Can you eat mushrooms on a diet? Mushrooms on a diet: recipe, menu, reviews

People who are prone to obesity can eat mushrooms on a diet. These gifts of the forest are low in calories. But their porous body absorbs all the fats like a sponge. As a result, the dishes are high in calories.

However, there are certain varieties of mushrooms and dishes based on them that will not harm your figure.

Moreover, they should even be consumed as an alternative to meat or fish.

Myths and truth about the product

There are common myths:

  1. Myth No. 1 : Mushrooms are difficult to digest, so they need to be chopped finer when cooking. Truth: they contain fiber that is indigestible by our body - chitin-like polysaccharides. Even if you chop the mushrooms, this will only partially help. They must be chewed thoroughly.
  2. Myth No. 2 : Mushrooms, like meat, are rich in protein. Truth: This product contains only 3% protein.
  3. Myth #3 : Mushrooms help fight cancer. Truth: such a strong opinion exists, but it is not supported by scientific evidence, and so far no medicine against cancer has been created based on mushrooms.
  4. Myth No. 4 : porcini mushroom is the most valuable in nutritional value. Truth: all forest gifts are beneficial if they are not poisonous. They are approximately the same in composition, but different in taste.
  5. Myth No. 5 : There is nothing healthy in mushrooms. Truth: they contain vitamins B, C, PP. But they die when heat treated during cooking. But pickled mushrooms have an abundance of vitamin C.
  6. Myth No. 6 : The most useful thing is the cap, the stem should be thrown away. Truth: both the caps and the stems have the same composition of vitamins and minerals. Preference is given to caps only because they are more tender, easier to digest, and there is more chitin in the stem.
  7. Myth No. 7 : If you cook mushrooms with onions for a long time, even poisonous ones become beneficial. Truth: it is not possible to destroy poison from inedible specimens by cooking.

There are many other common misconceptions. You need to trust specialists and the results of laboratory tests.

Important! When processing forest products, the top layer must be removed. The skin and stem contain the highest percentage of chitin, which is difficult for the stomach to digest.

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What is pickling mushrooms?

Marinating is a popular method of preparing foods. A type of preservation, the essence of which is the use of acids in a certain amount, which suppresses the vital activity of microorganisms.

Canning itself consists of technical processing of food products, during which the vital activity of microorganisms that can previously spoil the product is inhibited. The marinade certainly contains not only acid (vinegar, table salt), but also sugar and vegetable oils.

By resorting to pickling food, a person seeks to destroy a favorable habitat for mold, bacteria, and yeast. This is achieved not only by treating the food product with a certain concentration of acid and salt, but also through the use of pasteurization, storage at low temperatures, in a sealed and oxygen-free container.

Traditionally, the marinade for preserving mushrooms contains 4 components:

  • boiled water - as a base;
  • acids - prevents the development of bacteria, this is usually lemon juice and citric acid, vinegar;
  • herbs and spices - used to add additional flavors and flavor to products with a weak taste, including some varieties of mushrooms;
  • vegetable oil - protects the product from excessive exposure to acid and, most importantly, provides a film that prevents minimal penetration of oxygen from the outside.

If desired, the marinade for mushrooms can be supplemented by adding sugar and garlic, and a wide variety of spices.

Pickling mushrooms may seem like an almost primitive process - prepare a concentrated solution and treat the collected mushrooms with it. However, not all so simple. Experienced housewives and mushroom pickers draw the attention of beginners to what steps need to be carried out in the process of preparing tasty and, most importantly, safe pickled mushrooms. So, how to pickle mushrooms correctly:

  • step one - choosing the right mushrooms; firstly, you need to be confident in your harvest, and secondly, not every edible mushroom is suitable for pickling, use such as porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, honey mushrooms; none of them should contain traces of rot, worm holes, they should be firm and fresh;
  • step two - proper preparation of mushrooms; mushrooms suitable for pickling must not only be edible and of high quality, but also properly processed - it is strongly recommended to clean the mushrooms from contamination, sort and sort them by size and variety, cut off the tips of the stems and remove spoiled areas, cut large mushrooms correctly into 2-3 parts ;
  • step three - choosing a marinating method and a specific recipe; You can marinate mushrooms in the marinade (the jar containing the mushrooms immersed in the marinade is pasteurized), or you can do it separately (the pasteurization of the mushrooms occurs separately from the marinade, they are poured with it only at the end); in the first case, the marinade will be cloudy, in the second - transparent;
  • step four - preparation for storage; even properly processed mushrooms are recommended to be stored exclusively in cool conditions (in the refrigerator or cellar); An integral part of every recipe is adding vegetable oil on top of the cooked mushrooms, and only then sealing them airtight, this prevents the development of mold.

