How to get rid of stretch marks - step-by-step instructions for elimination + 72 photos

Stretch marks after losing weight are formed only if the process of restoring slimness proceeds too actively and quickly. With gradual weight loss, when it is possible to lose a maximum of 4 kg per month and a person constantly plays sports (at least performs standard exercises from the morning exercises), the likelihood of stretch marks forming is reduced to almost zero.

Read more in our article about stretch marks after losing weight and methods of getting rid of them.

Causes of stretch marks on the abdomen, chest and their appearance

Doctors say that the most common reason for the appearance of stretch marks in different parts of the body is too much weight loss.

The mechanism of formation of striae (the second name of the phenomenon) is quite simple: fibroclasts, cells that destroy collagens and elastins, begin to actively produce and “work” in the body . The latter, against the background of various factors, are already produced in limited quantities - they are not enough to maintain the required level of firmness/elasticity of the upper layer of the dermis, which leads to small tears in its fibers.

The onset of dystrophic and degenerative processes also negatively affects the condition of blood vessels - their walls become fragile and simply rupture when stretch marks form. This explains the purple-red hue of the newly formed stretch marks (then they fade significantly).

Losing weight is the root cause of the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, abdomen, thighs and arms, but this process is provoked by:

  • lack of physical activity;
  • lack of fatty acids and protein in diet;
  • ignoring regular cosmetic body care procedures - massage, body wraps, use of creams and masks.

In addition to sudden weight loss, stretch marks can be caused by certain factors:

  • period of puberty - teenagers are just at this time looking for their ideal image and can begin to actively lose weight for no apparent reason;
  • deficiency of minerals, vitamins and lack of essential nutrients - this happens with a strict diet, so experts do not recommend adhering to dietary restrictions for a long time;
  • age 35 years and older – the body’s production of collagen and elastin decreases for natural reasons (aging, fading of regeneration function);
  • physical inactivity – lack of activity leads to stagnation in tissues, and this makes it impossible to fully supply vitamins and minerals to the cells;
  • a sharp gain in muscle mass - the skin simply stretches.

We recommend reading the article on how to tighten your skin after losing weight. From it you will learn about the benefits of massage, proper diet, water procedures, doing exercises at home, the effect of creams and wraps. And here is more information about cellulite after losing weight.

Stretch marks - what are they and where do they come from?

Stretch marks can be compared to scars or scars on the skin. They appear when there is a sharp weight gain, and, accordingly, a rapid increase in the volume of fat mass. Because of this, the skin that envelops the body does not have time to stretch at the same speed. As a result, its top layer is torn. The breaks are lines that can range in color from purple to pink.

A sharp change in body volume can occur for several reasons: during pregnancy, due to hormonal imbalance during adolescence, as a result of dysfunction of the hormone-producing system.

Athletes are also at risk of developing stretch marks if they use special protein foods in the wrong dosages while working on their figure. The rapid growth of muscle tissue will also put stress on the skin, which will certainly lead to the formation of stretch marks.

Do stretch marks go away on their own?

Stretch marks that have already formed on their own do not disappear, because for this to happen, the skin cells must have a high level of elastin and collagen . In general, several factors should work at once:

  • physical activity on muscles;
  • constant and complete supply of nutrients to the dermal tissue;
  • influence of plant extracts on skin cells;
  • development of the skin to improve its tone.

Stretch marks after losing weight are essentially tears in the skin, and therefore getting rid of them, like standard scars, is problematic. After losing weight, it is unlikely that anything will change in their appearance; stretch marks may only become less pronounced and paler. That’s why doctors recommend starting to take care of your own body at the beginning of losing weight, although you can help “after the fact.”

Why do they appear?

Before you think about how to remove stretch marks after losing weight, you should find out the reason for their formation. Striae occur due to rapid stretching of inelastic tissue. The skin consists of three layers: hypodermis, dermis, epidermis. Stretch marks form in the dermis. Elasticity decreases for various reasons. Heredity, lack of care - everything has an impact. Losing weight involves a strict diet, as a result the body does not receive important elements. A decrease in the synthesis of substances leads to a decrease in collagen production, the skin becomes flabby and incapable of rapid regeneration.

How to get rid of stretch marks after losing weight using simple methods

If you have to lose weight, then the best option is to carry it out under the supervision of a nutritionist. He will create a menu that will contain foods rich in minerals and vitamins, suggest a diet and give recommendations on physical activity. In this case, it will be possible to minimize the risk of severe stretch marks. If such defects on the body are already noticeable, then it is worth resorting to the simplest methods of getting rid of them.

On the stomach

It is believed that stretch marks in this part of the body are very difficult to remove, but they form in almost every case . You can solve the problem using the following methods:

  • take a contrast shower every day - the jets should be strong, the water alternates warm (almost hot) / cool, the procedure time is 2 minutes and then increased;
  • after steaming the skin on the abdomen, use a scrub made from sugar and salt (1 tablespoon each) and vegetable oil - rub it into problem areas of the abdomen for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water;
  • massage with citrus oil - performed with palms, circular movements, first stroking, then with some effort - it is worth additionally doing several “sessions” of small but active pinching.

