5 factors that will help you understand when is the best time to go on a diet

A common problem that many girls face. Spoiler: it needs to be solved as a whole. All methods are simple - read the material and choose yours.

The human body contains about 60% water, which is important for all biological processes. It is recommended to consume a sufficient amount of liquid every day - about 2.0-2.5 liters. But many people note water retention, which causes weight gain and swelling. We give detailed instructions on how to remove fluid from the body quickly.

Swelling or excess water: what's the difference?

Correcting body weight by removing excess fluid is necessary for professional athletes and bodybuilders, for whom it is important to meet a certain weight category or improve their appearance.

Excessive water retention, which forms edema, is another problem. Although in most cases they are harmless, persistent swelling can be a symptom of serious medical conditions such as heart, liver or kidney disease. Women experience fluid retention during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.

Our material contains advice for healthy people and athletes. If you have severe swelling in your legs or arms, see your doctor. It is important to exclude kidney pathologies and serious endocrine metabolic diseases.

The essence of the diet

The moon influences the seas and oceans, and ebbs and flows are obtained, and each of the life processes occurring in our body occurs in a certain dependence on the periodicity of the lunar phases. If you have the right approach to nutrition and exercise depending on the period, you will not only be able to lose weight, but restore the health of your entire body.

The main meaning of the lunar diet is the various chemical processes at the cellular level in the body, under the influence of each of the four phases of the moon. In accordance with these changes and assumptions, a diet and physical activity schedule is made so that the body can tune in to the wave of the desired action, be it cleansing the body or getting rid of excess weight.

The recommended weight loss plan is associated with the full moon and the new moon, and this is no coincidence. These days the appearance of the Moon changes and changes occur, characterized by changes in atmospheric pressure and the influence of the aquatic environment. During the full moon, there is a period of low tide of liquid (in the seas and oceans, a similar effect occurs in human and other living organisms), when it “collapses”, and in the new moon phase the opposite effect is created, conditions are created for “expansion” in the aquatic environment, carried out by tides . This is how lunar gravity affects it. In connection with these processes, the metabolism in our body changes, as well as the distribution of fluids and various substances.

Thus, the full moon diet is used to cleanse the body and is based on the direct consumption of liquids. During the new moon, our body is tuned to break down fatty tissue, remove toxins and release excess fluid.

Since ancient times, people have been able to plan the conception of a child or treat illnesses, thanks to the lunar calendar. And losing weight is quite real, since it is based on it, but first, you need to consider foods that are more suitable for eating in certain phases of the moon.

The connection between diet and the lunar calendar has long been proven by scientific observations: it depends on the specific cycle and products used, and if you take this into account, you can achieve maximum cleansing of the body or weight loss.

The formula for losing weight is simple - burn more calories than you take in. But how to achieve this in practice? Often we are forced to use complex and dangerous diets - this is very risky. Spending a lot of time in the gym is not for everyone, for financial reasons. Or you can simply increase physical activity and use short diets, such as the lunar diet, taking into account its features so as not to harm your health.

Regular exercise

This is one of the best ways to reduce weight quickly and safely. Any form of exercise increases sweating, which means the body loses water. The average fluid loss during one hour of training is 0.5-2 liters per hour, depending on the temperature in the room and clothing. During exercise, the body also transfers water to the muscles. This helps reduce the amount of fluid under the skin, improving the appearance and eliminating pastosity (swelling of the subcutaneous tissue).

When worrying about how to remove excess fluid from the body, we must not forget about adequate water consumption during exercise. Otherwise, serious dehydration may occur and you will feel worse. A sauna helps increase moisture loss and eliminate swelling. It activates sweating with fluid loss through the skin. If you go to the sauna after class, the effect will increase.

Waxing moon and proper nutrition

Since ancient times, our ancestors worshiped the Moon, because they felt both its beauty and the mysterious power of the influence of the phases of the Earth’s changeable satellite on important events in their lives. Consuela Tsvetkova told “Special Dish” in more detail about how to behave and what to eat during the waxing moon.

Recommendations for nutrition on the waxing Moon

According to many supporters of ancient practices, the waxing moon is the most convenient time to work on increasing muscle mass and burning fat. To do this, it is best to choose protein diets of medium calorie content in combination with physical exercise. It is also important to pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to limit or eliminate sweets, you need to strictly control the content of carbohydrates in the diet, since the waxing moon promotes fluid retention, and each gram of carbohydrates “binds” 4 grams of water. The great news is that the new moon and full moon are suitable for fasting days. During the new moon, liquid food is recommended - puree soups and some healthy proteins; during the full moon, it is good to fast for 36 hours or at least 24 hours.