It is noteworthy that the tight fit of sealed lids to the contents of the jar, complemented by ignoring the last rule for pickling mushrooms, is fraught with the formation of botulinus bacteria in the jar - a spore-bearing long bacillus that provokes the development of the dangerous disease botulism.

Benefits, harms, nutritional value

Mushrooms cannot boast of a serious set of vitamins and minerals. They are loved because they are delicious. However, the benefits are obvious:

  • they contain 18 of the 20 existing amino acids important for the construction of body cells;
  • the carbohydrate composition is similar to vegetables;
  • the composition contains potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, which are important for the smooth functioning of the body;
  • There are also antioxidants that help improve immunity.

It is worth knowing about the dangers:

  • mushrooms slow down the production of gastric juice and contain chitin, which is difficult to digest;
  • they absorb everything harmful from the environment, so they may contain salts of heavy metals, radioactive particles (it all depends on where they are collected);
  • There are very toxic specimens; there is a risk of not recognizing them when cooking.

Forest products are low-calorie, as you can see by looking at the table.

Name of the mushroom Energy value (kcal)
White 34
Gruzd 18,5
Champignon 27
Chanterelles 19
Butter 19,2
Honey mushrooms 22
Russula 19
boletus 20
Ryzhik 22,3
Truffles 24
Chernushka 9,1

If mushrooms are processed correctly, dishes made from them will also be low in calories. There are even diets based on these products.

Is it possible to eat champignon mushrooms on a diet? How long has humanity known about the benefits and harms of champignons?

The Italians first noticed them more than a thousand years ago. And since then, champignons have become a favorite product of all, even the most demanding gourmets.

If initially these were wild mushrooms, then over time people learned to grow them in an artificial environment. It is interesting that to this day champignons are the only mushrooms that are so subject to human control.

Champignons began to be grown in France back in the 17th century. French businessmen called them “Parisian” mushrooms.

Just four centuries ago, champignons were considered a rare delicacy, accessible only to select castes. And these mushrooms were very, very expensive. It was all about the complexity of the technology for growing them. Therefore, some monarchs even kept special rooms where champignons were cultivated.

Today, the process of growing champignons has been significantly simplified and has become completely automated, which allows you to harvest a rich harvest all year round. Now it is enough to acquire a basement with good ventilation and the ability to maintain a stable temperature there - mushrooms are not heat-loving, and they are wary of the cold, so the temperature in the basement should be as moderate as possible.

So now anyone can treat themselves to this delicacy - supermarket shelves are simply filled with champignons in all their forms - from fresh to canned. In Russia, the “Parisian” mushroom has long become a people's favorite for its “mild” disposition and delicate taste.

Should I use it while losing weight?

Mushrooms are quite suitable for those losing weight. And that's why:

  • hunger is satisfied for a long time;
  • with low calorie content they have high nutritional value, which means there is less risk of hunger pangs;
  • the presence of zinc reduces cravings for sweets;
  • The content of vitamins and minerals helps saturate the body with the necessary building materials.

All mushrooms are tasty and healthy in their own way. For those losing weight, it also matters which ones are preferable, which ones have fewer calories and more nutrients.


These forest gifts were often produced in artificial myceliums. Moreover, nutritionists advise giving preference to them. They are the most useful. Champignons have less chitin, so they are digested faster. They can also be eaten raw, retaining all the beneficial vitamins .

Honey mushrooms

Honey mushrooms have low calorie content. More often they use pickled ones. But for those losing weight, it is better to eat them boiled with a light sauce, since pickled ones stimulate the appetite.


This species is considered very useful; it comes from China. It is eaten boiled, dried and raw.

It lowers cholesterol and has choleretic properties. Ancient books write about many healing properties of shiitake.


