – chicken broth, potatoes, greens.
  3. Dinner – salad with shrimp.

Day 6 (cardio)

  1. Breakfast – omelet with cottage cheese, apple.
  2. Lunch – boiled chicken fillet, cucumber and cabbage salad with butter.
  3. Dinner – boiled squid with egg, herbs.

Day 7

  1. Breakfast – oatmeal with milk, grapefruit.
  2. Lunch – broth with pieces of chicken fillet and vegetables.
  3. Dinner – steamed liver cutlets, vegetables.

Microelements that will help you lose weight after a holiday binge

We learned about the benefits of potassium in food and the dangers of its deficiency only a few decades ago. The emergence of interest in the importance of this element in everyday nutrition was facilitated by the spread of fast food and semi-finished products, “famous” for their high content of sodium chloride (table salt), and the popularity of strict diets. A poor diet, as well as increased consumption of coffee, alcoholic beverages and confectionery sweets, directly and clearly affect potassium deficiency. A lack of potassium causes muscle pain and severe weakness, but most importantly, it provokes the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

At a post-holiday unloading party, potassium is an invited guest: products containing it help remove excess salt and fluid, allowing you to change for the better literally before your eyes.
Potassium reduces swelling, normalizes the activity of internal secretion organs, and improves brain function. Foods containing a lot of potassium: carrots, tomatoes, oatmeal, bananas, honey, apple cider vinegar, dried fruits, nuts. Magnesium and magnesium
Magnesium is the “satellite planet” of potassium. Many processes in the body are their joint projects, for example, potassium is necessary for muscle contractions, and magnesium is necessary for muscle relaxation. Magnesium in food products, as a rule, “works in tandem” with potassium, but magnesium also has its own specific properties that your fasting after the holidays will appreciate.

Magnesium is necessary for the transport of nutrients, the normal functioning of the nervous system, the metabolism of fats and glucose, and the reduction of “bad” cholesterol. It is a powerful detoxifier and fighter against stress and fatigue. A lack of magnesium can result in the inability to sleep even with a strong feeling of fatigue, and stress and alcohol consumption contribute to its consumption and removal from the body. The unpleasant consequences of the New Year's break are partially due to a lack of magnesium. To replenish its reserves, eat whole grains, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds, buckwheat, seaweed, nuts (especially pine nuts), and beans.

When fighting a hangover and other consequences of alcohol detoxification, Epsom salts and magnesium (pharmaceutical magnesium sulfate) can be a good help.
If your therapist has not found any contraindications to taking magnesia, it will not only cope with a throbbing headache, but will also reduce the load on the liver and have an antidepressant effect. In addition, magnesium in moderate doses has a mild laxative effect, which can be very useful if you need to unload after the holidays. Zinc, selenium
These microelements are magical antioxidants, like air, necessary for women. During the period when you need relief after the holidays, they become a truly indispensable help.

Selenium, whose very name recalls the Moon, the patroness of the fair sex, is necessary for the protection of fragile cell membranes and the production of new red blood cells, as well as protection against the effects of adverse external conditions and the prevention of premature aging.
Zinc maintains the immune system in good working order and also helps tissues properly absorb glucose and lipids. Chronic fatigue, blurred vision, dull skin and hair, and lack of interest in love life can be corrected by controlling the supply of these important microelements. Unloading after the New Year holidays will become even more effective if you add foods rich in selenium and zinc to the menu: sprouted grains, shrimp, oysters, offal of animals and birds, hard cheeses, milk. Vitamin C Vitamin
C, which is vital for any person, is usually associated with the cheerful orange color - probably because citrus fruits are especially high in it. Unloading after the holidays really requires vitamin C: it improves mood and well-being, increases performance, is effective against drowsiness and weakness, and also helps the body absorb iron, which is important for hematopoiesis and the prevention of anemia. This vitamin is recognized as one of the most powerful fighters against oxidative processes.

Anyone who cares about beauty knows that adequate intake of vitamin C helps not only to feel a surge of energy, but also to make the complexion healthier and more attractive.
It is believed that a lack of vitamin C not only leads to lethargy and a feeling of loss of energy, but also impairs immunity and inhibits thyroid function. It is important to remember that vitamin C contained in food is easily destroyed when exposed to light, oxygen and heat treatment. Therefore, you need to get it from fresh products: berries (especially rose hips), oranges, tangerines, kiwis, pineapples, apples, parsley, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, bell peppers. Foods that lower cortisol levels
Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that is actively involved in carbohydrate metabolism. Moreover, participation is not always pleasant: an increase in cortisol levels not only gives the body the command “let everyone in, don’t let anyone out” and accumulate glycogen in the liver and fat on the hips, but also increases uncontrollable cravings for sweet and salty foods. Cortisol is called the “stress hormone”: its goal is to save the body’s resources with all its might at the slightest sign of mental and physical stress and “fill the pantries” with new supplies.

The production of cortisol itself is a normal part of the general background: if this hormone is produced in moderation, then there is nothing to worry about. However, poor quality and short night sleep, alternating periods of hunger and overeating, physical overload, emotional experiences (in short, a significant part of the signs of the New Year holidays) provoke a sharp increase in its production. That is why foods that normalize cortisol production are a mandatory part of the post-holiday deload plan. These include: protein foods (especially sea fish with its valuable unsaturated acids), foods rich in vitamin C, dark chocolate, black tea, spinach. And don’t forget to laugh and take deep breaths - this also helps bring down cortisol arrogance.

