Step aerobics for weight loss and a healthy body, pros and cons, exercise videos

Step aerobics is a type of cardio training based on dance movements performed using a step platform. Regular exercise heals the body, allows you to get rid of excess weight and create a beautiful, fit figure. But they attract attention not only due to their pronounced health benefits. Step aerobics is a special atmosphere that can only be achieved through group training.

Of course, studying with like-minded people is much more fun and interesting. However, nothing prevents you from training at home. For those who cannot regularly visit the fitness room, it is enough to purchase the platform and select a suitable training program in video format.

Step dance: a little history

This type of aerobic training became known back in the 80s of the last century. Its creator is considered to be the famous American fitness trainer Jean Miller, who had to recover for a long time after a knee injury. As recommended by her physician, she exercised the injured joint by climbing (stepping) onto a low box. The rehabilitation was successful, and Jean decided to use the improvised hill in her future training programs. This is how a new direction in aerobics emerged, which subsequently became very popular among athletes of different ages and levels of physical fitness. In addition, now not only women, but also men are actively involved in this type of cardio.

Description[edit | edit code]

Climbing onto the step platform
Controlling your movements, place one foot on the step platform, rise and place the other one on it. Return to the starting position, controlling the descent using the muscles of the leg standing on the step platform.

Initial position

  • Stand exactly in front of a step platform or a stable bench 30-40 centimeters high, with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Cross your arms across your chest, relax your shoulders.
  • Straighten your back, give your spine a neutral position.

Recommendations for climbing onto a step platform

  • Keep your back straight and watch your center of gravity.
  • Climbing onto the step platform should be performed using the efforts of the muscles of the right leg.
  • Do not allow the knee to extend beyond the line of the big toe when bending.
  • Movements should be slow and controlled. If you cannot perform the exercise correctly, take a shorter step.
  • Maintain a neutral spine position.
  • Open your chest and roll your shoulders back.
  • As you climb onto the step platform, inhale.

Main muscles involved

  • Torso: abdominal muscles, erector spinae, quadratus lumborum.
  • Hips: gluteus medius and minimus, hip adductors, hip rotators.
  • Lower legs: muscles that stabilize the position of the ankle joint, gastrocnemius muscle.

Options[edit | edit code]

  • Step up
  • Step up and to the side
  • Jump onto the platform
  • Partial squats on platform
  • Step up with a jump
  • Platform Squat
  • Raising the pelvis on the platform
  • One leg pelvic lift

Movement analysis[edit | edit code]

Major joints Hip (right leg) Knee (right leg)
Movements performed in the joints Lifting: flexion, then extension.

Descent: flexion, then extension.

Lifting: flexion, then extension. Descent: flexion, then extension.
Main muscles involved in movements Flexion (when ascending): iliopsoas muscle (passive when descending).

Extension (during ascent and descent): gluteus maximus, hamstrings.

Extension (uphill) and flexion (downhill): quadriceps femoris. Extension (during descent): posterior thigh muscle group.

What is step aerobics

Dance step is a set of alternating steps combined into various combinations - ligaments. All exercises are performed on a hill, which is created using special sports equipment - step platforms. Changing the height level allows you to adjust the load.

Training takes place in an intense rhythm accompanied by dynamic music. Classes usually begin with warm-up exercises and simple steps. Gradually the movements become more complex and grouped into combinations.

Training for beginners involves performing basic elements in 2-3 steps. Classes for experienced athletes consist of more complex combinations performed at a fast pace. Don’t worry if you can’t immediately repeat the required movements with the fitness trainer, maintaining the given rhythm. Over time, the body will get used to it, coordination will improve and you will definitely achieve the desired result. The main thing is to train regularly.

The duration of one step aerobics workout is from 45 minutes to an hour. The exercises will be performed without breaks with increasing intensity. To rest and recover a little while moving on to the next element, athletes briefly return to walking in place.

The final stage of training is often supplemented with various exercises to develop the muscles of the arms and abdominals. Since the main set of movements is aimed at working mainly the legs and buttocks. The specified load is also increased with the help of special equipment - dumbbells or other weights.

It is a mistake to think that dance aerobics is extremely simple. If you have not loaded your body with training (even the simplest ones) for a long period, it is better to start with the basics - steps in place. Otherwise, instead of enjoying your activities, you will end up with health problems.

Nevertheless, step aerobics is rightly considered the area with the most gentle load. Therefore, it is suitable for people even with a low level of physical fitness.

