Elena Stepanenko: “Minus 46 kilograms and no plastic surgery”

Biography of Elena Stepanenko

The Russian pop star was born in Volgograd in 1953 into a working-class family. Elena's parents were ordinary people. My father worked as a cook, and after that he went to a factory. And my mother was a hairdresser in demand throughout the city, a wonderful master of her craft.

Elena's acting talent was noticed in childhood. That's why she joined the drama club. During her school years, she loved to sing and dance, and perform in front of her peers. There were always performances on the street under her leadership. And in the 10th grade, the future artist performed a rather difficult role in the production of a serious play. All this became a kind of impetus for the acting future. She studied at the local art school where the future star entered for only a year, then decided to go and conquer the capital and entered GITIS.

After graduation, the future humorous Russian pop star worked in a theater group. There she met Yevgeny Petrosyan, the leader of this group. Sympathy immediately arose between the young people, which later developed into marriage and a strong family. Elena left her husband for Evgeniy and worked in his team for a long time. Since 1979, the artist has gained popularity. The Soviet audience fell in love with her, and her interesting monologues caused a storm of applause. Family happiness lasted more than 25 years. Unfortunately, in 2021, an official statement about the couple’s divorce appeared.

Secrets of losing weight from a popular artist

After the audience saw the artist at her anniversary concert, there were a lot of rumors about why Elena Stepanenko lost weight. The yellow press wrote that this was due to stress and separation from her husband Yevgeny Petrosyan. There were options that she had plastic surgery, was sick with a serious illness, and a lot of other unverified information. In fact, everything is much simpler - the artist looked at herself in the mirror and realized that she did not like her reflection. The comedian decided to pull herself together and get her body in order. And even after 50 years, you need to be more careful about your health, since excess weight only provokes the development of diseases. Agree that this is a great decision, because now Elena looks amazing.

The doctor revealed the secret of Elena Stepanenko’s slimness and youth. Photo: Russia 1

Lately, everyone has been gossiping about Elena Stepanenko’s unexpected transformation. And if ordinary spectators and colleagues in show business shower Yevgeny Petrosyan’s ex-wife with compliments, then cunning society columnists are trying to sniff out the secret of the beauty of the 67-year-old artist.

It seems that Elena Stepanenko did not look so impressive even in her youth. It all started with severe weight loss. The ex-wife of Yevgeny Petrosyan lost 42 kilograms in a year.

The celebrity said in an interview: “Before I lost weight, I weighed a lot. 110 kilograms with a height of 168 centimeters. Now I weigh 68 kilograms. I lost weight in one year. And for two years now I’ve been maintaining this weight, plus or minus two or three kilograms... My know-how. I once bought some amazing cabbage pies at the deli. She bit off, chewed, chewed, chewed until there was no goodness left in her mouth, and spat it out . So I ate two pies. I actually spat them out, but the taste remained in my mouth, and I was full.”

It's no secret that after losing weight, older people face unpleasant consequences - excess skin. They arise due to loss of elasticity and tone, including on the face.

“Whether it was a strict diet or bariatric surgery is anyone’s guess. Sudden weight loss immediately has a negative impact on your appearance: your face doesn’t just look haggard, but rather even sagging. And this, naturally, adds age. But, as we see, Elena coped with this problem perfectly,” said plastic surgeon Madina Bayramukova, looking at photographs of Elena Grigorievna.

The doctor assures that the artist could have resorted to a number of expensive procedures . “We can definitely say that Stepanenko had blepharoplasty. Her eyes opened up, the drooping upper eyelid went away, the pastiness and swelling in the lower eyelid area decreased,” Sobesednik.Ru quotes the specialist.

Probably, it could not have happened without liposuction of the double chin. “Perhaps, simultaneously with the lifting, a lift of the neck and lower third of the face took place. Age-related problems and the presence of excess soft tissue due to excess weight could be solved thanks to a facelift,” continues the surgeon.

According to her, the artist looks great. Now you can't give her more than 50 years . All of the above manipulations are expensive. Such a transformation costs at least a million rubles.

However, Stepanenko cannot stop there. The star needs to pay special attention to hardware procedures. They will help improve the quality of your skin. And this is also a lot of money.

