Yoga with Denise Austin for weight loss: lessons, pros and cons

Minor disadvantages of the program

The course by D. Austin is advanced and not recommended for beginners.

Video training with minimal explanations and instructions. If you are a beginner or beginner, you may find it difficult to keep up with the instructors. For those who have practiced yoga before and know the basic poses, Austin's classes will be easy to follow.

D. Austin's training is intense and effective. This is a great way not only to make your legs slender and your stomach flat, but also to lose weight on your hips and buttocks, and also improve your mood. You don't have to go to the gym if you don't have time, but just turn on the video and practice at home.


Denise Austin Program Review

Burn Fat Fast

“Quick weight loss” is an ideal option for beginners and for those who have not exercised for a long time. It is from this program that many begin their acquaintance with Denise Austin. The complex consists of two workouts of 25 minutes each. The first offers aerobic exercise to burn fat, and the second offers strength exercises to create a toned figure. This combination of loads ensures quick and effective weight loss throughout the body. For training you will need dumbbells from 1 kg.

Workout for all problem areas (Sexy Abs & Weight Loss)

If you're concerned about fat and flab in your arms, stomach, thighs, and buttocks, try Denise Austin's problem-area workout. It offers a range of quality functional exercises for all muscle groups. The lesson lasts 40 minutes, takes place at a slow pace and consists of two parts. The first segment includes effective dumbbell exercises to improve your form. But in the second segment you will need a fitball. You can do without it, but with a gymnastic ball the lesson will be more productive.

Complex for hips and buttocks

If your problem area is your hips, then be sure to try Denise Austin's workout routine for hips and buttocks. These are 7 short sessions that last on average 10 minutes and work specific muscle groups in the lower body. You will remove sagging and cellulite on your legs, tighten your buttocks, work out your inner thighs and eliminate the hated “breeches”. Since the workouts are short in duration, you can either create a full-fledged hour-long program from them, or do 10-minute sessions.

Yoga for hips and buttocks (Yoga Buns)

Yoga for hips and butt is another program for the lower body. As you know, static loads are a very effective way to lose weight and create elastic forms. This is why Denise suggests you practice yoga regularly if you want to achieve a lean body. The trainer dilutes classic asanas with traditional fitness exercises so that you can get faster results. Denise Austin's modified version of yoga will push your leg and butt muscles into overdrive.

Energy Zones: Improved Metabolism (The Ultimate Metabolism Boosting)

With this fitness course by Denise Austin, you will not only speed up your metabolism, but also make your shape perfect. The first half of the one-hour program features a cardio workout to burn calories and improve your cardiac endurance. In the second half, the trainer included a set of exercises for the whole body. Thanks to this comprehensive approach, you can get rid of excess weight and transform your figure. For exercise, you will need an elastic band that will provide additional stress on your muscles.

Energy zones: mind, body and soul (Power Zone: Mind, Body, Soul)

With this Denise Austin workout, you can not only improve the quality of your body, but also fill yourself with energy and harmony. The program has this name for a reason. It consists of three segments: yoga for the mind, Pilates for the body and dance part for the soul. The lesson lasts 40 minutes, but at the end of it you will not feel the usual fatigue: your body will be full of energy and strength. Such programs are good to do on days when you feel low and are not ready for intense exercise.

All Denise Austin workouts presented are suitable for both beginner and more advanced levels of training. Each of these programs has the option of increasing the load by performing more complex exercise modifications or increasing the weight of the dumbbells.

Denise Austin "Quick Weight Loss" reviews:

Denise Austin is truly an example of a person whose words match her deeds. She is 60 and looks 30)) Smart girl!

Features of weight loss from Denise Austin

The weight loss program consists of two workouts lasting 25 minutes. The first involves performing dance movements, rhythmic aerobics and kickboxing exercises. It helps speed up your metabolism, promotes fat burning and improves cardiac endurance.

The second workout involves performing exercises with dumbbells. As a result, muscles become stronger and the shape and condition of the body improves. Strength and aerobic exercise helps get rid of fat deposits and tone muscles. You can read more about how Denise Austin lost weight here.

Features of the technique:

  • necessary equipment - a pair of dumbbells and a mat;
  • for beginners, the weight of dumbbells is 0.5-1 kg, gradually increase to 1.5-2 kg;
  • workouts can be alternated or performed two in a row at once with good endurance;
  • minimum frequency of classes - 3-4 times a week;
  • training should be regular, with a break of no more than two days.

Exercises included in the workout:

  • warm-up (warms the muscles and saturates them with oxygen);
  • the main training is a “house party” (elements of Latin American dancing, aerobics and kickboxing are used);
  • strength training (loads using dumbbells help strengthen the muscles of the abs, arms, legs, back);
  • relaxation (exercises aimed at relaxing the body and stretching).

Advantages of the technique

Denise’s “Quick Weight Loss” course includes simple and accessible exercises that can be performed by those for whom fitness is new. The only sports equipment you will need is a mat and dumbbells.