Rules for working with the step platform

In order for exercises on the steppe to benefit the body, you must follow the following rules for working with equipment:

Read also: Exercise bike for weight loss: how to exercise correctly

  • Your back should be straight while doing the exercises.
  • Climbing onto the apparatus is carried out using the leg muscles.
  • The entire foot is placed on the surface of the board; there should be no sagging of the heel or toes.
  • You only need to exercise in comfortable non-slip shoes.
  • You are allowed to stick your butt out when doing squats.
  • You cannot jump or lower yourself to the floor with straight, tense legs.
  • Movements should be fast, but not intermittent.

This type of sports activity is beneficial for the cardiovascular system, for improving coordination, balance, stability, endurance and elevating mood.

To practice step aerobics, you do not need to have special physical training, because every person can move up and down the steps. During training, walking on the “step” will alternate with jumping and squats. Even those who didn’t like these standards at school are happy to stomp and jump to the music. And losing 4 kg of excess weight from the body in a month will please any athlete.

Moreover, you don’t need to go to the gym specifically to practice the step; you can buy this equipment and practice sports on it at home. The projectile does not take up much space.

Varieties of step dance

Standard group trainings provide an average level of training. You can complicate or simplify the program by adjusting the step platform. The higher it is, the more difficult it is to complete the task.

Depending on the complexity and intensity, step aerobics is divided into several subtypes:

  • Basic Step is the perfect solution for beginners. Within the framework of this program, it is possible to study in detail the basic steps and simple connections.
  • Advanced Step - suitable for experienced athletes. Consists of complex movements and jumps.
  • Dance Step - classes for lovers of dance styles. They assume not only active weight loss, but also a significant development of plasticity and grace.
  • Step-combo is the choice of people with very good physical fitness and developed coordination. Includes sets of complex sequences performed at an intense pace.
  • Step Interval - is an interval training mode. It involves the gradual implementation of groups of intense exercises and calmer elements for recovery.
  • Double Step - two platforms. In accordance with the self-explanatory name, a couple of steps are used to increase the effectiveness of classes.
  • Power Step is step aerobics, supplemented with strength exercises aimed at maintaining muscle tone.

Types of step training

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing interesting or varied in step training. In fact, this is far from the case. There are several types of classes:

  • Basic Step. This is the main (basic) program for beginners. Includes the simplest steps and short combination sequences.
  • Advanced Step. Training for more experienced athletes who have already mastered the basics and are moving to a new, higher level of difficulty. The program includes complex combination sequences with jumping elements.
  • Dance Step. Original dance training. Steps form ligaments that help not only lose weight, but also become more flexible and graceful.
  • Double Step. The lesson takes place using two step platforms at once. The effectiveness of body work is much higher.
  • Step-combo. A program with complex combinations for people with excellent coordination in space. Along with the level, the intensity of the workout also increases.

Interesting fact. Using the platform, you can perform not only aerobic, but also strength exercises. Want to try? Watch videos of famous athletes on the Internet, or feel free to send for a personal consultation with a trainer.

The benefits and harms of step aerobics

Like other sports disciplines, step dancing has its pros and cons. Before starting classes, you should read them carefully. After all, the main thing in striving to improve your own body is not to harm your health.


  • Step aerobics is one of the most effective types of cardio for getting rid of extra pounds. On average, in 60 minutes of training you can burn up to 300-500 calories.
  • This subtype of sports aerobics is considered the most gentle in terms of stress on the joints.
  • Thanks to such exercises, it is possible to significantly reduce the volume of the hips and buttocks and maintain muscle tone.
  • Step aerobics training acts as an effective preventative against arthritis and osteoporosis.
  • By exercising, you force your heart and respiratory organs to function better. This reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Systematic training helps to get rid of excess weight, which, in turn, helps improve metabolism and eliminate joint pain.
  • Regular exercise makes your body more resilient, stronger and stronger. And such qualities are important not only on the training ground, but also in everyday life.
  • You can exercise with the platform not only in a specialized fitness center, but also at home.


It is also worth knowing in advance about some of the disadvantages of this type of sports aerobics:

  • Step aerobics is a workout that primarily involves the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Classes should be supplemented with exercises for the upper body. Otherwise, it will not receive the required load.
  • Despite the fact that this type of fitness is more gentle on the joints, if you have problems with your knees, doing it is not the best solution.
  • Step dance is very diverse. Each fitness instructor creates his own training program. But whether it will be effective cannot be determined immediately.
  • Incorrect technique for performing steps on a step platform can lead to injury and even rupture of the Achilles tendon.
  • At first, many beginners get confused in the elements and do not have time to repeat the movements after the trainer. As a result, the desire to train simply disappears.

What is a step platform?

