How to follow the Godmother's diet for weight loss?

Diet features

This way of eating is one of the strictest. The food selection is limited. You must follow the specified meal order for 30 days. Moreover, the days when you can eat low-calorie foods in small quantities are periodically interspersed with days when any food is prohibited and you can only drink large quantities of water. However, complete fasting is not expected in this system. Leaving the diet continues for another 1.5–2 weeks, during which time the calorie content of consumed foods increases by 50–70 kcal per day.

It is believed that if you control the process of food intake and its volume in this way, you can get rid of at least 15 kg in a month.

General characteristics of the diet

The godmother's diet involves an intricate and, at first glance, illogical alternation of days of fasting, overeating, as well as periods when you can only consume:

  • specific fruits in a certain quantity;
  • vegetable juice with a volume of no more than one liter;
  • boiled meat;
  • dairy or fermented milk products;
  • sweets, such as chocolate.

The godmother diet is characterized by an emphasis on carbohydrate foods, which is not entirely typical for nutritional plans recommended for those wishing to lose weight. The daily imbalance of the diet in terms of nutrient composition is another unattractive feature.

The godmother's diet lasts thirty-one days, most of which must be spent drinking tomato, cabbage or carrot juice or water and tea, or even abstaining from food altogether.

Such an ascetic type of eating behavior is diluted during the month with two days on an all-inclusive system, when you are allowed to eat and drink whatever you want and as much as you want.

Advantages and disadvantages

Most medical experts say that such a diet causes great harm to the body. First of all, mistrust is due to the fact that the food is not balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In such food, vitamins, micro- and macroelements and fiber necessary for humans are either completely absent or present in minimal quantities. Their deficiency within a month will negatively affect your health.

Nutritionists believe that short-term refusal of food (fasting for 1-2 days) has a beneficial effect on the body. The stomach, freed from the need to digest large amounts of food, works in an easy mode.

At this time, there is an active release of accumulated waste and toxins; mild hunger stimulates the renewal of tissues and organs. If you drink more water and move a lot during this period, you can intensify the process. Exiting the diet lasts 1–2 days and consists of eating vegetable salads and soups, after which you can switch to your usual diet.

In the case of the godmother's diet, the situation looks different. Since the volume of food with such a diet is limited for a long time, the body's reaction can be unpredictable.

First of all, the gastrointestinal tract suffers. The digestive tract, without receiving the required amount of food for several days, can begin to digest its own walls. Acidity increases, resulting in heartburn. This can lead to inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the occurrence or exacerbation of gastritis, and the appearance of ulcerations. Belching, nausea, and bad breath become constant companions.

In the intestines, in which, due to insufficient volume of food, a normal food bolus cannot be formed for digestion, dyspeptic phenomena occur - bloating, flatulence. Diarrhea may begin, or, conversely, prolonged and painful constipation.

Bloating or flatulence

In addition, the intestines produce the joy hormone serotonin, and its deficiency will affect mental well-being - mood will decrease, irritability will appear, enhanced by a constant feeling of hunger.

Metabolism also suffers with this diet. When the time comes to stop losing weight, it is slowed down. A nutritious meal entering the stomach after a month of fasting provokes an acceleration of metabolism, a terrible appetite appears, which leads to overeating. The body will subconsciously strive not only to compensate for lost nutrients, but also to create a reserve in case of another extreme fast. All the beneficial properties of the products will be absorbed without residue, which will quickly lead not only to regaining the previous weight, but also to an increase in excess body weight.

When a godmother diets, negative changes in appearance often appear. The skin, without receiving enough nutrients and vitamins, becomes dull and dry, peeling, acne, and rashes appear. Rapid weight loss leads to sagging and sagging skin in the chin, arms, abdomen, thighs, and mammary glands.

Therefore, most experts question the effectiveness of this diet. Long-term fasting on a minimum set of foods in some cases can lead to a slim figure. However, the majority of those who want to lose weight, according to statistics, most often do not acquire graceful forms, but diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system, metabolic disorders, and psychological discomfort.

For those who want to lose weight, doctors and nutritionists recommend regular healthy eating with the amount of nutrients necessary for the body and feasible physical activity.

How to follow the Godmother's diet for weight loss?

The godmother's diet, which is based on a sharp restriction in food for quite a long time, is actively discussed by doctors, scientists, nutritionists and those who want to get rid of excess weight and causes a lot of controversy.

Diet features

This way of eating is one of the strictest. The food selection is limited. You must follow the specified meal order for 30 days.