This Japanese mushroom normalizes hormonal levels.

Very useful for those who are overweight due to hormonal imbalances. This product has long been used to normalize weight.


They grow on a tree. The price is budget. They have various medicinal properties - diuretic, choleretic, and increase immunity.


These sunny mushrooms contain a lot of protein, which means they are perfectly filling and give you a feeling of fullness for the whole day. And at the same time, they are low in calories. There are only 25 kcal in 100 g of boiled chanterelles, and 37 kcal in stewed chanterelles.

They contain quinomannose. It has a detrimental effect on worms and other parasites, but does not interfere with the functioning of the liver at all.


The proteins in boletus are 85% absorbed by the body. In terms of the composition of nutrients and elements, they are the most balanced, reduce cholesterol, remove uric acid, and help with gout and migraines.

100 g of fresh butter contains only 19 kcal. After cooking, the calorie content does not increase too much.


They are also called boletus mushrooms. Any dish with them is satisfying, despite the fact that there are few calories.

A large amount of chitin interferes with the process of protein absorption, and this is good for weight loss.

It is better to eat them boiled; fried they are too heavy. But even if you cook it, you need to add as many vegetables as possible. There are boletus diets. You can eat up to 250 g of these forest products per day.

Is it possible to eat wild mushrooms on a diet? Is it possible to eat mushrooms while dieting?

The issue of including different types of mushrooms in the diet has always been quite acute and discussed. Fortunately, nutritionists have now been able to prove that mushrooms can safely be classified as a healthy food product. However, not all and not in any form. This is due to the fact that certain varieties are quite difficult for the stomach to digest, which is why they should be unquestioningly abandoned.

Mushrooms themselves are an ideal dietary product. This is due to the excellent combination of nutritional properties and low calorie content. This is why mushroom diets are now very popular.

However, it should be noted that the inclusion of mushrooms in a personal diet during a diet should imply taking into account certain features and principles of nutrition.

So, on a diet, mushrooms can fully replace animal protein. The vegetable protein with which they are saturated is absorbed better and faster by the body, which means that the benefits from it are significantly greater. It is important that properly prepared mushrooms can be eaten almost every day without causing irritability and heaviness in the stomach. It is better to eat mushrooms in the morning or lunchtime, since during dinner they can lead to an unwanted increase in the load on the stomach and create a feeling of heaviness. They can be eaten in their pure form, stuffed, added to side dishes, salads and first courses.

Permitted species

There are no strict restrictions on the choice of mushroom type - each person is free to decide this independently. At the same time, it is important that the mushroom is a low-calorie product and does not require lengthy and complex heat treatment. The ideal option in this case are champignons and oyster mushrooms - they are easy to prepare, do not accumulate toxins and, most importantly, contain a large amount of protein. It is better to give preference to those mushrooms that are grown in greenhouse conditions, that is, they do not contain chemicals and dangerous toxins. It should be borne in mind that frozen mushrooms are less healthy than fresh ones, since the bulk of the nutrients are lost during deep freezing.


Despite all the usefulness of mushrooms, they are not recommended for those who have:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • allergy to mushrooms.

It is not recommended to give forest products to children, elderly people, pregnant women, as poor digestion may cause digestive problems.

Important! Mushrooms help lower bad cholesterol levels. They contain natural insulin, which normalizes sugar, and melanin, which has antitumor properties.

Is it possible to eat salted mushrooms on a diet? Is it possible to salt mushrooms while losing weight?

If you want to get rid of extra pounds gradually, but at the same time confidently and tasty, then the mushroom diet is what you need. But all you have to do is replace the meat in your menu with mushrooms and the trick is in the bag. After a week, you will find that you have lost about four kilograms. The thing is that, in addition to their usefulness, mushrooms contain few calories. Those who are already fed up with strict diets should try it. It is quite possible that you will be pleasantly surprised how joyful it is to lose weight for your own pleasure.

In Rus', mushrooms have been a favorite product since ancient times. And today this love does not weaken. Mainly due to the unusual taste and nutritional properties of this product. Those who like this diet, and mostly women, have something to say about this. But mainly, the value of this diet for them lies in the fact that in a generally short period of time, they can achieve excellent results.

