Without fanaticism: why crossfit can destroy your nerves and personal life

Origins of CrossFit

We have already remembered the moment when this training system was founded. Here, however, many begin to argue that all this has already happened. That rehabilitation systems for military personnel after injuries, and training systems using a variety of physical exercises, were created at the beginning of the 20th century. That in the Soviet Union various sets of exercises for general physical training were actively developed and promoted. And so on and so forth. But the Americans, as always, were the first to do so, and are now getting paid for something that everyone used to use for free before.

There is a rational grain in this point of view, which we will discuss below. For now, let’s state the fact that “CrossFit” is a brand. In the form in which it exists, developed and promoted today, it is a registered trademark. And it was registered in 2000, as we have already said. Although the concept itself was developed and successfully promoted by its creators before. Disputes about priority, as always, are not very constructive. Elements of any system can always be found in the past. But this does not mean that the system is entirely borrowed and secondary. In its entirety, it is the creation of the author, and what is often called borrowing shows continuity.

Pros of CrossFit

Especially often, specialists who have experienced such technology themselves and know exactly what its features are and how to achieve the best results during training like to talk about the advantages of the CrossFit system. Among the advantages are the following:


CrossFit includes cardio and strength training. The variety of activities is useful because athletes are more adapted to life, they help improve their appearance, and also have a beneficial effect on health.


The point is that during normal training, athletes often perform monotonous exercises. Often this can be the reason for beginners to refuse to play sports. CrossFit allows you to make your classes varied, and the exercises themselves often have to be constantly replaced with others. Creating your own exercise system is quite simple, because every day the athlete himself chooses the desired load and exercises for himself.

The Natural Way to Build Muscle

CrossFit allows you to increase muscle size without chemicals. This can be done without much difficulty.

Improved health

Of course, any physical training is aimed at maintaining health, improving physical condition and even improving a person’s emotional background. but experts warn that you shouldn’t chase maximum performance right away, everything needs to be done gradually and move on to more complex loads gradually.

How is CrossFit different from other sports?

So, CrossFit aims to fully develop a person’s physical abilities through intense circuit training consisting of functional movements.

As founder of the system Glassman says, “CrossFit is not a specialized fitness program, but a deliberate attempt to optimize a person’s physical performance in each of 10 fitness domains.” “Fitness domains” in this case are a person’s physical abilities, such as cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular endurance, strength, power, speed, coordination, agility, accuracy, flexibility, balance.

The uniform development of these abilities is an advantage of CrossFit, but at the same time, it is also a weakness, since in none of the abilities can a representative of CrossFit achieve the same results as athletes from other sports. At the same time, this is not so much a weakness of the system as a feature determined by its goals. Due to the harmonious development of all indicators of physical fitness, universality is achieved, which for most people turns out to be more important than records in specialized activities. This makes CrossFit a truly mass sport, focused on improving health and raising the standard of living through good preparation for the challenges that meet a person in his own life.

This leads to the healthy collectivism of CrossFit, when participants work out in a group, communicate and share experiences. Many people are attracted to this even more than the opportunity to improve their physical condition.

It is precisely due to the combination of exercises that develop different (sometimes opposite) qualities that cross-training turns out to be so difficult. And this sets the motive for constantly overcoming oneself, which is much more important for CrossFit than for other sports.

Harm from crossfit training

But not everything is cloudless in our sky - there is always some nasty stuff in any barrel. Of course, CrossFit can be harmful to your health, just like other sports. So, why is CrossFit dangerous and can health problems be avoided? We'll talk about this later.

Let's start with contraindications.

Contraindications to CrossFit

When deciding whether to exercise in principle, it is important to first familiarize yourself with the contraindications to CrossFit (it is possible that you simply cannot train for medical reasons):

  • If you have diseases of the cardiovascular or respiratory system;
  • Pregnant women, as well as during breastfeeding;
  • In the presence of injuries to the musculoskeletal system;
  • Recent surgery;
  • Any acute illness;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system (central unequal system);
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys, biliary and urinary tracts;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Mental illnesses;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (digestive organs and gastrointestinal tract).

The full list of contraindications to CrossFit is quite long. You can watch it in full here. Quite a strict and extensive list, but, as you know, careful... In any case, if you have any doubts, only your attending physician will give you the best recommendation.

