Winter diet rules: what to eat and how to cook

What to eat in winter to stay warm and slim

Winter lethargy is a common phenomenon, but that doesn’t make it any less vile and insidious. I want to eat, but I don’t have the strength to move. If we succumb to it, by the time spring comes we will have to change our entire wardrobe, buy clothes two sizes larger. But if you follow the rules of the winter diet, you can overcome winter laziness and sadness.

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Diet for the winter. Diet No. 2

Your breakfast . A fried piece of white bread (toast), on which you put a small piece of cheese, or better yet, ham. You can wash this down with a cup of tea, but without sugar.

Your lunch . As in diet number 1, you can snack by eating twenty grams of Parmesan cheese or one large kiwi.

Your lunch . According to the recommendation of nutritionist Raffaello (the one who compiled these diets), for lunch it is recommended to eat two plates of lentil salad, cooked with Parmesan, dill and tomatoes. After lunch you can eat one piece of fresh pineapple.

Your afternoon snack . The afternoon snack is strict. You can eat just 1 banana, preferably not a big one.

Your dinner . Fry or boil two choice eggs. If for some reason you don’t want to eat eggs, then you can make a vegetable salad, for example, known to us as “Brush”. Eat eggs or salad with a piece of bread (rye bread is perfect).

Features of the winter menu: warm salads and spicy pies

In winter you need to eat completely differently than in summer, and even more so in cold weather. Hearty hot dishes should appear on the table so that the body can get energy from them and warm itself, but at the same time, these dishes should be healthy, contain a maximum of vitamins and minerals to protect us from vitamin deficiency and diseases. AiF .ru has collected several recipes for such dishes.

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Winter diet. Diet No. 1

Your breakfast . Three slices of grain bread, on which you can spread a small amount of jam (or marmalade); 200 grams of freshly squeezed cranberry juice (berries can be purchased fresh frozen in the supermarket); a cup of barley coffee, or tea, which should contain brown sugar (beet sugar). Read more about the right breakfast for weight loss here.

Your lunch . If you are thirsty during the day, you can replenish the number of calories in your body by eating: twenty grams of Parmesan cheese; two pieces of dried apricots; a small amount of almonds.

Your lunch . You can have lunch with boiled chicken fillet (about 150 grams) and a salad of any vegetables, for example, the “Brush” salad is perfect. Sliced ​​piece of rye bread.

Your afternoon snack . For an afternoon snack, you are allowed to eat plain yogurt and homemade oatmeal cookies.

Your dinner . For dinner, prepare about two hundred grams of octopus salad, boil one large potato and eat a slice of fresh pineapple.

Duration of the diet: On the “winter diet No. 1” you need to sit for from 5 to 18 days, strictly following its diet. It is also worth taking time for sports “plus”: at least once a day, walk briskly in the park for at least 30 minutes.

Winter menu: 7 hearty soups for every day of the week

Nutritionists warn: in our climate, in bitter frosts, you should never neglect thick and hot soup. It not only warms well, but also restores water balance, which is very important in cold weather.

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At first, doctors and nutritionists were hostile to the unexpected competitor. Kronise was reproached for lack of evidence, for making too bold and hasty conclusions, for trying to replace the entire science of a healthy lifestyle with one single piece of advice - to freeze more. And I must say, the reproaches were not entirely unfounded. Ray Kronise, who is clearly an enthusiastic person, actually allowed himself to make statements in the spirit that exposure to cold can replace both diet and physical activity. And for a long time he could only present his own falling trousers as evidence - he clearly lacked the experimental basis.

Over time, however, the scientist became more careful in his thoughts and speeches and gained very influential allies. His article, co-authored with very respected scientists Andrew Bremer and David Sinclair2, was published in the reputable scientific journal Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders. It not only confirms the correctness of Kronise's guess, but also gives it a scientific basis. The authors put forward the theory of “metabolic winter.” Its essence, in short, is that throughout almost all of its history, man has desperately battled hunger and cold. And the metabolic processes in the body were formed taking into account this fierce struggle. These problems have been resolved in many countries only in recent decades. But, as the authors of the article figuratively put it, “this is only the last inch of our evolutionary mile.” Therefore, the human body simply did not have time (and is unlikely to have time in the near future) to adapt to new conditions. This means that the current obesity epidemic is not only caused by poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, but also by the fact that we constantly live in warm conditions. The body, “out of evolutionary habit,” stores fat for cold times that never come.

