How to lose 7 kilograms in a week and get rid of your belly and thighs

Is it possible to lose 7 kilograms in a week, and also remove the hated fat from the stomach and thighs? Which method is most effective in combating fat in problem areas? Read more about everything in this article!

In fact, you can get rid of excess weight, as well as remove your belly and thighs in just 7 days. However, in order to achieve the desired result, an integrated approach is required. In other words, it is not enough to simply go on a strict diet or, worse, give up food altogether.

  • Firstly, in this case the weight will invariably return;
  • Secondly, such methods can be harmful to health;
  • And, thirdly, without physical exercise and special procedures, the once voluminous forms will become completely unattractive and turn into saggy and sagging skin.

Reasons for weight gain

Before you start fighting the hated kilograms, you need to find out where they actually come from. Only by eliminating all the causes listed below can the effect be changed. So, excess weight appears when:

  • overeating (it is the excess that the body stores “in reserve”);
  • poor nutrition (for example, consuming large amounts of sugar, which is converted into fat in the body);
  • age-related changes (due to menopause, the functioning of hormones is restructured, which leads to weight gain);
  • lack of sleep (lack of sleep leads to an energy deficit, which the body seeks to replenish by inhibiting metabolic processes);
  • stress (during stress, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which promotes fat accumulation).

It is necessary to fight all of the above problems at the same time. It is quite possible to limit your sugar intake, regulate your daily routine and finally start doing gymnastics. But there’s really nothing you can do about age-related changes. However, this does not mean that you can give up on yourself. It just takes older people a little longer to lose weight.

Prohibited Products

One of the main methods by which you can lose up to 7 kilograms in just one week is diet. Most experts argue that any weight loss system should be based on limiting, or better yet completely eliminating, some foods from the diet.

These products include:

  • flour products,
  • various sweet desserts,
  • carbonated drinks with sugar,
  • fatty and fried foods,
  • fast food.

The most effective diets for a week

However, most often, excluding the above products from the menu does not give the same effect as various nutrition programs tested by time and practice. Many of them are designed for up to 7 days and include a wide variety of dishes. Thanks to this, diets do not become boring, do not turn into hard labor and do not harm your health. From all the variety of food systems, everyone can choose for themselves the one that best suits their tastes, pace of life, temperament and other factors.

DietGeneral rulesNotesContraindications
Mono-dietsThe essence of all mono-diets comes down to eating one product for 7 days. The most popular mono-diets are: apple, kefir, oatmeal, buckwheat. In addition to the main product, during the mono-diet you can drink water, unsweetened tea, unsweetened coffee and a little honey. During the buckwheat diet, you are allowed to drink up to 1.5 liters of kefir. During kefir, you are allowed to eat boiled chicken breast and raw vegetables. Salt should be excluded. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver and gall bladder, diabetes mellitus, anemia, infectious bowel diseases, high or low blood pressure, pregnancy.
Estonian dietThe Estonian diet involves eating one product during one day: on Monday - boiled eggs (6 pcs.), on Tuesday - low-fat cottage cheese (1 kg), on Wednesday - boiled chicken breast (300 g), on Thursday - boiled rice. (300 gr.), on Friday - boiled potatoes (6 pcs.), on Saturday - sour apples (1 kg.), on Sunday - low-fat kefir (1.5 l.).In addition to the main product, you can drink water and unsweetened tea during the diet. Salt should be excluded. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver and gall bladder, diabetes mellitus, anemia, infectious bowel diseases, high or low blood pressure, pregnancy.
Mixed dietWith a mixed diet, the week is divided into 4 parts: 2 days of protein (eggs, chicken breast, turkey fillet, fish, cottage cheese, kefir), 2 days of carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, grains), 2 days of fasting (on the first fasting day - at intervals at 2.5-3 hours eat only kefir, on the second fasting day - only apples), day 1 - repeat the menu of any of the previous days.In addition to basic foods, you can drink water, unsweetened tea, and unsweetened coffee during the diet.Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver and gall bladder, diabetes mellitus, anemia, infectious bowel diseases, high or low blood pressure, pregnancy.


Correct diagnosis of the disease is very important, since treatment is prescribed based on its results. It is established based on a survey and examination of the patient by a doctor and additional examination data, including:

  • Laboratory tests - general and biochemical blood tests, urine tests; immunological blood tests, rheumatoid factor;
  • Instrumental studies:
      radiography of the spine;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography (MRI or CT);
  • radioisotope scintigraphy – performed at the slightest suspicion of oncological pathology.

