How many grams are in 1 tangerine without peel?

The uniqueness of tangerines

A distinctive feature of sweet fruits is their ability not to accumulate nitrates. Unlike other representatives of citrus fruits, all parts of mandarin have beneficial properties.

A large number of microelements necessary for the human body are contained in its peel.

Due to the peculiarity of not accumulating nitric acid salts, which are used as fertilizers, mandarin is used in cooking and pharmaceuticals. This allows the fruits to be used not only in dietary, but also in therapeutic nutrition.

Composition and content of organic substances:

  • pectins;
  • lemon acid;
  • potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • sucrose, fructose;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, D, K, PP.

Ripe fruits have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. They are used as a natural antibacterial agent due to their high content of phytoncides.

Even after heat treatment, the fruits retain most of their beneficial properties. Tangerines can be dried and frozen, and made into juices and jam.

Eating sweet fruits helps improve the functioning of the digestive system. 1-2 medium fruits per day help strengthen the central nervous system and relieve stress. Fresh fruits relieve swelling and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques. They are recommended to be included in the menu for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and correction of body weight.

The beneficial properties are due to its composition:

  1. Fiber stimulates intestinal function.
  2. Organic acids increase the production of enzymes and gastric juice.
  3. Water fills the stomach and promotes quick satiety.

There are several types of tangerines: tangerine, clementine, tangelo, mineola and unshiu. All of them are low-calorie foods and have similar properties.

Calorie content of peel and zest

When determining your calorie intake, it is important to calculate the nutritional value of each meal, including snacks. Often people ignore the need to count the calorie content of all foods that enter the body. Because of this, it becomes difficult to calculate the exact caloric content of the diet.

When using peels and zests, it is necessary to take into account that, regardless of the variety, they contain 34-38 kcal.

There is no need to stop eating the crust. Some people add it to baked goods, others make candied fruits or use it in making infusions. The peel and zest contain beta-carotene, vitamins A and P, which are necessary to improve heart function and prevent disorders in the functioning of the vascular system. Also includes:

  • glycosides;
  • phytoncides;
  • pectin;
  • cellulose;
  • organic acids.

We recommend that you read the life expectancy of spruce.
Regular consumption of tangerines with skin prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. This method of eating fruits helps normalize digestion and relieve cough.


The beauty of tangerine, in addition to its taste, lies in the ease of separating the skin from the pulp, which makes it superior to orange and grapefruit. Some varieties lack seeds. But a large amount of vitamin C, like other citrus fruits, is present. At the same time, ascorbic acid remains in fruits for such a long time that even last year’s harvest is beneficial and nutritious. In general, tangerine is a fruit quite rich in vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the ideal ratio of sodium and potassium, citrus acts as a good decongestant, and the antiseptic and phytoncidal properties allow the fruit to prevent respiratory diseases.

Experts point out that orange slices are useful for a number of pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, and also treat helminths. It has been established that their regular use restores strength and reduces blood pressure. Considering the high content of essential oils, which have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state, it becomes obvious that the fruit can be called the best way to improve mood.

Important! If you eat at least one tangerine every day, almost all organs and systems of the body will return to normal, including the cardiovascular system.

Another invaluable quality of citrus fruits is the acceleration of the weight loss process. Firstly, they help normalize metabolism and reduce blood sugar levels. Secondly, they are fruits with low energy value - on average it is at the level of 38 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of 1 piece, the weight of which often reaches 50-60 g, is about 20 kcal.

The calorie content of tangerine without peel is also average, reaching 27 kcal per 100 grams. Why are indicators taken on average? This is primarily due to the existence of different varieties of citrus products, differing in taste, color, size, and the presence or absence of seeds. Spanish and Israeli fruits are always sweet, as well as the Temple, Robinson, Mineola and Honey varieties.

All tangerines, regardless of variety, size and other factors, are very beneficial both for the figure and for the body as a whole.

Moroccan citrus fruits deserve special attention from Russian consumers. They are very sweet, although they have a pit. The calorie content of tangerines from Morocco is 39.5 kcal per 100 g.