Milk, egg yolk and carrots. Diet to protect skin from frost

Icy wind, extremely dry indoor air, temperature changes and, finally, extreme cold - all this harms the skin. It dries, peels, becomes irritated and even cracks. Because of the cold, blood vessels narrow, we receive much less nutrients than usual, this makes the skin more sensitive, wrinkles form on it faster, and it also ages faster.

Special external winter care is very important, but much more important is supporting the skin from the inside, with the help of a winter diet.

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Losing weight in winter is easy. Diet No. 3

We're having breakfast . We make ourselves a sandwich, we can nibble on dried nuts or make ourselves a tasty and juicy beef steak. As a drink - coffee or tea, which is more pleasant. Try not to consume sugar unless it is beetroot (brown).

For lunch . At lunch you can eat boiled rice, without spices or meat. Just boiled rice. About 200 grams.

Let's have lunch . It is advisable to have a vegetable lunch. More precisely, make some kind of vegetable salad, then you can eat 100-200 grams of fried chicken or rabbit meat. We recommend steaming vegetables; don’t forget to add onions and garlic, they are very useful in winter. As in the two previous diets for weight loss, we eat only grain bread (rye, oats).

For afternoon tea . We prepare a fruit salad from apples, oranges, bananas (and anything else you can afford), topped with one block of creamy ice cream.

Let's have dinner . One hundred to two hundred grams of boiled fish with a slice of rye bread. You can eat a slice of fresh pineapple at night.

Seven-day diet for the winter. Diet No. 7

The diet, as you guessed from the name, is designed for seven days. The diet is very simple; this is the diet Ferro recommends to use before the New Year.

For breakfast . A glass of milk with a piece of rye bread.

For lunch . Thirty grams of Parmesan cheese, one small kiwi.

For lunch . Vegetable salad with tomatoes. We eat the salad with rye bread.

For afternoon tea . Any fruit you find. But know that you shouldn’t eat too many of them. Citrus fruits are perfect.

For dinner . Vegetable salad, green apple. We wash down a slice of cheese with tea.

Diet for 4 winter days. Diet No. 4

We're having breakfast . Dairy products are very useful in winter, so let's not forget them. For breakfast - cottage cheese with berry puree (you can buy fresh frozen berries in supermarkets, grind them and add a little sweetener, for example, stevia), a glass of milk. As a drink - cocoa, coffee or tea. Sweeten drinks with beet sugar.

Your lunch . Red apple, but only half. A piece of Parmesan cheese. Walnuts or two small ham sandwiches (take the more expensive one).

Let's have lunch . We buy brown rice and cook it with lentils (buy fresh frozen). You can eat half a grapefruit.

For afternoon tea . Plain store-bought yogurt without filler, or kefir if you want to lose weight even faster. Or one ice cream “seal”.

Let's have dinner . Stew freshly frozen vegetables (we buy vegetable stew, such as “Mexican”). A piece of rye bread. Before bedtime, you can drink a glass of herbal tea.

We review our diet during the cold season - in winter and in the off-season

1. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. At this time, you need to introduce more vegetables and fruits into your diet. The most necessary vitamins in winter are A, C, E, especially rich in them: potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage (especially sauerkraut), broccoli, tomatoes, sweet bell peppers, lemons and other citrus fruits, apples, persimmons, any greens, nuts, seeds pumpkin and sunflower.

As for vegetable dishes, fresh cabbage salads are excellent in this case. Cabbage contains a lot of fiber and fills the stomach well, while a person quickly achieves a feeling of fullness, and the amount of calories in such a dish is minimal. As for fruits, preference should be given to persimmons; just like cabbage, they contain a lot of fiber, as well as vitamin C, heart-healthy potassium and magnesium, carotene for the eyes and lycopene, the strongest natural antioxidant against cancer.

