Fruit diet for weight loss - menu for 3 days, pros and cons

Fruit diet options

All fruit diets available in the world can be combined into 2 large groups:

  • Mono-diets, when a person eats only one type of fruit.
  • Mixed diets, in which it is permissible to eat not only a variety of fruits, but also other foods.

Fruit mono-diet

A fruit mono-diet is based on eating one type of fruit or juice. Experts do not recommend maintaining a mono-diet on fruit for more than one day. Otherwise, you may harm your own health.

The fact is that the fruit mono-diet is very strict; it is not able to provide the body with all the nutrients it needs. To be fair, it should be noted that in just one day of such a diet you can lose up to 4 kg of excess weight. A fasting day can occur once a week.

During the day, a person should eat 2 kg of the fruit he chose. This entire volume is divided into 4-5 servings. An addition to the menu is 1 liter of fresh juice.

The most commonly used mono-diets are:

  • Banana mono-diet.
  • Grapefruit mono-diet.
  • Orange mono-diet.
  • Apple mono-diet.
  • Pineapple mono-diet.

Multifruit diet

A multi-fruit diet does not mean that a person can eat all fruits indiscriminately. They need to be combined correctly. The daily amount of fruit is divided into 4-6 doses. Be sure to drink enough water. Also during the diet you can drink green tea, juices, and herbal infusions. The total amount of liquid is equal to 2.5 liters per day.

You can alternate fruits every day, or combine them in a dish on the same day, preparing fruit platters, stews, purees and salads. This diet should not last longer than 7 days.

Fruit and vegetable diet

If you supplement your fruit diet with a vegetable component, this will help you avoid the painful feeling of hunger. Coarse dietary fiber, which vegetables are rich in, is a source of energy. From fruits a person will receive vitamins that will help maintain the beauty of skin, hair and nails. However, this option has one significant disadvantage - the person will be deprived of a source of protein. Provided that he visits the gym, this can become a serious obstacle to the implementation of this diet in practice.

A tentative menu for one day might look like this:

  • Breakfast: salad with strawberries, grapefruit, pumpkin seeds and almonds + a glass of milk with 0% fat.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad with olive oil.
  • Dinner: Gazpacho soup + fresh raspberries and strawberries.
  • Snacks: fresh fruit or vegetable.

Fruit and protein diet

The fruit-protein diet option involves eating not only fruits, but also foods that are sources of protein. This could be meat, fish, cereals. If the menu is compiled according to all the rules, then a person during such a diet will lose weight intensively, but feel great.

The indicative menu looks like this:

  • Breakfast: a couple of chicken eggs + two lettuce leaves + green tea or coffee without added sugar.
  • Lunch: vegetable-based soup + boiled chicken + tomatoes and cucumbers in salad + juice or compote.
  • Dinner: boiled fish + cauliflower casserole + green tea.

Fruits are used as snacks.

Fruit-kefir diet

To get rid of excess weight and cleanse the body, you can use a fruit-kefir diet. In addition to fruits, every day you need to drink up to 0.5 liters of kefir with a low fat content.

A sample menu looks like this:

  • Breakfast: banana with 0.25 liters of kefir, passed through a blender.
  • Snack: mineral water and green apple.
  • Lunch: fruit salad and a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: natural yogurt with fruit.

This diet can last from 5 days to a week. Kefir can be replaced with curdled milk, cottage cheese or yogurt.

Curd and fruit diet

The cottage cheese and fruit diet is considered one of the most satisfying and healthy. Cottage cheese is a product high in macro- and microelements, and fruits saturate the body with vitamins. Therefore, you can last from 1 to 7 days on this version of the fruit diet. The person sets the duration himself. First of all, it depends on how much weight you need to lose.

The approximate menu for the day is 1 kg of fruit and 0.4 kg of cottage cheese. Be sure to drink still water and green tea without sugar. Cottage cheese should be divided into 4-5 servings and combined with fruit at each meal.

What is a fruit and vegetable diet for weight loss?

