A healthy path to slimness: fasting day on bran with kefir or water - menu and reviews


A diet is a special program developed by nutritionists from selected products, the task of which is to reduce weight without having a negative effect on the body. If the weight is too heavy, drastic measures will have to be taken.

To do this, choose long-term diets of a week or more with products that contain a minimum amount of calories. Accurate implementation of all recommendations and adherence to food intake will allow you to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight.

For those who want to stay in shape and keep their weight at the desired level, mono-diets are suitable. This is eating one or more foods for 1-3 days. Fasting days on bran have proven themselves well in the fight against extra pounds. This is the best option to quickly lose weight and at the same time improve your body’s health through healthy foods that nutritionists recommend consuming.

Method of use

To protect the body from negative consequences, it is necessary to start taking bran from the preparatory stage: take one teaspoon on an empty stomach with a glass of water for 10-12 days. Start the main breakfast no earlier than 40 minutes later, so the dietary fiber will swell and the beneficial substances will begin to be absorbed into the blood.

If this method of consumption causes rejection or a gag reflex, bran can be introduced into the diet as an additive, for example, in porridge, salads, and side dishes. By the second week, you should add bran to another meal.

Such a smooth addiction will prepare the body for weight loss, adjust the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthen the immune system.

Classic weight loss using bran involves taking one teaspoon with each meal. Reducing body weight without changing lifestyle and eating habits with proper introduction of bran into the diet reaches 2-3 kg per month.

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Foods rich in fiber normalize intestinal function, improve metabolism and help...

Features of the technique

Bran is the shell that remains after processing grain crops. They have a rich chemical composition with a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. But the main value is dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, efficiently and quickly removing waste and toxins from the body. Once fiber enters the body, it is not digested; it perfectly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. This promotes rapid weight loss, normalization of digestion, improvement of skin and hair.

Kefir in combination with bran speeds up metabolism. Thanks to the bacteria contained in fermented milk, metabolism improves, the functioning of internal organs improves, and the functions of the stomach, intestines, and pancreas are restored. Kefir and bran water are not a fashion trend. Fasting days on kefir and bran have healing properties, stimulate digestion, promote the breakdown and dissolution of lipid cells.

Benefits and contraindications

Bran is a product of primary mechanical processing of cereal crops. When processing grain in production, the grain kernel is separated, which is sent to the next stage of food processing, and the hard shell, which is crushed and reaches the end consumer in the form of bran.

The notorious slimming effect is based on an elementary mechanism: soft fiber saturated with moisture passes throughout the gastrointestinal tract, activating peristalsis and removing toxins from the intestines.

In addition to the obvious benefits, there is other evidence of the benefits of consuming bran:

  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal microflora due to cleansing of toxins, getting rid of disorders such as dysbacteriosis and flatulence. Detoxification also occurs in the kidneys and liver.
  • Fortification of the body occurs not only from the beneficial nutrients present in fiber, but also due to the increased absorption of elements from other foods in the cleansed intestine.
  • Dulling of the feeling of hunger. The decrease in appetite is due to significant swelling of bran in the stomach, which results in a prolonged feeling of fullness and a decrease in the need for another meal.
  • Slow carbohydrates, which are part of the bran product, when broken down, give a feeling of fullness for up to five hours.
  • Reduced blood sugar levels. It has a beneficial effect not only on the functioning of the pancreas, but also on the general condition of the nervous system, pressure regulation and strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.
  • Slowing down the aging process of the body and generally strengthening the immune system. Stimulates resistance to inflammatory processes in the body.


  • Stomach diseases - ulcers at any stage, gastritis; pancreatic diseases, as well as adhesive intestinal disease.
  • Allergy to grains and gluten-containing products.
  • Hypotonicity of the colon.

Preliminary collection of tests and consultation with a doctor will help you avoid negative consequences.

The essence of losing weight

There are several types of fasting days on bran: rye, wheat, oat. Each of them has its own characteristics. But they all have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. They are recommended to be used for medicinal purposes for constipation, gastritis, ulcers, and intestinal disorders.

Bran has a positive effect on the entire body. Therefore, nutritionists recommend spending fasting days with oat, rye or wheat bran not only to prevent gastrointestinal diseases, but also to reduce weight.

Fasting days on bran with kefir or water help speed up metabolism, and the body naturally burns its own fats. After fasting, the volume in the waist, buttocks, and hips decreases significantly. Despite the fact that the average calorie content of the product is 165-246 kcal, due to their chemical composition they are not absorbed by the body, thereby not causing an increase in adipose tissue.

Important: The product quickly saturates the body, and during fasting there is no feeling of hunger.

A useful component of bran for weight loss is fiber.