Moreover, the days when you can eat low-calorie foods in small quantities are periodically interspersed with days when any food is prohibited and you can only drink large quantities of water. However, complete fasting is not expected in this system.

Leaving the diet continues for another 1.5–2 weeks, during which time the calorie content of consumed foods increases by 50–70 kcal per day.

It is believed that if you control the process of food intake and its volume in this way, you can get rid of at least 15 kg in a month.

Advantages and disadvantages

Most medical experts say that such a diet causes great harm to the body. First of all, mistrust is due to the fact that the food is not balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

In such food, vitamins, micro- and macroelements and fiber necessary for humans are either completely absent or present in minimal quantities.

Their deficiency within a month will negatively affect your health.

Nutritionists believe that short-term refusal of food (fasting for 1-2 days) has a beneficial effect on the body. The stomach, freed from the need to digest large amounts of food, works in an easy mode.

At this time, there is an active release of accumulated waste and toxins; mild hunger stimulates the renewal of tissues and organs. If you drink more water and move a lot during this period, you can intensify the process. Exiting the diet lasts 1–2 days and consists of eating vegetable salads and soups, after which you can switch to your usual diet.

In the case of the godmother's diet, the situation looks different. Since the volume of food with such a diet is limited for a long time, the body's reaction can be unpredictable.

First of all, the gastrointestinal tract suffers. The digestive tract, without receiving the required amount of food for several days, can begin to digest its own walls.

Acidity increases, resulting in heartburn. This can lead to inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the occurrence or exacerbation of gastritis, and the appearance of ulcerations.

Belching, nausea, and bad breath become constant companions.

In the intestines, in which, due to insufficient volume of food, a normal food bolus cannot be formed for digestion, dyspeptic phenomena occur - bloating, flatulence. Diarrhea may begin, or, conversely, prolonged and painful constipation.

Bloating or flatulence

In addition, the intestines produce the joy hormone serotonin, and its deficiency will affect mental well-being - mood will decrease, irritability will appear, enhanced by a constant feeling of hunger.

Metabolism also suffers with this diet. When the time comes to stop losing weight, it is slowed down. A nutritious meal entering the stomach after a month of fasting provokes an acceleration of metabolism, a terrible appetite appears, which leads to overeating.

The body will subconsciously strive not only to compensate for lost nutrients, but also to create a reserve in case of another extreme fast.

All the beneficial properties of the products will be absorbed without residue, which will quickly lead not only to regaining the previous weight, but also to an increase in excess body weight.

When a godmother diets, negative changes in appearance often appear. The skin, without receiving enough nutrients and vitamins, becomes dull and dry, peeling, acne, and rashes appear. Rapid weight loss leads to sagging and sagging skin in the chin, arms, abdomen, thighs, and mammary glands.

Therefore, most experts question the effectiveness of this diet. Long-term fasting on a minimum set of foods in some cases can lead to a slim figure.

However, the majority of those who want to lose weight, according to statistics, most often do not acquire graceful forms, but diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system, metabolic disorders, and psychological discomfort.

For those who want to lose weight, doctors and nutritionists recommend regular healthy eating with the amount of nutrients necessary for the body and feasible physical activity.

Menu for the month

The creators of this extreme way of eating insist on strict adherence to the nutrition plan. You need to eat only according to your schedule.

Menu for 30 days:

  • 1, 5, 19 days - a small amount of low-calorie food, divided into 5 doses of 100 g each;
  • Day 2 - 2 medium-sized unsweetened apples;
  • 3, 12, 18 days - fresh kefir or low-fat milk in the amount of 1 liter;
  • Days 4, 8, 11, 20, 28, 29, 30 are fasting days, you are supposed to drink only clean water in a volume of at least 3 liters;
  • Day 6 - 2 medium-sized grapefruits;
  • Days 7 and 17 - 9% cottage cheese (preferably homemade, without sugar and sour cream) - 0.5 kg;
  • 9, 15, 27 days - boiled chicken breast - 0.5 kg;
  • Day 10 - 5 medium ripe tomatoes without salt;
  • Day 13 - buckwheat porridge in water (0.5 kg);
  • Day 14 - 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • 16, 31 days - freshly brewed coffee;
  • 21, 22, 23 days - low-fat kefir;
  • 24, 25, 26 days - 100 g of natural dark chocolate.

Most followers recommend dividing the daily amount of food into several meals.

At the same time, you need to drink as much liquid as possible - clean still water, herbal infusions, fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes without sugar.

Green tea is beneficial because it has the ability to break down fats and remove excess fluid from the body.

