Is it possible to lose 1 kg in a week? A kilogram of fat - how many calories is that?

In fact, losing weight is much easier than it seems. However, maintaining the achieved results and maintaining a stable weight is where the difficulty typical for many lies. Ultimately, a slim figure requires monitoring your food intake and regular exercise.

Plus, the weight loss strategy should be based on realistic expectations - no matter how much you want, it is impossible to lose 20 kg in a week. Below in the material we will talk about what you need to do to lose 1 kg in a week - and why experts consider this figure to be as safe as possible.

How to lose weight correctly - top tips

The first rule of losing weight is that losing weight quickly is dangerous. In fact, most recommendations¹ agree that a safe limit for weight loss is 3-4 kg per month - or losing about 1 kg of fat per week.

Note that in practice, people can record a higher figure - however, often we are talking about the loss of excess fluid (for example, during active sports). This weight returns quickly as soon as a person starts drinking more water.

Set a long-term goal

Losing 1 kg of fat in the first week is a great goal. But you need to understand what you will do in the second week, and then in the third, fourth and so on.

If you want to lose weight, together with a specialist, calculate the amount of excess weight, and then plan by month at what speed this weight should go away.

// How quickly should you lose weight - and how many kg can you safely lose in a month?

Don't give up food

Fasting or a sharp reduction in caloric intake activates the body's defense mechanisms - in particular, disrupting the production of hunger and satiety hormones.

Instead of giving up food (either carbohydrates, fats or other nutrients), watch their proportions - to lose weight, all you need is a moderate reduction in calories and a switch to proper nutrition.

// Should you eliminate carbohydrates when losing weight?

Cut down on ultra-processed foods

Candy, crackers, sweet pastries, ice cream, sausage, chips, pizza are just a few of the long list of ultra-processed foods available for consumption in ready-made form.

Often, these foods contain excess calories (in the form of fast carbohydrates and saturated fats) and salt—provoking overeating and often serving as a substitute for emotional support.

// Ultra-processed foods - list and what is the harm?

Make a smooth transition to sports

If you have never played sports, you don’t need to try to force your body to immediately fall in love with daily jogging or prolonged pedaling of a bicycle.

In the first week, start monitoring what your daily activity level is (for example, how many steps you take) - the very fact of monitoring will make you move more.

// Daily activity norms - by age

Find like-minded people

According to statistics, more than 30% of teenagers in Russia are overweight, and every 9th is obese. In other words, the problem of excess weight begins in the family.

But if family habits include dinner with cake while watching TV, they need to be changed. Moreover, through joint efforts.

// How to lose weight for a teenager?

How to lose 1 kg per week

In order to lose 1 kg in a week, it is not necessary to take special pills. You cannot choose a strict diet that includes only 1 product, for example, milk. The likelihood that a person will not survive is very high. You should not eat any food several hours before bedtime. Instead of tea or coffee, for any method of losing weight, it is better to drink a lot of purified water, at least 2 liters per day.

You can replace fatty pork and beef with lean fish. You need to eat a lot of fruits: apples, pineapples, plums, pears, peaches. Alternatively, make juices or nectar from them. It is important to avoid drinks containing a lot of sugar and not to eat baked goods. It is worth looking for a replacement for buns, for example, eating dry bread or crackers. To get good results, you can combine training and a diet for weight loss.

Calculation of daily calorie intake for weight loss

How to effectively lose 1 kg in a week? You need to use a simple formula to determine the calorie intake per day: 655.1 + 9.563 x weight (kg) + 1.85 x height (cm) – 4.678 x age (years). To get a full calculation of calorie intake per day, you need to multiply the calculation result by the activity coefficient:

  • 1.2 – sedentary lifestyle;
  • 1,375 – training three times a week, for example, fitness;
  • 1.4625 – intensive fitness classes, at least 5 times a week;
  • 1,550 – any physical activity at least 5 times a week;
  • 1.6375 – regular fitness training for 7 days;
  • 1.725 – training in the morning and evening;
  • 1.9 – daily training, plus physical work.

Nutrition and drinking regime

The greater the intensity of the training, the better the organization of the drinking regime should be. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of fluid during regular cardio training. Especially when physical activity is combined with diet. Drinking regimen helps improve the functioning of internal organs and normalize blood pressure. Drinking water should not be too cold; a suitable temperature is 25 °C; you should drink no more than 250 ml every hour.

It is important to remember that drinking too much water places additional stress on the kidneys. Therefore, when the question is about how to lose 1 kg in a week, you need to think about the correct drinking regimen, including unsweetened drinks without carbon, it is better to have regular bottled water. Alternatively, you can use filtered tap water.

