Bodylifting - body lift, torsoplasty

Recommended Procedures

Figure correction using the Maximus device

Thermage – RF body lifting

Removal of stretch marks using Fraxel, ResurFX, AcuPulse lasers.

Photorejuvenation using the M22 device

Skin tightening after weight loss

Loose, sagging skin on the abdomen most often appears after intense weight loss. The problem is so specific that neither exercise nor a vitamin diet can completely eliminate wrinkles and folds, especially in the lower abdomen. Aggressive weight loss leads to the loss of a large amount of not only fat, but also muscle mass. At the same time, the formation of new collagen and elastin fibers is inhibited by the hormone cortisol (stress hormone), which is released in excess during such a stressful load on the body. As a result, the skin loses its tone, and a hardware tightening of the abdominal skin is required, because the body does not have enough resources for self-healing.

How to get rid of saggy and flabby skin after losing weight?

How to get rid of saggy skin after losing weight? There is an effect. But not the one you were expecting? Instead of fat folds - terrible stretch marks and saggy skin. Just in those places that should please the eye with their elasticity and roundness. This is exactly how you imagined your future figure when you went on a diet. And so much effort - the kilograms have been lost, but happiness, as they say, is still not there. And your husband frowns with displeasure every time he sees you in a negligee and remembers stupid jokes about spaniel ears...

This is how nature works and nothing can be done - along with excess weight, elastic skin also leaves us. But the degree of sagging skin depends on various factors. The first, of course, is the number of pounds you've lost.

Up to 10 kg - everything is not as scary as you think; muscle tone can be restored in a fairly short time with little effort. Once you have followed the diet, you can afford a gym twice a week, a sauna once every two weeks, and a contrast shower every day.

Up to 20 kg - you have accomplished a feat. Change your wardrobe and go aerobics! The advice is the same as for the previous group, just add a balanced diet, no carbonated drinks, regular visits to salons with all kinds of procedures aimed at preventing sagging skin. Or masks and wraps at home.

Up to 30 kg or more is a dramatic shake-up not only for the skin, but also for the entire body as a whole. Therefore, if your weight loss is the result of a long and fruitful diet, then you need to consult a doctor, preferably before starting the diet and after it ends. But now we are only worried about the skin. Therefore, we will not dwell again on the benefits of sports and a balanced diet and let’s face the truth.

If such a decisive weight loss occurred after the age of 30, then we have to disappoint you: some adjustments are only subject to surgical intervention. But you should think about this only two years after losing weight. This will be enough time for you to try all the methods below and understand what you can correct and what you can’t.

Universal techniques for saving skin after losing weight

Universal means suitable for any age and type of weight loss.

1. Contrast shower and hard washcloth. Temper your skin with rough and even harsh touches, rub with a washcloth and pour almost cold water on it! Saggy folds don’t like this!

2. The next method available to any woman at home is skin lotion or cream. Better with a targeted effect against stretch marks and cellulite. Don’t listen to your friends’ sighs that all this cosmetics makes no sense - they are just lazy and don’t bother themselves with daily skin care not only of their face, but also of their body. Surprise them in six months - a year! But that’s later—for now, work and work again.

3. Regularly remove old dead cells from the surface of the skin, allowing new ones to breathe. In other words, use scrubs and peels. Skin renewal will not take long to arrive. And one more piece of advice well known in the circles of stars and models is to add mumiyo to your body cream, even the cheapest one, in a ratio of 1 to 4. The vitamins and beneficial elements of the bee product will enrich your cream and, accordingly, your skin.

4. It’s banal, but true - sport and once again sport. Choose an activity you like and make muscle exercise a norm of life. It is impossible to overcome sagging skin without physical exercise. Therefore, if you have taken yourself seriously, do not stop halfway.

5. Don’t exhaust your body by giving up “fatty” foods! Vegetable oil, fish and dairy products. Without them, it is impossible to keep a woman, and therefore her skin, youthful. After all, sagging folds form not only on our stomach and arms, but also on our face. Those hated wrinkles! Therefore, complete exclusion of foods containing fats is unacceptable. In addition, do not forget about sufficient fluid intake. At least two liters a day of clean drinking water.

By following these simple tips, you can regain the right to enjoy your reflection in the mirror, as if you were 17 again! Lose weight for your health!


