Water aerobics: exercises in the pool

Honest people serve their duties in the pool honestly. They were told to swim to lose weight, and they swim, looking longingly at the clock on the wall: how much is left. But everything could have been different. After all, you can do various effective exercises in water, and even in a way that makes them interesting...

Yes, there is no point in going to the pool to freeze at the edge. This only causes subcutaneous fat to grow and a voracious appetite to appear. You have to swim here. But if you do it only one way, it will quickly get boring.

Imagine that you are swimming sadly from side to side, making monotonous movements with your arms and legs. But you don’t need to be monotonous! Swim back and forth in one manner, then another, then a third, and the boredom will wash away like a wave.

Today's set of exercises in water is an example of how you can organize a fun workout for yourself. Take these tips into account and believe me: if you start swimming according to the proposed program, the lesson will fly by. The big advantage of today’s set of exercises in the pool is that you can work on all your “favorite” problem areas - hips, stomach, back of the arms. You will also relieve your spine, which is suffering from office life. And most importantly, turn swimming from a tedious weight-loss chore into pure pleasure. I also suggest watching an interesting video with exercises in water at the end of the article (if you want, you can start with it).

So, in order...

Effective exercises in water

The exercises below provide a general strengthening effect and also allow you to work on special zones.

The following exercises in the pool are effective for the back and spine: exercise 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8. Others are also effective, but the first four and eight are the best exercises in water for the spine and back.

Good ab exercises in water are exercises 4, 5 and 8.

All exercises from this complex except 5, 7 and 8 will be good for the hips. Although, the eighth exercise will also partially play a role in the formation of beautiful hips.

To build chest muscles, the most effective exercise in water is the one at number 7.

Now take a closer look at the set of exercises and what muscle groups they are intended for.

Exercise 1

Target. We strengthen the thigh muscles, stretch the spine, and unload the collar area. Starting position (hereinafter IP): on your stomach, arms on the board, extended forward. Hands lie freely. Don’t stomp the board, use your legs as if you were crawling: one goes up, the other goes down, then vice versa. Exhale into the water. Exhale the air not at once, but in several portions. To inhale, lift your face out of the water.

The same without a board. I.P.: inhale, lie on your stomach on the water, lower your face into the water, stretch your arms forward, put your palms together. Exhale in portions, work your legs like a crawl.

IMPORTANT. Stretch your hands forward, stretch your spine. The legs work from the hips, do not bend them too much at the knees, the feet are relaxed.

Exercise 2

Target. The same thing - we sculpt the hips and unload the spine. I.P.: Lie on your back, arms along your body. Lie down a little, fixing the position, raise your stomach (this will prevent your face from plunging into the water), lift one hand over the top and place it behind your head on the water. Then lift and place the second one, connect them. Work your legs as in the previous exercise.

IMPORTANT. Stretch forward with your arms and your whole body. You should feel tension in the muscles of your arms and back.

Exercise 3

Target. The same - hips, spine. I.P.: on your stomach, hands on the board, inhale, lower your face into the water. Leave one hand on the board, press the other to your body. Exhale in portions, work your legs like a crawl. To inhale, turn your head towards the hand pressed to your body. Important. Pull your hand forward on the board. When inhaling, do not lift your head too much; when exhaling, keep it relaxed. Take your time, do everything slowly.

Exercise 4

Target. Training the deep muscles of the body that form posture and waist. I.P.: lie on your back, lie down to fix the position, lift your stomach. The arms are extended along the body, pressed to the hips. Use your legs as if you were crawling. At the same time, raise both arms up, place them behind your head, lower them into the water and, performing a stroke, return to the starting position.

IMPORTANT. When you complete the stroke, do not rush to start the next one, slightly hold your hands at your hips. This will prevent your face from getting submerged in water. If you can't stand it getting into your nose, buy a synchronized swimming clip.

Exercise 5

Target. We train the muscles of the shoulder girdle and abdomen. I.P.: standing, push off from the bottom, place the noodles (or board) under your bent knees. It's like you're sitting in the water, like in a chair. Using your arms as if you were doing breaststroke, move forward.