In addition to the “traditional” orange fruits, you can find more sophisticated ones on store shelves:

  • Clementine

A fruit called Clementine (also known as red tangerine) is also very popular. In fact, it is a hybrid of a king orange and a mandarin. Externally, it is not much different from ordinary citrus, except that it has a more intense peel color and a large number of seeds. It is noteworthy that Clementine reaches a medium size, and even looks small in comparison with traditional tangerines. Due to their pronounced sweetness, the calorie content of small tangerines is higher - about 47 kcal per 100 g, but the figure does not go beyond what is allowed when losing weight.

  • Satsuma

The plant is a variety of tangerine. The fruits, flattened on both sides, are covered with a thin orange-colored peel, under which there is juicy pulp. It contains virtually no seeds. The energy value of 100 g of Satsuma is no more than 53 kcal. Average weight 1 pc. – 70 grams.

Important! The glycemic index of fruit can reach up to 50 units (usually from 46 to 49), which also depends on the variety. This is higher than the GI of apples and zucchini, but lower than the GI of watermelon, dates and dried apricots. It is worth considering that the glycemic index of the whole fruit is lower than that of freshly squeezed juice!

Tangerines are a healthy and positive snack, but their culinary qualities are not limited to this. Aromatic juice is squeezed out of the fruits, preserves and jams are prepared, they are added to baked goods and desserts, and sometimes even to meat. The peel is used to make zest, candied fruits and dry rinds - this is an excellent seasoning for poultry dishes.

When choosing bright citrus, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the skin, which should be free from dents, abrasions and dark spots. You should avoid buying dry and dull fruits, as their pulp may be spoiled. Store the product in a cool place. Optimally - in a special compartment of the refrigerator for fruits and vegetables.

Calorie content of dried tangerines

When planning to diversify your diet with dried fruits, you should be careful. This need is due to the fact that they have a high calorie content. 100 grams of dried tangerine fruits contain about 230 kcal. In order for the body to receive this number of calories, you need to eat 5-7 fruits. Candied fruits made from peel and pulp are many times superior in nutritional value to all fresh fruits. Dried candied tangerines can contain more than 520 kcal per 100 g of product.

People who control their caloric intake and watch their figure should not get carried away with even small dried tangerines. The weight of dried fruit can be about 10-20 g, but even 1 fruit is enough to deliver more than 100 kilocalories to the body. It’s difficult to call them useful for people losing weight. They contain a minimal amount of proteins and fats, but too many carbohydrates.

Benefits of fruits

Dried tangerines are prepared by long drying or smoking. But more often on store shelves you can find sweets that are made by boiling fruits in sugar syrup. In such delicacies the content of useful substances will be kept to a minimum, because... Most vitamins disappear during heat treatment.

Dried tangerines, unlike dried and cooked in syrup, retain most of the beneficial substances in their composition. They are recommended for use by those people who need to stimulate the immune system, help the body cope with infections or recover from illness. Dried fruits have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

But in cases when you want something sweet, it is better to eat 2 dried tangerines than several chocolates or other store-bought sweets. You can get the minimum amount of calories and maximum benefits for the body if you include the peels of these citrus fruits in your diet. They help relieve sore throats and relieve coughs and runny noses. This effect is due to the inclusion of a large number of essential oils in their composition.

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Dried tangerines are famous for their effect on the body. When used regularly they:

  • normalize the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • improve the process of nutrient absorption;
  • have a beneficial effect on the organs of vision;
  • gradually dissolve cholesterol plaques in the vessels, increasing their lumen;
  • remove salts and excess cholesterol from the body;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system, help reduce tension and relieve fatigue;
  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • increase appetite.

Therefore, people who do not plan to lose weight can safely include them in their diet in small quantities. Do not forget that such tangerines contain more calories than fresh fruits.

Preparation of dried tangerines

You can make a healthy treat at home. To dry the fruits of the tangerine tree:

  • in direct sunlight on hot days;
  • in the oven;
  • in a special dryer for fruits.

You can dry fruits outside provided there is low humidity and temperatures above 25 °C. There is no point in trying to dry them whole; first, the fruits should be peeled and divided into slices. It is better not to break the shell of each of them, so you cannot remove the seeds.

You can receive a useful product after 3-5 days. Tangerines do not spoil in the sun due to the fact that they contain saccharides and citric acid. But it is better to lay them out on wooden surfaces, because... upon contact with aluminum or copper, the oxidation process will begin.

