Rituals and rituals for losing weight - when diet doesn’t help

Hariola 10/06/2018 156 129 7 Minute(s) read

How hard it is to be a girl! You always have to watch your figure, go on diets, attend sports training in order to look fit and attractive. But sometimes we get so lazy to do something and then they come - the hated extra pounds! It turns out that a weight loss plot will really help you remove fat. We invite you to try several effective rituals, and you can share your results with us in the comments.

Problems losing weight

A conspiracy to lose weight
In the age of technological progress, the problem of excess weight, surprisingly, has come almost to the forefront. Instead of taking advantage of the achievements of civilization, people create problems for themselves. And often from scratch. Here is the problem of obesity - it would seem that there is enough of everything everywhere, live normally and be happy.

But no, it’s as if a person is trying to ruin his health by overeating, an unhealthy lifestyle, etc. And then, seeing the results, he tries to fix everything. But usually there are problems with this. Once you have gained excess weight, it is very difficult to lose it!

Not everyone can go on a strict diet. In addition, as soon as a person finishes the diet and returns to his previous life, all the kilograms that he lost also return to him quite easily. Medicines and operations, of course, are painful and dangerous things. What to do if you still want to lose weight?

You can try completely painless, proven methods - conspiracies and rituals. A plot to lose weight quickly will help a lot.

Rules for conducting rituals

Pay special attention to the following rules - the result directly depends on the thoroughness of their implementation.

  1. This is a sacrament. Therefore, do not tell anyone close to you about what you are doing.
  2. The best days to read conspiracies for weight loss and fat burning are Friday and Monday. These are women's days of the week, ruled by Venus and the Moon.
  3. The stronger your faith, the more noticeable the result.
  4. All rituals are performed on an empty stomach.
  5. Drinking alcohol before and during the sacrament is prohibited.
  6. The plot is read in an even, firm voice. There should be no reservations or hesitations. It will be better if you memorize the text in advance.
  7. Get rid of unnecessary thoughts. All your attention should be focused only on the desire to lose excess weight.
  8. If there are no special recommendations on the timing, then it is better to perform the ritual at night, before dawn, in complete silence.

Using spells

Keep in mind that there are many rituals for weight loss and losing extra pounds, for all occasions and for all tastes.

There are spells, spells, prayers, voodoo dolls and whatever you want. They incantate water, food, green tea, potatoes, bath, rice, carrots, sea and table salt, honey, and a wax ball. You can wash your hands and body with charmed soap.

For those who are afraid of magic, it should be noted that the methods of white magic are primarily work with one’s own consciousness and subconscious, there are no negative consequences. A kind of programming of the body for a good result. Whatever you want to wish for your body will come true. Here even honey can be used to lose weight.

Benefits of using weight loss spells:

  1. Unlike many diets, losing weight with the help of a conspiracy is not traumatic; they do not force the body to experience stress from malnutrition or refusal of many foods.
  2. Usually such rituals are available. After all, everyone can buy simple products in the store, for which I will make a conspiracy. Or candles, soap, honey, potatoes, wax, dolls, etc. And everything can be done quickly at home: in the bathroom, in the bathhouse, in the room.
  3. Environmental friendliness and natural conformity. Such effective rituals involve the use, first of all, of natural forces: the power of the earth, water, moon and one’s body.
  4. Efficiency. If everything is done correctly, the results will exceed all expectations.
  5. Safety. Unlike medications or dietary supplements, white conspiracies cannot harm you, even if you do everything wrong.
  6. Such weight loss conspiracies have no consequences. Of course, we are not talking about black magic, the consequences there are more serious.

Important! Magic is not a panacea, nothing happens instantly, if you just perform the ritual but don’t change anything in your life, the changes will not happen or will be insignificant. Material reinforcement of the magical message is important. In addition to rituals, you need to change your life a little towards your ideal: reduce portions, do some physical exercise, lead a healthier lifestyle, etc.

Believers can choose rituals with prayers, holy water and candles. And remember that all prayers and conspiracies for weight loss require complete concentration and faith in your strength and in the help of higher powers. Otherwise, these are just words.

You also need to keep in mind that on the eve of certain religious holidays, some rituals work more strongly. For example, on the eve of the Annunciation, women and girls can turn to the Mother of God for help, ask for love and marriage. There are also special rituals for losing weight at Easter.