Lunar diet menu

On the waxing moon:

Breakfast: 1-2 boiled eggs, or an omelet, or 200 g of cottage cheese. You can add vegetable salad without oil and lightly sprinkle it with lemon juice.

Lunch: a serving of vegetable soup/stew without potatoes, any dietary dish of meat/fish or seafood, you can add 3-4 tablespoons of any boiled cereal, or 2-3 thin healthy bread.

Dinner : vegetable dish with meat or fish, freshly squeezed vegetable juice.

At night: low-fat kefir if you feel hungry. Sometimes instead of porridge for lunch you can eat 1-2 apples or 1 pear.

During the full moon, for weight loss, it is recommended to fast for a day, leaving only drinking water in your diet. A day before the full moon, it is better to switch to fresh and stewed vegetables. You can add small portions of fermented milk products - kefir or yogurt. To break fast, the menu is the same as the day before. Then you should gradually switch to a low-calorie diet if you plan to continue losing weight. And if your weight already suits you, you can eat as usual, having fasting days once a week - on vegetables and fruits plus a little kefir.

Moon Magic and Mythology

Diana, the Goddess of the Moon and the hunt in ancient mythology, was credited with power over nature and fertility, so pregnant women made generous sacrifices to her, wanting to ease the process of childbirth and give birth to a healthy baby.

The gravitational force of the Moon creates ebbs and flows on Earth. The Moon also affects the menstrual cycle of women: for most, this period coincides with the new moon or full moon. Unfortunately, during the full moon the number of accidents increases, psychiatric illnesses worsen and crime intensifies. There is even the term “sleepwalker,” meaning the obvious influence of the Moon and a special state when a person walks in a dream, immersed in a deep trance.

The moon passes through one zodiac sign in 2 – 2.5 days. These periods of sign transition affect people's moods, especially those who are highly emotionally sensitive. Unlike other planets, we can see the waxing and waning of the Moon very clearly throughout the month. The lunar cycle is the relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth. As the Moon orbits the Earth, it reflects the Sun to varying degrees. During the new moon, the surface of the Moon is completely darkened, and during the full moon it is illuminated.

From an astrological point of view, our Moon sign carries all the information about our hidden emotions and intuition. It is not for nothing that many peoples considered the Moon a feminine luminary, and the Sun a masculine one. The Moon describes our childhood, roots and what makes us feel safe. The Moon controls many algorithms occurring on Earth. Rotating around the Earth, the Moon, with its phases, indicates tense points along its path. And it is necessary to take into account the sacred symbols inherent in mythology for these corner sites. The young waxing Moon - Artemis - is a symbol of virginity and purity. From the first quarter to the second, Hera reigns - the goddess of motherhood. From the full moon to the third quarter - the goddess of fertility Persephone - symbolizes the shoots that make their way from underground to the surface, these are processes of transformation in our lives. New Moon - Hecate is the demonic goddess of darkness, creating illusions and controlling the dark side of the human psyche.

Harmony with nature

A person living by lunar rhythms is in harmony with nature and reacts sharply to all changes in the world around him, living in the flow of events. The lunar calendar gives a person the opportunity to expand his consciousness, to realize himself through unity with the rhythms of the Universe. A full lunar cycle is 28 days. The moon waxes and wanes, but always remains in the sky, flooding the Earth at night with its mysterious silvery light. Its powerful magical influence on our emotions is always important to consider.

Closer to the change of lunar phases, special attention must be paid. The change of phases is a very painful moment: the nature of the physical impact of the Moon changes very sharply, as well as the characteristics of cosmic energy and information that is transmitted to Earth. Many people become unbalanced, emotions and all types of perception of the world become aggravated. It's better to prepare for this in advance. When you know the true cause of your unfavorable condition, it is much easier to cope with it.

Practices from Consuela. Waxing Moon for wealth and love

The moon is a helper for all people, because when it grows, you can do many, many different rituals to acquire and develop something. This can be in the financial sphere, and the purchase of new clothes, furniture, equipment, and business growth, and new acquaintances, including love. Everything that grows, that can be developed and improved, all these processes are influenced by the growing Moon. When I need to watch the Moon, I go out of town and do certain rituals that are needed at the moment.

If you want to purchase something, use the power of the growing Moon. If you want your hair to grow faster, you need to cut it while the moon is waxing. If you want more clients and new business contacts, actively attend various business events on the waxing Moon.