Pros of Denise Austin's weight loss program:

  • the vigorous pace of exercise promotes fat burning;
  • dance movements, which are part of the aerobic part of the workout, are not only effective for losing weight, but also develop body flexibility and make exercise more interesting;
  • the strength part of the workout involves several muscle groups at once and increases their tone;
  • for beginners, classes can be carried out separately (for example, the aerobic part - in the morning, and the strength part - in the evening);
  • suitable even for those with an initial level of physical fitness;
  • the program has been translated into many languages ​​and is available for use by almost everyone;
  • strength exercises involve a lot of repetitions, which is why they burn calories well.

Disadvantages of the technique

There are not many disadvantages to Denise Austin's weight loss program. According to reviews from those losing weight, the course gradually but effectively helps to tighten the stomach and get rid of extra pounds. But there are still some disadvantages...

The loads according to Denise’s method will be too light for those who have already been involved in fitness. Some sources claim that this course helps you lose weight only through exercise, and you won’t have to change your usual diet. But to achieve success, you still need to slightly adjust your diet. Disordered eating and junk food will not allow you to achieve positive results.

Another minor drawback is that the first part of the program involves performing fairly wide and sweeping movements, so you need a spacious room for classes.

Denise Austin Meal Plan

Fitness is not the only help in the fight against excess weight. Denise also created a special meal plan. She created a whole philosophy of losing weight, combining training, elements of yoga, positive thinking and proper diet.

  • eat 30 g of fiber daily, as it improves intestinal function, removes harmful substances from the body and absorbs a certain amount of calories (this can be oatmeal, buckwheat, raspberries, apples, pears);
  • replace animal fat with vegetable fat (preferably consumed in its natural form, this can be cold-pressed olive oil, nut oil and avocado paste);
  • replace mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream;
  • drink about 2 liters of water a day (to remember this, you can prepare several bottles of water to drink in advance and place them in a visible place).
  • don't starve yourself.

Nutritionist advice. Denise Austin's diet is the closest to a balanced and rational diet. It assumes a normal distribution of essential nutrients: 50% are carbohydrates, 25 are proteins and 25 are fats. The total calorie content is low: only 1300 kcal per day, which indicates a slight restriction. Her meal plan encourages the use of low glycemic index (GI) foods and also focuses on glycemic load. The star claims that with a normal diet, you can include a small amount of natural sugar and butter in your diet.

The inconvenience of the diet is counting calories, weighing portions and prohibiting eating after 7 pm. A significant disadvantage of this diet is its low calorie content, which is not suitable for physically active people.

What results does Denise's weight loss program bring?

In a month of training according to the Denise Austin program, you can lose about 5 kg. The course helps to tone muscles, burn fat deposits and tighten the stomach. The first results can be seen after just a couple of weeks of training.

The result depends on the initial weight, regularity, duration of exercise and diet. The program will also be a good preparation for beginners to move on to more serious sports.

Denise Austin's weight loss course has gained great popularity and has earned positive reviews. The famous fitness trainer has developed a set of simple strength and aerobic exercises that will help cope with the problem of excess weight. The program does a great job of explaining to beginners without physical training what fitness is. More details about Denise’s quick weight loss technique are described in the video below.

For those who want to successfully lose weight and get their body in order, but have no experience in sports or fitness, there are many programs, for example, from Denise Austin. Effective weight loss is achieved by performing all the exercises according to the requirements of the trainer in the video.

Aerobics with Denise Austin “Quick weight loss” has gained popularity all over the world due to its effectiveness and accessibility.

Program description

This author's program is the most famous; it was these video lessons that brought Austin worldwide popularity.
Thanks to such exercises, you can successfully get rid of fat on your arms, buttocks, stomach and thighs. The body will also become more toned and elastic. The classes are simple and accessible to every girl: even without special physical training, you can successfully get rid of extra pounds.


This program includes two 25-minute workouts. To speed up your metabolism, burn fat and increase cardiac endurance, you will need to perform rhythmic movements from dancing or aerobics, and to strengthen your muscles and body as a whole, do exercises with dumbbells. Excellent results are achieved through a combination of strength and aerobic exercise. When you lose fat and tone your muscles, your figure will be closer to ideal.

To practice this program, you need to have a mat and two dumbbells at home. It is better to start training with dumbbells of 0.5-1 kg each, and then you can increase their weight to 2 kilograms. Almost all strength exercises involve several muscle groups at the same time. For example, you can work your inner thighs and biceps at the same time. Thanks to this, calorie consumption will increase during one session.

The two types of workouts can be alternated with each other, and it will take you less than half an hour to complete the workouts during the day. If you have endurance, then you can do both types of training in a row, so you will achieve what you want faster. It is recommended to exercise at least 3-4 times a week and only on a regular basis. There should be no breaks in training for more than two days. Only systematically can you achieve noticeable success.


The program includes the following types of exercises:

  • warm-up is exercises that help warm up the muscles and saturate them with oxygen;
  • The main “house party” workout is an energy-intensive workout that involves kickboxing, aerobics and Latin American dancing techniques. All this contributes to rapid weight loss and improved figure;
  • strength training - this includes loads using weights to strengthen certain muscle groups, in particular the abdominal muscles, back, shoulder girdle, arms and legs;
  • relaxation - stretching and relaxation exercises are performed here.

