Why tea with goji berries does not make you lose weight, or what such a drink can do to your health

“Goji berries” is a mysterious phrase that is constantly heard, but few people know what kind of berries they are and what they are eaten with.

China is considered the territorial homeland of these fruits, where they have been known since time immemorial. There are quite a few legends associated with them. And they all say that people who used Chinese wolfberry lived for more than two hundred years.

Over time, goji spread throughout the world, captivating people with its taste and beneficial properties. They contain more than 70 useful substances.

So similar, but so different...

Many people do not understand the difference between barberry fruits and goji berries, and mistakenly believe that they are the same thing. Let's figure out what the difference is.

Barberry is absolutely unpretentious in care, and most often grows in summer cottages as just a beautiful bush. It is quite useful, but is used mainly in cooking, as an additive to seasonings, syrups and candies.

The goji bush requires special conditions for growth, and is brought from China. It has many more beneficial properties; the most popular and well-known is the use of these fruits for weight loss. At first glance, they are indeed very similar to barberry, and the surest way to check is to bite into the fruit. Barberry is sour and has one seed inside, while goji berries have a sweeter taste and have many small seeds inside.

The most common methods for preparing goji berry drinks

This food product has been used for many years in tropical countries as an additional ingredient to drinks and dishes. Even if we forget for a while about the medicinal properties of these berries, we can say with confidence that the fruits of this plant can occupy a significant place in your daily diet.

Use them as a fat-burning drink or as a component of any dish. If you are trying to lose weight using goji berries, then it is recommended to drink teas from this product, and, of course, balance your menu according to the requirements of proper nutrition.

Today, there is more than one recipe for preparing these berries - these include all kinds of drinks, salads and first courses. And it is noteworthy that each recipe is distinguished by its beneficial properties and is incredibly easy to prepare.

We bring to your attention several options for drinks based on this product, thanks to which you will learn how to brew goji berries so that they help you lose weight.

Goji berry tea

Incredibly healthy and tasty tea prepared with the addition of these little ones will help not only lose weight, but strengthen the immune system, protecting your body from all kinds of diseases.

To prepare we will need:

  • goji berries – 1 tablespoon (it is better to use dried fruits);
  • lemon - a few slices;
  • honey, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon - to taste;
  • boiled water - one glass.

The cooking recipe is very simple: thoroughly wash the berries to remove dust and other contaminants. Now put them in a bowl, pour boiling water over them and cover with a saucer.

Ideally, it is necessary to brew goji berries in a thermos, so that these fruits can “give away” all their beneficial properties. After half an hour, strain the tea and add lemon and honey. At this stage, you can add the spices you like to the drink. This drink should be drunk warm a quarter of an hour before the main meal.

Goji berry infusion

Preparing such an infusion does not take much time. And the drink turns out to be concentrated and incredibly healthy. For those who are actively struggling with excess weight, this infusion will help not only lose weight, but also enrich the body with all its beneficial substances.

To prepare, we need 1.5 tablespoons of dried Chinese barberry. We take a thermos, or the most ordinary glass jar, put thoroughly washed fruits in the container and fill them with boiling water in the amount of one liter. Close the lid tightly and let it brew for an hour. That's the whole recipe for making this infusion.

It is very convenient that the drink will be warm the entire time. You should drink 200 ml a third of an hour before the main meal. And besides, the berries that are left in the thermos (jar) can be eaten. They will strengthen your body and give additional strength, vigor and energy.

Fruit drink based on goji berries

An incredibly tasty, aromatic compote will delight not only your taste buds, but will also give you strength, vigor and health.

To prepare we will need:

  • dried Chinese barberry - one handful;
  • green loose leaf tea - one teaspoon;
  • dark raisins - one handful;
  • walnut - two kernels;
  • dried rosehip or hawthorn - one handful;
  • dates - three pieces.

The cooking recipe looks like this: cut the dates into small strips and put them in a deep container for brewing. Then add thoroughly washed goji berries, raisins, rose hips (or hawthorn), green tea and crushed walnuts. Pour one and a half liters of boiling water over all the ingredients and let it brew for one hour. You can drink this compote throughout the day as an alternative to regular tea.

In addition to the recipes that we gave above, you can safely add Chinese barberry to ice cream and decorate all kinds of pastries and desserts with it. You can put goji berries for your child at school, thanks to which your child will be cheerful, healthy and full of strength.

Why have goji berries become so popular?

Goji fruits are also called the passion berry and the fruit of longevity, and for good reason. This is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, toning the body and helping to quickly gain muscle mass, which results in weight loss. They lower blood sugar levels, help with headaches, restore hormonal balance - in a word, they are very useful.