The most interesting thing is that this trend in fitness appeared less than 30 years ago. Trainer Jean Miller injured her leg and during rehabilitation came up with a set of exercises that simulated going up and down stairs. The founder of step aerobics then used a plastic bottle box as a “step”. Reebok picked up the idea of ​​her homemade sports equipment and began producing special platforms that quickly conquered the sports market.

The first plastic step boards had a number of disadvantages: they often broke, had poor shock absorption, were unstable, and had the same height. Modern models are significantly better than their predecessors in the following indicators:

  • Withstands any weight due to durable material.
  • Softens the load on joints during intense steps and jumps.
  • They have an anti-slip coating on the legs and on the “working” surface.
  • They have very diverse parameters: width – 24-40 cm, length – 60-120 cm, adjustable height – from 10 to 30 cm.

The step bench has different heights specifically for each level of users. Beginners are advised to choose a board height of 10-15 cm; more experienced athletes practice on platforms with a height of 20 cm. Such equipment has several adjustment levels of 5 cm each. Due to this, the increase in stress on the body when exercising on the steppe will not be so noticeable.

Types of platforms

In addition to differences in height and length, step platforms also differ in type of construction:

  • Non-adjustable - one-piece structures whose height cannot be changed. These are already outdated models that are hardly sold anymore. It is most suitable for beginners.
  • Adjustable - platforms with additional supports that can be used to reduce or increase the height in the range of 10-30 cm. These are universal models that can be used by all step dancers.
  • Combined - multifunctional models, which are additionally equipped with expanders, benches, and niches for storing things. There are also combined platforms that can be transformed into other sports equipment.

Inventory purpose

Exercises on the step platform are performed, in most cases, with the feet. Therefore, during training, first of all, the hips, shins, and calves are pumped. It also tightens your buttocks and strengthens your back.

A step bench is a versatile piece of equipment because there are many ways to use it, not just as a support for your feet when jumping or walking. The step platform can be used for push-ups, plank support, and any dynamic workout that will help strengthen the muscles of the entire body and burn calories.

Step aerobics: contraindications

Don't forget that you can't ignore them under any circumstances. Otherwise, training will not only not allow you to achieve the desired results, but will also seriously harm your health. So, step dance classes are contraindicated if:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • joint pathologies;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • increased arterial and intracranial pressure;
  • varicose veins;
  • excess body weight (we are talking about serious obesity);
  • pregnancy;
  • after a long break from physical activity.

Before starting exercise, consult your doctor. Only he can warn you about the presence of existing contraindications for you personally.

Exercises for Beginners

Below we present a few basic exercises that even beginners can do.

Basic step

It consists of alternately lifting onto the platform, first one leg, then the other. Return to the floor is carried out from the same limb with which the movement began.


Standing on the floor, step with your left foot to the left edge of the step, with your right foot to the right. Return to the starting position with your feet together.


Step onto the opposite edge of the platform with your left foot, and swing back with your right foot. Do the same on the other side.

Knee up

Step with your right foot to the opposite corner of the step, bend your left leg at the knee and pull it towards your stomach. Do it one by one.

Kick up

Step onto the step platform with your left foot and swing forward with your right. Repeat with emphasis on the other leg.

Touching the floor

Stand in the middle of the platform. Touch the floor with your feet one at a time.

Over the top

Stand sideways on the step. Place your left foot on the floor on the same side, and do the same with your right foot. Return to the starting position.

Types of exercises

It is better to perform all movements on the step with dynamic, pleasant music, which makes the training process more interesting. In this case, you need to choose a set of exercises on the step platform in accordance with the person’s level of training.

In addition to regular step movements, the board can be used for push-ups. The bench will serve as a rest for the arms or legs, depending on how the person wants to pump his arms and back.

Beginners need to devote 20 minutes to training, more experienced athletes spend up to an hour on the board.

There are many different types of step platform exercises. The simpler ones are recommended for beginners, and the more complex ones for advanced athletes.

For newbies

Step nameExecution technique
Normal stepStep onto the platform with your right foot, then your left. Lower yourself down first with your right foot, then with your left. You can change the order of your legs when lifting or perform several approaches with your right leg, then a few with your left.
Side stepStep onto the step with your right foot, then place your left foot on it. Lower yourself with your right leg. Start your next lift with your left foot.
V-stepWhen climbing onto the platform, move the toe of your right foot as far as possible to the right, and the toe of your left foot to the left, with your heels standing close to each other. This produces a “V”. Lower your right foot to the floor, then your left.
Step snagPlace your right leg on the step, transfer your body weight to it, lift your left leg from the floor as if you are going to step, and lower yourself onto your left leg. Place the right one next to it on the floor. Repeat, alternating legs.
Knee lift stepPlace your right foot on the platform, bend your left at the knee and lift it as high as possible. You can't help with your hands! Lower with your left foot, place your right foot down. Alternate several times for each leg.
JumpingJump, alternately placing your right and left foot on the step