When the Moon is large and bright, you need to go outside and look at it carefully so that its soft white light penetrates the eyes and spreads throughout the body. (Of course, it is better to observe the Moon in the city, but even in a metropolis in clear weather you can choose a convenient place to observe the night beauty and perform a magical ritual).

On the waxing Moon, you can do a money ritual: pick up a large bill and circle it clockwise around your head 4 times, while looking intently at the Moon.

You can also imagine, looking at the growing Moon, how your love is growing, family relationships are strengthening, mentally absorbing lunar energy to strengthen your energy.

Anyone can do this. And with more serious issues, only a specialist can help, who will conduct a secret ritual and tell you how to improve all areas of your life, being in harmony with higher powers.

Moon phases in November:

  • New Moon: October 30, 2021 Sunday 21:39
  • Second quarter: November 7, 2021 Monday 23:52
  • Full Moon: November 14, 2021 Monday 17:53
  • Last quarter: 21 November 2021 Monday 12:34
  • New Moon: November 29, 2021 Tuesday 16:19


Consuela Tsvetkova is a clairvoyant, healer, and hereditary fortune teller. Her family has Gypsy, Hungarian and Jewish roots. Possesses pronounced extrasensory abilities.

Family legend says that Consuela’s great-great-grandmother, the sorceress Alexandra Filippovna Kirchhoff, predicted the future “sun of Russian poetry” - the great Alexander Pushkin - the brightest moments of his life, including the fact that the poet would become an idol of his compatriots, would be exiled twice and that he would live for a long time, unless in the 37th year of his life trouble happens to him from a white horse, or a white head, or a white man, which he should fear.

Getting enough sleep

Scientists have proven that adequate sleep is important for metabolism, along with physical activity and diet.
During sleep, the sympathetic nervous system activates the kidneys, which regulate the amount of sodium and fluid in the tissues. Adequate sleep regulates fluid levels and reduces water retention by subcutaneous tissue. On average, you need to sleep about 7-9 hours a day.

Diet according to the lunar calendar

Lunar month of weight loss

This calendar is divided into 4 main weeks

: 4 lunar phases, each of which has its own “
fast day
” - the moment of change of lunar phases.
When exactly the phase change occurs depends on many factors, and this time usually shifts during the day, so the numbers of lunar days are given on average. Every month you need to monitor when the lunar day changes and choose your meals
based on this.

It is often recommended to start losing weight before the full moon.

(2-3 days in advance).
They say that this is the easiest way to lose excess weight when the Moon begins to wane. an important goal
for you and the desire to change your life for the better is not a temporary desire, but a real dream, you should start
on the 2nd or 3rd lunar day
, which is favorable for any endeavors.

New Moon (1 lunar day)

the 1st lunar day begins

, which ends with the setting of the moon.
That is why this day can last very short, or maybe about a day. Sometimes the time of the 1st lunar day is only an hour and that is late at night
. It is important not to miss the opportunity and use this time to make a wish, think about realizing your goals, and make plans.

Your thoughts on the 1st lunar day are very powerful

and are able to bring closer and achieve what they want.
Therefore, on this day you need to create a nutrition plan for the month and decide for yourself what exactly you want: how many kilograms to lose, what volumes to achieve. The more clearly you formulate and present what you want, the more likely
you are to get it! Don’t just think about the fact that you want to lose weight, but clearly imagine your new dimensions.

Also, simply imagining your new body is half the battle. You must make a clear plan

, according to which you will act, which should include nutrition and movement.

On the day of the new moon, especially before it, try to eat a lean diet

You should not load your body with heavy and unhealthy food. After all, the new moon is a very stressful period of the month. It is surrounded by the so-called days of Hecate
, when the Moon is not visible in the sky.
If possible, go on a raw food diet
, or eat only vegetable dishes, fresh juices, fruits, and nuts.
Light food will allow your body to more easily endure the difficult period of the month.

Stress Reduction

Constant stress increases the concentration of the hormone cortisol in the blood plasma. One of its effects is water retention in tissues, which causes swelling. This is because the stress hormone stimulates the activity of ADH (antidiuretic hormone), which retains fluid. The basis of the work of ADH is signals to the kidneys about salt retention, which automatically provokes retention - less urine is released, water remains in the tissues and subcutaneous tissue.

Eliminating stress helps normalize the functioning of ADH, relieves its negative effects on the kidneys, allowing urine to be produced more actively, removing excess moisture.