Contrast shower
An excellent method of getting rid of stretch marks on the stomach is considered to be a “dry” massage. For this, a horsehair brush is used, which is soft to the touch, but is quite harsh on the skin. The procedure is performed strictly from bottom to top; the skin of the abdomen must be completely dry.

The duration of the “dry” massage is 2 minutes in the first days, gradually this period increases and reaches a maximum of 15 minutes. It is important to drink 300 ml of clean water immediately after the manipulation.

The result of all of the above methods of combating striae will be:

  • acceleration/intensification of lymph flow, blood circulation;
  • getting rid of puffiness;
  • removal of toxins and waste from skin cells;
  • increasing the elasticity of the dermis.

Carrying out dry massage

On the chest

Stretch marks on the mammary glands should not be subjected to any aggressive influences, because there is a risk of damage to the milk ducts , glandular tissue and the development of serious complications in the form of the formation of seals.

But the use of coconut oil gives good results - the high content of vitamin E ensures the rapid disappearance of stretch marks, but only if they are “fresh”; with old stretch marks, manipulation with this remedy will be useless.

Another cosmetic oil that maximizes skin elasticity and high levels of elastin and collagen is almond oil. It easily penetrates the cells of the dermis, but does not affect the vital processes in them.

The oils are rubbed in with light circular movements; rubbing, pinching or any other aggressive actions on the skin of the breast are prohibited.

On foot

Most often, stretch marks after losing weight form on the thighs; at first they have a purple-pink tint, then they turn pale, and the skin around them becomes flabby and sagging . This makes it impossible to wear short skirts or tight trousers, although the figure can become almost ideal.

The skin on the legs is not overly sensitive, so a variety of methods can be used in the fight against stretch marks:

  • cold and hot shower;
  • massage using essential or cosmetic oils;
  • wraps;
  • “dry” massage using a brush.

Massage for stretch marks
All manipulations can be done in aggressive ways, which will speed up the process of solving the problem.

Regardless of where you need to get rid of stretch marks after losing weight, all simple methods will only be effective if the problem has just begun to form. The presence of “old” stretch marks means the need to use more modern, complex manipulations.

What they look like

Stretch marks almost always look the same: they are longitudinal or transverse wavy lines of different lengths. Their color varies from pale pink and white to bright purple and red.

It all depends on how long ago it appeared. Fresh stretch marks, as a rule, have rich shades due to subcutaneous bleeding.

In cross-section, striae look like numerous pits and potholes in the subcutaneous tissue and hypodermis as a whole.

As the process develops, not only the subcutaneous tissue suffers, but also the hair follicles, sebaceous glands, etc. Striae are most often localized in the abdomen, elbow bends, inner thighs, and buttocks.

The appearance and number of stretch marks directly affect the ability to get rid of them on your own.

How to remove stretch marks after losing weight using cosmetic products

You can remove stretch marks from different parts of the body with cosmetics, but you need to know which ones to use.


It is highly advisable to choose products that are made on a natural basis, plant extracts . The most effective in this case will be certain brands discussed below.

Body Cream for Stretch Marks from Vichy

Its cost is quite high - around 2000 rubles, reviews about its effectiveness are mixed (there are many more positive ones), but the quality is very high. Among the active ingredients are glycerin, vitamin E, silicon, thermal water, and together they have a complex effect on the skin - making it firm and elastic.


It is sold in pharmacies as an ointment (gel) and is classified as a product with a therapeutic effect. It perfectly helps solve the problem of stretch marks after losing weight, but the manufacturer warns that this process will be lengthy, taking at least 3 months. The cost of one tube does not exceed 1000 rubles; a full course will require at least 4-5 packages.

Retinoic ointment

Cheap (maximum 300 rubles), but effective drug. The ointment is used to treat severe acne and to smooth out wrinkles, but practice shows that it also helps well with stretch marks. The only caveat is that it must be used at the initial stage of their formation. Retinoic ointment relieves itching, a precursor to the formation of stretch marks.

Zeraderm Ultra

An expensive gel (about 4,000 rubles), which is designed to eliminate scars. Since the mechanism of their formation is identical to the one that leads to the formation of stretch marks, you can count on an excellent effect. Positive results will be visible only after a month of regular use of the drug; the full course will require the use of at least 2 packages.


It is impossible to do without natural oils in the process of getting rid of stretch marks, because damaged skin needs nutrition and moisture. After 7-10 days of using these products, you can see the first positive changes; to enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the natural oil.

The following types of funds will be the most effective:

  • sea ​​buckthorn – helps even in the fight against “old” stretch marks;
  • olive – activates regeneration processes at the cellular level;
  • coconut - effectively affects only new stretch marks.

