How many tablespoons are 100 grams of oatmeal in practice?

  • October 12, 2018
  • Second courses
  • Garfutdinova Svetlana

There is a place for perfectionism in life. As well as diets and proper nutrition. For example, the nutritionist ordered, and hinted at a healthy lifestyle: take 100 grams of oatmeal in the morning on an empty stomach. It’s also good if you allow it to be brewed with boiling water (worse - if you use soy milk)…

What if you are an obedient person? They said one hundred grams means one hundred grams, not a gram more, not a gram less. So what, run for a pharmacy scale? No! Read our article.

Oatmeal or rolled oats?

The easiest way to measure 100 grams of oatmeal is with tablespoons. They are always at hand. So, 100 grams of oatmeal is how many spoons?

Oatmeal is also different, so we have prepared what you need to measure with spoons:

  • dry oatmeal;
  • dry oat flakes.

And, of course, a tablespoon.

So, we have 100 grams of oatmeal and 100 grams of dry oat flakes in separate containers. Carefully scoop them out and pour them into another container with a tablespoon. But spoons come with a slide and without a slide. Let's try both options.

Table weight of prepared (raw) oatmeal in a spoon

Type of spoonWeight in grams
A heaped tablespoon of boiled oatmeal is35 grams
A level tablespoon of boiled oatmeal is25 grams
A heaped teaspoon of boiled oatmeal is15 grams
A level teaspoon of boiled oatmeal is7 grams

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The weight of the finished oatmeal may vary! It all depends on how thick or thin the oatmeal you prepared. In our table, we took the average value.

Attention! Oatmeal (oatmeal) is not only porridge, but rather it is the fastest way to get a tasty and healthy dish. Oatmeal is even used in cosmetology and medicine.

Dry product in level tablespoons

The second option is without a slide. Let's see, 100 grams of oatmeal is how many tablespoons.

Hint: it is more convenient to level the level of the spoon using a knife. Scoop up the cereal and use a knife blade to run along the edges, “cutting off” the excess. The spoon will be filled exactly to the brim.

So, let's start the process. We scoop it up, remove the excess with a knife, pour it over. And so on until the containers are empty. At the same time, we carefully keep count of our spoons.

What happened in the end? Containers with 100 grams of our initial dry content are equal to:

  • 8 tbsp. spoons of dry cereal;
  • 9 tbsp. spoons of dry oatmeal.

But maybe you shouldn’t bother with these tablespoons every morning, with or without a slide? Maybe to save time, let's cook oatmeal for the whole week? And when it’s ready, let’s measure 100 grams of oatmeal into a plate, wash it down with a cup of coffee and run about our business? Do you agree? Then we move on to measurement.

How many grams are in a spoon of oatmeal (oatmeal)

Oatmeal is widely known to many as a delicious and very healthy breakfast, so many will be interested in learning how to measure a certain number of grams of oatmeal (Hercules-type oatmeal) using ordinary spoons for preparing any dishes, as well as how much oatmeal fits in the dining room and teaspoon.
In the examples and calculations below, regular dry oatmeal (oatmeal) of the Hercules type, which is most often popular with customers, was used.


Thanks to monitoring and accounting for HE, I lost 19 kg in 3 months! No frayed nerves. The feeling is wonderful!

And I'm trying to get into it. Many products are not in the table... I can’t understand, for example, lightly salted red fish... is it possible? Is it not possible?, if it is possible, then how much is it? Tell me, did you figure it out yourself? or did someone advise and explain?

XE - bread unit. This indicator allows us to take carbohydrates into account in our diet. Fish is a protein, which means it does not have a single XE.

It is not counted in XE because it is a protein.

Fish, meat, cottage cheese, eggs, that is, white is possible without limitation

Well, why say that it’s possible without restrictions... people take it literally, and then there’s an extra

yes, but there are also calories so that without restrictions this is not correctly said)))

Good afternoon . Please recommend a quality book on type 2 diabetes. Thanks in advance to everyone who responded

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Some strange numbers. Raisins 1 piece, banana 1 0. Nuts 40 pieces. Yes, after 40 keto nuts, 3 crosses will pop up. Caramel 4-6 pieces. Nothing will stick together. ))

Everything has some effect on raising your sugar levels. There are more carbohydrates, less of the rest. But if there is one pure protein, then in a type 2 diabetic without the medications metformin, glimeperide or gliclazide, plus someone prescribed insulin, the sugar level will still rise. Even if you don't eat anything. This has been tested for years. Let the doctors talk, but also think about the patient’s pure practice.

Fish is protein. There is no need to count it. If sugar was added to the fish during cooking, then it is necessary to count it (but this will be unimportant) in XE only carbohydrates are counted.

