Express course for quick weight loss by Marina Korpan. Rules, requirements and results

Many people have probably heard about the benefits of breathing exercises, but not everyone understands how it works. Breathing exercises by Marina Korpan for weight loss involve combining a special breathing pattern with performing certain exercises. The complex is quite simple, it does not require special equipment and a lot of time - 15-20 minutes is enough. The founder of breathing exercises is the American Jill Johnson, while Marina Korpan improved the exercises and offered them to us. In her opinion, they are a safe and effective way to get rid of fat deposits, as well as for overall health. Let's look at what this technique is.

Briefly about the author of the program

Marina Igorevna Korpan is a well-known fitness trainer on the Zhivi TV channel, specializing in weight loss using breathing exercises - bodyflex and oxysize.

From Marina’s biography it is known that she went through a difficult path from a notorious girl with a lot of weight to a slender fitness lady. Through trial and error, the author of the technique proved that ordinary physical exercises and diets do not help quickly get rid of fat, but, on the contrary, extreme passion for them can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Studying at the Institute of Physical Education helped Marina understand the physiology of weight loss and apply her knowledge in practice. Today Marina is writing books about bodyflex and oxysize, and also conducts training courses on weight loss.

Thousands of people note that breathing techniques significantly help to get rid of excess weight without harm to health and grueling workouts.

Bodyflex for face and neck

A systematic approach will improve the quality of the skin, make it elastic, facial features and oval much more expressive.

a lion

This exercise is designed to get rid of a double chin.

What to do: hold your breath, head up, lips in a tube. Try to stick out your tongue as much as possible. Ideally, to the root and pull it “to heaven.” At the same time, open your eyes wide.


Technique for strengthening, tightening and beauty of neck muscles and facial skin.

It is done in two versions:

  1. Hold your breath, direct your gaze to the ceiling, then freely raise your head. “Pull” the lower jaw forward, curl the lips, as if pronouncing the letter “O”.
  2. Stand up straight and hold your breath. Repeat the first version of the exercise, only placing your hands behind your back, parallel to the floor. Then the arms are carefully raised as far as possible. Repeat 5 times. Shortness of breath is a signal to stop for a while and take a breath before the next approach.

“Grimace” is often recommended for those new to bodyflexing.

History of the system

The discoverer of the bodyflex system was the American housewife Greer Childers, mother of three children.

After the birth of her third child, Greer noticeably gained weight to size 56 and tried to get rid of it in every possible way. However, this did not bring results. In desperation, the woman paid for expensive weight loss courses, and it was after them that Greer began wearing size 44 again.

She decided to share her knowledge with the whole world. However, in order to make the technique accessible, the woman simplified it somewhat, leaving only basic exercises for all body groups. She released a book and a recording disc, which greatly simplified the training process for housewives. In addition, Greer began to conduct training in the gym herself.

The results were stunning - in just 13 minutes a day, over two weeks, people reduced their body volume to 10-12 centimeters.

Marina Korpan, looking through all possible weight loss methods, came across the development of Greer Childers. Years of studying at a physical education institute helped Marina understand the physiological processes of weight loss that occur during bodyflex exercises. Marina conducted her research and consulted with doctors, after which she began her studies.

Having tried the method on herself, the girl lost excess weight and realized that she had found a real way to lose weight without tormenting the body - cardio and strength training, as well as exhausting diets. However, she did not stop there - Marina began to refine the system of exercises, develop and spread bodyflex in Russia.

Of course, Marina Igorevna is not the founder of Bodyflex, but she finalized it and adapted it for people living in Russia and having various contraindications.

Thanks to her, the system has become available to many people suffering from obesity, but unable to afford gym classes for financial or health reasons.

The essence of the weight loss program

The BodyFlex system is based on the principles of yoga, therefore it combines two important components: diaphragmatic breathing and static physical exercises.

Correct diaphragmatic breathing involves taking a deep breath into the stomach and simultaneously holding it before exhaling. It is this delay that helps the body’s cells experience a kind of stress, as a result of which they begin to fill with oxygen with the first breath of air. Physical exercises allow the program to apply a targeted weight loss method - remove fat from problem areas.