IMPORTANT. Be sure to keep your back vertical by squeezing your shoulder blades and tightly tightening your abdominal muscles.

Exercise 6

Goal: tighten the inner thighs. I.P.: at a sufficient depth, where you cannot reach the bottom with your feet, “hang” at the wall of the pool, pressing your body against it. From this position, perform a downward breaststroke motion with your legs. Repeat 10-15 times.

COMPLEX OPTION: do it without support from the side, at depth, balancing with your hands. In this case, the abs and muscles that form beautiful posture are also strengthened. Important. When the exercise is performed correctly, you will jump out of the water with each pushing movement.

Exercise 7

Target. We tighten the back surface of the arms, model the bust and train the lateral muscles of the body. I.P.: standing in water up to my neck, holding dumbbells. Spread your arms to the sides, lower them down and raise them. From the same I.P.: Stretch your arms with dumbbells in front of you. Without bending your elbows, spread them apart and bring them together.

IMPORTANT. Work with your hands with maximum strength, overcoming the resistance of the water.

Exercise 8

Target. We strengthen the lateral abdominal muscles and deep core muscles, forming a flat stomach and beautiful posture. I.P.: standing at the bottom, take a noodle in each hand. Turn your feet outward as much as possible and place your feet on the noodles. Balancing with your arms, walk in place, raising and lowering your legs with your noodles. LIGHTWEIGHT OPTION. In deep water, where you can’t reach the bottom, standing vertically in the water, place a board under both feet and stand on it. Slowly, while maintaining balance and balancing with your hands, bend and straighten your knees.

IMPORTANT. Having your feet turned outward will help you stay on the noodles.

Well, now you have found out how you can diversify your time in the pool. As you can see, there are many exercises in water for the back and spine. And, of course, many good ab exercises in the pool will help you quickly get your tummy in order. And what is the effect on posture from these activities?

And one more piece of advice: In the pool, you can (and should) take personal training, and it would be good to have a coach with specialized experience, that is, a former swimmer. He will help you master these exercises or create a complex for you personally, taking into account, for example, those health problems that can be solved along the way. On the website you can read another article about the health benefits of water aerobics.

If this complex or the complex put together by a trainer “doesn’t work” for you, if swimming is still unbearably boring and water aerobics doesn’t suit you either, quit the pool. Find another form of fitness or just walk. Movement should be fun!

And finally, a video with exercises in the pool:

Always stay in shape!

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Greetings, my dear readers! Today I would like to introduce you to my recent discovery. Exercises in water to lose weight in the stomach, legs and thighs are just a godsend for your figure. Do you want a smooth and firm butt like an apple, without cellulite and excess fat? Then we read carefully and remember.

Exercises in water to pump up your abs

Water aerobics is one of the most effective methods of strengthening the abdominal muscles. Exercises that will help you pump up your abs, remove folds in the abdominal area, and make your waist aspen:

  1. While standing in the water, raise your legs bent at the knees to your stomach and lower them again. Hands can rest on the handrail or side. If there is no support, help maintain balance by rowing in the water. Repeat this movement every day 20-30 times, increasing the speed.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your sides and turn sharply in both directions with a large amplitude.
  3. Extend your legs while staying on your back in the water. Use your hands to paddle, helping you stay on the surface. Bend your knees and pull them towards your stomach, and then return to the starting position.
  4. Lying on your back in the water, alternately pull your legs to your right and then to your left shoulder. Stretch your arms to the sides and help yourself stay afloat.
  5. The following exercise can be done while lying on your back or standing. The hands help in holding the body in the water. Pull both legs towards your stomach, turning them left and right. You need to make 10 turns in each direction.

By regularly performing the above exercises, you can pump up your abs by swimming and remove fat from your sides in a relatively short period of time.

Benefit and effectiveness

Vigorous exercise in water is commonly called water aerobics. A huge number of complexes have now been developed. Everyone will find something to suit their taste. You can work on problem areas or fight excess weight.

Briefly about the benefits:

  • relieves tension in the spine;
  • strengthens muscles;
  • develops excellent posture;
  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • increases the body's defenses;
  • improves psycho-emotional state;
  • and I almost forgot the most important thing - it helps you lose weight
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