Mostly the reviews about the Denise Austin program are good, but everyone has their own preferences and capabilities. Some people prefer dance classes, while others prefer strength exercises, against which the muscles of different zones are pumped. The purpose of the lesson is also taken into account. Some people need to get in shape after pregnancy, while others just want to stay toned.


What is this program?

Denise Austin's “Quick Weight Loss” course will not only get rid of extra pounds on your hips and buttocks, but also make your stomach flat and your body toned and firm. A set of simple but effective exercises will help you achieve the desired result. The program consists of two 25-minute complexes.

The first includes aerobic exercise (20 minutes), which speeds up metabolism and increases cardiac endurance. These are exercises that include elements of aerobics and dance. The second complex is for strengthening muscles (25 minutes) – these are exercises with dumbbells. Finally – relaxation exercises (5 minutes). Denise Austin’s “Rapid Weight Loss” course includes two blocks: aerobic and strength.

Description of the Denise Austin program for hips and buttocks

Best Bun & Leg Shapers are a series of short workouts from Denise Austin that will help transform your legs and butt. The lower body is one of the main problem areas for girls, which is why Denise’s program is so popular. Thanks to her classes, you will perfectly work out the buttocks, the front and back surface of the thigh, as well as its inner part and the riding breeches area. Denise Austin uses accessible, yet very effective exercises. Her workouts are suitable for both beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts.

The program consists of 7 lessons:

  • Buttocks. Workout for the buttocks: the first half is performed on the mat, the second while standing. No additional equipment is needed, the lesson lasts 10 minutes.
  • Core & Buns. A set of exercises with a fitball and dumbbells for the core and buttock muscles. Lasts 15 minutes.
  • High Intensity. Video training in which the quadriceps and inner thighs are especially actively worked. Lasts 10 minutes, no equipment needed.
  • Hips & Thighs. The 10-minute lesson takes place entirely on a mat; no additional equipment is needed. You will strengthen the front of the thigh and the riding breeches area.
  • Legs & Buns. The program for legs and buttocks as a whole lasts 10 minutes, no additional equipment is needed. The back muscles of the thigh are well worked out.
  • Lower Body. For this workout you will need an elastic band. For 10 minutes you will work the entire lower body.
  • Thigh trimmer. A short 5 minute workout for the inner thighs. No additional equipment is needed.

It is very convenient that the fitness course is divided into several workouts. You can do them all one by one or combine the ones you like best. For two workouts you need sports equipment (fitball and elastic band), but for all the rest you do not need special equipment. If you want to improve your fitness performance, along with the Denise Austin complex for hips and buttocks, we also recommend training in aerobic programs 2-3 times a week: This will help burn additional calories.

Components of yoga by Denise Austin

The complex is divided into 4 fragments, with a total duration of just over an hour. They can be performed separately from each other without loss of effectiveness. This division allows you to use any free minutes during the day to work on your own body. And the lack of special sports equipment makes the process much easier.

1. The first part is a 30-minute basic workout. It consists of the fundamental poses of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. The main feature of vinyasa is a smooth transition from one asana (posture) to another. Thus, dynamic Ashtanga enhances the impact on the human body. Slow body movements quickly begin to warm up the muscles, affecting the deepest ones. Denise Austin places great importance on performing the movements correctly. An inaccurate position of an arm or leg when in a certain position can interfere with achieving results. Exercise improves metabolism by burning fat and removing toxins. Strengthening the heart and overall health are their additional positive effects.

2. The second selection is shorter than the previous one. It lasts 15 minutes. Focused on the lower half of the body. Women's problem areas fall under the targeted influence of each movement. Hips, buttocks, legs become thicker, leaving cellulite behind. Exercises develop strength and endurance. They learn to control the body.

3. The third set of movements is similar in intensity and duration to the second. It works on the central area of ​​the body. By sharpening the contours of the figure, it strengthens the abdominal muscles and removes excess deposits on the back and sides. A warmed body gains flexibility, which allows you to increase the range of movements.

4. This part is for relaxation. The running biological and chemical processes do not stop immediately after completing the exercises. Therefore, a short relaxing part of the complex is necessary for the body to gradually calm down. Yoga philosophy states that a person enters asanas precisely to experience true relaxation. The peace of mind found after hard work takes on new meaning. A few minutes spent in silence creates a balance between physical and mental well-being.

Denise's complex breaks stereotypes about the effectiveness of exhausting training. Her yoga, which is not accompanied by pain in muscles and joints, not only brings physical benefits, but also spiritual peace.

Description of the program for pregnant women with Denise Austin

Denise Austin has developed an effective and safe complex for maintaining a slim figure throughout pregnancy. You will work on strengthening your muscles, perform light aerobic exercise, and learn proper breathing. All exercises were selected taking into account the recommendations of American gynecologists, so they are not only harmless for pregnant girls, but also useful. After classes, you will feel an influx of vigor and energy, and your well-being will noticeably improve.

The program consists of the following workouts:

1. Cardio Workout (20 minutes). Training for the development of the cardiovascular system takes into account the characteristics of all stages of pregnancy. You can do it for 9 months. The activity is based on fast walking and takes place at an energetic but comfortable pace.