“Three happy days”: unloading plans

For those who expect a more serious result or simply do not believe in the effect of a one-day fasting, you can use a fasting nutrition plan designed for three days.
For the strong in spirit! “Water” express diet for 3 days

  • Day 1, “entrance”: do not consume animal proteins and fats, as well as cereals. You can (4 times a day) - herbal tea, freshly squeezed juice, fruits, dried fruits, herbs, vegetables, nuts. The last meal is no later than seven in the evening. Be sure to drink water.
  • Day 2, “water”: during the day - only water, about 3-4 liters (a glass every 40 minutes). You can drink the following drink 2 times a day: 1 glass of warm water, ½ teaspoon of honey and a spoon of lemon juice.
  • Day 3, “day off”: in the morning - herbal tea, throughout the day grated fresh carrots with a dressing of honey and lemon juice or cabbage salad with carrots and lemon juice. The salad can be eaten until 7 pm daily without regard to volume. To drink a lot of water.

"Military Diet"
The new original fasting plan from the USA works thanks to calorie restriction. It is ideal for those for whom the usual unloading plans make them despondent due to the monotony of their diet. At the military camp, all drinks must be consumed without sugar and milk, and dishes must be consumed without salt and seasonings. You can and should drink water without restrictions, and in plenty.

  • Day 1: breakfast - half a grapefruit, coffee or tea, 1 whole grain toast with a thin layer of peanut butter (can be replaced with urbech, almond paste or tahini). Lunch - ½ can of tuna in its own juice or a small grilled salmon steak, 1 whole grain toast, coffee or tea. Dinner - 100 grams of grilled chicken or beef, a portion of green beans, ½ banana, a small apple, a small glass of vanilla ice cream.
  • Day 2: Breakfast - 1 boiled egg, 1 whole grain toast, ½ banana. Lunch - a small package of cottage cheese, 1 boiled egg, 5 small unsweetened crackers. Dinner - 100 grams of grilled chicken or beef, a portion of broccoli and some carrots (all steamed), ½ banana, half a glass of vanilla ice cream.
  • Day 3: Breakfast - 5 small unsweetened crackers, 1 slice of hard cheese, 1 small apple. Lunch - 1 boiled egg, 1 toast. Dinner - 1 can of tuna in its own juice or a small grilled salmon steak, ½ banana, 1 cup of vanilla ice cream.

Post-New Year's menu

To get back in shape, you need to create the right menu:

Breakfast . After waking up, drink a glass of warm water. After half an hour, have breakfast with a fruit smoothie with low-fat yogurt. Or make oatmeal with honey. You can eat low-fat cottage cheese or dried bran bread with a vegetable salad. Drinks include coffee with milk or green tea.

Dinner . The best option would be a light vegetable soup. Meat dishes will have to be avoided. For the second course, low-fat steamed fish and vegetables are suitable. You can make cutlets from zucchini, carrots or beets. For the third - compote of prunes or dried fruits.

Dinner . The last meal should consist of vegetables or dairy products. You can make a vegetable stew without including the potatoes. The best stew will be made from vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, beans, and you can add mushrooms. Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir.

Rules for unloading after the New Year holidays

  • 1Don’t start unloading according to the “ship to ball” principle. A sudden change in eating style (hunger after a week of overeating) is a great tragedy for the body, which can behave unpredictably. Get ready for unloading by giving up fatty, sweet, salty foods and moderating portions at least a day or two in advance.
  • 2Do not abuse the unloading effect. The optimal duration of strict “cleansing therapy” is 1 day, the maximum is 3 days. By staying on a minimal diet for longer, you risk developing a deficiency of vital nutrients, giving rise to muscular dystrophy and even getting dehydrated (even if you drink water instead of food - a puzzled body that does not receive a balanced diet will not be able to hold it). And what’s most offensive is that all these risks may have virtually no effect on your weight and appearance.
  • 3Do not use chemicals and drugs that promote rapid weight loss: such drugs usually have more side effects and consequences than benefits, in addition, not all of them have been fully researched or even certified.
  • 4Do not finish unloading immediately before going to work: even the calmest first working day after the New Year holidays becomes stressful, do not overload the body, give it at least one day off to recover after the “cleansing”. Of course, you shouldn’t overeat on this day off—use it to just relax, take a walk, and eat light, healthy food in small portions. Don’t forget that unloading after the holidays is needed not so much for losing what you’ve eaten, but for normalizing metabolic processes and a good dietary start in the new year.

First steps to slimness

Not everyone succeeds in following a diet on New Year's Day. And it would be a shame not to try everything that was prepared with such love. Many people think that after the holidays it won’t be difficult to quickly lose excess weight. But this is not so, you will have to work hard.

Therefore, without wasting time, we begin to “tackle” our figure! The first step in this direction is morale.

First, forgive yourself for overeating a little and don’t scold yourself anymore. Experts have proven that your appetite will increase even more if you constantly feel guilty. And we know that many women eat away their grievances and stress with something tasty.

Leave pleasant New Year's moments in your memory and move on to the next step. The next step is to be patient and lose weight slowly. Losing weight right away is always bad for your health. First, determine how many kilograms you have gained. If it’s only 2-3 kg, then in a week you can lose it. If it is 5-6 kilograms, then it will be possible to restore shape only within 2 weeks.

So, the first steps have been taken. Next you need to cleanse your body. The simplest thing is to drink a glass of slightly hot water in the morning. You can add lemon or honey. Water will wash the intestinal walls and remove all toxins. But water alone will not be enough. More than one cleansing enema with chamomile infusion is needed.

Then you should move on to organizing proper nutrition.

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