Some varieties of fruits can dull the feeling of hunger, and due to the joy hormone, they can improve the mood of a losing weight person. A diet of vegetables and fruits in combination with physical exercise gives lasting results and allows you to get rid of annoying cellulite and effectively cleanse the body of toxins and waste. In order not to weaken your muscles, you should not abuse the duration of a protein-free diet, because each variation of such a weight loss system requires its own diet, diet and period of restrictions.

Dietary restrictions:

  • gentle and gradual removal of toxins and waste;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • improvement of the condition of the lower extremities due to weight loss;
  • strengthening the body's immune system;
  • improvement of the condition of hair, nail plates, epithelium;
  • normalization of sleep.

The essence and rules of the diet

To prevent the body from becoming stressed and developing a craving for accumulating reserves, in the first days you should not overly restrict yourself in nutrition; you should eat until you are full. The main thing is that after a few days the body begins to get used to the changed diet without hunger. This will help you calmly replace your usual hot dog with a green apple. The fruit and vegetable diet does not have a clearly developed diet; you can eat it at absolutely any time. The duration of the weight loss method varies depending on the severity of the restrictions: from 1 fasting day to a month.

Rules of vegetable and fruit diet:

  • eat 1500 grams of fruits per day;
  • the main share (0.67%) of products is consumed without heat treatment, in raw form (juices, smoothies, salads);
  • Several methods of cooking are allowed, without the use of oil and fat;
  • the use of salt, sugar, hot spices is prohibited;
  • in the morning you can eat a small amount of high-calorie fruit (banana, mango, grapes);
  • Hydration is required (two liters of water per day).

What fruits and vegetables can you eat on a diet?

Most fruits are low in calories, so their consumption is allowed in many nutrition systems for weight loss. Particular attention should be paid to portion sizes and cooking methods. You can definitely eat cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, and sweet peppers during your weight loss period. Among the goodies, you should prefer green apples, apricots, peaches, plums, and berries. The vegetable and fruit diet exists in different forms, which differ in duration, as well as in the variety of foods in the diet. When your weight loss goal is achieved, you need to regularly do fasting days.

Prohibited foods when losing weight:

Vegetables Fruits
  • potato;
  • green pea;
  • zucchini;
  • eggplant;
  • cauliflower.
  • banana;
  • grapes (sweet green or pink);
  • mango;
  • kiwi.

Sample menu for a multi-fruit diet

Breakfast Breakfast No. 2 Dinner Snack Dinner Before bedtime
1 Smoothie (apple and apricot), green tea with sorbitol 0.3 kg of fruit, rosehip decoction Salad (banana, kiwi, orange, apple), compote with dried fruits Baked apple 0.5 kg mixed fruit, green tea and honey Pear juice
2 Baked apple with dried apricots and honey, orange juice Green apple Puree (pear and apple), plum juice Fruits in a set Assorted fruits and plum juice Orange
3 Smoothie with fruits, green tea and honey 0.3 kg of fruit, rosehip decoction Fruit salad, jelly with dried fruits Grapefruit juice Baked apple and nuts, apricot juice Compote with dried fruits

General rules

A fruit diet for weight loss is an effective dietary program that allows you to lose excess weight in a relatively short period of time. The fruit diet is based on the inclusion of various fruits in the diet as the main dish and the consumption of a sufficient amount of free liquid (at least 2 liters) in the form of mineral water, rosehip decoction, green tea, and juices. There are quite a few options for such diets: a mono-diet (apple, pineapple, watermelon and others), a multi-fruit diet, in which several different types of fruit are included in the diet.

The option of alternating fruit days is also used, when on different days the diet contains different fruits of the same type (for example, on Monday - oranges, Tuesday - apples, Wednesday - bananas). The beneficial properties of fruit diets lie in their ability to enhance metabolic , saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate the removal of toxins and fluids from the body, which is due to increased gastrointestinal motility and accelerated bowel movements. Against the backdrop of a low calorie diet, weight loss occurs. The energy value of the daily diet, depending on the composition of the fruit, varies at the level of 30-80 kcal/100 g.