But even with a full examination, it is not always possible to identify or exclude one or another cause of pain.

Menu for a week for losing weight on the stomach and thighs

Here is a table with a menu for the week, which, together with physical exercise, will help you quickly remove fat from your stomach and thighs.

*Breakfast (10:00)Lunch (13:00)Afternoon tea (15:00)Dinner (18:00)
Mon1 egg (preferably soft-boiled), a slice of whole grain breadserving of vegetable soup150 g cottage cheeseHalf boiled chicken breast, chopped vegetables
WGranular cottage cheeseQuinoa, broccoli, beef stewOrange1 egg, a serving of any legumes, 1 cucumber
WedSteam omelet from 2 eggs, breadTuna with green peasBananaPortion of beef with stewed vegetables
ThuA serving of rice porridge with pieces of fruit or dried fruitVegetable stew, cod fillet1 sweet pepper, 150 ml yogurt3 jacket potatoes with herbs.
FriOatmeal with berriesCanned beans, steamed turkeyPeachHalf a boiled breast, greens.
SatProtein pancakes with spinach, coffeeBrown rice, cauliflower, chicken filletPearStewed veal, sliced ​​cucumbers and tomatoes
SunBoiled eggs - 2 pcs. Green tea Low-fat chicken soup, beef stewAppleCucumber and tomato salad with vegetable oil

This menu is just an example that you can adapt to your needs.

How to lose belly fat without exercise

There are many effective ways to help you lose belly fat at home without exercise. They bring the greatest results when used in combination. You should start with correcting your diet, because food is the main source of beauty and health. The effect of healthy products is complemented by fat-burning cosmetic procedures and breathing practices. They saturate cells with oxygen, vitamins, valuable minerals and accelerate metabolic processes.

Healthy eating

When the body is full of waste and toxins, it is difficult for beneficial components to be absorbed. The first step to eating healthy and losing weight is cleansing. The simplest and most delicate way is a fasting day. It is necessary to reduce your daily calorie intake by replacing your usual meals with foods high in fiber and probiotics. Fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, natural kefir and yogurt, and whole grain cereals do an excellent job of removing harmful substances.

An enema is a mechanical method of cleansing the intestines, but it can only be performed as prescribed by a doctor. Improper implementation of the procedure is fraught with disruption of microflora and tissue damage.

The next step to a slim figure is acquiring the right eating habits. Basic principles of healthy eating:

  • The optimal number of meals is 5. The regimen should include 3 main meals and 2 snacks.
  • The diet is based on slow carbohydrates. These include legumes, cereals, durum wheat pasta, fruits, vegetables and berries. Dishes made from them contain vitamins and minerals in abundance, satisfy hunger for a long time and are perfectly absorbed by the body.
  • Proteins account for about 15% of the entire menu. They are found in greatest quantities in lean meat, fish, seafood and beans.
  • Fats, whose share in the diet is about 30%, should be taken from vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.
  • The daily fluid intake is 1.5-2 liters. It is recommended to give preference to non-carbonated mineral water, herbal or green tea. Try to drink the bulk of it in the first half of the day to avoid swelling.

The main pests for your figure are fast carbohydrates. Avoid or minimize your sugar intake in the form of confectionery, baked goods, sweets and other sweets. A rare exception may be dark dark chocolate, dried fruits and honey.

Many harmful foods cause flatulence, bloating, colic, and heaviness in the stomach. The stool is disturbed, constipation torments. To restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to normalize the water balance. Start your morning with a glass of warm water. Then drink in small portions 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after meals. If symptoms are severe, introduce herbal teas with chamomile and mint, ginger, and parsley into your diet.


Fat-burning wraps at home have a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight and on the condition of the skin. After a course of procedures, the stomach will become smooth, elastic and toned.

If the product contains honey, natural oils, aloe or citrus juice, the wrap will help eliminate stretch marks and speed up the resorption of scars.

But before starting the session, it is worth considering contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • kidney diseases.

The skin should first be cleansed with a scrub. Then take a warm shower to steam your skin. Afterwards the body is wiped dry and the composition is applied. Popular wrap recipes:

  • 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey and 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • 50 g ground coffee, 50 g honey, ½ tsp. ground red pepper;
  • 5 tbsp. l. crushed green tea leaves, 2 tbsp. l. warm water, 2 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 5 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 5 tbsp. l. grape seed oil, 10 drops of tangerine essential oil.