Fish, like meat, does not need to be counted. After all, these are proteins, you need to count carbohydrates

Proteins also need to be counted. They raise the SC, albeit not as much and quickly as coals)) surprise))

Consider it better in carbohydrates (see on the package) knowing your Criminal Code you can easily understand how much to inject in a certain amount of grams. There are formulas... and then, it’s easier to count in carbohydrates than in XE.

There are no carbohydrates in fish at all, just like meat.

Fish, meat, eggs, chicken are protein, if you have type 1 diabetes, you need to take into account carbohydrates, if you have type 2, calorie content, because... need to lose weight.

How is that 10 bananas for 1 heh?

Fish itself is a protein, and there is no need to count it by bread units, but the fact that it is low-salt or salty can have its own nuances, for example, for those who have kidney problems, salty foods should be reduced to a minimum.

Red fish is not allowed, because... it is fatty, you can boil it white or baked

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fish doesn't count, it has no carbohydrates

Nuts are not 40 pieces, but 40 grams

Thank you very much for the detailed, extensive list of products. I found it only on your website, others only have general, vague recommendations, but calculating XE for proper nutrition in diabetes is VERY important. Thanks again.

Thank you for your feedback, we not only sell products, but also publish books on diabetes, and also educate patients

Need a quality book on type 1 diabetes nutrition

Hello! How do you educate patients? Who can be considered a patient?

1 XE is equal to 10-12g carbohydrates. Usually everyone just counts one XE as 12g of carbohydrates.

Some strange numbers. Tzyum 1 piece, banana 1 0. Nuts 40 pieces. Yes, after 40 keto nuts, 3 crosses will pop up. Caramel 4-6 pieces. Nothing will stick to it. ))


complete nonsense. What does a cake mean - one piece - 3-8ХЕ?? , cakes seem to be different, with different fillings, etc., then, what does one piece mean?? Let's say that my cake is 60 cm in diameter, then one piece will be equal to 2 kg?? I’m also silent about pizza and the fact that it also comes in different varieties. Thank you for your attention.

When I was baking cakes myself, I got confused and calculated all the products, weighed everything on a kitchen scale. Almost all cakes are made with butter cream, with sugar, 100 grams is 4 heh, a piece is usually 200 grams, as they sell in cafes. That's all. A piece of cake is my entire breakfast, not even lunch(

Counting bread units is necessary to determine the dose of insulin in patients with type I diabetes mellitus. These numbers are approximate, since any product can vary greatly in composition; the same oranges can be sweet or not so sweet. And the reaction to the administered insulin is individual for each patient, so the dose is still adjusted, as they say, empirically, and calculating XE allows you not to “miss” the dose by much, and maintain stability. For those who want to get rid of excess weight, XEs are not at all important; you need to take into account the total calorie content, shift the energy balance towards proteins, but at the same time take into account concomitant diseases, water-electrolyte balance and physical activity mode. If this is a young healthy person, you can experiment. If you have health problems, I strongly advise you to consult a nutritionist or just a doctor.

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The table is good. I checked a lot myself, and according to data from other sites, and from special forums, and according to data from packs of cereals and with calculations when preparing complex dishes (life forced me), everything practically fits. It's still impossible to calculate up to tenths. But it’s not only carbohydrates that increase sugar, but also proteins and especially fats, the same 50 percent cheese that contains practically no hex, sugar increases strongly and for a long time, it gives a “tail.”

How many grams of oatmeal are in a teaspoon?

1 level teaspoon of oatmeal = 4 grams

A heaping teaspoon of oatmeal = 6 grams

How to measure oatmeal without a scale in grams using spoons?

  • 100 grams of oatmeal = 6 heaped tablespoons + 2 heaped teaspoons.
  • 90 grams of oatmeal = 5 heaped tablespoons + 1 heaped teaspoon + 1 heaped teaspoon.
  • 85 grams of oatmeal = 5 heaped tablespoons + 2 heaped teaspoons.
  • 80 grams of oatmeal = 5 heaped tablespoons + 1 heaped teaspoon.
  • 75 grams of oatmeal = 5 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • 70 grams of oatmeal = 4 heaped tablespoons + 1 heaped teaspoon.
  • 60 grams of oatmeal = 4 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • 50 grams of oatmeal = 3 heaped tablespoons + 1 heaped teaspoon.
  • 40 grams of oatmeal = 2 tablespoons + 2 heaped teaspoons of oatmeal.
  • 30 grams of oatmeal = 2 heaped tablespoons.
  • 20 grams of oatmeal = 2 heaped teaspoons + 2 level teaspoons.

How many grams are in a teaspoon of oatmeal (dry)?

One teaspoon holds 6 heaped grams of oatmeal.

1 teaspoon contains 4 grams of oatmeal without a slide.

How many calories are in a spoonful of oatmeal?

One heaped tablespoon of dry oatmeal contains 56 calories.