The benefit of eating wolfberry is that it is rich in vitamin E, which means that by consuming goji fruits you will preserve the youth and beauty of your body. In addition, they have a gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating such an unpleasant problem as constipation.

Beneficial features

Polysaccharides, carotenoids and phenols are the key bioactive phytonutrients found in goji berries. It is carotenoids that give them their bright red color - while serving as antioxidants. Let's take a closer look at several beneficial properties of goji for the body:

Affect eye health

15 g of dried goji berries, taken daily, completely covers the need for zeaxanthin - a substance necessary for maintaining healthy retina². First of all, we are talking about counteracting the aging process - and the associated deterioration of vision.

A 90-day study of 150 older adults regularly taking goji berries showed positive changes—preventing hypopigmentation of the macula (the central area of ​​the retina) and also helping to soften deposits of fatty proteins under the retina.

// Eye exercises

May lower blood sugar

Elevated blood glucose levels are the first signal of possible diabetes. Let us remember that to process glucose, the body produces the hormone insulin, which helps absorb calories. However, with persistently high glucose levels, tissue sensitivity to insulin may decrease.

Animal studies suggest that the LBP3b component in goji berries may have an effect on insulin levels, depending on the dose consumed. It is probably on this fact that the myth that goji berries help you lose weight is based (in reality, this has not been proven).

// Insulin - how does it act on the body?

Affect immunity

According to a 30-day study of 60 older adults, drinking goji berry tea increased the number of immune cells in the body. In addition, the subjects showed a noticeable improvement in their overall well-being³.

Prevents brain aging

Potentially, goji berries are being considered as a possible treatment for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, both due to their ability to reduce the action potential of glutamine and due to the anti-inflammatory properties of their betaine content.

Do these magic berries make you lose weight?

Many speak of common wolfberry (this is another name for these berries) as a good remedy for weight loss. The effect is noticeable after the first use. You shouldn’t think that you will immediately lose all those extra pounds, but you will feel improved digestion and lightness right away.

In general, there are many myths about the use of wolfberry or Tibetan barberry for weight loss. Some say that it contains 500 times more vitamin C than an orange, others say that it can only be eaten dried, and others generally claim that it is poisonous, relying on another name - “Wolf Berry”. In fact, this is all untrue.

There is only twice as much vitamin C in goji berries as in citrus fruits; they are used in food in any form (there is even a brew made from these berries), and are dangerous only for allergy sufferers. By the way, the opinion that by eating them you can instantly lose weight is also a myth invented by marketers. Berries of happiness have properties that allow you to lose weight quickly, also by following a diet and playing sports, but don’t expect sky-high results.

Medicinal properties

Goji fruits contain minerals (zinc, iodine, iron, potassium, selenium, calcium), vitamins, amino acids, carotenoids, polysaccharides and unsaturated fatty acids. The vitamin C content is 5 times higher than in tangerines: per 100 g. fruit contains 1.5 daily norms of this vitamin.

Thanks to this composition, the fruits are used for:

  • improved erection;
  • reducing sugar levels;
  • weight loss;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of heart function;
  • getting rid of depression;
  • cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol.

In addition, berries are a plant antioxidant that reduces the formation of free radicals and slows down the aging process of the body. Unsaturated fatty acids normalize metabolism and speed up metabolism. Carotene improves vision, beatine improves memory and brain function. The fruits have an anti-inflammatory effect.


It is not recommended to take products with goji berries if you have low blood pressure, during pregnancy and lactation, or if you have an individual allergy. The fruits are not compatible with taking anticoagulants.

The recommended dose per day is 20-30 g. If this amount is exceeded, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and insomnia are possible.


Many people are interested in whether it is possible to buy ready-made tea with Berber wolfberry for weight loss or will you have to make it yourself? Most prefer the first option. It is less expensive and you don’t need to think about whether this or that product is combined with exotic berries.

When you go to a large supermarket, you will notice how prices for products using goji vary greatly - from two hundred rubles to several thousand. Various pastes and jams will be the cheapest for your wallet; the most expensive (and optimal) will be dried berries. In some places you can find juices with the addition of Tibetan barberry or even fresh berries, but buying them is usually not recommended. In juices, the percentage of wolfberry is very small, and fresh berries, due to their short shelf life, reach us absolutely tasteless and almost useless.

How to brew goji berries?

Making tea is the easiest way to get your daily dose of the antioxidants contained in goji berries. To brew 1 liter of tea you will need 5-6 teaspoons of dried berries - about 30 g.

Dry berries (preliminarily cleared of debris or washed) are placed in a thermos, then filled with hot, but not boiling water - and infused for 5-10 minutes. You can drink tea immediately or throughout the day.