In an electric dryer, it is enough to place the slices on plastic shelves and select a processing program. After a few hours, the fruit will be dried and ready to eat.

It’s a little more difficult to prepare a delicacy in a gas oven. It is important to correctly determine the optimal temperature for drying. You can preserve the maximum of nutrients if you dry the slices at temperatures up to 80 °C. They must be carefully separated and placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment.

When preparing dried fruits yourself, you can be sure that no harmful substances or sugar have been added to them. Also, every culinary specialist knows the number of calories contained in one tangerine, since he is aware that the slices were not dipped in sugar syrup or processed in any other way.

How many calories are in tangerine

The calorie content of a fruit depends on the form in which it is eaten. Thus, fresh fruits contain only 40 to 55 calories per 100 g. Natural tangerine juice has even less calories - no more than 36 calories per 100 ml of drink. But dried fruits are quite nutritious - 100 g contains from 280 to 300 calories.

How much does a tangerine weigh? Very small fruits can weigh only 30 g, large citrus fruits weigh up to 110 g. Therefore, the nutritional value of the product also depends on how much it is consumed.

Benefits of tangerine peel

Most often, the peel of the fruit is thrown away. However, it also brings benefits. Content of useful elements in the peel:

  • pectins;
  • provitamin A;
  • sugar;
  • vitamins C, P, B;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids.

The essential oil contains citral, alcohols, alpha-limonene, methyl ether, so you should not get rid of the peel. It contains few calories, so infusions, teas and compotes are drunk from it while losing weight. These drinks are also useful for pregnant women: they effectively eliminate toxicosis.

Are tangerines and oranges foods with negative calories?

Negative calorie foods are very important for those who are losing weight and counting calories. Understanding negative calories is very simple.

  • For example, 100 grams of green salad have only 33 kcal.
  • When you eat 100 grams of salad, your body spends approximately 150 kcal on digesting them.
  • This process includes chewing, saliva production, enzyme production, digestion, and so on.
  • Consequently, 135-137 calories are taken not from the product, but from the body.
  • The list of foods with negative calorie content includes oranges and tangerines.

In addition, the dietary fiber content in them is so high that the digestion process will be simplified and accelerated.

I eat tangerines, I’m losing weight and my weight is normal!

Everyone knows the benefits of tangerines and many people eat them. Now there is a reason to eat even more of them! It turns out that tangerines prevent obesity, which means your weight will be normal. And you can even lose weight. How to eat tangerines correctly, who can and who can’t, what are the health benefits of these citrus fruits? You'll find out.

When we say “tangerine”, an immediate association with the New Year arises. The bright color, juicy and sweet pulp of this fruit will not leave anyone indifferent. Now you can maintain your weight with the help of citrus fruits, namely tangerines! It is enough to eat them regularly.

Important! Eating tangerines in large quantities can cause an allergic reaction. If necessary, consult a specialist.

Today there are many interesting recipes for preparing various fruit salads that contain tangerines. Almost all such salads allow you to lose weight. But even in their usual form they are very tasty!


Product Description

Mandarin (lat. Citrus reticulata) is the fruit of an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus (Citrus) of the Rutaceae family. This is a citrus fruit 4-6 cm in diameter, slightly flattened from the base to the top, so that its width is noticeably greater than its height. The peel of the tangerine is thin and does not adhere tightly to the pulp. There are 10-12 segments in one fruit, they are well separated from each other (perhaps better than any other popular citrus fruit), their pulp is yellow-orange, sweeter than orange. Tangerine smells stronger than many other citrus fruits.

Mandarin is native to southern China and southeastern Indochina. It was brought to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. Now mandarin is widely cultivated throughout the southern and western Mediterranean (for example, in Morocco, Algeria, Spain, Southern France), as well as in Japan, China, Indochina, Argentina. Tangerines are grown closest to our country in the countries of Transcaucasia.

Mandarin fruits are a valuable dietary fruit that increases appetite, improves metabolism and saturates the body with vitamins in winter. Tangerines and tangerine juice have a general strengthening effect on the body, promote digestion, and, thanks to their phytoncidal properties, have an antimicrobial effect.

An alcoholic tincture of tangerine peel increases appetite, improves digestion, softens inflammatory secretions in the bronchi and upper respiratory tract, and promotes mucus separation. In oriental medicine, tincture of the peel, as well as its water infusion or decoction, was used for bronchitis, nausea, as an antitussive and a digestive improver.