An infusion of rose hips will help compensate for the lack of vitamins. They need to be crushed and brewed overnight in a thermos. You can drink this infusion every day.

Hibiscus tea is recommended to speed up metabolism. It contains large amounts of vitamin C, minerals, and flavonoids. However, it is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

To support the body during a strict diet, it is recommended to take dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Contraindications to the diet

Before starting fasting based on the godmother's diet, you must consult with your doctors. You need to undergo an examination and take the necessary tests. Based on individual indicators, a specialist can advise whether such a meal is suitable for the patient.

It is strictly forbidden to eat according to this system for pregnant women (at any stage of pregnancy), nursing mothers, children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Contraindications include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, type 1 and 2 diabetes, and periods of remission after any recent illness.

Side effects

Side effects of the godmother's diet can include physiological problems: disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders, constipation or diarrhea.

Poor digestion will affect the skin - dryness, sagging, and early wrinkles may appear. Nails and hair become dull and brittle.

Against the backdrop of a constant feeling of hunger, the following often occur:

  • depression or irritability;
  • deterioration of memory and attention;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • headache and insomnia.


Anastasia, 33 years old, Krasnodar: “I wanted to lose weight for the holidays, I learned about this diet from a friend who recently quickly lost a couple of tens of kilograms. I’ll say right away that it was so difficult that I thought I couldn’t stand it. But there was a goal, and we managed to achieve it. My results were appreciated by men, girlfriends, and colleagues. But this diet is definitely not for the faint of heart.”

Tatyana, 44 years old, Khabarovsk: “I’ve heard about the godmother’s diet for a long time and recently decided to try it. I endured the first 2-3 days normally, but after a fasting day on the water I began to feel severe hunger and weakness appeared.

After a couple more days, I couldn’t think about anything but food. She became inattentive, psychotic, and was given a stern reprimand at work. My diet ended with a deep faint right on the street and 2 weeks in the hospital with gastritis.”

Alla, 63 years old, general practitioner, Vladivostok: “The consequences for the body after such a diet can be extremely severe.

Due to the imbalance of food in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, extreme lack of vitamins, many diseases worsen; prolonged hunger leads to exhaustion, anemia, metabolic disorders, and hormonal imbalance. I don’t recommend this kind of violence against the body to anyone.”

Menu for the month

The creators of this extreme way of eating insist on strict adherence to the nutrition plan. You need to eat only according to your schedule.

Menu for 30 days:

  • 1, 5, 19 days - a small amount of low-calorie food, divided into 5 doses of 100 g each;
  • Day 2 - 2 medium-sized unsweetened apples;
  • 3, 12, 18 days - fresh kefir or low-fat milk in the amount of 1 liter;
  • Days 4, 8, 11, 20, 28, 29, 30 are fasting days, you are supposed to drink only clean water in a volume of at least 3 liters;
  • Day 6 - 2 medium-sized grapefruits;
  • Days 7 and 17 - 9% cottage cheese (preferably homemade, without sugar and sour cream) - 0.5 kg;
  • 9, 15, 27 days - boiled chicken breast - 0.5 kg;
  • Day 10 - 5 medium ripe tomatoes without salt;
  • Day 13 - buckwheat porridge in water (0.5 kg);
  • Day 14 - 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • 16, 31 days - freshly brewed coffee;
  • 21, 22, 23 days - low-fat kefir;
  • 24, 25, 26 days - 100 g of natural dark chocolate.

Most followers recommend dividing the daily amount of food into several meals.

At the same time, you need to drink as much liquid as possible - clean still water, herbal infusions, fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes without sugar.

Green tea is beneficial because it has the ability to break down fats and remove excess fluid from the body.

An infusion of rose hips will help compensate for the lack of vitamins. They need to be crushed and brewed overnight in a thermos. You can drink this infusion every day.

Hibiscus tea is recommended to speed up metabolism. It contains large amounts of vitamin C, minerals, and flavonoids. However, it is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

To support the body during a strict diet, it is recommended to take dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Godmother's diet

The godmother's diet is a radical weight loss method designed for a month. The principle of the program is to alternate days of complete fasting and days with low-calorie food.

In fact, this diet puts stress on the human body and can lead to the opposite effect in the form of a return of lost pounds.

However, if all the conditions of the method are fulfilled flawlessly and the exit rules are followed, then in gratitude for your efforts you can get a beautiful, slender body: minus 15 kg per month.

Harm or benefit

The only advantage of the method is its high effectiveness, while among the disadvantages one can highlight the imbalance in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and the paucity of the diet for useful elements.