The calorie content of 1 heaped teaspoon of dry oatmeal is 21 calories.

Answers to popular questions on the topic of how to measure oatmeal (Hercules) using a spoon (tablespoon, teaspoon) in grams

Let's look at the ready-made calculations below that will help you measure dry oatmeal using spoons (for ease of calculations, let's take a mass of 15 grams of oatmeal in a heaped tablespoon, and 5 in a heaped teaspoon):

  • How many tablespoons are 250 grams of oatmeal? 250 g oatmeal = 16 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal + 2 heaped teaspoons of oatmeal.
  • How many tablespoons are 200 grams of oatmeal? 200 g of oatmeal = 13 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal + 1 heaped teaspoon of oatmeal.
  • 170 grams of oatmeal, how many tablespoons is that? 170 g oatmeal = 11 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal + 1 heaped teaspoon of oatmeal.
  • How many tablespoons are 150 grams of oatmeal? 150 g oatmeal = 10 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • How many tablespoons are 100 grams of oatmeal? 100 g oatmeal = 6 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal + 2 heaped teaspoons of oatmeal.
  • 85 grams of oatmeal, how many tablespoons is that? 85 g of oatmeal = 5 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal + 2 heaped teaspoons of dry oatmeal.
  • 80 grams of oatmeal, how many tablespoons is that? 80 g of oatmeal = 5 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal + 1 heaped teaspoon of dry oatmeal.
  • 75 grams of oatmeal, how many tablespoons is that? 75 g oatmeal = 5 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • 70 grams of oatmeal, how many tablespoons is that? 70 g oatmeal = 4 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal + 1 heaped teaspoon of oatmeal.
  • 60 grams of oatmeal, how many tablespoons is that? 60 g oatmeal = 4 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • 50 grams of oatmeal (oatmeal) how many tablespoons is that? 50 g of oatmeal = 3 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal + 1 heaped teaspoon of dry oatmeal.
  • 40 grams of oatmeal, how many tablespoons is that? 40 g oatmeal = 2 heaped tablespoons of dry oatmeal + 2 heaped teaspoons of oatmeal.
  • 30 grams of oatmeal, how many tablespoons is that? 30 g oatmeal = 2 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • 7 tablespoons of oatmeal is how many grams? 7 tablespoons of oatmeal = 112 grams.
  • 6 tablespoons of oatmeal is how many grams? 6 tablespoons of oatmeal = 96 grams.
  • 5 tablespoons of oatmeal is how many grams? 5 tablespoons of oatmeal = 80 grams.
  • 4 tablespoons of oatmeal is how many grams? 4 tablespoons of oatmeal = 64 grams.
  • 3 tablespoons of oatmeal is how many grams? 3 tablespoons of oatmeal = 48 grams.
  • How many grams is 2 tablespoons of oatmeal? 2 tablespoons of oatmeal = 32 grams.

Useful tips

  1. In my opinion, porridge should be porridge, and if you make a dessert out of it, well, that’s your right, although it’s no longer porridge! Therefore, deviating from the classic recipe, I do not add sugar or sweeteners to it. I prefer the salty, “masculine” version.
  2. How long to cook oatmeal is up to everyone to decide for themselves. It's a matter of experience! No matter how many recommendations you read until you try it yourself 100 times, you still won’t decide on the cooking time. The only thing I can say for sure is that oatmeal is prepared easily and quickly.
  3. If the porridge turns out to be liquid, this is easy to fix: cook longer so that the liquid evaporates; add the main ingredient and cook more; add more topcoats, which will change the consistency.
  4. Very often I make oatmeal with banana for breakfast. Sometimes I just cut the banana into slices and add it to the plate, but if the banana is very ripe, then I mash it with a fork.
  5. I make breakfast for the children from oatmeal, which you can buy in the store or make yourself using a blender or coffee grinder. Beat the most delicate porridge made from oatmeal in water with a banana using an immersion blender, you get an oat-banana mousse. Add something sweet to it.
  6. If you want to get an excellent, cheerful men's breakfast in the morning, I advise you to pour 4 beaten eggs into boiling oatmeal, stirring gradually and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Then steam under the lid for 5 minutes. Sugar is usually not added to this dish, although for men with a sweet tooth it is possible.
  7. Even something as simple as porridge requires a beautiful presentation, so break out your best utensils and grab your favorite spoon. Delicious porridge deserves it.

Sour cream is often used by chefs. A large amount of it may be required to prepare original sauces, delicious pastries or other desserts. The thick mass is an excellent substitute for mayonnaise.

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The weight of a fermented milk product is slightly lower than that of sweet condensed milk, so for a certain container its weight will be less. A glass of sour cream - how many grams:

  1. a 200 ml glass can hold 210 g of product;
  2. 250 ml will contain the same amount of sour cream.
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