Medical point of view

Is CrossFit harmful to the heart, joints, muscles and musculoskeletal system? For those who are seriously interested in the issue, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the results of studies on the effects of training on the body, and the opinions of doctors about the benefits and harms of CrossFit. The video is long (just under an hour), but has a scientific and experimental basis and sufficiently answers the question about the dangers of CrossFit on human health.

Opinion of the portal Cross.Expert

Let's figure out what the harm is from doing CrossFit using everyday examples:

  • Let's start with the most popular topic - CrossFit and the heart. Are exercises harmful? Yes, they are harmful if you do them incorrectly and do not follow the training regimen. Read our article on how to turn this “minus” into a plus.
  • The second dangerous point lies in the plane of weightlifting - a component of almost any crossfit complex. This area of ​​sports is very dangerous - primarily the spine and joints are at risk. Incorrect exercise technique, unheated muscles and joints, or simple negligence often leads to injuries . We think that there is no need to dwell long on the question – is a spinal injury somewhat dangerous for a person? How to get around this minus? It's simple - carefully follow the technique and rules of training, calculate your strength and do not set unnecessary records, and you will be happy.
  • Another disadvantage in this sport lies in one of the 3 pillars of a healthy athlete’s lifestyle: effective training, proper nutrition and recovery. It’s with recovery that punctures often occur. CrossFit fans often experience overtraining syndrome - an unpleasant thing, and sometimes dangerous in its extreme stages.
  • This also includes one of our advantages - the team component of CrossFit. Many (especially beginners) athletes, in pursuit of records or fellow athletes, put in an excessive amount of effort and, as a result, get the 1st, 2nd or 3rd points described above. The spirit of competition is great, but you shouldn’t forget about common sense, which is why it’s common sense to keep you in a safe zone. Take your time! Everything will happen: there will be records and victories - everything will have its time.

What muscle groups does CrossFit train?

CrossFit relies on the development of all muscle groups. Basic multi-joint exercises, both with your own body weight and with weights, are of great importance. Let's look at the main features in the CrossFit approach to developing the muscular system.

Lack of specialization.

CrossFit does not focus on the development of any one ability and the associated group of muscles and body systems, as is traditional for other sports. In fact, of course, athletes of all sports must develop all systems of the body, since the body is a single whole, the lag of some systems will inhibit the development of others. Therefore, for example, jumpers not only jump, but also run, swim, squat with a barbell, etc. But the emphasis in training is still on performing certain exercises and developing one skill. In CrossFit it’s different. CrossFit's original goal is to increase a person's overall fitness level, so avoiding specialization is key. And it makes CrossFit extremely flexible, suitable for use in training soldiers, police officers, firefighters, athletes of any kind of sports, and in general for the physical development of any person, regardless of his age and career guidance.

Emphasis on functional movements.

Functional movements are traditionally considered to be those necessary for a person to perform those tasks that occur in real life: lifting and carrying heavy objects, moving massive objects, jumping over obstacles, running, etc. In this case, the emphasis is on the imaginary past of our distant ancestors - hunters, fishermen, gatherers, etc. This implies the refusal of isolating exercises for individual muscle groups. For example, in CrossFit there is practically no lifting of barbells for biceps, or work on machines that work certain muscles. But the CrossFit arsenal includes multi-joint exercises: with free weights and body weight, aerobic types of exercise, exercises on gymnastic apparatus. Moreover, the exercises are constantly changing to provide the body with maximum opportunities for development.

High intensity circuit training.

In this case, the exercises are performed without rest, or with minimal rest. This allows you to train the entire body, developing it in all directions, and achieve success in the shortest possible time. On the other hand, there is some danger in this - a not very experienced athlete can easily exceed the loads allowed at his level of training and get injured or cause other harm to his health. Therefore, CrossFit is very demanding in terms of warming up and preparing for training, and also requires (in the first stages) the participation of an experienced trainer who will ensure smooth gradual development and increase in the level of preparedness, helping to adjust the training program and other aspects.

Each workout usually includes exercises for all major muscle groups. The split system that is usual for strength training is not used here - leg day, arm day, etc.

Definition of CrossFit

CrossFit is a special training system aimed at developing all physical qualities - endurance, speed, strength, flexibility, agility. The peculiarity of the training is its comprehensive approach - no other sport is capable of improving physical performance in all areas at once. CrossFit includes elements of various types of mass sports - fitness, bodybuilding, gymnastics and weightlifting. Thanks to the variety of exercises, fans of intensive circuit training manage to create a body ready for any load.

CrossFit was originally developed as a physical training system for rescuers, police officers, firefighters and the military.