However, purely fruit diets also have significant disadvantages. The diet is physiologically inferior and extremely unbalanced in macro- and micronutrients, since fruits contain mainly carbohydrates and liquid and practically no proteins and fats. , a long-term fruit diet can cause protein starvation and deficiency of vitamins B , A and E. Another disadvantage of diets of this type is the high content of ballast substances (pectin, fiber) and organic acids in fruits, which have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Overeating fruits can contribute to the activation of fermentation processes in the intestines, flatulence , and loose stools. Some dietary fruits, especially those of red/yellow color (cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, yellow cherries) have pronounced allergenic activity, which must be taken into account if the body is prone to allergies. Given this, the period of stay on diets of this type should be short-term.

Allowed and prohibited foods for a fruit diet

The list of permitted fruits is quite extensive, it includes: pears and apples, plums and cherries, watermelons, tangerines and oranges, peaches, apricots and nectarines, kiwi and pineapples, persimmons, grapefruit and avocados. These fruits can be eaten individually or combined with each other.

The fruits are allowed to be baked, you can also eat them fresh, it is not prohibited to prepare juices from the listed fruits. If you wish, you can include exotic fruits in the menu, such as passion fruit, feijoa, guava, lychee, etc.

As for the prohibitions, they are imposed on all other food products except fruits. Moreover, not all fruits can be eaten without restriction. Grapes, papaya, melon, bananas and mangoes should be removed from the menu. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks are excluded during the diet.


Sample menu for a week of the classic version of the fruit and vegetable diet:

Experimentation and changes to the sample menu are permitted. Oranges can always be replaced with tangerines, beets with carrots, fresh juice with regular juice, etc. Therefore, focus primarily on your taste preferences.

Delicious recipes for a fruit diet

Salad “Pink Delight”

In order to prepare the dish, you will need the following products:

  • 3 oranges and grapefruit.
  • 3 lemons.
  • A teaspoon of lemon zest and the same amount of orange zest.
  • A pinch of cloves.
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon.
  • 0.1 l of water.
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey

Mix orange and lemon zest with cloves and cinnamon, add water to them. Boil this mixture for a quarter of an hour. When it starts to cool, you need to add honey, stirring constantly. The fruits are cut and poured over them with the prepared sauce (it should be cooled first).

Fruit salad

To prepare the dish, you need to purchase the following products:

  • Orange.
  • Lemon.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Cinnamon and cloves.
  • Honey – 2 tbsp. l.

Mix lemon and orange zest, add cloves, cinnamon and honey, boil for 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, boil the fruit (cut into pieces) in syrup for 3 minutes, then drain the syrup. Salad ready.

Berry smoothie

To prepare it you will need:

  • Strawberries – 0.2 kg.
  • Raspberries – 0.15 kg.
  • Kiwi – 3 pcs.
  • Liquid honey – 3 tbsp. l.

Each fruit should be blended separately and laid out in layers. First, add a tablespoon of honey to each type of fruit mass. You can add ice to your smoothie.

Fruit diet minus 10 kg per week

The recommended duration of a diet for weight loss is 7 days. If a person cannot cope with such conditions, it is allowed to extend the period to 2 weeks, while it is allowed to reduce the severity by increasing the number of additional products. A fruit diet for weight loss in 7 days can be used no more than once in 3 months. It is important to consider that if you fail, you will have to start all over again. Products with this diet should be distributed over time:

  • Breakfast should consist of 1 grapefruit and a small amount of walnuts. An alternative would be a combination of 2 kiwis and 20 g of crackers. You can prepare fruit salads by dressing them with low-fat classic yogurt.
  • Lunch is distinguished by the obligatory presence of proteins. You will need to supplement a cup of fruit with boiled chicken or a water-based omelet.
  • For an afternoon snack, you are allowed to eat an apple or orange, a little watermelon or melon. If you don't want to eat the products separately, cut up a fruit salad with yogurt dressing.
  • Having a protein component in your dinner will help you avoid feeling hungry at night. Give preference to lean fish and berry salad.