Correcting Electrolyte Imbalances

If the body does not receive enough electrolytes - ions that have an electrical charge - a fluid imbalance can occur. Positive ions are especially important - potassium, magnesium and sodium, negative chlorine. If the concentration of electrolytes in plasma or cells sharply increases or decreases, this provokes a violation of fluid flow. Swelling inside cells or in the intercellular space is possible.

How to remove water from the body during edema, if the cause is an imbalance of ions

It is important to correlate salt intake with fluid intake; if there is a lot of moisture, more salt is needed, and vice versa.

When playing sports or living in a hot climate with high air humidity, it is necessary to consume additional portions of electrolytes to replenish the loss of salts during sweating.

If a person consumes a lot of salt in food or supplements, it is necessary to drink enough water. Otherwise, the salt will attract, retain fluid and cause swelling.

Effective diet according to the lunar calendar

Tip #4

Of course, it is necessary to cross out unhealthy foods, but gradually. You can’t switch to just one carrot in one day. If you often eat fried foods - fried potatoes, meat, fish,

reduce their number gradually.
In addition, later, when healthy food becomes the norm, but you miss the “bad” food, sometimes allow yourself something fried, but not for dinner
. For example, in the morning or at lunch. This will allow you not to break down and satisfy your whims with minimal damage to your figure.

eat something healthy before you eat something bad.

, for example, salad. Then you will want much less harmful things, because you will already be full. But here, of course, it is important not to overeat.

Taking extra magnesium

Another key mineral needed to maintain fluid balance in the body. It not only regulates the volume of water in plasma or intercellular fluid, but also normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and the transmission of impulses between cells. In the human body, magnesium is involved in 600 different metabolic processes, reducing body weight and the severity of PMS in women, relieving stress.

It actively interacts with sodium and potassium, controlling the filtration of fluid by the kidneys and its reuptake (reabsorption) under conditions of dehydration. Taking supplemental magnesium helps in weight control by removing water and suppressing stress reactions.

Taking Dandelion Extract

Common dandelions are a medicinal plant that has a natural diuretic effect. Infusions and decoctions of dandelion root are used at home to introduce excess moisture to reduce the severity of swelling.

The active substances in the decoction signal the kidneys to more actively filter water and salts, increasing the volume of urine excreted. Over the next 5 hours, the work of the renal glomeruli intensifies, filtering more urine. It is important to consult your doctor first. There are certain restrictions - pathologies of the kidneys, heart or liver.

Diet during the full moon and new moon

Fasting days on water and juices can be more effective for losing weight. And it is advisable to arrange them during the full moon. This is due to the fact that the moon provokes a slow metabolism, and all foods are poorly absorbed by the body. The most productive hours for cleansing are considered to be the day during the full moon itself - you need to start at 19:00 the night before, and complete the unloading the next day (also at 19:00).

As for the period of the waxing moon, the recommendations here boil down to including as much protein as possible in the daily menu, and you should also increase the amount of drinking water you drink. During this phase, you can resort to a special type of nutrition that provides emergency weight loss in 36 hours. It consists of two days: on the first, you can maintain your usual diet during the day by consuming meat or fish broth in the evening (its volume should not exceed a glass); the second day consists entirely of drinking this broth.

Watch your portion sizes, and the number of meals can be up to five.

On the third day, you only need to have breakfast with this broth, thereby completing the emergency weight loss. As a liquid (which you need to drink constantly) - green tea and water. This technique gives amazing results in instantly losing weight by 2 kilograms, helping the body get rid of waste and toxins.

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Consuming more regular water

This helps eliminate fluid retention in tissues and cells. The body strives for an ideal balance - optimal intake and elimination. If a person is constantly suffering from dehydration, the body will regularly turn on mechanisms to retain fluid so that metabolic processes do not stop.

If a person achieves optimal balance, the body actively removes excess water through the kidneys and through the skin, which eliminates swelling and prevents its occurrence. Consuming enough water is not limited to preventing edema. This is necessary to activate the breakdown of fat and proper brain function.

  • Reference point - feeling thirsty

    . It is important to drink a few sips of plain water every time the urge arises, but you do not need to drink 1-2 glasses at a time. In hot weather or during exercise, fluid consumption increases.

  • Another landmark - urine color

    . If it is pale yellow in color and transparent, it means that the body receives the optimal amount of water and the tissues are fully hydrated.

Diet and natal chart

Nature will always take its toll. My client's chart has the Moon in Taurus. In this situation, the practice of fasting, vegetarianism and any austerities in nutrition are highly discouraged. The sign is an animal. But the client has not eaten meat for several years, and recently she has completely switched to a raw food diet.