Types and varieties

Russian stores sell tangerines from North Africa (including Morocco), Indochina, Latin America, Transcaucasia (including Georgia, Abkhazia), the Middle East (including Turkey), Southern Europe (before sanctions on the shelves there were tangerines from Spain) and other regions.

Fairchild variety . This variety is a mixture of the Clementine and Tangelo . The skin color of the fruit is deep orange.

Variety Honey , also known as Murcott . It is a hybrid of orange and tangerine; The color of the peel of the fruit varies from yellow to orange, sometimes it can be green. The taste of this variety is simply excellent; tangerines are very sweet and juicy. The season for this variety begins in November and ends in January.

Variety Sunburst . This variety of tangerine differs from other varieties in its smooth skin (which is rare in tangerines, as well as in oranges), the color of the peel of the fruit is orange-red.

Robinson variety . The fruits of this tangerine variety differ from other varieties in their very sweet taste, the color of the fruit peel is deep orange.

Variety Fallglo . A distinctive feature of this variety of tangerines is their size, as they are very large, which is usually not typical for other varieties of tangerines. The peel of the fruit has a deep orange color.

Variety Dancy . This variety is one of the oldest varieties of mandarin and was very popular at one time. This variety comes from Florida and appeared in 1867. Now this variety is not in wide demand, since when grown it is very sensitive to various diseases. The fruits are very juicy and tasty.

Tangerine . Quite a famous variety of tangerines. The fruits have excellent taste, slightly tart. The skin color of the fruit is deep orange and quite smooth to the touch.

Temple . This variety of tangerines is also known as Royal Mandarin . Its fruits are a cross between tangerines and oranges. The fruits have a lot of seeds, they taste very sweet, juicy, the peel is orange. The harvest season for this variety starts in January and ends in March.

Popular varieties of mandarin grown indoors are Unshiu , Kovano-Vasse and Shiva-Mikan .

Mandarin hybrids

  • Clementine , also known as Algerian mandarin . This is a hybrid of tangerine and orange. It has a sweet taste and no seeds in the fruit. Imports of clementines come mainly from North Africa and Spain.
  • Tangelo . This variety is a cross between certain varieties of tangerine and grapefruit, and is also somewhat reminiscent of pomelo . tangelo fruit looks like a large orange. It tastes like a regular tangerine, with a little grapefruit flavor.
  • Mineola is also a hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit. Mineolas are pear-shaped and bright orange in color with a reddish tint. This fruit has a very sweet taste.
  • Natsumikan is also a hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit. It tastes more like an orange.

How to cook

Mandarin fruits are used fresh and for making fruit juices and compotes. They are added to fruit salads and desserts. As a spice, it is used to prepare sauces, fish, poultry, and rice dishes.

Tangerine peel is used as a substitute for orange peel in the preparation of various medicines, infusions, syrups, extracts, as well as in the food industry.


The season for most tangerine varieties lasts from November to April . However, they are sold in stores all year round.

How to select and store

Look at the tangerine peel. Dried, limp or sometimes woody skin indicates that the fruit has been lying around for a long time or is overripe. An unripe tangerine is heavy, the skin is almost all green and is very difficult to peel off. A sign of a low-quality tangerine is the presence of mold, brown spots or areas of rot.

You can easily determine the ripeness of a tangerine by the ratio of its size to weight, since all ripe tangerines always weigh less than they seem at first glance.

Sweet tangerines are characterized by bright orange skin. Sometimes you can find sweet tangerines with yellow peel. Sweet tangerines are usually medium in size.

Sour tangerines are characterized by a flattened shape. Sour tangerines are often slightly lighter than sweet varieties.

Light-weight tangerines usually have hard fiber, have many seeds and do not have an optimal volume of liquid.

To determine the ripeness of a tangerine, lightly squeeze its skin: the ripe fruit will squirt out droplets of juice. Also, after pressing, a ripe tangerine will easily return to its shape.

Tangerines are best preserved in a special compartment of the refrigerator, where they do not rot or dry out for almost a month. But even in this case, the fruits must be regularly inspected: if before the vegetables were stored for storage, the rotting process had already begun in the fruits and they were spoiled, then a decrease in temperature will not stop it.