2. 1st-2nd Trimester Toning (20 minutes). You will perform this video training during the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy. With Denise Austin's pregnancy exercises, you'll focus on muscle strength, strength, flexibility and overall fitness.

3. 3rd Trimester Toning (20 minutes). This segment is intended for the third segment of pregnancy. With it, you will maintain strong legs and muscle tone, and also work on relaxing the muscles of your back and hips.

4. Breathing and Core Awareness (4 minutes). Breathing exercises will help you strengthen your abdominal and chest muscles. They will also teach you how to breathe properly during childbirth.

5. Post Bounce-Back Workout (10 minutes). Bonus workout to do after giving birth. This exercise will help you tone your abdominal muscles. Denise suggests a number of exercises for the waist, upper and lower abdomen.

The trainer does not give exact recommendations on how often you need to exercise according to the program. In this matter, it is better to focus on your own well-being. If possible, try to alternate between aerobic and functional exercise. For classes you will need light dumbbells (1-1.5 kg), a mat on the floor, a chair, a couple of small pillows, and a towel. The trainer explains each exercise in great detail, so you should not have any questions about performing them.

The life and work of Denise Austin

I would like to immediately note that Denise is currently 57 years old, and her figure is still the envy of even young girls. She has been married to Jeff Austin, a sports agent and former professional tennis player, for 30 years. Denise lives in Washington, DC with him and her two lovely daughters, Kelly (24) and Katie (21).

Denise started playing sports at the age of 12. First it was gymnastics, which led her to an athletic scholarship at the University of Arizona. She later transferred to the University of California, where she graduated with a bachelor's degree in physical education. Since 2002, she has been a Member of the Presidential Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports.

To date, the energetic Denise has sold more than 25 million videos with various workouts and has written 12 books about diets and fitness. In addition, she hosts television fitness shows in the United States. Her programs include aerobics, strength training, yoga and Pilates.

For weight loss

The weight loss course was developed back in 2007, it was also called yoga for the abdomen, thighs and buttocks from Denise Austin, this is a fairly intense workout for burning fat. The main goal is not getting rid of excess weight, but the formation of a slender body silhouette; these are different things.

The practice is divided into three stages:

  • the first is to increase the level of physical fitness for the whole body;
  • the second is the formation of beautiful slender legs;
  • the third is the formation of the outlines of the abdomen and hips.

Vinyasa yoga has had the strongest influence on the methodology; the practices include various asanas and sequences, from those accessible for beginners to complex ones aimed at professionals.

First stage

The practice lasts 20 minutes and is aimed at increasing overall body tone. The lesson is built on the basis of the classical asanas Adho Mukha Svanasana, Natarajasna and Virabhadrasana II, the elements are performed in a clear sequence, selected according to the intensity criterion. A short session burns a lot of calories and primes the body to increase energy expenditure after practice.

Second stage

Ten-minute workouts are aimed at working the legs. The overall pace will be more measured than the previous ones, since they are aimed at toning. The selected asanas strengthen and stretch the leg muscles. To achieve the best result, both classic poses and their original modifications are used.

Exercises are also used to relieve stress, thanks to them, blood circulation in the lower extremities improves, muscles receive more oxygen and nutrients.

Third stage

Another ten-minute practice, this is a selection of classical yoga asanas from Denise Austin for the hips and abdomen. It takes place at a slow pace, just like the previous stage, it does not involve a cardio part, since we are talking about strengthening and building muscles. According to reviews, at this stage the body receives a fairly high load, but after the lesson there is no feeling of fatigue.

Additional part

This part is at the discretion of the practitioner, it is called “Energy Zones” and consists of stretching exercises. Ten minutes of stretching asanas calm the body and cool the muscles. The author of the method selected exactly those asanas that are better than others in relieving stress from the muscular system. Performing them after the main workout eliminates side effects such as cramps.

Meal plan

No matter how hard a person works out, if he eats incorrectly, everything will be in vain. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit and speed up your metabolism.

Denise Austin provides some nutritional advice. Her weight loss program combined exercise, yoga, positive thinking and a healthy menu. Diet tips for weight loss include:

  • To improve bowel function, you need to consume a tablespoon of fiber daily. You need to eat oatmeal, buckwheat, raspberries, apples, pears. Fiber cleanses the intestines, improves peristalsis, and removes all waste and toxins.
  • Animal fat is replaced with vegetable fat. You can get it from avocado, nut and olive oils.
  • Eliminate fast food, mayonnaise, preservatives and processed juices from your diet, as these are empty calories.
  • Every day you should drink almost 2 liters of plain or mineral water.
  • You can consume no more than 1300 kcal per day. Calories will have to be carefully counted.
  • The diet should consist of 50% slow carbohydrates, a quarter of protein and fat. Products must have a low glycemic index.
  • You can't eat after 7 pm. But you should start the day with a full breakfast. At the same time, you should not starve yourself. You must eat, because otherwise your metabolism slows down and weight gain occurs.
  • Denise Austin does not suggest giving up sweets completely, but if you want, you will have to eat them before 12-13 pm.
  • Before dessert, it is better to eat some green salad.