Beneficial properties of mushrooms for losing weight

Let's first talk about the benefits of mushrooms. First of all, it is protein, the content of which ranges from two to 55% of the total weight. Fats, on the contrary, are small - 0.5-4%. As for carbohydrates, mushrooms are not inferior to vegetables - 1.7-23% depending on the type. In one hundred grams of mushrooms you will find from 20 to 40 calories, if you don’t remember truffles, where there are about 97 calories.

The ability of mushrooms to get rid of moisture only increases their energy value. In dry mushroom it is immeasurably higher. Mushrooms are also famous for their wealth of phosphorus, potassium, iron, iodine, manganese, zinc and many other substances so necessary for the body. As for vitamins, mushrooms are not deprived of them either. There is a whole scattering of them here: A, C, PP, B, D. Being the owners of excellent taste and unsurpassed aroma substances, mushrooms are perfectly absorbed by the body.

An experiment conducted in England aimed at studying the ability of mushrooms to influence a person’s weight yielded impressive results. By consuming mushrooms instead of meat, people of all ages lost up to six kilograms over five weeks.

Mushroom diet options for weight loss

Here are several options for a diet for weight loss based on mushrooms:

  1. The first one is the simplest. It is necessary, as mentioned above, to eat mushroom dishes instead of meat. Without experiencing hunger with such a diet, you gradually reduce your weight. Without feeling, by the way, unnecessary stress and discomfort.
  2. Another method is based on the fact that you will need to eat at least 400 grams of salted mushrooms. It doesn’t matter which ones – white ones, milk mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, oyster mushrooms…. Rinse them first and then season them with a little vegetable oil and herbs. Don't eat them all at once, but divide them three times. In addition to mushrooms, eat about 400 grams of vegetables, no matter what (but except potatoes) and in what form they will be. It is also recommended to drink about half a liter of vegetable juices; green tea; rye kvass or ordinary clean water. A little honey won't hurt either.
  3. The next option looks like this:
      In the morning – mushroom paste spread on toast. To prepare it, you need to boil the mushrooms, chop them finely and then mix with low-fat cottage cheese, herbs and salt. Drink black coffee without sugar.
  4. In the afternoon – Mushroom soup. Green tea.
  5. In the evening – Vegetable salad. Low-fat kefir. Apple (green).

Recommendations for using the mushroom diet

The main advantage of the mushroom diet is that cholesterol, which is harmful to the body, is not produced, plus fat cells are not produced. In addition, with the help of mushrooms, toxins and waste are removed from the body, thus cleansing it of harmful substances.

And finally, the main thing: by replacing meat with mushrooms, which are not inferior to it in terms of benefits for the body, you can be sure that you will not gain excess weight. The stomach works like a clock.

Champignons are easier to digest than other mushrooms in the body. And therefore they are the most acceptable mushroom product for people aiming to lose excess weight.


  1. Allergic reaction to mushrooms.
  2. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver.
  3. Recent infectious disease.
  4. Hypertension.

In all these cases, the mushroom diet is not recommended.

The diet should not last more than two weeks. During this period, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, including dry wine. Next time, it is recommended to carry out the mushroom diet no earlier than six months later.

Please also note that the rate at which you lose extra pounds depends on your excess weight at the beginning of the diet. The larger it was, the more intensely you will lose weight. On average, this is two to four kilograms per week.

Which form is best to eat?

Mushrooms have a porous structure, so they absorb what they are cooked in. This changes the calorie content of the finished dish. This should be taken into account by those who are watching their figure. Steamed ones are considered the most dietary. But fried, baked, canned are tastier.


If the mushrooms are intended for frying, it is better not to soak them in water. There is no need to boil boletus, boletus, aspen mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles and greenhouse oyster mushrooms, and champignons before frying. Other varieties need to be boiled first.

The calorie content of fried mushrooms increases due to oil. You can fry with butter or vegetable. After adding onions and potatoes, the calorie content of the dish increases to 270 kcal per 100 g.

Mushrooms accumulate more harmful substances. It is worth abandoning self-collection.


The mushrooms are baked after they are marinated. Marinade adds calories to the dish. Baked ones can be stuffed with meat or cheese. They can also be grilled and topped with sauce when serving.