When kneading the dough for Easter cakes on Maundy Thursday, you need to say the words of the conspiracy: “I knead the dough, I remove the fat from myself, whoever takes this Easter cake will take my fat.” Do not talk all the dough, naturally. and one special cake. Repeat the spell 3 times.

When the cake is baked, roll it over the problem areas and say 3 times:

“I roll the cake over my body, I remove the fat from (your name)’s body, the cake grows and becomes plump, and I (name) lose weight. Whoever starts eating Easter cake, my fat will go to him.”

Take the Easter cake to church for blessing. Then give it away as alms or leave it where it will definitely be seen. Before this, say the last words:

“Whoever takes my cake, my fat will go to him. Truly."

In addition to Christian ones, there is also a very strong Muslim conspiracy for weight loss.

Consequences of conspiracies for weight loss

Magic rituals necessarily have consequences, the main task is to minimize them:

  • Use rituals carefully. The goal has been achieved - to complete the conspiracies. Do not bring your body to anorexia. You need to be able to stop in time.
  • The use of black magic can lead to physical and nervous exhaustion. Be sure to perform the reverse ritual. The weight will remain unchanged.
  • Tests of spells with the suffix “hood” can drive a person to exhaustion.
  • Positive, kind prayers for weight loss will definitely lead the body to the desired result. You should select rituals that attract at first sight. Such rituals will be the most effective.

Rules for conducting rituals

  1. You should not tell anyone exactly what rituals you perform for yourself or are going to perform. After completion, especially if you are satisfied with the results - as much as you like.
  2. “Tools for the ritual” - a candle, apples, water, etc. no one should touch! And ideally, to see it. Only your energy should be on them.
  3. The words of a strong conspiracy for weight loss, which must be read during the ritual, must be memorized. As a last resort, read from a piece of paper without stuttering. If you mix up or forget the words, then nothing will most likely work, or in the worst case, it simply won’t help. But in black magic rituals anything can happen!
  4. Read the conspiracies and do everything with confidence! Believe in the help of higher powers, which will definitely help you lose extra pounds in yourself. Otherwise there will be no result.

Safety precautions

Compliance with certain rules when performing magical rituals significantly reduces the likelihood of negative consequences.

  • Monday and Friday are considered favorable days for weight loss rituals.
  • The real result is achieved by reading the plot during the waning moon.
  • The time that increases the effectiveness of the procedure is considered to be early morning or late night.
  • All rituals are performed only on an empty stomach, in silence.
  • The text should be learned by heart, reading in a whisper, without hesitation or pauses.
  • The result also depends on self-confidence and the correct internal state when performing a magical ritual.
  • The ritual is a sacrament, so keep the fact of it a secret so that your efforts are not wasted.

You should read the plot on an empty stomach.

Water spell

This is a very powerful conspiracy for weight loss. Water, as the best conductor of information, remembers what you convey to it. Program it for your health and rapid weight loss! This is Vanga’s plot to lose weight:

“Lord help, God bless, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. On the sea and ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a bed, on that sofa there is a feather bed, and on it lies a pig, and my fat is guarding me. The pig has three heads, five heads, seven heads, nine heads, and ten mouths. Eat my fat with one head, eat my fat with the second head, eat my fat with the third head... eat my fat with the eighth head. And the ninth head of the pig will eat up all my fat, take all the lard and excess weight for itself. Key, lock, tongue. As it is said, it will come true. Amen".

Now you need to drink what you have spoken. Repeat as needed for several days.

Rules for working with water

  1. Usually such rituals are done at dawn or after sunset, at night, before bed. But you can drink charmed water or tea several times a day.
  2. Everything must be done completely alone.
  3. Conspiracies are pronounced in a whisper.
  4. Focus on the desired goal, drive away all negative thoughts.
  5. Do not confuse the words of the spell or stammer, your voice should sound confident.

Food conspiracies

Very effective and convenient methods are rituals for different products. For example, an easy way: a plot to lose weight using an apple.

Apple hex

Option #1

This is an easy way for any beginner who wants to lose weight. Take an apple, read a prayer over it and eat it throughout the day. But you can’t eat anything else on this day! Repeat as needed.