Denise Austin

How to practice?

For the workout, you will need a pair of dumbbells and enough space, since many of the exercises in the aerobic block are sweeping and wide. For beginners, you can divide the classes, then increase the load, as required by any fitness. Denise Austin "Rapid Weight Loss" is a course designed for beginners. Experienced fitness enthusiasts will find the program easy.

As you know, the body gets used to stress quite quickly. If your stamina allows, perform the blocks one after another. Then gradually increase the weights. Initially, use kilogram dumbbells for training, then increase the weight to 2 kg. The main condition of the program is regular classes. Downtime should not be allowed for more than two days. A week - at least 3-4 workouts. And, of course, to lose weight as quickly as possible, you need to adjust your diet.

Denise Austin, a famous fitness trainer, created a popular workout program for weight loss. The lesson program helps

remove the sides, fat deposits on the back, tighten the stomach and buttocks.
Includes two areas:
aerobics and strength training, nutrition recommendations.

Benefits of the Denise Austin program:

All you need for classes is dumbbells and a mat; the exercises are as simple as possible and accessible even to beginners; the combination of aerobic exercises with strength training gives maximum load, fat will be burned with double force; includes dance exercises, body plasticity develops; it is possible to choose a duration of 20 or 40 minutes, or separately aerobic and strength training; translated into most languages ​​of the world; during strength exercises, perform multiple repetitions, promote active burning of calories; partial inclusion of kickboxing elements develops reaction and increases efficiency; A clear deadline for the outcome helps many people to get together and study more actively.


Not everyone can lose 5 kg in 4 weeks, this is an individual question; in order not to gain back the kilograms, you need to exercise not only for a month, but constantly; the loads for “experienced” practitioners may be too light, without results; to perform aerobic exercises you will have to do it in a spacious room; Only single programs are offered and there are no full courses. A prerequisite for losing weight according to Denise Austin’s method is nutritional correction.

Meal plan:

consume a tablespoon of fiber daily (oatmeal, buckwheat, raspberries, apples, etc.); animal fat is replaced with vegetable fat (from avocado, nut and olive oils); eliminate fast food, mayonnaise, preservatives and processed foods, juices; drink 2 liters of plain or mineral water daily; consume no more than 1300 kcal per day; the diet should consist of 50% slow carbohydrates, a quarter of protein and fats; You can’t eat after 7 pm, but start the day with a full breakfast; eat sweets before 12-13 noon; Before dessert it is better to eat some green salad.

Denise Austin's weight loss system consists of two complexes:

aerobics and strength training. Each lasts 20-25 minutes. The first includes elements of dance, aerobics and kickboxing. This part of the workout strengthens muscles, improves body shape, increases endurance, and accelerates fat burning. The second part of the program consists of a series of exercises with dumbbells. This is how the relief of the body is worked out.

Program features:

the weight of dumbbells can start from 0.5 kg and reach 2 kg; the amount of time for training can be varied - do both at once or only one; You should exercise at least 3-4 times a week, and ideally every day; The maximum break between workouts is a couple of days.

People who are losing weight especially like powerful exercises.

They are aimed at increasing muscle strength, sculpting the silhouette, and working out the relief. Strength training allows you to burn calories and use up the body's internal reserves long after exercise. The block lasts 20-25 minutes. Denise shows four groups of exercises to build different muscles. During classes, it is possible to gain elastic and beautiful biceps and triceps on the arms, legs, abs, contours of the back, buttocks, remove “ears”, and work out the shoulder girdle. All exercises are accessible and do not require special equipment other than dumbbells.

Read more in our article about Denis Austin's weight loss program, its components and rules of implementation.

Read in this article

Denise Austin's workouts: from aerobics to Pilates

Fat burning cardio workout (Quick Burn Cardio)

For those who want to lose weight and get rid of excess weight, you should pay attention to Quick Burn Cardio. This 50-minute program is based on the principle of interval training: you will constantly increase your pace to the maximum and burn extra calories

In the second half of the program, you will use dumbbells for muscle-building exercises that will alternate with aerobic segments. This is the most optimal workout for losing weight and getting a beautiful figure.

Bootcamp: Lose Weight in 2 Weeks (Bootcamp: Total Body Blast)

If you want to lose weight in a short time, then take up the fat-burning program “Training Camp”. Denise Austin promises you to achieve results after just 2 weeks of daily training. The program follows a traditional course: first you will do 20 minutes of cardio with elements of kickboxing, then a 20-minute strength training, and the complex ends with a short stretch. You can follow this course for more than two weeks until you achieve the desired results.

Slim figure in 15 minutes a day (Get Fit Fast)

An ideal workout option for those who don't have a lot of time for fitness. The course is divided into three programs: for the abdominal and back muscles, for the muscles of the arms and shoulders, for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. In turn, each of these programs includes 3 difficulty levels, with each level lasting only 15 minutes. This structure of the complex makes it very variable and flexible: you can combine workouts at your discretion. For training you will need dumbbells and a mat.