During the period of weight loss, the digestive tract works in “light” mode, which allows it to take a break from digesting heavy food. During fasting days, healthy fasting promotes the renewal and restoration of tissues, the release of toxins and toxic substances is activated, the body is freed from salt deposits in the joints, which limit their mobility.

The Diet of the Cross is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, young children, adolescents, diabetics, people leading an active lifestyle and those who have had an illness or surgery.

Experts from the Department of Gastroenterology claim that strict low-calorie weight loss programs deal a heavy blow to the digestive tract. As a result, the gastric mucosa may become inflamed and gastritis may worsen. Perforation of the ulcer is often observed.

People with gastrointestinal diseases should not be allowed to starve; there must always be food in the stomach for digestion, otherwise the damaged organ may begin to attack its lining.

This condition is accompanied by heartburn, colic, pain, often of a spasmodic nature, in the abdominal area.

Another negative side of the cruciform system is the slowdown in metabolism “at the exit”. After losing weight and returning to your usual diet, the body will try to compensate for its losses, resulting in rapid weight gain.

Moreover, strict abstinence causes an insatiable appetite, which should be carefully controlled.

Otherwise, when eating food in large quantities against the background of a slow metabolism, you can achieve the opposite effect: returning the lost kilograms in double size.

Professional opinion

Nutritionists say that the godmother's diet does more harm to the body than good. Due to complete starvation and severe dietary restrictions, a negative effect affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Over the course of a few fasting days on the water, the stomach reorganizes its work and when the “days of food” arrive, the body begins to experience stress.

Teas for weight loss

To activate the process of losing weight, in addition to following a diet menu and performing light physical activity (gymnastics, aerobics), it is recommended to take herbal decoctions that stimulate metabolism. They not only speed up metabolic reactions, but also nourish the body with useful substances.

Herbal teas are harmless to health, contain flavonoids, tannins, which have antispasmodic, antitumor, antiradiation, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antiviral effects, fight free radicals, remove toxins, protect cells from destruction, and help preserve youth and health.

Decoctions for weight loss:

  1. Blueberry tea. Enriches the body with vitamins C, PP, B1, B6, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron and copper. Reduces cravings for sweets, controls blood sugar levels.
  2. From hibiscus flowers (hibiscus). It is a source of mineral compounds and flavonoids, which reduce the level of absorption of carbohydrates and triglycerides in the body. Red tea increases blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, and protects cells from free radicals.
  3. Anise tea. Relieves swelling, eliminates digestive problems, reduces physical pain.
  4. Ginger tea. Essential oils contained in the root vegetable promote the breakdown of fats and accelerate metabolic reactions. In addition, ginger tea suppresses appetite and improves immunity.
  5. Green tea. Removes excess fluid from the body, activates the breakdown of fats.
  6. Rose hip tea. Lowers cholesterol levels, suppresses the feeling of hunger, and increases the body's barrier functions. To reduce appetite, rosehip tea is mixed with rowan fruits.
  7. From rose petals. Contains vitamins A, C, B3, D, antioxidants. This is an invigorating drink that energizes you throughout the day, prevents constipation, and cleanses the body of toxins.

Remember, herbal decoctions have a diuretic effect, so as not to become dehydrated and not to disturb the water balance, you need to drink a lot of water. In addition, they are contraindicated for people with kidney disease and gastrointestinal problems.

In order for the beneficial properties of tea to be fully manifested, it is recommended to drink it at least 3 times a day, 100 ml between meals.

Smell from the mouth

As a rule, it appears during fasting days and eating exclusively protein foods. Some believe that such a phenomenon is a sign of cleansing the body, others - the presence of stomach problems. The most common cause of stench is the release of ketones and ammonia during the breakdown of protein molecules that enter the lungs from the blood.

Acne, tremors, dry skin

They occur in case of dehydration of the body, when its waste products are no longer excreted, but settle in the intestines, causing intoxication. In order to avoid these problems, it is enough to just drink 2.5 liters of water per day.


They occur against the background of eating a small amount of food, insufficient intake of fiber, the predominance of protein products in the diet, and the consumption of fixing foods - buckwheat and rice. To solve a delicate problem, it is recommended to drink herbal laxative teas.

Exhaustion, insomnia, lack of energy

These uncomfortable sensations occur while following a low-calorie diet. Side effects are dangerous: eating disorders due to sweets.

The body opposes unusual nutrition and resists “carbohydrate injustice.”