Fruit and protein diet

If you cannot withstand harsh nutritional conditions with one product, then a protein-fruit diet for weight loss is suitable for you. It will help you lose excess weight in a short time without tormenting yourself with hunger. The principle of nutrition is based on alternating proteins and carbohydrates contained in fruits. Experts recommend the following products:

  • Fruits should serve as a source of carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber: apples, pears, citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapples. Try to alternate them periodically to increase efficiency.
  • Protein intake will be provided by sea fish and lean meats (chicken, turkey, beef). For variety, eat seafood occasionally.
  • Dairy products will be useful: feta cheese, Adyghe cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, classic yogurt.
  • It is recommended to eat boiled chicken eggs.

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Fruit and vegetable diet for weight loss

According to the principles that the vegetable and fruit diet is based on, you can eat an unlimited number of permitted foods during the day. You can eat vegetables, fruits, berries, green shoots and dried fruits raw, boiled or steamed. When cooking food, do not use fats. You need to exclude bananas, grapes and potatoes. When developing a nutrition plan, rely on the following rules:

  • Eat 1 fruit or vegetable in the morning and before bed.
  • Consume no more than 300 g of products at one time.
  • Do not peel the fruit. Fruit peel contains a large supply of useful substances.
  • Drink at least 2.5-3 liters of water, herbal tea or juice per day.

Fruit-drinking diet

Another way to eat tasty food while losing excess fat is a fruit-drinking diet. The secret of the diet is the consumption of one or more types of fruits and the juice obtained from them. The duration of the diet should be no more than 3 days. For breakfast you are supposed to eat any 2 fruits, drink 1 tbsp. pure water or green tea. For lunch, you can make a fruit salad, the ingredients for which will be pieces of fruit and a few spoons of yogurt. Dinner consists of 2 steamed fruits and fresh juice.

3 days on fruit - fruit diet

Many women and men, in order to lose extra pounds, resort to fasting, not realizing that there is a tasty and effective fruit-based diet for 3 days. To achieve success, follow some guidelines:

  • The first day's breakfast consists of 1 piece of fruit and a glass of juice. For lunch, eat a fruit salad and drink 250 ml of clean water. Take the same dish as the basis for dinner, add juice.
  • For the morning of the second day, prepare a plate of assorted fruits and a glass of water. The second meal consists of the same liquid and vegetable salad. The evening meal is based on boiled vegetables and a few fruits.
  • To complete your breakfast, a fruit plate and freshly squeezed juice are suitable. For lunch, eat a salad and drink a glass of water. The dinner dish is a light vegetable soup.

Duration of the weight loss diet

Sticking to a fruit diet for too long is not recommended. If a person spends more than 12 days on this regimen, the body will begin to experience protein starvation. Even the most expensive and most fortified fruits will not be able to cover the body’s needs for animal protein. Acute deficiency of vitamin B2 is guaranteed for all people who have given up milk and meat.

If vitamin deficiency continues for a long time, it will lead to weakening of muscle mass and its loss. As a result, a person will burn not fat, but muscle. Therefore, experts strongly recommend introducing both fish and meat into the menu, starting from the 5th day of the fruit diet.

The main advantages of a fruit diet, its disadvantages

Positive aspects of a fruit diet

1. The weight loss technique gives a feeling of lightness, the body is effectively cleansed of the accumulation of toxins and waste.

2. Fruits contain a large amount of vitamins that are beneficial to human health. During the diet, the body will not experience a deficiency in nutrients, so there will be no feeling of weakness or nausea.

3. A fruit diet allows you not only to lose excess weight, the technique does an excellent job of removing “orange peel” skin, improves skin color and removes early unwanted signs of aging of the dermis.

4. Simplicity. There is no need to stand at the stove, come up with new dietary dishes, or spend money on buying groceries. All you need is the right fruit.

5. Fruits help suppress chocolate cravings - this is a huge advantage for those who cannot imagine their day without candy.

6. A fruit diet normalizes metabolism. At the end of the technique, the extra pounds will not come back.

7. Of course, the main advantage of the weight loss system is its “speed” and effectiveness. You don't have to wait a month to get rid of extra pounds. If you follow all the rules, fat will begin to “burn” after a few days.

8. Fruits give you a feeling of fullness, so there will be no cravings for food.

Exit from the fruit diet

To ensure that the achieved result is not lost in a short period of time, you need to exit the diet correctly. In this case, you should start from which particular option the person losing weight adhered to.