Read also: Leg press in the simulator

For experienced athletes

Step nameExecution technique
Lateral squats with swingStand next to a step board, place one foot on it and begin squatting, pushing your butt back. Keep your back straight. As you rise, swing sideways with the leg that was on the platform and place it on the floor next to your other leg. Repeat, alternating legs.
Straight squatsPlace your right foot on the step, transfer your body weight to it. Squat, lifting the heel of your left foot off the floor. The thigh of the right leg should be parallel to the floor.
Variable barLower yourself onto the platform with your arms bent at the elbows, put your legs back and take a plank pose. Keeping your body muscles tense, gradually rise up to the full length of your arms into a high plank position, then return to the starting position.
Reverse plankSit on the floor next to the step, place your hands on the edge of the platform and lift yourself up on your hands. The emphasis of the feet is on the heels. Hold out as long as possible.
Steps with dumbbellsVarious steps are performed using dumbbells and various weights for the arms and legs. The intensity of movements should be higher than for beginners. The height of the bench is raised to a maximum height of 30 cm.
Jumping with two legsYou need to jump onto the step with both feet, without bending, and jump back. You can complicate the task: stand sideways to the projectile, jump on it with both feet, and jump off with your feet on different sides of the board.

By performing exercises on the step platform, the athlete receives physical and moral satisfaction, since, among other things, the so-called happiness hormone is released in the body.

For a successful workout, you can use advice from one movie: “In order to rock the crowd, you need to start with 120 heart beats per minute. To get the crowd going, you need to increase your heart rate to 125, or better yet, 128 heart beats per minute. In such a rhythm, it is not you who command the body, but it commands you.” This rule is quite applicable for step training. Beginners should start with 120 beats per minute, while more experienced ones pump their body at a rhythm of 128 beats per minute.

Exercises for advanced

Having understood the basics of step aerobics, steps and the principle of working on the platform, you should move on to performing more complex movements.

Jumping on a step

While in the top position, alternately jump from one leg to the other. Return to the starting position.

Jumping over a hill

Stand sideways to the platform. Step with the foot closest to him (for example, the right) onto a hill, and in a jump, move your foot to the opposite side of the step. The left foot should first be in place of the right one, and then next to it on the other side of the platform.

Jumping with legs abducted

It is performed almost the same as the previous exercise. You just don’t need to move completely to the other side of the projectile. It is necessary to jump and alternately stretch your legs in one direction and the other.

Jumping in place

Stand in front of the step. Take an elevated step, jumping, and switch legs. Raise your arms up synchronously with each foot returning to its original position.

Sets of exercises on step platforms

Sets of exercises on step platforms

An approximate set of general developmental exercises

1. Walk normally in place.

2. I.P. – hands on the belt, legs apart

1 – right heel to step; 2 – IP, 3 – left heel on step; 4 – i.p.; 5 – right toe on the step; 6 – i. P.; 7 – left toe on the step; 8 – i.p.

3. I.P. - hands on the belt

1 – step with the right foot on the step; 2 – bend the left leg at the knee; 3 – descent from the platform with the left foot; 4 – i.p.; 5-8 – repeat the exercises, starting with the left leg

4. I.P. – o.s. 1 – step with the right foot on the step, right hand up; 2 – step with the left foot on the step, left hand up; 3 – descent with the right foot, right hand down, 4 – descent with the left foot, left hand down; 5 – step with the right foot on the step, right hand to the side; 6 – step with the left foot on the step, left hand to the side; 7 – descent with the right foot, right hand down, 4 – descent with the left foot, left hand down.

5. 1 – step with the right foot to the right corner of the platform; 2 – step with the left foot to the left corner of the platform; 3 – descent from the step with the right foot; 4 – descent from the step with the left foot

6. I.P. –o.s. standing on the platform, arms in front of the chest, hands out; 1 – step with the right foot to the side from the steppe, spread your arms to the sides; 2 – i.p.; 3 – step with your left foot to the side from the steppe, spread your arms to the sides; 4 – i.p.

7. Step to the step - from the step with claps with straight arms in front of you and behind your back.

Approximate sets of strength exercises

  1. I.P. - crouching, hands on the steppe.

1 – lying position; 2 – crouching emphasis.

  1. I.P. – sitting at an angle on the steppe.

Leg circles left and right. The same, but hands on the belt or behind the head.

