How to narrow a wide nose: injections or plastic surgery

Causes of sagging skin on the face and neck

Loose skin is the result of age-related changes in the body. Due to the slowdown in the synthesis of endogenous hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin fibers, the deterioration of microcirculation in tissues, and the effects of gravity, there is a noticeable decrease in the quality of the skin.

Before solving the problem, it is necessary to find the cause that affects the appearance of sagging skin on the face and neck. Sometimes it is enough to eliminate the provoking factor and normalize the skin condition.

So, the main reasons for sagging skin:

  • age-related changes - in most cases, sagging appears after 35 years, when the natural aging processes begin (the production of hyaluronic acid decreases, collagen and elastin are synthesized in smaller quantities, metabolic processes are sluggish);
  • some diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep, strict diets);
  • improper skin care (expired or low-quality cosmetics).

“Before” and “after”: how does the face change during weight loss?

The path to a beautiful and fit body is often very long and thorny. Difficulties and trials await you, which at first glance seem insurmountable. However, a balanced diet in tandem with regular physical activity is 100% guaranteed. Do not forget that during rapid weight loss a number of serious changes occur in the body: fat disappears, and the usual features of appearance change. For example, facial features that were previously blurry appear very clearly, cheekbones and nose become sharper, contours appear.

You should be prepared for the fact that the skin does not always have time to adapt to such rapid changes. It sags, stretch marks and folds appear, which appear primarily on the face. Just like throughout the entire surface of the body, there is a layer of subcutaneous fat on the face. Moreover, in some people it is so large that the layer between the facial muscles and the epidermis is completely filled with fatty deposits. At the same time, there are not many areas of skin left on the face untouched by fat. If before rapid weight loss a person’s face was not particularly full (this often happens), the skin loses its elasticity and stretches. The cheekbones are sharpened first. In this case, it is important to properly care for your facial skin, avoiding severe stretch marks and irreversible consequences.

In the absence of the necessary care, the skin may simply “not fall into place.” Your task is to help the skin recover, become elastic and toned. Nutrition plays an important role in this situation. Your diet should be as balanced as possible, filled with vitamins and minerals. People who suffered from large amounts of excess weight before losing weight have to face more severe consequences. Especially when it comes to obesity. In this case, everything depends on the initial body weight and the number of kilograms lost. Sudden weight loss negatively affects not only the condition of a person’s skin, but also his well-being and health in general. In the process of such weight loss, changes may occur in the internal structure of the epidermis.

The most common types of changes in the epidermis caused by sudden weight loss:

  • The appearance of various rashes on the skin. Losing weight invariably leads to changes in a person's hormonal levels. This primarily concerns women. Hormonal levels directly affect a person’s weight, the structure of his skeleton, the functioning of his internal organs, the condition of his blood vessels and the structure of his skin. This is why pimples, rashes and age spots often appear when there is a hormonal imbalance.
  • The appearance of ptosis. As you lose weight, your skin sags, leaving unsightly patches of skin. At the same time, the contours of the face become unclear, and the entire skin droops down. You can prevent the appearance of ptosis and make your face attractive from an aesthetic point of view with the help of massage and special cosmetic procedures. Unfortunately, sometimes it is impossible to eliminate skin sagging using gentle methods. In this case, you have to resort to surgical correction. It is important to prevent skin ptosis rather than correct it later. You need to lose weight gradually, otherwise you risk losing your health along with your weight.
  • The appearance of wrinkles and folds. Such changes are especially noticeable in the area of ​​the cheeks, which sink inwards, and the lips, which extend into an arc. One of the key problem areas is the skin around the eyes. It reacts very sharply to any changes in the body, and in fact is a relay of all its problems. As a result of sudden weight loss, as a rule, the lower eyelid droops greatly, which creates the effect of a painful appearance, making the face tired and haggard. At the same time, the skin around the eyes loses its elasticity and becomes saggy and dry.

Interesting fact: women begin to lose weight from their faces, and men - on the contrary. For representatives of the stronger sex, the face is the final stage of weight loss. If the face remains full, then most likely it is due to increased swelling. It is necessary to undergo a comprehensive medical examination, which will accurately determine the cause of such an anomaly. First of all, you need to check your thyroid gland, kidneys and make changes to your diet.

One of the most common questions often asked by people who want to lose weight is whether the nose gets smaller when losing weight. In this case, there is no clear answer. Everything is purely individual, and depends on skin type, genetic predisposition and characteristics of the body. Not everyone is blessed with a neat nose. And losing weight will not help in this sense. However, the extra pounds lost can thin the cheekbones, reduce Bish's lumps, enlarge the eyes, and define the contours of the face. The nose is entirely made of cartilage. In fact, there is no fat layer in it, as such. Therefore, there is nothing special to lose weight there. However, in obese people the layer of fat is so large that it even covers the nose. For example, fat can be located at the bridge of the nose and between the nostrils. In this situation, the nose can really lose weight. After a sharp weight loss, it will become much sharper and take on clear outlines.