Yoga for the whole body (Yoga Body Burn and Fat-Blasting Yoga)

If you prefer workouts that work your muscles in a focused manner, then full-body yoga is what you're looking for. Yoga from Denise Austin will help you not only strengthen your muscles, but also achieve amazing stretching and confident coordination. The trainer offers two yoga options lasting about an hour, with approximately the same level of difficulty. You can alternate between both programs; you will not need any additional equipment to complete them.

Pilates for problem areas (Shrink Your Fat Zones Pilates)

Denise Austin also has Pilates in her training arsenal, with which you will work on all problem areas. The program is conveniently divided into short 15-minute segments: abdominal, upper and lower body. You can alternate them or perform the entire complex. The workout is very accessible in complexity: it is suitable for beginners in fitness and even for those who have never done Pilates. You will need a mat, light dumbbells and a towel.

Pilates with elastic band (Pilates For Everybody)

In another version of Pilates, Denise uses auxiliary equipment: a chair and a rubber band. The Pilates for Everyone program lasts 45 minutes. In the first half, you will find exercises on the floor with a rubber band, which will help work out the muscular corset. In the second half, you perform the exercises while standing, using a chair, and using your upper and lower body. Denise emphasizes that you should work on the quality of your exercises, not the quantity.

If you haven't yet created a training plan with Denise Austin, we advise you to try alternating aerobic strength programs with yoga and Pilates. This way you will provide your body with the most balanced load possible.

Pros and cons of the program


  1. This is a complete complex for the lower body. You will work absolutely all the muscles of your legs and buttocks, making them toned and elastic.
  2. Due to the fact that the program is divided into 7 short workouts, you can combine the classes you like at your discretion. Depending on your preferences, you can train for either 10 minutes or 1 hour.
  3. The program is very diverse: you will work out both with your own body weight and with additional equipment. Both lying on the mat and doing exercises from a standing position.
  4. You will be able to get rid of fat in the most problematic areas for girls: riding breeches, back and inner thighs.
  5. With all this, the complex is suitable even for beginners. Start training with short ten-minute videos, and then gradually increase the load.
  6. Denise Austin explains each exercise in great detail, so you won't have any questions about technique. The exercises are very diverse, but they are all absolutely understandable and accessible.


  1. The program includes only local exercises for specific muscle groups without aerobic exercise. As you know, it is very difficult to lose weight only by pumping up your muscles; you can only strengthen them. Therefore, it is good to supplement such video training with a cardio program.
  2. For two workouts you will need additional equipment: a fitball and an elastic band.

If you are looking for a video program that offers effective exercises for the thighs and buttocks, then Denise Austin's workout - Best Bun & Leg Shapers will be a real find for you. Universal classes are suitable for almost any level of physical fitness. It's time to finally make your legs and butt beautiful and sexy!

Training and nutrition

Denise Austin adheres to a properly balanced diet, does not skip meals and refuses unhealthy foods. In addition, she replaces sugar with its artificial counterparts. Denise also drinks a lot of fluids (water with lemon, herbal and green tea). She tries to eat between 7 am and 7 pm. However, sometimes she allows herself to relax and go out to a restaurant for a late dinner with her husband.

Denise works out every day. And this is in addition to filming their fitness programs.

During pregnancy, Denise not only did not stop training, but even recorded a video with exercises for pregnant women. With the birth of each of her daughters, Denise gained about 15 kg of excess weight. According to her, it took her 3 months after giving birth to look good and 6 months to return to her original shape.

Pros and cons of the program from Denise Austin

Denise Austin, a famous fitness trainer, created a popular workout program for weight loss. As a result of exercise, it is possible not only to lose excess weight, but also to make the body more prominent and elastic. The program helps to remove the sides, fat deposits on the back, tighten the stomach and buttocks. It is great for beginners and those who cannot go to the gym regularly.

The program includes two areas: aerobics and strength training, and it gives nutritional recommendations.

The Denise Austin weight loss system has become popular due to the following advantages:

  • All you need for this workout is dumbbells and a mat.
  • The exercises are as simple as possible and accessible even for beginners.
  • The combination of aerobic exercise with strength training gives maximum load, so that fat will be burned with double force.
  • The program includes dance exercises, thanks to which the plasticity of the body develops.
  • It is possible to choose to conduct a workout for 20 or 40 minutes, that is, separately aerobic and strength.
  • There are translations into most languages ​​of the world, so anyone can practice.
  • During strength exercises, multiple repetitions are performed, which contribute to the active burning of calories.
  • Partial inclusion of kickboxing elements develops reaction and increases the effectiveness of training.
  • A clear deadline for the outcome helps many people to get together and be more active.

However, there are some downsides. These include:

  • Not everyone can lose 5 kg in 4 weeks; this is a very individual question.
  • In order not to gain back the kilograms, you need to exercise not only for a month, but constantly. But the program's motto can be misleading.
  • The loads for “experienced” practitioners may be too light, so they will not notice the result.
  • To perform aerobic exercises, you will have to do it in a spacious room, and not everyone has this.
  • Only single programs are offered and there are no full courses.

A prerequisite for losing weight according to Denise Austin’s method is nutritional correction. Continuing to enjoy buns and sweets, you should not expect results. But some sources claim the opposite.