If he followed a mono-diet, then he should be guided by the following exit rules:

  • New products should be introduced gradually. In the first 3 days, add 1 chicken egg. At the same time, you can start eating vegetables and mushrooms.
  • From day 4 you can eat porridge, but in small portions. Low-fat meat is also included in the diet.
  • In order not to disrupt the metabolic processes in the body, you should drink a lot of water.
  • A week after completing the diet, you are allowed to eat fish, desserts, meat and bread (dried, made from whole grain flour).
  • After two weeks, you can switch to your usual menu. To prevent the weight from returning, you should drink in small portions, but often. It is important to monitor your daily caloric intake, gradually increasing it.

If a person adhered to any of the mixed diet options, then he needs to follow the following exit rules:

  • When following a fruit-protein diet, liquid porridges, vegetables, fish, mushrooms and meat dishes are the first to be introduced into the menu.
  • You can start eating sweets no earlier than 5 days after completing the diet. At the same time, cereals and bread made from whole grain flour are introduced.
  • Salt, baked goods, fried foods, alcoholic and sweet drinks are the last items on the menu.
  • You should come to the table 5 times a day, drink enough water, continue to eat fruits, drink natural juices and fresh juices.

Options for losing weight on fruits

Three-day fruit mono-diet

This technique suggests, during the specified period, eating only your favorite fruits that promote weight loss, as well as drinking fruit juices and clean water.

Sample fruit diet menu for 3 days:

Day 1For breakfast, eat one fruit, wash it down with a glass of freshly squeezed juice. Lunch consists of 200 g of fruit salad and 250 ml of clean water. They have dinner with a salad of juicy fruits, but finish the evening meal with fruit juice
Day 2The morning begins with devouring a plate of assorted fruits, followed by a glass of still mineral water. At lunch, they feast on a fruit salad (200 g) and again drink water, but regular table water. In the evening, eat any 3 juicy fruits from the list of allowed fruits
Day 3At breakfast, treat yourself to a small cup of your favorite fruit, washed down with 250 ml of water. At lunch, hunger is satisfied with 250 g of fruit salad and again with water. End the day with cold fruit soup

Losing weight on fruits according to Joan Lunden's method

This version of the fruit diet, offered by the American show business star, is also designed for three days.

Sample menu:

Day I
Morning½ small melon, natural yogurt (80 g)
DinnerFruit salad made from orange slices, kiwi pieces, strawberries and dressed with yogurt
SnackA pair of large plums
EveningBoiled chicken fillet (200 g), vegetable salad with lemon juice as a dressing, ½ large grapefruit
Day II
MorningBreakfast - oatmeal (100 g), brewed with boiling water, plus any berries (also 100 g)
DinnerSeveral pineapple slices
Snack1 nectarine or 1 peach of your choice
DinnerBoiled turkey meat (200 g), lettuce leaves and 1 large orange
Morning80 ml low-fat yogurt and 2 slices of watermelon
DinnerStrawberry puree (100 g), 1 medium, slightly unripe banana
Afternoon snack150 g of any berries
Dinner170 g steamed river fish, pre-marinated in lemon juice plus boiled Brussels sprouts (100 g)

Fruit diet for a week

It is much more effective than three-day diets because it is characterized by a more varied diet.

Sample fruit diet menu for 7 days:

Day I
BreakfastIn the morning you can only drink a cup of coffee with milk
DinnerFor lunch you are allowed to try 1 hard-boiled chicken egg, 1 orange, 1 apple and half a glass of tomato juice
DinnerThe day ends with dinner, consisting of a serving of cabbage salad (150-200 g), one soft-boiled egg and a cup of black tea
Day II
BreakfastFor breakfast, you should treat yourself to one fresh tomato and a poached egg, washed down with green tea.
DinnerIn the middle of the day you can eat 100 g of boiled lean beef, the same amount of salad made from raw beets and carrots with the addition of grated apple; drink a glass of fresh juice
DinnerA couple of medium oranges will brighten up the evening
BreakfastThe morning meal is completely the same as the breakfast on the second day of the diet.
DinnerLunch is a combination of 100 g of sauerkraut, one steamed chicken cutlet and 250 ml of fruit juice
DinnerA glass of kefir is enough for dinner
Days IV and VI
BreakfastIn the morning, eat 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, and supplement breakfast with a cup of unsweetened coffee
DinnerFor lunch, enjoy the taste of white cabbage salad with lemon juice (150 g), as well as steamed pollock (100 g). Finish this meal with a glass of fresh juice
DinnerAt dinner, allow yourself to eat only two pears
Day V
BreakfastFor breakfast, it is suggested to eat 100 g of carrot-beet salad with pieces of apples, 1 soft-boiled egg and drink a glass of black tea
DinnerLunch consists of 200 g of vegetable soup, 100 g of oven-baked chicken fillet and a cup of herbal infusion
DinnerDinner repeats the evening meal of days IV and VI of the diet
BreakfastIn the morning you should enjoy one apple, a piece of unleavened cheese and a cup of unsweetened coffee without milk
DinnerFor lunch, you are allowed to eat a portion of vegetable soup, 100 g of chicken fillet stewed with onions. You can also drink 200 ml of green tea
DinnerDinner coincides with the evening meal of the fifth day of the diet

Fruit diet for 12 days

Half a month of targeted weight loss is no joke. Due to the long duration of the technique, it is important to consider additional recommendations, namely:

  • drink water and various teas in unlimited quantities;
  • Every day in the morning, take 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. flax seed oil to prevent problems with bowel movements.

Approximate diet plan:

IOn the first day, drink 1 liter of kefir
IIThe 2-day menu consists of 6 oranges, which must be consumed in several doses
IIIOn day 3, eat 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese
IVFor 4 days, enjoy 1 liter of zucchini caviar
VDay 5 involves eating a dark chocolate bar
VIDuring the 6th day of the diet, they feast on green apples (maximum 1.5 kg)
VIIDay 7 - cheese. On this day they eat 300 g of Adyghe cheese
VIIIOn the 8th day, it is allowed to include only tomato juice (1 l) and a salad of raw carrots, beets, and apples in the menu
IXDay 9 of the diet is more democratic - you can try 400 lean beef (boiled or baked in the oven)
XOn the 10th day you should eat cabbage salad with the addition of chopped herbs and lemon juice
XIThe 11th day menu is identical to that followed on the third day of the diet
XIIThe final 12th day is spent eating only plums (up to 1 kg) or, if the fat burning technique is practiced in winter, prunes (up to 500 g)


Contraindications to the fruit diet:

  • Gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. However, patients with this diagnosis can practice a banana diet.
  • Allergy to fruits, or predisposition to allergic reactions. If such a person eats a large amount of fruit, then with a high degree of probability he will develop diathesis. The risks increase if the diet is based on citrus fruits, strawberries or grapes.
  • If a person simply does not like fruits, then he should refuse such a diet.

Fruit and vegetable diet for 7 days

The seven-day nutritional method uses the alternation method - vegetable days alternate with fruit days. A diet based on fruits and vegetables has contraindications. It should not be used for problems with the stomach and intestines, kidneys, urinary tract, during pregnancy or lactation. Even for a healthy body, such unloading should be carried out in a course of one week, once every two months. There are recommendations for choosing the right foods while losing weight:

  • if the skin is dry, you need to choose ripe red fruits;
  • For oily skin, sour orange fruits are suitable.

Diet menu on vegetables and fruits

Although this eating method does not involve a constant feeling of hunger, it can help you lose up to 8 extra pounds in a week. Rules:

  1. A big advantage compared to other nutrition systems is the free eating schedule.
  2. The main task is to learn to prefer fresh salads to thermally processed dishes, use vegetable oil and low-fat yogurt instead of dressing.
  3. Meals must be prepared without oil or fat. Cooking dishes from fruits and vegetables is a great opportunity to try unusual recipes, change your approach to choosing foods and reconsider your daily diet.