The positive effect of training is that athletes improve all physical indicators at once. However, there are also disadvantages - CrossFit will not make you a better weightlifter or gymnast. You will be able to build muscle mass, but will be inferior in appearance to a bodybuilder; you will develop flexibility and agility, but will not be able to compete with a professional gymnast.

The skills acquired over several months of training will be useful in any area of ​​life. Fans of CrossFit can retrain, go into a narrow specialization - for example, weightlifting - and succeed in it. Thanks to their developed endurance, athletes can easily cope with both everyday loads - hard physical work - and long hikes over rough terrain. Therefore, CrossFit followers often argue that it is better to have “average” abilities in several sports than to be the best at one thing.

The CrossFit ideology states that a person's physical fitness is only as good as their endurance, flexibility, strength, speed, agility and coordination.

The advantages of intensive circuit training include the fact that every day athletes work according to a new program. The body does not have time to get used to the load, so the process of fat burning, muscle building and strength development takes place non-stop. However, there is still a rough plan for CrossFit training.

CrossFit: where to start?

Graduation is one of the most important principles of CrossFit. It provides the opportunity to be included in classes for people with any level of preparedness. But at the same time, this places increased demands on the quality of the coach’s work. It is necessary not only to provide up-to-date content of the TD (or WOD, workout of the day), but also to help beginners work competently on the basics. It is important to remember that today's training and achievements are the basis for tomorrow's development, and if something is done incorrectly today, then tomorrow it will limit your capabilities and slow down your growth.

It is necessary to accustom the body to stress and improve physical fitness gradually and evenly in order to avoid injuries and breakdowns. Even if we talk about relatively trained participants, then, unfortunately, it is not uncommon for the intensity of training and time restrictions to push a full warm-up into the background. And this is a direct path to injury. Loads must increase gradually so that the body can adequately prepare for them. The same applies to increasing the complexity of the exercises.

It is important to understand that CrossFit requires some physical fitness and good health. You can start with three workouts a week, including running (1-2 km) or an exercise bike (15-20 minutes), and small cycles or combinations of 2-3 exercises, such as push-ups, squats, pull-ups, crunches, planks, lunges, burpees. When exercising in the gym (or on the sports field), you can use parallel bars, rope climbing, and a barbell (deadlift). Be sure to start each workout with a warm-up (10-20 minutes) - this should become a good habit.

How the training is structured

The structure of the lesson is similar to a regular workout. You need to start with a warm-up and end with a cool-down and stretching.

Basic elements of crossfit training:

Warm -up is necessary to warm up the muscles and prepare the body for exercise. Warm-up takes 10–20 minutes.

How to warm up properly

Mastering a skill - practicing a new technically complex exercise (handstand, snatch, clean and jerk, exercises with a rope, exercises on the uneven bars, exercises on the rings and others), or performing a strength complex. This part of the workout takes 20–30 minutes.

WOD (Workout of a day) is the main part of the workout, it takes about 20 minutes to complete. If the training complex includes a mix of several types of load, the exercises are performed in a circle one after another without rest. Between performing circular approaches, a minimum rest time is provided, the number of circles is from 3 to 10. Between exercises, you can take short rest periods - 10–20 seconds. After completing a full circle, you can take a break of no more than 2 minutes.

Cooling down and stretching are necessary to bring the body back to normal, relax the muscles and avoid pain the next day. The cool-down can consist of a few minutes of rowing, running, or walking. Of the two common types of stretching - dynamic and static, it is better to choose the second option.

CrossFit is a competitive sport with tournaments taking place all over the world.

Basic training schemes

For beginners, it is better to exercise 2 days a week; after 1–2 months, you can switch to a regime of 3 workouts per week.

CrossFit classes involve two training schemes:

  • 3+1 - three days of work and a day of rest;
  • 5+2 - five training days and two rest days.

There is also an option for 4 days of training. In this case, classes are distributed on convenient days during the week.

It is recommended to switch to 4 training days no earlier than after six months of regular training.

CrossFit workouts include three types of physical activity:

  1. Metabolic or cardio (M) - running, spinning session, rowing machine, jumping rope, swimming, etc.
  2. Gymnastics (G) - squats, push-ups, sit-ups, ring exercises, pull-ups, handstands and walks, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, dips, rope climbing, etc.
  3. Strength or weightlifting (T) - weightlifting clean and jerk, deadlift, kettlebell swing, lunge, power clean, barbell squat, etc.