Thus, if you create an oxygen deficiency and at the same time tighten the abdominal muscles, then with the next inhalation all the oxygen will go exactly to the place where the need for oxygen is increased, i.e. to the abdominal area. In addition, at the moment you hold your breath, the body begins to work in stress mode and process fat, mistaking it for nutrition.

The diaphragmatic type of breathing allows you to maximally fill the body's cells with oxygen, which will begin to instantly oxidize fat deposits.

Classes using the bodyflex system trigger the following processes necessary for weight loss:

  • when the abdomen is pulled in, the size of the stomach decreases, which has a positive effect on the level of appetite - you want to eat less, a person eats less food, portions are reduced;
  • when filled with oxygen, a person feels an accumulation of energy and a state of euphoria that does not allow one to sit still - one wants to do more;
  • With a large supply of oxygen, the body begins to intensively oxidize fat deposits even after the workout is over.

Static exercises prevent sagging muscles and skin during rapid weight loss. The effect of training is cumulative, and in total a person not only loses body fat, but also has a toned appearance.

With regular use of Bodyflex techniques you can achieve amazing results:

  • burn fat deposits;
  • strengthen and tighten muscle mass of the body;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and digestive tract;
  • get rid of shortness of breath;
  • tighten facial skin and improve its color;
  • quit smoking;
  • reduce appetite.

After classes, a person feels rested and filled with healthy energy.

What is it based on?

The Bodyflex program differs from other weight loss methods in that it requires only 15 minutes a day of exercise and you do not need to follow any diet. The founders of the system, on the contrary, categorically prohibit reducing the diet during training, since lower calorie consumption can slow down metabolism, which breathing exercises are aimed at accelerating.

The exercise proceeds according to the following scheme:

  1. Slowly exhale the remaining oxygen through the mouth while simultaneously drawing in the abdomen.
  2. Inhale sharply through the nose while simultaneously inflating the abdomen.
  3. Exhale sharply through the mouth using the diaphragm (the sound “ha” is automatically made).
  4. Hold your breath for 8-10 seconds while simultaneously drawing in your abdomen.
  5. An exercise is performed while holding your breath.

As a rule, 3-4 approaches are required for one exercise. A daily workout takes no more than 15-20 minutes.

The authors of the program strongly recommend performing workouts on an empty stomach or 2 hours after dinner. It is also important to train every day for 15 minutes until you achieve results. According to Marina Korpan, if you skip classes, there will be no quick weight loss effect.


Despite the stunning results of losing weight, the program still has a number of disadvantages - not everyone can do it.

Contraindications to bodyflex exercises:

  • pregnancy - oxygen starvation has a detrimental effect on the fetus and its development;
  • high or low blood pressure, as well as a tendency to pressure changes - holding your breath can aggravate the problem;
  • cardiovascular diseases - breathing exercises accelerate blood exchange processes, increasing the load on these organs;
  • eye diseases (severe myopia, glaucoma, etc.) - holding your breath is not recommended and can also intensify the process of vision deterioration;
  • pulmonary diseases;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diseases of the kidney and gallstone system;
  • bleeding and swelling;
  • elevated body temperature.

It is advisable to consult a doctor before training. Everyone who works out with Marina Korpan in the gym is required to undergo a medical examination.

In addition, it is important to know that taking hormonal drugs can negatively affect the results of training. As a rule, the effect comes slowly or is absent altogether, so you should not start training while taking such pills.

Lesson five

This complex includes repetition of the basics of breathing and performing basic exercises for the arms and abs. Feel how the oblique abdominal muscles warm up and everything unnecessary gradually disappears.


At the end of the lesson, we work out the abs. Dedicate 15-20 minutes of your time daily to bodyflex and you will get a healthy, beautiful, toned, sculpted body.

In conclusion, we note that in our country bodyflex is a relatively new trend, and therefore causes different reactions. However, despite skeptics and criticism, it is rapidly developing and popularized along with Pilates and fitness.

Practical advice: for better results, it’s a good idea to reconsider your nutrition principles. Under no circumstances should you starve yourself or go on diets.

