Intuitive eating consultant Elena Kalen and her weight loss diet

Elena Kalen has developed an intuitive diet for weight loss. The principle of the method is that those losing weight should not rely on a strict daily routine, but solely on the signals of their own body - satiety and hunger. The rest of the diet is based on following standard recommendations: drink at least 2 liters of water per day or green tea, replace fatty foods with lean ones, eat a lot of vegetables, do not overeat, etc.

The weight loss marathon takes place in three stages - rethinking the attitude towards food, reviewing eating habits, and introducing physical activity. As a result, not only weight changes, but also the attitude towards food as such.

Basic principles of a diet for weight loss from Elena Kalen

There are a number of basic principles of the weight loss diet from Elena Kalen:

  • Every day you need to drink 2 liters of clean water, in addition to which you can only take green tea;
  • alcoholic beverages, coffee and other liquids are completely prohibited;
  • vegetables should be added instead of various side dishes, and fatty meat products should be replaced with lean ones;
  • preference should be given to boiled, baked and steamed products rather than those that have been fried using oil;
  • It is strictly forbidden to overeat, and food intended for each of the meals must be packaged in small portions.

In addition, the technique helps by teaching:

  • set goals for yourself and achieve what you want;
  • consciously update your life schedule, including nutrition.

All these basic rules are aimed at ensuring that the participant is able to understand the signals of his body, relate differently to the world around him and life in general, and change the way he eats.

We recommend reading the article about Elena Malysheva’s diet. From it you will learn what you can and cannot eat to lose weight, the diet menu, and also how to lose belly fat at home. And here is more information about Skulkina’s diet.

Main aspects of the technique

In his book “Beautiful Habits. Beautiful body" Elena recommends not to succumb to the tricks of the subconscious, which will push you to breakdowns for one reason or another , but to set a clear, clear, and most importantly, achievable goal, and go towards it without any exceptions. This rule should become your habit: learn to set goals and achieve them, on the contrary, checking the fulfillment box in your notebook.

Thus, Elena advises introducing good habits, replacing them with bad ones , those that interfere with the implementation of your plans. According to the author, it is working on habits that will lead you to your desired goal . She explains this by saying that habit is nothing more than regularity, and regular good habits can lead you to excellent results .

Regular good habits can lead you to excellent results.

Further, when the stage of awareness and acceptance of the need is safely completed, you can introduce real actions, namely: balancing your diet and including physical activity. Here Elena also notes the importance of 8 hours of sleep , explaining that lack of sleep can cause metabolic failure and, as a result, ruin your figure with extra pounds.

The marathon calls for a gradual, conscious inclusion of innovations. The same goes for physical activities. To begin with, it is recommended to include walks, active house cleaning and morning exercises in your daily schedule. The main thing is that all this is done regularly . Next, you can include classes in the gym or your favorite sport: tennis, dancing, running.

It is recommended to include walks, active house cleaning and morning exercises in your daily schedule.

The most difficult stage after internal work on yourself is to turn a balanced diet into action. This is often difficult, since, most likely, it will be necessary to change the entire rhythm and routine of the day . Getting used to eating the way you ate before, it is very difficult to leave your comfort zone and start moving towards your goal.

Elena Kalen also suggests gradually introducing new eating habits.

Elena Kalen also suggests gradually introducing new eating habits.

  1. To begin with, make it a rule to drink 2 liters of clean water a day . It will be difficult the first time, especially if you are not used to drinking water during the day. Marathon participants are advised to start with a liter and gradually increase the volume until you reach 2 liters per day.
  2. Try to replace your regular food with low-calorie food : replace side dishes with vegetables, fatty fish with white fish, and fried foods with steamed dishes. Here you can follow the rules for proper nutrition. Elena does not have a specific nutrition system.
  3. Eat several times a day, in small portions. This rule is also advice on proper, healthy eating.

Since the main goal of the training is to generate inside every woman and girl the seed of positive thinking, a positive attitude towards oneself and love for one’s body, one of the main rules in the marathon is a positive attitude towards everything around you . This is the only way you can achieve your goal.

The main goal of the training is to generate within every woman and girl the seed of positive thinking, a positive attitude towards oneself and love for one’s body.

Elena Kalen and her diet, losing weight with the help of a beauty and slimness marathon is another way to try to change your life for the better . From a huge list of options, everyone will choose the one that suits them and perhaps “Beautiful habits. Beautiful body" - this is exactly your option!

If you decide to try the technique on yourself, then finding information will not be difficult; any search engine will display a lot of information that will be useful to you for the query “Elena Kalen diet weight loss”.

Find out right now how to get the body you want in 2 weeks. The most effective diet and reviews about it.

Marathon stages for weight loss from Elena Kalen

There are only three stages of the weight loss marathon from Elena Kalen, each of which involves achieving one of the goals:

  1. The first, which is aimed at completely rethinking your relationship with food. Often, during times of stress, people try to treat themselves to something harmful, such as sweets, smoked foods or fatty foods. The counselor suggests realizing that food is not a reward or a way to improve your current mood. In this way, the possibility of relapse is prevented, because food is no longer considered praise or consolation.