As a result, if you succumb to temptation, cakes eaten at night will disrupt the entire diet schedule, set you back in the fight for a slim figure, reward you with a feeling of guilt and retain fluid in the body.

Plateau when losing kilos

After the body adapts to a new diet, a certain stability occurs, a dead point effect, when the weight stops and stops coming off. In this case, you should not panic, it is enough to continue to follow the chosen regime, you can slightly change the training program, the set of products, or enrich the diet with citrus juices.

Irritability and drowsiness

The lot of those losing weight who practice a low-calorie diet. If you do not compensate for the lack of nutrients with the help of vitamin-mineral complexes, in addition to everything, problems with hair, nails, and skin will be added. However, this will not happen immediately, but after a month. As a result, you will have to spend 2 times more time to restore beauty.

Metabolism slows down

Most often this occurs in people suffering from hormonal diseases. In this case, it is necessary to first eliminate the cause of the disease and only then begin to lose weight.


It has been established that the occurrence of migraine is associated with a decrease in blood glucose levels. Sweeteners will not solve the problem. To make you feel better, it is recommended to eat 5 ml of natural honey and exclude caffeine from the menu. If after this your health does not improve, it is recommended to stop losing weight, return to a normal diet and consult a doctor.

If, during the fasting days, attacks of hunger occur, your health sharply worsens, you are allowed to drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange, grapefruit, apple or pomegranate juice. The latter, in turn, increases the level of hemoglobin and prevents blood pressure from dropping significantly.


The Godmother Diet is a monthly low-calorie diet program that provides effective weight loss. In 31 days of the fasting menu, you can lose up to 15 extra pounds.

Nutritionists have already noted that such a technique goes against the principles of a healthy diet, since it is unbalanced and deprives the body of useful elements.

However, due to the high performance, the number of adherents of the cross program is growing from year to year.

The diet is not easy to tolerate, most often those losing weight experience irritability, drowsiness, headaches, constant hunger, tremors of the limbs, constipation, bad breath, the skin becomes dry, and metabolism slows down. To minimize side effects, nutritionists recommend taking additional vitamin supplements during a weight loss course to support the body during such a difficult period.

Basic rules of the diet: eat small meals up to 6 times a day, no more than 100 g/serving, eat only approved foods, exercise, drink 3 liters per day. Only if you follow these recommendations can you count on a decent result.

After completing the diet, special attention should be paid to exiting it. Over the next two weeks, the calorie content of the daily diet is gradually increased to no more than 50 kcal per day. At the same time, the single volume of consumed portions is strictly controlled; it should not exceed 250 g. Otherwise, after 10-20 days the result can be reduced to zero. Remember this and be healthy!

Contraindications to the diet

Before starting fasting based on the godmother's diet, you must consult with your doctors. You need to undergo an examination and take the necessary tests. Based on individual indicators, a specialist can advise whether such a meal is suitable for the patient.

It is strictly forbidden to eat according to this system for pregnant women (at any stage of pregnancy), nursing mothers, children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Contraindications include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, type 1 and 2 diabetes, and periods of remission after any recent illness.

Side effects

Side effects of the godmother's diet can include physiological problems: disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders, constipation or diarrhea.

Poor digestion will affect the skin - dryness, sagging, and early wrinkles may appear. Nails and hair become dull and brittle.

Against the backdrop of a constant feeling of hunger, the following often occur:

  • depression or irritability;
  • deterioration of memory and attention;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • headache and insomnia.


Anastasia, 33 years old, Krasnodar: “I wanted to lose weight for the holidays, I learned about this diet from a friend who recently quickly lost a couple of tens of kilograms. I’ll say right away that it was so difficult that I thought I couldn’t stand it. But there was a goal, and we managed to achieve it. My results were appreciated by men, girlfriends, and colleagues. But this diet is definitely not for the faint of heart.”

Tatyana, 44 years old, Khabarovsk: “I’ve heard about the godmother’s diet for a long time and recently decided to try it. I endured the first 2-3 days normally, but after a fasting day on the water I began to feel severe hunger and weakness appeared. After a couple more days, I couldn’t think about anything but food. She became inattentive, psychotic, and was given a stern reprimand at work. My diet ended with a deep faint right on the street and 2 weeks in the hospital with gastritis.”

Alla, 63 years old, general practitioner, Vladivostok: “The consequences for the body after such a diet can be extremely severe. Due to the imbalance of food in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, extreme lack of vitamins, many diseases worsen; prolonged hunger leads to exhaustion, anemia, metabolic disorders, and hormonal imbalance. I don’t recommend this kind of violence against the body to anyone.”

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