As a result, her psyche compensated for the lack of energy from the Moon in Taurus. The client became extremely greedy, began to buy a lot of unnecessary things, and after some time her house turned into a place for storing all kinds of rubbish. Her projects collapsed and she herself fell into debt. It was at such a low level that the Moon lost in Taurus.

Find out your diet

Now let's look at the Moon in each zodiac sign from the perspective of nutrition.

  • Moon in Aries - you need rich and nutritious food, hot and spicy. Fast digestion. Diets and fasting are highly discouraged.
  • Moon in Taurus - moderately rich food is suitable for you. Digestion is slow, so snacking is not advisable. Stick to a specific eating schedule, eat at the same time.
  • Moon in Gemini - light food is suitable in small portions, but often. Diversify your diet, introduce new products into it. Vegetarianism and any nutrition-related practices are suitable.
  • Moon in Cancer – homemade food. You can eat whatever you want because your digestion is excellent. The main recommendation is not to eat when you are in a bad mood.
  • Moon in Leo - it’s not even the food itself that is important here, but the serving, serving, and surroundings. In this situation, the food should be very rich, from a series of courses: first, second, third and dessert. Sweets, delicacies. It is highly recommended not to starve yourself or limit your diet.
  • Moon in Virgo - a variety of diets are suitable here. Small portions are recommended, but also often. You should limit your consumption of meat and heavy foods. Separate meals are good. Food made from small parts (for example, sushi).
  • Moon in Libra - light food. It is not recommended to eat a lot of meat and fish. Stick to a meal schedule. Spicy, salty and spicy foods are not advisable.
  • Moon in Scorpio – very good digestion. Anything hot, spicy, with a strong flavor is recommended. Any experiments with food are welcome. Fasting practices are undesirable.
  • Moon in Sagittarius - food should be very varied and rich. It is recommended to alternate feeding periods. For example, a week without meat, the next with meat.
  • Moon in Capricorn - it is best to eat heavily, but rarely. However, it is not advisable to overeat heavily; it is better to always remain a little hungry. Fasting practices will help here. However, vegetarianism is not recommended. Meals should be taken at the same time.
  • Moon in Aquarius - any experiments with food are suitable. Vegetarianism, fast food, light food. It is better to eat small portions, but often.
  • Moon in Pisces – sweets, a variety of goodies. Food should be rich and nutritious. Fasting and any dietary restrictions are not recommended. Vegetarianism is possible, but not strict.

Here I have provided general nutritional recommendations for the Moon in each sign. Of course, to get a complete picture of your diet, you need to consider your birth chart as a whole. But even these simple recommendations will help you choose the right vector.

Eating Selected Healthy Foods

The easiest way to remove water from the body for weight loss is to eat more foods that regulate fluid balance (especially those rich in potassium)

. This mineral stimulates the kidneys to excrete excess sodium, and with it, water.

  • Dark green leafy vegetables
  • Beans
  • Bananas
  • Avocado
  • Tomatoes
  • Yogurt or other dairy products.

Magnesium supplements or products containing the following substances help in the fight against edema

  • dark chocolate;
  • dark green leafy vegetables;
  • nuts and whole grains.

There are a number of herbal products that have a mild diuretic effect:

  • corn silk;
  • horsetail;
  • parsley;
  • hibiscus;
  • garlic;
  • fennel;
  • nettle.

Although fluid retention does not cause bloating or discomfort, limited consumption of foods that cause flatulence is also beneficial for edema. The dangerous group includes highly processed foods with sufficient fiber content, beans and dairy products (with lactose). It is worth choosing low FODMAP foods for a while to see the effect.

Reducing carbohydrates

Another option for removing excess water from the body. Simple sugars are stored in the muscles and liver in the form of glycogen, which also retains water in the tissues. For every gram of glycogen in the body, there are 3-4 grams of water. This explains why people immediately lose weight when they switch to a low-carb diet, which reduces glycogen stores.

Carbohydrates also stimulate an increase in insulin levels, which increases sodium retention and water reabsorption in the kidneys. Low-carbohydrate diets cause insulin levels to decrease and excess sodium and water to be introduced into the kidneys. Try changing your carbohydrate intake and see how the swelling goes down.

What is the essence of the lunar diet

The lunar diet is a popular diet because it produces good results. Most people who practiced it claimed that the lost weight did not come back. This diet is actually a detoxification diet for the body.

It consists of a 24-hour fast, meaning during this period you only consume liquids as the moon enters a new phase. The moon goes through 4 phases: new moon (when you can't see it in the sky), first quarter (about 6 days after the new moon), full moon (round moon), and last quarter.

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