Folk recipes

Any folk remedies against stretch marks should not be perceived as a panacea; they have an auxiliary effect and will simply speed up the process of solving the problem .


They can be made according to any recipe, applied to pre-steamed skin, the procedure is performed at least 2 times a week.


1 tablet must be crushed to a powder and added to any baby cream or natural oil; it can cause allergies, so use begins with a simple allergy test.

Scrub for stretch marks

Professional remedies for getting rid of stretch marks for men and women

Stretch marks will disappear much faster if you use professional products for this.


Laser resurfacing is the fastest and most effective method of getting rid of stretch marks after losing weight . Additionally, after the procedure, the skin texture is evened out, its color becomes even and natural. The manipulation is carried out only in a clinical setting in compliance with all sterility rules, the patient is given general anesthesia, the duration of the session is 60 minutes. Over the next 14 days, the treated skin remains red and swollen.

It will not be possible to solve the problem in one session; you will need to complete a course of at least 5 procedures (depending on the “age” of the stretch marks).


Performed in a beauty salon or beauty salons, it can be superficial or deep, and does not require anesthesia/anesthesia or hospitalization. Peeling is a deep cleansing of the skin; it removes the “old” epidermis and activates regeneration processes.

In some cases, peeling procedures can be performed at home, but cosmetologists do not recommend using acidic products (based on fruit acids).


A standard procedure that involves the use of any cosmetics - seaweed, clay, chocolate and others . The wrap is performed on previously steamed skin; cling film is used, which must be wrapped around the problem area so that it is not too tight.

The use of cosmetics coupled with heat can cause a severe allergic reaction, so the first sessions are performed after an allergy test and for no longer than 5 minutes; subsequently, the exposure time increases to 20 minutes.


It is used in extreme cases, when a lot of “extra” skin has formed against the background of a sharp weight loss of several tens of kilograms at once. The manipulation is called abdominoplasty, it is most often used on the stomach and allows you to immediately get rid of stretch marks.

The surgical operation has many contraindications, is performed under general anesthesia and requires a long rehabilitation period.

Abdominoplasty to eliminate stretch marks

Miracle creams for stretch marks

If you are pathologically afraid of even a little pain, and the words “laser resurfacing” inspire fear, then you can use a special cream for stretch marks. TOP 5 cosmetics:

  • Salon SPA Anti Stretch Cream - promotes weight loss without consequences. As a result of its use, the skin becomes elastic and smooth. The cream has a warming effect, due to which fat deposits are broken down.
  • Destock from Vichy will become a reliable assistant in the fight against extra pounds. Thanks to him, stretch marks will not appear at all.
  • Guam is a line of cream products that prevent the appearance of stretch marks when losing weight.
  • Special Guam cream will help get rid of stretch marks on the chest. This product will become an assistant for nursing women.
  • Striature from Iodase is a cream based on natural ingredients. Its use will make the skin firm and elastic, which will help resist the appearance of skin defects.

How to prevent stretch marks after losing weight

The process of losing weight should proceed slowly and smoothly in order to maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin . And for this you need:

  • Correctly adjust your diet and do not give up proteins, fats and vitamins and minerals;
  • maintain a drinking regime - moisture in the cells of the dermis must be present at all times, dehydration is not allowed;
  • Give moderate physical activity to the body.

We recommend reading the article on how to remove fat from the inner thighs. From it you will learn about the reasons for gaining volume on the hips, how to remove them, the benefits of diets, exercises, body wraps, and anti-cellulite massage. And here is more information about the figure correction gel.

Stretch marks after losing weight do not disappear on their own, but with some effort you can achieve the desired effect . If the formation of stretch marks is “caught” at the beginning of the process, then you can get by with folk or cosmetic remedies. “Old” stretch marks can be removed only with professional means and specific procedures.

How to avoid

Stretch marks (also called stretch marks) are degenerative disorders of the inner layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Although they do not pose a danger to human life and health, they still look unsightly and significantly spoil the appearance. To get rid of this problem you have to work hard. However, not everything is so sad: there are many ways to treat the pathology.

If the problem has not yet manifested itself, it is quite possible to avoid stretch marks using prevention methods. They suit everyone equally. What are these methods:

  • proper nutrition and changes in diet. Stretch marks especially often appear as a result of a lack of protein in the menu. It is recommended to eat as many vegetables, fresh fruits, white meat, and legumes as possible;
  • regular physical activity. Of course, we are not talking about exhausting workouts. It is enough to do exercises from time to time. Aerobics, fitness, light jogging help well;
  • use of natural and pharmaceutical products. They help both in prevention and in the fight against existing stretch marks (more on the remedies below);
  • avoiding sudden changes in body weight. Stretch marks appear especially often after losing weight;
  • use of a contrast shower;
  • Pregnant women are advised to wear special underwear.

Massage also helps a lot.

Useful video

Watch the video about fighting stretch marks after losing weight:

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