At room temperature, tangerines deteriorate even faster, and in a too warm room they also dry out, losing not only their beneficial properties, but also their taste.

In winter, you can store tangerines on an insulated balcony, where the temperature does not drop below six degrees Celsius. At the same time, they should lie in a ventilated box.

The popular method of storing fruit in a plastic bag is actually bad: it creates high humidity in the bag and the fruit suffocates.

There is an opinion that fruits on which a branch has been preserved remain fresh longer, but such fruits are extremely rare on sale, so this advice is more suitable for those who can pick fruits from a branch on their own.

The benefits of tangerines for the body

It is clear why tangerines are beneficial for the body as a whole. They have a positive effect on different age categories of people. Separately, you can consider how women use the sunny fruit, and how citrus perceives the male body.


The benefits of tangerines for the female body are obvious: this fruit is suitable for weight loss. Not only does it contain few calories, its beneficial composition is enriched with fiber, which allows you to remove accumulated toxins and decay products. During digestion, the body loses energy rather than gaining it. A big plus is that eating tangerines is a pleasure and a fruit diet does not cause negative emotions, but it promotes calorie loss.

A healthy tangerine diet is good in the summer, when the body needs food to a lesser extent and calorie burning goes unnoticed. Nutritionists suggest:

  • For breakfast, eat a tangerine and drink a cup of green tea.
  • For lunch, cook 150 g of chicken fillet (any lean meat), and eat 200 g of citrus fruits as dessert.
  • For dinner, cook vegetable broth, 200 g of steamed fish fillet, finish by eating 200 g of orange fruit.

Micro- and macroelements in Mandarin

Mandarin contains the following elements: Mono- and disaccharides, Ash, Water, Organic acids, Dietary fiber, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron.

Mono- and disaccharides, g.7,5
Zola, Mr.0,5
Water, city88
Organic acids, g.1,1
Dietary fiber, g.1,9
Sodium, mg12
Potassium, mg155
Phosphorus, mg17
Magnesium, mg11
Calcium, mg35
Iron, mg0,1

Calorie content of dried tangerine per 100 g

Tangerines after drying have a calorie content per 100 grams reaching 500 kcal. When preparing dried tangerines, all the vitamins remain in them, and the moisture completely evaporates. In this form, fruits can be stored for a long time and are used in many dishes.

The figure shows the calorie content of tangerines per 100 grams.

It is advisable to wash industrially dried tangerines before eating, as they are treated with substances containing sulfur. If mold appears on the fruit, it is better to refuse to eat it.

Calorie content per 100 grams

The low energy value and richness of tangerine in vitamins and microelements make it a valuable product in weight loss diets. The average calorie content of 100 grams of tangerines with peel (one medium fruit) is 33 kcal.

Table: calorie content of tangerine and products made from it

Product typeCalorie content (kcal/100 g)
Tangerine juice36
Fresh fruits38
Dried fruits230
Tangerine jam274

There are several ways to lose weight using tangerines. You can periodically arrange tangerine fasting days - eat 1 kg of fruit per day and nothing more! A week-long diet of five tangerines a day and a small amount of protein and vegetables requires more patience and endurance. Or you can simply eat one low-calorie fruit every day, which will slowly but surely cleanse the body and saturate it with vitamins. To correctly include it in a weight loss diet, you need to know how many kcal are in one tangerine without peel.


Calorie content of fresh fruit without peel

The calorie content of one peeled tangerine ranges from 20 to 60 kcal, depending on the size and variety. One slice can contain from 2 to 5 kcal, which is important to consider when preparing dietary fruit salads.

  • Georgian varieties with sourness have a calorie content of up to 36 kcal in one fruit weighing up to 100 grams.
  • Delicious clementines (a hybrid of orange and tangerine), weighing 40-70 grams, contain up to 47 kcal/100 g in their purified form. One large clementine, therefore, gives the body about 33 kcal, and a small one - 20 kcal.
  • Peeled Moroccan fruits have an energy value of 22 to 38 kcal, depending on the size of the fruit (60-100 grams).
  • Large Abkhazian varieties contain up to 50 kcal in one fruit without peel.
  • The calorie content of two sweet Spanish giants can be equal to the energy value of a bun. If you abuse them on a diet, the kilograms may even add.