The ingredients must be mixed until smooth, lubricate the waist with massaging movements and wrap in cling film. You can wrap your body with a blanket or put on warm pajamas. After 40-60 minutes, wash off the mixture.


Massage accelerates blood circulation and improves metabolism.
The statement that fat cells are destroyed during massage is erroneous. The procedure should be considered as an adjuvant. The main goal is to accelerate blood circulation in the problem area, as a result of which metabolism is activated. The best effect is achieved when combined with a healthy diet, breathing exercises and body wraps.

Effective massage techniques for weight loss:

  • Sculptural. The master uses available tools - mittens, spatulas, rollers with spikes.
  • Water. It is carried out in a shower under maximum pressure or a Jacuzzi.
  • Plucked. Can be used after water procedures in any position. The skin is pre-treated with massage oil.
  • Honey. Skin care based on honey and essential oils, targeting the problem area.

There are hardware LPG methods that combine 4 types of massage: vacuum, infrared rays, bipolar waves and mechanical impact. After an anti-cellulite course, the texture of the skin improves, congestion is eliminated, and the process of destruction of fat cells is accelerated.

Breathing exercises

If you can’t pump up your abs, breathing exercises will help remove your stomach. Step by step execution:

  1. Inhale air through your nose. Exhale slowly.
  2. Inhale deeply through your nose. Then take two short and sharp exhalations.
  3. Inhale and exhale air as usual.
  4. Inhale through your nose. Exhale briefly through your nose and the rest of the air through your mouth.

Perform all exercises with straight posture and straightened shoulders. As you inhale, pull your stomach in, and as you exhale, relax.

Rules of conduct while dieting

However, even a strict nutrition system is unlikely to bring the desired result in just one week. After all, it is important not only not to eat sweets or fast food, but also to follow certain rules of behavior during the diet:

  • eat only when a real feeling of hunger appears (and not when an appetite has developed from smells or watching a cooking show);
  • adhere to a strict daily routine (go to bed, get up, eat food at the same time, and it is better to have dinner before 18.00);
  • you should come to the table no more than 5 times a day (without additional snacks);
  • one serving of any dish should not exceed 200 grams;
  • drink more regular water (including one glass 1 hour before breakfast and one glass before bedtime);
  • You should not eat while watching TV;
  • keep fit through exercise.

Physical exercise

In addition to diet, excess fat on the belly and thighs can be dealt with through special physical exercises. In addition, gymnastics helps to keep yourself in shape after a diet, and also prevents the formation of stretch marks, which are most likely to appear as a result of sudden weight loss. The result will be visible within a week. But you need to do the exercises below every day.

Exercise to lose belly fat

1Crunches. Press your lower back firmly to the floor, your knees should be bent. Raise your body, cross your arms in front of you and rotate your body from left to right. Perform several approaches.

2 Raising the torso. In a lying position, bend your knees, placing your hands behind your head and spreading your elbows to the sides. As you inhale, lift your body off the floor, and as you exhale, return to the starting position.

3Take a lying position. While lying down, alternately bend your leg at the knee, bringing it as close to the body as possible.

4 Get on your knees and place your hands on the floor. Pull in your stomach. Try to stay in this position, counting to 50.

5Sit on a chair and perform oblique turns of the body , with small turns. If you have spinal diseases, consult your doctor before performing this exercise.

6 Raise your legs. Sit on a chair. As you inhale, pull your bent legs towards your body, and as you exhale, return back.

The best exercises for losing weight on thighs

1Lunges. Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, dumbbells in hands. Lunge forward with one leg. The knee of the second leg should not touch the floor. Return to the starting position with a push.

2Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. Sit down and stay in this position for a couple of seconds (your thighs should be parallel to the floor). Take the starting position.

3Lie down on the floor. Place a rubber ball between your feet. Raise your legs up, trying not to drop the ball.

4Lying on your back, cross your outstretched legs, repeating 10 times with each approach.

5 Jump rope. One of the most effective exercises for burning fat.

6Burpees. Take a standing position. feet together or shoulder width apart. Do a squat so that your hands rest on the floor. At the same time, lift your heels off the ground and shift the center of gravity to your toes. Next, push off with your feet from the ground and move your body into a lying position. Next, do the exercise in reverse order.