  1. I.P. – lying position, step at the hands.

Alternately climbing with your hands while lying on the steppe. Return to starting position.

  1. I.P. – lying position, toes on the steppe.
  1. – bending your arms, swing your left back
  2. – I.P.
  3. - the same right
  4. – I.P.
  1. I.P. – lying on the back, hands on the steppe.

Bend and straighten your arms at the elbow joints.

6. I.P. – lie down, put your toes on the step. At each count, flex and extend the arms at the elbow joint.

An approximate set of exercises for developing coordination abilities

1. Jumping forward on two legs.

2. Jumping with the left side on two legs.

3. Jumping with the right side on two legs.

4. Two jumps facing forward, one backward.

5. Two jumps with the left side, one with the right.

6. Two jumps with the right side, one with the left.

7. Step jump facing forward - jump on the spot with a 360° turn - jump across the step facing forward;

8. Jump over the step with the left side - jump on the spot with a 360° turn - jump over the step with the left side;

9. Jump over the step with the right side - jump in place with a 360° turn - jump over the step with the right side.

Outdoor games using step platforms.

"Homeless Hare"

Steps are located randomly around the hall, one less than the number of participants in the hall. All the children: “hares” are running around the hall. At the command “Everyone in the house!” - children stand on any step. A “homeless hare” is the child who did not take the step. He is out of the game. In each subsequent game, the number of steps is reduced by one.


The players walk (run) around the hall between steps, with the driver in the center. At a signal (whistle, clap of hands), everyone stands on the steps and freezes, taking various poses. The driver chooses the one whose figure he liked best and changes places with him. The game is repeated with another driver.

«Don't stay on the ground"

A trap is selected. Children are running around the hall. At the “catch” signal, everyone must quickly rise to the steps. The trap catches those left on the floor. When repeated, a new trap is selected.

"Day and night"

Two teams stand in the middle of the court with their backs to each other at a distance of two steps. One team is given the name “day”, the other “night”. Each team has a “house” on its side of the site, 10-12 meters away (steps arranged according to the number of participants). The host of the game suddenly pronounces the name of one of the teams, for example, “day”. This team quickly runs away to its “home” (each participant must stand on the step), and the players of the other team catch up with them and spot them, the dirty players are counted and released to their team.

Everyone takes their place in ranks, the game repeats. Before the signal to run, you can offer players simple exercises to distract their attention.

"Magic Christmas trees"

Players at the signal “Night!” run around the site, and at the signal “Forester!” they run to the steppe, stand on the steppe, depicting a Christmas tree - the back is straight, the arms are directed to the sides - down. The forester walks around the Christmas trees, inspects them, and takes the uneven ones with him.

"Jump over the ditch"

In the middle of the site there are steppes in a row - this is a moat. One of the players is in the ditch. At the teacher’s signal, the players run to the other side, jumping over the ditch. The driver catches those jumping without leaving the ditch. If the player is hit, he is considered caught and is eliminated from the game.

After 3-4 runs, those caught are counted and the driver changes.

Platform and equipment for classes

Knowing everything about step aerobics, it is easy to understand that when choosing suitable shoes and clothing for training, you should be guided by criteria such as comfort and safety. Thus, sneakers with soles that absorb well and do not slip will not only make exercise more comfortable, but will also reduce the load on the joints. Don't forget that they shouldn't hang around your feet. Otherwise, the risk of injury increases many times over.

There are no special requirements for clothing. The main thing is that it should be comfortable and not restrict movement. The only thing is to pay attention to the details of the cut of the sports trousers. Pants that are too loose can cause injury (if you step on the edge of the trouser leg while walking up a step).

When choosing a platform for training, focus not on the cost, but on the quality of the product. Expensive doesn't mean good. The surface of the projectile should not be slippery. It is better to give preference to shells with a rubberized top.

The length of the step platform can vary from 0.8 to 1.2 meters. The width is 35-40 cm. The height should be 10-15 cm with the possibility of increasing to 30-35 cm. At the initial stage, it will be enough to set the step to a minimum in order to master the implementation of the basic elements. Over time, the height will have to be increased, which is necessary for more complex combinations.


  • 1 Purpose of the exercise
  • 2 Working muscles
  • 3 Technique 3.1 Frontal
  • 3.2 Lateral

Lifting onto a platform with weights

Climbing onto the step platform

Typically step ups are used as the second or third exercise in training aimed at developing the legs and buttocks. They are used as a way to increase mobility in the hip joint, and as a means of developing balance when working with weights. It is often performed as an aerobic exercise to increase heart rate during training.

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