Overstretching of the skin on the abdomen leads to the formation of an unsightly skin pouch in the following cases:

  • Age-related loss of tone and a decrease in the thickness of subcutaneous tissue cause thinning of the dermal layer. Against the background of a decrease in the volume of natural synthesis of collagen and elastin, a dense but easily stretchable layer of skin is formed.
  • Stretching of the skin on the abdomen during pregnancy. Due to rapid weight gain, increased abdominal volume and hormonal changes, intradermal microtears often occur. As a result, the skin of the abdomen not only becomes flabby and sagging, but also becomes covered with striae (stretch marks).
  • Rapid weight loss is the most common reason for skin tightening after weight loss, when sagging abdomen is caused by excess length of elastin and collagen fibers against the background of reduced volume.

Why does skin sag after losing weight?

Losing weight poses many conditions, restrictions and contraindications, and if approached incorrectly, it can cause unwanted side effects and sometimes dramatic results.
The “lose weight wisely” rule works for those who want to lose from 1 to 15 kg, but, alas, does not work with people suffering from morbid obesity, where the literal salvation of internal organs, cardiovascular system, joints and recovery comes first hormonal background. Caring for the condition of the skin is usually put in last place. Why does skin sag after severe weight loss? Not only does it “not have time” to shrink, it does not have sufficient resources to do so. Firstly, the larger the skin area, the less nutrients it receives. People who are extremely overweight already have an impaired metabolism, and when they begin to lose weight, the body literally goes into “emergency” mode and begins to “break down” fat and proteins. Secondly, in obese people, the skin under the weight of the fat layer is already lowered down, and returning it back to the top positions is only possible by 5-10%.

Collagen and elastin - two proteins that are responsible for the elasticity and healthy appearance of the skin - are under severe stress during weight loss. People who set a goal to lose a little weight care little about the synthesis of this protein in the body. The result of such inattention is unaesthetic stretch marks on the skin or stretch marks. With obesity, elastin and collagen fibers are stretched, that is, the skin no longer has any elasticity and firmness, and when the body also begins to lose weight, then there can be no talk of normal collagen synthesis.

Expert commentary

Ekaterina Ilyalova, dermatologist-cosmetologist

Dermatologist Ekaterina Ilyalova, an expert at the Premium Aesthetics Academy of Cosmetology, talks about tightening the abdominal skin:

“After sudden weight loss, and often just over the years, the stomach tends to sag. In addition, the texture of the skin may change, ranging from stretch marks to wrinkling. A tummy tuck is one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the world. But the operation is associated with high risks. Fortunately, today there are non-surgical lifting procedures. Using the Thermage device, in just one procedure you can achieve a pronounced lifting effect of abdominal tissue, which will only increase over the course of several months. The procedure with the Maximus device generally has a double effect, combining RF body lifting with training of the subcutaneous muscles through dynamic muscle activation of DMA. This is one of the best and most effective ways to tighten the skin of any area. The following hardware techniques will help improve the texture of the skin, increase its tone and eliminate stretch marks: Fraxel, ResurFX lasers, photorejuvenation using the M22 device.”

Modern cosmetology has a number of non-surgical corrective methods that trigger natural self-healing processes in the skin. When tightening the skin after losing weight, it is important to use a complex effect. It is necessary to simultaneously adjust your diet, exercise intensively, drink more fluids and attend cosmetic procedures. Then the effect will be quite fast and will last for a long time.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

Many girls dream of the cherished 90-60-90 and make incredible efforts to achieve the goal, without even thinking about the possible “side effects”. We strive so hard to achieve our ideal weight that on the way to our cherished dream we forget to make sure that our skin is kept in perfect condition. But super-fast diets can puzzle us with an unpleasant problem - what to do with the suddenly formed “extra” skin on the stomach, thighs, inner arms, etc.?

This kind of trouble happened to my friend’s mother. She planned to go on vacation to warmer climes in the summer and decided to quickly get her figure in order. We tactfully hinted to her that after fifty such “forced marches” are fraught with consequences , but she did not listen to us. Moreover, the skin behaved quite well at first.

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Slight sagging, of course, appeared, but we were assured that this had happened before, when at a younger age we had to urgently lose weight, and then the skin returned to its normal state.

But this time a miracle did not happen and instead of a fashion show in a swimsuit at sea, I had to wear an oversized dress, and upon arriving home I had a massage, body wraps, and various hydro and hardware procedures. The condition of the skin eventually improved noticeably, but it has not yet returned to its ideal state. Therefore, before resorting to accelerated weight loss schemes, you definitely need to weigh the pros and cons . Because with sudden weight loss, similar unfortunate stories can happen at a young age, especially if you have delicate and thin skin prone to dryness.