For an approximate menu for a fruit and vegetable day (breakfast/lunch/lunch/afternoon snack/dinner), see the table:

.DaySet of dishes
  • salad of carrots, celery, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • 2 small cucumbers, 1 tomato (can be raw, or lettuce);
  • baked or boiled zucchini;
  • radish and herb salad;
  • salad of tomatoes, onions and olives.
  • two small apples (green), a small grapefruit;
  • strawberry, peach salad or smoothie (you can add green apples or pineapple);
  • melon or watermelon;
  • cherries, pears;
  • citrus fruits (2 small oranges, 1 grapefruit).

Reviews from those who have lost weight

Olesya, 21 years old: “I liked the fruit diet.” With her help, I cleaned my body, my skin began to look healthier. In fact, I lost 3 kg in 3 days. I didn’t experience any difficulties, since I love fruit very much.”

Natalya: “I urgently needed to lose weight before an important event in my life. For this purpose I chose a fruit diet. I’ll say right away that I achieved the desired result. I stayed on the diet for 3 days. At this time I ate bananas, apples, tangerines, and watermelons. By the end of the first day there was no strength left for anything, and my mood became disgusting. I wanted meat or at least potatoes.

I ate 5-6 times a day. The average weight of a serving is 300 g. I noticed that if you eat less, then hunger begins to make itself felt after half an hour. Be sure to drink a lot of water, which allows you to cleanse your body. On the second day of the diet, I felt a pleasant lightness in my body. In all three days I lost 2.5 kg.

I was able to fasten a dress that had never fit before. But a week after switching to the usual menu, the lost kilograms came back! If you suffer from diseases of the digestive system, then you should abstain from a fruit diet. The main thing is not thinness, but health.”

Masha: “It is best to stick to this diet in the summer, when there is a lot of everything and all the fruits are fresh. I stayed on it for a week. During this time, I managed to lose 5 kg, but I caused enormous damage to my health. Now I regret that I didn’t switch to my usual diet after three days.

The diet is tasty, but hungry. My stomach was constantly rumbling. On day 5 I started having severe stomach pain. I went to the doctor, where they found out that I had an acute stage of gastritis. I had to forget about the diet and start treatment. After completing the diet, not 5 kg returned, but 7 kg. The fruits only produced water, the reserves of which are quickly replenished. Now I am against the fruit diet, after which I gained weight and acquired gastritis. I am firmly convinced that the best diet is proper nutrition.”

How to quickly lose weight on vegetables and fruits

Before you start limiting your daily diet, you need to analyze different methods for losing weight for individual preferences and set yourself a weight loss goal. Based on these data, you can choose a strict one-day mono-diet or a long-term balanced nutrition system. Products with a high level of protein are added to the diet: cottage cheese, dietary meat, fish, bran. A diet based on vegetables is quick and effective due to the absence of fatty foods, flour or confectionery products, sugar and dairy products in the diet.

Recommendations for choosing foods while dieting:

  • green fruits have the lowest calorie content;
  • vegetables are often lower in calories than fruits;
  • fruits contain a large amount of carbohydrates;
  • greens and herbs perfectly complement the diet and dull the feeling of hunger;
  • raw vegetables are healthier;
  • It is forbidden to add foods with a high fat content (milk, mayonnaise) to dishes;
  • Lemon juice, yogurt or kefir (minimal fat content), olive oil are ideal for dressing;
  • To lose weight and not harm your health, you need to change your diet daily.

Fasting day

A one-day mono-diet can help you lose up to 2 kg of weight. Since strict dietary restrictions are stressful for the body, it is often carried out on a day off. To unload, eat 1500 grams of one selected fruit, dividing this amount into 5 or 6 meals. You can eat foods raw or make salads, juice, smoothies. Vegetable dishes can be steamed or baked. The daily menu of the fasting day should not contain oil, salt or sugar on fruits and vegetables. Allowed to drink:

  • tea (weak black, green, herbal);
  • black coffee;
  • water;
  • compote.

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Diet 3 days vegetables fruits water

A popular option for cleansing and unloading the body is a three-day vegetable and fruit diet. One of the main rules concerns drinking. You can only drink water, herbal teas, and juices. A strict drinking regime is important - half an hour before meals or forty minutes after meals. After unloading is completed, protein must be administered with extreme caution so as not to make the body feel unwell. In case of intolerance to raw food, you can carry out such a diet according to the third day menu. It is prohibited to add:

  1. honey;
  2. salt, sugar;
  3. dried fruits;
  4. sweeteners.