7 Jump squats. Perform classic squats with a wide stance. When you reach the peak vertical phase, push off the ground and land softly on your feet.

A set of exercises for a week to reduce fat on thighs, buttocks and abdomen

Deposits in the lower body are difficult to correct, so home gymnastics consists of complex exercises:

  1. After a 5-minute warm-up by walking, light jogging, proceed to squats on your feet, shoulder-width apart. Toes and knees are oriented to the sides.
  2. On the floor, lean on your elbows. Raise your legs straight, spread them, bring them together, lower them. Having spread it, hold it in the air for seconds, bring it together, lower it.

  3. From the same position, raise straight limbs, spread and cross, doing each leg first, then lower, 10 times.
  4. While sitting, squeeze and release your buttocks, holding the tension for 20-30 seconds.
  5. Sitting, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the book with your knees, stretching the fixing force for up to 30 s.
  6. Lying on your back with your legs bent, bring your upper body closer to them several times (arms extended forward, later behind your head). Then combine the pull-up with a side twist. In the next block, simultaneously pull your knees and head towards your stomach with the support point on your lower back.
  7. Leaning your hands behind you on a stable seat, squat as deeply as possible.

At the end, slowly breathe deeply, raising and lowering your arms.


Special procedures will also help get rid of fat deposits. However, you shouldn’t neglect physical exercise in this case either. Moreover, sports can be easily combined with certain procedures.


For example, you can wrap problem areas with regular cling film, put on thermal underwear on top and go for a run. This method will speed up the breakdown of fat deposits.

Before wrapping, you need to use a scrub, which, by the way, is an excellent substitute for ordinary coffee grounds. In order to enhance the effect of the wrap, you can apply a mixture of warm honey and pepper to the skin. If there are contraindications or allergies to honey or pepper, you can place kelp soaked in cold water under the film.

Vacuum massage

Vacuum massage improves blood microcirculation in problem areas. Massage is an effective way to combat cellulite in the thighs. In combination with diet and exercise, vacuum massage removes the “orange peel” effect from the buttocks and thighs.


Back pain during menstruation, what to do?

These are so-called referred pains, transmitted from the internal organs to the spine. They are easily removed by NSAIDs.

Are there any physical therapy treatments for acute back pain?

If your back hurts badly, you should not do exercise therapy. When the pain decreases, exercises are selected individually.

If your back only hurts when moving or walking?

Such pain is most often associated with osteochondrosis. Physiotherapy, exercise therapy, and reflexology courses will help.

When treating severe back pain, the most important thing is to prevent the transition of acute pain into chronic pain. Therefore, the patient should seek medical help as soon as possible. Specialists at the Paramita clinic in Moscow will help eliminate pain, restore health and a decent quality of life for the patient. Contact us, we are waiting for you!


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  2. Lyashenko E. A., Zhezlov M. A., Levin O. S. Acute back pain: algorithms for diagnosis and therapy // Pharmateka. 2013. No. 13. pp. 87–94.
  3. Hall H. Back pain. J. H. Noseworthy (eds.). Neurological therapeutics: principles and practice. London: Martin Dunitz, 2003.
  4. Quintero S., Manusov E.G. The disability evaluation and low back pain // Prim Care. 2012; 39(3):553–559. doi: 10.1016/j.pop.2012.06.011.
  5. Lee A. et al. Effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on post-operative renal function in adults with normal renal function // Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2007(2). CD002765.

The role of psychological attitude

The result of diet, exercise and procedures will be much higher if all of the above is not perceived solely as punishment or torment. Working on yourself should bring only joy and pleasure.

It is important to remember that the hormone cortisol, which is produced during stress, promotes fat deposition.

In addition, if you serve a period of losing weight as a duty, maintaining the desired weight will not be so easy. Proper nutrition and moderate exercise should become a way of life, not a temporary inconvenience.

What do you think is most effective in fighting belly and thigh fat?

Can you achieve results without exercise?

You can reduce the proportion of body fat without regular exercise. But the result will be less impressive, and you will have to wait much longer for the desired weight loss.

To lose weight, you need to adjust your diet and work and rest schedule. Then the stomach will gradually decrease in volume.

However, at a certain point, progress may slow down extremely or disappear altogether, in which case it is still recommended to think about adding physical activity.

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