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Diet for losing weight by 1 kg per week

In order to look healthy, you need to eat right, especially when you are on a diet. On average, the body may not receive 500 kcal per day for healthy functioning. Even nutritionists do not recommend exceeding this limit. PP for losing weight by 1 kg is recommended to include low-calorie foods. It is also important that dishes should be eaten fresh and not kept in the refrigerator for several days. You need to eat at a certain time, avoiding small snacks.

Exercises to lose weight in a week

You can play sports at any age - it will help tighten your stomach and other parts of the body. Such people will be successful in losing weight. It is important to remember that it is never too late to start training. For those who do not have time to spend time in the gym, you can use passive sports. It involves the purchase of modern massagers designed specifically for weight loss. They come in different types (manual with removable attachments, universal, ultrasonic). With their help, you can gradually lose weight within 10 days.

Maintaining a sleep and rest schedule

It is known that during the period of losing weight you need to introduce certain restrictions into your daily routine. Alternatively, develop a proper sleep and rest schedule. For useful rest, you need to forbid yourself to go to bed after 23:00, ideally fall asleep at 22:00. To restore the energy spent during the day, you need to sleep 6 hours a day. It is important not to overeat before bed.

To lose weight you must adhere to these rules. The biological clock, like a stopwatch, counts a certain amount of time for active wakefulness and sleep. It is important to develop a clear daily routine that will help you lose extra pounds and improve your overall health. When waking up, you should not get out of bed abruptly: you need to let your body wake up for 5 minutes.

Quitting alcohol

To improve liver function, restore sleep, and lose weight, you need to completely eliminate alcohol from your life. By ignoring strong drinks, you can significantly reduce cholesterol levels and restore the functioning of all internal organs and their systems. Quitting alcohol while losing weight helps improve brain function, strengthen the immune system, improve skin condition, and normalize sleep. Improvement in well-being can be observed within a week.

How to lose 1 kg in a week. Hudet Doma How to quickly lose weight at home

Home » How to lose weight at home » Effective easy weight loss program from 1 kg per week

An effective easy weight loss program from 1 kg per week

We all want to look beautiful and finally get rid of those unfortunate extra pounds. But it is not safe to go on torture diets, and taking special diet pills can also have a detrimental effect on the body. Therefore, dear ladies, do not chase big weight loss, but lose weight moderately and gradually.

In this article we will tell you how to lose 1 kg per week, guided by an effective, safe and simple program. This set of procedures does not require physical or psychological stress and has no weight restrictions. Get ready to lose pounds in 7 days.

      Instructions for action

      You can start losing weight by 1 kg per week any day. Let's say, if you started exercising on Monday, then next Monday you can measure the result by weighing. The success of your event depends entirely on how conscientiously you follow our instructions.

      Make time for sports

      Sports can be:

    • active;
    • passive.

    If you are a regular visitor to the gym, then you should pay more attention to cardio exercises, such as a treadmill, bicycle, etc. Pumping up muscles in our case does not work, since the treasured kilograms are actively lost with running. But if it’s difficult for you to devote yourself to such exercises in the gym, and it’s very difficult to give up your usual strength training, do more repetitions with less weight. Remember, active behavior in the gym must last at least 30 minutes to achieve the effect.

    If you do not have time and money for such activities, then do physical exercises every day during the same time in front of the TV. In addition, you can replace the trip to work in a full and stuffy minibus with a walk. There is no need to run anywhere, just normal, calm walking. An excellent alternative would be house cleaning (up to 1 hour) or walking the dog. Remember, continuity only. If you take a break of even a few minutes, then classes should be resumed.

    Eat in your hands with a stopwatch

    You can eat anything you want at any time. The main thing is to follow one important rule - chew a portion for at least 60 seconds. To do this, use a stopwatch: put a piece in your mouth, time it for 60 seconds, then swallow.

    Liquid soups should not be consumed during this period. But if this is necessary, then use a teaspoon.

    We exclude alcohol.

    We all know that the “green snake” is a high-calorie thing. Therefore, for the period of the proposed course there is a complete ban on alcohol. In addition, 3 days from the start of the program, also refrain from using it. And no adding a couple of drops of cognac to tea or coffee.

    Proper sleep

    You cannot sleep more than 8 hours a day. Never fall asleep during the day. To regulate your sleep, set an alarm clock or ask your relatives to wake you up personally. If you suddenly want to sleep during the day, you can drink a cup of coffee or take a cold contrast shower, and you will see how your well-being and mood improve.


    You should not take any pills for cleansing, weight loss, or others. But we strongly recommend taking vitamins during the entire program. Any vitamins that suit your wallet will do, but B and C are best.

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