“First of all, we are talking about hardware lifting. Also, do not forget about laser resurfacing. To saturate the skin with essential nutrients and moisturize, a bioreparation procedure can be recommended. Hyaluronic acid, as well as peptides and other important components, are designed to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin to maintain beauty and youth,” the expert concluded.

Divorce between Petrosyan and Stepanenko: this is not a joke

Advice from Elena Stepanenko for those who want to lose weight

  1. The artist herself admits that if it were not for the support of her husband, she would not have coped. Therefore, it is important that your family and friends support and help you.
  2. “You can’t suddenly change your dietary rules—you need to gradually switch to healthy foods. And you shouldn’t believe that some miracle supplements will help you lose weight. Even if after them you really lose weight, then after you stop taking them, the unwanted kilograms will return again,” says Elena Stepanenko, who has lost weight. And you can listen to her words, because in the photo of 2018 we see the amazing results of her diet.
  3. One of the main rules is your firm intention to lose weight and get in shape. Without this desire, no diet will help you in this matter. It is quite difficult to eat this way for a long time. But if you can develop healthy eating habits, then sticking to the specified diet in the future will not be difficult.
  4. The comedian is sure that at any weight a woman should look elegant and glow from the inside, then you will look charming on the outside too.

First result

So how did Elena Stepanenko manage to lose weight and what is the secret of her diet, thanks to which the woman today appeared on screens not only thinner, but also younger?

For the first time, Elena Stepanenko managed to lose weight in Bavaria. Therapeutic fasting is practiced there, and special droppers are installed to replenish valuable components for the body. After the full course, the artist really lost a lot of weight. However, according to her, this was achieved with great difficulty.

The reason why Elena Stepanenko lost weight is obvious in this case, but the artist no longer intended to endure such torment. Moreover, the result did not last, and the body began to gain excess weight again, as soon as one returned to the previous diet.

Photos before and after the change

Elena Stepanenko's diet for weight loss at home

We have compiled for you a list of foods that you can eat at every meal. By combining these products, you will get a varied and healthy menu. Plus add green tea, carrot juice and plenty of mineral water to these products.


  • pureed cereals (rice, buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal),
  • biscuits or bran breads,
  • omelette,
  • low-fat yogurt,
  • a handful of dried fruits,
  • nuts,
  • fruit.


  • egg,
  • skim cheese,
  • fruit salad with lemon juice,
  • grapefruit,
  • orange,
  • apple,
  • prunes.


  • lean vegetable soup with rye bread,
  • borscht in lean broth with croutons,
  • boiled fish and rice,
  • baked chicken fillet and vegetable salad,
  • turkey fillet,
  • vegetables baked with fish,
  • cabbage and onion salad, boiled chicken breast.


  • a fresh vegetable salad,
  • a pair of eggs,
  • spinach,
  • cucumber salad,
  • low-fat cottage cheese,
  • fruit (grapefruit, orange, pomegranate),
  • baked turkey fillet.


  • baked vegetables,
  • boiled chicken meat,
  • boiled rice and beef,
  • vegetable stew,
  • egg, grilled vegetables,
  • baked zucchini with cauliflower and mushrooms,
  • buckwheat and boiled beef.

And in order to lose weight even faster, it is better to undergo training from professionals, from those who themselves have achieved a slim figure and have helped many people do this.

For me, such a person is Doctor of Biological Sciences Galina Nikolaevna Grossmann.

Elena Stepanenko’s method is in many ways similar to her technique.

6 steps of healthy weight loss – free practical video course.

Duration of training – 6 days.

Presenter – G. N. Grossmann:

  • Head of the Center for Healthy Weight Loss, Tallinn, Estonia;
  • in the system of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1974–1989, developer of life support systems for Soviet cosmonauts (including their proper nutrition in flight);
  • The average result of those losing weight is minus 9.2 kg of fat per month.

300 people took part in the experiment. After 4 weeks of the first video session, each of them lost 8 to 23 kg of fat.

To start watching the course, you need to enter your name and email, and the video lessons will be sent to your email.

Diet review

Tatyana, 57 years old

When I saw a photo from 2021 in which my beloved Elena Stepanenko had lost so much weight, I was amazed. And she decided to find out what kind of miracle method helped her. I’ve been trying to eat the same way as her for two weeks now. My husband is surprised, during this time I lost 7 kg and began to feel much more energetic and lighter.