Leading yoga trainers advise eating 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. Breakfast should be rich in carbohydrates and protein, but by dinner it is advisable to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. For those with a sweet tooth, it is recommended to replace sweets and gingerbread with apples, raisins and dried apricots. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients will speed up the process with regular bodyflex training.

Lessons with Marina Korpan

Training should take place every day, otherwise there will be no desired effect - 15 minutes a day is enough. Those who want to study more should not exceed 1 hour.

It is important to strictly follow the trainer’s instructions, namely, not to exceed the breath hold.

For training at home, 5 famous lessons from Marina Korpan are suitable, thanks to which you can significantly reduce fat mass. By practicing these lessons, you can work on almost all problematic parts of the body: stomach, waist, hips, arms, neck and even face. Bodyflex will help tighten the skin of the face so that the effect will be similar to the use of Botox or various fillers.

For classes you will not need sports equipment or special clothing. Video lessons are available online for free and can completely replace classroom classes.

We present to you 5 main lessons from bodyflex classes with Marina Korpan.

Lesson 1

The introductory lesson begins with breathing techniques necessary for losing weight. Marina will show exercises for the main muscle groups - abs, biceps, chest, legs, buttocks and back.

Lesson 2

The next lesson also begins with working on proper diaphragmatic breathing. Next, Marina shows exercises for the main muscle groups.

It is worth noting that the trainer counts seconds in the following form - 21, 22, 23, etc. This is necessary so that the count actually takes seconds, and not fractions of it, because everyone counts at different speeds.

Lesson 3

This lesson is more suitable for people whose muscles have been trained. Here are exercises for the lower abdomen. If the exercises are too difficult, then you need to practice lessons 1 and 2 for some time.

Lesson 4

The next lesson is taken from the “Lose Weight with Marina Korpan” express course and includes the use of sports equipment.

Lesson two

Marina Korpan has a fairly simple training principle. First she talks about the breathing exercises technique, then she demonstrates it with her own eyes. After the introductory mini-lesson, the trainer performs the exercises together with the training group. At this stage, more attention is paid to the arm area and abs. The exercises are quite simple, and if you have previously practiced yoga or bodyflex, you can start with the second lesson without even thinking about it.


Pay attention to the “cat” exercise. If you can do it in front of a large mirror, that’s great. Make sure your palm is positioned directly under your shoulders. Movements should be soft, drawn-out, neat. With the correct technique, you will feel a relaxation of the spine and lightness in the back.

Recommendations for proper nutrition

As for the diet, Marina herself does not adhere to it and does not recommend it to others. This is explained by the fact that during a diet, a person’s metabolism slows down, and in order to quickly burn fat deposits, on the contrary, it needs to be accelerated. However, this does not mean that you can eat food without measure.

Still, you should adhere to some nutritional rules:

  • eat often in small portions;
  • reduce the consumption of sweets, flour, fatty and fried foods;
  • do not eat 2-3 hours before bedtime;
  • drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

Marina claims that those who do Bodyflex do not experience an acute feeling of hunger and eat much less food, which also contributes to weight loss.

Tips for effective weight loss

Marina is against diets. She explains this by saying that during grueling fasts, your blood becomes like a gel due to the large loss of water. Even if you lose 10 kilograms, 50% of it will be water.

The coach claims that it is wrong not to eat after six. This will force your body to fast for more than 12 hours. As a result, breakfast will be stored in reserve in the form of fat on the waist or hips. If you still decide to give up late meals, then this principle must be followed throughout your life, otherwise the lost weight will quickly return. Marina advises to always keep boiled breast and a plate of salad in the refrigerator. Fiber and protein will help build beautiful muscles and will not affect your figure in any way. The main thing is to eat in small portions and not overeat. She also advises not to give up your favorite treats, but to keep yourself in check. One candy will not ruin the results of your workout.

Marina Korpan's express course for quick weight loss is considered to be one of the most effective. There are a lot of positive reviews on the Internet. The girls thank the coach for such fast training and excellent results. Now you know that you don’t have to torture your body with grueling workouts and diets. The main thing is to breathe correctly and learn to concentrate on your body. Learn to love yourself and your body to respond with excellent health and beautiful forms. Torturing your body with crazy workouts is not always the answer. It’s better to create your ideal body at home in a calm environment, by turning on a disc with proper breathing exercises. On the World Wide Web you will find many positive reviews about the course. And if you have doubts about the effectiveness of this technique, read the enthusiastic letters from girls and boys.