What is a fruit and vegetable diet for three days? Please see the table for an example menu:

DayMenu and recommendations
First (vegetable) Fresh vegetables, salads with dressing (lemon juice or vegetable oil, 30 ml per day).

It is allowed to add juices, nuts or seeds (portion up to 80 grams per day), citrus fruits (lemon).

Diet: eat 5 times a day.

Second (fruit) Fresh fruit (bananas are prohibited).

Eat after two hours (serving up to 400 grams).

It is allowed to add nuts or seeds.

Third (combined) Breakfast: vegetable salad, 200 gram portion (raw beets, carrots, cabbage, zucchini) with vegetable matter. butter or nuts/seeds, oatmeal.

Lunch: salad of any vegetables (serving 200 grams), stewed vegetables (serving 200 grams). You can add brown rice or buckwheat (100 gram portion), soup (broth) with these cereals.

Dinner: salad with cabbage or lettuce (serving 400 grams).

Comments from nutritionists

Nutritionists prescribe a fruit diet only to those people who are 100% healthy. It is not balanced in terms of essential nutrients. As a result, the person himself puts the body into a state of stress. If the choice nevertheless fell on a fruit diet, then you should give preference to a gentle option that allows the consumption of protein products. This can be a fruit-kefir, fruit-vegetable or fruit-protein diet.

Be sure to take vitamins and minerals in combination or separately during the diet. Don't forget to drink enough water. Otherwise, severe constipation may occur.

The diet is not balanced and has many contraindications, so you should think carefully before starting to implement it.

Author of the article:

Kuzmina Vera Valerievna |
Endocrinologist, nutritionist Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006). Our authors


High-calorie fruits such as grapes and bananas are contraindicated during the diet.
Dried fruits should also not be eaten. The amount of fruit allowed in one day is 1-2 kilograms. Weight loss is the result that is expected from any diet. What are the benefits of fruit? There are many of them:

  • the body is effectively cleansed of everything unnecessary, intestinal motility and its microflora are normalized;
  • usually during a diet the body suffers from a lack of vitamins and minerals, in our case this does not happen, since fruits are rich in both;
  • At the same time, there is an active destruction of cellulite, the eternal enemy of women;
  • fruits are digested very quickly, so a late dinner ceases to be a terrible crime and an unattainable dream;
  • The products do not require heat treatment, so you will have to spend a minimum of time in the kitchen.

How to get out of a diet correctly?

No less important information than about the diet itself is how to get out of it correctly so as not to regain lost weight and not harm your health.

There are general rules for quitting a diet:

  • new foods must be introduced into the diet gradually in small portions;
  • do not reduce the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet; switch to eating them raw, unprocessed;
  • the amount of calories consumed from fats and carbohydrates increases gradually by 150-200 kcal per day;
  • the period for leaving the diet is 7-12 days, depending on the type and severity of the diet;
  • do not eat fatty or high-calorie foods at least three hours before bedtime;
  • The longer the diet lasted, the longer it took to come out of it.

Diet products


During the fruit and vegetable diet, it is allowed to consume any vegetables and fruits available. But you should approach this selectively and extremely carefully in order to get the desired result.

The following vegetables and fruits are considered dietary:

  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • Bell pepper;
  • beet;
  • zucchini;
  • green leafy vegetables;
  • apples;
  • plums;
  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • berries;
  • melons;
  • spinach and sorrel.

Avoid overuse and limit consumption in the following cases:

  • potato;
  • green pea;
  • radish, radish;
  • corn;
  • eggplant;
  • banana;
  • grape;
  • kiwi.


Forget completely about consuming during the diet:

  • bread and flour products;
  • alcohol;
  • sugar and sweets;
  • jam and jam;
  • mayonnaise and dressing sauces;
  • chocolate;
  • pate and sausages, boiled and smoked sausages;
  • fatty types of fish;
  • processed cheese;
  • sparkling water;
  • potato chips and crackers;
  • manke.
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