Even with slight weight loss, the nose will begin to stand out more strongly against the background of other parts of the face. However, it will not change on its own. It’s just that against the background of sagging eyelids and sunken cheeks, it will seem much larger. In some cases, the problem can only be solved with rhinoplasty. Alternatively, you can experiment with specific exercises to tighten your nose. They can be done along with massages and lifting masks for the skin. Nutritionists call the procedure for tightening the skin as a result of sudden weight loss “cleaning after renovation.” You should pay special attention to this issue, because sometimes a thin face looks simply depressing.

It is necessary to take care of strengthening the facial muscles, restoring their volume and tone, and forming the elasticity of the skin. After this, your face will look much younger. For this purpose, you can use masks made from natural ingredients, hyaluronic and collagen creams, masks based on white clay, natural coffee, algae, etc. The composition can be chosen depending on personal preferences. Pinch massage, water treatments and facial aerobics are excellent for tightening the skin.

What do you think about the changes in the faces of these people? Write comments and follow our news.

What to do if the skin becomes loose

How to get rid of loose skin? There is no simple and unambiguous answer to this question. Since the problem is caused by several reasons, its solution will have to be approached from different angles. Trying to find a magic mask for sagging skin that will rejuvenate forever, although exciting, has little to do with boring reality.

The best place to start is by organizing regular skin care using cosmetics. In order not to expose yourself to risky experiments, you need to choose the right cosmetics. A qualified cosmetologist can help with this. You can seek advice from a representative of a certain brand that you like. But it would be more correct to consult with a more in-depth specialist who is not interested in selling a specific product. We have such specialists in our clinic.

Another obvious solution is to change your lifestyle towards a healthier one. Quit smoking, switch to a balanced diet, allocate the necessary time for good healthy sleep and slightly reduce the level of everyday stress. The simplicity of these tired recommendations clearly correlates with the low likelihood of their implementation. It can be difficult for people to make the transition to a healthier life because it means giving up some unhealthy but enjoyable things.

In some cases, premature sagging of the skin of the face and neck is one of the symptoms of an endocrine or neurological disease. If you suspect that the root of the problem is here, undergo a full-scale medical examination under the guidance of a doctor of appropriate specialization.

Olga Kartunkova

The most incredible weight loss in terms of its scale was demonstrated by KVN artist Olga Kartunkova. Over the course of 2 years, Olga lost more than 80 kilograms and transformed herself so much that it became impossible to recognize her as a regular artist. Her face got rid of the massive double chin and cheeks, Olga gained a beautiful oval face, and it became noticeable how beautiful her eyes are!

Actress of the humorous genre Olga Kartunkova

Methods for correcting sagging skin

Let's be honest, you won't be able to eliminate sagging skin at home. Therefore, we recommend not to waste time and seek advice from a cosmetologist. Modern hardware techniques help to significantly increase turgor and tighten sagging skin.

Today, experts recommend the following hardware techniques to combat this problem:

  • non-surgical lifting using a unique Doublo ultrasound device helps to cope with wrinkles, double chin, moderate ptosis;
  • Fractional rejuvenation using the world's first cold laser Picosure allows you to start tissue regeneration processes from the inside without damaging the surface layer of the skin, effectively improving its quality characteristics;
  • photorejuvenation Quantum Luminis, due to exposure to intense pulsed light (IPL technology), the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Please note that all hardware methods have similar contraindications. They are not performed during pregnancy, skin diseases, facial injuries, oncology, during exacerbation of chronic diseases and at elevated temperatures.

Thus, effective non-surgical methods for correcting sagging skin are hardware methods of anti-aging medicine, primarily ultrasound lifting. It allows you to significantly improve skin turgor and achieve facial rejuvenation results of 5-8 years in just 1 visit.

We invite you to undergo this effective procedure at our clinic, which has the most advanced and extensive capabilities to ensure that you look great at any age.

Anna Mikhalkova

Anna Mikhalkova has been gaining weight and then losing weight all her life, but, fortunately, her changes do not in any way affect her demand for films. Recently, the actress lost weight again, and her face took shape again, losing her double chin. But Anna recently turned 45 years old! So, women aged 40+ should not be afraid to lose weight, which negatively affects their health. By the way, it was health that became the reason for Mikhalkova’s weight loss, who suffers from hypertension.

Actress Anna Mikhalkova

Preventing the appearance of loose skin

Prevention is always easier than eliminating consequences. Prevention is better than cure. These truisms are true, but their awareness is not enough. In order for sagging skin not to upset you with its appearance and presence, you need to follow certain rituals. There is nothing mystical about them. Start giving yourself a face and neck massage or facial exercises every day. The method and sequence of actions have been repeatedly described in popular literature and demonstrated in videos on YouTube and other services. If you can afford it, buy a paid course from a specialist with good reviews. The introduction of massage and facial gymnastics into the daily routine is not for everyone. But if you manage to do this, you will be rewarded handsomely.

Tatyana Ustinova

From a young age, the author of detective novels had a large physique, and over the years the writer’s weight only grew. Despite the fact that Ustinova was never shy about her kilograms and was always confident in herself, at some point she had serious health problems that required her to radically reconsider her view of her body. And then she reduced the calorie content of her diet and lost almost 100 kilograms.

Having gotten rid of the excess, Tatyana was transformed and began to look much younger and more impressive. The stylish short haircut now really suits her significantly thinner face, which has lost her massive double chin.

Writer Tatyana Ustinova

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