Reviews of women who have lost weight

The first results are noticeable after 10-12 sessions; my waist has become 4.5 centimeters smaller. Things began to fit much better. The stomach and sides have noticeably shrunk. I don’t measure the rest of my body, but visually everything has become slimmer. I recommend this technique for those who, like me, do not like to force themselves in the gym, do aerobics and attend group training. It’s really possible to breathe and lose weight by understanding the correct breathing pattern and choosing visual video lessons, and if you add proper nutrition or a simple diet to the exercises, you can achieve excellent results!

Anastasia, 32 years old

For myself specifically, I chose a 15-minute program developed by Marina Korpan, which includes working out all muscle groups. Another thing I liked about her program was its minimal time investment (those who are on maternity leave will understand me). It's more like a very effective morning exercise. And I really DO do bodyflex with PLEASURE. I think because this system does not require very heavy physical activity, unlike yoga, and because the results from bodyflex exercises do not take long to arrive. In general, to be honest, this is a system for the lazy and those who are short on time. In just over two months I was back to my prenatal shape.

Asya, 28 years old

I've been doing bodyflexing for a year now. Since last spring. In the first 3 months I got very fit - I did exercises every morning on a disk. On the disc, two women show first the technique, and then the poses without stopping, it took about 30-40 minutes.

Guzelka, 25 years old

Lesson four

This complex provides deep training of the oblique abdominal muscles. Particular attention should be paid to building the correct position of the arms while performing bodyflex exercises. Listen to your body and feel what degree of load do you need? During the first two weeks of exercise, try not to overload your body - enter bodyflex gradually.


As you noticed, the main load is performed “on exhalation.” Therefore, naturally, at the end of the exercise, you involuntarily take a sharp breath. This indicates the correctness of your execution technique.

Who is indicated and who is contraindicated Oxysize

Despite the benefits that breathing techniques bring to the health of the entire body, it has a number of contraindications. To avoid unwanted consequences, you should follow the recommendations and consult a doctor.

Contraindications for use:

  • Not recommended for people with blood clots due to increased heart rate and circulation;
  • Disorders of the respiratory system (pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pleurisy);
  • Autoimmune diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Pregnancy.

Expert assessments of Bodyflex and Oxasize (both techniques are used in the Korpan method) were carried out by physiologists at the Olympic Medical Center. As a result, the relative safety and high effectiveness of respiratory exercises for burning calories and fat were proven.

Tricks of technology

Oxysize is correct breathing, which is practiced in combination with muscle stretching. The point of the technique is that the body begins to absorb oxygen differently - more correctly. People breathe with their chests, without straining their stomach and abdominal muscles at all, but Marina suggests practicing the male type of breathing - with the stomach.

Scientists call this type of breathing diaphragmatic, but this does not change the essence: in combination with small strength loads, oxysize gives the desired effect - it has a beneficial effect on weight loss.

The technique helps to work on the abdominal muscles, but is not a panacea. In order for the effect to be noticeable within a few weeks, you also need to monitor your diet, making small but regular sacrifices. First of all, the trainer recommends:

  1. Maximize the amount of water consumed;
  2. Introduce boiled fish, chicken and fresh vegetable salads into your diet;
  3. Do not neglect breakfast, but do not overdo it with portions;
  4. Try to replace harmful but tasty foods with healthy analogues.

Psychological tricks won't hurt either. For example, in order to eat less and get full faster, you can remove all cutlery from visibility except teaspoons, which are convenient and small.


Exercises become dangerous without consulting a doctor for the following categories of people:

  • those suffering from heart failure and arterial hypertension;
  • asthmatics, allergy sufferers (especially during exacerbations);
  • pregnant women (regardless of the stage of pregnancy);
  • having problems in the thyroid gland;
  • during colds and respiratory infections accompanied by elevated body temperature;
  • suffering from renal failure and other chronic pathologies.

The list of contraindications is very standard. The trainer encourages you to definitely undergo qualified medical consultation before starting training.

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