By the end of winter and the beginning of spring, many vegetables and fruits sold in stores, unfortunately, contain less and less vitamins, so focus on homemade preparations: sauerkraut, pickled apples, pickles and tomatoes, use frozen ones (from berries, vegetables , mushrooms), etc.

2. Limit protein intake to 200 g per day. You should consume no more than 200 g of protein food per day, preferably white chicken or turkey meat. You can prepare a delicious white meat chicken dish - Chicken breasts stuffed with prunes. As well as dishes from low-fat fish such as hake, cod, haddock, ice fish, etc. You can afford fattier varieties of fish and other similar seafood no more than 1-2 times a week.

All food should be consumed hot, especially soups and drinks, which warm the body well, improve digestion and replenish water balance. The most useful soup in this regard is chicken broth, and among drinks, an unfairly forgotten, original Russian drink is homemade sbiten.

3. Fresh vegetable salads are a must every day. If you cannot completely give up foods containing large amounts of starch, such as rice and potatoes, then combine them with green vegetables and salads. For salads and vegetable dishes, choose products with the lowest sugar and fat content: cabbage, pumpkin, celery, carrots, beets, prunes, dried apricots.

You can see healthy vitamin salads made from these vegetables here.

4. Reduce the amount of animal fat to 20 g per day. Limit your butter intake to no more than 20 g per day. This corresponds to one or two sandwiches with butter, or the amount of butter you can season your porridge with.

5. Consume fermented milk products at least once a day. Ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt, acidophilus, low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream or milk are an important source of calcium in the body; in addition, these products have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and will thereby help strengthen the immune system. It is very useful to drink a milkshake with cocoa and honey in the morning.

6. Include grains in your winter diet. Especially buckwheat, beans, peas, lentils, oats, they have a high content of fiber, as well as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is especially good to eat dishes prepared from these products in the morning; such food will charge your body for several hours and you will easily last without feeling hungry until lunch. In addition, cereals help strengthen the immune system; by regularly eating porridge for breakfast, you will not freeze outside, and you will become less likely to catch colds and get sick.

7. Drinks for vigor and boosting immunity. Don’t forget about drinks that give you a surge of energy, a milkshake has already been mentioned here, and hydromel will also be good, which is easy to prepare and will give you vivacity and energy. In addition, you can drink rosehip infusion, which contains vitamin C, stabilizes metabolism and prevents exhaustion of the nervous system. In the evening, you can brew 1 tablespoon of dry rosehip in a thermos (it’s better to crush it beforehand), and if you add 1 tablespoon of rowan berries or black currants, you will get an excellent vitamin drink. You can add 1 teaspoon of honey before drinking it.

8. Season your food with spices, natural types of vinegar - apple, wine, etc. Cook food with spices and season it with apple cider vinegar, they not only give the food a brighter taste, but also speed up the metabolism, thereby preventing obesity. And of course, do not forget about the rules of cooking - it is better to give preference to food steamed or baked in the oven than fried. As for bakery products, it is better to give up white bread and pastries, and give preference to grain bread, since there is a large selection of it now.

9. Limit salt intake to 0.5 teaspoon per day. Do not over-salt your food, and also do not get carried away with canned food, smoked meats and other similar products where its content is high. Excess salt retains water in the body, which leads to obesity. The amount of salt per day is only half a teaspoon. Many spices and herbs can replace salt for you.

10. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. Your drinking regime should be within 1.5 liters - 2 liters per day, but you need to drink a little bit, since in winter the body requires slightly less water than in summer. Some suffer from drinking too much and over time their stomach stretches, requiring more and more food. So a person begins to get sick, and then sores appear. The same applies when eating - do not drink liquids, it stretches the stomach. It’s better to drink half an hour before meals - a glass of clean water drunk in the morning is the best start to the day, and then you can have breakfast. Or after eating - an hour later. And of course, you should not drink carbonated drinks, which cause increased gas formation and bloating.