Of course, it will be easier to bring the epidermis back to normal than after 50-55 , but why run into trouble? It is better to find out in advance how to prevent such troubles.

Good to know, or a little theory

What does skin tone depend on? From the state of proteins, the main of which is His Majesty Collagen - a unique fibrillar protein, which is the basis of connective tissue of humans and animals (bones, cartilage, tendons, skin, etc.). There are more than 20 types of it in our body (25-45% of the total protein content in the body of humans and mammals).

And in the composition of skin proteins, collagen occupies the first place of honor (70%). Therefore, a sufficient amount of it is not just important, but a mega important condition for the firmness and elasticity of our skin.

Collagen is not produced independently by the body, but is synthesized from substances supplied with food. Therefore, during fasting or during a strict diet, we deprive the skin of the necessary support and do not think about the possible consequences. This means we draw conclusions and get acquainted with the list of products that must be present in the diet if the diet lasts more than one or two weeks.

What should you eat?

To maintain sufficient collagen levels, you must consume:

  • greens (spinach, kale, lettuce, etc.) – promotes collagen production;
  • red vegetables (tomatoes, sweet peppers), red fruits and berries (cherries, cherries, red apples, strawberries) – increase the level of unique protein;
  • beans - contains hyaluronic acid, which helps skin cells retain moisture and is also involved in collagen synthesis;
  • carrots – due to their high carotene content, helps slow down the breakdown of collagen and elastin;
  • oranges, limes, lemons, grapefruits, rose hips, bell peppers - high vitamin C content stimulates collagen synthesis;
  • turkey meat;
  • seafood (salmon fish, shrimp, seaweed are the leaders) - help increase collagen production;
  • walnuts and flax seeds.

Useful tips that will be useful not only for those losing weight

  1. If the skin is not firm and elastic enough, then daily consumption of a handful of walnuts with a glass of natural kefir or homemade yogurt will help improve its tone. Just don’t try to do this on an empty stomach! Only after eating.
  2. agar-agar as jellied beef legs, will help to significantly improve the condition of the skin and other types of connective tissue (bones, tendons, joints, cartilage).
  3. Consuming garlic oil, which you can make yourself, will help significantly increase the level of collagen formation You need to finely chop a medium head of garlic and pour in 200-250 g of sunflower, corn or any cold-pressed oil. Let it sit for a day at room temperature and then put it in the refrigerator. Use as a seasoning for salads. Store only in glass containers.
  4. To prevent sagging skin on the abdomen while on a diet, you need to massage it at least 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes with kneading movements, grasping the folds of the skin in your palms.
  5. In a pool or natural body of water, do exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles:
      in a standing position, clasp your hands (boat) at the level of your stomach, vigorously lift the “boat” up and down, while simultaneously drawing in your stomach;
  6. Holding onto a support, do “scissors” and “bicycle” exercises in the water.

That's all for today! I hope the information will be useful to you and your friends. Good luck and see you soon! There will be a lot more interesting things to come.

Basic rules that will help maintain skin turgor

  1. Avoid sudden weight loss. It is advisable to lose no more than 5 kg per month , and for thin skin prone to dryness, no more than 2 kg. Avoid long-term fasting (with the exception of therapeutic ones) and long-term strict diets, since these are the methods that lead to a sharp deterioration in the condition of the skin.
  2. The best option is considered to be reducing body weight by 0.5-0.7 kg per week . This is the most gentle mode, allowing the skin to tighten in a timely manner, preventing the appearance of sagging and sagging. In addition, this technique helps to consolidate the achieved result. After all, many people know firsthand how rapidly lost pounds come back just as quickly, even more beautiful than before.
  3. Maintain the necessary water balance , that is, drink at least 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day. This can be purified or mineral water (still), green or herbal teas (no sugar), rosehip decoction, low-fat kefir, whey, buttermilk.
  4. The diet must include: cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, fish (seafood), as well as beef and poultry, seeds and nuts, prunes. It is this set of products that will prevent the skin from losing firmness and elasticity. vegetable oils must be present in the diet .
  5. While following a diet, you need to mercilessly fight the desire to lie on the couch, and on the contrary, devote as much time as possible to active recreation. This will help keep the skin toned.
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