Mushrooms are great as a pickled appetizer. They stimulate the appetite and are included in some salads. However, they are contraindicated for those who are on a diet or who have high stomach acidity.


Canned and pickled ones differ only in that they are stored for a long time. They also add vinegar as a preservative. There is almost nothing left of the beneficial substances, since prolonged heat treatment destroys them. But such twists can be eaten all year round. But there is a danger of getting botulism.

Is it possible to eat honey mushrooms on a diet? Calorie content of mushrooms

These products are dietary, nutritious and low-calorie, and the abundance of nutrients helps not only get rid of excess weight, but also gain health benefits.

Is it possible to eat mushrooms while losing weight, given their nutritional value? At the proper nutritional level, they contain almost no fat and contain a set of amino acids at the level of advertised seafood and fish.

The protein included in the composition can replace meat.

The amount of kcal in the raw product is low, but frying can increase the calorie content of mushrooms to prohibitive heights, so it is recommended to stew, bake or steam. A low number of calories and a low glycemic index are important for people with diabetes. Include forest products in your menu, and they will adhere to the established principles of healthy eating.

The construction of a menu for weight loss is based on the option of processing forest gifts. Reviews say that people find them tasty only when fried.

However, this method of preparation can increase the calorie content from the usual 18-40 calories to 300-400. The mushroom diet involves including mushroom dishes for breakfast and lunch, but not dinner.

The menu can be varied. However, the amount of mushrooms should be limited to 100-200 grams per day. This limit will allow you to get the desired result - proteins in the required quantity, without overloading the digestive system. Popular dietary dishes are:

  • light cream soups;
  • mushroom casseroles;
  • snacks and salads;
  • salty options;
  • cabbage rolls with mushroom filling;
  • sauces.

The most optimal way of cooking in the fight against excess weight is considered to be steamed. Steam porcini mushrooms for 20-30 minutes, add sautéed onions.

You can replace high-calorie sour cream sauce with light yogurt of 1-2 percent fat. Adding dairy products helps saturate the body with vitamin A.

Garnish the dish with fresh herbs - this will not only make it healthier, but also diversify the taste.

It is advisable to combine this ingredient with boiled or steamed vegetables, since use in combination with raw ones can cause gas formation.

A light appetizer option is steamed asparagus and green peas seasoned with olive oil and Italian herbs.

Dietary mushroom recipes

Based on the gifts of the forest, there are dozens of dishes whose calorie content is very low: from soups and salads to cutlets and sauces.

Name Ingredients Cooking method
Fresh honey mushroom soup
  • 300 g honey mushrooms;
  • 1 medium-sized onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 2 pieces of potatoes;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 100 g canned red beans;
  • bay leaf, parsley, salt, pepper.
We clean the honey mushrooms, cut them and put them in a cooking container, pour in 1.5 liters of water. While everything is cooking, peel and cut the vegetables into cubes. Fry the onions and carrots a little in vegetable oil until they become soft, add finely chopped garlic. Mix with the broth, then add the potatoes and eggplants cut into strips. Cook until soft. Finally, add beans, chopped herbs, bay leaves and spices.

Calorie content – ​​114 kcal per serving (250 g).

Country style
  • 500 g of fresh porcini mushrooms;
  • 70 g hard cheese;
  • 3 cloves of garlic:
  • ¾ cup low-fat sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • pepper, salt to taste.
Peel the mushrooms and cut them as thin as possible. Steam it. Then fry in oil, pour in sour cream, add garlic and pepper. Place in the oven at 180 degrees for 5 minutes. Sprinkle the finished casserole with cheese and chopped herbs.

Calorie content – ​​187 kcal per 100 g.

Buckwheat with mushrooms
  • 200 g mushrooms;
  • 1.5 tbsp. buckwheat;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 raw egg;
  • salt to taste.
Mushrooms must be peeled and finely chopped. Chop the onion. Fry together in vegetable oil until half cooked. Cook crumbly buckwheat porridge in water. Mix porridge and mushrooms, add beaten egg and salt. Place the mixture in a greased form and place in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Calorie content – ​​134 kcal per 100 g.