Drawing up a training program involves combining these types of loads. The body of the workout (WOD) may include one, two, or all three. The diagrams below show examples of WOD planning.

Training program according to the 3+1 scheme (three days of training and one day of rest)

DayType of training
2G T
3M G T
6T M
7G T M
10M G

Training program according to the 5+2 scheme (five days of training and one or two days of rest)

Week 1MG TM G TM GTRestRest
Week 2GT MG T MG TMRestRest
Week 3TM GT M GT MGRestRest

Where to do crossfit

You can do CrossFit with a trainer or on your own. When choosing a trainer and place for training, the official resource recommends choosing certified specialists and certified gyms.

In addition, you can freely find training videos and practice the CrossFit system at home. Beginners are advised to attend several classes with a professional trainer to gain the basics of proper exercise technique.

CrossFit for women

The big advantage of crossfit training for girls is the variety of loads - the opportunity to use new exercises and change the training program every week. After all, ordinary jogging and standard fitness training often bore girls who have decided to get their figure in order with their monotony.

Also an important factor is the need for communication, and CrossFit training is often carried out in groups - and this is very attractive to women, especially those who are tired of sitting at home on maternity leave.

Another plus is the combination of cardio and strength exercises. Women who are losing weight are often overly focused on aerobic exercise and spend long hours on cardio equipment, neglecting strength exercises (either for fear of “pumping up,” or simply out of ignorance). But it is strength training that “accelerates” the metabolism as much as possible and allows you to burn calories not only during the workout, but also for several hours after it. A successful combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise in CrossFit allows you to burn fat more quickly and efficiently and get your figure into the desired shape. So, the advantages of CrossFit for women include:

  • variety of exercises,
  • communication with other people,
  • a combination of cardio and strength training,
  • effective weight loss and figure improvement,
  • development of muscles used in everyday life.

The disadvantages include a high load on the heart due to the high intensity of training, as well as an increased risk of injury associated with training at the limit of capabilities, when fatigue and the desire to overcome oneself can lead to violations of technique and mistakes. In addition, the female body has its own characteristics: underdeveloped gluteal muscles and hamstrings, a tendency to shift the legs inward during squats, lower bone density, which with intense regular CrossFit training can lead to osteoporosis.

Therefore, women involved in CrossFit are advised to pay special attention to warm-up, cool-down and stretching exercises. You must always remember that the main goal of CrossFit is health and harmonious development, and not setting records, so you must always carefully follow the correct exercise technique - quality here is much more important than quantity.

An approximate training program for women could be like this:

1 day:

5 cycles for a time:

  • running (400 m),
  • 20 lunges.

Day 2:

Perform as many cycles as possible in 20 minutes:

  • 10 squats with a dumbbell,
  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 crunches.

Day 3:

Perform 5 cycles:

  • plank (30 sec) – rest (30 sec),
  • maximum number of crunches in 30 seconds – rest (30 seconds),
  • 20 lunges.

Day 4:

Perform as many cycles as possible in 15 minutes:

  • 20 squats with a dumbbell,
  • shuttle run (6 segments of 10 m each).

Day 5:

Run for a while:

  • 10 crunches,
  • 10 squats with a dumbbell,
  • 10 lunges
  • 20 crunches,
  • 20 squats with a dumbbell,
  • 20 lunges
  • 10 crunches,
  • 10 squats with a dumbbell,
  • 10 lunges.

Harm of CrossFit

Many people are interested in whether CrossFit is harmful and in what cases. Like any other sport, it can also cause harm to human health. If the technique is poor or the trainer is not qualified enough, then the classes can be traumatic.

Firstly, during the training you need to perform as many repetitions as possible in a certain period of time, or you need to do a clearly defined number of repetitions in the minimum amount of time. Because of this, quite often people sacrifice technique and do the task incorrectly. Quality is what people sacrifice first in their training. The main goal is the result, not the methods to achieve it. It is very important to choose a good coach. He must monitor the execution technique and always correct his student. If you need to do strength exercises, then haste is the main cause of injury, since a person performs tasks incorrectly.

Secondly, the “spirit of competition” must also be taken into account. And it is always inherent in CrossFit. This is another reason why such training can be dangerous for humans. I want to complete the entire program in record time. Because of this, pain later appears due to muscle soreness. As a result, you will have to postpone training for the entire week. And it can be very difficult to resist not showing 100% at once, especially if you study with other people and everyone is trying to master the program.