11. Eat small meals and at least 3-5 times a day. Eating in the cold season requires regularity; long breaks between meals should not be allowed. Only in this case will the body receive the energy necessary to replenish it, which requires more in winter. If for some reason you cannot eat on time, have a snack so as not to feel a strong feeling of hunger and not to overeat later. Your portion should fit into two hands clasped together, which is how much food your stomach can hold at a time. Then it will not stretch, and you will not suffer from overeating. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly, this way you will eat less food and feel full, which means you will not gain weight.

12. Don't overeat at night. Try to eat your last meal at least 2 hours before bedtime and it is better to eat light food: yogurt, a glass of milk with a teaspoon of honey, a portion of low-fat cottage cheese or a vegetable dish, salad.

13. Get enough sleep at night. Try to get enough sleep; scientists have found that lack of sleep and insomnia affect appetite - a person eats more. Please note that in winter any person needs more time to sleep than in summer. This indicator is individual for everyone, but on average it is more beneficial to sleep an hour longer. If you have the opportunity to take a short nap during the day, be sure to take advantage of it!

14. Lead an active lifestyle! Just changing your diet in winter and in the off-season is not enough, it is important to move more, take more frequent walks on the way from work home, walk to your floor instead of the elevator, find at least half an hour a day for physical exercise or dancing. It’s good if you buy a subscription to the pool or go to the bathhouse, all this will help you lose weight and get in good physical shape. I would like to note that the last point is good to observe at any time of the year, since everyone knows the truth - movement is life!

Winter diet. Diet No. 6

An original and very simple, moderately strict diet for the three winter months of December, January and February.

We're having breakfast . We prepare coffee without milk, preferably less sugar. Are you ready? You can drink it with a croissant.

Lunch . Two fried slices of rye bread with a slice of ham.

Let's have lunch . We make a simple salad with Parmesan cheese and chicken (boil and chop the chicken fillet), adding celery. A slice of rye bread. If the situation allows (you are not driving or at work), then you can drink some red wine and eat a red apple.

Afternoon snack . For an afternoon snack, we eat a green apple, depending on your appetite and desire to lose weight, as well as 3 almonds.

Let's have dinner . Cooking vegetable stew. We eat it with a piece of rye bread. At night we drink hot tea, sweetening it slightly with stevia.

Winter diet menu - what to eat to lose weight and maintain a stable weight

First of all, categorically refuse fasting. This measure, especially in winter, can lead to health problems and stress.

In the diet, preference should be given to first courses. Broths, soups and pickles will help keep you feeling full for a long time, limit the consumption of second courses and protect you from unexpected snacks. At the same time, give preference to lean and vegetable options. This way you won’t have to worry about extra pounds and won’t feel hungry.

Make it a rule to have porridge for breakfast - oatmeal, buckwheat or millet will provide you with the necessary energy, especially when combined with tea with the addition of ginger. This start to the day will give you a good mood and also improve blood circulation.

When it’s frosty outside, it’s advisable to warm up the body from the inside using dishes with hot spices. Create a winter diet menu for a week or a month, taking into account spices and foods that enhance the production of digestive juice and thereby activate metabolism - these are beets, carrots, cloves, basil, celery. To strengthen your immune system, don’t forget about greens: dill and parsley contain phytoncides, which help the body fight infections. And sauerkraut and pickled apples will compensate for the lack of vitamin C.

At the same time, do not forget about the balance and variety of dishes. You should not rely on a monomenu of a limited range of products, for example, exclusively protein - use a variety of meats and fish, cereals, vegetables and fruits so that your nutrition brings pleasure to the body, and not just a feeling of fullness.

We recommend giving up strict diets for a month in winter and such stress in general - you can remove extra pounds just by controlling the amount of sugar and easily digestible carbohydrates in your diet. For example, it is better to replace unhealthy confectionery products with dried fruits. Add honey to tea - linden, buckwheat, it, with the addition of lemon, activates blood circulation and improves the absorption of food.

As for the water regime, the only difference from the summer one is the temperature of the liquid - drink warm water and herbal infusions, while it is better to put coffee away.

The best way to get rid of excess weight is to organize a healthy diet. Our clinic specialist will help you create a diet that is ideal for you.

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