Is it possible to eat mushrooms on a diet? Mushroom diet for weight loss

The mushroom diet is an excellent option for losing weight. Mushrooms contain beneficial vitamins, minerals and trace elements that cleanse the body of toxins, normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, and improve metabolic processes. Thanks to following such a diet, you can easily say goodbye to extra 3-5 kg ​​in 1-2 weeks. In this case, you will not need to starve yourself at all; the diet involves a varied diet, with the daily use of “crown” mushrooms in the menu, prepared in various variations.

Basic principles of the mushroom diet:

  • Meat and fish in the diet are replaced by mushrooms;
  • Consumption of environmentally friendly mushrooms: champignons, chanterelles, boletus, honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus;
  • Consumption of low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Consumption of vegetables (both raw and stewed, boiled, steamed);
  • Drinking vegetable and fruit juices;
  • Black, green, herbal tea without cream and sugar, herbal decoctions;
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of purified water per day;
  • Eat no more than 400 grams of mushrooms per meal;
  • After eating, you need to move and engage in light physical activity.

Prohibited products:

  • Baking, confectionery and flour products;
  • Fried, pickled, salty dishes;
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

You should definitely monitor your daily caloric intake. To lose weight, you need to reduce the caloric content of your diet and increase physical activity. To achieve the fastest weight loss results, you should do exercises, play sports, take long walks in the fresh air, and avoid the elevator.


Before you decide to switch to a diet for the purpose of losing weight, you need to weigh the pros and cons, making sure that such a diet is not contraindicated for your body for various reasons.

Contraindications to the mushroom diet:

  • People under 18 and over 55 years of age;
  • Pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Hypertension;
  • The recovery period after infectious diseases;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Allergic reactions.

Expert opinions

Experts have a contradictory attitude towards mushrooms. But they are united in one thing: when losing weight, they may well be included in the list of permitted products.

Ekaterina Fedorenko, head of the laboratory for studying the nutritional status of the population, Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Hygiene

This specialist believes that even canned mushrooms should be boiled for 15 minutes before use. Because there is a risk of getting botulism. It’s better to avoid canning altogether, and use salted and pickled ones, covered with a lid and stored in the refrigerator.

Lyudmila Zhurba, pediatrician and chief physician of the Beauty and Health Center Alean Family Resort & Spa Riviera 4*

This specialist believes that mushrooms are great for losing weight, as they contain valuable vitamins and minerals. And it is better to give them to children at least once a week. It is advisable to use only the caps for food.

Mikhail Vishnevsky, mycologist

This specialist advises to chop the mushrooms thoroughly when cooking, as they will be better absorbed. It’s even better to grind them in a blender, then there will be more useful results.


Mushrooms have a fairly strong natural taste and aroma, but after heat treatment they tend to lose these organoleptic properties. It is necessary to select the right spices for mushrooms in order to compensate for the lost taste and make it as strong as possible. Dried or fresh herbs such as dill, parsley and chives enhance the natural flavor.

At the same time, spices should not steal all the attention; they should highlight the mushroom flavor in the dish.

Onions and garlic are strong-tasting foods that enhance the natural umami found in mushrooms.

Garlic and onions reveal themselves brightest during the process of stewing and frying mushrooms.

Nutmeg is ideal for dishes with mushrooms and sour cream . The spice balances well and reveals the mushroom flavor. It is most important to use ground nutmeg in dishes with stewed or baked mushrooms. However, to get the maximum benefit, aroma and taste from nutmeg, it is enough to take a very small amount of spice: literally 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon of ground or fresh grated nut (it should be remembered that grated nutmeg is stronger than dried ground).

Ideal for pickled mushrooms : black pepper, allspice, garlic, dill, cloves, onion, bay leaf, rosemary.

For fried mushrooms : parsley, onion, dill, herbes de Provence, nutmeg.

For mushroom sauces: thyme, rosemary, onion, garlic, black pepper.

For mushroom soups : Provençal herbs, black pepper, bay leaf, nutmeg, dill, parsley, cilantro.

For salted mushrooms : bay leaf, dill seeds, garlic, black peppercorns.

Avoid vinegar

When preparing mushroom dishes, try to replace table vinegar, often called for in recipes, with light citrus or berry juice: lemon, orange, apple, currant, and so on. It's both tastier and healthier.

The densest mushroom. What to cook from chanterelles Read more

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