Third, rhabdomyolysis must be considered. This is a disease in which the cellular structures of muscle tissue are destroyed, which leads to acute kidney failure. This condition is quite rare, and, as a rule, among athletes who practice professionally. The same applies to the military with complex training or people training with a bad trainer who gives too much load and squeezes everything out of his ward, not paying attention to his health condition. Such training is considered extreme. Because of this, muscle tissue “explodes” and then dies. Myoglobin and other proteins penetrate into the bloodstream, and then into the kidneys. It is these paired organs that must cleanse the blood of such substances. Paired organs are overloaded, which leads to a lack of functionality. Some cells begin to die, and those that remain swell. The pressure on them is increasing.

The patient feels weakness, fatigue, pain.

In this condition, the patient must be hospitalized. If therapy is not started on time, it will lead to death.

That is why, in our club, we follow all the principles of healthy sports - thanks to mini-groups, our professional CrossFit trainer, Yulia, manages to monitor each trainee, help, suggest and control the technique and quality of the exercise. We structure classes in such a way that each exercise performed is first analyzed, practiced and consolidated, and only then performed. Working out with us, under the control and care of an experienced trainer, you can be calm about your health and be sure of the absence of injuries.

CrossFit for men

For men, CrossFit gives not only muscle growth and a more toned athletic figure, but also stimulation of the production of testosterone and growth hormone, which is especially important after 30 years, when hormone production begins to decline. Full-body workouts that combine cardio and strength exercises evenly strengthen the heart, joints and ligaments, developing exactly those muscles that are important in everyday life. This is extremely important for those who work in an office and lack physical activity.

You can find a huge number of workouts for the day (WOD, Workout of the Day) online. But if you understand the principles of their construction, then you can easily create such programs for yourself. To do this, you must adhere to several rules:

1. CrossFit training is circular - this means that it involves performing several cycles (circles, rounds) consisting of several exercises.

2. CrossFit uses 4 types of exercises: cardio (running, jump rope, exercise bike), legs (squats, lunges, jumps), pulling (pull-ups, barbell and dumbbell rows), pushing (push-ups, barbell and dumbbell presses, parallel bars). In each cycle (round), exercises of the same type should not be placed next to each other. If more than 4 exercises need to be included in a round, exercises of one type should be separated by exercises of other types to give each muscle group a rest.

3. You can perform exercises: simply for the number of repetitions and the number of rounds (without taking into account time), perform as many rounds as possible over a period of time, complete a given amount of work (rounds and repetitions in them) as quickly as possible.

It is important to keep a training diary so that, noting the work done, you can clearly see the progress after a month, two months of training, three, and so on.

Examples of CrossFit interval training schemes

  1. The time interval under load is not taken into account.

This kind of program is compiled on the basis of the athlete’s capabilities, the availability of the required equipment and knowledge of technology.

An approximate one-day exercise program for CrossFit at the beginning stage might include three exercises, for example:

  • 10 pull-ups in 1 circle;
  • 20 push-ups in 1 circle;
  • 20 jumps (burpees) in 1 circle.

3-6 circles (rounds) are performed with or without a second break, depending on the training option and the athlete’s preparation.

Another version of CrossFit training involves doing:

  • lifting the legs from a hanging position on the horizontal bar – 20 times in 1 circle;
  • push-ups from the floor or bench – 30 times in 1 circle;
  • bodyweight squats – 40 times in 1 round;
  • running a short distance (400 - 500 m) or jumping rope - 20 - 30 sec. in 1st circle.

3-6 circles (rounds) are performed with or without a second break, depending on the training option and the athlete’s preparation.

If fatigue overcomes you during training, you should not allow the exercise to stop completely. It is enough to rest for 10 – 15 seconds and finish repeating the rounds.

Professionals advise not to overuse exercises that target one muscle group. Performing such exercises one after another will have a strong impact on the muscles, as a result of which, due to their strong acidification, the CrossFitter will slow down in progressing through the program. For example, push-ups after parallel bars are undesirable, since both exercises affect the pushing muscle groups.

Classification of exercises in crossfit

A proper CrossFit training program involves alternating exercises from different groups. These include:

- pulling (barbell presses in various positions, push-ups);

- pushing (push-ups, parallel bars, burpees);

- cardio (running, burpee jumping);

- using the legs.

  1. The training period is strictly defined, the number of repetitions is unlimited.

For example, in 20 minutes of training you can perform 1 circuit with 3 different exercises.