The remaining berry pulp from the tea can be used to add to smoothies or other dishes.

Happiness berries in tea

Goji goes great with any tea, but the most popular are the classic ones - green and black. Ground ginger, dried chamomile flowers, and hawthorn are used as flavoring and energy additives.

How to brew

There are many ways to brew wolfberry tea. There are several tips on how to brew it without losing all the beneficial properties:

  • 1. You need to boil water for the drink in an open container, watching it carefully. As soon as bubbles appear, you can remove the water and start making tea.
  • 2. If, in addition to the berries themselves, the drink contains tea leaves, it needs to be infused for a long time - fifteen to twenty minutes. It is advisable to cover the tea container with a clean cloth during this time.
  • 3. What you have prepared must be drunk as soon as possible. You cannot brew it a second time.

Otherwise, the choice of tea recipe depends only on your taste preferences. If you are chasing not only the taste, but also the benefits of the drink, then, of course, it is most useful to take fireweed, also known as fireweed, as a base.

Goji tea: weight loss and weight loss reviews

Whatever the benefits of goji berries for the body, it is the effect on weight loss that has made them so popular. But how is this effect achieved? The berries contain special natural organic acids, which accelerate the process of burning fat in the body, reducing fat mass and normalizing metabolism. And due to the high content of carotene in goji, the berries significantly reduce appetite. In addition, the product is very easily digested and at the same time normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is important for weight loss.

Tea with goji berries can be brewed in different ways, which will prevent you from getting tired of the healthy drink.

Goji Berry Tea Recipes

Goji have a very pleasant, sour taste, which, judging by the reviews, reminds some of dried raspberries, others of cranberries or the taste of other berries. The most popular way to consume this miracle product is goji berry tea, which is very pleasant to drink. There are many recipes for making this tea, here are the most popular ones:

  • Based on black tea. Black tea, lemon, berries, honey and walnuts are taken in arbitrary quantities, after which the mixture is brewed as usual.
  • Based on green tea. For one serving you will need half a teaspoon of green tea, 15 grams of goji and chopped ginger on the tip of a knife.
  • Based on white tea. You need to take 10 grams of chrysanthemum leaves, tea and berries.
  • Based on any tea to taste. Take tea (black, green, white, red), add dried dates, dried chamomile flowers and goji berries, all in the amount of a teaspoon, and brew an aromatic drink.
  • "Eight Treasures" To prepare this herbal tea you need to take a pinch of dry hawthorn, 1 date, a few raisins, 10 grams of goji berries and half a teaspoon of honey. Grind everything and brew.

Although the most classic and common recipe for preparing tea with goji berries is to simply pour 1 tablespoon of the fruit with a glass of boiling water, close the container and let it brew for half an hour. Some people filter the resulting infusion, others happily eat the steamed berries. To taste, you can add a little lemon juice or ginger (to speed up the weight loss process), as well as sugar and honey. But it’s better not to get carried away with the latter ingredients, because they will make the drink high in calories, and weight loss will slow down.

Follow the basic rules for brewing and drinking tea


How to drink tea with goji berries?

It’s not enough to just create recipes; you also need to be able to brew this tea in such a way that it retains all the original benefits of the products. You need to pay attention to things like:

  • Water temperature. To properly brew tea with goji berries, you need to boil water in an open container and observe this process. As soon as bubbles run through the water, you need to immediately remove it from the heat and pour in the tea mixture.
  • Infusion time. If the drink is brewed using tea leaves, it needs to steep for about 15 minutes. To do this, the cup must be covered and wrapped in a clean cloth made from natural fibers.
  • One-time brewing. No matter how tempting it may be, goji, even as part of a tea mixture, is intended for one-time use only. There is also no need to brew a lot of tea at once; it should be drunk fresh and warm, then the berry will be most beneficial for health and weight loss.

It is recommended to drink the drink three times a day - if it is based on berries alone, then in the amount of a glass, if from a tea mixture, then half a glass. As those who have already drunk such delicious tea say, the first effect is already achieved by its first use; of course, we are not talking about significant weight loss over such a period, but improved digestion and filling the body with energy are noted immediately. But at the same time, everyone should drink tea with these berries only in the first half of the day, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep. Those who suffer from insomnia should pay special attention to this aspect.

An important point is that the berry from the infusion (in any quantity), if it is not crushed, it is better to eat it, it is very useful for weight loss. Although, if the tea contains dried fruits or nuts, it is advisable to eat them too. In general, it would not be a bad idea to consume the entire mass that can be eaten from the tea that has already been drunk. If you follow all these recommendations, you will not be able to escape weight loss!