Fibers belong to the category of ballast substances. They fill the stomach and intestines, binding substances ingested with food. That is, fiber acts exactly the same as activated carbon. Dense fiber fibers make it difficult to process nutrients (which is why bran is used for weight loss).

Bran takes part in regulating blood sugar levels, preventing sudden spikes. In the stomach, bran forms a specific nutrient medium that is attractive to beneficial bacteria. Regular consumption of a certain amount of bran creates conditions for maintaining healthy gastrointestinal microflora.

Food to which bran has been added acts as a scrub on the intestines, easily removing the remnants of poorly digested food and minimizing fermentation processes. It is not without reason that doctors prescribe bran as an additional remedy for dysbacteriosis.

Menu options – with kefir or water

Bran with kefir.

This combination of products qualitatively cleanses the intestines, quickly reduces weight and does not cause a feeling of hunger. Divide the consumption of products into 3 doses. It is necessary to eat 2 tablespoons of bran at each meal and wash them down with kefir. In general, you will need 2 liters of kefir and 200 g of bran (3340 kcal) per day.

Bran and water.

Eat up to 200 g of bran per day. At one time, eat 2 tablespoons of the product and wash it down with small sips of water (440 kcal).

Important: Water can be drunk in unlimited quantities.

On wheat bran.

Divide 200 g of product into equal parts. At one time, eat 2 spoons with a glass of water (592 kcal).

On oat bran.

Divide 200 g of the product into 5 equal parts and consume bran throughout the day with a glass of water (220 kcal).

Bran with kefir

There is an option to take bran with kefir for weight loss - this mixture is gentle and effective. A cocktail of 250 ml of low-fat kefir and a tablespoon of bran should replace your dinner or breakfast. The remaining meals remain, but it is important to exclude sweets, fatty foods, fried foods, mayonnaise and other harmful sauces from the diet. Eat this way until your weight returns to normal. Kefir with bran for weight loss can be used outside of diets, just as a healthy snack that helps curb your appetite or a late dinner.


It is not recommended to spend fasting days with bran for the following categories of people:

  • pregnant women;
  • breastfeeding mothers;
  • with exacerbation of gastritis;
  • with a tendency to diarrhea;
  • if a duodenal ulcer is detected.

Important: When taking medications, you must consult your doctor in advance.

Efficiency and results of fasting days on bran

When it comes to any method of weight loss, the primary question that worries everyone is the result; In terms of its effectiveness, a bran fasting day is closer to express diets, so it will not help people in the last stages of obesity lose weight quickly. Instant result – up to 1 kg.

However, the long-term effect is much more interesting. If you do this type of body cleansing regularly, after a few months you will notice:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Stabilization of intestinal function.
  • Slow but constant weight loss.
  • Improving the condition of skin and hair.

However, let’s make a reservation right away: all these positive consequences occur only if you spend fasting days regularly. The following rules will help improve the result:

  • Only fast on bran if it is not present in your daily diet. And no more than once a week. Otherwise, you risk exceeding the permissible consumption rate of this product, which will negatively affect the body.
  • Choose a weekend to unload. On this day, you will begin to visit the restroom more often, and you will also experience low energy and possibly dizziness. Therefore, there should be no activities that require increased attention or physical activity during this period.
  • Do not consume more than 50 g of bran (weight calculated for dry form) per day. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the body will begin to suffer from a lack of vitamins.
  • Reconsider your lifestyle. There is no point in sitting one day on, say, rye bran with kefir, when tomorrow you will make up for lost kilograms with hamburgers and other junk food. If you want to have a beautiful, healthy body, then it’s time to increase your physical activity, review your diet and normalize your work, sleep and rest patterns.
  • On the eve of the fasting day, eat 3 tbsp for dinner. l. bran (pre-soaked) and drink 2 glasses of clean still water. This is done so that the upcoming cleansing does not become a strong stress for the body.
  • When buying them, pay attention to the composition and structure. Unlike regular bran, granulated bran lacks a number of beneficial properties, and therefore will be less effective.
  • If your health worsens, stop unloading and consult a doctor so as not to subsequently develop any gastrointestinal disease or something worse.

Everything is quite simple and accessible. A fasting day will not require any special financial or other expenses from you, but will have a positive effect on the entire body.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Intestinal function is normalized.
  2. Cheap products.
  3. There is no need to prepare meals.
  4. Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  5. Has a beneficial effect on the heart and brain function.
  6. Helps reduce blood sugar.
  7. Quickly reduces body weight.
  8. There is no feeling of hunger.
  9. Prevents constipation.
  10. The body quickly saturates.
  11. Low calorie foods.
  12. Skin condition improves.
  13. Good prevention for atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  14. The functioning of the immune system improves.
  15. Metabolism accelerates.
  16. Toxins and impurities are quickly eliminated.