  • 5 pull-ups in 1 circle;
  • 10 push-ups from the floor in a circle;
  • 15 jumping jacks in a circle.

The CrossFitter's goal is to complete as many rounds as possible in a 20-minute workout. The main criterion for progress in this type of CrossFit program is an increase in rounds over the same time period.

  1. The amount of work is strictly defined, training time is unlimited, but should strive to be reduced.

For example, a certain number of repetitions, distributed over rounds, must be completed as quickly as possible. The main criterion for progress is the reduction of the time period.

This CrossFit program involves independently determining the number of rounds.

So a workout for this program might look like this:

  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar - 100 times for all circles;
  • lifting the legs from a hanging position on the horizontal bar – 200 times for all circles;
  • push-ups from the floor or bench - 200 times for all circles;
  • jumping rope (jumping with a turn) – 400 times for all circles.

Having marked the start of the workout on the stopwatch, the CrossFitter begins performing the exercises; repetitions are determined depending on physical fitness and endurance. It is important to remember to note the number of repetitions for each exercise. Keeping track of the total number of repetitions in a given time period requires memorizing the time, the count, and the exercise at which the stop occurs.

Home CrossFit – is it possible?

It is quite possible, especially in cases where there is simply no other choice. It is not only possible to study at home, but also necessary. If you have the opportunity to purchase equipment such as an exercise bike, horizontal bar, parallel bars and barbell, that’s great. If this is not possible, you can get by with a jump rope, a mat, a bench and dumbbells. Another advantage of CrossFit is that it allows you to vary the exercises using the equipment that is at hand.

The following exercises can be used in crossfit at home:

  • burpee,
  • squats,
  • lunges,
  • push ups,
  • twisting,
  • plank

If there is a horizontal bar, add pull-ups. If you have dumbbells, you can perform exercises (lunges, squats) with dumbbells. It is necessary to try to keep the breaks between exercises and approaches to a minimum (depending on how you feel). We must strive to ensure that there are no breaks at all.

You can make a circle (round) of these CrossFit exercises without placing exercises for the same muscle groups next to each other (for example, you should not do squats immediately after burpees), for example this:

  • 10 burpees,
  • 30 crunches,
  • 20 push-ups
  • plank (4-5 repetitions of the cycle 30 sec plank - 30 sec rest),
  • 20 squats,
  • jump rope (4-5 sets of 120 seconds).

This round can be repeated 3-4 times, depending on fitness and health. And such training can be done 3 or 4 per week. This may well be enough to maintain good physical shape.

If such a program seems too easy, you can complicate it by increasing the weight (taking heavier dumbbells), the number of repetitions or rounds, using more complex exercises (advanced burpees, clapping push-ups, etc.). The program can be changed at least every day, selecting other exercises for the rounds, including cardio in the required amount.

Crossfit. What is it, rules and principles

Lately, CrossFit has been wildly gaining popularity.
The reasons are clear as day - CrossFit has many advantages and virtually no disadvantages. CrossFit Benefits


  • Helps build an ideal body (CrossFit is a high-intensity form of fitness)
  • Involves all the muscles of the body and emits the most natural body movements
  • Does not require special equipment or any special conditions
  • There are no restrictions on age and gender.

And just one drawback

: CrossFit involves putting in as much effort as possible. You will have to give it your all!

What is CrossFit?

Essentially, this is a program that consists of a series of high-intensity exercises aimed at developing all muscle groups.

A workout might look like this
: 15 squats + 10 pull-ups + 15 jumping jacks. Such circles need to be done 4-5 times in a limited time. Rest between each circle - 1 minute.

You can choose exercises at your discretion, the main thing is that they are as comprehensive as possible. An important condition for this type of training is to perform the exercises in a circle. There should be several such circles in one lesson. Rest between circles is minimal (no more than a minute). At first glance, CrossFit may not seem difficult at all, but at the end of such a workout, the performer feels like a squeezed lemon.

What does CrossFit train?

CrossFit is a combination of strength training and cardio. Not only the muscles of the body are trained, but also the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Exercises are performed both with your own body weight and with additional weights. Due to its intensity, CrossFit can completely replace both “pumping” and such heavy cardio exercise as, for example, running.

Basic rules and principles of CrossFit

The main thing in CrossFit is high intensity.
The entire set of exercises is performed for a while and with virtually no break for rest.