Option No. 2

Another fairly common, but not undisputed method. Take a beautiful, large apple, without stains or flaws. Early in the morning, during the waning moon, tell him: “Round, red apple, help me lose weight. “Asmuren-nataren, I ask, I make a strong sacrifice, I will give what you take. Round, red apple, help me lose weight.” The apple is eaten with its seeds.

But keep in mind: giving what they will take is dangerous. You never know what they’ll want to take...

Vegetable oil slander

This is a very powerful conspiracy for weight loss. We work with sympathetic magic - the magic of similarity.

First of all, you need to prepare a bottle of vegetable oil and a container with soil if you live in an apartment. If you live “on the ground”, you don’t need to cook anything. On the 15th day of the waning moon, take this bottle and write on it: “My fat.” At night, say the words over the bottle:

“Butter, take my fat and keep it inside you.” You have formed a magical connection between your “fat” and the one in the bottle.

Gradually, day after day, over 14 days, pour the oil from the bottle into the ground, either into a container, or, if possible, outside. Read the following weight loss plot at night:

“The fat leaves the body and goes into the ground. The earth will accept suffering and reduce my weight.”

The last portion of oil should be poured on the new moon. The used bottle and container with soil can now be thrown away.

It is very good if you see the waning night light through the window during the ceremony. And keep in mind, on all days of the ceremony, eat less fatty foods and reduce sweets. And a month after completion too.

Weight loss spells with objects

A spell for weight loss can be done on objects that have magical properties or are good at preserving energy. The most powerful ritual will be the one that is accompanied by faith in its result.

On a candle

Only a church candle is suitable for the ritual. If you listen to the morning service while holding it in your hands, the power of the conspiracy will increase. The ceremony is carried out in the evening twilight. They place the candle on a piece of white cloth and whisper:

“My fat, go away with the Moon, take, Moon, my fullness and make me slim and thin.”

After the spell, light the wick and burn the candle completely. The remains are wrapped in material and stored among your belongings.

You can watch another weight loss ritual with a wax candle in the video:

On the red thread

The red thread will help you get rid of the hated kilograms. First you should write the following lines on a piece of paper:




13 26 79


Then the sheet is folded in four. At sunset, in a room whose windows face the east, holding a piece of paper in your hands, clearly pronounce over it 9 times:

“It’s the pig who gets fat, not the servant of God (her name).”

After the spell, the paper is tied with a red woolen thread and buried in the ground (you can use flower soil in a pot for this).

For a doll

The doll for the ceremony must be made with your own hands. To do this, use material such as hay, wax or fabric scraps. The doll should preserve the energy of a person who wants to get rid of excess weight. Only in this case will the plot take effect within 2 days.

It is important to keep in mind: the enchanted doll must be carefully stored; it must not be thrown away or lost, nor should it be given or given to other people.

The following words are whispered over a homemade doll alone:

“I pinch the sides - I expel fat, I remove lard - I kill gluttony, small food is good for the stomach.”

If you no longer need to lose weight, you can get rid of the doll in two ways:

  1. Burn at night at an intersection away from residential buildings.
  2. Destroy using fire in the cemetery.

This procedure should not be performed in the presence of other people.

On the comb

The comb is involved in many rituals, including those for weight loss, because this item is constantly fueled by human energy. The ritual is performed during the period when the Moon is waning. The day of the comb spell should not coincide with a holiday or fall on a Sunday.

A spell done on Thursday or Friday will have the greatest power.

The comb must belong to the person performing the ceremony. It is possible to buy a new one and charge it with your own energy (to do this, you need to comb it for 5-7 minutes).

The object is placed between 2 burning candles and left for 10 minutes, after the specified time has elapsed the following words are spoken:

“Let the fat go away like lice are combed out with a comb. Let the weight of (person's name) disappear like nits disappear. Let the pig plump and grow fat, and let (the person’s name) body lose weight and become prettier! Amen".

By combing your hair every morning, you can soon feel the effect of losing extra pounds. It is better to store the charmed comb under the pillow.

For soap

For the ritual, it is better to buy a new bar of white or transparent soap. In the future, only the person who performed the ritual will be able to use it. Taking the soap in their hands, they whisper over it:

“As if I’ll run soap over your body, I’ll burn all your sagging fat to hell. I’ll lose a lot of weight, I’ll lose weight, and I’ll glorify this conspiracy in my thoughts. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

In the future, every day after eating you need to soap your hands and then rinse them thoroughly. The fat will go away with soap and water.