Ivan tea with goji berries

Fireweed, in turn, is also a treasury of useful substances. It contains tanning components, vitamin C, alkaloids, copper, iron, calcium, potassium, etc. In fact, fireweed is practically the only herb with such a unique composition. Therefore, Koporye tea with Chinese wolfberry will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole body.

Beneficial properties of this tea

  • Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system
  • Improves the appearance of skin, hair, nails
  • Speeds up the wound healing process
  • Calms the nervous system and improves sleep
  • Strengthens the immune system and helps fight colds
  • Normalizes metabolism
  • Rids the body of excess fluid
  • Helps promote weight loss
  • Improves vision

The special properties of fireweed tea with Chinese wolfberry are still evident in the fight against excess weight and such a terrible disease as cancer.

The most common “trouble” that people face when trying to lose weight is lack of energy. In this situation, a drink with goji berries will be an indispensable helper. It maintains blood sugar levels and preserves lean muscle mass, and also helps maintain stable weight.

It is also effective in the fight against cancer. Thanks to the chemical element germanium , which is part of goji, the process of genetic mutations that leads to the formation of various tumors is inhibited. And the antioxidants contained in Chinese wolfberry resist the harmful effects of free radicals that cause malignant tumors. This drink also reduces the side effects of chemotherapy and speeds up the recovery process by 2.5 times.

How to prepare a tea drink

  1. Pour 15-20 g. fermented fireweed with 200 milliliters of hot water at a temperature of about 80 degrees.
  2. Leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Strain and that’s it, the drink is ready.

You can also try the cold brewing method if you are not satisfied with the heat treatment of the raw materials. This method preserves the maximum benefit of the collection used. The only downside is that it will take longer than hot brewing.

  1. 1 tsp. Place fireweed tea with goji berries in a teapot for brewing.
  2. Fill with one liter of cold water.
  3. Cover the drink with a lid and leave for half a day.

How to drink herbal tea from godi?

For preventive purposes, you can drink a cold drink once a day. During colds and inflammatory processes, it is better to drink warm tea, but no more than 3 times a day.


  • The benefits of using such a collection are colossal, but it can also cause harm. Uncontrolled consumption of this drink can lead to an oversaturation of the body with vitamins and microelements and trigger reverse processes. Therefore, we repeat, it is better to drink 2, maximum 3 cups of tea a day.

Also, great controversy arises over the question: “Can pregnant women drink herbal tea with goji berries?” Here it should be said right away that there is no general medical indication. Doctors divided exactly half in the pros and cons categories.

  • The greatest concern is the fact that goji berries contain selenium, which can cause birth defects in the fetus.
  • Also contraindications to drinking this tea during pregnancy are diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Fermented fireweed tea with goji berries is an amazing product: it can be used during weight loss and for general strengthening of the body. But this product should not be considered a panacea for all diseases. Before you start drinking it, consult your doctor and read reviews.

We also recommend watching this useful video with Elena Malysheva:

Brewing Recommendations

The berries are sour, light, pleasant taste. There are several ways to cook goji.

  • The berries are poured into a thermos and filled with water (the boiled water cools). Let it steep for half an hour; it is recommended to drink tea with berries no more than 3 times a day.
  • A spoonful of berries, steamed in 2 glasses of boiling water - drink a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. Perfectly complements the diet, refreshes after exercise.
  • Goji berries are added to a teapot with green or black tea leaves.

Tea with nuts is an unusual, rich and healthy drink. The following are poured into the teapot:

  • tea leaves;
  • chopped walnuts;
  • lemon;
  • berries.

Brew like regular tea and let steep.

  • Exquisite tea with flowers - for connoisseurs of delicate taste. Brew in water slightly cooled to 900 C:
  • White tea;
  • chrysanthemum flowers - 10;
  • goji - 10 berries.
  • Tea rich in vitamins prevents colds and is suitable for those who want to lose weight.

10 g each of hawthorn and goji, date, 4 raisins - grind and pour a glass of hot water. A thermos is used for cooking. After 30-40 minutes you can start drinking tea, with a small amount of honey. For those who like a tart taste, you can add ginger and a slice of lemon.

A drink for vigor, good for those who are busy with hard work. 1 spoon of crushed ginger, 2 spoons with a heap of crushed ginseng are poured into a thermos, brewed with one and a half liters of water, leave for 12 hours.

Then add 100g goji and wait another 2 hours. The resulting product can be drunk like this, or you can prepare a real natural tonic: add orange or grapefruit juice (half a glass) and mineral water (half a liter). Tonic is drunk in large mugs.

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