  1. Diarrhea may occur.
  2. Presence of contraindications.


Is bran good for weight loss?

The bran itself is a mixture of grain shells and unsorted flour. They do not have any special taste characteristics, but their composition is very rich. It contains a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances that ensure the proper functioning of our body and excellent well-being.

Regular consumption of bran improves intestinal motility, normalizes digestion in general, helps activate cleansing processes (acts as an adsorbent), and ultimately removes accumulated waste, toxins and other substances from the body. They also contain a large amount of fiber (dietary fiber), which helps the body feel full. Once inside, bran swells and fills the stomach, allowing you to get rid of the feeling of hunger by consuming a minimum amount of calories.

The fiber contained in bran is an excellent medium for the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora, which is especially useful for constipation and dysbiosis. Consuming bran also helps improve skin condition. It is especially useful to consume them together with natural fermented milk drinks - this helps cleanse and tighten the skin, improves complexion.

Bran also remarkably reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

The benefits of bran for weight loss are also explained by other substances in their composition. They contain a lot of B vitamins, iron, zinc, manganese - and all these substances take an active part in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. It is believed that it is the lack of these components that provokes chronic fatigue syndrome and a slowdown in metabolism, which is why weight can increase without any particular reason. Therefore, you can lose weight using bran easily and safely, the main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

Reviews and results

Due to the large amount of fiber in bran, the gastrointestinal tract is effectively cleansed. This promotes rapid weight loss. In order to burn fat tissue efficiently, it is important to consume at least 2 liters of water per day. Fasting days on bran will allow you to remove up to a kilogram of excess weight per day.

Depending on the results, people who tried fasting days on bran shared their reviews.

Marina, 28 years old: “I use bran every 2 weeks to keep in shape. I like to unload on bran with kefir. Not only does the weight go away, but the whole body gets healthier. The result is noticeable immediately. And my health is improving. Lightness and energy appear. I believe that bran is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. I recommend to anyone who wants to be not only slim, but also healthy, to use bran in their diet.”

Nikolai, 31 years old: “I am an athlete and I need to constantly keep myself in shape. I decided to try a fasting day with bran and water after reading numerous positive reviews. The result is up to 1.5 kg of weight per day. But I definitely do active exercises at this time. I recommend everyone to try to lose weight with this product. Not only will excess weight go away, but the whole body will also become healthier.”

How to use wheat bran for weight loss

You should start consuming bran little by little, with 3-4 granules once a day, and in 3-4 days increase the portion to 1 tbsp. However, for those who have a lot of extra pounds, this portion is not enough: you should take bran at the rate of 1 tbsp. by 60 kg of weight, although you can increase the dose if desired.

You can divide the portion of bran for the whole day, or steam it again each time, 2-3 times a day. 2 tbsp. wheat bran is poured with a glass of boiling water, left for half an hour, the water is drained - the bran is ready for use. They can be eaten separately, washed down with water, mixed with kefir, yogurt, adding a little honey, or added to porridge, soup and other dishes - they will still work for weight loss. Eat more than 2-3 tbsp. bran per day is not recommended, although some experts believe that you can eat 7-8 tbsp.

When taking bran, you should adjust the portion depending on the functioning of the intestines

: if everything is fine, you can eat them 1 tbsp. per day, and do not increase the portion; if constipation has not completely subsided, the amount of bran should be gradually increased until the effect is complete.


The following recommendations should be followed.

  1. At one time you need to eat 2 tablespoons of bran.
  2. If you feel hungry, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple.
  3. You need to drink as much fluid as possible.
  4. It is recommended to combine a fasting day with physical activity.
  5. It is allowed to drink black and green tea without sugar.
  6. If abdominal pain or discomfort occurs, fasting must be stopped.
  7. It is allowed to have a fasting day once a week.

Types of bran for weight loss

We often hear about the beneficial properties of bran for weight loss and its vitamin-rich composition; however, we don’t even think about the fact that they are obtained as a result of processing various products, and therefore have several varieties. Thus, bran is mainly used to unload and cleanse the body:

  • Corn
  • Linen
  • Rye
  • Wheat
  • Oatmeal
  • Rice

A specialized specialist can easily select the best option that suits you. However, if you plan to decide for yourself (without involving a nutritionist) whether to cleanse yourself with wheat bran or rice, corn or oat bran, we recommend using the following table:


Bran is a natural product that will help not only lose weight, but also saturate the body with a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Losing weight with them is easy and healthy. This method of fasting will have a beneficial effect on the entire body, fill it with energy, and increase performance. It is worth introducing bran into your diet to be healthy, beautiful and attractive.