Breaks between exercises should be minimal.
It's not that easy at first. But this is where it all gets muddy - sweating profusely, feeling all your muscles burning, and your heart beating like a steam boiler, continuing the workout and bringing it to the end. In this state, there is a great desire to quit everything and interrupt the training. But you can’t leave a place of weakness! By pushing yourself several times you will be able to get stronger and withstand intense stress. Each workout should be exhausting
, you should give it your all and be very tired.
If this does not happen, then you are not doing CrossFit.
Add variety to your workouts; your body should not get used to the same exercises. Try to distinguish each current workout from the previous one. During one workout, all muscle groups should be involved. Take this into account when creating your program.

CrossFit will not be long in coming in its results. Intense and varied workouts will help you get rid of those hated pounds, transform your body, and feel more energetic and resilient.

If you try hard, you can burn up to 1000 kcal in one workout!

And if you add to this proper nutrition - limit yourself to sweets, fatty and starchy foods - then the level of your subcutaneous fat will decrease before your eyes, and your muscles will become sculpted and strong in a short time. This is the key to a beautiful figure! Here it is - a recipe for cheerfulness and good mood! An undeniable advantage is that to train CrossFit you don’t necessarily need gyms and stuffy gyms. You can train at home or, for example, at the stadium.

But it’s better to start CrossFit under the guidance of a qualified trainer.


Watch a video about how a CrossFit workout goes:

Interesting facts about crossfit

  1. American gymnast Greg Glassman
    . The birth year of CrossFit is considered to be 1980, and Glassman opened the first CrossFit gym in 1995.
  2. The CrossFit program operates over 5,000 certified gyms around the world. CrossFit is included in the personnel training program of many fire departments, law enforcement agencies in the United States and Canada.
  3. The CrossFit Games have been held every summer since 2007. Participants in the games compete in exercises, the program of which is learned a few hours before they take place. Often, organizers add so-called “surprise” exercises to the exercise program—exercises that are not typical for CrossFit, such as open water swims and softball throwing. The games reveal “The Fittest Person in the World,” which means participants “must be ready for anything.”

Contraindications to CrossFit

CrossFit complexes put a lot of stress on the joints, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, so people should not do such training:

  • suffering from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease),
  • having diseases and injuries of the joints (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, herniated discs, etc.),
  • suffering from diseases of the respiratory system (bronchial asthma, etc.),
  • in a state of exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute inflammatory processes, respiratory infections.

All people included in the listed categories (as well as pregnant and lactating women) are better off choosing more gentle types of training.

Contraindications for CrossFit classes and in the gym!!!

The specifics of the training process in CrossFit and the gym may not be acceptable to everyone. There are a number of contraindications to classes.

Now we will talk not only about contraindications, but also about how the situation can be corrected if the desire to train suppresses the fear of undesirable consequences.

In fact, there are a number of medical conditions where exercise can make the problem worse. However, even in the absence of a categorical prohibition, all precautions associated with the use of weights should be observed, especially at the first stage of training, when the muscle corset is weak and vulnerable.

Here is a list of those diseases in which exercise can adversely affect your health and complicate the recovery process.

Increased intra-abdominal and intracranial pressure. High intra-abdominal pressure results in the appearance of hemorrhoids and hernias. A person with these diseases should consult a doctor. If hemorrhoids in the early stages can be treated with medication, then the hernia should be removed surgically. For these diseases, any weight-bearing exercise is prohibited. Otherwise, the situation will quickly worsen. Immediately after healing, you can begin exercising without any special restrictions.

Increased intracranial pressure - due to stress, the clinical picture may worsen, including loss of vision. To avoid undesirable consequences, even after full recovery, the training process should be supervised by doctors.

Prostatitis - an acute form of the disease requires making a number of adjustments to the training process.


Problems of the cardiovascular system - a complete examination and an accurate diagnosis are necessary. Under certain conditions, exercise may be beneficial for overcoming the disease. But there are also types of cardiovascular diseases in which weight training is strictly contraindicated.

Hemorrhoids – exercise is contraindicated until complete recovery. Osteochondrosis – you can train at full strength. The training process helps to develop problem areas, actively remove salts from the body and generally improve the condition.

For varicose veins. Avoid squats, lunges, jumps; Avoid static tension, perform exercises at a moderate pace while sitting or lying down. Compression stockings will have their effect.

Scoliosis - this kind of disease requires accuracy and caution when exercising. This disease, taking into account the stage, excludes loads performed on one leg (lunges, standing on one leg with dumbbells). This is due to the possibility of curvature of the pelvis, which already has an irregular shape due to scoliosis. In any case, you must first contact a specialist in rehabilitation gymnastics, he will create an individual set of exercises, and the trainer will enrich the recommended set with the necessary exercises with weights.