We recommend reading about Anna Kurkurina’s workouts for weight loss. From the article you will learn about effective training from champion Anna Kurkurina, nutrition rules, and recipes.

And here is more information about weight loss exercises from Dr. Bubnovsky.

Weight loss program and its components

Denise Austin's weight loss system consists of two complexes: aerobics and strength training. Each lasts 20-25 minutes.

The first includes elements of dance, aerobics and kickboxing. This part of the workout strengthens muscles, improves body shape, increases endurance, and accelerates fat burning.

The second part of the program consists of a series of exercises with dumbbells. This is how the relief of the body is worked out. Features of the Denise Austin program include:

  • The weight of dumbbells can start from 0.5 kg and reach 2 kg.
  • The amount of time for training can be varied: do both at once or just one.
  • You should exercise at least 3-4 times a week, and ideally every day.
  • The maximum break between workouts is a couple of days.


Yoga in the form of strength exercises helps burn fat faster and more efficiently. The exercise helps to work on problem areas on the body. Austin's yoga workout for weight loss consists of 4 parts:

  • Fat burning. It lasts 25-30 minutes. Smooth and slow movements warm up the body and affect the deep fibers of the muscles. Dynamic transitions have a stronger impact on the body, increasing the burning of calories.

The movements must be performed correctly, as this is how to achieve results. This part of yoga speeds up metabolism and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

  • The part for working the lower area, that is, the thighs and buttocks, lasts 10-15 minutes. It is aimed at strengthening muscles and getting rid of cellulite. Exercise allows you to develop strength and endurance.
  • The part for working out the abdomen forms a beautiful relief and abs. At this time, beautiful shapes and a thin waist are honed. The range of movements increases, the body becomes more flexible.
  • The final part is for relaxation. It also lasts 10-15 minutes. The final stage helps to slow down processes after intense parts in order to calm down and get into a familiar rhythm. A balance is created between the physical and mental state of a person.

Each girl can choose for herself how long to study. It is possible to carry out the entire workout or only the necessary set of movements.

Powerful Exercises

Denise Austin, in addition to cardio exercises, necessarily offers powerful strength exercises for weight loss. It is aimed at increasing muscle strength, sculpting the silhouette, and working out the relief. Strength training allows you to burn calories and use up the body's internal reserves long after exercise. The block lasts 20-25 minutes.

Denise shows four groups of exercises to build different muscles. During classes, it is possible to gain elastic and beautiful biceps and triceps on the arms, legs, abs, contours of the back, buttocks, remove “ears”, and work out the shoulder girdle. All exercises are accessible and do not require special equipment other than dumbbells.


Aerobics for weight loss with Denise Austin is a set of high-intensity movements that are aimed at warming up the muscles, forming a beautiful relief, and endurance. It involves safe, easy, accessible steps that get your heart rate up and calories burned.

The advantage of this aerobics is that it allows you to build endurance, train the cardiovascular system, but at the same time not put stress on the joints. Eliminates the possibility of injury, especially for beginners.

Aerobics not only burns calories, but also helps to “sculpt” the desired silhouette of your body, sculpt your legs and arms, waist, abs, and chest. And Coach Denise’s cheerful attitude inspires and energizes. In total, the workout lasts 20-25 minutes.


This program consists of several blocks to work out different muscle groups. Each lasts 5-10 minutes. Thus, a person can create a program for himself. Gymnastics for weight loss by Denise Austin allows you to work only on problem areas of the body or pump everything at once. Blocks of exercises include muscle load:

  • backs,
  • chest,
  • press,
  • arms and legs,
  • shoulder girdle,
  • buttocks,
  • abdominal obliques;
  • front of the thighs and lower back,
  • inner surface of the legs.

Stretching and warm-up are done in separate blocks. They should be carried out every time before and after training.


This is another type of cardio exercise in a weight loss program. Dancing with Denise Austin is essential for melting fat deposits, speeding up metabolism and toning muscles.

The steps are simple and effective. There are no complex steps or transitions in the program. As a result of training, the figure acquires beautiful outlines. A person gains flexibility, plasticity, and improves control of his body. In addition, classes will help you master dance moves. Workouts include funky steps, cardio exercises with fast and explosive steps. You can lose weight with interest and pleasure, while gaining new, useful skills.

We recommend reading about weight loss workouts with Jillian Michaels. From the article you will learn about Gillian’s weight loss system, nutrition rules, training and yoga, weight loss results. And here is more information about aerobics for weight loss.

Denise Austin's weight loss program is a whole philosophy that allows you not only to lose excess weight, but to find harmony with your own body and organism. Patience and perseverance will allow you to achieve your dream figure. The classes and exercises are quite simple, so it is suitable even for those who have not played sports before.

Pros and cons of the program

1. The program is carried out at an energetic fat-burning pace

. During strength training, you will perform many repetitions with light weights, thereby increasing your heart rate and burning calories.

2. The workout is great for beginners; all exercises are designed for beginners.

We also advise you to pay attention to Cindy Crawford’s programs for improving your figure

3. The aerobic part uses dance movements, so the class will be not only effective, but also fun.

4. Exercises with dumbbells are accessible and understandable

. In addition, most exercises involve several groups of your muscles at once. There is no need to worry that your muscles will increase from such activities. You only work on their tone, but first of all, burn fat.