The peculiarity of this ritual is that it only works in cases where a person does not want to gain weight anymore, wanting to maintain the existing weight.

Spells for lunar phases

In order not to waste extra energy and to make weight loss more effective, do not forget to perform rituals on certain days. Remember that on the waning moon, rituals are performed to get rid of something: excess weight, negativity, loneliness, etc. And conspiracies for weight loss should be read precisely in the waning phase.

During the waxing moon, rituals are performed to attract what is needed. For example, having received an effect using a weight loss plot, they use the growth phase to consolidate the result. So, if the plot does not directly say at what time the weight loss plot should be read, time the action to coincide with the waning phase.

But there are several rituals specifically on the waxing moon. Here a person, as it were, forms a real magical connection between his excess weight and the moon. And the moon grows due to excess fat. That is, fat decreases, and the lunar disk increases.

Rituals dedicated to the full moon also usually use its last day, when the moon, having gained all its power, begins to decrease. Your problem should also decrease along with it.

Important! All instruments for rituals must be prepared BEFORE the required phase.

Waning moon spell

Wait for the waning phase of the moon, pour water into the container, read over it 7 times:

“The moon is waning, and I am losing weight; the moon is growing, adding my fullness to its own. Whatever extra I have, let it dissolve, fly away, evaporate! To the moon, to the sun, to the steppe, to the field! And it will remain there forever and ever. Amen!"

The container sits for a week, and then, on the new moon, start drinking a little from it. Repeat as needed.

Waxing moon spell

With this ritual, you “connect” to our night luminary - the moon seems to grow at the expense of your fat reserves. Before going to bed, pour a glass of water, preferably melt or spring water, and read the plot for weight loss:

“The moon is growing, and I’m losing weight. Let her be full and round, and let me become slim and good, cheerful and thin. And let the Moon take all my fat and leave it from me. My word is strong, so be it. Amen".

This should be done for several days until the lunar disk increases, preferably at night.

Spell on objects

You can charm not only food, but also all kinds of household items. Here, for example, is a plot for effective weight loss using a comb.

The ritual is done at night. You need to take a wooden comb. Light two candles and focus for a while on your ideal figure - imagine yourself beautiful and slim. Then read the spell on the comb:

“The comb is good at combing out lice, and the fat will go away! The nits evaporate quickly, and so would my weight! The dirty pig gets fat and fat, but my body gets better and thinner! Amen".

Comb your hair and let the spell work.

Conspiracies of famous healers

In addition to folk rituals, there are also “nominal” rituals and conspiracies offered by famous healers and healers.

Vanga's strong conspiracy: for weight loss

Among Vanga’s advice, we will now highlight tips for losing weight. First of all, she said that you need to read conspiracies on the waning moon or on the full moon (when the moon was just about to decrease).

Ritual with prayer

Read the “Our Father” three times on the waning moon before going to bed. You need to look at the lunar disk itself. After the prayer, read the whisper for weight loss: “Just as the moon gradually wanes, my excess weight and fat flies away. Amen".

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer Stepanova for weight loss

Conspiracies for all occasions from Natalya Stepanovna have now gained great popularity. They cure many diseases, improve life, and solve many problems. The Siberian healer's conspiracies for weight loss have good reviews.

Conjure your appetite so you don’t want to eat too much:

“The Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ, Not in a ditch, not in a ditch, The bird carried in its mouth not a piece of lard, But an empty ear of corn. So I wouldn’t eat the lard of God’s servant (name). Amen. Lord, how can I not stuff the sky into my mouth, the servant of God (name), so that I don’t have to eat a big piece. Amen".

A strong conspiracy to lose weight using dough:

“The dough rises, the body shrinks, the pig becomes overgrown with lard, and the fat will come off the servant of God (name). The month wanes, the body subsides, the body melts. As the month wanes, so does God’s servant (name)’s body melt. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The dough conjured in this way is not eaten themselves, but is quickly given to the pig.

Spells from magicians

Previously, rituals and spells for weight loss were performed by healers and healers. Now any woman can use the recipes of famous magicians, soothsayers and healers.