Please note: every tangerine eaten during nervous overload helps maintain normal body weight. The B vitamins it contains suppress the production of cortisol - it is this stress hormone that causes the body to store fat in reserve, for a “rainy day.”

Dried fruits

The drying process always increases the energy value, since water has zero calories, but increases the mass of the product. When drying tangerines, 80% of the water is lost, due to which the calorie content increases almost 7 times and amounts to 230 kcal per 100 grams of product.


Dried fruits are extremely useful for speeding up metabolism and increasing overall tone, they improve appetite and help fight viral infections. The scope of application of dried tangerines is not weight loss, but the restoration of a depleted body.

Tangerine juice

The energy value of freshly squeezed juice is low - only 36 kcal per 100 grams. However, it contains a huge amount of healing substances: vitamins A, C, PP, potassium, magnesium. It treats diseased bronchi, removes mucus and relieves swelling in the upper respiratory tract.

Please note: the juice from one large tangerine contains 115 mg of potassium - this amount is quite enough to speed up muscle recovery and growth after heavy physical activity.

Tangerine jam

Sweet fruits cooked in sugar cannot be a low-calorie product. The energy value of tangerine jam is 274-276 kcal. For people who are overweight and prone to hypertension and diabetes, it is better not to indulge in such a delicacy. But tangerine jam will help those who need to strengthen ligaments and bones. It slows down cellular aging, has a beneficial effect on heart function, and strengthens the immune system.

Contraindications to the use of tangerines

Tangerines should not be consumed by people who have:

  • individual intolerance to the fruit or its components;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • nephritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • diseases of the duodenum;
  • high acidity of gastric juice.

Fruits from the citrus family are strong allergens and can therefore cause diathesis. It is not recommended to eat tangerines if you have inflammatory diseases of the digestive system.

How much can you eat per day

No matter how many calories are in tangerine, 1 pc. will not cause harm with any diet. However, you need to be careful when basing your weight loss process solely on these citrus fruits. It is not recommended to eat them every day without a break for more than a month. 5-6 fruits per day can be consumed for two weeks, then you should take a break. You can drink 150-200 ml of natural juice per day without harm to your health. Abuse of tangerines is risky: you can develop an allergy for the rest of your life.

Harm and contraindications

Any product, in addition to its beneficial properties, has a number of contraindications. The fruit is contraindicated for people with a number of diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines;
  • inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Citrus fruits are a strong allergen and should be eaten with caution. A large number of tangerines can cause skin rashes.

Children are advised to eat tangerines in moderation so as not to harm the body. The daily norm for a child is no more than two medium-sized fruits.

© Mikhail Malyugin —

Calorie content of tangerine juice

You can make juice from ripe tangerine fruits. It has a characteristic refreshing taste with sweet and sour notes. This juice is good for quenching thirst.

Even people who are losing weight can drink juice in moderation. Its calorie content is low - 36 kcal per 100 g of product. But when drinking juice, you should understand that it contains mainly carbohydrates (the proportion of proteins and fats is insignificant).

It is recommended to drink juice for people with weakened immune systems and children. It helps replenish the body's deficiency of essential nutrients:

  • vitamins of group B, PP, C, E;
  • calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium.

Tangerine juice is recommended for patients with chronic bronchitis, COPD, and asthma. Due to the content of the phenolic amino acid (synephrine), juice squeezed from several pieces of fruit has a decongestant and decongestant effect. Drinking a glass of juice in the morning on an empty stomach helps clear your lungs of mucus.

Freshly squeezed juice has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps normalize peristalsis and get rid of diarrhea. The phytoncides contained in the fruits have an antimicrobial effect. But for patients with high acidity of gastric juice, gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to avoid eating citrus fruits and their juice.

Tangerine juice is a strong allergen. Therefore, when using it, you should be careful and monitor the body's reaction. People with psoriasis are advised to avoid it completely.

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Good to know

If you decide to add these citrus fruits to your diet, do not forget about important points. They will help NOT cause harm:

  • It is best to eat food, including tangerines, 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Better less, but more often. You should not “lean” on baked goods and fatty foods, but it is better to reduce portions and make them more often. Give preference to healthy food.
  • Don't forget about physical activity. This could be morning exercises, jogging, visiting the pool, etc. The main thing is to move!

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