5. The duration of training is optimal for a beginner: 25 minutes. Once you get used to the load, you can do two workouts at once, one after the other.

6. Denise Austin’s “Quick Weight Loss” program has been translated into Russian

. Nowadays more and more training videos are being released and fewer of them are translated into our language.

7. You will not need any additional equipment other than dumbbells and a mat.

1. If you have been doing fitness for some time (for example, with Jillian Michaels), then the load that Denise Austin suggests will seem too easy for you.

2. The movements that the trainer uses in the first part of the fitness course are wide and very sweeping. Prepare more space in the room.

"Fast Weight Loss" with Denise Austin will become a real guide to the world of fitness for beginners. You will lose excess weight and tone your muscles

, master home workouts and make your figure irresistible.

Aerobics with Denise Austin is work with the energy zones of the body, as a result of which the metabolism in the body improves. As a result, excess fat is burned. Your figure becomes slimmer.

The aerobics complex with Denis Austin includes a sequence of intense bodybuilding exercises, alternating with general strengthening exercises. In other words, several short strength exercises are inserted into the complex of cardio circuit training exercises. It is this sequence of exercises that promotes intense calorie burning.

Denise Austin Aerobics includes:

  • exercises for the upper body (back, shoulders, arms and chest).
  • exercises for the lower body. The inner and outer surfaces of the legs are worked out.
  • on Monday, Wednesday and Friday a cardio complex is performed;
  • on Tuesday and Thursday, do strength exercises aimed at working the upper and lower parts of the body, as well as exercises for the abdominal muscles;
  • Cardio and strength exercises are performed on Saturdays.

The first results of performing a set of aerobics exercises with Denise Austin will not be slow to show up after just 10 days. The reward for your work will be: a slim figure, a flat tummy, sexy hips and buttocks.

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Fitness expert and instructor Denise Austin's program has gained popularity due to its accessibility and easy-to-follow exercise routine. This course is ideal for those who want to get rid of extra pounds and tighten their stomach, but have no experience in fitness. The workouts are also suitable for those who don’t have time to go to the gym.

What is the effectiveness of the program?

Partial load sharing allows you to achieve results faster. Aerobic exercise is good for getting rid of fatty tissue. The higher the load, the more it is aimed at losing weight. But the risk here is that along with the fatty tissue, part of the muscle tissue is also lost. Aerobic exercise leads to fat loss, but does not improve your figure. Strength training helps.

These exercises, recommended in Denise Austin's Fast Weight Loss course, work the core muscles. A power block using small weights increases muscle mass slightly and at the same time “builds” the body. Benefits of Denise Austin's Fast Weight Loss Workout:

  • Suitable for beginners; The training course is designed for an initial level of physical fitness.
  • Repeating with light weights increases your heart rate, thereby burning more calories.
  • Strength exercises work multiple muscle groups at the same time.
  • The training duration is optimal for beginners.
  • Training at the entry level can be carried out separately. For example, an aerobic block in the morning, a strength block in the evening.

Advantages and disadvantages

A significant advantage is that the program is exciting; it motivates further implementation. The selections are made in such a way that it is impossible to guess which exercise will come next. This makes each practice a little adventure, exciting and arousing curiosity. For beginners, the complexes included those variations of classic movements that allow you to explore your body and its capabilities.

The lessons are structured in such a way that every time you feel low in strength, something lifts your spirits and inspires you to continue. Different lessons can be done separately, devoting about 10-20 minutes to practice, or done sequentially all together, then the lesson will last about 50 minutes.

Many positively assessed the music selection, which is used as a sound background. Music evokes a feeling of joy and an influx of strength, gives positivity and confidence that you will perform even the most difficult asana. At the end of the lesson there is no feeling of physical or psychological fatigue, but this is due not only to the musical design. The sequence of actions is designed exactly this way in order to reduce the discomfort in the muscles after exercise to the limit.

Positive program

  1. The classes are designed to keep participants interested. The way the exercises proceed, you can never guess what will happen next. It's like a holiday, always fun and exciting. Austin uses traditional yoga poses, but she includes several versions of poses in her classes that allow you to explore your body.
  2. Denise Austin's method is reassuring and gets you through. Every time you feel like your strength is running out, she lifts your spirits and pushes you to the finish line.
  3. The course of classes is structured very correctly, you can do 50-minute classes at once or break it into 20-30 minutes or 30-20 depending on your endurance, drive and interest. You can mix and match the sessions you like. You can buy Austin workout video courses and mix up the workouts with activities from other video courses to make the lessons fun and interesting.
  4. Mandatory background resistance, because music lifts the mood and motivates.
  5. Although the classes are quite difficult, they bring true joy and positivity.
  6. Stretching and strengthening poses are positioned to prevent muscle soreness.
  7. Yoga with Denise Austin allows you to reap all the benefits of the classic version. It's a good combination of cardio, muscle building and strength training. At the end you will not feel tired or exhausted. You will be calm and energetic.

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