  2. Next, at the second stage, existing eating habits are reviewed. Often, eating unhealthy foods becomes an integral part of life: watching TV after work is much more enjoyable with a pack of chips or crackers, as well as eating goodies in front of the monitor screen. By giving up such bad habits, you can achieve your desired weight.
  3. At the third stage, after a complete mental rethink, physical activity is introduced, which will help not only lose extra pounds, but also improve health . It doesn’t matter at all what the person losing weight does (it could be running, walking up the stairs, morning exercises or walking in the fresh air), the main thing is to perform the actions with pleasure and joy.

Pros and cons of Elena Kalen's weight loss program

Benefits of the weight loss program from Elena Kalen:

  • the result achieved thanks to the intuitive technique can be preserved for a long time;
  • there is a complete restructuring of thinking and attitude towards yourself and your body;
  • by eliminating fatty and unhealthy foods, you can improve your health;
  • the diet does not require adherence to a strict diet - you can create your own nutrition;
  • There are no age restrictions or restrictions, since such weight loss will be useful at any period of life.

Disadvantages: during the marathon you will have to work on your habits, make efforts and introduce physical activity into your daily plan. Unfortunately, many people are simply too lazy to change anything in their lives, so their method is repulsive.

Balanced diet

This stage usually causes the most difficulties. It's not that difficult to set a goal and go towards it. It is more difficult to change established rules of behavior and food consumption. The first rule of Elena Kalen’s diet is to drink plenty of fluids. This means that a person losing weight needs to drink at least 2 liters of purified water per day. If such an amount is too much for you, you can start with one liter, gradually increasing the volume.

Elena's diet is very close to fractional meals. It is necessary to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, avoiding overeating. It is better to replace fatty foods with low-calorie foods, fried with boiled and steamed. It is necessary to exclude sweets and flour products.

The main goal of the training is to generate inside every woman and girl the seed of positive thinking, a positive attitude towards oneself and love for one’s body. Elena Kalen and her diet, losing weight with the help of a beauty and slimness marathon is another way to try to change your life for the better.

Diet menu for weight loss for a week from Elena Kalen

The peculiarity of this intuitive diet for weight loss from Elena Kalen is that there is no strictly defined diet, so you can choose your own menu for the week and day , but there are a number of recommended dishes and products for five different meals.

Eating Recommended dishes
  • omelette or boiled egg;
  • oatmeal or rice porridge;
  • cottage cheese casserole, possibly with berries;
  • fruit salad.
  • green tea with a piece of cheese;
  • a small portion of berries;
  • apple, pear, peach, kiwi or grapefruit.
  • broth with vegetables;
  • buckwheat porridge with chicken;
  • rice with herbs and steamed fish;
  • chicken soup;
  • vegetable stew with turkey;
  • fish with broccoli and lettuce;
  • zucchini puree with chicken;
  • stewed cabbage and turkey cutlets.
Afternoon snack
  • cheese casserole;
  • yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk;
  • apricot juice and a small portion of berries;
  • cabbage or carrot salad.
  • vegetable salad;
  • cottage cheese with berries;
  • vegetable omelette;
  • stewed cabbage with a piece of fish;
  • chicken breast and steamed broccoli;
  • vegetable casserole.

How to maintain weight after

You can maintain the weight achieved through intuitive eating only if you continue to follow the rules that Elena Kalen suggests: even after finishing the marathon, you should listen to your body’s signals, do not overeat and give up alcohol, fatty and fried foods . This approach will help you fix the desired number on the scales or reduce it even further.

Before and after weight loss following the Elena Kalen marathon

How to save the result

When a person has lost extra pounds, he is recommended to continue to adhere to the nutrition program offered by Elena Kalen to maintain the result.

Even when the marathon comes to an end, compliance with its rules is required, including no overeating, avoidance of alcoholic beverages, fatty foods and fried foods. With this approach, a person who has lost weight will be able to maintain the result obtained or reduce weight to the desired level.

A solution for those who are tired of restricting themselves in food, dying in the gym and risking their health using dubious weight loss methods.

Elena Kalen, author and host of the marathon

A solution for those who are tired of limiting themselves in food, suffering in the gym and risking their health using dubious weight loss methods.

Elena Kalen has developed an intuitive diet for weight loss. The principle of the method is that those losing weight should not rely on a strict daily routine, but solely on the signals of their own body - satiety and hunger. The rest of the diet is based on following standard recommendations: drink at least 2 liters of water per day or green tea, replace fatty foods with lean ones, eat a lot of vegetables, do not overeat, etc.

The weight loss marathon takes place in three stages - rethinking the attitude towards food, reviewing eating habits, and introducing physical activity. As a result, not only weight changes, but also the attitude towards food as such.

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