For diseases of bones and joints in a chronic form or in the acute stage, against the background of an inflammatory process, you should postpone training and undergo a course of therapy. However, loads develop problem areas with osteochondrosis and arthrosis. Increased blood flow enhances the removal of salts that are deposited in the joints. In case of joint diseases, exhausting exercises that put a lot of stress on the joints should be avoided. After therapy, it is worth starting classes with rehabilitation exercises, which should gradually be burdened.

Lung diseases - almost all chronic types of pulmonary diseases recede as a result of exercise. This is the case when training is important and needed to improve the clinical picture. During exercise, lung volume increases and fluid outflow increases. Regular exercise can lead to complete recovery within a few months. Exceptions include malignant tumors.

Oncology. Training increases blood flow, which intensively supplies cells with oxygen. At the same time, oxygen accelerates the proliferation of cancer cells and the spread of metastases. Therefore, at any stage of oncology, exhausting physical activity is prohibited.

For vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is mandatory to eat two hours before the start of classes. In the training itself, you should not use exercises that involve a sharp change in body position: lunges, jumping, hyperextension, sit-ups.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intensive exercise in strength sports is not recommended. But small loads are allowed, although they should also be determined by the attending physician.

Those who suffer from diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, Basedow's disease) are not recommended to play sports with heavy weights.

Diseases of the genitourinary system (kidney stones) are also not conducive to weight training, since they cause the movement of stones and this can lead to painful results.

All diseases related to the biliary tract (gallstones, cholecystitis, liver enlargement) also do not involve playing sports with heavy physical exertion.

Any surgical intervention. We start classes no earlier than in 0.5 years.

After acute respiratory infections. 50% load for another 2 weeks, then increase to 80%, etc. During pregnancy, separate classes are allowed from 12 to 38 weeks in the absence of obstetric and gynecological diseases.

With an established sports regime and the right approach, training can help cope with many diseases, and at the same time strengthen the body's immune system. To achieve results, you must strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor and trainer.

And remember, consulting a doctor never hurts.

Sports Nutrition for Better CrossFit Results

In order to better withstand heavy loads, you can take a portion of protein or even a gainer before training. Protein will support muscles, and carbohydrates in the gainer will provide additional energy. They support muscles well and accelerate recovery of amino acids - BCAA, glutamine, beta-alanine. For better blood supply, you can use citrulline or arginine, and creatine will increase strength endurance.

Don't neglect vitamin-mineral supplements (such as the excellent Multivitamin Daily from Be First) and healthy fats, as well as joint support products based on glucosamine, chondroitin and collagen.

Adaptogens (extracts of echinacea and rhodiola) can be a great help in training, and supplements for good sleep will help you rest well and calm down after training.

But the main thing is not to overexert yourself and have a good rest. Then CrossFit training will be beneficial.

What is crossfit: briefly about the training mode

How can you become a “universal soldier” and what is CrossFit training?

CrossFit Inc characterizes its sports methodology as high-intensity, high-intensity, different time periods and modal domains of different types of constantly varying functional movements. A set of exercises can last from 10-20 minutes to 1 hour. Between exercises, 10-20 second pauses for rest are given only to beginners. Usually short sets are repeated several times, usually 3, with short 1-2 minute breaks between them.

Depending on the level of physical fitness of the student, an individual weekly scheme is selected for him. It can be either 3+1 or 5+2. The first number indicates the number of training days in a row, and the second number indicates days off. But there may be other options, for example, (2+1)+(2+2).

Training program of loads for every day - WOD (workout of the day), mixed from:

  • M - cardio loads;
  • G - basic and gymnastic exercises with your own weight;
  • W - weight lifting elements.

Here, for example, is a simple set for a beginner (the number of repetitions is indicated in brackets):

  • “corner” on the frame for pull-ups (25);
  • squats on one leg (2 to 25);
  • push-ups (50);
  • running (400 m);
  • throwing a 3 kg medicine ball at a target (10).

Surprises can be expected in training, just like in competitions. Moreover, it’s even “tougher”. The content of the competition is announced 2 hours before the start, and in some clubs the training day scheme will be announced directly in the water part of the lesson. When doing CrossFit, you have to be prepared for anything. For example, organizers of a CrossFit game might include a bike race or even an open water swim.

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