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

Types of bran

Bran differs in the following categories - the original grain crop, the fractional index of grinding of the product, purpose and further use, processing and packaging, as well as auxiliary additives. This variety will allow you to choose bran to suit every taste.

Depending on the initial grain crop, the following are distinguished:

  • Rye . They have a pleasant mild taste; their high iodine content has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. They have a pronounced expectorant effect, so their use is recommended during prolonged respiratory illnesses. Eating rye bran is an easy way to prevent obesity and atherosclerosis. Ratio of KBJU per 100 g of product: 221/11/3/32
  • Oatmeal _ The content of a record amount of fiber in the product makes it one of the most popular among followers of a healthy lifestyle: qualitative changes in the body can be observed within 10 days after the start of use. Blood cholesterol levels are reduced by 10%, overall skin tone improves, digestion is stabilized, and waist size is noticeably reduced. Thanks to its pleasant taste, it is used for making baked goods and healthy desserts. Oat bran is used on the Dukan diet for weight loss. Ratio of KBJU per 100 g of product: 246/17/7/66
  • Wheat . The composition of wheat bran is a real storehouse of vitamins, they include magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and iron, which help increase ferritin in the blood, tocopherol (vitamin E) has the specific ability to dissolve fat cells, and the B vitamins included in the product support immunity. The peculiarity of wheat bran is that in the stomach it swells to a volume 25 times greater than its original volume, hence a long-term feeling of fullness is observed. Ratio of KBJU per 100 g of product: 216/16/4/65
  • Buckwheat . The unique gluten-free composition makes buckwheat bran hypoallergenic, and it also has the lowest calorie content. Can be used as an independent product or replace flour in baking. Consumption of buckwheat bran has a positive effect on intestinal function and skin condition. Ratio of KBJU per 100 g of product: 120/11/2/14
  • Barley . The high content of dietary fiber in barley bran will help balance and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as quickly cleanse the intestines of toxins. Can be used instead of breadcrumbs for meat or cutlets - the barley flavor will highlight the dish. Ratio of KBJU per 100 g of product: 337/10/2/72
  • Rice . Very useful in composition - vitamins retinol, niacin and lecithin, as well as a high fiber content, while being very high in calories - this is due to the high gluten content. It should be used in doses and wisely; frivolous use can lead to bloating and flatulence. A good use is to include it in a protein shake or smoothie, but not more than 1 teaspoon per 0.5 liter of drink per day. Ratio of KBJU per 100 g of product: 316/13/21/29
  • Corn . Due to the peculiarities of processing corn grain, this type of bran contains a high percentage of insoluble base, which, once in the stomach, is digested longer than other types, so the feeling of fullness does not go away for a long time. They have a pleasant taste and can be added to porridge or sprinkled on summer vegetable salads. Ratio of KBJU per 100 g of product: 293/8/1/86
  • Amaranthaceae . Due to the absence of gluten, they are hypoallergenic. The high lysine content allows the product to occupy a leading position in terms of overall health effects on the body: lowering blood sugar levels, cleansing blood vessels of fatty deposits, and a compensatory effect on the body after exposure to metal impurities and carcinogens. They have a nutty aftertaste and can be consumed on their own or used as an ingredient in baked goods and sweets. Ratio of KBJU per 100 g of product: 345/19/6/55
  • Linen . Cleanse the body, improving metabolism. Fiber takes a relatively long time to digest, resulting in a feeling of complete satiety. Bran is low in calories. They contain a lot of B vitamins, as well as A and E. The ratio of KBJU per 100 g of product: 250/30/10/10

Bran should be added to food not only for those who are overweight, but also for those who have constipation and other intestinal problems.

It is also known that the use of flax products in the diet helps fight various diseases.

According to the degree of fractional grinding, large (coarsely ground) and fine (thoroughly ground) bran are distinguished.

When processed, large ones retain almost the entire original complex of nutrients, but sharp particles of the shell may be encountered that can injure the mucous membrane of the mouth and esophagus. Therefore, such grinding should first be soaked in milk, juice or water and allowed to swell. The advantages of a coarsely ground product are good cleansing of the lower intestines and stimulation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

A finely dispersed product is more pleasant to eat, breaks down in the gastrointestinal tract and has a beneficial effect on metabolism.

Depending on the intended use, bran is divided:

  • Animal food . After separating the grain kernels, the shell is sent to farms for the preparation of feed.
  • Food bran . They undergo additional processing and grinding, then are sent to packaging shops, and from there to store shelves.
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