From Vanga

Vanga's spell for weight loss should be performed on a full moon at about 12 o'clock at night. Taking a new candle in your hands, you should say:

“The candle is losing weight, and (person’s name) is also losing weight. The candle has burned out, (person’s name) is intact, full of strength and energy.”

After repeating the spell 7 times, light the candle and let it burn out. Afterwards, the remains are wrapped in white cloth and hidden in a secret place. Vanga warned that if the remains of the candle were found by an enemy, he would be able to perform a ritual for completeness, and it would be more difficult to get rid of the kilograms.

From Natalia Stepanova

The Siberian healer's conspiracies for weight loss contain the following requirements: you need to take a crystal vase, a new box of matches, clean water, and a thread of blue wool. To perform the ritual, you should stand on the street and look at the Moon until its image begins to blur before your eyes. The moon should be in its waning phase and clearly visible.

Afterwards, you need to turn around yourself, with your back to the night luminary, and whisper 9 times:

“From this night and minute, Mother Moon decreases, and the weight melts, the fullness disappears. It goes down, the fat melts. The plump queen of the night will be thin during the month, but her fatness will completely melt away. Amen".

After the words have been spoken, you need to return home, pour water prepared in advance into a vase, throw 3 burning matches into it and once again say the words of the spell 9 times directly over the vessel. The blue thread should be tied in the shape of a number 8 near the middle and ring fingers. They leave it at this place for 7 days, then burn it and scatter the ashes in the wind. The spoken water should be used to wipe those places that you want to reduce in volume.

Another conspiracy for weight loss from healer Natalya Stepanova is done in the last 3 days before the new moon. The ritual is performed before bedtime. They pour water into a glass, sit in front of it and, looking at the surface of the water, say three times:

“Water will get into me and displace what is unnecessary, take away from my body, and add to my beauty. The moon leaves and takes the excess with it. When the new moon is born, a new life will begin for me. Amen".

With the last words they drink the water and go to bed. The ritual must be performed at least 3 days in a row at the same time. If you keep your actions a secret, the kilograms will begin to fall off within a few days.

Black magic conspiracies

These methods are recommended only for those who are familiar with black magic. Beginners have nothing to do here, these are serious things!

In black magic there are such things as kickback and payback. Pay-off is payment for a service. You pay a repairman if he repairs your refrigerator, right? So here, you asked some forces for help, if you please, pay. The more important the request, the higher the fee. If you don’t pay voluntarily, they will take the payment themselves. This is called a rollback. Sometimes it happens if the magician did something wrong. So think about whether you should get involved with this.

A very powerful spell for weight loss

To remove fat, during the waning moon phase, buy a piece of lard the size of your fist, do not haggle or take change. The lard must be wrapped in natural fabric. In the evening, when you get ready to sleep, rub this lard on problem areas and say the following curse:

“Just as they removed the fat from a pig, so I remove the fat from myself. Just as a pig lost weight without lard, so I will lose weight without my lard. Just as lard will no longer grow on a pig, so my lard will not return to me. I skim off my own lard and put it into this piece. Let my lard remain in it and never return to me. Let it be so!"

Wrap the piece back in the rag and tie it with a cross with black thread. In the morning, take off your nightgown and wrap the bundle in it. Wrap the resulting bag crosswise with black thread. Now this “thing” can be thrown to the enemy’s doorstep with the words:

“The lard disappeared from me, and my lard and the pig’s lard passed onto you (name). For me to lose weight, for you to become fat"

Spit on the enemy's door 3 more times. If this cannot be done, bury the package in the ground at a pedestrian intersection. And say:

“The fat came off me and went into the ground.”

When leaving, leave the ransom there!

Spell on green onions

Take three feathers of fresh green onions. And say the cherished words:

“Godomun-meregach, help, rescue me. I’ll lose weight, my father, help me, I want to lose weight. Godomun-meregach, I will pay any price, help me.”

This is a very powerful conspiracy; you can lose weight quickly. But the payoff can be serious, keep this in mind.

Another ancient method is called translation. This is an effective spell to lose weight quickly. You can transfer everything: excess fat, illness, negativity. They transfer it to a tree, animals, a pig is best suited, to people. But keep in mind, here the payoffs can be big! And rollback if something happens - too. And don't forget about the consequences.

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