Video about the actress losing weight

What happened to Elena Stepanenko - she lost a lot of weight

Those who have been following her biography for a long time are well aware that Petrosyan’s wife has never been skinny. And the photo of the actress twenty years ago confirms this. Elena has always been distinguished by her love of life and, probably, a good appetite, judging by the appearance of the actress. However, Stepanenko tried to fight this.

The TV star went on various diets, but it didn’t work out well. The star did not and could not “mock the body” for a long time, as she herself put it. As a result, the extra pounds returned again. For the last 10 years, the famous comedian has been at one time and even openly stated that she considers curvy figures attractive, and that this is almost the main beauty of a woman. In 2018, everything changed.

In one of the interviews, the star admitted that she was tired of being overweight - with age, carrying extra pounds became much harder, she began to physically feel the extra weight. My heart began to play pranks, the actress said. And if earlier her obesity hardly bothered her, and Elena’s popularity, as you know, did not suffer from this at all, now, when a threat to her health appeared, the star switched to decisive action.

Elena Stepanenko has now lost weight - now it’s really noticeable. She still looks elegant, but she buys things several sizes smaller. At her age, Elena Stepanenko lost more than 20 kilograms. Not everyone can boast of such a result after fifty - metabolic processes slow down, and intense physical activity is no longer possible for everyone.

The transformation was very unexpected and intrigued everyone - Elena Stepanenko lost a lot of weight. How did she do it? What diet did Elena Stepanenko lose weight on?

How did Elena Stepanenko manage to lose weight?

According to an unconfirmed version, a nutritionist worked with Elena - a special menu was developed for the star, selected taking into account her body. She was advised to exclude flour and fatty foods, and to eat foods strictly in a certain sequence.

The star eats 5–6 times a day in small portions and does not combine carbohydrates and proteins in one meal. That is, for example, from now on meat and potatoes or a cutlet with pasta are prohibited. The basis of the diet is fruits, vegetables, cereals and meat, but not together, but separately.

According to most nutritionists, the reason for excess weight often lies precisely in the inability to combine foods with each other. And, of course, overeating. Almost all obese people are guilty of this. If you change the psychology of nutrition, you can easily cope with fat deposits, without even depriving yourself of small gastronomic joys.

Diet of Elena Petrosyan-Stepanenko

Elena Stepanenko lost a lot of weight, and her age forced her to start eating right. She told reporters that for the first 20 days of the diet, she drank exclusively tea in the morning, and consumed food starting in the afternoon.

Sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast – oatmeal on water with fruit, omelette, dietary bran cookies, natural yogurt, nuts (to choose from)
  • Snack – fruits (except grapes, bananas), nuts, freshly squeezed juices
  • Lunch – boiled or grilled lean meat, chicken breast, vegetable soups, fish baked with vegetables, carrot juice (optional)
  • Evening snack – low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs
  • Dinner - boiled beef with buckwheat, baked vegetables - cauliflower, zucchini, boiled rice, boiled fish, stewed cabbage, turkey fillet (your choice).

How much weight has Elena Stepanenko lost?

Elena Stepanenko has lost 28 kg and is successfully maintaining the weight. To get rid of extra pounds correctly and not return to previous volumes, the star advises following simple recommendations suggested by her nutritionist.

Secrets of slimness and beauty from Elena Stepanenko:

  • Stop eating salt
  • Replace mayonnaise and fatty sauces with healthy salad dressings
  • Drink more fluids (water, unsweetened black or green tea, herbal teas)
  • Eat small meals, 5 – 6 times a day
  • Eliminate sugar, replace it with dried fruits and honey
  • Eliminate any food products containing dangerous trans fats (list of products and harm from their consumption in this article)
  • Do not eat after 18-00
  • Once a week – fasting day on apples or kefir
  • Avoid frying in oil - cook only in a double boiler or on the grill, eat boiled foods.

Elena Stepanenko lost weight: before and after photos

Elena Stepanenko lost weight: photos from the Internet that surprised everyone

Elena Stepanenko BEFORE losing weight

Thinner Elena Stepanenko photo 2018

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